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The deposed clown continues to lie

Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rod Blagojevich just said on “The Today Show” that the Senate’s vote to remove him last week was a “highjacking,” and an “unlawful and improper impeachment.”

“I don’t view myself at all as being shamed or disgraced,” he said.

That tells you a lot.

* The governor also made the extraordinary claim on the show that he was offered a deal in December to step aside, keep his pay and keep his security detail for two years if he would only refuse to appoint a replacement Senator for Barack Obama.

I know a bit about those negotiations, so I’ll be telling subscribers something about them tomorrow, but what Blagojevich said is just total bull. House Speaker Michael Madigan’s spokesman Steve Brown summed it up best this morning in an e-mail…

“This is a very troubled and confused person who thinks he hears a lot of things.”

Here’s the video…

* The disgraced former governor has embarked on another New York media tour, including yet another appearance on Larry King’s show tonight as well as Letterman.

Here’s our quote of the week

A publicist says former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich wants to reiterate his innocence in another slew of television appearances including the “Late Show with David Letterman.’”

Days after being booted from office, Blagojevich will also appear Tuesday on NBC’s “Today'’ show, CNN’s “Larry King Live,'’ and Fox’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.'’

Publicist Glenn Selig says the former governor is “very concerned people think he let them down.'’

Emphasis added, of course, to show you how absolutely goofy this man is.

* Perhaps those bobbleheads could do us all a service and ask Blagojevich about this press release from The Autism Program of Illinois

In one of his last acts in office, ousted former governor Rod Blagojevich stripped an additional $291,500 from The Autism Program of Illinois (TAP) Service Network. That cut was in addition to funding cuts of more than 50% which had previously been imposed on the TAP Service Network by the Blagojevich Administration.

“While the former governor claimed to be a champion for children with autism, the facts say otherwise,” said Georgia Winson, Chief of The Autism Program of Illinois. “The General Assembly approved $10.2 million in funding for the network this fiscal year. After the former governor’s most recent action, the total funding cut exceeds $5.4 million. These cuts will mean a dramatic decrease in terms of access to services for families of children with an autism spectrum disorder.”

The TAP Service Network is the largest statewide network for autism services in the nation. The network has 12 regional centers spread throughout the state, and more than 30 partners including universities and community based organizations. Each year, the TAP Service network impacts more than 16,000 families of children with autism across Illinois.

The original appropriation bill passed by the General Assembly provided for $10.2 million in funding for the TAP Service Network. Blagojevich reduced that amount to $5 million by amendatory veto. During the former governor’s impeachment trial, TAP was informed by administration officials of the further cut in funding.

* And, finally, the Pantagraph asks: Will Blagojevich get official portrait?

They should just use this one…

* Related…

* Rezko wins move out of jail’s ‘hole’: The convicted businessman — poised to become a crucial witness in the massive corruption case against ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich — was quietly moved out of a downtown jail and into another facility last month, the Sun-Times learned Monday.

* Picture this: Blagojevich portrait may never happen: Rep. Ken Dunkin (D-Chicago), who has sided with Blagojevich more than most of his House colleagues, disagrees. He said Blagojevich should have his portrait hung, regardless of his ouster or possible criminal conviction.

* Illinois senators say others in Blagojevich administration should be held accountable

* A look at Rod Blagojevich’s time as Ill. governor
* Rid Illinois of all things Blagojevich

* Money at root of Blagojevich’s rise and fall

* Let state reap benefit of selling Blagojevich’s name

* Silly gov songs


  1. - Levois - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 9:50 am:

    I always thought it was goofy to go onto venues like the Late Show. I can understand that you have to connect with voters where ever they may be, I suppose going onto such show indicates a lack of seriousness. Now Blago goes on Letterman to profess his innocence. All he’s do is have another joke told about him the next night!

  2. - OneMan - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 9:53 am:

    You think that people would’ve had enough of silly gov songs, I look around me and I see it isn’t so…oh no!

    The nice thing is a this point Rod is serving as an example I can use for my son on how not to be a tool.

  3. - Central_IL_farm_boy - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 9:53 am:

    I like the Pantagraph’s idea. The State should list any road signs with Blagojevich’s name on them on eBay!

