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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Feb 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* For the first time in a very long while, I’m ending a week without feeling disgusted, rattled and exhausted. I’m still gonna take a nap, though.

* And now, as only they could play it…

Don’t let the heat overcome you when they play so loud

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This just in… *** Ryan gets partial pension *** AG Madigan to appeal *** Quinn: Moratorium stays for now ***

Friday, Feb 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 2:16 pm - An Illinois appellate court has just ruled that former Gov. George Ryan can keep part of his pension.

The court held that since Ryan’s service in the Illinois General Assembly and as lt. governor had nothing to do with the criminal case against him, he could keep that portion of his pension.

The ruling overturns a lower court decision.

Read the opinion here. [Fixed link]

Ryan’s case, by the way, was argued by Kyle DeJong at Winston & Strawn. It was his first argument in any court. Not a bad way to start out, especially since the other side was represented by Attorney General Lisa Madigan.

*** 2:34 pm *** Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s office just called to say the AG will file an appeal with the Illinois Supreme Court.

*** 2:50 pm *** Quinn says he supports capital punishment, but will keep the moratorium in place

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn says he has no immediate plans to lift the state’s moratorium on the death penalty.

The Democrat who last week replaced ousted former Gov. Rod Blagojevich says he supports capital punishment. But he says he worries innocent people have been sent to Illinois’ death row.

* New acting director

The Illinois Toll Highway Authority Board appointed today Michael King as its new acting executive director.

King has been the director of communications and marketing for the tollway for approximately the last three years. He replaces Dawn Catuara at the post after Catuara resigned effective today.


Apparently, National Journal has no fact checkers

Friday, Feb 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jonathan Rauch has penned one of the most ill-informed, convoluted columns I’ve ever seen at National Journal.

Rauch’s premise is that Rod Blagojevich’s “railroading” will come back to haunt Illinois. He’s flat-out wrong on several points.

* First and foremost, he seems to completely misunderstand Rod Blagojevich. Rauch asks what the hurry was to oust Blagojevich from office. Since Blagojevich was under “minute” surveillance, he wrote, why worry that the governor would do anything else illegal?

That’s easy. Just look at the record. Blagojevich knew very well that he was under intense investigation when he allegedly did all those things contained in the federal criminal complaint. There was an active grand jury, his friends had been indicted, and he knew the FBI was crawling all over him and that US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald had placed a big target on his head.

But the criminal complaint was only one aspect of the impeachment article. The rest of the charges were based on Blagojevich’s repeated willful and malicious attempts at nullifying or sidestepping the General Assembly’s legitimate constitutional authority. And then he even refused to back away from his behavior during his closing argument to the Senate. He had to go.

Plus, government completely collapsed after Blagojevich’s arrest. He could no longer govern. He had to go. The sooner the better.

And, finally, as stated many times during the impeachment process, the object of the General Assembly’s move was to protect the citizenry from this guy. So, again, he had to go.

* Rauch obviously has no clue what went on in Springfield during the impeachment. He writes…

On the basis of six minutes of wiretapped conversation — six minutes out of what the Chicago Tribune reported were “thousands of hours of recordings made of the governor and his allies” — the governor is convicted by the Senate and turned out of office.

Um, no. Those recordings were only a small part of the total package. You’d think he would’ve checked that one.

* Rauch also writes…

And the political class was too cavalier about nullifying an election.

Too cavalier? They stood by for six years while the guy broke one state law after another, then finally acted after he was arrested by the FBI and they were too cavalier? Quite a few people in this state believe they didn’t act quickly enough.

* Rauch’s conclusion…

Whatever his wrongs, Blagojevich was right about this: The rules that removed him are not sufficiently distinguishable from a railroading, and they are wide open to abuse. We may find out, before long, that the door he was just shoved through swings both ways.

The Illinois trial rules were almost identical to the US Senate’s impeachment rules for Bill Clinton’s trial. Clinton was not convicted.

Also, unlike Nixon, Clinton and Reagan during Iran/Contra, this was a Democrat-on-Democrat process. There will be no partisan blowback like there was in DC. Who’s gonna retaliate? Blagojevich’s friends and allies? He has no friends and allies.

But I will admit, as I have before, that the next time a governor spends six years ignoring state laws; watches as pretty much all of his top fundraisers and advisors are indicted, imprisoned or are under investigation and/ior seeking immunity; is arrested by the FBI at 6 o’clock in the morning along with his chief of staff because he was caught on surveillance tapes doing some seriously dirty deeds; and then instead of attending the House impeachment hearings and the Senate trial, goes on national TV to blame all of his problems on a mythical “political witch hunt,” then he or she will also be impeached and removed from office. I guarantee it. This is really the only precedent set here.

…Adding… From comments…

The proper question is, what precedent would the GA be setting if they did nothing and let this guy stay in office? What would an Illinois official have to do to be thrown out of office? How much corruption are the citizens supposed to tolerate?


Stimulus report *** UPDATED x4 *** TENTATIVE DEAL? ***

Friday, Feb 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Sargent’s WaPo blog is pretty much the place to go on the stimulus bill. His most recent post is entitled: Latest Cuts To The Stim Package: Head Start, Child Nutrition, Food Stamps Public Transit. Sargent obtained a memo “detailing the latest cuts being eyed by the gang of Senators being led by Dem Ben Nelson and GOPer Susan Collins”…


Head Start, Education for the Disadvantaged, School improvement, Child Nutrition, Firefighters, Transportation Security Administration, Coast Guard, Prisons, COPS Hiring, Violence Against Women, NASA, NSF, Western Area Power Administration, CDC, Food Stamps


Public Transit $3.4 billion, School Construction $60 billion

Those last two, especially, won’t go over well in the big cities, and Obama was supposed to be the president who understood cities.

