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Madigan continues to fight even though war is over

Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column takes a look at the ongoing nightmare in the Illinois House

The nasty and brutish Statehouse war is officially over for everyone but House Speaker Michael Madigan.

The House Republicans made a big stink last week. It was totally expected. They were upset with House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie’s explanation for why she did not immediately inform the House impeachment committee that U.S. Sen. Roland Burris had submitted a new and highly explosive sworn affidavit. The affidavit created a media feeding frenzy because it raised serious questions in reference to Burris’ truthfulness about his appointment to the Senate by former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

What wasn’t expected is the way Madigan reacted to the minority Republicans. Madigan ordered his Rules Committee to pop a Rep. Jack Franks resolution onto the floor that asked for an investigation by the Sangamon County state’s attorney, who is already looking into whether Burris committed perjury during his impeachment committee testimony and via his affidavits.

The Franks resolution asked the state’s attorney to look into allegations made by Blagojevich on WLS-AM (890) several days ago. Blagojevich claimed a legislative leader asked him to find a state job for a legislator’s secretary after the legislator’s wife discovered the two were having an affair.

House Minority Leader Tom Cross (R-Oswego) immediately saw the move for exactly what it was: A blatant attempt to punish House Republicans for speaking out about an issue they believed to be important. Cross excoriated Madigan and the Democrats for bringing Franks’ resolution to the floor and threatened to retaliate, vowing to ask the state’s attorney to investigate everything that Blagojevich has ever said and ever will say about hanky panky by House Democrats.

Since Cross took the bait, pretty much everyone under the dome immediately assumed he was the legislative leader mentioned by Blagojevich, even though he later denied it.

But the Madigan trick worked. The emphasis was now off Currie and on a potential sex scandal involving a legislator. And because of that, the big issue on many minds last week was where Madigan’s move might eventually lead.

Legislators are human beings. They are therefore flawed. Attacking one member for an egregious personal mistake could open up the biggest can of worms imaginable. I mean, seriously, are they now going to start outing legislators, statewide officials and top staff who’ve succumbed to various human temptations? Can Madigan truly think he can sanctimoniously throw the first stone knowing what he does (and what others do) about his own people and what he has done to help them solve their little problems or extricate themselves from sticky situations? If he asks, I’d be happy to remind him.

Since the nuclear option could destroy so many lives, things will probably stop right where they are. Sinners can breathe easy.

The real problem here is Madigan doesn’t seem to realize the war is over. His former enemies Blagojevich and former Senate President Emil Jones are gone. The new Senate president is the godfather of Madigan’s only son. The new governor is so eager to avoid Blagojevich’s many mistakes that he appears to be more than willing to bow to Madigan’s power. Last year’s election resulted in Madigan controlling 71 seats, just one short of a super-majority, so the Republicans have been thoroughly defeated.

Yet Madigan continues to punish everyone he believes are his enemies. House Democrats who allied themselves with Blagojevich have been whacked but good. The onerous and oppressive House rules, originally put in place by the Republicans to keep Madigan from waging guerrilla warfare when he was in the minority party, have been left unchanged. And the pathetically powerless Republicans who dared defy Madigan last year by working with Blagojevich on the capital construction plan are being stomped at almost every turn.

Blagojevich’s horrid legacy is being purged in the Senate. Democrats and Republicans are attempting to work with each other for the first time in years. Senate President John Cullerton even set up a bipartisan dinner event for senators and their spouses. And he has loosened his office’s stranglehold on power.

But Blagojevich’s ghost reigns supreme in the House. It’s like he never left. He can still control events from afar, as was amply demonstrated last week.

Any commenter who speculates on who the legislator in question is will be banned for life. Period. No exceptions.


  1. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 8:55 am:

    This was a petty move by the dems. Giving any sort of credibility to Blagojevich’s claims does nothing to further the necessary healing process. The man has been expelled from Illinois politics for life. Its time for the Speaker to get past this period of hostility and embrace Leader Cross, a true leader who can help get by the partisanship and address the important issues that need legislative attention.

    Tom, you are a class act. Mr. Madigan, please let go and move on.

  2. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 8:55 am:

    Is it possible that this behavior is motivated by
    Madigan’s desire to see his daughter as governor, that is, he needs to maintain as much control as possible in order to ensure that as issues come up that might derail her bid, he can quash them. Maybe, given recent events, he’s even worried about Lisa being vanquished by a Republican in 2010. He has always had a reputation as somewhat Machiavellian, but maybe his behavior can be correctly ascribed to good old fashioned nepotism.

    And now that Quinn has made it clear that he is running in 2010, even more important for Madigan to try to control everything.

  3. - Pat collins - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 8:56 am:

    Yet Madigan continues to punish everyone he believes are his enemies

    Ever see Band of Brothers? Before some men ran out to do something, the others would shoot “suppressive fire”. The idea was to keep the enemies’ head down so the others could do something else.

    Maybe this is the political version of “suppressive fire” getting ready for 2010?

    Personally, I think it’s over reaching, but imagine if you were thinking of supporting someone else in a 2010 D primary.

    You might now think “gee, if he is like this now, what would he do if I actually didn’t support L whole heartedly”?

  4. - George - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 8:59 am:

    What? You mean every problem wasn’t solved when Rod was removed?

    You mean these legislators may actually have to be accountable for their own actions now that they don’t have Rod to blame for everything?

    Man - that’s gonna suck.