  4. - Belle - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 9:54 am:

    ==“This is a very troubled and confused person who thinks he hears a lot of things.”== He really should stop letting the voices in his head come outta his mouth.

  5. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 9:55 am:

    Yes, but the “Gov is well known in Israel”

    (and other PR rot)


  6. - Anonymous ZZZ - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 9:55 am:

    Before his impeachment, I did watch Blago on the various shows, just to see what his angle would be (even though I pretty much knew). I listened to the first two seconds of his “Today” show interview and had to turn off the TV. His lies make me sick, and so does the sympathetic tone interviewers are using when talking to him. I wish someone would call him out on that silly “I’m not allowed to call any witnesses” lie on national TV.

  7. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 9:56 am:

    “This is a very troubled and confused person “who was endorsed by Mike Madigan twice” thinks he hears a lot of things.”

    I guess I am going to have to come to terms with the fact there is not one media outlet in this state which will hold Madigan accountable for giving us this clown, or for folding to him in budget negotiations 6 times.

    Just once I want to see one person ask Madigan to explain his endorsements or his failure to call for his impeachment 2 years ago. Madigan expressed nothing love for the Guv through the 06 election and complacency at best after that.

    Not only will he never have to answer the tough questions, the lack of any objective coverage from the media will give him the keys to governor’s chair in 2010 through Lisa.

    And that my friends is Reform Illinois Style.

  8. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 9:58 am:

    What possible purpose could he have had for cutting an additional $300,000 in Autism Program funding at the last minute, except perhaps to spite them or someone associated with them? Did he try to shake them down and they said no? What a snake!

  9. - train111 - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 9:58 am:

    Lets see:

    Blago has been offered a job by TNA wrestling as ‘Chairman’

    Minnesota has a professional wrestler who becomes Governor.
    Illinois has a Governor who goes to ….

    Gotta love it!!


  10. - Y2D - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:00 am:

    He’s planning on taking somebody/anybody down with him.

  11. - OneMan - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:08 am:

    If he does get an official portrait it should be on black velvet like Elvis.

    Also I bet more than a couple of people will have their pictures taken in front of it expressing how they feel he is #1

  12. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:10 am:

    ZZZ, apparently the ex-Gov does get some traction out of his lies. In the letters to the editor in today’s local paper, some idiot was droning on and on about how the ex-Guv was railroaded, couldn’t call witnesses, etc, ad-nauseam.

  13. - Princess - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:13 am:

    “We can’t not have it for historical purposes” Well, okay then. How bout one finished 60% of the way and then stamped ‘impeached’?

  14. - Madison County Watcher - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:20 am:

    Blagojevich should have a portrait in the Hall of Governors, just so the tour guides can bring people in front of it each day and say, “This is the Governor who was impeached and kicked out of office.” That would be a fitting punishment.

  15. - This Guy - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:21 am:

    My big gripe is that these so-called “journalists” are living in a one-source town.

    Where’s the counterpoint? Where’s the back-and-forth style discussion between RRB and, say, David Ellis?

    Why do the TV shows only offer his point of view? That’s not journalism, folks. Heck, even Springer offers a point-counterpoint setting. Sheesh.

  16. - fedup dem - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:24 am:

    It would appear that our former gov. sleazy is not limiting his exposure to national media venues like the Today Show or David Letterman. I have been told that he will be making an appearance at the Chicago Access Network for a taping tommorrow sometime between 5 and 8 pm (the studio is located at 322 S. Green St., Chicago, just west of Greek Town).

    As for the question of his official portrait, let the state hangit over by the Men’s Room door (or even better, inside the washroom with a sign underneath the picture saying, “All employes must wash their hands before returning to work.”)

  17. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:25 am:

    That’s not journalism, folks. Heck, even Springer offers a point-counterpoint setting.

    Springer would be the most appropriate forum for the Unmentionable Former Governor’s comeback tour.

  18. - Capitol View - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:25 am:

    a radio talk show in Springfield had a caller propose an interesting idea for the official portrait in the Hall of Governors — just have a silouette, black on a white background, and a plaque noting the year his first term started and January 29, 2009 as Removed from Office.