* There are some increases…


Defense operations and procurement, STAG Grants, Brownfields, Additional transportation funding

* Earlier this morning, the Washington Post had this list of items on the chopping block

· $39.8 billion for state education departments to shore up school budgets.

· $14 billion for education programs, including special education and Head Start.

· $9.5 billion for Energy Department programs, including an environmental cleanup fund.

· $6.5 billion for space exploration, science programs and grants for local crime-fighting efforts.

Those education dollars are sorely needed. But I’m not sure yet what the exact impact will be on Illinois’ budget.

More as it develops.

*** UPDATE - 12:21 pm: Here’s the latest roundup…

* Politico: Education groups are flooding Capitol Hill with calls and e-mails to fight the push by Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) to slash around $50 billion from proposed new federal grants for state education aid.

* Gallup: Public Support for Stimulus Package Unchanged at 52%

* CBS Poll: Fifty-one percent of those surveyed support the stimulus package, while 39 percent do not. An additional 10 percent don’t know. Last month, 63 percent supported the package and just 24 percent opposed it.

* Congress Matters: C-SPAN2 says the working group looking to make cuts have gotten their number up to about $107 billion, going in the opposite direction from the walk-back we heard about yesterday.

* TPM: New Executive Pay Limits Added to Senate Stimulus

* NY Times: Democrats Cite Jobs Report as Stimulus Talks Continue

* 538: On Stimulus, Democrats Beating GOP On Party Unity [RedState view here]

* National Journal: How Obama Gets To 60 - Four GOP Senators Have Shown A Willingness To Cross Party Lines Consistently During The Stimulus Debate

*** UPDATE 2 - 2:35 pm: More negotiations ahead

The complicated state of the Senate stimulus debate just got more intense.

Sen. Olympia Snowe (ME), one of the four Republicans considered genuinely open to cooperation with Democrats on a workable economic recovery bill, just released a statement saying she was approached by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to come up with a list of trims from the $275 billion-plus tax section of the stimulus.

To be clear, this is separate from the $80 bilion-plus package of spending cuts that are being hashed out by a group of 15 or so centrist senators from both parties.


Added tax cuts have expanded the Senate package to the point where it is more than $100 billion above the House-passed bill.

*** UPDATE 3 - 4:35 pm: This is a fantastic development

Several of the GOP’s most prominent governors blasted the stimulus plan making its way through Congress Thursday, urging Senate Republicans to resist passing the bill and taking aim at what they called unnecessary spending in the package.

My advice: Take away all their state specific programs for budgets, infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc. and give them to Illinois.

*** UPDATE 4 - 5:35 pm: A deal?

Amid stunning new job losses and yet another bank failure, key senators and the White House reached tentative agreement Friday night on an economic stimulus measure at the heart of President Barack Obama’s recovery plan.

Two officials said the emerging agreement was for a bill with a $780 billion price tag, but there was no immediate confirmation. […]

One Republican-proposed document outlined proposed cuts of more than $85 billion. Most of that –$60 billion — would come from money Democrats want to send to the states to avoid budget cuts for schools as well as law enforcement and other programs.

Talk of cuts in proposed education funds triggered a counterattack from advocates of school spending as well as unhappiness among Democrats.

One, Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, told reporters he and others hoped that some of the funds on the chopping block would be restored next week when negotiations open on a House-Senate compromise.

* More from WaPo

The deal is believed to include about $80 billion in spending cuts, and possibly around $10 billion in tax benefits that would be eliminated, although details had not yet been made available.

Democrats were meeting this evening to sign off on the deal, with a series of votes scheduled to take place after 7 p.m. Unless Republicans object to moving forward, a final vote on the bill could happen at the conclusion of those votes.


Question of the day

Friday, Feb 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup

Calling a state senator’s push to get him axed from his public university job as “frivolous,” William Ayers today said lawmakers have more important things to do than to go after him.

Ayers, a former member of the radical Weather Underground group and a topic of heated discussion during the 2008 presidential campaign, was responding to a downstate Republican’s proposal to forbid a public university from employing someone who has “committed a violent act” against the United States or Illinois.

“This is absurd,” Ayers, 64, told a mostly young audience in a speech at Riverside-Brookfield High School. “It’s a waste of time.”

The Weather Underground bombed government buildings in protest of the Vietnam War. In a 2001 book, Ayers said he participated in the bombings but never hurt anyone. Charges were filed against him but were dropped in 1973.

* Here’s the bill

Creates the Prohibition on University Employment Act. Prohibits a public university or a private university that receives State funds from employing a person who has committed an act of violence against the government of the United States of America or the State of Illinois.

* The Question: Should the General Assembly involve itself in this issue? Explain.

And, please, let’s not turn this into a rehash of the 2008 presidential campaign. Stick to the question. Thanks.


Cutting ain’t easy, and almost impossible

Friday, Feb 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I expected that yesterday’s Question of the Day would attract far fewer comments than the previous day’s question. Wednesday’s question, which asked you to identify $1 billion in government cuts, attracted 152 answers. Yesterday’s question, which asked you to identify another $3 billion in cuts, prompted just 61 responses.

