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Question of the day

Friday, Feb 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Do you use any networking websites like FaceBook, Twitter, etc.? Which ones? How do you use them? How often do you use them? How useful or entertaining are they? Explain fully. Thanks.


  1. - Dan S, a Voter, Taxpayer and Cubs Fan - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:11 am:

    I have a Facebook page and use it for keeping up with friends, it also has some entertainment value.

  2. - Concerned Observer - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:13 am:

    I’m new to both Facebook and Twitter, but I like them both. I really think of Facebook as a personal thing, where I can keep in touch with friends, share jokes and moments in peoples’ lives, etc.

    Twitter, I use more as a news aggregator. I’ve friended most of the major media and columnists in Chicago, along with the Post-Dispatch and other newspapers, CNN, ESPN, etc. It keeps me connected.

    I rarely send tweets myself, maybe one or two a day.

    Facebook, I update my status often and checking it from my cell phone is becoming a (scary) ritual.

  3. - Concerned Observer - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:15 am:

    (oh, and I’m a Fan of The Capitol Fax Blog on FB, and have friended capitolfax on twitter!)

  4. - 10th Indy - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:16 am:

    Facebook - i’m addicted. I can keep up with family all over the country - get the latest from my sisters in NY, see pics of my cousin’s kids in KY and play scrabble with my college roommate who is in San Francisco. Love the witty status updates and the notes pages chain letters and even some of the goofy aps.

  5. - Sangamon - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:16 am:

    No. I have registered and looked at them, but I am reluctant to put much info about myself on the Internet. I do not put any pictures up.

    My friends can reach me 24 hrs. a day by e-mail and cell phone. Just text me, if you want to stay in touch.

  6. - Pat Collins - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:18 am:

    Facebook. I upload practically all pics I take, and scans of older ones. I use it to keep in touch with friends and coworkers (esp ex-coworkers, and those overseas).

    I can upload pics once, everyone sees them.

  7. - carbon deforestation - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:19 am:

    I use Linked In because it is professional and provides useful resources for professionals.

    Being a married adult, I see absolutely no purpose or positive benefit to being on Facebook or other more socially oriented networking sites.

    The only friends I need to connect with (the only ones I actually have) are Yellow Dog Democrat and Vanilla Man.

  8. - Wife of 1 - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:22 am:

    Facebook. It has been a great tool to reconnect with old college and high school friends. I love seeing photos of friends and family and being able to share mine with them.

  9. - Baltimoron - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:22 am:

    Facebook, which I joined about 4 months ago. As my nickname suggests, I’m from Baltimore and it’s nice to be able to find people I’d lost track of over the years. Found three friends from high school that are here in the Chicago area. Never would have known that without facebook. Before bed I log on just to see if anyone has posted new photos, or has news to share. I don’t join FB causes, groups or do much else through it. I also wanted to be fluent in this stuff before my kids are old enough to be on it.

  10. - wndycty - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:23 am:

    Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. However I only use MySpace to follow bands, celebs, etc. and don’t use it to communicate.

    Facebook is my primary communication tool.

  11. - John Bambenek - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:25 am:

    I use both facebook and twitter ( mostly for networking for political activities. I’m probably more active on facebook, twitter’s blackberry software is less than ideal.

  12. - How Ironic - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:25 am:

    I recently joined Facebook. Mainly as a networking tool for aiding in job searches. As far as posting anything, I don’t really do it. Just don’t want to appear as a Luddite.

    Personally I don’t feel comfortable posting things that people can look at all the time. Makes me feel like I’m living in a glass house.

  13. - Redbright - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:31 am:

    I’m on Facebook but I don’t twitter (my smartphone has taken a dumb turn and I’m not in the financial mood to get a new one). So far Facebook is not top of mind for me but I can see that changing.

    I know there are debates about Facebook jumping the shark when the dominate users turned middle-aged. I suspect that the personal engagement that the users have with Facebook will keep it from being another AOL or Second Life.

  14. - Sangamon - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:34 am:

    Isn’t anyone concerned about their privacy? And heaven forbid, you are ever arrested. Web sleuths are all over your pictures and comments. I would even be afraid that friends would offer up my pictures.

  15. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:35 am:

    Facebook. I haven’t sent anything out per se and am still learning on it but I am starting to get notices from various political organizations and other professional groups I belong to, some of which are helpful and some of which are not.

