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Just to put things into perspective…

Monday, Mar 2, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We all coulda died today

A small asteroid buzzed by Earth Monday, though only real astronomy geeks in the Pacific would have noticed.

The rock, estimated to be no more than 200 feet wide, zoomed past our planet at an altitude of 40,000 miles at 1:44 p.m. universal time — or 8:44 EST.

Dubbed 2009 DD45, it was discovered only on Friday by Australian astronomers. […]

Had 2009 DD45 hit the Earth, it would have exploded on or near the surface with the force of a large nuclear blast — not very reassuring when you consider humanity had only about three days’ notice.

According to the Australian news Web site Crikey, the asteroid is likely to be drawn in by Earth’s gravity, meaning it may return for many more near misses in the future.

It doesn’t make our state’s political situation any less stupid or exasperating, of course, but it sure makes you think about things.

[Hat tip: ColonelTribune]

* Then again, stuff like this happens and I almost wish the doomsday meteor would strike…

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich today signed a six figure book deal with one of the largest independent book publishers in the U.S., the PR firm representing Blagojevich announced today.

Blagojevich, who vehemently denies he tried to sell President Obama’s senate seat, will write about the discussions, the considerations and the factors involved in picking Obama’s successor to the U.S. Senate. Blagojevich maintains he was hijacked from office because of politics. In the book, he will write about his journey that led up to the twice-elected governor and former congressman being ousted from office. He also plans on exposing the dark side of politics that he witnessed in both the state and national level.

Phoenix Books is run by maverick publisher Michael Viner whose titles include books from celebrities like mega-rock star and businessman Gene Simmons and talk show host Larry King. Phoenix also has a large selection of popular fiction and intriguing mystery books. […]

Selig says the governor will tell the American public the truth about what happened. He does not intend to pull any punches and will reveal information and provide insights that will at times be embarrassing to himself as well as to others.

“There were some people in high places who didn’t want the governor to write this book and worked to try to squash a book deal,” says Selig.

Words fail me.

…Adding… From the above press release…

“The governor chose to go with a large independent company because he wanted to tell his story without any restrictions over content that might’ve come with a major publishing house,” says Glenn Selig, Blagojevich’s publicist and founder of The Publicity Agency.

As a friend of mine just said….

And by “content,” I’m guessing he means “reality”?

*** UPDATE *** Rep. Jack Franks apparently anticipated this book deal

Hours before the formal announcement of Blagojevich’s book deal, one of his chief legislative critics announced a move to bar him from cashing in on the deal if the impeached ex-governor winds up being convicted of federal charges.

“Corrupt Illinois politicians, for example Rod Blagojevich, are looking to cash in by telling their stories after the fact,” Rep. Jack Franks (D-Woodstock) said. “They should not be allowed to benefit from their actions in any way, most of all financially.”

Franks’ bill would cover any book or movie deals that detail a crime for which the elected official was convicted, and any profits derived from the deal would have to be turned over to the state of Illinois.

Jack Franks=Karnak The Magnificent.


  1. - One of the 35 - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:07 pm:

    Rich: I get it. The asteroid is a metaphor for our economic problems, right?

  2. - Downstate weed chewing hick - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    I blame the recession, global warming and the Octomom for this unacceptable near miss.

  3. - soccermom - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:10 pm:

    40,000 feet? how does that compare to say, flight paths for jetliners? (I want to know how worried I should be.)

  4. - montrose - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:12 pm:

    40,000 miles, not feet

  5. - Amy - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:14 pm:

    people get hit by a metaphorical asteroid every day…they, or their loved ones get hit by cancer or a heart attack, the big killers in our country. yes it’s true that politics is a piece of the business that runs our public service business, our government and is therefore serious. but, you are right, rich, it sure makes you think about things. maybe someone should have made money off th 5th CD race and just turned it into a reality show.