Slashing that much government just isn’t easy, as you most likely discovered. And regardless of what newspaper editorial writers blather about, it’s even more difficult to do that in a legislative process, where everyone has political ideologies, constituencies, pet programs, etc. to protect.

* The Pantagraph has more on this topic today

Confronted with the [$9 billion deficit] number, numerous state officials have said this week they want to look at the state’s $61 billion budget and find ways to cut things out before thinking about raising various taxes.

[Anthony Liberatore, a professor of economics at Millikin University] says that might be hard, because some of the state’s biggest expenses, such as paying medical bills for the poor and its employees costly pensions, aren’t optional and can’t be cut.

“I don’t think you can trim your way out of $9 billion,” Liberatore said.

For example, the entirety of the state’s payroll, not including universities, is about $3.5 billion. So layoffs won’t cut into the deficit much, and union officials argue state services are more necessary during an economic downturn.

Pension payments are optional. The payments to the pension systems are required by law, but laws can always be changed. Quite a few commenters, including myself, suggested slashing pension funding. Former George Ryan budget director Steve Schnorf has done yeoman’s work in comments this week and offered up a critique of that viewpoint on Wednesday

Pushing pension funding off is how we got here. If we hadn’t deferred pension payments in the past, our pension spending next year would be down the better part of $3 billion.

Schnorf offered up some history yesterday…

The battle we are fighting here, one in which we had some chance of victory, was lost when the Blagojevich administration paid its first pension payment out of one-time revenues. There was no way to recover after that. They needed to freeze spending (effectively, cut it) for at least two and probably three years except for pension contributions and Medicaid payment cycle. With 3 years of a billion +/- in revenue growth we would have gone into this current downturn in decent shape.

But that was predictably not possible for a D Gov with 2 D houses in the GA to do. Who was going to be the bad guy who said “no”? No one.

More than five years ago I told a group of eaters,”The good news is we are going to have an income tax increase in the future. The bad news is all the new money will already be spent.” Here we are.

But we can’t go back in time. And we’re in bad shape now with little way out. From a Schnorf comment this week

Most of our state spending in Illinois is pass-thru; grants to community agencies who provide mental health, DD, adoption services, etc, Medicaid payments to vendors, school aid grants, etc. We have the lowest number of state employees per capita of any state in the Union.

That makes it extremely difficult to cut, because you’re putting business (both not for profit and for profit) and employees out of existence or out of work during a period of extreme employment crisis. Do we really want to toss literally tens of thousands of gainfully employed taxpayers onto the street right now?

* And while this is a nice sentiment

[Gov. Pat Quinn] opened the door to reforming the state’s tax code.

QUINN: I think what we have to do is have a fair tax system in Illinois. We should look at that, and if we can enact reforms, we will do so, especially now, in hard times, when people are really suffering.

Quinn says he’ll “try hard” to make the tax system more progressive, a change he’s supported in the past. Illinois currently has a so-called flat tax, set at 3-percent of a resident’s income.

He can’t actually make the tax system totally progressive because the Constitution requires a flat tax. Make it too progressive with various income exemptions, and the courts may toss out the law as unconstitutional. Changing the constitution requires a three-fifths vote in both chambers and then a public referendum in 2010. That’s too late.

We really are in a bad place.

* Related…

* Quinn gets extra month to craft budget

* State can run out of money, but can’t file for bankruptcy

* Study: School funding issues persist

* Report: State’s student dynamic changing too fast

* School study cites ‘achievement gap’

* Resources needed for childhood programs

* States contribute to child care decline

* Editorial: Establish rules for leasing closed parks, historic sites


New Kelly indictment jacks up pressure *** Vrodolyak, ethics stories added ***

Friday, Feb 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Uh-oh

Christopher Kelly, a former campaign manager to former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, received another federal indictment today, this time alleging he rigged roofing contracts with two major airlines to pay for gambling debts and a house, among other things.

The most recent indictment says he allegedly funneled more than $1.18 million in proceeds from fraudulent contracts (see U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s news release here). He’s the president and owner of a roofing firm, which allegedly rigged bids to steer $8.5 million in “inflated contracts” for roofing work done on American Airlines and United Airlines facilities at O’Hare International Airport. The scheme allegedly helped Kelly pay $383,000 in personal gambling debts, $700,000 for a personal loan to buy a house and $40,000 in personal expenses. The scheme also granted $450,000 to a president of the consulting firm allegedly involved in the activities.

Check this out…

Kelly was charged with 11 counts of mail fraud and six counts of money laundering.

Each count carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Yikes. That’s 220 years.

* The Sun-Times lede says it all

The government all but lit an inferno under a former ally of ousted Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Thursday, searing him with a second indictment just three weeks after he pleaded guilty to a first.

* Kelly’s lawyer says his client is not cooperating with the feds

Yet, former prosecutor Joel R. Levin, who helped put former Gov. George Ryan in prison and now is in private practice at Perkins Coie LLC, said it’s no secret that new charges give a new reason for Kelly to tell whatever he knows about Blagojevich.

“It just stands to reason that the higher penalties you’re facing, it just increases the incentive (to cooperate),” Levin noted.

More often than not, the tactic works for prosecutors.

“Obviously, there are some people who dig their heels in … but for most people, if the penalties they’re facing are severe enough, they are going to consider cooperation,” Levin said.

* Context

Kelly is important to the government because he was, for years, the go-to guy for fund-raising under Blagojevich and extremely close personally to the governor. He could fill in the blanks on alleged older schemes and help verify information provided by another potential key witness — indicted businessman and onetime fund-raiser Tony Rezko.

