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Trib wants a revolution

Thursday, Mar 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune has proclaimed next year the “Revolution of 2010” in the wake of Mike Quigley’s primary victory this week…

What if Tuesday’s treacherous rebellion spreads?

Quigley won Tuesday’s primary with not a lot of money, no help from ward bosses and no endorsements from the public employee unions that have a chokehold on so many of Chicago’s Democratic politicians.

This was, though, the first chance voters have had to express themselves since Rod Blagojevich imploded and a bevy of his fellow Democrats—Sen. Dick Durbin, Gov. Pat Quinn, Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton—ran off a cliff together. Maybe it will occur to this crowd that, by blatantly reneging on their earlier support for a special election to fill Obama’s Senate seat, they tried to push around Illinois voters once too often. […]

The comedy du jour was hearing machine pols try to explain away Quigley’s win by noting that voter turnout in the special primary was light. Wait a minute: Those are the same pols who usually crow that light turnout helps their candidates—and disadvantages reformers such as Quigley who don’t have big ward organizations or labor armies.

Look, it was undeniably an impressive win and there’s a good argument to be made that voters rejected the Democratic organization, since about two-thirds of them cast their lot with candidates who weren’t directly affiliated with the Machine. But, let’s not get completely carried away with ourselves yet. This may very well spread, and it will definitely have an impact on short-term politics, but Quigley did score just 22 percent of the vote on Tuesday.

Also, if you’re gonna trumpet a coming revolution, perhaps you should first check state laws…

Committeemen Tom Tunney (44th), Tom Sharpe (46th) and Michele Smith (43rd), the three of you control the lion’s share of the weighted vote of committeemen. Together, you can install a reformer here. Patrick O’Connor (40th) and Ira Silverstein (50th), Democratic voters furious at party bosses will be watching how you and the other committeemen fill Quigley’s seat.

Um, here’s the pertinent state statute

[Oops. I stand corrected. The Trib is right. Sorry about that. And sorry about not getting to this sooner. Was away from the computer.]

I’m hearing that Randy Barnette, the 39th Ward Democratic committeeman who supported Pat O’Connor in the congressional race, is expressing early interest in the seat.

* Meanwhile, speaking of the county board

Meet Cook County Commissioner “Tweetie.” That’s the handle outspoken Republican Tony Peraica uses in posting his live play-by-play of County Board meetings on Twitter, the online micro-blog that’s all the rage.

Last month, Peraica started posting short messages — called “tweets” — during board meetings about everything from contract votes and political bickering to his opinions and wisecracks in 140 characters or less. […]

During Wednesday’s County Board meeting, Peraica posted 15 tweets, including updates on major votes, mild self-promotion and a jab at Commissioner Mike Quigley, who won the 5th Congressional District Democratic primary the night before. […]

County Board President Todd Stroger said Peraica should probably pay closer attention to what’s going on during meetings rather than “twittering his thumbs.”

“I think it’s strange,” Stroger said. “It doesn’t sound kosher. He probably shouldn’t be typing while we’re doing business. Maybe that’s why he can’t remember how he voted on things two weeks ago.”

* Related…

* Stroger cool to Quigley win

* Could Quigley’s win be Stroger’s as well?

* Why Quigley beat the Ward Bosses

* Quigley win a promising sign

* Likely Rahm successor is no insider

* Politico: The Dover Group, which has been consulting with Quigley on fundraising and strategy, is also planning a March fundraiser in Washington

* Press release: Illinois Green Party Congratulates Matt Reichel Primary Victory


  1. - Zounds - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 8:26 am:

    So let me get this straight…the Trib is drawing conclusions from a umpteen candidate special election? Please.

  2. - Josh Kalven - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:13 am:

    Houston, we have a conflict. Here’s what the Cook County Code of Ordinances says about vacancies (sorry to cut-and-paste):

    *(a) If a vacancy occurs in the Office of Commissioner, such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the appropriate district committee of the political party in the County Board District of which the incumbent was a candidate at the time of the candidate’s election. If the incumbent Commissioner was appointed to the position, then such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the appropriate district committee of the political party in the County Board District which appointed the incumbent. The appointee shall be of the same political party that the incumbent Commissioner was at the time of election or appointment.

