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Daley for Senate? Brady to announce for guv

Friday, Feb 27, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bill Daley told me last year, flat-out, that he was not interested in going back to Washington, DC, whether in the Obama administration or in the US Senate. He may have changed his mind. Sneed

Sneed hears former U.S. Commerce Secretary Bill Daley, a major President Obama supporter, plans to enter the U.S. Senate sweepstakes.

• • Translation: Sneed is told Daley plans to emerge as a major contestant for the controversial Senate seat once held by Barack Obama; now held by the embattled Roland Burris!

• • The stats: Daley, who will trade on his stature and experience, has already talked to potential fund-raisers and plans to make an announcement in mid-April.

• • To wit: Daley’s keen interest in the U.S. Senate seat pits him against state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, 32, a rising star in Dem politics who recently accompanied U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin on a congressional trip overseas. Giannoulias, who plays basketball with Obama, plans to announce the formation Monday of an exploratory committee to run for the Senate.

* And, as I told subscribers yesterday, Sen. Bill Brady announces for governor on Monday

State Sen. Bill Brady will formally kick off his second bid for governor with a four-city fly-around Monday.

The 47-year-old Bloomington Republican, who received about 20 percent of the vote in the 2006 gubernatorial primary, is planning stops in Chicago, Springfield, Marion and Bloomington.

With his announcement, Brady becomes the first candidate to formally announce plans for the for the 2010 election.

As a conservative Republican, Brady said his campaign themes may hinge on what happens in the spring legislative session, where the Democrat-controlled House and Senate, as well as Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn, are hinting at raising taxes to close a massive budget gap.


  1. - Anon - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:27 am:

    Bill Daley is to the democratic party what Jim Edgar has become to the republican party. Dangling his name out there for everything, but never pulling the trigger.

  2. - Independent - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:31 am:

    I think Sneed is right. I suspected Bill Daley might be thinking about the Senate after he rejected a gubernatorial bid. His political itch seemed too strong to not run for something.

    Burris would welcome another candidate to split the protest vote with Alexi. If Bill Daley runs there will be a lot of hand wringing in the IL Democratic establishment over whom to endorse. I doubt the White House occupant will make a public endorsement but it would be interesting to see what he does behind the scenes.

  3. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:40 am:

    Anon, since Edgar actually ran and won more than a few races, comparing him to Bill Daley is inaccurate. Daley is more like Harold Stassen — no, wait, Stassen actually ran a few times. Daley is more like Hamlet — to be or not to be.

    Regarding Brady, I’ve never chartered a plane, but is four cities all you can get without re-fueling or something? Why not Quad-Cities, Rockford, Carbondale, Peoria, others?

  4. - ConservativeVeteran - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:43 am:

    I hope that St. Sen. Brady will change his mind. In Jan.-Mar. 2006, I walked seven precincts for him, but he shouldn’t run, statewide, in ‘10. Too many Illinois Republicans ran for statewide office, lost, and ran in a second statewide campaign, thinking that the first campaign would help them win the second race. However, those candidates usually lost the second race. In 1996 and ’98, Al Salvi ran statewide races and lost both of them. In 2002, ’04, and ’06, Jim Oberweis ran statewide campaigns and lost all of them. In 2002 and ’06 Joe Birkett ran statewide campaigns and lost both of them. In 2004 and ’06, Steve Rauschenberger ran statewide campaigns and lost both of them. If Brady runs, statewide, in 2010, he’ll lose again, and I don’t want him to lose another campaign. He should run against Congresswoman Halvorson.

  5. - You Go Boy - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:45 am:

    = campaign may hinge on…raising taxes to close massive budget gap =
    In other words, is Brady saying IF taxes are raised he’ll run for gov?? Does anyone on this planet think they will not be raised? I’m a fiscal conservative, and I don’t see any way the budget can be reduced without some taxes raised. There is not 10Billion in Fraud Waste and Abuse, so without taxes going up, how does Brady intend to fix it?

  6. - George - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:55 am:

    “how does Brady intend to fix it?”

    Cutting the $3 billion corruption tax to $0.