Word around the campfire is that somebody very close to Rod Blagojevich ratted Kelly out on this one.

* This, of course, is the ultimate goal…

* Related…

* Blago fundraiser Kelly hit with fraud counts

* Blagojevich associate indicted

* Friend of Rod Blagojevich hit with new federal charges

* My Best Friend Blago

* Oops, I forgot to list these stories…

* Supporters, prosecutors make case on Vrdolyak

* Feds asking 41-month sentence for Vrdolyak

* Ex-Chicago Ald. Edward Vrdolyak’s ‘history’ merits stiff punishment, prosecutors say

* Farewell, Eddie

* And these…

* Patrick Quinn advocates reform in Illinois

* Ill. House begins cleaning up after Blagojevich

* Madigan says he’ll take responsibility on ethics

* AG Madigan blasts Blagojevich ’secrecy’

* Put some teeth in public information law, commission told

* Public needs this information now

* Football coach appointed to Ill. ethics panel

* Anti-Blagojevich actions continue

* SJ-R Opinion: Granberg has a chance to put ethics first

* Granberg: ‘I didn’t do this for the pension’

* Time to say goodbye to the ‘Chicago Way’


Feigenholtz misses ethics vote *** UPDATED x1 ***

Friday, Feb 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Oops

State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago), a candidate for a vacant North Side congressional seat, was the only one of 118 Illinois House members who skipped [yesterday’s] vote to create a new ethics committee. […]

State Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago), one of her rivals in the March 3 special primary in the 5th Congressional District, voted for the measure and made it a point to note Feigenholtz’s absence.

The excuse…

Feigenholtz instead spent the day in Chicago trying to “raise awareness of the threat” to funding for certain programs in the federal economic stimulus legislation being debated in Washington, campaign spokesman Kevin Franck said.


Feigenholtz also spent part of the day attending a fundraiser for her congressional campaign.

That ain’t good.

* Mike Quigley’s campaign responded this morning via press release…

Instead of carrying out her legislative duties Thursday and vote for the reform legislation, the Chicago Tribune reported that Feigenholtz chose to attend a campaign fundraiser to help finance her Congressional race.

“As this incident shows, the contrast in this race could not be more stark,” said Tom Bowen, campaign manager for the Quigley for Congress campaign.

“Mike Quigley has fought Todd Stroger and politics as usual for 10 years on the county board. Sara Feigenholtz, on the other hand, cannot even be bothered to put her campaign on hold for a single day to cast a vote for reform.”

“Sara Feigenholtz’s campaign claims that she was busy ‘raising awareness’ about issues on Thursday. The only thing she was raising was cash,” Bowen added, “and voters are well aware that we need to end ‘politics as usual’ in Illinois. The way to do that is by electing a real reformer like Mike Quigley.”

It’s not like this was a close vote. The measure passed 117-0, after all.

The problem is more of perception. Feigenholtz held a fundraiser yesterday during the first ethics vote of the year, and was the only legislator of either party who missed that vote. Like I said above: Oops.

Watch for Quigley to try to turn this into a theme.

* Related…

* Petition challenges shrink field in race for Emanuel’s seat

* Interviews with Four Candidates Running for the 5th Congressional District

*** UPDATE *** Rep. Fritchey was endorsed by the Illinois AFL-CIO today.


Morning Shorts

Friday, Feb 6, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

* Economic analysis shows city’s long term, privatized parking deal gave up future millions for cash now

The complex agreement, the first of its kind in the United States, nets the city a one-time cash payment of nearly $1.2 billion when the deal is closed this month.

But the city could have earned $1.5 billion—in today’s dollars—if it kept the meters and simply raised rates to the same levels it granted the winning bidder, according to H. Woods Bowman, a professor of public service at DePaul University. That’s nearly $300 million more than Chicago Parking Meters, a limited liability corporation formed by Morgan Stanley to operate the meters, will pay upfront, Bowman said.

* Daley reversal: City workers aren’t clock-watchers

* Canadian National Railroad Debate Rages On

For much of the last year, the controversial sale of a rail line that runs through the Chicago region has pitted communities against each other. The debate is all about rail traffic congestion and the price tag that comes with it, a cost cities and suburbs are clamoring to avoid. The deal that finalized Canadian National’s bid to buy the EJ&E line was inked last weekend. But it still faces resistance.

* Chicago’s museums try to ride out bucking economy

* More Wal-Marts may be in Chicago’s future

Citing the need for new investment to boost the sagging local economy, Wal-Mart is preparing a new push for approval of as many as five new stores in Chicago, sources said today.

* Hispanic Community’s Power-Play For City Jobs

Hispanic activists on Thursday demanded a bigger share of city jobs and contracts.

Although they vowed to boycott city-sponsored leadership events, they accepted Mayor Richard M. Daley’s invitation to discuss their grievances face-to-face.

* Horse-drawn carriage firms say business is suffering

They blame Chicago regulations, cold as some companies go out of business

* Pink slips stack up as recession drags on

With employers in no mood to hire, the unemployment rate is expected to jump to 7.5 percent in January from 7.2 percent in December, according to economists’ forecasts. If they are right, that would mark the highest jobless rate in 17 years.

And after suffering heavy job losses last year, the country probably lost another 524,000 jobs month, getting the new year off to a rotten start. Some think the number of jobs reductions in January will be higher - 600,000 or 700,000.