  6. - North of I-80 - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:15 pm:

    Blagojevich’s book title: Asteroid
    Rich Miller’s book title: Asteroid Hits Illinois

  7. - scoot - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:15 pm:

    The truth as Rod sees it? I was really hoping he would throw everyone & I mean everyone under the bus he could.

  8. - enrico depressario - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:16 pm:

    Anyone up for a pool on when Rockin’ Rodney gets outfitted with his very own pair of concrete overshoes?

  9. - Dan S, a Voter, Taxpayer and Cubs Fan - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:21 pm:

    Or will they find him in a trunk in the parking lot at Ohare or not at all?

  10. - A Citizen - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:22 pm:

    When it comes to exguv, the word “asteroid” seems to have two too many syllables.

  11. - MOON - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    Blago’s book cannot be truthful without incriminating himself in the not to distant trial he faces. Having said that his book can only be filled with half truths at best! What a joke!!!

  12. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    Or will he be rumored to be buried in the foundation of the new Olympic 2016 Stadium?

  13. - Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:27 pm:

    OK, let’s move away from that area please.

  14. - Amy - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:38 pm:

    even if the six figure is just the first of the six figures, that’s a great deal of money for the goof. i’ll think of that while watching for milk prices for my family.

  15. - The Doc - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:41 pm:


    He is still awaiting indictment, and a lengthy trial many months away, which significantly limits the potential content of his book. Unless of course he’s going to spill dirt on personal items, which would be truly despicable, even for this miscreant.

    He’s also potentially tainting his own jury pool.


  16. - Hot Rod Lincoln - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:42 pm:

    Oh no, I hope this story doesn’t bring the national media circus back to Illinois…Blagohairovich doing his book tour on Larry King etc. I wonder what the book will be titled. I think “Slumdog Milllionhairs” is already taken.

  17. - RoddW - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:48 pm:

    So Guv. Lazy is going to “write” this “book”? I hope you’ll break the news about the poor unfortunate who takes the ghost writing job on this.

  18. - VanillaMan - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:49 pm:

    Other books by this publisher

    I’m not making this first one up…
    LADIES OF THE NIGHT: A HISTORICAL AND PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE OLDEST PROFESSION IN THE WORLD by K.I.S.S. frontman Gene Simmons is another book from this publishers - get it?

    Now I am…



  19. - VanillaMan - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    Coming soon!
    Also by this publisher…


  20. - Anonymous45 - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    Who’s gonna write it for him? A ghostwriter?

    His continued interest/amazement in himself is truly a thing to behold, even for a politician…

  21. - JonShibleyFan - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    Stranger. Than. Fiction.

  22. - VanillaMan - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:54 pm:


    MOBY DICK by Glen Poshard, Former US Representative - IL

  23. - JonShibleyFan - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 3:55 pm:


    Thank you.

  24. - Ahem - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:02 pm:

    Rod should donate the book proceeds to reducing the Illinois deficit. To do any less would not be in keeping with his status as Supergov, champion of Illinois. Oh, never mind, it’s a pittance compared to the deficit. Spend it on jets and high living!

  25. - soccermom - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:03 pm:

    Dear Montrose,

    Feet, miles — give ‘em an inch, that’s what I say…

    (thanks, she blushed)

  26. - NewDay - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:06 pm:

    This “novel” will promptly make in the bargin bin at B&N.

  27. - The Teddster - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:08 pm:

    I’ll bet Pat Fitzgerald pre-orders the book on Amazon.

  28. - Anonymous ZZZ - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:11 pm:

    VanMan - former first lady is Patti, not Ann.

  29. - Dan S, a taxpaer, a voter and a Cubs Fan - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:16 pm:

    So this is how Milorad will finace his criminal defense. This should bring Genson back in the picture.

  30. - 3 beers to springfield - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:21 pm:

    I’m sure the former Governor will be donating the proceeds to “the working families” for whom he professed so much concern during his administration.

  31. - carbon deforestation - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:21 pm:

    I like Franks’ bill idea, but come on Rich he’s no Karnak. I mean who didn’t see this coming?