    (b) The district committee of a County Board District shall consist of the committeemen of each ward or township contained in whole or in part within the County Board District. In making appointments under this section, each committeeman of the appropriate district committee shall be entitled to one vote for each vote that was received, in that portion of the County Board District which the committeeman represent on the committee, by the Commissioner whose seat is vacant at the general election at which that Commissioner was elected to the seat which has been vacated (or the Commissioner’s elected predecessor, if the Commissioner whose seat is vacant was appointed) and a majority of the total number of votes received in such general election by the Commissioner whose seat is vacant is required for the appointment of the successor.*

  3. - Anon - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:15 am:

    Are you sure about the Commissioners filling the vacancy? The assumption going around is that this will be filled by the Committeemen as with Steele and others…

  4. - Deep South - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:18 am:

    I’m about 400 miles away from the 5thCD, might as well be Upper Slobovia, so I apologize if I’m misinformed…but wasn’t voter turnout really low?…weren’t there something like two dozen people on the ballot? The Trib needs to get a clue.

  5. - Cynic - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:20 am:

    As excited as I was about Quigley’s victory (well, as excited I can get about any politician), I fear for Cook County because he and Forrest Claypool are the only Commissioners who showed any willingness to battle Todd “I’m not pulling Dad’s plug ’til after the primary” Stroger.

    I’m not sure if everyone caught this, but we may be in for a new era of race-based politics in Illinois — not that it ever went away, but it might get pushed more to the front. The Trib article quotes Stroger as saying “”The North Siders are really just making an attack on me as a South Sider…so, this really didn’t have anything to do with the county.”

    Well, actually it DOES have to do with the County which is a veritable kleptocracy that is marked by nepotism an incompetence. More important than Stroger’s actual words were their subtext. For those of your readers who are not from the Chicago area, the North side of the city is very generally more affluent and more white; the south side has proportionately more blacks. Stroger’s words mirror those Roland Burris and seem to portend a strategy of slash and burn racial politics.

    Heaven help us all if we go down this path again.

  6. - anon - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:21 am:

    Rich, here’s the County ordinance on vacancies. Not sure which law they’ll fill the spot under.

    Sec. 2-71. Vacancies.
    (a) If a vacancy occurs in the Office of Commissioner, such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the appropriate district committee of the political party in the County Board District of which the incumbent was a candidate at the time of the candidate’s election. If the incumbent Commissioner was appointed to the position, then such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the appropriate district committee of the political party in the County Board District which appointed the incumbent. The appointee shall be of the same political party that the incumbent Commissioner was at the time of election or appointment.
    (b) The district committee of a County Board District shall consist of the committeemen of each ward or township contained in whole or in part within the County Board District. In making appointments under this section, each committeeman of the appropriate district committee shall be entitled to one vote for each vote that was received, in that portion of the County Board District which the committeeman represent on the committee, by the Commissioner whose seat is vacant at the general election at which that Commissioner was elected to the seat which has been vacated (or the Commissioner’s elected predecessor, if the Commissioner whose seat is vacant was appointed) and a majority of the total number of votes received in such general election by the Commissioner whose seat is vacant is required for the appointment of the successor.
    (c) Appointments made under this section shall be in writing and shall be signed by members of the district committee whose total votes are sufficient to make the appointments. Such appointments shall be filed with the County Clerk.
    (d) An appointment made under this section shall be for the remainder of the term.
    (Ord. No. 94-O-18, § 2, 3-1-1994.)

  7. - Honest Abe - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:25 am:

    Definitely a win for Stroger if Quigley’s vacant seat on the County Board is filled by a rubber stamp.

  8. - ThreeSheets - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:25 am:

    I’m with the Trib, fill it with Kim Walz.

  9. - ThreeSheets - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:27 am:

    Also, for what it is worth, at the IVI-IPO endorsement session, Quigley stated that his seat would be filled by a weighted vote of the committemen.