* Danville mayor hopes to maintain services amid job cuts

After announcing Tuesday night that 24 of the city’s total 267 positions will be eliminated beginning Feb. 27, the mayor said challenges are still ahead as police and fire pensions continue to rise along with health insurance premiums and the cost of road-repair materials and utilities.

* Rantoul plant lays off 600 workers

* New mortgage fee matrix real doozy

* Statue commemorating race riot to be unveiled

* Potholes keep digging in

* Potholes set to launch offensive with warmer weather

* Courthouse to be named after retired judge

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin introduced legislation today to name the new federal courthouse in downtown Rockford for retired U.S. District Court Judge Stanley J. Roszkowski.

* Courthouse name a worthy tribute to respected judge

* Cicero Town President runs unopposed — for now

* Assessor: Firings not my fault

Embattled Township Assessor Sharon Eckersall defended herself Monday night against allegations that lawsuits brought against her in firing past deputy assessors have cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

* Cook Co. township candidate filings

* Schock and Pastor Timothy Criss attend Prayer Breakfast

* PJ Star: Burris hasn’t made it easy to get in touch


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Friday, Feb 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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This just in… New DNR director

Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 3:14 pm - Gov. Quinn apparently had somebody in mind to take over DNR when he booted Kurt Granberg yesterday. Marc Miller worked for Quinn at the Lt. Gov’s office. From a press release…

Governor Pat Quinn announced the appointment of natural resources professional and conservationist Marc Miller as director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Miller had been senior policy adviser and liaison to the Illinois River Coordinating Council for the Office of Lieutenant Governor.

“Marc Miller is an expert in managing and protecting our state’s precious natural resources and will run a very professional agency,” said Governor Quinn. “In addition, Marc is an avid outdoorsman dedicated to promoting the public’s safe use and greater understanding of our state’s parks, waterways and other natural resources.”

Miller, 39, joined then Lt. Governor Quinn’s staff in June 2004. During that time, he was instrumental in development and implementation of many environmental programs. They include: The Dam Safety Initiative and the Mud-to-Parks program, which promoted the beneficial reuse of river settlement. […]

“I am honored Governor Quinn has named me to lead this important state agency,” said Miller. “I will dedicate myself to managing, protecting and sustaining Illinois’ natural resources.

And in case you’re wondering, he’s no relation to me. Lots of Miller’s in this state.

* 3:23 pm - OK, first it was “yesterday’s tomatoes” and now this

Quinn wants more bird watchers to come to Illinois. Says “We’ve got more birds than you can shake a stick at.”

The Yogi Berra of Illinois politics?


Illinois sheriffs back concealed carry

Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A new and interesting twist

Support for allowing concealed carry of firearms in Illinois — one of just two states that still outlaw it — is coming from what seems like an unlikely direction: the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association. The group, for the first time in its history, is taking a qualified stand in favor of the controversial practice.

State Rep. John Bradley, D-Marion, proposed a bill (HB245) last week that would allow residents to obtain concealed firearm permits. It would require background checks and training in handgun use, safety and marksmanship. Similar bills have been introduced in the past, and died with little support.

“I believe to be successful the key to concealed carry is training,” said St. Clair County Sheriff Mearl Justus, voicing his support Wednesday. “If we allow concealed carry, we must make sure only the right people have the guns. This is best done by requiring training, proper identification, and a thorough background check — including a mental evaluation. […]

Gun control groups warn of the dangers of putting more weapons into circulation, and say few people will ever use firearms to defend themselves — and normally don’t use the same level of consideration as law enforcement regardless of training.

* More about Rep. Bradley’s bill

Under the proposed bill, which is similar to bills that have been proposed and failed to pass the Illinois legislature in the past, a person would be eligible to carry a concealed firearm if he or she is:

• At least 21 years old;

• a resident of Illinois for the past six months and a permanent U.S. resident;

• has not been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year;

• does not demonstrate a lack of mental capacity according to Illinois State Police records;

• and does not have a problem with substance abuse.

In addition, those seeking a concealed carry permit must complete firearms and deadly use of force training.

Under the proposal, concealed firearms will not be allowed inside police stations, prisons, government offices, courthouses, bars, airports, schools, riverboats, amusement parks, arenas, stadiums and churches, similar to concealed carry laws in other states.

The legislation is here.



Johnson tries to blame anyone but himself *** UPDATED x3 *** State funds gravely endangered ***

Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* January 30th

U.S. Rep. Tim Johnson says the economic stimulus bill the House passed this week was flawed.

The Urbana Republican on Thursday said he voted against the bill because it was too pricey and had “little or nothing to do” with job creation or improving the American economy.

Same day

[Rep. Johnson said] “The bedrock of any stimulus must be tax relief. I support measures that reduce the tax burden on our families, that give small businesses incentives to create jobs and retain employees, that give people incentives to buy homes and energy-efficient products and that make permanent the AMT patch, among other things. These ideas have been presented to the House leadership and resoundingly rejected.”

As noted above, Johnson voted “No” on the stimulus plan in the House.

* But now Johnson is outraged that a project in his district is under fire by Senate Republicans…

U.S. Rep. Tim Johnson, R-Urbana, said on Wednesday he was “outraged” that the FutureGen clean coal plant was included in a “pork” list compiled by his GOP colleagues of projects in the federal stimulus package, even though neither the House nor Senate bills specifically made reference to FutureGen. […]

“If there is anything in this stimulus package that truly provides a stimulus, it is FutureGen,” Johnson said.

