Dumping Stroger and replacing Quigley
Monday, Mar 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Carol Marin asks: Will Todd Stroger be hung out to dry in 2010? The answer is probably yes…
For the first time in memory, voters in Cook County are paying real attention to county government, what it costs, how well it runs, and what crucial services it provides, from medical care to running the courts.
The Regular Democratic Party formerly known as the Machine, meanwhile, is also paying careful attention to newly awakened voters like Feinberg.
In 2006, another reform commissioner, Forrest Claypool, came within reach of unseating then-incumbent John Stroger, Todd’s father. Claypool proved there was an embryonic but growing appetite for change in Cook County. Quigley’s victory last week proved even in a special, off-year, very low turnout primary, voters could make themselves heard.
The stage is being set for the 2010 race. Claypool will likely be back for a rematch.
Alderman Toni Preckwinkle, a loyalist of John Stroger, supported his son in 2006. No longer. She’s now running against him.
The head of the Regular Democratic Party of Cook County, Joe Berrios, is nothing if not candid. “If the election were held today,” he said, “it would be a tossup.”
The coming County Board race, with all the patronage jobs the president controls, is far, far more important to the party than any congressional seat. “I have committeemen who say Todd can’t win,” Berrios told me, adding, “I’ve told Todd he’s gotta reach out, he hasn’t reached out enough to them.”
* The Tribune editorial board continues to try and move that process along…
[Resigning county hiring monitor] Julia Nowicki writes with evident frustration to County Board members that “it is the job of the County to eradicate illegal patronage practices.”
Yet for two years the administration of County Board President Todd Stroger has failed to give her job descriptions for 500 so-called Shakman-exempt employees. These are political hires, many of them beneficiaries of Stroger’s friends-and-family employment plan. Some do little work—an injustice Nowicki’s inspection of job descriptions could have exposed. She can only note as she exits that she “expected this work to be completed two years ago. The delay in this regard is unfathomable.”
* Meanwhile, the folks at Swing State Project have taken a close look at the 5th Congressional District results and have at least one surprising bullet point. Rep. Sara Feigenholtz won Mike Quigley’s county board district…
Feigenholtz is reportedly seeking to be appointed to Quigley’s soon to be vacant county board seat. Quigley told WLS yesterday that he wants the appointment process to be as open as possible…
What I told the committeemen was that the process is almost as important as the outcome. It has to be and it has to be perceived to be a very open process where they don’t meet behind closed doors and pick one of their pals. It has to be a process where anyone who’s interested can present their credentials in a public forum and then publicly this is discussed, debated and the committeemen make their choice.
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- Leroy - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 9:58 am:
So according to the Tribune, the reason Cook County government is dysfunctional is because of Todd Stroger.
Interesting theory. I’m sure once he is gone, it will be back to unicorns and rainbows.
My theory: patronage jobs at Cook County are one of the more important cogs in the machine. Lose those, all hell breaks loose, especially on the south side.
What the Trib should really say is “We need a commissioner that can sweep stuff under the rug better”
- the Other Anonymous - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 10:31 am:
The confusion over just who gets to pick Quigley’s replacement seems to continue. Could we have a final ruling on whether it’s the committeemen or the commissioners?
- Cassandra - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 10:32 am:
Well, any reform is better than none but how many people (beyond the usual suspects who bring us corruption, patronage and nepotism) will be actually coming out to vote in November 2010. A lot will depend on the economy, I suppose, but if it’s improving, will the electorate be so exhausted from turning out for Obama last year that they decide to sit this one out.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 10:32 am:
- The Doc - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 10:37 am:
With Preckwinkle, Murphy, Vallas, and Claypool all potential or announced candidates, Stroger is as good as gone. He’s become the face of bloated government, and whether he’s deserving of such contempt has long since become moot.
- wordslinger - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 10:42 am:
Never have 8,000-some votes — Quigley’s total — generated such irrational exeberance about the coming of “reform.”
Todd isn’t popular in many quarters, no doubt. But I suspect he’ll be a candidate, and he’ll pull big numbers out of the South and West Sides.
I doubt Preckwinkle will stay in the race; I thinks she’s looking for something from the community in lieu of being the second black candidate in the race. Unless she thinks her can win it on her charm and good humor.
Whether the “reformer” Claypool can overcome a one-on-one with Todd remains to be seen. Last time, he got beat by a guy in a hospital bed that no one was sure was even alive.
- this old hack - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 10:43 am:
well, the Quigley replacement has gotten even more interesting. Not only is the current Quigley Chief of Staff interested in the job, but now word is that the former Quigley CoS is interested and was being groomed for the job before she left to work on Stroger’s campaign as woman’s outreach director. The Sun Times reported on this move to Stroger’s camp at the time.
This is a big problem for the former Chief of Staff, as is the fact she took a high level job with Todd after the election. In this, she sold reformers out. If she indeed gets the appointment, there is no question that this sell out would be brought out when she must run for the full term next year.
Without question, the current Quigley Chief of Staff is preferable to the former as a replacement.
