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Fresh impeachment trial thread

Monday, Jan 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 1:40 pm - Go here to see what has already happened.

Also live-blogging…

* Sun-Times
* Illinois Review
* Tribune
* SJ-R (on Twitter)
* Lee news (on Twitter)
* Illinois Channel (Twitter)
* Melissa Hahn (Twitter)
* ADDED: Post-Dispatch
* ADDED: NBC5 (Steve Rhodes)

If you know of others, put them in comments and I’ll add them to my list. Thanks.

*** UPDATE *** Roll call results are here.

…While we’re waiting… In response to a question on the last trial thread, I don’t use “Cover It Live” as some are doing because: 1) It slows down my website even more; and 2) There’s no way to easily moderate comments. And I don’t live-blog on Twitter like others are doing because the idea is to bring people to this site, where my ads are (or where they will be soon).

* 2:06 pm - They’re back. The Chief Justice will not pose those questions, starting with the SDems’ questions, to the House Prosecutor. The CJ has asked that all potential witnesses please leave the chamber.

* 2:07 pm - First question from Sen. Garrett: Did the state Reps who were going to testify agree to step aside if FBI Agent Cain testified? Answer: Yes.

Question from Hendon: Isn’t the Kirk/Foster amendment hurt state’s creditworthiness [the amendment keeps Blagojevich away from the stimulus money]? Answer: I suppose it could. Question: Is this a political amendment to politicize the case against the governor? Answer: It is a political amendment. I’d submit that this is relevant because it inflicts damage on the state as a result of the governor’s actions.

The Republicans are now wanting to know why the Democratic Leader of the US Senate hasn’t been called to testify since he said he talked to the governor on the phone. Answer: That would likely be off-limits by the US Attorney, plus the person who is the best person to know is the governor, and he could come in to testify.

Question: No one is testifying on Item 13 of House report regarding hiring and firing practices? Why not? Why no testimony from Z Scott, the former executive inspector general? Answer: We did attempt to get Scott to testify, but we were also told that the research and drafting was a collaborative effort. We think the document is very detailed, well documented, but we don’t have a live witnesses who can make it any better than it already is.

Sen. Bill Brady: Why haven’t you asked for testimony about the Health Facilities Board from people like Kiefenbaum, Noonan, etc.? Answer: The US Attorney has asked us not to impede his investigation, and this topic would be in the complaint.

Sen. Hendon: Today, you amended charges to include additional evidence. Will there be more evidence, including exculpatory evidence? Answer: If there’s new exculpatory evidence, it’ll be in there.

GOP Question: Did you ask Kirk or Foster to testify about why they introduced their congressional amendment? Answer: Fact of the amendment is most relevant, not necessarily the motive.

Sen. Hendon: Is getting healthcare to children an impeachable offense or executive privilege? Asked how this differs from Nixon’s impeachable offense of bombing Cambodia. Answer: [essentially] Impeachable offense is in the eye of the beholder. We’re not talking health care per se, we’re talking about the process and separation of powers.

Hendon: I’ve never heard of just lumping everything together in one impeachment charge. Why did the House do that? Answer: There is precedent, going back to the early days of the republic. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase was charged with a pattern of abuse of authority. There have been many instances of that. In our case, we felt like the evidence demonstrated a pattern of abuse, and it was the way decided to present the article of impeachment.

Hendon (againg): Andrew Johnson, 10 articles. Richard Nixon, 3 articles. Bill Clinton, 3 articles. By lumping all these together, isn’t the House restricting the Senate on what it can do? Would you be willing to separate them out into different categories? Answer: Senator will have to determine whether there is a pattern here. Also, I’m powerless to separate these out. It would also be frustrating the will of the House resolution. The House could’ve broken this up into pieces, but they went with the pattern of abuse.

Good point from the Tribune

Several of the questions from Republican senators suggest one of the undercurrents of the Blagojevich scandal — that the GOP is looking to pin the blame for corruption in the Democratic governor’s administration on the Democrats who control the legislature. Illinois Republicans suffered massive losses at the ballot box in the wake of the corruption scandal that sent the last governor — Republican George Ryan — to federal prison.

Sen. Hendon objects to unanimous consent, wants the question separated to vote separately on the Kirk/Foster motion.

They’re now voting on accepting the Kirk/Foster motion. The motion sought to include the amendment added to the stimulus bill to prevent the governor from directly controlling stimulus money.