  5. - sneaker - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:01 am:

    Mike Madigan’s actions prove the point that he is part of the problem with Illinos politics. I don’t care why he is pointing fingers, it is just not fitting for someone of his stature to point fingers.

    Also, how do we know that Blago was telling the truth? It’s not like he is above lying and cheating to get what he wants.

  6. - You Go Boy - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:01 am:

    Right on target Rich. Not to stretch the analogy to ridiculous lengths, but I think of Patton, and how peace scared the crap out of him. War? Well that was his raison d’etre (and I don’t care for the French) Killing ‘em ain’t enough, you gotta CRUSH ‘EM!!!!

  7. - wndycty - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:04 am:

    The reaction by Cross still baffles me because he opened up the speculation.

    What I want to know is does it make sense for the media and the DA to start looking at this harder? When Rod made the allegation it was easy to dismiss, however the Minority Leader’s accusation that this was an attempt to punish the Republicans tells me there might be something there.

  8. - Ghost - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:04 am:

    I somewhat support madigan on this. The republicans are in the minority right now. What have the repubs done to extend an olive branch or make peace with madigan? When blag was around they atacked Madigan and stood up to be counted with blago. When Blago was gone instead of asking for a sit down to discuss the currie affidavit issue they ran to the press hoping to wage war in the media. The republicans insist on fighting, and madigan has simply indicated his is willing to travle that path if they wish to. The republican press war alleging a conspiracy on the stimulus bill was not a reasonable approach; it was not even factually accurate. If the republicans in the house want to flail about with such attacks then I say they are asking for the war to continue and Madigan is just responding to the battle they have put into play.

  9. - Brian - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:15 am:

    Rich, you said “Legislators are human beings. They are therefore flawed.”

    I respectfully disagree with your premise. Noboby is automatically flawed and this just makes excuses, which can be used for everything from infidelity to corruption to lying.

    It’s about time we raise the expectation of everyone, especially public officials. The longer we all look the other way at the antics and corruption of Daley, the sleazy conduct of legisators or the tricks of leaders, the longer we have a dysfunctional system that we all suffer from.

  10. - Easy - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:15 am:

    Just so I’m clear, Madigan doesn’t trust Rod enough to sit in a meeting with him. But once Rod makes a salacious allegation, Madigan is ready to launch a criminal investigation.

    It’s so true, Madigan is part of the problem and all he cares about right now is protecting Flunky BFC and StatewideLisa (I hope the Statwide isn’t copyrighted)

  11. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:21 am:

    I believe that Michael Madigan is punch-drunk and getting crotchety. This happens to most of us when we reach his age. Look at the stressers he has been dealing with over the past decade, and you’ll see that he has been fighting for a long time.

    How he rose to power requires a different set of political skills often denied others. It isn’t unusual to witness political leaders victoriously gain power, just to flop while in power. Madigan has proven an ability to do both, yet the skills he has in gaining power is undermining any constructive agenda that voters will measure his success.

    That said, I have no fear of a nuclear option. If Madigan wishes to unleash the beasts of political gossip and innuendo, and brings the House to a crash - good. Sometimes change is ugly, but ugly is all we have been getting served in Illinois government for years. Let it go down in flames.

    Everyone - and I mean everyone - is replaceable. We don’t have term limits, so we have not witnessed the changes forced upon state governments elsewhere when political stars leave office. So if one of our shining political stars is shining in some petty embarrassment and is forced out of office due to it - fine. It isn’t like these wonderful elected officials were doing such a great job anyway.

    It is just difficult to imagine things getting worse than they are regarding the poor value Illinoians are getting for their tax dollars right now. Lighting a few political bombs in Springfield or Chicago that blow up in our state government would be equivalent of farting in an outhouse. It already stinks and few will notice.

    The war is not over. You see the budget deficit? You see the crappy losers playing games with our money, our kid’s money, and our grandkid’s money? The war will end when those idiots are out of office.

  12. - Princess - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:21 am:

    I guess I just don’t get the uproar. First, I could not care less who slept who with who. You could line up 20 odd men and you’ll find a ’stinker’ or two, I don’t find that anything new. I do find it a crock though to misbehave, get caught and then have the nerve to ask for your ‘honey’ to retain a job–’honey’ should of thought of her job before she jumped in bed with a married man. I tend to think of it as you got yourself and your ‘honey’ into this and now you should be willing to pay the price of getting ‘caught’–meaning ‘too bad you lost your job, maybe next time you will think twice’ and if the man pays has to pay the price of being public exposed for being a cheat perhaps he’ll think twice before cheating. On the other hand, I don’t care to hear all the rehash of who previously did what nor with who. Geez, keep your pants up and you won’t find yourselves in these situations. Move on, but don’t be asking for anymore favors.

  13. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:22 am:

    === The real problem here is Madigan doesn’t seem to realize the war is over. ===

    === Democrats and Republicans are attempting to work with each other for the first time in years. ===

    I take a different view. The real issue here is that Tom Cross and the Republicans tried to start a NEW WAR by scoring cheap partisan political points through attacks on the personal integrity of Barbara Flynn Currie.

    Currie is not just a top Democratic leader. She’s one of Madigan’s closest friends, who served with him all the way back at the State Constitutional Convention. She’s also someone whom I don’t think any right-minded person, or wrong-minded for that matter, would question the integrity of. Even though she presides over the House Rules Committee, this is the first time I can remember ANYONE ever questioning her integrity. Not even Bill Black would stoop so rhetorically low.

