Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Feigenholtz goes negative *** UPDATED x1 ***
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Feigenholtz goes negative *** UPDATED x1 ***

Friday, Feb 27, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped up to Friday for visibility and updated.]

* Rep. Sara Feigenholtz’s campaign has launched a TV attack on Mike Quigley. Feigenholtz has swapped out her entire ad buy with this ad, so she’s now 100 percent negative, but there’s still the positive SEIU ads…


In the race for Congress, who’ll deliver for us? Mike Quigley? He talks a good game, but he endorsed Todd Stroger. Even sending his county staff to help Stroger’s campaign. And Quigley voted for Stroger’s budget, cutting nurses and hospital workers to keep Stroger friends on the payroll.

The better choice? Sara Feigenholtz passed healthcare for kids. More mammogram coverage. This Tuesday, let’s end the games. Choose the candidate who always stands with us.

* This tongue in cheek copy of the Feigenholtz ad was posted to YouTube by Quigley’s campaign. There’s some biting commentary before, during and after the ad. There’s even a Blagojevich/Feigenholtz smooch tacked onto the end…

*** UPDATE *** From a press release…

Cook County commissioner Mike Quigley, candidate for Congress, will be joined by Cook County commissioner Forrest Claypool on Friday morning to respond to a new negative and misleading television ad from a rival campaign.

On Thursday, Sara Feigenholtz’s campaign began airing a new attack ad that includes several falsehoods which Quigley and Claypool will refute.

Quigley and Claypool will speak outside the Cook County building, 118 N. Clark, at 10:00 A..M.

Quigley has been endorsed by the city’s two major newspapers. In endorsing Quigley, both the Tribune and the Sun-Times cited Quigley’s record fighting for reform and opposing Todd Stroger.


  1. - UofCalum - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 9:52 pm:

    Come off it Quigley. Mike endorsed Stroger and sent his Chief of Staff to work on his campaign. These are FACTS! Mike may have gotten endorsed by the Sun-Times, but today they gave him a good smack down for lying in his direct mail piece. Guess he’s at it again. Good for Sara for finally fighting back.

  2. - Jerry Morrison - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:21 pm:

    Rich, your bias is showing again. To refer to her ad buy as now “100% negative” is a complete distortion. You are aware of the difference between a “nagative” ad and a “comparative” ad aren’t you? That ad most definately falls into the “comparative” camp. I really wish you would run a disclaimer so that readers unfamiliar with your peculiar biases know to read with a more discerning eye. I have heard your argument before that this is your blog and you can do whatever you want with it, but at least be honest with your readers. Sara hasn’t gotten a fair shake with you this entire election cycle.

  3. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:36 pm:

    Quit yer whining

  4. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:53 pm:

    I would have thought Feigenholtz’s best path would be to build a message around her health care experience and connecting this to a specific agenda about how Congress can improve health care.

    This would be a nice fit with being a female candidate and it wouldn’t be as heavy-handed as saying “mammogram” over and over.

    But Feigenholtz seems to have relished going negative from the beginning while staying exceedingly vague on what she’d do it elected.

  5. - Quinn T. Sential - Thursday, Feb 26, 09 @ 10:54 pm:

    I am not really sure why you have such a fascination for this race, when it appears at least on the surface that the people that live in the district could actually care less. Whomever wins this Special Primary, will win the General Election and be a consistent liberal Democrat vote on virtually every policy issue.

    Who cares whether the Congress person is wearing pants or a skirt? If their thinking on policy issues, and voting record washes out to be the same, what difference does it really make?

    FWIW, I think Feigenholtz is going to win handily, with a minority plurality, but the turnout will be underwhelming because the people that live there are far greater concerns right now than which Democrat will represent them.

  6. - Loop Lady - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 7:20 am:

    Feigenholtz seems like a very angry person …it’s like she has an army of NOW members running her campaign and running interference on the street and on the blogs…sounds so self righteous to me…

  7. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 7:28 am:

    Jerry, this isn’t comparative. It’s negative, with a brief ten second positive at the end. She didn’t compare her own record on Stroger to Quigley’s. She blasted Quigley and then praised herself.

  8. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 7:29 am:

    QTS, I write about this race because it’s Illinois politics, and that’s what this blog is about.

