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Race and 2010

Tuesday, Mar 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As Mark Brown rightly points out, this topic is, indeed, being much discussed behind the scenes these days…

I don’t exactly think I’d be sticking my neck out here by suggesting that Sen. Roland Burris and Cook County Board President Todd Stroger are both longshots to get re-elected next year.

In fact, as things stand, they’d each have their hands full getting out of the Democratic primary, and if they did, Republicans would be ecstatic about their chances of beating them. You don’t need to be a political insider to know that much.

What I don’t see anybody talking about, though, is the shape of the Democratic ticket that could be the result of their failed candidacies.

Without Burris or Stroger, Democrats run the risk of heading into the November 2010 election with only one African-American candidate — Secretary of State Jesse White — for the 11 major state and Cook County offices to be contested.

For a Democratic Party whose success relies in part on racial coalition building, that’s a recipe for disaster.

Considering how touchy the race issue has become for the Democrats here, despite or maybe even because of Barack Obama’s election, a lack of African-Americans on the ticket could be a big problem. The race issue could become for the Democrats what the ideological purity issue is for the state Republicans. And parties often lose when their base is divided.

Brown mentions the possibility that Ald. Toni Preckwinkle could win the county board president primary and ease the potential tensions. But there are several possible statewide African-American candidates not identified in the column.

Quite a few black state legislators are talking about running for lieutenant governor, for instance. Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias is going to try and move up to the US Senate, and his chief of staff Robin Kelly is reportedly looking at running for treasurer. As Brown notes, if Attorney General Lisa Madigan decides to run for governor, that could open up her office or at least the comptroller’s office if (as expected) Dan Hynes makes the move to AG.

Anyway, food for thought.


  1. - George - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:24 am:

    “Dan Hynes makes the move to AG”

    Tries to…

    A bunch of folks out there who would see themselves in that spot, on both sides.

  2. - George - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:30 am:

    Rich, as I read your post, I thought of something else…

    Could we maybe see a lack of black elected officials in prominent offices, but a new surge of women?

    A possibility (maybe not reality):

    Lisa Madigan (Governor)
    Robin Kelly (Treasurer)
    Julie Hamos (Attorney General)
    Toni Preckwinkle (Cook County Board President)
    Sara Feigenholtz (new Cook County Commissioner)

    With Alexi and Dan making runs at other offices, and Pat maybe losing to Lisa, there would be no white men left leading state government!

  3. - Reading on Walden - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:32 am:

    It looks like State Rep. David Miller wants the Lt. Governor’s job as do many others. Also, State Rep. Julie Hamos is interested in Illinois Attorney General should Lisa Madigan step aside and run for Governor, but Governor Quinn gets more entrenched everyday and can defend himself quite nicely. State Treasurer chief-of-staff Robin Kelly will have competition from Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart for State Treasurer. One thing I am certain of: Toni Preckwinkle will be the next Cook County Board President. She is doing all the right things and lining up all the “old-timers” from the Obama campaign.

  4. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:37 am:

    I’ve been looking at this issue for a while and am convinced that if Dems jettison Todd Stroger (or if it looks like that’s going to happen), that’s going to put an enormous amount of pressure on the U.S. Senate race. Think about it - four months ago, we had an African American president of the Senate, U.S. Senator and president of the county board. The way it looks now, we could have none of those next spring. With Roland and Delmarie playing the race card HARD, there could be some real black anger out there, enough to make them stay home. In that case, hello Senator Kirk and others.

    I’ve become increasingly convinced that you need a viable black candidate in the primary other than Roland. The only person I can think of that meets that criterion is Cheryle Jackson. She’s very compelling and would have her feet in two bases so it’s definitely a good possibility.

  5. - George - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:42 am:

    Cheryle Jackson has no chance in heck.

    Exhibit 12,379:
    “Cheryle Jackson, Blagojevich’s former communications director, was fond of saying that Blagojevich has enjoyed such good political fortune over his career that he seemed to be perpetually carrying a lucky horseshoe in his back pocket.