48-11. Motion prevails to accept the Kirk/Foster motion.

They’ll now be voting on each motion individually. The next one is allowing Agent Cain to testify. 59-0. Don & Roma motion 59-0. Most, if not all, of the rest ought to pass unanimously. Oops. One just passed 57-2. Was distracted and didn’t hear what it was.

* 2:47 pm - Senate “at ease” for a few minutes for “chamber preparation.”

* 2:50 pm - From the Post-Dispatch

Some of the questions indicate that there are at least a few senators who are in Blagojevich’s corner.

I wouldn’t bet too much on that. Hendon will almost certainly be a “Yes” vote in the end. But he, and others, can’t avoid tweaking the House people a bit. In other words: Don’t read too much into that vote just yet.

Also, as the SJ-R points out, two Republicans voted “No” on one of the motions.

* 2:55 pm - House prosecutor’s opening statement. 30 minutes allotted. I won’t be putting all of his statements here, but will hit a few highlights.

The purpose of impeachment is “remedial,” not punishment. It’s to protect citizens of this state.

We will not attempt to prove the elements of any particular state or federal crime. What we will do is show you that the governor “repeatedly and utterly” abused the powers of his office.

Words from the governor’s own mouth will show that the governor put his office up for sale. Agent Cain will testify that all of the statements made are true and accurate.

The governor “actively plotted” to “obtain something of value” to fill the vacant seat.

The governor’s own words, “Be careful how you say things. Assume everybody was listening…” show he knew what he was doing was wrong.

“We will ask you to convict Gov. Blagojevich because of his own words,” not anyone else’s.

“The governor has betrayed the public trust, he has violated his public oath, he is no longer fit to governor, he should be removed from office.”

End of statement.

* 3:16 pm - The Chief Justice asked whether the governor or his counsel are present. No answer, of course. Chamber at ease for a few minutes.

* 3:24 pm - Witnesses are now being called. First is John Scully, a former federal prosecutor. Much of what he says has already been covered here.

Essentially, Scully’s role is to explain how thorough the US Attorney and FBI are, and how many roadblocks they have to clear when they want to wiretap a suspect.

* 4:03 pm - From the Daily Herald’s blog, here’s one excerpt from David Ellis’ opening argument…

“The evidence will show that these words went well beyond harmless chatter or idle speculation to active plotting to personally enrich himself in exchange for official acts that the governor might take.”

“These words at times may shock you. At times they will probably disgust you. These words will demonstrate a fundamental breach of the public trust. A violation of the governor’s oath. These words from the governor’s own mouth, not other people, not the actions of other people, not the words of other people, but from the governor’s own mouth will show that the governor put his office up for sale.”

* 4:09 pm - The Chief Justice just noted that since the goernor isn’t there, he can’t cross-examine witness Scully.

The Senate is again at ease while questions are written and submitted by Senators.

* 4:39 pm - And we’re back. There was an announcement that a question list had been submitted by the Senate Republicans.

Sen. Luechtefeld: Asked which recording devices were used on the governor. Answer: I don’t know because I wasn’t part of the investigation.

Scully: Of all the wiretaps I’ve ever been involved with, none have been found to be improper.

Lots of questions for Scully that have already been covered before.

Somebody just asked how bugs are planted in offices. Scully said even if he knew he couldn’t say, but that he didn’t know.

Scully has been excused. No redirect.

Recessed until tomorrow at 10 am.
Chief Justice just said that the Senate President wishes to address the chamber and shouted “Please, be quiet!” lol

David Ellis: FBI Special Agent Dan Cain’s testimony will kick off tomorrow morning’s session, lasting past noon. Then Rep. Chapin Rose will testify, which will bring them to the end of the day.


  1. - Fox - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:31 pm:

    Rich, FoxNews is Reporting that Geraldo Rivera chased down the Governor on the streets and they have the Live Interview after the commercial break.

  2. - WCIL - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:45 pm:

    I was unable to hear very well during the roll call. Are all the Senators present?

  3. - How Ironic - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    Maybe Geraldo can remake his career. He and Blago can break into another “Capone Vault” and see if they can find both the Senate Seat, and the “Real Perpatrator”.

  4. - Amy - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    GRod can have dinner with Geraldo. And Roland too, cause Geraldo thinks Burris is nice. And Geraldo thinks GRod is
    getting screwed.

    and GRod can have maureen dowd gaze at him, in all her sarcastic but admiring snark….here’s the start
    of her last column, for which she was scorched by readers…….

