Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Where’s the coverage?
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Where’s the coverage?

Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 5th Congressional District primary election is three weeks from today, yet the paucity of media coverage is quite puzzling to me. I mean, we’re talking about a major open seat battle featuring all sorts of colorful characters and lots of Democratic and union and other infighting, yet there’s almost nothing for the average voter to read.

The Tribune did an online piece about Rep. Sara Feigenholtz missing the ethics committee vote last week, but I don’t think the story ever actually made it into the paper. The story I highlighted yesterday about Rep. John Fritchey slamming Rep. Feigenoltz was buried deep in the Sun-Times. The CS-T had a nice little feature on Mike Quigley this week, but there wasn’t much news in it. Fox Chicago ran a couple of stories a while back on Feigenholtz’s poll causing controversy. But there hasn’t been much else.

The best coverage by far has been online. Prairie State Blue has done a quite respectable job of putting things together, including an interesting piece by Bored Now today. Progress Illinois has a good roundup today and they’ve done some reportage as well. Gapers Block has a fun piece today about the candidates using Twitter.

Take all of those blogs, add it to this one and a relative tiny number of 5th District voters are getting any sort of information on a regular basis about this campaign.

It would be nice to see the Chicago media, which supposedly loves to cover politics, finally get engaged here. The clock is ticking.

* On to the news. As expected, SEIU endorsed Rep. Feigenholtz today. From a press release

“Sara Feigenholtz will help President Barack Obama get this nation’s economy going again and that means creating jobs,” said SEIU Illinois Council President Thomas Balanoff. “Her get-things-done reputation means working families will have the right person, at the right time, fighting for their needs in Washington. She knows this recovery must begin in our neighborhoods,” he added.

* There was a bit of a dustup in comments yesterday between an SEIU official and others over just how many union members each side has in the district. The Illinois AFL-CIO has endorsed Rep. Fritchey.

The State Fed won’t release individual union membership totals by district, but they claim there are about 38,000 union members in the 5th CD, and about 24,000 of those are registered to vote. Both those numbers are probably understated because the AFL-CIO apparently has lower totals for SEIU than the union itself claims. Jerry Morrison of SEIU wrote on the blog yesterday that his union has 8,000 members in the district. He didn’t say how many of them were registered voters, however..

So, figure maybe about 40,000 or so union members overall, with SEIU having 8,000 of them. I sent Morrison an e-mail a bit ago asking for his registered voters total. I’ll pass his answer along if I hear back from him. Also, there are about 6,000 teachers union members in that district and almost all are registered voters.

I hope this clears up at least some of the confusion.

…Adding… Morrison just called and said he has 8,000 registered voters in the district.

* Meanwhile, another day, another whack on Feigenholtz. From a press release…

Mike Quigley’s campaign is calling today on state Rep. Sara Feigenholtz to return money that she collected at a downtown fundraiser last week— an event which she attended instead of voting on a bill to reform state government in the wake of the Blagojevich scandal.

Feigenholtz was the only member of the Illinois House to skip the vote last Thursday on SJR 1, a bill to create a new panel of lawmakers who will work with Gov. Pat Quinn “to restore integrity to State government.” Every other member of the state House voted on the bill.

Instead of carrying out her legislative duties in Springfield, the Chicago Tribune reported that Feigenholtz chose to attend a campaign fundraiser that same afternoon. (An invitation to the event shows that it was held at the offices of a downtown firm that lobbies the State of Illinois on behalf of its clients).

Today, the Quigley campaign urged Feigenholtz to give the money back. […]

Bowen added that, in addition to answering whether she will return the money raised at last Thursday’s fundraiser, Feigenholtz should also explain her decision to contribute $5,000 to Rod Blagojevich in June 2006, a contribution nearly a year after Blagojevich’s campaign, key fundraisers and administration had been identified in the media as targets of federal investigations.

Considering the lack of coverage, I’m not sure anyone else will ever see that creative slam.

