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Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Not so deep thoughts

Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I knew there were a lot of social networking websites. I didn’t think there were this many, however. I don’t have to join them all, do I?

* I really hope they don’t fence off The Bean because of some moron. People love that thing.

* I’ve heard of yesterday’s papers, yesterday’s wine and yesterday’s news, but I’ve never heard of yesterday’s tomatoes. Thanks, Gov. Quinn, for enlightening me.

* Emphasis is in the original, which ironically highlights a very weird attitude over at a taxpayer funded institute

The Illinois Report 2009 examines the performance of the State of Illinois on a set of crucial issues. This examination relies on evidence of the state’s performance and comparison of that performance to what is happening in neighboring or peer states. We believe the information contained in The Illinois Report 2009 is important to ongoing public policy discussions in Illinois.

The publication of this report annually emphasizes IGPA’s belief that solutions to the problems facing Illinois can be found with cooperation and collaboration among all relevant stakeholders. IGPA encourages these collaborative deliberations and is eager to help them succeed. […]

You are allowed to download one PDF copy of each chapter for your personal use. However, reprinting or distribution of these articles and photographs without the authorization of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs is strictly prohibited.

Please obtain permission by contacting:

Director of Communications
Institute of Government and Public Affairs
University of Illinois
1007 W. Nevada
Urbana, IL 61801

Hilarious. I gotta obtain permission before downloading a single copy and swear on whatever is holy that I won’t pass it around? This is supposed to enhance “ongoing public policy discussions in Illinois”? And how can people collaborate if we can’t share the thing?

I think I’ll pass.

…Adding… Let’s turn on the not so wayback machine for the leader of the IGPA

Robert Rich, director of the University of Illinois’ Institute of Government and Public Affairs, said he doubts Blagojevich would resign, partly because it might make him look guilty.

Rich also doubts the Legislature would remove Blagojevich from office. House Speaker Michael Madigan and incoming Senate President John Cullerton wouldn’t want to be seen as interfering with the federal court process, he argued.

He predicts Blagojevich will stay in office and have a seat at the table in Springfield but that Madigan and Cullerton will gain new influence over the shape of the budget and other top issues.

Prescient, no?

* I’d say something about this, but it’s probably been said before…

Members of a committee formed in response to plagiarism accusations levied against a former university administrator received word this week that they need to reconvene and examine documents they may have plagiarized.

According to The Chronicle of Higher Education, the 10-member committee of Southern Illinois University academics and administrators commissioned to develop a plagiarism policy may have borrowed from Indiana University’s definition—without citing IU.


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Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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2010 updates

Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dear Joe, pick a lane

Ask DuPage County State’s Attorney Joe Birkett who’s the Republican with the best chance of capturing the governor’s job in 2010, and he’ll say, “I am.” Talk to him some more and you get the distinct impression he’s more interested in running for state attorney general.

“I have the ideas and leadership qualities to take the state in a new direction,” he said of his potential as a gubernatorial candidate in a recent interview. A few moments later as he discussed his political options, he switched focus: “Attorney general is an office that’s tailor-made for me.” […]

“Part of me says I’d like the rematch [with Madigan]; however, I’d like to continue my career as a prosecutor as attorney general.”

A few minutes later he added, “I’d like to end my career as an appellate judge or Supreme Court justice.”

Words fail me.

* AG Lisa Madigan talks about an under-appreciated aspect of her office which probably won’t get a lot of coverage in the 2010 contest…

“When you become attorney general, you don’t realize how much of the work is involved in the provision of healthcare to people,” said Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who has pursued an array of investigations, lawsuits and legislation in that arena. […]

During Madigan’s first term, Illinois hospitals had a tense relationship with the attorney general, who shamed many of them with a critical report on their contributions toward indigent care and pursued legislation that would have compelled every hospital to dedicate a sum equal to at least 8% of operating costs toward narrowly defined charity care.

“How has it been to work with an attorney general who is an activist on this issue? It’s been on the one hand very challenging at times,” said Howard Peters, the Illinois Hospital Association’s senior vice president for government affairs. Even in that year, however, Illinois hospitals fended off what they viewed as a draconian charity-care requirement while working with Madigan toward consensus on a second bill regulating hospital billing and collection policies, which became law. “Because the attorney general and her staff were open to interaction, dialogue and debate, even when we had serious disagreement, it resulted in being able to develop good policy,” Peters said.