  9. - oneman - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 7:32 am:

    Trust me people love it when you go negative in a special primary. No one is going to call and complain to your campaign at all. Also don’t worry any bad blood this creates will vanish instantly.

    If you a buying that I can hook you up with a pr firm that has a former governor who wants to talk about his inocence.

    Congrats Sarah you are going to inherit a crud storm with this

  10. - Anon - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 7:39 am:

    Rich-because F’Holtz has gone negative, does that mean that she is trailing Quigley in the polls and needs to drive his numbers down?

  11. - Jerry Morrison - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 7:47 am:

    It means it is a very close race and Sara has the money to go two-track and Quigley can’t. I can guarantee you that if Quigley had any $ he would have gone two track at the end also. Rich, you don’t have the slightest clue what you are talking about. How many federal races have you been on bro? That would be state rep races in Vermillion County.

  12. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 8:24 am:

    If nothing else, the 5th race is keeping some media and ad production types in work. And I’m sure the folks in Gary, Sycamore and Crystal Lake appreciate the education on the candidates.

  13. - fedup dem - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 8:43 am:

    I guess whatever relationship Feigenholtz and Quigley once had must not have ended very well, since they are acting like the other 10 candidates are not even on the ballot. My guess is that on Tuesday night both of them will be crying, as John fritchey moves toward a seat in Congress.

  14. - Jim - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 8:44 am:

    Seriously. When is this election finally going to happen so the 12.5 million Illinoisans that could not care less will no longer need to skip past this crap?

    What will the turnout be? 25%? Oh, boy!

  15. - South Side Mike - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 8:45 am:


    Are you seriously questioning Rich’s knowledge and ability to cover a Congressional District election? I may disagree with Rich on some items and his conclusions, but at least respect his extensive work history, which includes plenty of IL races for federal positions.

    I know that SEIU is in the tank for Feigenholtz, but please. For political consultants like you, the ad might be considered comparative, but to the average layman, it’s a hit job.

    For the record, I’m not in the 5th CD and have no horse (favored or not) in the race.

  16. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 8:54 am:

    Question: if Feigenholtz got in this race strictly to cut into Quigley’s support and for the purpose of helping Fritchey, what would Feigenholtz’s campaign have done differently?

    Feigenholtz is not a shill candidate. Rather she lacks the policy knowledge and ability to be effective in Congress.

    The evidence: she’s running a campaign that’s making more enemies than allies. She seems to be more effective at advancing Fritchey’s candidacy than her own.

  17. - Jerry Morrison - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 8:58 am:

    If by “in the tank” you mean that SEIU has endorsed Sara, you are correct. I think your characterization is a bit bizarre considering we are a union that routinely endorses candidates and not a supposed news outlet. Yes, I do question Rich Miller’s knowledge of federal campaign dynamics. The only one “in the tank” here is Rich Miller who has shilled for John Fritchey from day one. There is no disputing that fact South Side Mike.

  18. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:10 am:

    Jerry, bite me.

    You are well-known in political circles for your over the top attitude and your insults. I’ve heard some myself before this race. I just consider the source.

    Not that I have to refute any of your nonsensical rants, but just as a small example of why you are so delusional, I slammed one of Fritchey’s mailers the other day as possibly the goofiest of the decade.

  19. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:11 am:

    ===I think your characterization is a bit bizarre considering we are a union that routinely endorses candidates and not a supposed news outlet.===

    Yeah, but how many candidates do you actually contribute to, Morrison? We’re not stupid here.

  20. - South Side Mike - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:14 am:


    What are these “federal campaign dynamics” of the 5th CD race that make it so different from the hundreds of state races that Rich has covered, not to mention dozens if not hundreds of other Congressional District and Senatorial races?

    For federal races, are there magic dynamics that make a negative ad a positive one? Or that turn distortions of an opponent’s record into truths in a way that doesn’t happen in Cook County/State of IL races (by the way, not singly out Feigenholtz here; this has been done by multiple candidates)?

    Rich’s coverage might be biased for Fritchey; I don’t really care (as I said, no horse in this race, and if Feigenholtz wins, good for her). But to declare that Capitol Fax is unable to cover Congressional races just because you don’t like his perceived biases in this one is laughable.

    And guess what, “real” news outlets also routinely endorse candidates. Maybe Rich is only a “supposed” news outlet until he offers formal endorsements.