* Other stuff…

* Fritchey Woos Bloggers in Illinois 5th CD Special Election

* Race to fill congressional seat draws wide attention


  1. - Amy - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 1:27 pm:

    you are right about the lack of coverage. and the person elected from this district will have an impact on Chicago in general so it would be nice to hear what is up.

    i also don’t hear much from those i know in the district. what kind of mail is arriving at houses? any signs? door to door stories? which is what makes me watch the one who is silent, O’Connor. maybe it’s time to drive around and see what is out there.

    also, isn’t the debate on Chicago tv replays? anyone know when…listened to the debate but cannot remember.

  2. - Captain Flume - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 1:38 pm:

    I guess the coverage is indicative of the general interest in congressional races, or maybe it’s the scurrilous press corps imposing its own ban on coverage because no candidate is juicy enough to capture headlines of scandal or misbehavior. In the post-Blagojevich press world, little else gets the reportage other than really juicy rumor and gossip (like facts and thoughtful commentary ever captured anyone’s attention or sold a newspaper or 30-second TV ad spot).

  3. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 1:41 pm:

    1) The only O’Connor signs I’ve seen were over at Irving Park & Pulaski area.
    2) I’ve seen Fritchey signs and Wheelan signs in the area near the Montrose Brown line stop.
    3) I’ve seen Quigley signs over at Damen & Foster.
    4) Maybe O’Connor’s strategy is to let Sara/Quigley/Fritchey beat each other up????? He sure is quiet.

  4. - 5th District voter - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 1:41 pm:

    I live a three minute walk away from Fritchey’s office as well as Feigenholtz. A ten minute walk from Wheelan’s.

    Only a precinct worker has knocked on my door during petition collection from Fritchey’s office. No one else. Nothing left at my door. No mail pieces yet, no commercials and certainly no local news besides here on Cap fax and at Progress Illinois.

    A hot race and such little coverage is very disheartening.

  5. - 5th District voter - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 1:44 pm:

    Oh I should add that I have seen a lot of Fritchey sings at the gas stations and a couple of other locations on Addison and Fullerton.

  6. - SSDD - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    Sara’s response to the Quigley hit should be interesting given that she skipped session AGAIN yesterday and today.

  7. - Lert - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 1:50 pm:

    I urge capfax readers in the IL-5 to look into one underdog candidate in particular: Dr. Victor Forys. He runs the largest medical clinic on the Northwest Side and has advocated obo working people since the late 70’s when he joined the Solidarity movement while studying in Poland.
    Bottom line is that Victor Forys has been in the trenches (10,000 patients at his clinic) and knows what’s needed to take the fight for health care reform to congress. blog:
    Check out the local event on Friday at the Martini Club - free food!

  8. - carbon deforestation - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 1:56 pm:

    Maybe the TV stations would cover the race if Blago made an endorsement.

  9. - Lakefront Liberal - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 1:59 pm:

    For most media and most voters “politics” means PRESIDENTIAL politics. The lack of covereage of this congressional race seems par for the course for most congressional races, no matter how hot or how contested. But it is really irresponsible of the media since this is a hugely significant race.

  10. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:00 pm:

    “Buddhists for Fritchey” — Buddhist Temple at Ashland and Wilson has 4 by 8 Fritchey signs posted.

    Didn’t know Buddhists made political endorsements!

  11. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:01 pm:

    I really think the lack of coverage is more reflective of political fatigue in the wake of Barack’s election and the Rod fiasco. I’m the ultimate political junkie, know all these guys and I’m not even paying much attention. Heck, I don’t even know who I’m voting for.

  12. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:04 pm:

    I’ve been getting a lot of “Twitter” from Mike Quigley as of late. Gay Chicago Magazine did a feature on the race this week too.

  13. - Amy - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:05 pm:

    thanks, everyone, for the sign reports. it makes it come alive!