* Potential trouble for Burris in 2010?…

Six funeral homes are suing the Illinois Funeral Directors Association, accusing it of coordinating a Ponzi scheme built on life insurance policies.

In the legal action, akin to a shareholders’ suit in the corporate world, the funeral homes say they’re on the hook for potentially tens of millions of dollars in funeral costs because a pre-need funeral trust fund administered by IFDA Services, a for-profit arm of the non-profit IFDA, has been bleeding money. The fund is supposed to pay for funerals for an estimated 49,000 people in Illinois who took out pre-need policies.

The IFDA should never have been in the trust business in the first place, the state comptroller’s office has ruled. The IFDA trust got its start thanks to a license issued in 1980 by then-state Comptroller Roland Burris, who went on to become an IFDA lobbyist and was ultimately appointed to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President Barack Obama.

Larry thinks so and promises more.

* Related…

* States Urge Large-Scale Loan Mortgage Modifications - Attorneys General call on Feds to prevent foreclosures

* AT&T’s U-verse service gives short shrift to public-access programming - Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan joins investigation of its practices

* AG press rlease on LaSalle County Illegal Gambling

* The state comptroller’s office and funeral home directors insist that no one who has purchased a pre-need contract guaranteeing payment of their funeral expenses is at risk.

* Student credit card crackdown: A new legislative push in Illinois may be making college campuses less welcoming to credit card companies. Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias has proposed legislation to restrict the promotion of student credit cards on colleges and universities in the state.

* $75 million returned in ’08


Question of the day

Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Should the Illinois primary be moved to September, as Gov. Pat Quinn has said? Or should it be a different month, perhaps June? Let’s make this multiple choice…

* 1) Leave it in early February

* 2) Move it back to March, where it was until 2008

* 3) May/June

* 4) September

Explain your answer as much as possible. Thanks.


Illinois and stimulus politics *** UPDATED x1 ***

Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If you clicked on this link in yesterday’s Morning Shorts, you saw that per capita “stimulus bill” spending in Illinois is in the top tier. Only a small handful of states fare better than us.

But even more money may be on its way

Top Democrats plan to add a big increase in highway and mass transit funding to President Barack Obama’s economic recovery program Tuesday, even as others in the president’s party hope to rein in the plan’s almost $1 trillion cost to taxpayers.

A move by Patty Murray, D-Wash., to add $25 billion in infrastructure projects is first in line as the Senate begins thrashing through dozens of proposed changes to the sprawling $885 billion measure.

Murray’s plan would increase the money in the bill for highway projects by almost 50 percent, to $40 billion, reflecting complaints from lawmakers in both parties that Obama’s plan doesn’t do enough to relieve a backlog of unfinished projects. Mass transit programs would get a $5 billion boost, while water projects would get $7 billion more.

The Illinois delegation ought to bump up the mass transit number even higher.

* Despite that above story, some Republican House members who voted against their chamber’s version are leaning in favor of the new Senate bill

[GOP Congressman Mark Kirk]: “I think a stimulus package is necessary. And the one that will emerge from the Senate will have more infrastructure spending, more tax relief for small businesses to hire and less social spending on accounts that have little to do with economic developments.”

A new poll by USA Today could explain why some GOPs are starting to rethink their position. The article itself is horribly written, but here’s the best money quotes I could find…

Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to pass an economic stimulus bill, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, but expectations are low that it will help their families or turn the economy around this year. […]

While 17% say Congress should reject a stimulus bill altogether, those who want a stimulus passed are evenly divided over whether Obama’s plan should undergo major changes.

They never tell you what percentage of the population wants the bill passed. Goofballs.

* Meanwhile
, Rep. Kirk had some kind words for state Rep. John Fritchey

A Republican congressman from Chicago’s north suburbs could be open to endorsing a Democratic candidate for Congress. Mark Kirk says he’s done a lot of work with State Representative John Fritchey of Chicago. Kirk laughed when asked if he’ll make an endorsement in the fifth district special election.