  21. - Sucker in Daleyland - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:15 am:

    It’s pretty rich seeing SEIU having anything to do with bashing Strogers, junior or senior. Since they’re the one who made our current president knuckle under and back the dying John Stroger over Forrest Claypool, to ensure a steady stream of my property tax money into their paychecks. SEIU sees the future of unionism in an ever-expanding government workforce, which is the death of our once-entrepreneurial economy. They’re my enemy, and anyone they endorse, I oppose. They’ve made it that simple. And every year Cook County sends me a bill to remind me.

  22. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:16 am:

    If you were in a real union I would call you a typical union thug. Since that is not the case, I’ll just call you uninformed ( a nice way of saying stupid). You think that you can come in here with out of state money and by yourself a lackey in the U.S. House of Representatives. You’re in for a rude awakening dude. Go try your bully tactics on your own bought and paid for house organ, Progress illinois. It ain’t gonna work here.
    By the way, your purple hoard is making a fool out of you and your organization. A little training before sending them out would go a long way but that would be to much like work, wouldn’t it. We’ll see how much longer your lefty bosses put up with you after you wasted over $1/2 million on your loser.

  23. - Merit Comp Slave - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:19 am:

    Great Friday comic relief - the little people taking on the blogmaster. Jerry you must not come to this blog often. My money’s on Rich.

  24. - Concerned Observer - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:19 am:

    Today, CO is concerned about Rich’s mental health.

    Don’t get me wrong, he’s completely sane. But this is just a district race. If we somehow end up with a special election for the Obama/Burris seat, all this negativity will be multiplied by 19. And poor Rich will have to sort through/delete all the over-the-top comments, out-and-out attacks, and unwarranted flaming.

    I feel for you, Rich. If I were you, I’d be pushing for Burris to make it through this storm!

  25. - Greg - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:28 am:


    You’re embarrasing yourself, and you’re making Bill look good. I don’t think I’ve ever read such hotheaded comments–and in a special election primary, for God’s sake. I assure you that your commentary does nothing but reduce support for your candidate and your union.

  26. - South Side Mike - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:29 am:


    You’re dead on about a special for the Senate seat. If a special occurs, three things happen on regarding Capitol Fax:

    1) Comments get shut down every night
    2) The intern is placed on full-time monitoring duty
    3) Rich peruses a few more brochures for Pacific island villas, imagining his glorious retirement and thanking his bank account for Blagojevich, the gift that just keeps giving.

  27. - OneMan - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:32 am:

    I disagree with Greg, I suggest you continue to engage with those who disagree with you. I really think you should try and explain the deeper motivations why anyone would dare disagree with you and your union or question in any way why you are doing what you are doing.

    It’s ok to use the r word on them again, really!

    To quote Flounder from Animal House ‘Oh boy is this great!’

  28. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:36 am:

    Let’s move along, please. Jerry, like Bill, loves to punch buttons. I shouldn’t have even bothered to respond to his nonsense.

    Also, I disagree about the potential for a bloodbath here during a statewide special election. For some reason, this 5th District region of the city/county always brings out the worst in people on comment boards, not just here but everywhere people actually comment. Remember Claypool’s campaign when Quigley was still in the running (and even after he dropped out)? Horrific.

    There’s just something about people in that region.

  29. - Jerry Morrison - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:37 am:

    Hey Greg, I don’t embarras easily. I think that much is clear. At least I didn’t tell Rich to “bite me”. That is awfully mature don’t you think?

  30. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:39 am:

    ==There’s just something about people in that region.==

    Cub fans

  31. - Jerry Morrison - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:40 am:

    Talk to you boys and girls later. I have to go win an election….again.

  32. - Jerry Morrison - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:41 am:

    I am a lifelong Sox fan. Thank you very much.

  33. - Concerned Observer - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:41 am:

    Bill, with the finish…and the foul!

    That was brilliant.

  34. - Tom B. - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:42 am:


    You’re down and you know it. You don’t go negative when you’re ahead.

    But, were I you, I would have gotten my candidate in line and gone all 30 seconds negative.

    If you think 15 secs spread over Friday - Tues AM at 270 points (approx what you got left) is going to undo 10 years, you’re WAY more willing to bet the farm than I am brother.

  35. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:44 am:

    “There’s just something about people in that region.”