  14. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:07 pm:

    Ok, I guess the one thing I do know is that I won’t be voting for Victor Forys.

  15. - Windy Cityzen - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:10 pm:

    Funny how Mike wants Sara to answer questions. Well, Quigley I have some questions about your support of Todd Stroger.

    Why did you send members of your staff to help Stroger win in 2006?

    Why did you endorse Stroger?

    Quigley, why did you vote for Stroger’s 2007 budget? (A budget that cut frontline workers and gave cushy jobs to Strogers friends and families.)

    Just curious Mike, I mean you want answers from Sara. Its only fair that you answer these questions right?

  16. - OOC - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:11 pm:

    Hold the phone… Sara skipped session again this week? Can someone please confirm with an attendance roll call?

  17. - In the 5th - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:24 pm:

    I am in Fritchey’s state rep district and we’ve had:
    1. 1 knock on the door asking us to support Fritchey.
    2. 1 knock on the door asking us to support Feigenholtz.
    3. 3 mailers from Quigley.
    4. 2 mailers from Feingenholtz.
    5. I’ve seen one Quigley sign on a house; two Fritchey signs on businesses.

  18. - It's confirmed - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:29 pm:

    She is listed as absent on BOTH yesterday’s and today’s roll calls. Gee, you think it has anything to do with the upcoming fundraising reporting deadline tomorrow?

    Hard to make a case for getting elected to a new job, when you don’t even do the one you already have.

  19. - Windy Cityzen - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    ==Hard to make a case for getting elected to a new job, when you don’t even do the one you already have.==

    Tell that to Barack Obama… He missed so many Senate votes while campaigning. Campaigning is a full-time job. Anyway, I am sure everyone was this critical of Barack as well.

  20. - Amy - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    re any flap about who supported Stroger for what: stroger is horrid, but can you imagine Peraica in charge? have you watched him in action? do you not remember the “torch mob” scene on election night? so if Obama supported oh, say, Blago or Stroger, did you support McCain?

  21. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    ===Anyway, I am sure everyone was this critical of Barack as well.===

    Countless blog comments on that subject the past two years. Countless.

    In other words, deal with it.

  22. - Bill - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:38 pm:

    Quigley hasn’t missed any County Board meetings or committee meetings during the camapign. Fritchey hasn’t missed any session days. Sara, on the other hand, just blows off the job she was elected to so she can try to con the electorate into voting her into Congress. This was after she took heat for missing an important vote to have a fundraiser. Arrogance personified!What do you think would happen if she actually got elected and the spotlight was off?
    By the way,a great job by bored now. I am really enjoying his unbiased, accurate, and interesting reporting. The articles on Illinoize are excellent. Who needs the Reader and mainstream dailies when Rich and bored now are on the job?

  23. - babs - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    2 pieces from Sara that are supposed to be “sepia toned” but look weird - if they are intended to appeal to eastern europeans and seniors it won’t work. Blurred print (on purpose) makes it hard to read. Quigley has a mail piece almost every day - I have about 7. Paul Bryar (spel?) has sent 3 pieces and has a cable commercial. Tom G sent a letter. Northwest side - Fritchey signs (big ones) everywhere (Central Ave, Milwaukee, Lawrence, etc). A few Forys (again I’m not sure of the exact spelling) signs in small store fronts. Calls (robo and live) almost everyday - seems to be one from each of the candidates.

  24. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:41 pm:

    I do love that Quigley move! That’s thinking!

  25. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:43 pm:

    I have received about a dozen mailers and calls from Quigley and Geoghegan.

  26. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:43 pm:

    I think all three of them are pretty decent candidates. Maybe there’s little interest because as a pratical matter there may not be much difference. None of these candidates will have Rhambo’s clout. They’ll vote the same way on 99% of the legislation that will come before it.

  27. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:45 pm:

    The calls were from Q. and G. The mailers were from a broader range, including Fritchey and Bryar.