    But Cross and the GOP not only attacked Currie’s integrity, they accused her of being part of a nefarious national Democratic plot.

    Anyone who expected anything LESS than retaliation from Madigan does not understand him nor his rules of engagement. In fact, I think most people, given the options on the table, would have done the same thing. I know I would have.

    At the end of the day, Madigan merely fired a warning shot. That message was apparently received, and hopefully if there is a next time, Cross will just call Currie and ask her what happened instead of calling his speechwriters and scheduling a press conference.

    I say HOPEFULLY because no one is really sure what Cross’s end game is. It takes two to build bipartisanship, and Republicans are going to have to be engaged in a positive, thoughtful way if they want to be a part of solving the budget problems THEY HELPED CREATE, going back atleast to 1997 when Republicans killed Edgar’s plan to fix the structural budget deficit.

    But solving the state’s problems may not be part of the Cross Agenda. Cross might be more interested in trying to turn the state’s problems into a game of Pin-The-Blame-On-The-Democrats, either in hopes of gaining the majority (a long shot), or more likely advancing his own well-known ambitions for statewide office in 2010.

    Finally, anyone who thinks that Madigan is too partisan or rules with an iron fist should just look at how differently he presides over the chamber than Emil Jones did. There’s no question that Madigan would rather wield carrots than a stick, but he keeps the House Rules the same because sometimes some people would rather throw carrots in your face.

  14. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:22 am:

    ====“Legislators are human beings. They are therefore flawed.”===

    Not if you believe their campaign mailers and television advertising.

  15. - BigDog - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:24 am:

    Given Madigan’s shenannigans, there is no conceivable way that I would ever cast a vote for Lisa for Gov if he were still in power. His continued pettiness will only serve to harm her chances IMO. The voting public has to be getting smarter to this kind of stuff, right? Right??

  16. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:26 am:

    ===Noboby is automatically flawed===

    That has to be the most ridiculous comment ever made here. Seriously. Nobody is automatically flawed? We have perfect humans walking around on the earth?

    Gimme a break.

  17. - Bill - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:28 am:

    Once a minion, always a minion. No matter what.

  18. - Anon - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:30 am:

    Maybe Madigan is just trying to bury Blago’s “Speaker Madigan and his Republican allies” accusations once and for all?

  19. - Say WHAT? - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:30 am:


    ===We have perfect humans walking around on the earth?===

    Not any more. There was only one perfect human being, and we definately are not Him. Not one of us, not even close.

  20. - Illinois Republican - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:31 am:

    The issue isn’t the sex, it’s the next step of allegedly trying to solicit state help and resources to keep someone’s girlfriend happy.

    What if a legislator had a mistress drive a get-away car in a hold-up, are people just supposed to shut up because “human temptations” were involved at one level?

    Keeping a mistress in Springfield isn’t illegal. Trying to misuse the state hiring system for her benefit would be.

    Sounds like Cross is trying to use sex angle as a shield to the possible legal problems.

  21. - Jeff Wartman - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:34 am:

    ==Noboby is automatically flawed and this just makes excuses, which can be used for everything from infidelity to corruption to lying.==

    I echo Rich — this is a ridiculous comment.

    Legislators are human beings who are just as susceptible to the mistakes of being human as the rest of us are. Sometimes, people make mistakes on their taxes, and sometimes they stray from their marriage — mistakes happen. We shouldn’t be in the business of shouting down every legislator with their mistakes, because there isn’t a person in the General Assembly or reading this blog who hasn’t made one in their life.

    It’s when the motive is criminal that we’ve got problems — certain politicians knowingly cheating on their taxes, or lying about indiscretions, or Blago’s alleged actions. Mistakes are mistakes, but crimes are crimes.

  22. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:35 am:

    ===mistress drive a get-away car in a hold-up===

    You’re seriously gonna compare a serious crime to this?

    ===Trying to misuse the state hiring system for her benefit would be.===

    If it’s a patronage job, hire or fire at will, then what would be illegal?

    I knew this post would stir things up, but we’ve seen a couple of real doozies today.

  23. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:38 am:

    There wasn’t a whole lot of Velvet in the Hammer, I’ll give you that. But it did cut off the ridiculous Currie-Burris-Stimulus Bill Conspiracy yammering.

    Still, it was odd that Cross took the bait, hook, line and sinker. He could have called the bluff and suggested the GOP would not only support it, but could produce additional suggested investigations for the state’s and U.S. attorneys.

  24. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:39 am:

    Easy -

    Barbara Flynn Currie graduated cum laude from the University of Chicago. She’s served the public with distinction in the General Assembly for 30 years.

    Calling her a “flunky” betrays your ignorance, and if Republicans continue down the road of personal attacks like that, I can assure you that the Franks Resolution is going to look like a paper airplane attack compared to the war that’s coming.

    There are atleast four GOP lawmakers in the same precarious spot that Hassert and Munson found themselves in last cycle. Taking out Hassert - one of Cross’s leaders - should have been a wake-up call to Cross.

    Of the 48 House Republicans remaining, only 25 are from the Chicago suburbs, with 23 from downstate.

    Who do you think will win the NEXT election for minority leader if 2-4 suburban Republicans lose their seats? Tom Roeser & Co. will launch a Holy War for control of that caucus spilling far more GOP blood than Madigan ever has.