  10. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:37 am:


    You’re quoting the statute, but in 1994, by home rule power, the County Board superceded the state statute when it went to single member districts. Up to that point, commissioners were elected at large, 10 in the City and 7 in the suburbs. That’s why it made sense to say the “city” commissioners filled vacancies in the city, etc. Now, the single member districts cross the city-suburb boundary and there aren’t any city or suburban commissioners. The relevant County ordinance is at and reads:

    Sec. 2-71. Vacancies.
    (a) If a vacancy occurs in the Office of Commissioner, such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the appropriate district committee of the political party in the County Board District of which the incumbent was a candidate at the time of the candidate’s election. If the incumbent Commissioner was appointed to the position, then such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the appropriate district committee of the political party in the County Board District which appointed the incumbent. The appointee shall be of the same political party that the incumbent Commissioner was at the time of election or appointment.
    (b) The district committee of a County Board District shall consist of the committeemen of each ward or township contained in whole or in part within the County Board District. In making appointments under this section, each committeeman of the appropriate district committee shall be entitled to one vote for each vote that was received, in that portion of the County Board District which the committeeman represent on the committee, by the Commissioner whose seat is vacant at the general election at which that Commissioner was elected to the seat which has been vacated (or the Commissioner’s elected predecessor, if the Commissioner whose seat is vacant was appointed) and a majority of the total number of votes received in such general election by the Commissioner whose seat is vacant is required for the appointment of the successor.
    (c) Appointments made under this section shall be in writing and shall be signed by members of the district committee whose total votes are sufficient to make the appointments. Such appointments shall be filed with the County Clerk.
    (d) An appointment made under this section shall be for the remainder of the term.
    (Ord. No. 94-O-18, § 2, 3-1-1994.)

  11. - Trying to Be Helpful - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:53 am:

    Two appointments have been made to the Board to fill vacancies since single members districts were created in 1994: Darlena Williams-Burnett was chosen to replace Danny Davis when he went to Congress, and Robert Steele was chosen to replace President Steele when she retired.

    Both were selected by the District Committees mentioned in the ordinance.

  12. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:58 am:

    What if they started a revolution and no one cared? That is what happened in Tuesday’s primary and I can’t imagine how low turn out will be in the coming general.

    Start the revolution without me!

  13. - Mr. W. T. Rush - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 10:05 am:

    Any the winner is the Mighty Tribune….Endorser of the Q.This has to be one of the Trib’s first “wins” in quite a while.
    Hopefully it produce another GOP rant from StatewideTom and Rx Ron et al

  14. - Judgment Day Is On The Way - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 10:06 am:

    “County Board President Todd Stroger said Peraica should probably pay closer attention to what’s going on during meetings rather than “twittering his thumbs.”

    “I think it’s strange,” Stroger said. “It doesn’t sound kosher. He probably shouldn’t be typing while we’re doing business. Maybe that’s why he can’t remember how he voted on things two weeks ago.””

    Tony Peraica may be on to something, using Twitter to send out “tweets” during Board meetings. First off, if he’s smart about it (debatable), he keeps it mostly non-radical and informational, about who appears to be hooked up with who on various issues up before the Board, what’s going on “live” from an insiders view, etc. Could really start to build a following, or at least eyeballs, and that’s what almost every pol wants.

    Almost like a Twitter version of the Capitol Fax Blog, only just for Cook County Board meetings.

    Btw, the Chicago S-T ran using Twitter at Bears training camp this year (sending out “Tweets” of information), and there was a fairly rabid following. Why not do the same for political types for the Cook County Board?

  15. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 10:12 am:

    BTW, On election day, someone handed me the illustrious Russ Stewart’s analysis of the 5th race and I knew it was over for Fritchey.
    Stewart really does have a rare gift-a true marvel. A political cooler.

  16. - fedup dem - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 10:15 am:

    Rest assured, the committeemen of the district will roll over at the behest of the Daleys, and put in the most obediant lackey possible to give the Daleys and Toddler that vital ninth vote. My guess is that the choice will be Ald. Patrick O’Connor, who finished fifth on Tueady in the Congressional Primary, and who is a loyal Daley ally. O’Connor, while a terrible choice for the people of the district and the rest of Cook County, would provide the committeemen with the fig leaf of legitimacy, based on the fact that he has held elective office longer than anyone elese in that district. The selection of O’Connor would also say a clear and resounding message to the Tribune and to the Sun-Times: “Bleep you!”