  19. - Just Because - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:27 am:

    I agree Blagojevich should have a portrait in the Hall of Governors to remind people what not to do and yes it should be represented with big letters IMPEACHED

  20. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:28 am:

    As much as I despise him, I have to say that if Kerner, Walker and Ryan have portraits in the Capitol then Blago might as well have one too. Even though Kerner’s and Ryan’s misdeeds took place while they were in public office (Walker’s happened after he left office, so technically, perhaps, he shouldn’t count) they still have official portraits.

  21. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:28 am:

    Wait! Slow down on the portrait thing. Soon we will have the perfect one showing him holding a sign with numbers on it depicting his Federal Prisoner number - That should be the official portrait!

  22. - BigDog - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:30 am:

    The media in general just plain sucks (not you Rich!). I’m sick of every show in the universe giving him a pulpit just because he wants it, without facing him on the real issues. Basically, if Rod or Drew Peterson jump up and down and yell “look at me!”, the media gives them all the attention they want with nary a countering viewpoint. If all the time and energy that was spent on the softball handling of these two media whores were put into real investigative journalism, we might be well on our way to really cleaning up the corruption in this state.

  23. - scoot - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:32 am:

    No portrait at all…just skip over him & let the tour guide explain why.

  24. - Macbeth - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:33 am:

    Should we be at all surprised that there were negotiations going on between arrest and impeachment to shift the governor’s status?

    I’m not at all surprised. I’m no subscriber, so unfortunately I’m not privy to the content of these negotiations — but when I heard this on the Today show this morning, I was not (a) surprised and (b) assumed that Blago twisted this around to make it look like he was being asked to do something semi-illegal. (The idea of the “ghost governor.”)

    Anyway, I’m anxious to hear more here.

  25. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:38 am:

    Blago’s jumped into freakshow territory with both feet, a la Drew Peterson, the pregnant man, the chick with 18 kids. I wonder if he gets that?

  26. - Excessively rabid - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:40 am:

    He’s on Larry King again…. If he shows up on AC360, we’ll know HBO (same ownership, tabloid products frequently promoted through “news” shows) is working on the movie rights.

  27. - booooring - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:44 am:

    The “I can’t call witnesses” lie is a tired soundbite and of zero news value at this point. I’m not sure why the national media are still letting him on. Letterman hasn’t had a shot at im, so I understand that one to some exent. The Today show interview was flat out boring and I’m sure Larry King will be more of the same.

  28. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:50 am:

    Yep, Rabid, I’m thinking HBO miniseries would be most fitting, especially since their past miniseries like “Deadwood” drop the f-bomb several times a minute…

  29. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:52 am:

    Lot of talk about movies, but I don’t really see it unless it’s satire.

  30. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    He’s like a lingering flu. The more he’s hammered, the more exaulted he feels. BizarroWorld of Blago. Go AWAY!!!!

  31. - Dan S, a Voter and Cubs Fan - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 10:58 am:

    That boy is just not right!!

  32. - Anonymous ZZZ - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:03 am:

    Anonymous@10:10 - yeah, I know he’s getting traction from it, and I know people (some I know personally, in fact) are buying it. That’s why I think the national media should do their homework and question him more throroughly and call him out on it, so your average Joe will know what the real story is. I think Rich has already mentioned the failure of the national media on this point in previous blog posts, so I won’t go on and on about it. But it’s certainly maddening. I agree with “This Guy” - a point-counterpoint approach would be better.

  33. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:13 am:

    We can’t hide our history: Blago gets a portrait (maybe in the running suit).

    I hope Letterman rips into him—you saw what he did to McCain so I am optimistic!

  34. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:15 am:

    Word, are you thinking something along the lines of “This Is Spinal Tap” or “A Mighty Wind”? If done right it could be (excuse the expression) bleepin’ hilarious.

  35. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:20 am:

    === I hope Letterman rips into him—you saw what he did to McCain so I am optimistic!===

    He only really ripped McCain when McCain wasn’t on his show. I don’t expect much.

  36. - Ahem - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:30 am:

    Blago is going away…after the trial.

  37. - True Observer - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    “The “I can’t call witnesses” lie is a tired soundbite and of zero news value at this point. I’m not sure why the national media are still letting him on.”

    Whether you like it or not and no matter what other stuff you want to throw in, most people believe he was impeached because he tried to sell the Senate Seat.

    What Blago wanted to do was to call the five people who are on the tapes to come to the Senate and ask them if he had tried to sell them the seat.