* Let us review, shall we? Johnson knocked the stimulus bill for having “little or nothing to do” with actual stimulus, and said that the “bedrock” of any stimulus bill should be tax relief. He voted “No.”

Then, when his $2 billion project is opposed, he cries that FutureGen was the only real stimulus proposal in the package.

Um, Tim, maybe you should’ve voted “Yes,” or at least kept your mouth shut.

I despise DC politics.

*** UPDATE 1 *** As Progress Illinois notes, the New York Times reports today that “centrists” in the US Senate are working to strip big chunks out of the stimulus bill. One of the areas on the chopping block?

$850 million for Amtrak

PI adds that the original draft “only allocates $1.1 billion for Amtrak to begin with.” So cutting $850 million out of the stimulus bill would make a big difference.

Johnson’s district includes the University of Illinois. UIUC students are heavily dependent upon Amtrak. Nice going, congressman.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Things are not looking good for Illinois’ budget problem….

Meetings intensified Thursday among a bipartisan bloc of senators seeking to trim close to $90 billion from a massive economic recovery bill nearing final action in the chamber. […]

State fiscal aid and education funding will be among the most sensitive proposed cuts, and if $90 billion is the goal, it would represent an estimated 25% cut.

*** UPDATE 3 *** TPM has more draft cuts to the states, which will likely grow today and tomorrow…

$24.786 Billion on “State Stabilization Money” [100% cut]
$15 Billion for “State Incentive Grants” [100% cut]
$6.75 Billion for “IDEA”, proposed cut 50%

Seem them all here.


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Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I was pleased with many of your answers to yesterday’s Question of the Day - until I stopped moderating comments and many people decided not to directly answer the question and went off on tangents.

Today’s question builds on yesterday’s.

Yesterday, most of you identified which of the big budget items would receive a $1 billion cut. Those items were…

* Medicaid reimbursements to private and not-for-profit providers
* Medicaid benefits to participants
* K-12 education (state portion of state/federal/local funding mix)
* Required state payments to the pension funds
* State employee payroll

* As you know, Comptroller Hynes has said the state faces up to a $9 billion deficit next fiscal year. If the federal stimulus plan passes as is, the deficit could be reduced to $6 billion.

So, you came up with $1 billion in cuts yesterday. I’m going to assume the stimulus bill passes and throw in another $2 billion in reductions, just to be nice - via various pet projects y’all have for streamlinging or cutting other government programs and services and headcount, skims of and charges to special funds and various other budgetary gimmicks and “magic.”

* The Question: Identify which of those big budget items listed above should be whacked for a total of another $3 billion in cuts.

This is not about revenues. I’m talking about cuts. Don’t wimp out and suggest your pet projects. Those are already included in the $2 billion I’ve given you.

* In comments, please tell us first which item you identified for the intial billion dollars in cuts. Then choose from the list of the other identified spending programs which you would cut for a total of $3 billion.

Stick to the topic, because I’m gonna be brutal in comments today since session is over.

And make sure to explain to us why you cut this way.

…Adding… Anders Lindall makes this important point in comments…

Also remember that TOTAL STATE EMPLOYEE PAYROLL for FY08 was $3.5 billion. So if yesterday you chose to cut $1 billion from payroll (throwing 20,000 people out of work), you don’t have $3 billion left to cut from payroll today.

And even if you cut elsewhere yesterday, understand that cutting $3 billion from payroll means nearly zeroing out state government. In other words, it’s impossible.

So, if you cut payroll yesterday, you can’t cut payroll again today.


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Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Quinn’s first really big day at work

Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Quinn started yesterday with a warning that the state budget deficit could reach $9 billion next fiscal year

Newly installed Illinois Gov. Patrick Quinn met with the state’s chief fiscal officer this morning and got a sobering welcome: Illinois will be looking at a $9 billion deficit by mid-year if nothing changes.

“The bottom has dropped out,” state Comtroller Dan Hynes told reporters in the Statehouse today, restating what he’d earlier told Quinn during their meeting.

Hynes said the latest calculations show Illinois’ current budget deficit is between $4 and $5 billion, and will hit a record $9 billion during the next fiscal year if nothing is done. As much as $3 billion of that could be recouped through the pending federal stimulus package, but even at that, the state will be paying its bills late or not at all without either drastically reduced spending or increased revenue.

* Met with the legislative leaders…

Quinn rejected the often confrontational attitude of his predecessor, Rod Blagojevich, who was removed from office last week amid allegations of corruption and unconstitutional abuse of power. Blagojevich denies any wrongdoing.

“This is a partnership between the executive branch and the legislative branch,” Quinn said.

* Was cheered by Republicans…

Gov. Pat Quinn was hailed by House Republicans for meeting with them Wednesday, but that could change if the Democratic governor decides to back a tax hike.

“We haven’t had a governor come to our caucus since George Ryan,” said state Rep. Shane Cultra, R-Onarga. “Having Quinn there certainly proves he is interested in bipartisanship and getting the problems of the state solved.”

* Later, Quinn signed a supplemental appropriations bill

Quinn signed legislation Wednesday that will spend additional state money and protect federal wildlife money coming into the state.

Quinn signed legislation directing about $18 million to the offices of attorney general, secretary of state and treasurer. All three offices had their budgets cut last fall and have resorted to furlough days, layoffs, hiring freezes and other techniques to make up the money.

The bill also puts about $9 million back into restricted state accounts that pay for wildlife and conservation programs. Money from the accounts was used to pay other state expenses. However, federal authorities said those accounts contained federal money and threatened Illinois with a $17 million penalty if the money weren’t restored.