    Which Governor Is Wackier?


    Published: January 24, 2009

    I love Blago.

    I love his beady little eyes. I love his Serbian shock of hair. I love his flaring nostrils. I love the way he jogs through the snow under indictment, like a stork in spandex trying to gallop. I love the way he compares himself in quick order to Pearl Harbor, Oliver Wendell Holmes and a dead cowboy.

    I love the hurly-burly way the Illinois governor rammed through his choice for the Senate, compared with the namby-pamby way the New York governor strangled his best choice for the Senate.

    national media….different view.

  5. - Fox - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:48 pm:

    Foxnews is currently bashing the impeachment process saying what Blago did is sleazy and shameful but far from Criminal. It’s weird seeing conservative FoxNews seemingly back Blagojevich.

  6. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:50 pm:

    Someone should remind FoxNews that this isn’t a criminal trial, either…

  7. - HoBoSkillet - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:51 pm:

    The Senate sounds like a rambunctious bunch from what I’m hearing over the CNN feed.

  8. - Blago Sphere - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    Somebody should clue these Senators in about the “decorum” memo. While it is supposed to be applicable to the proceedings, the CNN Live feed is stilll up and open, and it sounds like closing time at McCuddy’s right now in the IL Senate chamber.

  9. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:54 pm:

    ===It’s weird seeing conservative FoxNews seemingly back Blagojevich. ===

    Think about why for a moment and consider that Fox is agit-prop all the way.

  10. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:55 pm:

    =the idea is to bring people to this site=
    Rich’s mantra is “I thank God for Rod”, but will Quinn generate revenue like GRod has?

  11. - Bill - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 1:57 pm:

    Wow, I haven’t heard “agit-prop” since the 60’s.
    By the way, this seems like a very opportune time to raise subscription prices. LOL.

  12. - Secret Square - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:00 pm:

    GRod is the perfect anti-hero hero to right-wing blowhards (not necessarily synonymous with true conservatives) who are convinced that 1) he has dirt on Obama, 2) he is proof positive that all Democrats, especially if they are from Illinois, are corrupt, 3) that Fitz unjustly persecuted Scooter Libby and is doing the same to Blago, 4) that keeping him around to make Democrats look bad is the best way to assure a GOP comeback in 2010 or 2012.

  13. - Secret Square - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:03 pm:

    Oh, and don’t forget 5) some of the reasons cited for impeaching Blago (disregarding the separation of powers) sound uncomfortably similar to some of the reasons cited by liberals for impeaching George Bush.

  14. - captain fuzz - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:04 pm:

    ===Think about why for a moment and consider that Fox is agit-prop all the way.====

    What network isn’t?

  15. - Steve Rhodes - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:04 pm:

    I’m live-blogging on, and I’ve also got some good snippets from the Geraldo interview.

  16. - Blago Sphere - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:05 pm:

    Thanks for the insight on CIL. It looks like their system is free and still in beta mode now, but they anticipate having a use option which will allow you to use their program, and drop in your own adds on their platform; which will make the system proprietary to your look and feel (and revenue stream) at some point down the road.

    I would also think the message feature could be ideal for inter-facing with “subscribers only” which would seem to be a way to cross sell your services.

    P.S. I was looking at some of your traffic reports over the weekend, and its pretty impressive considering your niche. I was surprised at some of the demographic info though (assuming some measure of accuracy). While the audience is certainly attractive to advertisers, I would have thought that it was somewhat more diverse.

  17. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:08 pm:

    They are dealing with any questions that might be unanswered. All potential witnesses must leave the floor.

  18. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:10 pm:

    Obviously back in session now.

    First question: have the senators being removed from the testimony list agreed to their removal?

    Ellis: yes

  19. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:13 pm:

    Q: From Hendon, is this a politically motivated amendment?

    A: Yes, but it is also relevant and probative

  20. - Blago Sphere - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:13 pm:


    From your vantage point, did you observe anyone in the gallery who is already listed as a witness leave the chamber pursuant to the presiders direction? If so; whom?

    Did anyone leave the chamber that you would consider to be someone who could be called as a witness, but has not yet been listed in a motion?