    And I was just about to say nice things about ya. Okay-I still will. Your Sun-times column is pretty accurate which means you have a good grip on this federal race.

  36. - Anon - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:45 am:

    Hey Rich-
    Can you post the o’connor’s mail piece that was mentioned in the suntimes today?

  37. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    Feigenholtz has gone on the attack because her opponent went on the attack…but instead of responding to his attacks, she’s undercutting them and shoving them right back in his face.

    I don’t care whether you call it a “negative” ad or “comparative” ad — its effective.

    But what’s Quigley doing? He’s holding a press conference to defend himself from Feigenholtz’s attack ads. I would have thought that Pete Giangreco - Rod Blagojevich’s message guru - would have given Quigley better advice than that.

    All Quigley’s doing is focusing media attention on Feigenholtz’s message, and running the risk that Feigenholtz’s ad ends up on the 10 a.m. news.

    “If you’re defending, you’re losing.”

    Meanwhile, I got this e-mail from Quigley today:

    “By dinner time, I saw an advertisement from Sara Feigenholtz that flat out lies about my relationship with Cook County Board President Todd Stroger.”

    Really, Mike? What’s the ‘flat out lie’?

    Did you NOT endorse Todd Stroger?

    Did you NOT send people to work on his campaign?

    Did you NOT vote for his first budget?

    Who’s the liar, Mike? Because here’s what the Sun-Times said about your campaign ad this week:

    “cheap and misleading”

    “not accurate”

    Look in the mirror, Mike.

  38. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:52 am:

    Uh Oh,
    Another Sara staffer, Yellow Dork Democrat, picks up the baton after Jerry gets bloodied.
    They are really desparate. When are they going to send in the first string. Oh wait, this is the first string. No wonder they are behind.

  39. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:54 am:

    And by the way, Yellow Dork, I wouldn’t be bringing up “Rod’s message guru” if you know what i mean.

  40. - Pete Giangreco - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:56 am:

    Ok so Jerry might need a distemper shot but Bill what is this “SEIU is not a real union” stuff? They actually organize new members, which is more than I can say for a lot of our other friends in labor.

    If you mean a real union is one with a dwindling membership, an ineffective political organization and a bunch of leaders who hang out in the Viagra triangle in their toupees trying to act like they matter, then I’ll take a “fake” union like SEIU anytime.

    They backed the wrong candidate in this race (and I think they know it), but Bill I’m sure your once-proud organization (whoever they may be) wishes it had the resources and the know how of our sisters and brothers in purple.

  41. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 9:57 am:

    OK, easy now.

  42. - South Side Mike - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:04 am:


    I actually agree with YDD about the foolishness of the presser. Calling more attention to the ads means it’s more likely they get played on the news at noon, 5 and 9. This is either bad PR strategy, or else you have concerns that these accusations are resonating with your target audience.

    Now, calling a press conference to announce something else (new endorsement, program, etc), and then planting someone to raise the question of the Feigenholtz ads so you can defend yourself might be sounder (news article reads: “…and Quigley also defended his record against a new volley of attacks by Sara Feigenholtz,…”). But to have a press conference solely to object is defensive play, and probably not the best strategy this close to the election.

  43. - Tom B. - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:10 am:

    Yellow Dork (hilarious BTW Bill), you’re the one that said going on the attack was a sign that SF was behind.

    Now, maybe you’re not as close to the brain trust to get the leaks of the internals, but my folks are.

    And Sara threatening to run someone against Tom Tunney because he didn’t find her an election night party really isn’t a very smart move.

    Guess the pressure might be getting to her.

  44. - truthteller - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:17 am:

    Giangreco is a solid guy. Blagojevich pays him;he stands by his man(til the cash stops flowing.)
    Morrison gives him business, he defends Morrison.
    Pete’s an independent businessman, not for sale, but for rent.

  45. - Amy - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:19 am:

    after reading this thread, it would be amusing and appropriate if someone not from the lakefront won the race.

  46. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:20 am:

    Bill -

    “Dork” and “Sara staffer”, is that really the best you’ve got?

    You might be right on the first point — although I’ve been called far worse. You really need to step up your personal attacks if you’re trying to offend me.

    If my analysis of Quigley is incorrect, please do tell.

    And if Pete Giangreco wasn’t Rod’s Message Guru, please tell me why he was paid $860,000 in the last campaign.