  7. - RFK fan - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:55 am:

    I think Daley would end up surprised at how the game has changed. He’d raise some money, but in a several candidate field, Giannoulias would spank him. Daley’s time has passed.

  8. - Amuzing Myself - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:03 am:

    So, ConVet, no candidate can every run again after losing once?

    I suppose Obama should have hung it up after he lost his campaign? Maybe Lincoln, too? History books are bulging with politicians that lost, learned from it, and won next time.

    Just because the weak candidates on your list didn’t win - several running against each other in the same races! - doesn’t mean no one can.


  9. - anonymous - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:05 am:

    Wordslinger, regarding Brady:

    How many stops is he making? You’ve got to be kidding.

  10. - The Doc - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    Not sure how the Daley name would resonate with voters in a statewide race. And big brother doesn’t like being upstaged. This is a non-starter.

  11. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    Anon, don’t you want to hit all the state TV and radio markets at least?

  12. - the Patriot - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:12 am:

    Brady is different then the prior state wide losers. 1. he is not Chicago based. 2. He has actual legislative and business experience. 3. He is an actual conservative with real family values. He must decide early to campaign relentlessly until the bitter end. We cannot have a Jim Ryan who decides he is tired of campagning and throw in the towel.

    As to a 4 city tour. He is probably being sensitive to the fact people are getting hammered for excessive use of planes right now. Not to mention he is not a billionaire.

    Daley for Senate. All we need is another Daley or Madigan to mess this state up. Those two families bar none, control 90% of this state. Our state is one of the worst off in the nation financially and if you consider voting for a Daley or a Madigan you are an idiot.

  13. - Shore - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:21 am:

    As a Republican I’m more interested in ideas than names at this point.

    I saw brady on the berkowitz program online and nothing I really saw showed me that he is any different than any of the other folks that we have had run and lose over the last few years.

    Rich, this was also good this morning…

  14. - Valerie - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:31 am:

    Bill Brady has endured too much damage for his questionable campaign for guv last time around. Too many rank-and-file activists feel that his attacks on Oberweis while ignoring Topinka can only be explained as some kind of secret quid-pro-quo with party insiders: he helps split the grassroots support so Topinka can win over Oberweis, and in return he will get his shot for statewide office later on.

    Brady is a self-proclaimed conservative but to many, he has put those principles second to his personal political ambition. Many see him as another insider workign the system for his own advancement.

    Brady should hang it up. He won’t win.

  15. - ConservativeVeteran - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:39 am:

    Amusing Myself, no, I didn’t say that a candidate should run for an office after he or she loses. I said that no Republican, who lost, statewide, should run, statewide. Those losers should have run for other offices, including Congress, state senator, and/or state rep.

  16. - chicountryguy - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:03 pm:

    Besides the obvious reasons why Sen. Brady has a tough road ahead, he also has a campaign debt of $655k+.

  17. - VanillaMan - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    I sure hope Brady is a better campaigner than last time. His TV ads looked like something out of “Pleasantville”. The only thing missing was the black lawn jockey.

    The man has to discover that there is a place called Chicagoland where his presentation and many of his views would be seen as outdated as a 1957 DeSoto.

    He speaks Bloomington, not Chicago, and that is his problem. If he wants to win, that is.

  18. - anon - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:16 pm:

    All of the Topinka conspiracy attacks by the far, far right are only going to make Brady a more appealing candidate to those in the middle. Perhaps he realizes that. I hope he takes advantage of this misconception of him as a backward downstater as effectively as “W” did in winning two terms in the White House while the elite portrayed him relentlessly as a complete idiot. I suspect as the nominee, money wouldn’t be much of an issue this time around.

  19. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:42 pm:

    I’ll echo a lot of sentiments already stated… Daley, really? I mean, really?!

    Why do these old school guys keep trying to jump back into the fray? Let’s look forward, not backward. Not to mention how his name will work against him outside of Chicago (and prob in Chicago too).