  21. - Swami - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:14 pm:

    Hendon throwing out a token resistance for his old buddy…

  22. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:16 pm:

    Q: From Reps.: Why hasn’t Majority Leader Reid been served with a subpoena because the majority leader of the Senate would have firsthand knowledge.

    A: We don’t have the authority, that would be up to the U.S Attorney, and they have chosen not to act. If firsthand knowledge was needed Gov Blago could testify if he so chose.

  23. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:18 pm:

    Q: Rep. Caucus: will witnesses be called to testify?

    A: Yes, vast majority of documents will be entered through live testimony.

  24. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:19 pm:

    Steve, I can’t find it. Please give me the full link. Thanks.

  25. - Anonymous Coward - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:20 pm:


  26. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:22 pm:

    Q: Why is no one testifying regarding the hiring abuses of the Gov? Why not OEIG Z-Scott Report testimony?

    A. Message from the house was that we don’t have a witness who can speak to connect the document to Blago. That is why the document is just submitted because a witness would only summarize it.

  27. - Blago Sphere - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:22 pm:

    This answer on the OEIG Z-Scott Report is weak at best.

    CYA is the correct answer.

  28. - Steve Rhodes - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:22 pm:

    That’s correct, thanks Anonymous Coward.

  29. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:23 pm:

    Geraldo drank Rod’s Kool-aide and is now defending him on FOX. LOL. He’s calling Fitz out for ruining Rod’s career.

  30. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:25 pm:

    Q: Dems: Will the officer Cain give exculpatory testimony regarding the governor or his staff.

    A: Yes, because that is in the affidavit. However, Cain is limited to the affidavit, but you have my commitment senator to draw out and specifically demonstrate those key parts.

  31. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:27 pm:

    Roger Ailes and Rush must have come up with a pro-Rod plan when they were… I don’t even want to think what those two guys might do.

  32. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:28 pm:

    Q: Hendon: you are introducing new evidence, are you under any obligation to reveal evidence that exonerates the Gov?

    A: We would certainly bring any such evidence to light. I don’t know if it is my obligation, but I personally consider it my obligation to share any exculpatory evidence, but as of yet none has presented itself.

  33. - Throw me a bone..... - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:29 pm:

    Fitz ruined Blago’s career like Al Capone ruined Geraldo’s.

  34. - Phill - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:31 pm:

    Can the public easily get in to watch these proceedings?

  35. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:32 pm:

    Q: Hendon again: Is giving health care to children an impeachable offense?

    A: The Senate will decide what an impeachable offense is. J-Car issue is not about health care, it is about the law and the separation of powers. The constitution establishes impeachment as a political issue that is in the eye of the beholder. I am not in a position to tell you what you should find impeachable. I am here representing the House in their request that you to remove the governor from office.

  36. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    Judge Napalatano was just on Fix with Shep Smith and I think he has put this all in the best perspective of anyone I’ve heard thus far. He said that he believes Blago did not show up for these Senate proceedings because anything he says would be under oath and could thus come back and affect his criminal trial. BINGO

  37. - 2ConfusedCrew - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:34 pm:

    Wow looks like Hollywod Ho and Brady are racing to win dumbest question award

  38. - dznuts - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:34 pm:

    The only person who ruined Rod’s career was Rod. Period. Not Fitzgerald. Not Madigan. No one is to blame for his narcissim but him.

  39. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:34 pm:

    Boy Hendon is being defensive of Blago. What’s up with that. Will he be one of the 20 NO votes?

  40. - Throw me a bone..... - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:35 pm:

    On a serious note….Does Blago really think that a chat on Today, The View and Larry King will save him? Or that people are buying this stuff? “I thought about my kids, my wife ….then I thought about Ghandi, King,…to put things in perspective” Let’s just hope the Senate has their act together… acquital is beyond plane scary

  41. - he gone - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:35 pm:

    Wow, Hendon is a joke of a senator, just like Rod, it’s all about him.

  42. - Tim - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:38 pm:

    Phill: The public can get in. See the decorum and gallery access memos on the ILGA impeachment tribunal Web site.

  43. - hopeful in IL - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:45 pm:

    now fearful. some of the questions from the senators are leading me to fear that they intend not to vote to impeach (guv will not be removed) and that the whole process was set up from the beginning to get the house to impeach in order to try and convince blago to resign. he did not. now the senate will carry on for a short while to give the appearance of a looming ‘removal from office’ but they will not do it.

  44. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    QHendon Again. I have never seen articles of impeachment offenses lumped together in 1 article? Why the unusual decision.