KIRK: I told him I would either condemn him or endorse him, which ever helps.

A spokesman for Fritchey says he’s glad the representative’s reputation as an effective legislator is widespread. He adds that Kirk and Fritchey would be on opposite sides of many issues if they serve together.

Fritchey, by the way, was endorsed by the Illinois Federation of Teachers yesterday. That comes on the heels of an AFSCME endorsement. The Illinois AFL-CIO nod may not be far away.

*** UPDATE *** Or not

The Service Employees International Union plans to endorse state Rep. Sara Feigenholtz (D) in her bid for former Rep. Rahm Emanuel’s (D) House seat, the Chicago Business Journal reports.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* Related…

* Durbin looking for dollars in Washington: Durbin’s office estimates that the Senate version could save or create over 200,000 jobs across Illinois by the end of 2010 and could bring $25 billion in federal funding.

* Illinois health care and the economic stimulus package

* Highlights of Senate’s economic stimulus plan

* Competition High for Stimulus Funds

* Schock selected to serve on subcommittees

* Rep. Halvorson pledges to support veterans at stop in Normal

* Feigenholtz has the campaign cash lead, but wants more money for federal bid


Quinn’s balancing act

Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My syndicated newspaper column this week is about the challenges facing Gov. Pat Quinn. It’s not a unique topic these days, but I think it’s still worth a read

Before Rod Blagojevich came along, Pat Quinn was often ridiculed as a camera-hungry huckster with lots of ideas and little follow-through.

But after six years of Blagojevich’s bomb-throwing, empty promises, flat-out lies, needless political wars and miserable failures, finally topped off with a shocking display of corruption and self-immolation, our new Gov. Quinn looks like a statesman by comparison.

Many of us are so shell-shocked since Blagojevich’s arrest and so thoroughly sick of seeing that awful man on our TV screens 24/7 that Quinn suddenly feels like a rush of fresh air.

It wasn’t all that long ago that Quinn was infamous for using every PR gimmick in the book to attract television cameras. In the process, he alienated pretty much the entire political establishment. But last week, after he was sworn in as our 41st governor, Quinn said that Illinois needed “humble” leadership and promised to work closely with everyone in government to move the state forward.

As Quinn has said, we do, indeed, need far more cooperation at the top levels of government. We need a healthy respect for the process and the principle of separation of powers. We need a more quiet, humble leadership. We need a far more rational, inclusive and open-minded approach to budgeting and policy-making.

I have gained quite a lot of respect for Quinn in the past few years. It started when I learned that he was attending the funerals and wakes of Illinois soldiers who were killed in our two foreign wars. He never tipped off the media about what he was doing. He didn’t speak at the events unless asked. He didn’t glad-hand the bereaved. Quinn just slipped into the somber ceremonies unannounced, paid his respects and left when it was over. And he always asked permission before attending. If the families didn’t want him there, he didn’t go.

Now, that’s a class act, I thought at the time. Still do, in fact.

But some of the “old” Pat Quinn re-emerged last year while he was still lieutenant governor during an intense legislative battle over a constitutional amendment for recalling elected officials.

The recall bill passed the House, but the Senate’s sponsor had been quoted as saying that the proposal was “stupid.”

Quinn shot back that “certain members” of the Senate were preparing a “phony baloney … sneak attack” on the recall proposal, then spent days holding news conferences throughout the state and meeting with newspaper editorial boards.

The reaction was not pretty. The Senate sponsor, Donne Trotter, was so infuriated by Quinn’s publicity tour that he refused to shake Quinn’s hand at a subsequent committee hearing. Trotter overreacted, of course, but Quinn’s attempt to use blunt force to push the proposal through the Senate failed, and did severe damage to his relationships with several members of that chamber.

Still, Quinn didn’t call out senators by name, did his very best to maintain a calm demeanor while the Senate committee members tore into him with relish, and even agreed to support a retaliatory proposal which would have terminated the lieutenant governor’s service if the governor was ever recalled.

So, I suppose that’s progress.

He now has a much larger bully pulpit as governor, however, and legislators are awful tired of being bossed around and publicly humiliated by Blagojevich over the past six years, so Quinn has a delicate task ahead.