The longer that the former one angles for the job, the harder it will be for either of them to get the appointment.
- Thomas Westgard - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 10:46 am:
Getting rid of Stroger won’t cure everything, but then flushing the toilet doesn’t mean you don’t occasionally need a brush and some bleach. Stroger is the big problem, so push the handle and take care of that first - maybe Bill “Hog with the Big Nuts” Beavers will go with him. Then we can go back and do some spot cleaning. Currently Jerry Butler and Robert Steele have to take the Board President into account, but if he were gone, they would probably adapt to the new reality.
It matters because Stroger’s blatant incompetence and corruption makes Peraica look useful and important by comparison. Without Stroger, the arguments for keeping Peraica around diminish greatly, and without the two loony bookends, the County Board could actually start trimming the fat and get some work done.
It all starts with sending Stroger to whatever special place best fits his needs and abilities - some sort of sheltered workshop or something.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 10:50 am:
I just pulled up Claypool’s D-2 for the last six months of 2008: TOTAL RECEIPTS (1-4) $0.37
9. 9 a. Itemized $1,000.00
b. Not-Itemized $0.00
Funds available at the beginning of the reporting period $531.30
Total Receipts $0.37
Subtotal $531.67
Total Expenditures $0.00
Funds available at the close of the reporting period $531.67
- Thomas Westgard - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 10:57 am:
Rich - nicely done on the D-2’s. That said, 37 cents for an officeholder is a pretty clear sign that the contributions are being sent somewhere else, not that there aren’t any. Therefore, the question becomes where he is telling people to send donations. I can only assume the purpose is to hide all his donors from Team Stroger’s thugs.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 11:12 am:
Wow, what is Claypool doing? I oughta run against him!
And I don’t understand Sara wanting Quigley’s job. She seems more effective in Springfield.
- Open Secrets - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 11:16 am:
I’m glad Quigley’s calling for an open appointment process, and he can start by being open about whom he supports to replace him.
I’m also hoping he will tell us who gave the Tribune editorial board the idea of launching a campaign for one particular candidate before he’s even stepped down from his post, and before ANY appointment candidates had been announced.
If Quigley had any discussions with the Tribune editorial board about whom should fill his slot, he should say so, especially given that the Tribune has given his Chief-of-staff the nod.
His chief of staff — not only A county employee but HIS county employee — donated $2,400 to his campaign and another $2,400 in in-kind contributions.
- Bubs - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 11:17 am:
My problem with Claypool is that to win The Democratic Primary he has to reach out to Machine, the Mayor, the Speaker and union leaders for endorsements, and that kind of support comes with very big strings, more like handcuffs.
(”Formerly known as . . . ” ? What is she thinking?)
- Amy - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 11:35 am:
Wordslinger, re Preckwinkle: “Unless she thinks she can win it on her charm and good humor.”
- COOK - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 11:39 am:
I hear that Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown might be interested in running for County Board President.
- ChiTownGuy - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 12:16 pm:
Open Secrets - check the reports again. Think you are mistaken. Quigley’s COS is only down for an in-kind of $2,400.
- fedup dem - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 12:28 pm:
Get real everyone. Rich Miller is more likely to be named official batboy for the Chicago Cubs than Feigenholtz has becoming Quigley’s replacement on the County Board. The same is true for Quigley’s Chief of Staff, both present and former. The committemen will name whoever the Daleys tell them to, and that will be the most loyal Daley Stooge around. Perhaps someone like Ald. Pat O’Connor, who has been kissing Daley family mistletoe for more than a quarter century.
- Scooby - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 12:41 pm:
Good lord, the real story isn’t that he only got 37 cents, the real story is what the heck is your interest rate that you’re only making 37 cents on about $500 in six months. I think that comes out to about 15 basis points. Just get a mattress and shove it in there.
- Committemen? - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 12:43 pm:
Cmmittemen? Are you sure Rich? I was talking to a committemen’s son and he was sure it was the Commissioners.
- Oakparker - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 12:44 pm:
A lot of the dynamics on Quigley’s replacement will depend on just which wards and committeemen have the most weighted votes in his county district. Would someone post a list of which committeemen and weighted votes we are talking about. These days not all of the committeemen are lock in step with the old style.
- Cynic - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 12:49 pm:
Cook - Dororthy Brown has long coveted a more high profile role and I’ve also heard that she has thought about County Board President and even mayor. Unfortunately, she surrounds herself with sycophants and is more interested in hearing herself speak than doing her job effectively or efficiently.
I don’t see Brown running if Stroger runs because she will be splitting the black vote. Since it’s a foregone conclusion that Todd will run again, I’m sure that every black pol who might be tempted will make similar considerations. In the end, I think we’ll see a lot of people announce that they are considering a run but at the end of the day, less than a handful will make a genuine challenge.