  28. - Anonymous ZZZ - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:51 pm:

    I live in the 5th CD and I have not received one piece of mail from any of the candidates. I’m also puzzled by the lack of coverage. I had to go to the elections website to find out when the election is being held. I had no idea.

  29. - Bill - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:55 pm:

    ==hard working state reps in Springfield.==
    That might be true if she was actually IN Springfield. Everybody in the capitol knows that the hard work takes place every day not just the day bills have third readings. So now the take is that Sara is not going so that she can save the taxpayers money? Maybe she’ll show up when she thinks it is important enough. I guess when you are a back bencher with nothing to do it really isn’t important if you are there or not.

  30. - BannedForLife - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:56 pm:

    “The Illinois AFL-CIO has endorsed Rep. Fritchey.”

    are you planning to post that every day?

  31. - Just Wondering. . . - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 2:59 pm:


    Last week you had a big post about Roger Romanelli calling a press conference on 2/7. He said he was going to tell his “story for the good of America” and that he wanted voters to “Help Barack Obama defeat John Fritchey.”

    Many of us didn’t realize either that Fritchey was a threat to America or that the President of the United States had targeted him for defeat.

    Not sure why you posted the Romanelli statement given his obvious hyperbole, but what’s done is done. What I want to know is: since you did post it, did you (or anyone else) attend his press conference? Did he have anything credible to say? And, if you didn’t attend, or if Romanelli didn’t have anything worthwhile to say, will you be sparing us from whatever future “press releases” he might deam up and send your way?

  32. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    ===everyone on here is obviously working for one of the candidates.===

    Par for the course for these sorts of races.

  33. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    === Not sure why you posted the Romanelli statement given his obvious hyperbole, but what’s done is done. What I want to know is: since you did post it, did you (or anyone else) attend his press conference? ===

    I posted it as a joke.

    I have no idea what he said and I don’t believe he even sent me a follow-up release.

  34. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 3:10 pm:

    BannedForLife, the fact was pertinent to the piece. Take a breath, please. I’ve posted the SEIU Feigenholtz thing about three days in a row as well

  35. - Tom B. - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 3:30 pm:

    –Is that all you’ve got–

    It’s true, I really do need them. One of these days… Till then, I’ll just be angry every day so you guys can be entertained.

  36. - fedup dem - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 3:31 pm:

    I suspect that with the Lincoln’s Birthday and Presidents Day holidays coming up you will begin to see more activity from a lot of politically-minded people, Look for candidates at the Jefferson Park CTA station every morning from now on.

    In the meantime, I noticed that PDA Chicago (which has a mere simple majority requirement for an endorsement, as opposed to the 75% required for its Northside counterpart) went and backed Tom Geoghegan. However, it should be noted that they have a near-slvish devotion to just one issue; single-payer health care. Could someone explain to me what is the difference to their tunnel vision on this issue (ignoring factors like electability) versus the single-mindedness Right to Lifers have one the abortion issue (where they even seek to find a pro-life stand for Water Reclamation District candidates)?

  37. - Dave Clarkin - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 3:50 pm:

    === I guess when you are a back bencher with nothing to do it really isn’t important if you are there or not. ===

    Bill -

    I appreciate that you are as passionate an advocate for Fritchey as you were for Rod Blagojevich, but this is about the third time I’ve seen you or another Fritchey supporter make this statement, and this talking point simply isn’t backed up by the facts.

    Over the past six years, John Fritchey has enacted 56 state laws, while Feigenholtz has enacted 55 state laws. That puts BOTH of them in the upper decks as far as legislative productivity is concerned, I can assure you.

    Moreover, both have authored and passed SUBSTANTIAL legislation with sweeping implications. Feigenholtz focused mainly on expanding access to health care and human services, while Fritchey focused mainly on ethics and government reform.

    BOTH issues are important to the people of Illinois.

    Please show me what the difference is between Fritchey’s legislative record and Feigenholtz’s, other than one was passed by a man and the other was passed by a woman.