    A: There is president for a one article of impeachment and it is used when demonstrating the a pattern of abuse or a course of conduct. No president of any impeachment of Illinois however.

    Q: Hendon: Doesn’t the lumping deprive the Senators of a right of voting differently on
    separate charges.

    A: The house chose to determine the article as a pattern and not as separate offenses. If you look at the Scope of the alleged charges pattern of abuse can definitely be supported. The house was well within their rights to do it that way. (Hendon withdraws two more questions LOL)

  45. - Blago Sphere - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:48 pm:

    I have to go catch the train. Where can I get a link to a video stream on my phone?

  46. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:51 pm:

    hopeful, take a breath and see my latest update. Thanks

  47. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:51 pm:

    Roll Call moved for by Cullerton. Hendon Objects because he wants to vote on each amendment individually. The votes are individual already so Hendon withdraws objection

    Amendment 1: (Cain no subpoena) Passes Votes in 48 yeas, 11 nays.

    Amendment 2: 59 yeas. 0 nays 0 present

    Amendment 3: (Don and Roma Show Tapes) 59 yeas 0 present

    Amendment 4: Motion for tapes and documents 59, 0, 0

    Amendment 5: New witness modifications (Cain) 57 yeas, 2 nays 2 present. Withdraw motions to have Sen and Reps testify (Due to Cain’s testimony)
    All motions pass

    Break for floor business

  48. - Levois - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    Hmmm, let’s remember that Geraldo couldn’t find Al Capone’s hidden treasure.

  49. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 2:55 pm:

    senate comes to order. Ellis has 30 mins to present his opening statement

  50. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:05 pm:


    Utter silence in the chamber during my introduction last week so I know that the senate takes their task seriously.

    Impeachment is not a court of law it is a political process. We will not prove a crime, what we will do is talk about his extreme, horrendous abuse of the power of his office.

    Our case is based upon many different elements: I will now address them briefly.

    First, the audio tapes from the Federal Attorney. His own words will show that the gov put his office up for sale. Actively pursued something of value for IL Sen.

    We will use criminal complaint from Fed Gov. as evidence.

    We will also use the Cain’s 76 page affidavit to support these tapes as in fact the words of the gov.

    One specific example with be the pay to play with the Horse Racing audio tapes.

    Most damaging is his insistance on vaule for an appointment

  51. - bmrnp - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:06 pm:

    Rich, I was having the same thoughts as hopeful and you always make me feel better and bring me back to reality.

  52. - Phill - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:06 pm:

    I’m sorry if I keep posting this, but I don’t see it….Can a person go to Spld and watch these proceedings?

  53. - Phill - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:07 pm:

    Oh, I see it now. Thanks, Tim.

  54. - HoBoSkillet - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:08 pm:

    I am quite impressed with how Ellis has cleaned up the guv’s language.

  55. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:12 pm:

    ===Be careful how you say things. Assume everybody was listening===

    I can hear the Rod now on Larry King Live. “The tapes will show this statement was taken out of context.”

  56. - Levois - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:17 pm:

    The Governor should really be there to defend himself. The fact that he’s going to convince the nation that he isn’t horrible is goofy.

  57. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:18 pm:


    Gov own priorities: legal, financial, and political well being. Repeated use of Golden to describe responsibility to appoint Sen.

    Abuse of power against the Tribune, Toll way extortion with a contractor, Pediatric care reimbursement used in an attempt to extort $50, 000

    We ask you to remove Blago based upon his own words. We do not know and what his subordinates did or did not do to comply with his wishes, but that is not important.

    The governor repeatedly sought to use his constitutional powers as bargaining chips to for his personal gain.

    Gov violated the separation of powers in the constitution with JCAR

    We will use his words to prove his intent, and this is what is needed. We do not seek to find anyone legally accountable. It is not about the actions of other, it is about the Governor’s words.

    Cain will prove those tapes are Blago.

    Blago only person able to refute these charges. Gov chose not to show even though he is allowed to under senate rules.

    Gov has broken the constitution and his oath of office. We ask you to remove him

    End Statement

    Blago not present to make an opening statement.

    Senate Breaks to prepare the chamber for trail

  58. - casual observer - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:21 pm:

    I just want to hear the tapes. I wish they would play them before he goes on Larry King tonight.