    In fact, Roeser is probably gearing up for the primaries right now…

  25. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:40 am:

    The walls are caving in around Madigan. He propped up Blago and cannot escape that reality. People are starting to see Lisa is an ok gal and manager, but lacks the intellect or ambition to run the state. With Burris opening more problems, he cannot tie off the Blago era. This is how Mike Madigan has always worked, but his strangle hold on his own party is slipping. Even loyal democrats see the danger in his vision of his daugter becoming governor while he is still speaker. Time to go Mike, time to Go.

  26. - Easy - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:43 am:

    Flunky BFC sat on an affidavit and didn’t disclose pertinent phone calls and conversations with Roland’s attorneys. That’s not how the chair of a committee should operate.

    And it wasn’t Cross who exposed this, it was the Sun-Times.

  27. - wndycty - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:46 am:

    Here is another point to consider regardless of the suspected motivations of Franks and Madigan:

    One of the stronger allegations against Blagojevich is the accusation of hiring irregularities.

    If Rod did in fact hire someone’s mistress under the circumstances he talked about were the proper procedures followed or were the rules bent to facilitate this hire?

    The fact that Blagojevich is disgraced does not negate the fact there may have been some irregularities involved. I would think the legislature and the whistle blowers care about hiring irregularities REGARDLESS of who is involved, not just when Rod is involved.

    Forget for a minute the alleged affair, look at the hiring, was this mistress hired? And if so were the proper procedures followed?

    Many on CapFax, in the media and in the legislature were rightfully outraged when it was alleged the Blago administration was breaking the rules on hiring. Does that outrage end when it might tarnish others?

    Rod has disgraced himself, but that doesn’t mean that those who benefited from his behavior (including legislators) should get a pass.

  28. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:46 am:

    === If it’s a patronage job, hire or fire at will, then what would be illegal? ===

    Rich, I think it would be illegal if there were a quid pro quo…I’ll support your legislative agenda if you’ll give this woman a job.

    Fitzgerald has argued (successfully) in the past that its still theft of public services even if the thief didn’t benefit personally.

    That said, the most salient threat here is political embarrassment, not jail time, which I agree WOULD be a stretch.

  29. - Cranky Old Man - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    VM, thanks for the outhouse comment. I’m glad I didn’t have a mouthful of coffee. My nose would be scorched.

    ===That has to be the most ridiculous comment ever made here. Seriously. Nobody is automatically flawed? We have perfect humans walking around on the earth?===
    I don’t want to brag. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken. ;-)

  30. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    Currie doesn’t need to be defended. Her reputation does just fine. On the other hand, her mistake is a glaring one that shouldn’t just pass without calling it out.

    The problem isn’t Currie - it is Roland Burris. Because of him, we have another parading idiot representing Illinois and if Currie did her job as well as she had in the past, we could have possibly avoided this Burris embarrassment. Not by preventing him from becoming a senator, but by knowing beforehand his tales of innocence.

    Blagojevich will continue to talk. He might even throw out more names just to rile the waters. Just as we had to build a wall around him as governor as he threw bombs, we will need to build a wall around him as he continues making news.

    Madigan should not have abused the situation in the way he did.

  31. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    Easy, that’s enough.

  32. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:50 am:

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Madigan despised and considered the problem in Springfield a few years back? It wasn’t until Rod started pushing people around and acting kind of crazy that Madigan’s power was appreciated and his efforts began to receive approval. Now that Rod and Emil are gone, it should be no surprise that those who appreciated Madigan’s firm grasp on power are going to return to the old position of resenting it.

  33. - Jeff Wartman - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:51 am:

    ==Fitzgerald has argued (successfully) in the past that its still theft of public services even if the thief didn’t benefit personally.==

    That’s true - look at the Sorich case. They tried the “but we’re innocent because we didn’t take bribes or kickbacks” and look where it got them — jail.

  34. - Dan S, a Voter, Taxpayer and Cubs Fan - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:51 am:

    Brian - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:15 am: There was only one perfect human and they crucified him. We are all flawed and have free will.

  35. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:52 am:


    Is there a reasonable, rational, reason why Currie failed to reveal this affadavit in a timely manner? I would appreciate a response to that question. Forget the partisan bickering and cross-accusations for a minute and look at what she said. Fairly lame if you ask me. I am not a believer of grand conspiracies. It seems as though Madigan is using an attack as a good defense to a problem that has not been addressed. It is simple - answer the question. She had this information and didn’t reveal something so monumental. Who can blame the republicans for making a big thing about it?

  36. - Truth - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 9:52 am:

    If things don’t get better this year everyone will know that Blago and Jones weren’t the only problems.

  37. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:05 am:

    === Flunky BFC sat on an affidavit and didn’t disclose pertinent phone calls and conversations with Roland’s attorneys. ===

    Easy - Burris’ affidavit was dated Feb. 4th, days AFTER Blagojevich was removed from office. As far as the impeachment committee was concerned, the entire affidavit was MOOT.

    === The walls are caving in around Madigan. He propped up Blago and cannot escape that reality. People are starting to see Lisa is an ok gal and manager, but lacks the intellect or ambition to run the state. ===

    I’ve heard that Madigan’s days are numbered so many times, yet he’s still Speaker, isn’t he?

    Look around you…Republicans can’t beat an egg. They couldn’t even beat Alexi, an undefined political neophyte. But their going to beat Lisa Madigan, who won re-election in 2006 with the largest statewide margin of any candidate?