    He wasn’t given that opportunity.

    He is saying they would have said no.

    Nobody can say different.

    That’s why people believe he got railroaded.

  38. - Opie - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:48 am:

    Letterman should ask how he likes orange jumpsuits.

  39. - anon - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:52 am:

    “While the former governor claimed to be a champion for children with autism, the facts say otherwise,” said Georgia Winson, Chief of The Autism Program of Illinois. “The General Assembly approved $10.2 million in funding for the network this fiscal year. After the former governor’s most recent action, the total funding cut exceeds $5.4 million. These cuts will mean a dramatic decrease in terms of access to services for families of children with an autism spectrum disorder.”

    Not so… a recent law was just passed mandating insurance coverage for kids with autism. Also, a more prudent funding mechanism is through the Home and Community Based Medicaid Waiver program which funds direct services for children and is subject to a federal match as opposed to a grant.
    Also, the funding level was not $10.2 million on previous years, so why the statement that services will be “cut”?

  40. - tanstaafl - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:52 am:

    Someone should tell Blogo his 15 minutes of fame are up. All he does is spout the same verbage over and over. If he comes on any show I watch, I WILL tune him completely out.

    The media, for the most part, won’t ask the tuff questions. When they do, they let Blogo get away with skirting the question and going back to his talking points.

  41. - Kevin Fanning - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    Less talking, more jogging. Those clips are always great for the cameras…

  42. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 12:06 pm:

    Like it or not, Rod Blagojevich is a part of Illinois history as our 40th governor. As a result, he whould be included in the Hall of Governors. It would set a bad precedent if we did otherwise. The Hall is an honor to the office, not to it’s occupants. Famous and infamous governor portraits draw visitors to the Hall. Blagojevich will be a popular portrait due to his impeachment, his hairstyle, and his prison sentence.

    And, I would be willing to do his portrait! I would recreate a realistic and thoughtful portrait, based on his prison mug shot. I would ensure that he appears as professional and as statesman-like as the other governors, wearing a handsome suit, and include him holding his prison number.

    It would be a double portrait, in that on one half would be a frontal, and on the other half, would be a side shot. I know I could pull this off with panache! It would make an incredible portrait, suitable for the Hall. It would make me famous!

    Then I would request to do one for Kerner, Walker, and Ryan in a similar style.

    My favorite quote on this thread comes courtesy of Senator Burris: “Whatever George told you, you could take it to the bank.”

    If for some reason Mr. Blagojevich is unable to have a portrait done, perhaps he should stop by and see the same guy at Oak Wood cemetary that Roland Burris met, so that Rod Blagojevich could have a similar temple of ego built, that Roland has!

    Blagojevich and Burris buried next to one another? Sure, why not? After their time here is finished, I’m certain they will hang together shoveling coal in their afterlife.

  43. - Narcoleptic - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 12:07 pm:


    What “people”? Other than T.O., Bill, 2for2 and, of course, Rod

  44. - Northside Bunker - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 12:07 pm:

    How much of our tax dollars paid for Publicist Glenn Selig and this continuing media meltdown?
    Thought the Blago’s were so broke, guess not.
    Letterman could really push some buttons and have Blago go into full meltdown.
    Now that would be good TV!

  45. - Kevin Highland - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 12:17 pm:

    [RRB] “I want everyone I talked to about that Senate Seat to tell the truth under oath…”

    I think the people of Illinois want RRB to say something anything under oath!

  46. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 12:17 pm:

    I was also listening to a radio show this morning when a caller suggested Blago should have a picture just the same as all previous governors have; however, Blago’s picture should be hung “low down and crooked”. I almost rolled out of bed laughing. That’s the best one I’ve heard.

    As for the talk shows this evening, they have long ago lowered themselves to the “sleaze journalism” category doing nothing without thinking what the ratings will be and to fill up time. I’ve got better things to watch - perhaps Sponge Bob Square Pants.

  47. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 12:34 pm:

    I am happy to say that I no longer care what Blago says on these shows-I will watch Letterman because it’s possible Dave might go after him but otherwise Blago’s already fading-which of course is what he is trying desperately to prevent.