  17. - R.P. McMurphy - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 10:30 am:

    I think that Russ S.’s headline before the 2002 5th CD Primary was something like: “Emanuel poised to lose by embarrassingly large margin.”

  18. - Ghost - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 10:33 am:

    Bodes well for Quinn.

  19. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 10:41 am:

    The Trib as revolutionaries? That’s a reinvention worthy of Madonna.

    The Trib Company has been the most powerful media company — newspaper, radio, and TV — in Illinois for generations. They’re fighting The Man? They’ve been The Man.

    They’ve run an incumbent protection program. Check out their past endorsements — Congress, GA, County Board, City Council. Have they ever not endorsed Daley? They sure liked Rosty when he was chairman of Ways and Means — good politics is good business.

    Talk about selling Senate seats, how about endorsements? Paul Lis used to while away afternoons at Riccardos, rolling in dough he got from GA candidates who somehow thought he could get them the Trib endorsement. Maybe they got the idea from his doing his lobbying business out of the Trib’s statehouse pressroom office whenever he was in Springfield.

    I don’t know how much of a reformer Quigley is, but I do know the un-reformed have never had a problem sending reformers to Washington. The un-reformers like to stay close to home, like old Roman Pucinski from the Northwest Side, who went to Congress, but came back the first chance he could to become alderman.

  20. - Upon further review - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 10:45 am:

    The Trib and most of the other MSM completely missed what went down in the 5th CD.

    The machine got EXACTLY what it wanted. The mayor kept his guy O’Connor in the race and sent southsiders (under the orders of Degnan) in to work for O’Connor the last week to take votes from Fritchey, not Quigley.

    Now the machine - gets rid of Quigley, moving him from a vocal force on the county board to a silent backbencher; picks his replacement; lays the ground work for Rahm to come back, and; stifles Fritchey’s climb.

    All without fingerprints.

  21. - Johnny USA - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    Upon further review - I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

  22. - Chicago Dem - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    I’m not sure the Quigley replacement will necessarily be bad. His successor is unlikely to be as outspoken or effective, but it could be a “good government” Democrat.

    44th ward committeeman Tom Tunney is progressive (although too close to Daley); 43rd ward committeeman Michelle Smith is a former Assistant U.S. Attorney, and 48th ward committeeman Carol Ronen used to be in the good government camp before she got entangled with Blagojevich (she may be looking to make amends). Together, they have a majority of the vote.

    46th ward committeeman Tom Sharpe is a nice guy and has a significant vote, but he’s an employee of (gulp) Todd Stroger!

  23. - Mike Murray - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 11:34 am:

    Personally I have to agree with Upon Further Review on this one.

  24. - Cynic - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    @ Chicago Dem -

    Ronen worked for the Gov’s Office for 8 weeks and, IIRC, got a 38k/yr pension sweetener (she was already getting $75,300/yr). What on earth gives you any hope that she’l be looking to “make amends”? If she really wants to start, how ’bout giving her little “something extra” back?

  25. - Chicago Dem - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    I love the conspiratorial, hyper-complicated scenarios of “Upon Further Review” and others. Its usually a lot simpler and straightforward.

    Daley helped O’Connor because O’Connor has been a 100% loyalist for two decades. Nobody has been more loyal to Daley than O’Connor. Nobody.

    And Daley HATES Quigley and was happy to try and torpedo him by also siphoning off Irish votes and votes from the area O’Connor represents in the middle of the Chicago part of the district, an area that Quigley also represents on the county board.

  26. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 11:44 am:

    Ronen the Reformer, now? It’s in the eyes of the beholder, I guess.

  27. - Laborguy - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 11:46 am:

    Upon Further Review- You have got to be smoking crack! The Mayor got exactly what he wanted? Right. Raising Mike Quigley’s profile so that he could run for Mayor in six years is not what the Mayor wanted by a longshot. Crushing the “up and coming reformer” John Fritchey? Who is your dealer? I want some of what he is selling. The Mayor could care less about John Fritchey. Mike Quigley going to Congress is very bad news for Mayor Daley. He will continue to be a critic but only with a bigger microphone. If Mike plays his cards right he can position himself to run for Mayor in six years just as he thought about doing in 2007 if you recall. This all but guarantees a Claypool victory for County Board President and that is even worse news for Team Daley. The quickly approaching municipal election in Chicago is going to be very interesting.