One of his first orders of business, he has said, is passing new laws to prevent future Blagojevich-style disasters. Only when the public is satisfied that the state government’s ethics are back on track will they be willing to accept sacrifices in the face of the government’s fiscal meltdown.

But convincing those same legislators who were so hostile to him last year to go along with yet another push for recall and some even broader reforms will require a deft touch. He can’t show weakness, but he must avoid bluster. Another needless showdown could be disastrous, considering the gargantuan task ahead of fixing the almost hopelessly broken state budget and passing an expensive job creation bill, all while avoiding further damage to the state’s tanking economy.

No governor in Illinois history - perhaps even American history - has had to face such widespread disaster and hunger for change on such short notice as Quinn.

For all our sake, let’s hope he’s up to the task.

* Related…

* Obama to tap Duckworth for veterans post

* Quinn meets with Chicago Mayor Daley: New Gov. Pat Quinn is doing something his predecessor, Rod Blagojevich, rarely did: He’s talking to other top elected officials. Quinn met Monday with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley — who has called Blagojevich “cuckoo” and had run-ins with the ousted governor last year.

* Gov. Pat Quinn extends state hand in friendship, cooperation with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley: Asked if he also supports the $150 million [Olympics] guarantee, Quinn said, “I support whatever is necessary,” later noting the Illinois General Assembly must still vote on the issue.

*Governor Quinn Goes to Washington

* Quinn Meets With Movers And Shakers In Washington

* Quinn plans to meet with Obama adviser in DC

* Gov. Quinn in Washington Tuesday to meet with Durbin and rest of Illinois delegation

* Quinn to seek federal dollars in Washington

* Gov. Quinn has a lot of cleaning up ahead of him

* Alum Offers Illinois Clean Slate

* Obama, Quinn must do more than promise transparency

* Advice For Pat Quinn: ‘Grease The Wheels’?

* Executive Mansion gets some respect

* Another look at Pat Quinn

* Governor Quinn Gives Central Illinois Hope


The deposed clown continues to lie

Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rod Blagojevich just said on “The Today Show” that the Senate’s vote to remove him last week was a “highjacking,” and an “unlawful and improper impeachment.”

“I don’t view myself at all as being shamed or disgraced,” he said.

That tells you a lot.

* The governor also made the extraordinary claim on the show that he was offered a deal in December to step aside, keep his pay and keep his security detail for two years if he would only refuse to appoint a replacement Senator for Barack Obama.

I know a bit about those negotiations, so I’ll be telling subscribers something about them tomorrow, but what Blagojevich said is just total bull. House Speaker Michael Madigan’s spokesman Steve Brown summed it up best this morning in an e-mail…

“This is a very troubled and confused person who thinks he hears a lot of things.”

Here’s the video…

* The disgraced former governor has embarked on another New York media tour, including yet another appearance on Larry King’s show tonight as well as Letterman.

Here’s our quote of the week

A publicist says former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich wants to reiterate his innocence in another slew of television appearances including the “Late Show with David Letterman.’”

Days after being booted from office, Blagojevich will also appear Tuesday on NBC’s “Today'’ show, CNN’s “Larry King Live,'’ and Fox’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.'’

Publicist Glenn Selig says the former governor is “very concerned people think he let them down.'’

Emphasis added, of course, to show you how absolutely goofy this man is.

* Perhaps those bobbleheads could do us all a service and ask Blagojevich about this press release from The Autism Program of Illinois

In one of his last acts in office, ousted former governor Rod Blagojevich stripped an additional $291,500 from The Autism Program of Illinois (TAP) Service Network. That cut was in addition to funding cuts of more than 50% which had previously been imposed on the TAP Service Network by the Blagojevich Administration.

“While the former governor claimed to be a champion for children with autism, the facts say otherwise,” said Georgia Winson, Chief of The Autism Program of Illinois. “The General Assembly approved $10.2 million in funding for the network this fiscal year. After the former governor’s most recent action, the total funding cut exceeds $5.4 million. These cuts will mean a dramatic decrease in terms of access to services for families of children with an autism spectrum disorder.”