- JohnnyC - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 1:04 pm:
32: 385
39: 1904
40: 2664
41: 17
43: 3984
44: 4705
45: 237
46: 4793
48: 5849
49: 646
50: 1023
- JohnnyC - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 1:11 pm:
Basically those numbers mean that its Sara’s if she wants it. If you assume Sara starts with the support of her own Alderman and officemate Tom Tunney in 44, and Tom Sharpe in 46 who endorsed her, she is at 9400. Thats a lot closer to 13,100 then anyone else will start at. I would also think Michele Smith, 42, and Carol Ronen, 48, would be inclined to support a liberal, effective woman for the seat.
- Redbright - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 1:18 pm:
Given the animosity in the campaign between the winner and the top losers, I don’t see an appointment of the loser being very popular.
- Oakparker - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 1:31 pm:
Thank you JohnnyC. All those losses the old guard has been having in the committeemen contests may be starting to add up. Fritchey and Silverman may not be in O’Connor’s pocket either.
- JonShibleyFan - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 1:55 pm:
Cynic, Brown DID run for mayor, in 2007.
Though one could be forgiven for forgetting it.
- Levois - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 2:19 pm:
If the Hog with the big nuts goes down, then who might arise in his place?
- Cynic - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 3:00 pm:
JSF - Ha! You’re right, I did forget. I’ve had many dealings with her (and know scores of others who have as well) and feel safe saying that if her intellect were as powerful as her ego, she’d be a force to be reckoned with.
As for Sara — she could do more good on the county board than in Springfield. However, there would be countless more headaches. If she’s a smart cookie, she’ll opt for the more cushy alternative.
- Say WHAT? - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 3:10 pm:
Some of us already voted WITH OUR FEET. If the nonsense doesn’t stop, neither will the feet (or moving vans as it were).
- Open Secrets - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 3:13 pm:
ChiTownGuy -
My bad. It popped up in two different searches.
Still, accepting a contribution from an employee of your own office — even an in-kind contribution — is boneheaded. If Quigley is in fact pushing for her to be his own replacement, its double-dumb.
- Redbright - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 3:43 pm:
Open Secrets, et al - If you work for an elected official, is it ‘wrong’ to do campaign work for that person when s/he runs for re-election or for a totally unrelated office?
I’m pretty sure that is what Quigley’s COS did - volunteer in the Congressional campaign.
- ChiTownGuy - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 3:45 pm:
Open Secrets -
No worries. You make good point, although I’d rather have him report it and be in the open about it than hide it like a typical pol.
I believe Quigley is on the up and up about reform and transparency.
- FWIW - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 5:29 pm:
“Given the animosity in the campaign between the winner and the top losers, I don’t see an appointment of the loser being very popular.”
FYI, there is zero animosity between Quigley and Fritchey. Quite the opposite.
- lou - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 6:17 pm:
Last week as a very first time writer to this blog, I wrote about Quigley/Stroger as a 20 year employee of the County. Some of today’s topics are very interesting as it relates to Quigley. Especially given the fact that I worked directly with Quigley’s former chief of staff and know very well his current chief of staff. However, forget about the former taking Quigley’s County Seat. On March 20 she is resigning from County Government to work as Governor Pat Quinn’s Director of Women Issues in the Thompson Center. Look for Ald. O’Conner to get that seat. The “rumors” about people running for County President is interesting. However people forget this important bit of information. Todd does not have nearly the power and influnece his dad had. One of the reasons why his borrowing idea to meet payroll was nixed was because Chairman Daley and the people on the County Board nixed it. (instead they went to a 4% across the board cut). The President’s Office today is NOT the same as it was under President Dunne or President Stroger, Sr. Thanks to everyone the Health Bureau is not under the control of the President’s office. The County Highway Department is expecting an indictment any day and now the Shakman Monitor wants Stroger to give up the other 370 Shakman Exempt positions. Preckwinkle running for County President means nothing unless she also wants to run as a Commissioner. She lives in Jerry Bulter’s area, is the Soulman singing out of 118 N. Clark St? The reason Todd Stroger is ineffective is because he does NOT run the County only those meetings. Chairman Daley and company run it. I don’t see them giving up control to Claypool or anyone else. They then will believe they are running something. Beavers found that out quickly when dealing with Chairman Daley, now look for him to retire and Stroger run for both Commissioner and President. Understanding the County is quite difficult for both media and common folks. However, the County Board and its Finance Chairman really are the powers and they allow Todd Stroger to take the heat, which you guys are doing a great job at.
- Laborguy - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 7:13 pm:
There are many qualified candidates to choose from in replacing Mike Quigley. The Committeemen that will select his replacement sometime in mid or late April are much less “machine” inclined than almost any other district in the county. There are four “power” wards in the Quigley district. Whoever gets three out of four will get the seat. Just look at the “power” wards and you can figure-out what Sara’s chances are. Since very few women get elected west of Western Ave. it is a good bet that this Lakefront distirct will go to a woman, perhaps to a proven vote getter in the district. Do the math guys.
- Anon3 - Monday, Mar 9, 09 @ 7:31 pm:
lou that is very interesting view thanks!
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 7:16 am:
Lou, Jerry Butler is the Iceman, not the Soulman.