  28. - Upon further review - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 12:12 pm:

    Blather on all you want (the way you did about your 3rd place finisher), the fact is your comments are based on your own ego and on your shameless efforts to suck up to Quigley after the fact, mine are based on chats with people who were directly involved.

    Respond however you want, I just wanted to share some intel, not get in pointless debates. Have a good day everybody.

  29. - BannedForLife - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 12:34 pm:

    “44th ward committeeman Tom Tunney is progressive … ”

    a pol expresses their politics most sincerely with their cash

    xfer from Citizens for Tunney to the Bernard L Stone Campaign Committee

    $10,000.00 3/26/2007, weeks before the run-off

  30. - lincoln street - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 12:36 pm:

    Randy Barnette? Ald. Laurino’s husband? Because we need another son or son-in-law of someone imprisoned for corruption?

    That should be a fun campaign to run in 2010. I’d look forward to helping beat him.

  31. - Snidely Whiplash - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 12:38 pm:

    I have to say that Upon further review hit the nail on the head with his analysis. Once the Machine has placed its Quigley replacement on the county board, look for Stroger and company to ram through all sorts of expensive, long term spending and taxing initiatives while a solid 9 votes are still in their control.

    Quigley’s congressional term is going to cost Crook County taxpayers a fortune for decades to come … which is why I questioned his actual dedication to reform, as opposed to his personal political career advancement. I think it’s a fair point.

  32. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 12:43 pm:

    LaborGuy, it’s a time-honored Chicago tradition to kick upstairs to Washington anyone who might cause you some trouble at home in the future: Paul Douglas, Adlai Stevenson, Barack Obama come to mind.

    To be honest, I’m not sure that Quigley is that big of a reformer, or that he could cause trouble for Daley. And six years? Geez, long-term plan.

    And when has Claypool been a threat to Daley? He’s worked for him often enough.

  33. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 12:46 pm:

    I think “Upon Further Review” is on to something, however, I bet da mayor wanted Feigenholtenburger to win and not Quigley. Granted O’Conner siphoned votes from Fritchey but he did a number on Quigley as well. Another clue was the endorsement of Hynes to Feiganbraugh. Hynes’s and Daley’s are usually connected at the hip.

  34. - lincoln street - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 12:51 pm:


    Except that people close to O’Connor said they didn’t think he really wanted it and couldn’t understand why he was running.

    And what is an “Irish vote” in this district. There may be ethnic solidarity among the south side Irish, but north side Irish don’t really identify that way.

  35. - SweetLou - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 12:51 pm:

    judgement day is on the way said:

    “Btw, the Chicago S-T ran using Twitter at Bears training camp this year (sending out “Tweets” of information), and there was a fairly rabid following. Why not do the same for political types for the Cook County Board?”

    Not the same. Peraica twittering during Board meetings is more like Devin Hester twittering in the huddle. Put down your phone and focus on the game!

  36. - lincoln street - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 12:53 pm:


    That section of statute has been repealed or amended. You might notice that it also says that 10 commissioners will be elected by voters from the city and 7 from the county, which hasn’t been true in about 20 years.

  37. - Laborguy - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 12:56 pm:

    I have no need to suck up to Mike. I have had a good relationship with him for a long time and that hasn’t changed. You may have noticed that SEIU didn’t say anything about Mike during the campaign even though we knew he was the frontrunner. As I have said before, we are perfectly happy with Congressman Mike Quigley.

  38. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 1:16 pm:

    Good to see that Laborguy’s trash talking went the way of his candidate.

  39. - Keep Smiling - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 1:22 pm:

    I am all for Peraica’s twittering, as a good practice in brevity. Maybe it will catch on with some of his colleagues. It would be kind of nice if the whole Board meeting was run in tweets…

  40. - Laborguy - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 2:14 pm:

    Anonymous- Who was your candidate? Is that all you have to contribute? Thanks for the profound insight.

  41. - Squideshi - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 2:30 pm:

    I think the media is getting way ahead of itself by predicting a Quigley win. The circumstance this year is different than previous years–it isn’t a Democrat vs. a Republican; it’s a Democrat vs. a Green vs. a Republican.