The TAP Service Network is the largest statewide network for autism services in the nation. The network has 12 regional centers spread throughout the state, and more than 30 partners including universities and community based organizations. Each year, the TAP Service network impacts more than 16,000 families of children with autism across Illinois.

The original appropriation bill passed by the General Assembly provided for $10.2 million in funding for the TAP Service Network. Blagojevich reduced that amount to $5 million by amendatory veto. During the former governor’s impeachment trial, TAP was informed by administration officials of the further cut in funding.

* And, finally, the Pantagraph asks: Will Blagojevich get official portrait?

They should just use this one…

* Related…

* Rezko wins move out of jail’s ‘hole’: The convicted businessman — poised to become a crucial witness in the massive corruption case against ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich — was quietly moved out of a downtown jail and into another facility last month, the Sun-Times learned Monday.

* Picture this: Blagojevich portrait may never happen: Rep. Ken Dunkin (D-Chicago), who has sided with Blagojevich more than most of his House colleagues, disagrees. He said Blagojevich should have his portrait hung, regardless of his ouster or possible criminal conviction.

* Illinois senators say others in Blagojevich administration should be held accountable

* A look at Rod Blagojevich’s time as Ill. governor
* Rid Illinois of all things Blagojevich

* Money at root of Blagojevich’s rise and fall

* Let state reap benefit of selling Blagojevich’s name

* Silly gov songs


Morning Shorts

Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

* Cook Co. sales tax to be on some local ballots

Voters throughout Northwest suburban Cook County will get to record their views on the recent county sales tax hike when they go to the ballot box on April 7.

Many of these voters will also be asked if they want to break away from Cook County altogether.

But both questions are nonbinding - and even a spokesman for Cook County Board President Todd Stroger acknowledged almost anyone would vote against a tax increase if given the choice.

* Assessor alleges fraud in Antioch Township race Names of dead people and others on Kryczka petitions

Besides the two dead people, there were 45 signatures of people who were not registered to vote and another 141 signatures that Kufalk-Marotta claims are outright fraud.

She has signed affidavits from Stephen Glover, Ronna Levin, Donald Kolle Jr., Thomas Homan and others stating that at no time did they sign their name to the petitions circulated by Kryczka.

* Feds: Chicago job seekers mowed dept. head’s lawn

People wanting jobs on the city payroll allegedly mowed the lawn, shoveled snow and washed windows at the home of the city’s commissioner of streets and sanitation and some gave him money and gifts, federal prosecutors said Monday.

Prosecutors made the allegation in court papers filed in the case of former Chicago streets and sanitation commissioner Al Sanchez. […]

They said one man was asked to go to Sanchez’s house and mow his lawn. He did so and “observed multiple HDO participants at Sanchez’s house performing yard work and washing the windows of Sanchez’s house.”

* Jobs were HDO favors: prosecutors

* Federal trial of ex-Daley aide to shed light again on hiring abuses

* CN, EJ&E rail merger finalized

“We plan to join Will County and plan to file an appeal,” New Lenox Mayor Tim Baldermann said. “This plan is not good for the people of New Lenox. The process can take a long time.”

* Additional trains will roll on EJ&E next month

* Transit Expert Suggests Qualities for Next CTA Head

* Down $79B

The Chicago area lost $79 billion in home values in 2008, and nearly half of that loss was during the fourth quarter, according to the latest report from real estate Web site Zillow Inc. to be released today.

Zillow also found that 23.4 percent of homes sold in the area in the fourth quarter sold for a loss, and 19 percent of homeowners in the area were upside down on their mortgages at the end of the year, meaning they owed more on their homes than they were worth.

The median home value fell 10.2 percent from a year earlier to $225,018, according to the report.

* Slumping housing, revenue outlooks press Kaneland

* Motorola loses $3.6B, suspends dividend, CFO exits

* In Illinois, Unemployment is Up and Help is Down

* Archer Daniels Midland profit up24 percent in 2Q

* Taxes dip for Commercial Mortgage creditors

* County’s work-for-taxes plan worth a look

* IMRF Panic

* Obama returning to Illinois for Lincoln’s 200th

* Obama to attend Lincoln birthday bash in Springfield, Ill.

* City worker in hot water over meter is reassigned


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Tuesday, Feb 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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