  38. - Amy - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 3:51 pm:

    Bryar commercial on MSNBC re a friend. she said he’s wearing his white doc coat and in a car, which strikes me as weird. she wondered who Bryar is! would not have figured that to be the first commercial I heard about.

  39. - bored now - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 4:07 pm:

    ===everyone on here is obviously working for one of the candidates.===

    i’m not. and, as i’ve made clear with all the campaigns, i know (and like) people in about half of them…

  40. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 4:27 pm:

    Thank you Dave Clarkin. As usual, you are right again. Enough with all the bickering, they are both good state reps!

  41. - Dave Clarkin - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 4:42 pm:

    === i’m not. ===

    bored now -

    I’m sorry if it seems like you’ve got your mind made up already that it should be anyone but Feigenholtz, but I’m still trying to find out why you too praise Fritchey and (gulp) Quigley as “workhorses”, but not Feigenholtz?

    I asked you over at Illinoize what qualifies Quigley as a “workhorse” in your mind?

    Because other than issuing reports, holding press conferences and giving speeches about Todd Stroger, Quigley’s list of actual ordinances that he’s enacted over the last six years seems pretty sparse stacked up next to Feigenholtz & Fritchey’s five dozen.

    And as for your piece “defending” Quigley’s run for Congress, the only argument I saw from Quigley as to why he should run now for the County Board instead of finishing the job he promised his constituents when he ran for re-election two years ago is that he sees a rare political opportunity - for himself.

    Or, to quote YOU:

    “Quigley’s response is to the point. In our system of government, candidates for office are self-selected. It’s not the easy to move up the political ranks, and open seats in Congressional seats are fairly rare — especially in Illinois. If that is one’s ambition, then one must take advantage of the openings when they become available.”

  42. - Anon1365 - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 5:20 pm:

    ===…from Quigley as to why he should run now…is that he sees a rare political opportunity - for himself.===

    did you watch the video? he also said:

    “to do something better at a higher level” “there’s greater things to be done at the federal level”
    “you can get so much more done at the congressional level”

  43. - bored now - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 5:27 pm:

    nice try. i don’t know feigenholtz, and i didn’t really know anyone who worked for her, either. but i’ll repeat what i told you on illinoize: i’ve asked her campaign 3 questions on a subject where i think she has been maligned in order to do a “reality check” post on that. in discussing this with kevin today, i got the impression that he/they thought my questions were a little off (their) message. i’m more than willing to set the record straight on things i know about and can put in perspective.

    you really should ask kevin for a copy of those 3 questions before you jump to any conclusion (i recognize that we aren’t inclined to agree on everything).

    one reason why we have so many good candidates in this race is because open congressional seats are rare in chicago — and a special election gives everyone a free pass (they don’t have to give up their own seat to run). that’s true for all four of the elected office holders. and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    since you seem to be fishing for a compliment about sara, i can easily say that i’ve been impressed by her campaign from what i’ve seen of it down here south of i-80. when i walked into her campaign office, it was lively and the kind of political campaign environment that you want to see (impassioned volunteers, staff working away at their duties). when i drove by sunday night, they were still working away (from what i could see through the window signs). but i don’t know sara, and i don’t pretend to. her campaign has not been as informative (meaning, they have only responded to one of my emailed questionnaires). we are still working out our relationship, as it were. i can only write about what i read or hear — i’m doing my best to keep informed…

  44. - Bill - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 5:33 pm:

    == other than one was passed by a man and the other was passed by a woman==

    What’s with you guys (and gals)Dave? Yesterday it was that goofball Morrison calling us racists and sexists and now you. When we bash your candidate for not doing her job and being a lousy legislator it has to be because she’s a woman? Play the race and gender card all you want. It doesn’t change the fact that Sara’s record can’t compare with either Quigley or Fritchey. If I were you I wouldn’t be bringing up Rod too much. As I stated before I never gave Rod $5000 like Sara did in 2006 after he was named as being under investigation by the FBI. If I remember correctly, Sara, when she did say anything was very supportive of our beloved former Governor for many years as were a several members of her staff while Fritchey championed the ethics legislation (HB 1) that eventually caused Rod’s undoing. I know that you have to make a living. Good luck with the campaign. However, I don’t think that charges of sexism are going to win it for her. Maybe you should go out and walk some precincts. I’d leave the brie at home however.