    I thought it was to produce all of those direct mail and t.v. ads, as he’s doing for Quigley now.

    But if I’m wrong, I’m happy to correct the record.

  47. - Tom B. - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:24 am:

    Also Yellow Dork, here’s what I know about Pete and here’s what I know about you.

    Pete can call Barack, Rahm, Axe, Gibbs, and about 30 congressman across the country.

    You can call Rich.

    Says it all, doesn’t it?

  48. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:27 am:

    Hey now

  49. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:27 am:

    Wow, the great Pete speaks!
    First of all, I speak for an organization of one, me, and I don’t hire myself out to candidates.
    As far as real unions are concerned, I consider those to be the ones that are members of the AFL-CIO not the change to lose coalition. I know, Rod liked change to lose organizations because he could make deals and trade locals like Local 880 in exchange for favors at the bargaining table and maybe they would even hire him and his wife but I prefer unions that bargain good contracts for their rank and file and work for their members instead of for the leadership.
    You are probably right about the viagra triangle but the SEIU president likes to mix hallucinogens with his Viagra. That, mixed with a healthy dose of greed and narcissism is what led ol’ Andy to abandon ship start his own game. They’ll be back when the members who pay the dues realize that they have been taken for a very expensive ride. By that time Stern and the boys will be long gone, living high on the rank and file’s money.
    As for the “know how of our brothers and sisters in purple” they hired Jerry, didn’t they.

    Its OK, I understand your angle. You may have to work for them yourself some day. We’ll see. In the meantime, good luck. For me, its anybody but Sara.

  50. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:28 am:

    Tom B. -

    Last time I checked, Tom Tunney had written Feigenholtz a check for $1000, so I’m pretty sure their relationship is just fine.

    As long as we’ve got you here, did you sign-off on the mailpiece the Sun-Times called “cheap and misleading?”

    Maybe you should spend a little more time double-checking your facts and a little less time blogging and Twittering.

  51. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:28 am:

    Nobody calls a president; a president calls you.

  52. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:32 am:

    As much as I love Barack and the boys I would rather be able to call Rich. He knows where the parties are.
    Besides who would ever want to call Rahm.

  53. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:32 am:

    Tom B. -

    Maybe Pete should have called Barack, Rahm, Axe, Gibbs, or one of those 30 congressman across the country before Quigley told the Tribune he’d vote against any tax increase on people making more than $200K a year, since that’s EXACTLY what the President proposed this week to fund health care expansion.

    Personally, when it comes to Illinois politics, I’d take Rich Miller’s advice and analysis over Pete’s any day, and I’ll even give Pete the “Phone a Friend” option.

  54. - northwestsidegirl - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:36 am:

    As a voter in the 5th CD, it’s comical to me that most of the major candidates have been nothing but attack dogs against Sara Feignholtz since this campaign started.

    She goes up with a comparative ad and all the sudden she becomes the negative campaigner? How does that work?

    Let’s be honest.

    Regardless of what side you are on, comparative ads are not only used quite frequently but have been proven to be very effective. Why else would candidates use them?

    The more I hear the other candidates talking about her “negative campaigning” and “misleading ad” just reinforces in my mind that the ad must be pretty effective with voters.

  55. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:37 am:

    ==a little less time blogging and Twittering==
    Look who’s talking.
    No offense intended with the Yellow Dork comment. I know you have been called worse. By me, in fact. We are all Democrats, right?

  56. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:48 am:

    ==Tom Tunney had written Feigenholtz a check for $1000, so I’m pretty sure their relationship is just fine.==
    Is that all it takes?

  57. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 10:58 am:

    === As far as real unions are concerned, I consider those to be the ones that are members of the AFL-CIO….For me, its anybody but Sara===

    Bill -

    So, you do consider the United Auto Workers and United Steel Workers — which endorsed Feigenholtz — to be real unions?

    Let me tell you where I come from, Bill.

    My father was a 30+ year member of the Machinist’s Union. My mother was a shop steward for the United Food & Commercial Workers. Both of my grandfathers were union members (AFSCME, Operating Engineers), and my uncle is currently a member of the IFT at Southern Illinois University.

    When the IFT local at my high school went on strike my senior year, alot of other kids from alot of “real unions” crossed the picket line.