  59. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:24 pm:

    Senate Comes to order… Now have live testimony

  60. - Capitol View - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:27 pm:

    The Kirk / Porter congressional resolution keeping the Illinois money from the federal Economic stimulus initiative away from the governor is just grandstanding.

    Anyone with any sense of what is happening in Illinois knows that the current occupant of the Governor’s Office will be gone long before the federal money starts drifting in, this coming April or May.

  61. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    First Witness, John Scully.

    Talks about the judicial authority to intercept phone conversations.

    Sculy was in the military as a communications officer. 5 years as Assistant U.S. Attorney. Over 20 trials. More on his legal career, especially his experience with wire taps.

  62. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    I just had the best laugh listening to Geraldo interview Fritchey. Geraldo forgot to take his meds today. Says he is an attorney but I’d like to know which law school he went to so as to avoid recommending that to friends/relatives. G made a fool of himself as he kept interrupting Fitchey and wouldn’t let him answer a single question. G says he has read the 13 points from the House but he is clueless about politics in general and Illinois politics specifically. G said he didn’t even like the guy (Blago) then at the end said he kind of likes him. So G thinks we should take him seriously and believe that this is all a ploy to get Blago out of office?


  63. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:49 pm:

    LE, Geraldo received his J.D. from Brooklyn Law School in 1969

  64. - Stu - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    ==Geraldo forgot to take his meds today. Says he is an attorney but I’d like to know which law school he went to so as to avoid recommending that to friends/relatives.==

    Brooklyn Law School according to his FoxNews bio

  65. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    From his behavior on television, I can see why Geraldo is not a practicing attorney. He doesn’t shut up long enough to hear the real story.

  66. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:02 pm:

    I didn’t see the interview, but I can’t imagine why Fritchey would put himself in such a situation. Allowing yourself to be interviewed by that fruit-basket makes no sense to me.

  67. - Southern Illinois - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:03 pm:

    Geraldo does know a little about the “Chicago Way” but since his show about Capones safe was such a joke, he moved on to bigger gigs.

    Geralado is only about selling Geraldo.

  68. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:12 pm:

    Scully establishes wire tap protocol and that Gov’s wire tap was on the level.

    Prosecution done with Scully

    No one present for the defense but Genson got to question Scully in the house proceedings.

    Senate recess for Members to prepare questions for Scully.

  69. - Tim - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:13 pm:

    Loved the shot of the empty chairs on the CNN/IIS video feed as the Chief Justice again noted that the governor and/or his counsel are not present to cross-examine the House prosecutor. I find the empty chairs somewhat symbolic of Blagojevich’s attitude toward… well, everything related to Springfield.

  70. - Blago Sphere - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:18 pm:

    Once again, somebody has to let the Senators in on the “decorum” issue. The CNN feed has turned this into “open mike” night at the Illinois Senate, and some of the commentary is less than becoming.

  71. - Tim - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:23 pm:

    Er, “not present to cross-examine witness Scully.”

  72. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:24 pm:

    BS, it’s a break. Decorum doesn’t apply during breaks. So far, what I’m seeing is people milling about after sitting too long.

  73. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:25 pm:

    -Blago Sphere-

    - Did anyone leave the chamber that you would consider to be someone who could be called as a witness, but has not yet been listed in a motion? -

    Sorry for delayed response.

    Was not in view, press box is packed with National TV stations. Sorry.

  74. - Blago Sphere - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:37 pm:


    I understand its a break. I was using “decorum” as a euphemism, for “hey, wake up and realize these mikes are open and be careful what you say”.

    Someonewas making derogatory comments as to the intelligence of some of the earlier questions; and a questioner, which was loud and clear on this end, followed by a round of hearty laughter.

    I just don’t think they’s be making some of these comments if they knew they were being broadcast live.

  75. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:40 pm:

    Senate comes to order. Rep Caucus has a list of questions:

  76. - Rob_N - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:40 pm:

    Adam B of Daily Kos is arguing that the Kirk/Foster Amendment is unConstitutional because it is legislation that targets one individual for punishment.

    Without knowing all the details, I tend to agree with Adam’s assessment. The Kirk-Foster amendment could be made more neutral/universal by writing it to be applicable to all 50 states and dependent on whether or not any given state’s lege is in the process of impeaching its guv.

  77. - Bill - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:46 pm:

    Objection, asked and answered, and irrelevant. Oh wait, this whole “trial” is.
    Oh, he followed the case in the papers. Great.