    I’m not going to say there’s no way that Quinn can beat Madigan in a primary. Lisa would be a fool to take Quinn for granted. But anyone would be a fool to under-estimate her popularity statewide, the advantage of youth, the historic wind at her back of becoming Illinois’ first woman governor, her fundraising ability, and her interpersonal and political skills.

    Most importantly, Quinn finds himself in an awful Catch 22 right now. He has about six months to prove he can do the job govern responsibly. That’s going to require digging the state out of a $9 billion budget hole. That’s going to require both some unpopular cuts and some unpopular revenue enhancements.

    Quinn can be irresponsible or he can be unpopular, and either way the voters are likely to fire him.

  38. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:07 am:

    I have been of the opinion that Rod and Emil weren’t the only legs on that stool. Madigan has sufficient power to make or break any governor, coalition, bloc or rep. We may have to speculate on his motives but his actions are clear.

  39. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:08 am:

    DD– I believe she said she didn’t read it — just skimmed the first page which didn’t have the information on the further contacts.

    Given that impeachment was over and Burris was already seated, I would consider that reasonable and rational. It’s not like she was head of the Audit Committee for a multi-national corporation, a la Big Jim.

    At best you could call it careless and lacking, at worst lazy and incompetent. When it comes to government, generally go with incompetence over conspiracy.

  40. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:09 am:

    dupage dan -

    Yes, the reasonable answer for why the affidavit wasn’t RUSHED to the Republicans by the chair of the Impeachment Committee is that the Impeachment was OVER, therefore Burris’ affidavit was no longer germaine.

  41. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:13 am:

    It’s curious that YDD made reference to the affadavit only as it pertains to the removal of the Gov from office. How does that make the affadavit moot regarding Burris’ appointment? Answer the question.

    I will say, however, that the ILGOP is too disorganized to put up a fight in this situation. Quinn the democrat has an impossible job and will not likely be able to pull it off even without Madigan pulling his feet out from under him. I don’t even see a credible GOP candidate making much inroads in the Gov race.

  42. - carbon deforestation - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:16 am:

    I have to disagree with you totally on this Rich. If, IF, Blago used state resources to help an ally out of an uncomfortable personal situation - wouldn’t that be just as much of a violation of law as using state resources to help himself?

    I happen to think that flawed or not, if the state office holders abuse their power and hire or fire a mistress to keep them happy or quiet - that is an abuse of power, and an abuse of our taxpayer dollars. I’m not saying that Madigan is right for acting “holier than thou” but if we are really going to clean house now, let’s clean house.

    Cross way over-reacted and made this into something he shouldn’t have.

  43. - carbon deforestation - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:17 am:

    All that Cross should have said was “Blago is a liar, you want to take him at his word? Be my guest.”

  44. - Been There - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:29 am:

    ===Once a minion, always a minion. No matter what.===
    Bill, not true. But you don’t want to be an ex-minion. And you might not have any say in the matter.

  45. - soccermom - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:31 am:

    On the issue of whether legislators, their staffers or their constituents misbehave, I agree with noted Illinois political analyst Dorothy L. Sayers, who said: “As I grow older and older, And totter towards the tomb, I find that I care less and less Who goes to bed with whom.”

  46. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:36 am:

    The Speaker is in a pickle. As he contemplates how best to set up his daughters run for Governor, he is beset with so many puzzles.

    How to make the repubs look bad so they don’t become resurgent.

    How to deal with a surging Pat Quinn without looking like he is torpedoing the State for her benefit.

    How to look like he is fixing the corruption problem without actually “killing the job” as the city workers say.

    How to formulate a strong ticket so if his daughter wins the primary she wins the general-meaning no Burris or Stroger.

    So much to manipulate-so little time.

  47. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:46 am:

    The focus by so many people on Rod Blagojevich’s allegation only underscores my contention that RRB still has too much sway over our daily lives.

  48. - Leave a light on George - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 10:46 am:

    “Rod has disgraced himself, but that doesn’t mean that those who benefited from his behavior (including legislators) should get a pass.”

    Wndycty you hit the nail on the head. If we are ever going to get out of the mess we are in the fumigation of state government must be complete.

    I don’t expect government employees, any of them including the Governor and legislators to be perfect but they must be honest. Leaving the people in place who benefited from dishonesty just means they and their wormy schemes will still be around to resurface in the future.

  49. - Rob_N - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 11:14 am:

    YDD is right, the state GOP is trying to milk the Burris imbroglio for all they can.

    The HRO sent the State Committeeman out on frosh Rep Mark Walker last week on HR93 … even though it was a party-line vote and Walker was just one of 67 … even though he was not a sponsor like Franks or Mendoza (who also voted to send it to Rules, like Walker) … even though he didn’t even speak out on HR 93 one way or another.

    In fact, what Walker has done is publicly say that Burris should resign and that he supports an investigation by Schmidt (Sangamon State’s Atty).

    Are there refunds for the GOP’s kabuki?

    (Disclosure - I vol’ed for Mark & he’s a friend.)

  50. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 11:15 am:

    === It’s curious that YDD made reference to the affadavit only as it pertains to the removal of the Gov from office. How does that make the affadavit moot regarding Burris’ appointment? Answer the question. ===

    dupage dan - The affidavit was filed with the Investigation Committee, which was establish to investigate the grounds for impeachment of Rod Blagojevich. The affidavit was filed AFTER Rod had not only been impeached but also removed from office, which would have made ANY affidavit filed moot. Even an exculpatory one, since we have no process for unimpeaching a governor.