  42. - cranko - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    I think the Mayor saw more of a potential rival in Fritchey than in Quigley; that came across on the rumor mill, too, but the rumor mill is stupid. I have to agree with Upon further review.

  43. - Cynic - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    Laborguy - who were your candidates? I sorta remember a lot of Sara cheerleading coming from you, along with guarantees of victory.

    Seems that tune has changed a bit, eh?

  44. - Laborguy - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 3:11 pm:

    I love how you mid level “regulars” think. The Mayor always wins in your eyes, no matter the outcome. If Sara had won you would be saying how the Mayor orchestrated that also. This is real simple guys. The Mayor was with O’Connor out of loyalty and wanting to stop Quigley. Quigley moving up to Congress is not a good thing for the Mayor. It rasies Mike’s profile and gives him an opportunity to have a broader audience. The Mayor has no fear of John Fritchey. As a matter of fact, Frritchey has pretty much sealed his own fate. Does it look like a “machine reformer” is going to advance politically anytime soon? John has been branded much the way that Quigley was only in a bad way. Quigley is a long range threat and the Mayor has no apparent means to exert influence on him. To top it off Claypool is going to be County Board President and there is literally nothing they can do to stop it. They will try with Paul Vallas but it will have no impact. Years of running hacks and playing old-school racial politics is catching up with the Daley Clan. The Mayor certainly did not win in this special election and it is ridiculous argue he wanted it this way.

  45. - Cynic - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 3:32 pm:

    Laborguy -You talk about reform like that’s a goal of yours but respectfully, since when does SEIU care about reform? As far as I can tell, SEIU is not a reform-minded organization.

    I’d think that SEIU’s dealings with Blago are a pretty strong indication that you’re willing to go with whomever will help out your cause, regardless of principles.

  46. - A Citizen - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 3:42 pm:

    I think Labordude sounds a lot like exguv. Perhaps he is? exguv’s new job via SEIOU.

  47. - blackdem - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 4:42 pm:

    If Stroger is smart, he will cut a deal with O’conner to be comissioner. And since Daley and the candidate for governer needback votes, and we have supported the machine for years..they need to pay Strogerback and stand with him now. Or whose knows what can happen with the “black backlash” that is coming.
    When did the Trib nd Sun Time become the “voice” of politics???Whathappened to REPORTING THE FACTS and let us decide. The basically gave Quigley tons of biased free press.
    To Cynic we all know that there is a huge racial division in Cook COunty so what did Stroger say wrong? He has balanced his budget 3 stright years with 21 percent cuts, created an independent hospital board, inspector general, and HR chief. Isnt that reform?What do you want from this man in 2 1/2 years as president. The state is 9 billion in debt, the city is 50 million in the the county which is doing fine is ok, but Stroer is not competent. Do you REQALLY believe that those posts are not based on race?? if not where is the outrage at the Mayor, Alderman, Represntatives and Senators…why 1 man who has not done a bad job? Quigley, Claypool, Suffredin do not represent my issues which are healthcare, jobs and crime. hey seem to fight things at every turn.

  48. - blackdem - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 4:44 pm:

    Sorry for the spelling errors, I hit send too soon.

  49. - Redbright - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 4:58 pm:

    The answer to the debate about the backstory on the Quigley win should be answered by his replacement. Quigley wants it to be his chief of staff. Let’s see who gets the job.

    What I don’t get is why some think this means Forrest is a slam-dunk. FC vs Todd - sure. But I don’t think Todd will be on the ballot. I think he will be forced to relinquish his place to Toni Preckwinkle. She talks an anti-Daley game but is as much an insider as she can get.

  50. - Redbright - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 5:11 pm:

    Sorry - I meant to type that Quigley wants his replacement to be his chief of staff.

    (Two months ago this was seemingly agreed to but by people who didn’t give Q any chance of winning. Things are likely quite different now.)

  51. - old hack - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 6:05 pm:

    the mayor’s people are full of it if upon further review is correct and he spoke with those mopes. I love how they saved their aldermen in 2007.

  52. - old hack - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 6:07 pm:

    the fact is: ever since the fed monitor starting hanging around, the mayor’s “operation” has been less than impressive.