* His first signed bill was about the smoking ban

Gov. Pat Quinn used his first bill signing Wednesday to try to clear the haze surrounding enforcement of Illinois’ year-old statewide smoking ban.

Quinn signed Senate Bill 2757 into law as he met with the four legislative leaders at his Statehouse office. The measure, which takes effect immediately, spells out how violations and violators of the smoking ban in public places should be handled.

Local enforcement efforts have been stymied by confusion over such details, but smoking-ban proponents hope the new measure will change that.

“It seems like the state’s attorneys in the larger counties enforced the law, but the ones in the smaller counties didn’t feel comfortable with enforcement without the rules really spelled out,” said Kathy Drea, public policy director for the American Lung Association of Illinois.

* Quinn continued the task of de-Blagojeviching the state

Nearly a week after he was removed from office, the process of erasing former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s name from state signs, brochures, Web sites and letterhead is progressing.

On Wednesday, road crews were dispatched to cover up signs featuring Blagojevich’s name on various highways across the state.

That came after the Illinois Toll Highway Authority had already spent about $15,000 covering up Blagojevich’s moniker on toll road signs.

An estimate of how much it will take to erase evidence of Blagojevich’s tenure was not available Wednesday, but a spokesman for new Gov. Pat Quinn said the aim is not to rack up a lot of bills.

“He has told everyone to do it in the most effective and affordable way,” spokesman Bob Reed said.

* Along those lines, he fired Kurt Granberg…

llinois Gov. Pat Quinn dumped the state’s conservation chief Wednesday, just weeks after he started work.

Former state Rep. Kurt Granberg took over the Department of Natural Resources Jan. 22 after former Gov. Rod Blagojevich appointed him a week earlier. His ouster could mean he starts collecting a pension of $113,000 a year — $40,000 more than before he started at DNR.

Quinn earlier told The Associated Press that the beleaguered agency should not be headed by a professional in the field, not another in a “parade of political appointments.”

He withdrew Blagojevich’s nomination of Granberg for the post Wednesday, spokesman Bob Reed said. His appointment was subject to confirmation by the Senate, which had not acted.

Quinn will name a replacement “quickly,” Reed said, but he would not elaborate.

* And watched the latest tollway chief resign

Once again, the Illinois Tollway is without a leader.

The agency’s board will meet Friday to accept the resignation of Acting Executive Director Dawn Catuara and appoint an interim chief. Her departure comes as the agency faces scrutiny over a new construction program tainted by the corruption arrest of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Catuara stepped in after the newly installed executive director Jeff Dailey quit Dec. 17 following a tenure of a few weeks. She had been the tollway’s chief of staff.

* Related…

* Gov’s out, but state’s budget crisis worsens

* $5 billion worse off and U-N-I-T-Y

* Gov. Pat Quinn could face a $9 billion budget deficit

* State Faces Bigger Budget Crisis Than Realized

* Hynes fears ‘unimaginable consequences’ from $9 billion deficit


Fritchey tries to defend vote

Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* During a recent 5th Congressional District candidates’ debate, state Rep. John Fritchey said this

“I’ve long maintained that privatizing of public assets is like selling off your furniture to pay your mortgage.”

Fritchey was responding to a question about whether, after elected, they would support Mayor Daley’s plan to privatize Midway Airport with the Federal Aviation Administration.

Rep. Sara Feigenholtz kinda hedged at first, but when questioned directly about whether she would sign a letter to the FAA in support, she said…

“I don’t think I would. No.”

…Adding… A couple people have claimed that Feigenholtz was responding to a question by the moderator about whether she would sign a letter in “opposition” to the Midway sale. Not according to the tape and the transcript I have…

LYNN SWEET: So, if you were in the House today, would you write the letter to the FAA to say privatize, we urge you to do it…

FEIGENHOLTZ: I don’t think I would. No.

Hope that clears things up.

* Yesterday, Mayor Daley shot back

[Daley] noted that Fritchey voted for the 2006 bill that set the stage for the Midway and parking garage deals by granting blanket property tax exemptions to private investors who lease those city assets.

And Daley advised Fritchey and his rivals to “go back to business school” to learn the benefits of turning city assets into a cash windfall to keep building while other cities are cutting back.

Feigenholtz also voted for that bill.

* Since Daley singled out Fritchey, the Tribune went to him for comment

“I am in no way hedging on my comments,” Fritchey said after being told of Mayor Richard Daley’s reaction. “I still think that privatization of assets is not a desirable long-term policy … We’ve gone decades without having to privatize city assets.”

But Fritchey said he agreed with Daley’s comments that the state has forced the city to seek other solutions by failing to fund infrastructure projects.

“There’s no question that the state is lacking in its obligations,” Fritchey said.

Asked to explain his vote for legislation that made the Midway deal possible, Fritchey responded, “I voted to give Chicago officials the authority to do that. As a general rule, I support the concept of local control.”


…Adding… Both Fritchey and Feigenholtz also voted for a bill to sell the Thompson Center.


More on Vallas

Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Back in November, Paul Vallas said he wouldn’t run for anything in 2010

Paul Vallas announced Sunday he would not run for governor or any office and has instead signed on for a third year as head of New Orleans’ public schools.

“I would have liked to have run for governor,” Vallas said.

But Vallas said he is staying on as chief of New Orleans’ school district for at least an extra year to “get it done right.”

Vallas signed on for a third year down South last week, meaning his contract won’t expire until June of 2010, too late he said to make a run for office in an election that November.