    The jurisdiction of the committee was over Rod’s impeachment, and Burris’ appointment was no longer germaine once Rod was already removed.

    I know it seems like a crazy legal notion to you, but its the same reason you can’t appeal a death penalty conviction once the prisoner has been executed.

    P.S. If Republicans were so gung-ho about getting this affidavit, they should have pressed for it before the Senate trial began.

  51. - Confused 2B - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 11:20 am:

    I agree that the issue isn’t just “the Sex” as Illinois Republican stated-but what about the fact that these legislators have been ELECTED by the PEOPLE of Illinos to do a JOB in Springfield-not to go down there and have affairs-then try to get jobs for them! That is an abuse of power on ANY and ALL levels! What about ALL the spouses back home taking care of everything while the other one is down there cheating? I just think it has to be hard on ALL politicians and their families-NOT ALL of them cheat or drink-but again the ones that do spoil it for all the others!

    We need to try to move past this and move forward! Don’t assume that they ALL are doing this-there are many that are down there to WORK and they work HARD! We need to support our politicians and if we think they are doing wrong things then don’t vote for them next time!

    I think alot of them will start to clean up acts knowing that their next election may be their last! I just hope that EVERYONE will think before they speak badly about ALL politicians! It’s NOT ALL of them!

    How can they focus on the job that they are elected to do when we keep talking about this? We need to support them and move toward a POSITIVE and BETTER Illinois!

    We need to try to stop listening to what Blago says and focus on our economy and other issues that REALLY need our attention and our politicians attention!

  52. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 11:23 am:

    One of the few things in life I know for sure: When someone says, “it’s not about sex,” it’s about sex.

  53. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 11:46 am:


    === How to make the repubs look bad so they don’t become resurgent.

    +++ I think Madigan will just let them do what they’ve always done, which has never worked in the past.

    === How to deal with a surging Pat Quinn without looking like he is torpedoing the State for her benefit.

    +++ I think Madigan’s best strategy is to help Pat Quinn cut waste and raise taxes, if that’s what Quinn wants to do. If Lisa comes out later in opposition to the tax cuts, it only proves her independence. And frankly, polling may show that she doesn’t need to run against Quinn at all. She may just campaign against Rod and on her positive agenda.

    === How to look like he is fixing the corruption problem without actually “killing the job” as the city workers say.

    +++ I think Madigan will demonstrate that he’s for REAL reform, but not just every goofy idea that comes down the pike…like thinking that moving Election Day is going to magically solve all of our problems.

    I think that there MIGHT be some momentum for contribution caps, although given the expense of advertising on Chicago t.v. (third largest media market in the nation), I think caps that mirror the federal guidelines are more likely than $1,000 caps, which might not survive a court challenge.

    That said, reformers should be careful what they wish for. IF they get a cap passed, reformers and every editorial board will declare victory. But caps haven’t been shown to end corruption or the concentration of power in Washington. And if caps are passed, public financing of all elections will be dead for ten years.

    === How to formulate a strong ticket so if his daughter wins the primary she wins the general-meaning no Burris or Stroger.

    +++ This assumes that the GOP can nominate a strong candidate for Governor. Please, tell me who THAT is.

    Burris is out. And Stroger is below the Governor on the ticket…which means he could still help with turn-out, but won’t pull votes away.

    The ideal GOP line-up for Democrats is an ideologically conservative, all-white, all-male ticket. Think Roskam (U.S. Senate), Brady/Oberweis (Gov), Peraica (County Board).

    Do you really think pro-choice, pro-gun control Kirk can beat Roskam in a GOP primary? Brady pulled just enough votes away from The Milkman to lock up the endorsement for Topinka, and he’ll be rewarded. Think Peraica’s gonna play dead and hand the nomination to a carpetbagging, D-turned-R, former Daley Vallas? Think again.

  54. - Rob_N - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 12:00 pm:

    YDD, If Peraica runs for County President again he’ll have tough competition from Sen. Matt Murphy. Vallas will likely be an also ran in such a 3-way primary (I don’t see where his support would come from).

  55. - Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 12:02 pm:

    Seems to me that the delay in releasing Sen Burris’s affidavit was not likely an unconscious act. In that light I believe that it is fair to question and even criticize BFC for her role in what happened.

    To reflexively defend everything on a partisan basis is what drives the failures in politics.

    Based on what I see on this site, the healing has not yet begun

  56. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 12:18 pm:

    YDD, I disagree

    “I think Madigan will just let them do what they’ve always done, which has never worked in the past.”

    Wow, how soon we forget. It wasn’t that long ago the Repubs were trying to take over O’Hare Airport because they controlled both houses and the Governor’s office.

    “If Lisa comes out later in opposition to the tax cuts, it only proves her independence.”

    I would say it only proves a disingenuous agenda that lets her opponent do the heavy lifting.

    “I think Madigan will demonstrate that he’s for REAL reform.”

    I don’t.

    “This assumes that the GOP can nominate a strong candidate for Governor.”

    Every squirrel finds an acorn. I would think it will be Kirk for Governor with Roskam for Senate-or vice versa. I think they will agree on it without a primary fight. Peraica is history.

  57. - Narcoleptic - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 12:22 pm:

    Why are people finding it so hard to understand MJMs hard feelings?