    You see, alot of members of those “real unions” like the steelworkers, teamsters, carpenters didn’t see the “teacher’s unions” as “real unions” because teacher’s unions had a history of crossing picket lines.

    But my parents — my dad especially — understood that “Solidarity” isn’t just a word. And they called in sick for me every day of the strike, and many of those days, I marched the picket lines with the secretaries, janitors and cafeteria workers who were fighting for better wages. Many of them, after all, were the parents of my friends.

    In full disclosure, I did cross the picket line one day — for the only time in my life — when one of my best friends was murdered, to deliver the news to my classmates.

    But shortly after he was buried, we organized a massive student walk-out and protest in support of the union. Thanks to the news coverage, the school board came back to the table and settled the strike within days.

    My point is this, Bill. Anyone who wants to start drawing the distinction between “real unions” and “fake unions” is about as anti-union as you get. Because without Solidarity, unions have nothing.

    Now, some unions have endorsed Fritchey - including the AFL-CIO - and some have endorsed Feigenholtz. BOTH have stellar labor voting records. I’d argue that Feigenholtz’s is perhaps even a little better, which is part of the reason I’m proud to support her, but they’re both in the 97-98% range.

    I can’t say the same thing about Mike Quigley, and not a SINGLE UNION has endorsed him either. So when you say, “For me, its anybody but Sara,” I really have to wonder if you’ve got the best interests of organized labor at heart.

  58. - ElectMike - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:03 am:

    anybody listen to the Pinkus Overnight Show last night. Donatelli, Capparelli, Pillido and others were on. Did you know Fritchey did not vote a HR to support the Pledge of Alligience in schools. That’s terrible. Any candidate that would not support the pledge in schools has no business in the US Congress. Enuf said!

  59. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:03 am:

    === No offense intended with the Yellow Dork comment. I know you have been called worse. By me, in fact. We are all Democrats, right? ===

    Yes Bill, I was offended.

    Perhaps its because every time the Tribune or the Republicans start attacking the teacher’s unions or public employees, I’m there to defend them.

    Even though I’m not on the payroll of the teacher’s unions, just like I’m not on Feigenholtz’s campaign.

  60. - Phil Burrey - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:06 am:

    Tom B FTW.

  61. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:19 am:

    YDD is on fire today.

  62. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:20 am:

    Yellow Dork,
    Thanks for the personal anecdotes.
    My definition of real and pretend unions had nothing to do with who endorsed who but who is and is not in the House of Labor.
    I don’t care about voting records and favorable ratings. No one knows better than I do about how those so called facts can be manipulated. I don’t need any lectures about solidarity. There is none and hasn’t been since the renegades left. With them it’s all about self interest and when I read the hypocrisy and out and out lies posted here by someone who uses his organization initials as part of his name then I feel the need to respond. Be careful who your friends are dude.
    The turth is that Fritchey, Quigley, and O’Connor would be better Congressmen than FHolz, who, if she does win, will disappear forever into a lifelong retirement at full pay just like she did in the Il House.

  63. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:29 am:

    ==Yes Bill, I was offended.==
    OK be that way. It was a pleasure ruining your day.

  64. - Chicago Dem - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    Watching Quigley get pummeled with hundreds of thousands of dollars of unlimited “soft” money from Feigenholtz supporters while he struggles to raise money to respond under “hard” donation caps highlights the absurdity of our current campaign finance system.

    The goofy Supreme Court says its OK for Congress to abridge my first amendment rights, but not organized interest groups? How the heck did this happen?

  65. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    Why don’t you people take it outside, or at least to another blog.

    Four more days…then we get to watch more than few posters here eat some major crow. I’m for Fritchey, for what I know are good reasons. I’m not against anyone.

    Democrats always fight each other harder than we fight against Republicans. I hate primaries.

  66. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:44 am:

    === I don’t care about voting records ===

    Bill -

    That explains why you support:

    - Fritchey, who voted to shift public money to fund private schools, legislation which the IFT sued to block

    - Quigley, who voted with Todd Stroger to lay off hundreds of public employees

    - O’Connor, who as Mayor Daley’s “floor leader” and chair of the City Council Education Committee has overseen the expansion of charter schools.

    Good work.