  16. - kimsch - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:38 am:

    Facebook, twitter @kimsch, and LinkedIn (new there). I use them to keep in touch and keep up to date on issues that interest me. The twitter hashtags are good. I follow CapitolFax on twitter. I’ll have to find Capitol Fax on Facebook so I can be a fan.

    Twobile for my Windows Mobile Treo is good for following twitter there. Twitter and Facebook both have mobile browser interfaces too. I do Facebook from the Treo that way.

  17. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:41 am:

    No, they’re too much for me. At some point, you have to put away the gadgets and read, write and think.

  18. - Pat Collins - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:51 am:

    I don’t feel comfortable posting things

    Isn’t anyone concerned about their privacy?

    Ever see the first Indiana Jones? Remember how the US gov hid the ark? That is the way I feel about it.

    I obsessed about my first GF for a week on FB, and almost no one noticed.

    The issue isn’t “won’t the world see it” but “will anyone bother to look”. *^^*

  19. - Mr. Know-it-All - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:54 am:

    Facebook, yes. Great for keeping in touch with friends and colleagues near and far.

    Twitter, no. I don’t understand its purpose or appeal.

  20. - Y2D - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:56 am:

    FB is quite addictive. I have found several old school mates … and one ol’girlfriend.

  21. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:57 am:

    I started myspace a couple years ago, but quickly grew tired of it. FB is great for connecting with older friends as we get ready for our 25th high school reunion next year…D’OH! For those concerned about privacy…the web sleuths may be watching but I don’t do anything (or at least don’t put it on FB) that I wouldn’t want my mom to see. Seems to have worked so far, or maybe I’m just really boring. I don’t have a smartphone so I have never even bothered with twitter…I don’t need one as I feel a standard cell is a big enough leash for me now.

  22. - ding - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    Twitter - I have 2 accts; 1 that’s personal and 1 for my pseudonymous blogging persona where I post mostly policy, sector or issue-oriented tweets. I update both daily and often via Twitterberry.
    Facebook - for personal and professional networking, mostly personal; I update my status daily via their mobile tool and have reconnected with almost everyone from high school, college and grad school. My dad is on it, now.
    MySpace - I closed my account.
    Friendster - closed years ago.
    LinkedIn - rarely used; I use it just to update my work history for professional networking.

  23. - montrose - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:24 pm:

    I use Facebook a lot, but have yet to use Twitter. I just have not taken the time to figure Twitter out. Facebook has been an amazing tool for reconnecting with folks from various stages of life. It is a fun way to stay in touch. I am happy to be one of Rich Miller’s 1,247,543 friends.

  24. - Amy - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    none of it. i love how Stephen Colbert used to refer to the sites as MyFace.

  25. - cermak_rd - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    Facebook. I use it for keeping in touch with college friends and have lately started to befriend old friends from high school in Mattoon. I was a misfit in high school, so didn’t have a lot of friends, but now that we’re all sliding toward middle age, it turns out everyone’s a misfit, so I seem to fit in a little better now than I did back in the day.

  26. - Cheswick - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:40 pm:

    I’m on Myspace, but haven’t checked in for so long, they sent me an email to log in or they’d delete my account.

    I’m on Facebook and have connected with one person from high school, some people I met on the Internet, and most of my family, who I’ve found to be just as insufferable on FB, if not more.

    I’m on LinkedIn and love the concept, but so far it hasn’t helped me get work, which is why I joined.

    As for Twitter, I tweeted up a storm during the presidential debates. These days I’m good for some inconsequential thought once or twice a day. For the most part, I thrive on the tweets from other people. Lots of good stuff there. It is very useful. Very entertaining. And sometimes educational. I love it.

  27. - Dan Vock - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:52 pm:

    I’m on both. I like Facebook a lot more. I use it mostly to share stories and photos. I’m in the news business, so I see a LOT of interesting stories and I get a lot of good responses. I don’t have a lot to hide, but I do try to be mindful of appearances on Facebook. Some things are just better kept between friends. I recently joined Twitter ( and use it mostly to follow news. I think live-tweeting can be somewhat tedious to follow, but I get it. I also share amusing / interesting links on Twitter. But it’s almost all related to state news.

  28. - frustrated GOP - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 12:53 pm:

    Facebook is great. it’s amazing the old freinds and family I forgot I had.