    From day one, Ersatz Speaker Hoffman and Ersatz Governor Rod did everything possible to undercut MJM in a futile effort to take him out: They sided with Emil. They helped or didn’t help with votes as they chose. They conspired against him at every turn. They got Cross and Denny Hastert and Poshard on board in an effort to grease the Capital Bill so they could raise more money. They tried to pick off labor and the Cellini country club crew.

    And then all of a sudden they get a conscience and think they are the injured parties ’cause Rod got bounced and Madigan survived to lead another day. And then the Governor, their long-time pal and co-conspirator, turns on Them!! On them, of all people and throws out some accusation that could have been said about a host of politicians and non-politicians throughout the country.

    I think the Speaker probably found it all amusing until they started trying to tar Barb Currie.

    You almost have to sit back and say “Karma” isn’t comprehensive enough of a word to cover what has happened to Cross and Co. But if the Speaker and his minions (current and former) want to experience a little of Rich’s “schadenfreude” who could blame them?

    I say this whole episode goes away as long as Cross and company remember where their allegiances were then–not where they all want us to believe they are now.

  58. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 12:35 pm:

    I find the assumption that Lisa M. will run for Gov. in 2010 an overreach. The Spring session will determine who runs for what when the slate is set in August.

    It’s not unreasonable to foresee an agreement between Quinn, Madigan, and Cullerton to raise revenue and spend it in a way that makes everyone happy. That agreement might very well include Quinn spending a term as Gov. and walking away in 2014.

  59. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 12:40 pm:

    Actually, PJW, the GOP made a serious move on O’Hare when Dems controlled both houses in the GA.

    It was 1986, and Council Wars moved south. With the recent special election of Little Luis, Harold had gained control of the City Council. He immediately bounced Ed Kelly and his cronies out of the Park District.

    Fast Eddie made a white ethnic Dem deal with the GOP: Help save Ed Kelly and his patronage army by creating a state authority governing the Chicago parks in exchange for a state authority governing O’Hare, Midway, Meigs and DuPage.

    He then came down to Springfield and somehow got Madigan to allow a vote in the House, with Sam Vinson leading the charge for the GOP and Al Ronan for the white ethnic Dems.

    Madigan was in the chair during a raw, racial debate that lasted until the wee hours of a Saturday morning. Fast Eddie brought down the indicted Larry Bullock, who hadn’t been in Springfield all spring or summer, to cast the deciding votes for Ronan and Vinson in all the procedurals.

    When it came to the final vote, Bullock pretended he was sleeping; Ronan came sprinting down the aisle screaming for him to vote. Bullock started yelling “Mike, vote me aye” when Madigan slammed the gavel, looked directly at Ronan and shook his head “no.” Bill failed.

    Best theater I ever saw down there.

  60. - Gregor - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 12:58 pm:

    Mike needs to step down as Speaker (he can still be a rep) if he wants me to vote for Lisa over Pat. No more dynasties. And it is time. Mike, cut a deal with Quinn, support him for two years for all the really hard and unpopular things he is going to have to do, which just lays a successful framework for Lisa to assume, and he’ll let Lisa take it, and you use that time to transition out of the speakership: everybody wins.

  61. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 1:29 pm:


    It seems you still miss the point. If the whole issue was moot why then did Currie even come up with a lame excuse. Nowhere have I seen it mentioned that the issue was moot since the Gov was removed. I only hear the lame excuse regarding the failure to produce in a timely manner. You are the only one who keeps saying the issue was moot.

  62. - Easy - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 1:40 pm:

    I guess your point is that Burris could lie to a House committee and that it is ok for the Chair never to reveal these lies because they were not directly linked to the purpose of the committee?

    Was that the same defense you argued for Scooter Libby?

  63. - Chanson - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 2:09 pm:

    Currie should have been completely open if only to avoid at most the appearance of wrong doing or at least the appearance of poor judgement. And speaking of poor judgement, does M Madigan not understand that he himself is the biggest obstruction to L Madigan’s chance of being governor? I don’t care about people’s personal lives as long as they aren’t breaking the law or lie under oath about it.

  64. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 2:30 pm:

    Currie fans -

    I explained why Currie didn’t rush the affidavit to the Republicans, and she has been open and consistent in her explanation.

    Republicans are grasping at straws and creating distractions. Why?

    Where is the Republican Plan to balance the state budget? Where is the Republican Plan to fund a capital bill? Where is the GOP plan to fix our schools, make health care more affordable and accessible?

    They don’t exist, that’s why. And that’s why Illinois Republicans have lost every statewide office, two seats in Congress, and are nearing endangered species status in the General Assembly.

    We know what you’re AGAINST, tell us what you are FOR.

    Because aside from trying to regulate Facebook, Tom Cross doesn’t appear to be up to much.

  65. - Louis G. Atsaves - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 2:31 pm:

    Love the comments here! For YDD and others, why did Cross have to read about that affidavit in the Chicago Sun-Times? Just who really got disrespected here?

    If roles would have been reversed and Republicans pulled that one on Democrats, I am sure YDD and others would be in sustained shriek mode.

    Cross had every right to be angry and make an issue of it. And Cross had every right to explode over the follow up nonsense that was being pushed in his direction.

    Rich’s column hit the nail on the head. Why is the Speaker still behaving that way?

  66. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 2:44 pm:

    does M Madigan not understand that he himself is the biggest obstruction to L Madigan’s chance of being governor

    Mike Madigan heard the same thing when Lisa Madigan was running for the Illinois Senate and Attorney General. I think he’s starting to not believe it.