  78. - Bill - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:47 pm:

    This “testimony” is a joke. This guy has no first hand knowledge of anything in this case.
    Maybe they should ask him if he likes Rod’s hair.

  79. - Spellchecker - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:50 pm:


    FYI: A pretty common mispelling has popped up a couple times recently in your posting. There’s only one “e” in j-u-d-g-m-e-n-t.

    Love TCFB!

  80. - Rob_N - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:51 pm:


    According the to the Illinois Constitution, the Governor could be impeached if the House and Senate do not like his hair… but you already knew that.

  81. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:53 pm:

    Spellchecker, thanks.

  82. - Bill - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:54 pm:

    Yeah, I know, but this guy is really beyond all semblance of relevance. They should just vote to impeach and get it over with. Why bother with all this nonsense?

  83. - ahem - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:56 pm:

    This guy was testifying to the admissibility of the wiretaps and bugs, Bill.

  84. - Bill - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:57 pm:

    He has no direct knowledge of anything having to do with this case.

  85. - Mike Murray - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 4:58 pm:

    Sen. Luechtefeld: Were all 3 devices used to investigate?

    Scully: I don’t know I was not a part of the investigation.

    Sen. Dillard: How long does it take to prepare the necessarily documents for a legal wire tap?

    Scully: At least a week, often longer.

    Sen. Risinger: Have you ever been involved in a legally approved wire tap that was later repressed?

    Scully: NO.

    Sen. Burzinski: Can affidavits be used to obtain warrant be accessed by the public.?

    Scully: Not until the appeal. After the trial.

    Sen. Cronin: What steps are taken to ensure that evidence is not tampered with.?

    Scully: A sealing process that ensure the original is not tampered with, copies are used at trial and the original is used for the appeal.

    Senate adjourns.

    Will reconvene tomorrow at 9:45

    Ellis will call these witnesses in this order:

    Dan Cain begins tomorrow and will take up most of the day

    If time, Rose will be called as well.

  86. - A Citizen - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 5:02 pm:

    The Chief Justice got a bit snippy about the level of noise at the end - he apparently feels the senators are a bit beneath him. Also I really wanted to know the details about what those pesky bugs look like and where they might be placed and how etc. It never pays to be uninformed. And Scully’s “if I knew I wouldn’t tell you” was rather blunt and short. Jeez!

  87. - ahem - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 5:09 pm:

    How are the bugs planted in the office? “Surreptitiously” was the word, wasn’t it? Use your imagination!

  88. - "low level paper pusher" - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 5:14 pm:

    Re: the Gov. He really seems to be coming unglued. Maybe he will hole up on the 2nd Floor once he is removed from office and will have to be forceably removed by the State Police.

    Re: the Trial. Hendon sure knows how to creat the straw man. Is it an impeachable offense to provide health care to people? No one questions that is a good thing; however, ignoring the legislature in so doing is clearly an abuse of power.

  89. - A Citizen - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 5:14 pm:

    - ahem -
    I want pictures, samples, instruction sheets etc. No flippant answers here.

  90. - honesty in government - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 5:31 pm:

    One only needs to look at useless grants from the STate Hendon got along with himself from the Cook County Government. While programs were cut Mr. Hendon wasted untold thens of hundreds of dollars of our money. Mr. Headon made a remark “we have a right to fail”refering to these grants. No Mr. Hendon this is the taxpapyers money not yours and you have no right to give it to your poltical croonies

  91. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 6:06 pm:

    Het Rich, if you’re feeling bad about your typing, punctuation, or grammar, check out the post above mine and you will feel better.

    Not that it will cure your other illness…

    A, call Pam Davis over at Edwards Hospital in Naperville. She or one of her “croonies” will tell you more than you want to know about body-concealed listening devices.

  92. - A Citizen - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 6:21 pm:

    AA, I’m really trying to figure out how to “bug” some relatives more than I already do. I just love gadgets like this.

  93. - ahem - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 8:40 pm:

    - A Citizen -
    Last time I looked there were vendors selling bugging devices in the back of Popular Science. I guess it’s fairly popular. Employers are really into surveillance, it seems.

    Regarding spelling, if you type a word into Google it will suggest the spelling, even correcting mistakes!

  94. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jan 26, 09 @ 9:06 pm:

    A, try the Google. Some fascinating stuff out there. I’ll never trust a cell phone again.

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