  48. - cblakey - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 2:18 pm:

    Puh-leeeez. I am so sick of hearing TAP whine about how much money they don’t have!
    Why would a grant even be necessary-we have funding for services through the new insurance mandate and medicaid. If families choose to go to TAP, they can. And the families, not a private organization, should get the funding. Government shouldn’t tell families where they have to go for services. And if they do provide quality services, I’m sure families will choose them. It seems a disadvantage that TAP is able to lobby so heavily for grant funding. Families know what their children need-we should let them choose providers, like they do in other states. Money follows the individual.

  49. - Quinn T. Sential - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 2:28 pm:

    {Rod Blagojevich just said on The Today Show that the Senate’s vote to remove him last week was a “highjacking,” and an “unlawful and improper impeachment.” }

    Is the Governor narrowing the scope of his argument here by confining his allegation to “the vote”, rather than to the “trial” which seems to have always been the focus of his previous protestations?

    The Governor; his counsel, and various others have represented that the trial was both improper and illegal. Propriety is not the domain of the courts unless an action is also illegal. If either the trial or the vote were illegal, then the questioner must ask the Governor and/or his counsel, if they believe the actions to be illegal, then why did they not seek injunctive relief to forestall the trial, and why did they not seek relief in court to overturn the actions of the legislature based on the illegal elements of either the trial or the vote.

    If the complaint is illegality, and the alleged injured party has not taken all measures available to them to either prohibit further injury or remedy the injury inflicted by the illegal acts, then it would certainly appear to eliminate the right of the person allegedly injured to continue to make the claims being made.

    Rich you should consider carefully reviewing; perhaps with the aid of competent counsel, the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct promulgated by the Illinois Supreme Court which regulate the practice of law in this state.

    Using these rules as a guide there is enough material to develop at least a week’s worth of columns, if not more. Some of this material could be used to publicly pose questions to the former Governor’s counsel, and others could be used to develop questions specifically for the former Governor, for which the public should be entitled to have answered given the continuing public allegations of the former Governor.

    In addition; based on these questions and the rules in place, the former Governor and his counsel could well be subject to both discipline and penalties impacting their ability to continue to practice law in this state.

    There is a

  50. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 3:00 pm:


    Throng of media… Gov chooses to sign autographs instead

  51. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    Must be at Letterman show.

  52. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 3:10 pm:

    Which is taped in the late afternoon/early evening if I recall correctly (from a friend who attended a taping).

  53. - Size 14s - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 3:11 pm:

    cblakely misses the point. Once again, it’s the governor saying one thing publicly (”I am a champion for autism”) and doing another thing privately (whacking an autism program). For him, it’s all the big lie.

  54. - Jaylan's Grandad - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 3:17 pm:

    Insurance coverage for autism is a good thing, but don’t be too quick to criticize TAP. In many areas of the state, there would be NO providers if it weren’t for the TAP network. Starting five years ago when there was NOTHING, TAP has built a comprehensive network that trains parents, educators, docs and law enforcement. They brought experts to the table to create consensus on best practices, and provide instructional materials for teachers and caregivers. Now that we have an insurance mandate, parents have choice, but without the groundwork laid by TAP, there may have been no choices at all.

  55. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 3:21 pm:


    “Mike, a producer, gave us a tour of backstage. Crowd being ‘warmed.’”

  56. - Fatigued - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 3:34 pm:

    I am tired of the autism community fighting amongst itself about scraps of funding for autism. At the end of the day, no “one size fits all” system is going to work. Of course parents need money to support their children. Of course the state needs a system and network of providers who are ready, willing, and able to help these children and families. We are talking about a very small amount of money here that is used to support a system and infrastructure that trains thousands of parents and providers every year and provides direct services across the state. It is beyond belief that our former governor stood as an “autism champion” when supporting the insurance bill but plays political games just before leaving office that undercut the very system of supports and services that the autism insurance bill will depend upon to help the 24,000 children living with autism in Illinois. Enough is enough. Fund TAP and support the insurance mandate. Our children need it.

  57. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 3:42 pm:

    “Gov is getting delinted”

    (should read ‘deloused’)

  58. - Quinn T. Sential - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 4:06 pm:

    {Rod Blagojevich just said on “The Today Show” that the Senate’s vote to remove him last week was a “highjacking,” and an “unlawful and improper impeachment.” }

    Impropriety is not the domain of the court system; unless the impropriety is also illegal.