  20. - GOPvotecounter - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:56 pm:

    It is Senator Brady’s problems telling the truth that was and is and will be his downfall! Last primary on the Bekowitz show 10/31/05 Brady told Berkowitz he had promises of $3million dollars it was just late coming because of Edgar. Then on life day he and his people told everyone who would listen that he had polling that had him @ 32% and Oberweis@18% when the numbers were exactly the opposite. I think his biggest problem comes from former PROFAMILY/PROLIFE supporters like Paul Caprio and Tom Roeser have said that Brady had trouble with the truth! Roeser has gone so far as to ask why Brady only attacked Oberweis and Never went after the front runner Judy Barr!
    Brady NEVER went on TV in the last primary he had no money and still has the same problem. He is and was a shill for the Cilli/kejellander cabal and has lost any credibility. Other than that he is a great candidate. Put a fork in him he is done!!!!!!

  21. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 1:13 pm:

    Bill Brady will win the GOP primary, unless The Abominable Milkman gets back in and splits the conservative vote again.

    But as Rich Miller mentioned, it forces Brady to support election of the GOP Central Committee, most likely.

    Can Brady win the General Election though? Maybe, but doubtful.

  22. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 1:14 pm:

    ===But as Rich Miller mentioned, it forces Brady to support election of the GOP Central Committee, most likely.===

    You got that backwards.

  23. - VanillaMan - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    Bill Brady TV Ad Highlights Experience and Tax-Fighting Agenda

    Sen. Bill Brady, Republican candidate for Governor, today launched the first of his 2006 television campaign commercials with a 30-second ad highlighting his business and legislative background and his pledge to reduce taxes for Illinois citizens and businesses.

    Here is the TV ad’s text:
    I’m Bill Brady.
    I build homes that make it tough on termites. Now, I’m running for governor to make it really tough on taxes.
    As a mainstream conservative in the State Senate, I’ve never been afraid to say “no” to taxes and “yes” to families, to schools to safer streets and better roads. We can keep taxes from destroying our lives. What we need is leadership.

    Announcer: Bill Brady. Republican. A new generation, a new type of Governor.
    Brady is just the second candidate in the Republican gubernatorial primary to air television spots.

    The commercial, which will air on television and cable stations throughout Illinois, was produced by veteran campaign communications experts Sandler-Innocenzi of Alexandria, Va. It also is available online at Brady’s campaign website,

    Brady has pledged to veto any increase the income or sales tax and to work for property tax relief. He has introduced legislation to repeal the 300 anti-business Blagojevich tax and fee increases and to repeal the state sales tax on motor fuel.

  24. - Maximillian - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 2:42 pm:

    Brady is the front runner in the GOP Primary at this very moment, since he’s the most famous name to throw his hat in the ring. However, he is unlikely to make it through the primary.

    Here are the reasons why:

    1.) Not Well Known - He lacks the ability to transcend different regions of the state. As he proved in 2006, he focuses his campaign entirely on central Illinois, without paying much attention to northeastern Illinois, where roughly 70% of the state population lives - yet very few know who Bill Brady is.

    2.) Can’t Raise the Money - While he reported roughly $330K as of the last reporting period, this is hardly the amount that would strike fear into potential opponents. 10% came from Brady himself, who would not be likely to invest his campaign due to the hit his real estate and construction businesses have taken in the last year. Additionally, the money people in Chicago aren’t willing to give him the money to run. According to his most recent D-2s, the vast majority of his recent fundraising is sourced in the Bloomington area.

    To run a credible statewide campaign, he will need to raise $10-$15 million to be able to go up on Chicago TV.

    3.) Lacks a Ground Operation - Since 2006, he hasn’t established the relationships necessary to help him get out the vote - local party organizations, interest groups, unions, etc. It takes years to build support and he hasn’t gotten out enough and fostered relationships to ensure that those people will be there for him in 2010.

    4.) Lacks Principled Stands - While he has generated some fallout from his critics since 2006, mainly the accusation that he stayed in the race as a conservative to split that vote with Oberweis, he hasn’t gone on to take stands to solidify a base of support. There are a few examples of this - abstaining from the Senate Republican Leader vote, supporting benefits for illegal aliens, and shying away from discussing what he actually stands for - none of which will be beneficial in a Republican Primary. He also blew the opportunity to establish himself during the Blagojevich mess - something he could learn from fellow GOP Senator, Matt Murphy. Murphy has become well known across Illinois, and even the country, with his appearance on national news shows.