    Look, I’m no absolute fan of political dynasties, I judge them by the fruit they bear. Good dynasties: Hynes, Gore, Simon (Run, Shiela, Run!), Clinton, Kennedy. Bad Dynasties: Daley, Stroger, Bush.

    I think we ALL owe Mike Madigan a debt of gratitude for opposing Rod Blagojevich over the past six years, especially the last two, when the MSM and sometimes even bloggers served as Rod’s mouthpiece.

    And even most Republicans admit off-the-record that Lisa Madigan is the best Attorney General Illinois has ever had.

    If Republicans or even Pat Quinn want to attack Mike Madigan to try to get to Lisa Madigan, I wish you the best of luck. I remember how many Republican bloggers referred to The Speaker as Lisa’s “daddy” in 2002, and if you think that kind of condescending crap sits well with women voters…well, ask your wife, your mom, your sister or your girlfriend.

    But if you think Mike Madigan is going to take your advice when you urge him to step aside as Speaker or Chairman of the party, you are DELUDED.

  67. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 2:54 pm:

    Louis -

    The Sun-Times got the story from Burris. Currie admits that she hadn’t read the affidavit when the reporters called her. She admitted to being guilty of not opening her mail.

    If Republicans want to accuse of her of being asleep at the wheel or derelict in her responsibilities, so be it.

    But there are ABSOLUTELY no grounds for accusing her of being part of a national conspiracy.

    But, just so we don’t forget, EVERYONE on the committee was aware that Burris was supposed to be filing additional documents. Not ONCE have I heard that Republican lawmakers or their staff called Currie or Democratic staff to inquire as to whether the affidavit had been received.

    Why didn’t Republicans follow-up? I’m guessing for the same reason Democrats didn’t follow-up. The impeachment was OVER. We had a NEW GOVERNOR and a $9 Billion budget hole, and thanks to Rod and the impeachment trial, we were already two months behind.

  68. - The Court Jester - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    YDD your right about one thing…Madigan isn’t going to step down, because he’s demonstrated in the past 90 days what he’s really about. Power. King Mike is getting ready to anoint his daughter Governor. Nobody in Springfield is more responsible for the toxic atmosphere as King Mike. Attorney General is one thing, but Governor is totally different, as the Madigans will see that if Mike continues his high profile partisanship with more classless moves like the Franks resolution.

  69. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    Jester - You STILL don’t get it, do you? If Mike Madigan were interested only in power, do you think he would be alternating unfailingly between calling Democratic and GOP bills on the floor of the House? No.

    Suggesting that Madigan MUST resign if Lisa is to run for Governor is an interesting political strategy. But it is poor political advice.

    As Chairman of the Democratic Party, Madigan can aid Lisa’s campaign against the GOP better than any replacement you could name.

    And if she is elected Governor, who better than Speaker Madigan to help her carry out the agenda that the people elected her to?

    And there in lies the rub: Its easy to take potshots at Madigan, but tell me whom you think would do a BETTER job as Speaker or Party Chairman?

  70. - Chanson - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 7:34 pm:

    I do not think that having an elected official as a parent in anyway bestowes the right to public office to a child. I also do not hold it against Chelsea Clinton that her father perjured himself nor that her mother enabled his bad behavior. If she ever decides to run for public office, good luck to her. I also hold Ted Kennedy in low esteem for his actions during the car wreck in his eariler days but I do not hold the rest of his family responsible. I do not wish to see close relatives holding public office in positions that have control of two of three branches of government and not because they would always say yes to each other but because they would be find it hard to give a flat no even if it was in the best interest of the public. And in the interest of being transparent, I make my own decisions without relying on my husband, sons, brothers, and sisters nor do they rely on me as a wife, mother or sister to make their decisions. However, I am always open to listen to others opinions.

  71. - The Court Jester - Tuesday, Feb 24, 09 @ 7:54 pm:

    It’s pretty obvious to most un-biased observers that Madigan has lost his way. He’s so consumed with his power and desire to anoint his daughter to a higher office, he has become bitter and vindictive. Isn’t it time to govern?

  72. - Illinois Republican - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:06 am:

    “If it’s a patronage job, hire or fire at will, then what would be illegal?”

    For crying out loud, no one uses the phrase “patronage job” anymore.

    Maybe you heard something about Patrick Fitzgerald coming to town.

    There are some political appointments that officials get to make, that have to be policy related.

    A secretary would certainly NOT fit that bill.

    Go talk to that Zorich guy from Daley’s city hall about the downside of doing pretty much exactly what you just want to poo poo. I think he’s out of prison now.

    But stop embarrassing yourself in blind defense of the indefensible.

    Too use your own snark, take off the tinfoil.

    It’s no wonder this state stays so corrupt.

  73. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:10 am:

    There are tons of non-protected jobs that could be filled with a former legislative aide. Take a breath.

  74. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 25, 09 @ 11:29 am:

    Illinois Republican, don’t embarrass yourself.

    –Go talk to that Zorich guy from Daley’s city hall about the downside of doing pretty much exactly what you just want to poo poo. I think he’s out of prison now.

    But stop embarrassing yourself in blind defense of the indefensible.–

    His name is Sorich, and he’s still in prison. Zorich was a defensive lineman who played for Notre Dame and the Bears, and he’s never been in prison.

    Sorich was convicted for rigging tests for Shakman covered jobs.

    –It’s no wonder this state stays so corrupt.–

    Considering your level of discourse, It’s no wonder this state stays so blue.

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