  67. - ZC - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 11:55 am:

    Chicago Dem,

    I’m for Fritchey, but unless I misread the news, the SEIU ads for Feigenholtz are not “soft money.” They were raised under “hard money” limits, as contributions to SEIU’s political fund. This means the maximum contribution was $5000. 50 contributors paying the maximum amount would provide the $250K for SEIU’s ad buy, but it’s a free country, and they put up the money because they support SEIU candidates. “Soft money” would mean SEIU spends straight out of its union dues, which are considerably deeper and are not explicitly flagged for campaign use. They’re actually not allowed to do that anymore, under McCain-Feingold, not this close to a primary date.

  68. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:00 pm:

    My father was a 30+ year member of the Machinist’s Union.

    FYI - the Machinist’s voted to endorse Fritchey.

  69. - Mr. Know-it-All - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:15 pm:

    47th Ward: Here, here! I am not supporting your candidate but am not against him…he, like Q and Sara, has the capability to represent our district well in Washington.

    It’s astounding how much hyperbole and fabrication has been posted to this blog by the commenters - this string being sadly typical. Rich noted in an earlier post how nasty the commenters have been on this race. How cruelly ironic and comic to see it again.

    Jerry, Bill, TomB, and all you other clowns: you’ve all tied for first in the campaign to be named Biggest Blogging Idiot. Congratulations. No go away.

  70. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:16 pm:

    Anon -

    I don’t see the International Association of Machinists listed among Fritchey’s endorsements - or any Machinists local - so I’m going to have to assume you’re making that up.

    Fritchey voted against the Buy America Bill, which might have something to do with the steel workers, auto workers, and textile workers supporting Feigenholtz.

    Unless the Machinists priorities have changed since my father passed away, they’ve always believed that “Buy American” was a core union principle.

    In fact, they just fought very hard to keep jobs at Boeing in a defense contract battle with a European company.

  71. - VanillaMan - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:24 pm:

    This is such an interesting race. Feigenholtz should be able to win this one with one hand tied behind her back.

    But she keeps screwing up.
    The coverups, the misinformation, the ham-handed way she stumbles around issues she knows. This ad doesn’t help her either. Whoever is running her campaign shouldn’t be trusted around sharp objects, even if she can somehow still win.

    But I do know I will be surprised, whoever wins. It’s gonna get uglier!

  72. - Chicago Dem - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:32 pm:


    Thanks for tutorial on the SEIU money for Feigenholtz. $5,000 a pop is still better than $2300, and of course they have the advantage of building up that fund over time.

    The short special election window makes it impossible to raise enough money under caps to compete with that kind of massive media blitz–a single check drawing on a single fund.

    We need reform to level the playing field so that voters can be exposed to a real and fair debate: one set of fundraising rules that apply to everybody.

  73. - ZC - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 12:39 pm:

    Chicago Dem,

    Fair points. This is also a reason why I’m leery of a special Senate election where we will “let the people decide.” Under current law, special interest groups and political funds will have a similar start-up financing advantage. It will be an outside money bonanza.

  74. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 1:22 pm:

    Yellow Dork,
    You are constantly lying to distort Frichey’s and Quigley’s record. If your candidate stood for anything you could talk about that but I guess lying is your only recourse. It doesn’t matter. Most people here don’t vote in the 5th and the actual voters aren’t buying what you are selling. The negative ads are a waste of money and the last gasp of a dying campaign.

  75. - Bill - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 1:24 pm:

    Its is amazing how all of those supposed experts have screwed your campaign up. If she can’t run a campaign how effective a legislator will she be.

  76. - Greg - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 1:30 pm:

    Whoa, charter schools. First person to mention something that evil automatically loses the debate!

  77. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 27, 09 @ 1:40 pm:

    === Its is amazing how all of those supposed experts have screwed your campaign up. If she can’t run a campaign how effective a legislator will she be. ===

    Let’s not count our chickens before they hatch, Bill.

    I said earlier this week that I don’t think ANYONE can predict the outcome of this race.

    I do think that the fact that Daley is getting behind Ald. O’Connor is NOT good news for Fritchey. But Quigley is undoubtedly counting on alot of Bungalow votes too with his anti-tax message, so it might dampen him as well.

    What do you think though…is there a chance O’Connor could actually win? And if so, is he really just a placeholder for Rahm? And of course, who would the Mayor appoint to the City Council vacancy?

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