    The whole media tour was pre-publicity for his book, all along it was the only way left for him to make any money. It was clearly obvious to me.

  32. - carbon deforestation - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:22 pm:

    The only reason Blogo is announcing the book deal today, is because the contract for the made-for-TV movie isn’t done yet . . .

  33. - Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:23 pm:

    carbon, it was a joke.

  34. - Levois - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:27 pm:

    Could Blago lose his book deal if he’s finally indicted?

  35. - carbon deforestation - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:30 pm:

    Although Franks’ hair sometimes resembles that hat that Johnny Carson used to wear for the bit

  36. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    What if he uses Bleeping Golden as a title?

  37. - Cranky Old Man - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:33 pm:

    So I assume we can look for this great piece of literature in the fiction section.

  38. - Levois - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:35 pm:


  39. - OneMan - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:35 pm:

    I suspect his attorneys (whomever they will end up being) will be thrilled with this…

  40. - LN - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:35 pm:

    VQ, I thought the same thing. Until I read further: “The book, which has a working title of “The Governor,” is set to be released by Phoenix Books in October.”

  41. - "low level paper pusher" - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:45 pm:

    who will ghost write the thing? Filan? Carroll? Nix?

    too bad for the company…this thing is going to wind up being remaindered…shredded. No one will buy.

  42. - EmptySuitParade - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:47 pm:

    I assume Capt. Fax and IL other journalists have all obtained copies of the so-called six figure contract…..that way we know how real this nonsense is….. we will await the link.
    Of course we all know the Blagoof work ethic and understand this book will not appear for about 10 years.

  43. - soccermom - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 4:57 pm:

    An October release? Sounds like he’s going to be putting together a compilation of media coverage about himself. Otherwise, pretty much impossible to deliver a usable manuscript in that timeframe.

  44. - Capitol View - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:02 pm:

    actually, Blago has been writing this book for years, in his basement at home — intended to be a campaign book for his presidency run. That’s what kept him indoors in his family residence for the past seven years.

    ALthough it is kinda hard to write when laying on the floor in a fetal position… his handwriting may be hard to decipher.

  45. - Anon - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:06 pm:

    It will sell as well as Rudyard Kipling does today.

  46. - Ahem - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:13 pm:

    Of course the title will be “Testicular Virility, or How I [BLEEP]ed Illinois!”

  47. - fedup dem - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:17 pm:

    I’ll be looking for Blago’s work this fall at Borders between the Jughead and Bart Simpson Comic Books!

  48. - A Citizen - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:19 pm:

    “And with a Forward by the Editor, Richard Mell.” He made him what he is today!

  49. - DHee - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:20 pm:

    At first I wondered why Rod would write a tell-all (at least in his mind) book, given the consequences of the federal investigation. But then I had a good laugh and thought it’s only another chapter of his delusional life. Maybe he could title it “If I did it and they let me call witnesses and let me tell my story and blah blah.”

  50. - this voter will remember - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:32 pm:

    I like the title ‘Bleeping Golden’. Are the ‘drunken legislators’ feeling queasy yet?

  51. - Can't Say My Nickname - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:36 pm:

    I would buy the book if Blago included a chapter on how Burris received a $300,000 IDOT contract.

  52. - lake county democrat - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:37 pm:

    I thought the courts have ruled on this and said it’s unconstitutional — you can sue someone and then use the assets from the book deal to pay off a judgment (see OJ Simpson), but you can’t make a blanket prohibition like this.

  53. - Gregor - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:39 pm:

    Nice October Surprise

    I think he wants to call the book:

    “If I Did It”.

    or maybe:


    I hear if you pay him a little under the table, he’ll put a nice chapter in it about you. For a lot more, he’ll take one out.

    Seriously, why spend any money to buy what will of necessity be a re-hash of his speeches and press releases, since he dare not write anything in it that could be used in his federal trial? Six figure but maybe most of them will be zeroes. And the “powerful forces” talked of? That was Rahm’s brother’s talent agency I bet.