    5.) No Media Operation - He releases press statements via his website about once every six months, often major announcements are announced in central or southern Illinois on a weekend when no one is paying attention. While a candidate needs a statewide focus, Brady has pretty much ignored the Chicago area, with the exception of the Berkowitz show, which doesn’t have a wide reach. More needs to be done to keep him, at least in the Chicago suburbs to raise his profile and let people know what he’s about.

  25. - November - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 3:37 pm:

    Glad to see you know it ALL Maximillian!

    In fact, Brady has spent quite a bit of time in Chicago/suburbs over the last six months laying groundwork for 2010. I guess he didn’t come visit you??

  26. - GOPvotecounter - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 3:58 pm:

    Vman You were right (but did you have any ads if nobody saw them?)
    What was the area of his TV release? How many points? I remember nothing in Chicago network television maybe a fox news targeted suburban buy. When you are at 10%- 18% that is nothing and it was at the end of the primary when he was being ripped apart by Phyllis Schaffly radio spots saying he couldn’t win.
    He was $650,000 in dept at the end of the last election I don’t remember the exact numbers but I think he spent $1 million maybe $1.3 He had no professional mailings, he had mostly radio ads in Chicagoland. The whole campaign was never to win but to split the conservative vote.
    His time in the Chicago area over the last 2 years has been mostly defensive trying to patch up relations with grassrotts groups who were and still angry that he outright lied to them and would not get out of the race. It didn’t work he does not have their support and will not get it.

  27. - In the know - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 6:03 pm:

    I find it amazing that people still believe Brady was in the primary in 2006 SOLELY to split the conservative vote when he was the first candidate to announce he was running.

    Further, to Max, if you believe what you wrote about Brady’s field operation and media operation, you demonstrate clearly that you have no clue about what Brady has been doing.

    Of course, the facts never stood in the way of the far right last time either. So I don’t know why anyone should expect differently from them this time around either.

  28. - the downstater - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 6:22 pm:

    Here they go with the Bill Brady slam-dunks already!? Not even formally announced yet & from all accounts he’s “doomed’, “failed” & “won’t win”. It’s amazing the cepth of these observations…?? Well 2 yrs beyond 2 more years of strenghthening the base & contacts. At least there’s someone alive & well over at GOP ; first sign of life out of that bunch in quite awhile. From all indications he hasn’t stopped campaigning, at least on the business / dinner circuit. He’s been showing up a lot of places or some people say & raised about 350 K the last 6 month reporting, that despite those “gloom & doomers” predicitions. The election is next year. Take a breath, relax & see what happens. It’s this stuff, bloody primaries that tear apart a party & it’s candidates. Brady ?? ….why not ?? Noone else seems interested.

  29. - ToughGuy - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 7:25 pm:

    I bet the Quinn folks are dancing at the mansion tonight with the thought of having to go up against Bill Brady. If he wins the Republican primary it will make the 2006 general election look like a “good” Republican year.

  30. - VoterUSA - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 8:46 pm:

    Edag did not run because he would have in the cross hairs of the Feds… he did just as much, if not more then Ryan went to jail for.. when he was SOS.. trust me I know. He is very lucky he got out when he did.

  31. - Ahem...The REAL Anonymous - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:15 pm:

    All of the Topinka conspiracy attacks by the far, far right are only going to make Brady a more appealing candidate to those in the middle.

    Uh uh. I wouldn’t count on that.

  32. - GOPvotecounter - Saturday, Feb 28, 09 @ 1:18 am:

    Who cares when you announce if you have no chance to win! I can be first but if I have no money no name recognition you have no chance. Brady knew he couldn’t win. He waited until the last few weeks to call for Kejellander to resign and lied to everyone about every level of Oberweis’s campaign.

  33. - the downstater - Tuesday, Mar 3, 09 @ 5:22 pm:

    And thye endless beat goes on. Droning on & on about Brady & what he wasn’t. I think he’s got more support than you think.

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