  45. - Dave Clarkin - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 5:52 pm:

    === “to do something better at a higher level” ‘there’s greater things to be done at the federal level” “you can get so much more done at the congressional level” ====

    LOL. Thanks Anon - I missed that. You’re right, and I stand corrected. Quigley sees a rare political opportunity for himself for a promotion. A promotion. A promotion.

    If Quigley thinks he can get more done for the residents of the 5th CD as one of 435 members of Congress than he can as one of 17 members of the Cook County Board, I wish him luck.

    Its my understanding that’s not really how Congress works.

    bored now - i’m not fishing for a compliment for sara - since you claim not to know much about her it wouldn’t mean much. But since you claim to only write about things you know, I’m STILL waiting to hear why you think Quigley is a “workhorse.” I assume you mean as a county commissioner, not his side jobs as lawyer or professor, and so you’ve got some evidence of massive amounts of work by him that have produced public benefit? Typically legislation or ordinances, like the five dozen Fritchey and Feigenholtz have enacted in the past six years? Although I guess you could argue that non-lgislative changes like “Under Mike’s leadership, Cook County became one of the first major jurisdictions in North America to take action to reduce the number of birds injured or killed each year when they mistake the reflections in window glass for open sky and collide with buildings” could count.

  46. - Bobs yer - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 9:24 pm:

    Have to give a view from outside of CCDem land. The 5CD race is so inside…I can’t believe there’s any ’statewide’ interest. The number of comments daily on this post show how many regulars are really Chicago Dems. Not to mention all the new names, who apparently represent campaign workers hoping to experience the bright lights of DC.

    Makes me wonder if this State will ever change. Will SEIU or AFL-CIO carry the day? Well, how many of these ‘members’ are close to minimum wage workers whose ‘contributions’ are essentially involuntary. Who cares, right?

    Reminds me of a soap opera….will sara or john or bob ted or alice win out? Will T-zak break out of jail to swing the election? Tune in next week! Just don’t expect anything different.

  47. - Quizzical - Tuesday, Feb 10, 09 @ 9:46 pm:


    I think the lack of buzz about this race is a good example of the demise of newspapers. It’s a storied seat and lots of interesting candidates, but the type of reporters who could do in-depth analysis and daily coverage just aren’t there anymore. TV was never good at in depth coverage, but they were keen on piggybacking on stories that appeared in the papers. I’m about to give up on even checking the Trib and Suntimes websites because it seems like there’s very little news, and what stories there are stay up for days.

  48. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 11, 09 @ 7:58 am:

    ==“Buddhists for Fritchey” ==

    But only for this incarnation.

  49. - grand old partisan - Wednesday, Feb 11, 09 @ 8:37 am:

    Does it really matter who wins this (primary) race? Are any of these ‘characters’ really in disagreement about key issues? Will any of them be anything more than a rubber-stamp for Obama’s agenda? or Pelosi’s? or (all protestations from Fritchey notwithstanding) Daley’s? Sure, they each have their own special interest focus and pet projects – but do any of us who either live outside the district or aren’t affected by those special interests or pet projects really care?

    My guess is that the editors of the major dailies here know the answers to those questions – and that’s why we’re not seeing more coverage of this race.

  50. - Brad Flora - Wednesday, Feb 11, 09 @ 9:54 am:

    Two things:

    You should really check out Jesse Greenberg’s blog for coverage of the IL-5 race. He’s dredging up some great stuff. That Gapers Block post was based off some of his research.

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