    This book will be out October first and in the remainder bin by October ninth.

  54. - Ms. Rutan - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 5:43 pm:

    Rich -

    Warren Ribley was just named as the Director of DCEO.

  55. - Lefty - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 6:50 pm:

    Title: For a Few Dollars More

  56. - Bookworm - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 8:08 pm:

    I say he should just write a novel about Illinois/Chicago/D.C. politics and present it up front as fiction. Change names to protect the innocent (and guard against libel suits), use artistic license to merge characters, change details, etc. Writing it as fiction would also enable him to include all his favorite four-and 12-letter words and some juicy sex/violence/action passages (which no contemporary novel is complete without). Heck, anything he writes is going to be treated as fiction anyway so why not go for it. Even if it’s a really bad, “It was a dark and stormy night” kind of novel, at least readers could amuse themselves by trying to guess which real people he was portraying in the course of the story.

  57. - southern illinoisan - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 8:48 pm:

    I would be interested to see what kind of “dirt” Blago can substaniate. I would say there are a lot of nervous Democrats out there right now.

    Speaking of nervous. I just read where John Filan, Head of the Illinois Finance Authority still has a job. Why is that? Is it that Governor Quinn can bring himself to “fumigate state government”? Or maybe he can’t find enough qualified Democrats to jump on a sinking ship? Either way he needs to get moving on cleaning house. There are to many Blago holdovers that are still on the state payroll — Filan is an example. They need to go and fast. Otherwise, it would appear that Quinn is just another typical party politician. Action speaks louder than words.

  58. - Lulu - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 9:25 pm:

    Jack Franks is ridiculous - talking about a glaring vendetta. Franks is trying to take away the pension of the ex-Gov and now this. If OJ simpson - who killed his wife, and Charles Manson - who killed countless, can write books about their drama, why can’t Blago? This is America - even if you don’t like the guy, people are allowed make money off of all sorts of things. Franks shouldn’t be able to stop him from writing a book or doing a movie deal, if that’s where this thing goes. Franks comes off as petty and angry and evil minded. It makes me feel bad for the Governor. Get a life, Franks!

  59. - Ann O'Namus - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 9:42 pm:

    Whatever the title, the subtitle will be, “Admissible As Evidence”.

  60. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 9:44 pm:

    Does that six-figure contract include the cents side of the decimal point?

  61. - Bookworm - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 9:54 pm:

    Also, weren’t so-called “Son of Sam” laws forbidding criminals from profiting from books or movies about their crimes struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court about 15 or 20 years ago? If that is the case, Franks’ bill isn’t going anywhere; it would be unconstitutional.

  62. - Darth H8ter - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 10:03 pm:

    Blago is innocent until proven guilty. Air ‘em all out Fmr. Gov!

  63. - Frank Sobotka - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 10:09 pm:

    ‘Re-Write to do…Right?’

  64. - wordslinger - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 10:11 pm:

    Who would buy the book, really? Six-figure book deal? Check the decimal point. The only way he could write a book that would sell would be to incriminate himself further before he goes to trial.

    Rod might be an interesting story (I doubt it) by Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Blago; a small man who unexpectedly reaches the heights and screws it up. Interesting because its so vulgar and sad.

  65. - Little Egypt - Monday, Mar 2, 09 @ 11:09 pm:

    Ann O’Namus - “Admissible as Evidence”, that’s a great one. This just shows how really stupid Blago is to write something before he even knows the temperature of the hot water he finds himself sitting in. October will come and go without a release of THE book IF Blago’s trial is scheduled for that month.

    Personally, I’ve already watched him fictionalize his 6 years in office by going on every TV program his PR firm could muster. I’ll save my money and just read about it here.

  66. - Anon - Tuesday, Mar 3, 09 @ 7:32 am:

    Title of the book? As heard on the radio in Springfield: “When Bad Things Happen To Bad People” … .

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