  29. - Little Egypt - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    I can see that I’m just too old of a dog for this new technology. I don’t have a clue how to use any of the things mentioned above. I am, however, still stuck in IM mode, which is about all I can handle. Being an “oldster” makes me wonder though about all the stuff being put on the internet using the various means and if that would ever come back to bite anyone should they be looking for new employment, security clearance, etc. I’m amazed at how unconcerned the younger folk are about divulging personal information for many to see and read. It can’t be retracted once it’s out there so be careful.

  30. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 1:53 pm:

    ==It can’t be retracted once it’s out there==
    Did anyone tell Roland that?

  31. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 1:57 pm:

    Facebook. Lots of work connections and political connections some family and a few friends from way back. Good way to keep in touch with some people.

  32. - Three Doors Over - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 2:09 pm:

    I’m on Twitter and Facebook - and only got on Twitter via reading this blog (thanks for that he says sarcastically). :)

    Facebook’s been good for reuniting with some old friends and family members I don’t make enough of an effort to keep up with. Twitter’s been less useful, but I’ve been adding some good news sources so it’s getting better.

  33. - ITP - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 2:32 pm:

    Great QOTD, Rich! And thanks for linking our survey of legislators’ use of technology in the subscriber-only section as well.

    As I recently heard someone say, “Facebook is to email, as Twitter is to texting.” Glad to see so many of your readers diving in.

  34. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 3:48 pm:

    Facebook and LinkedIn. I was a huge FB skeptic and thought, as some have said above, that it’s really just for social purposes. But that is sooooooo wrong. I’ve found FB is infinitely better for business networking than LinkedIn and now don’t even bother with LinkedIn. If I have one social networking site, it’s definitely FB. Haven’t twittered yet.

  35. - Amy - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 4:13 pm:

    i wish i could facebooktwittermyspace Rich Miller right now and ask that he open the comments on the 5th CD thread. while i know the operatives have been excessive, the comment re attacking Sara/women/Hillary should be discussed. anyone can be criticized. the key is not to be sexist/racist/etc.

  36. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 4:14 pm:


    I’m tired and have no energy to deal with 5th CD comments right now. You made your point.

  37. - Amy - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 4:51 pm:

    thanks Rich. rest up. think good thoughts about the Sox.

  38. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 20, 09 @ 7:14 pm:

    I’m there with Sangamon. Just don’t feel comfortable posting info that personal on something that is not completely under my control. Just look at all the controversy this week re: Facebook’s ability to change their contract any time they want to, including deciding under whose ownership the material is, and hence, acquiring the ability to do anything they want with it.

    Sure, they decided to pull back, but what’s to say they won’t try it again in a year or so once they have more info in their systems?

    I also find it fascinating that alot of these “networking” sites” links to “unsuscribe” often do not work and/or after you do cancel your account, the data still stays in the cache until it clears out.

    I can see it now: a decade from now, people running for office are going to be brought down because they allowed a convicted child molester or someone in as a “friend”. They’ll be pleading guilty but only because they wanted to show the world how popular they are through their “friend” count.

    Reminds me of an attorney I knew who was unfortunate enough to have a picture taken of him with Gacy dressed as a clown at a fundraiser. (That was the one and only time he’d met him.) Once the story broke, he was investigated solely because of that picture and people did begin to wonder.

    THAT picture was never even posted on the internet.

  39. - Rebw - Saturday, Feb 21, 09 @ 1:28 am:

    I’m only 20, but I just can’t get into the Facebook/Twitter applications. I had a MySpace in high school but it hasn’t really been updated much since I moved away after school. I always feel like you need to be connected to it wherever you are all hours of the day, which I’m not. Maybe I’m just a shut-in, but it isn’t interesting at all to me.

  40. - erstwhilesteve - Saturday, Feb 21, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    I’m on LinkedIn, where I’ve met some pretty interesting people that I’ve followed up with independently, and reestablished some old connections. I’m on Plaxo experimentally - not sure that I’m going anywhere with it. I’m on FaceBook to keep up with my kids (all in their 40s) and some other family members.

  41. - Highway Man - Sunday, Feb 22, 09 @ 4:42 am:

    It has been said “Facebook is for people you knew, Twitter is for people you want to know”

    I am a complete Twitter addict. The secret is to follow the right people. I also have two accounts, one personal the other social.

    Also, I get all the news faster on Twitter then any other source. The last time an airplane went down I saw it on twitter then turned on the cable news - five minutes later they finally ‘broke’ the story. Newspapers & television RIP. Long live the blogs and micro blogs!

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