  53. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 6:17 pm:

    –To top it off Claypool is going to be County Board President and there is literally nothing they can do to stop it. They will try with Paul Vallas but it will have no impact. –

    LaborDude, you’re talking about the Daley people above. A few problems with your analysis.

    No. 1, I wouldn’t bet on Claypool for anything (he got beat by a dude in a coma).

    No. 2, Claypool is no reformer, he’s a Daley guy from way back — 1, 2, 3 times he got a job with him.

    No. 3. No job for Claypool from Obama or Quinn? Why not?

    No. 4. — You say they want to bring in Vallas? Who? Daley ran Vallas out of town. He couldn’t get a decent job here after he got pushed out .

    I’ll give you one thing though, LaborDude. Drop a quarter in you and you’ll play all night.

  54. - Laborguy - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 6:41 pm:

    Wordslinger, what do you do for a living because you have a typical Daley apparatchnik view of the world? Yes, the Mayor would much prefer Paul Vallas over Claypool as County Board President. Claypool is poised to dismantle much of the Daley patronage over at county. BTW, Claypool was offered a job by Obama. He turned it down so that he could run for County Board President. I have seen Claypool’s poll numbers and he would be incredibly hard to beat. Do you have access to countywide poll numbers?

    Claypool may have worked for Daley many years ago but noone that knows anyhting about the county would say he is a Daley guy anymore. And about Vallas, you are familiar with the phrase no permanent friends no permanent enemies aren’t you? This is politics buddy and more importantly this is about thousands of county jobs and contracts. It is obvious that you don’t have access to anything but watercooler knowledge. Let me know when you hear something useful. I’ll be waiting.

  55. - Stormin Norman - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 7:40 pm:

    Wordslinger, I’m pretty sure Claypool could’ve ran for the 5th CD and easily have won. He wanted to stay at the Cook County Board and run for President.

    To the Black Dem…if healthcare is a big issue with you, then why are you a Todd Stroger supporter. Stroger Hospital is a waste. The ER there is a joke, it’s understaffed because all the pencil pushers from the 8th ward are getting 6 figure jobs that benefit no one.

    I hope Claypool starts his campaign soon! Cook County needs him.

  56. - Cynic - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 8:09 pm:

    @ blackdem -
    Stroger threw out a red herring. Quigley didn’t care that Stroger was a south sider, he cared that he’s an incompetent pol that has fought reform at ever step of the way. Especially when it comes to patronage. Yes, ol Todd just can’t get enough of those good jobs for his buddies. But don’t take my word for it — take the word of the Cook County hiring monitor who said as much just yesterday.

  57. - lou - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 9:36 pm:

    Reading these comments are very funny. As a 20 year employee of cook county I have known all of these county officials. Commissioner (now congressman-elec) quigley and what you guys are stating president claypool are NO reformers they are politicians seeking career advancement. I have come to know members of quigleys staff (who have the tribune editorial board members number on speed dail) in a so clear attempt to push their ego agenda. The trib prints what they are saying the heck if its the truth or not. Others with a different point of view be damn an guess what is not printed. As much as people complain about President Stroger and the “hacks” in his ward which is 99 percent black if people
    wants to admit it or not they are not “running” Cook County Government. Who is running it? Take a guess? When this president stroger father left the first talk of a replacement was who? Then Bobbie Steele came. The names I keep hearing as candidates come with pause will they take control or will the people behind this president and what people say the 8th ward continue to have control. Quigley leaving is the best thing for the”powers to be” Also forget about the quigley chief of staff rumors its control baby.

  58. - id - Thursday, Mar 5, 09 @ 10:35 pm:

    i am predicting everyone forgets who quigley is, which is just fine, more interested in who takes him on next feb..

  59. - mover631 - Friday, Mar 6, 09 @ 12:08 am:

    Cook county has some of the highest tax rates in the country. It is one of the most corrupt counties in history going back 100 years. There has been no reform and no voice for the regular tax paying working guy in this county. There has been one party rule for since 1972 and decades before 1969.Every year there are shortages and fee hikes and still someone can come from years on this board and be called a reformer? For pretending to stop tax increases? ?? What have we come too?

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