* Mark Brown tried to find out why Vallas decided to run for county board president as a Republican, and relates the conversation in his column today. Vallas mentioned his past work with Republicans and pointed to the fact that the state’s Democratic establishment “abandoned” him in the 2002 gubernatorial primary, then added…

As far as a philosophical awakening, Vallas said there was none

* Brown also reminded his readers today that two other Chicago Democrats turned Republican, Eddie Vrdolyak and Aurelia Pucinski, “made the switch to outflank an African-American politician, trying to gain some advantage in Chicago’s race-based politics.”

Vallas took umbrage at that suggestion…

Vallas was flabbergasted when I drew the comparison Wednesday during a telephone interview from Baton Rouge, where he is in the final year of a job rebuilding New Orleans schools. He said he sees no similarities between his “reform-minded” candidacy and those of the three “career politicians” I named.

“I’m not trying to figure out the political calculation,” Vallas said. “For me, it’s about the mission. The mission is to reform government.” […]

But these pre-election political conversions always rub me the wrong way. They smack of opportunism and expedience, especially when overlaid on the race equation (not that there’s anything wrong with dumping Stroger).

* There are other skeptics

“He certainly would have to answer questions about why he chose to leave the Democrat Party and join the Republican Party,” said Murphy, who adds he is still “very seriously considering” a run of his own.

* But there is also plenty of GOP excitement

Vallas’ candidacy has “injected excitement” into the GOP, according to Lee Roupas, the chairman of the Cook County Republican Party and the Palos Township Republican committeeman. […]

Dennis Cook, the head of the Illinois Young Republicans and an Orland Park resident, said Vallas’ decision to switch parties and run for board president is “exciting.”

“It’s very nice to see him come over and run as a Republican,” he said.

Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) said Vallas brings “stature and tremendous credibility” to the race.

* Keep in mind when reading this figure that the election in question was almost seven years ago. Voters tend to forget politicians…

Vallas won 48 percent of the vote in the suburbs lining Chicago when he ran against Blagojevich, who garnered 29 percent, and Roland Burris, who had 24 percent, in the 2002 Democratic primary for governor.

* Stroger reacts…

Stroger said Wednesday he was unfazed by allegations from Vallas that the county is mismanaged and he took a shot at him for working in far-off New Orleans.

“If they only thing you know about county government is what you read in the papers from New Orleans… that is the impression you’d get,” Stroger said.

* As does Daley

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley offered a lukewarm response to news that his former schools chief Paul Vallas reportedly plans to run for Cook County Board President in 2010. […]

Vallas made gains as Daley’s schools chief, but the two parted on not-the-best-of terms.

Today, Daley was asked about the news that Vallas was lining up a bid for Cook County Board President.

DALEY: I haven’t heard anything.

The mayor offered a neither-here-nor-there type of response.

DALEY: Listen. Anyone wants to run for public office, you’re excited about. People want to run for public office, you should be excited.

* And Vallas downplayed the certainty of his departure to the New Orleans paper…

While the Chicago media Wednesday morning reported that Vallas had decided to leave New Orleans at the end of 2009 to run for the board, he was less clear-cut in subsequent interviews.

“It’s not definitive that I’m running,” he said. “I have formed an exploratory committee to consider a run.”

Vallas stressed that his attention would remain focused squarely on New Orleans schools for the next year. “Nobody should have to question my attention,” he said. “I’m kind of ADD (attention deficit disorder) anyway.”

If the primary is in February of 2010, he cannot possibly give the school district his undivided attention for a full year. Petitions will go out in August, for crying out loud.

More on that topic

State Superintendent of Education Paul Pastorek confirmed that Vallas would be with the RSD for at least 16 more months.

He’d better hope he gets a free ride through the primary if he intends to stay in New Orleans.

* And not everybody is happy with his performance

Though Vallas may be willing to listen, the head of the community group Save Our Schools New Orleans said Vallas is leaving the job undone.

“We’ve given Paul Vallas free reign and an open checkbook, and his free reign has improved some test scores a little bit, but at what cost?” Angela Daliet said. “And it’s not sustainable. In Philadelphia and Chicago, he left huge deficits.”

That last quote might find its way into a campaign ad.

* Something else to consider

“The bottom line is I think the (Republican) party is going to want a strong candidate and I think hopefully the party will be able to help me raise money,” Vallas said.

The latest campaign disclosure reports filed by the Cook County Republican Party showed it began this year with $7,742.


Morning Shorts

Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

* New jobless claims jump more than expected to 626K

* Economy slowing down Meals on Wheels

* Chicago mayor calls city workers clock watchers

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley gave a not very complementary opinion of city workers while explaining why he sold four of the city’s assets for $6 billion.

Daley said Wednesday city employees are “clock-watchers” who don’t think about customers. He contends workers in the private sector are going to make sure the customer is satisfied.

* FEMA trailers part of alleged scheme against southern Illinois official

* Duckworth Worthy of Appointment at National Level

* City students beat world in AP exam

* Cell phone yakking, texting motorists to face sharp fines

* Tinley agency wrong on Huberman offensive

* Council gives green light to electric vehicles

* Chicago planning to get SUVs for police officers

* Constituents finding it hard to reach Senator Burris

* Sen. Burris’ office hard to reach by phone, e-mail

* Calling Sen. Burris … Again and Again

* County Board Meets To Discuss Budget Woes

* They may not be historic, butlocal races can be hot


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Thursday, Feb 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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