    On January 27th January 27th on CBS’ “Early Show” Rod Blagojevich said:

    MS. RODRIGUEZ: But let’s say, for argument’s sake, that you want to have the right to call any witness that you want. Why didn’t you challenge this? If it’s as unfair as you say, a lawyer like you, a defendant like you, who says he’s not guilty, would have challenged it.
    GOV. BLAGOJEVICH: Well, that’s what I’m doing here. This is the only –
    MS. RODRIGUEZ: No, but I mean in a legal way, before the trial got underway, so that you could be there, represented in the way that you wanted to be.
    GOV. BLAGOJEVICH: Those senators who are impeaching me are the ones who make the rules. They’re the judges in this process.
    MS. RODRIGUEZ: You could have gone to a court of lawyer and challenged it –
    GOV. BLAGOJEVICH: No, unfortunately, we –
    MS. RODRIGUEZ: — and stopped it.
    GOV. BLAGOJEVICH: — we explored all of that, but there is no precedent to that. This is a quasi-judicial process that has a tremendous political overtone to it. The courts are loathe to get involved in something like this. We’ve obviously explored that. If I had a judicial remedy, I would have been there a long time ago. Unfortunately, I don’t. And all I’m asking for –
    MS. RODRIGUEZ: But why didn’t you try?
    GOV. BLAGOJEVICH: Because every precedent that we looked at said –
    MS. RODRIGUEZ: You could have been the first.
    GOV. BLAGOJEVICH: No, there was a case of a governor in Arizona who tested all of that and was thrown out of court in each and every one of those cases. The more compelling argument, I think, is to tell the people of America that if a Senate and a legislative body can remove a governor who twice was elected by the people, a governor who’s been accused of things but is eager to show he didn’t do the things they say by preventing that governor from bringing in witnesses and evidence, and they’re not even proving up the allegations that they’re saying that I did, and if they can do that to me, that can happen to any citizen.}

    The former Governor recognizes that this is the more compelling argument in order to draw television viewers and ratings points, while perhaps influencing the jury pool. He also realized that the argument was not very compelling in a court of law, where he would have been asking for intervention and judicial relief. The trial was only “illegal” if adjudicated to be so in a court of law, which is where legality is decided, and not on TV.

  59. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 4:38 pm:

    “The Deposed Clown Continues To Lie”

    Sounds like an excellent album title.

  60. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 4:42 pm:

    Sounds like an excellent album title.

    By the Insane Clown Posse.

  61. - Anonymous Coward - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 5:26 pm:


    Glenn Selig: Gov. on Letterman for three segments… Almost unheard of on the show… Very rare according to producer

  62. - Anonymous Coward - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 5:26 pm:


    Even poses for photos with head writers

  63. - this voter will remember - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 6:19 pm:

    “Illinois senators say others in Blagojevich administration should be held accountable “
    Start with Rep. Jay Hoffman. Hoffman has appointed scores of unqualified family and friends to IDOT in Collinsville. Qualifications and experience was not even considered for the positions that these people were placed in. There were no interviews, one by one they just showed up. It is the biggest joke in the state.

  64. - Anonymous Coward - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 6:30 pm:


    In interview with van susteren, gov says president obama may be called as a witness… Segment airs at 10pm et on fox newschannel.

  65. - sal-says - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 8:49 pm:

    Larry King [sort of]Live:

    Former Gov. Goofy regarding the tapes played at the Senate trial:

    ‘The tapes stand for themselves.’

    Great job; keep up the good work FGG.

  66. - Gone off down south - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:22 pm:

    Wow, good work by Letterman. And I’m not generally a fan. A little more homework (along with the FGRod/Nixon pic) might have been in order, but not bad . . .

  67. - Gregor - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:32 pm:

    Letterman did a better job than pretty much all the newsies have.
    I think he destroyed Rod, and yet, I felt he was holding back quite a bit.

  68. - Gregor - Tuesday, Feb 3, 09 @ 11:37 pm:

    Is he going to be on Judge Judy next?

  69. - Diego - Wednesday, Feb 4, 09 @ 6:28 am:

    He’s no longer a Clown in the circus but a Side Show Freak.

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* Pritzker hasn’t received VP vetting materials from Harris but doesn’t shut down speculations that he’s interested
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* Yesterday's stories

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