  6. - Shore - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:44 am:

    I have an R word for the Democrat party. RESULTS. Rather than talking about the color of ones skin, how about the quality of the job he or she has done.

  7. - Chicago Dem - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:45 am:

    Robin Kelly for Treasurer! That would be great. A talented, experienced, committed African-American female for one of the top state offices.

  8. - Joe - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:51 am:

    President Stroger has reformed
    1. Reformed the County Hospital

    2. Maintained an excellent Bond rating, higher than the City of Chicago. (Standard & Poor Investors Service rated AA, Moody’s rated AA and
    rated by Fitch AA)

    3. Reduced the County Workforce by over 900 employees

    4. Balance Budget in worse economic times since depression with no new taxes or fees. Quinn’s about to raise taxes and Daley is killing the city with taxes and fees.

    We need the strong, courage and caring leadership of President Todd H. Stroger.

    Re-elect Todd H. Stroger President Cook County Board

    Some Facts That Media Will Not Tell You:

    From 1992 to June 2008, Cook County received ¾ of 1 cent from the sales tax – three-fourths of a penny per every dollar. The Cook County sales tax has never applied to items that include groceries, medicines and related medical supplies. This rate remained unchanged for more than 15 years – since the County portion of the sales tax was passed in 1992 under the administration of former County Board President Richard Phelan.

    The baseline sales tax across the state is 6.25%, which is collected by the Illinois Department of Revenue. Municipal rates vary. Effective July 1, 2008, the Cook County portion of the sales tax increased by one cent for a total of
    1.75 %.

    Sales Tax Breakdown:

    State of Illinois: 6.25%
    City of Chicago: 1.25% (effective through March 2008)
    Cook County: .75% (effective through June 30,2008, with 1.75% effective beginning July 1,2008)
    RTA .75% (.25% increase effective April 1, 2008)

  9. - Reading on Walden - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:55 am:

    Joe, you left one little thing out of the equation. The voters can’t stand him. And he will go down in flames. He is, however, slightly more popular than Blagojevich.

  10. - soccermom - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:58 am:

    Joe - Move off the “no new taxes or fees” message now. It’s not gonna work for you. You’re just teeing it up for the opposition.

  11. - George - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 8:59 am:

    Ummm, Joe?

    “4. Balance Budget in worse economic times since depression with no new taxes or fees.”

    I guess we don’t need to remember that little sales tax hike. No. That was LAST year. That has NOTHING to do with this year’s budget.

  12. - Niles Township - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 9:16 am:

    Tom Dart wants AG, but will take treasurer. Clayborne is a lock to run for Lite Guv. Schoenberg may run for Treasurer reigniting a very short lived campiagn from years back.

  13. - Joe - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 9:27 am:

    Yes, I remember that Stroger doubled the county’s share of the sales tax last year—how could I forget? The Tribune’s editorial page has been reminding me ever since. But let’s put it in perspective. The county budget is about $3.2 billion—a fraction of the money Mayor Daley controls. Stroger’s sales tax hike was estimated to bring in about $426 million in annual revenue; in 2007 Daley raked in about $550 million with his off-the-books tax increment financing program. How come politicians and editorial boards aren’t beating their chests over that?

  14. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 9:53 am:

    It’s tricky. I dont think black candidates further down the ballot will be enough for black voters in Cook County if both Burris and Stroger are ousted by white candidates in primaries.

    My guess is the powers that be among the ward warlords figure Burris is a goner no matter what, and will try to prop up Todd. He’s good to have around anyway, as he’s a lightning rod for criticism.

    Todd’s a very tough sell in the ethnic wards, though. Claypool might actually have a chance. You wonder if another white candidate, a la O’Connor, will be trotted out in the primary to take votes from him.

  15. - Amy - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 9:53 am:

    Rep. Turner wants Lt. Gov. Dart’s people are still talking about County Bd. pres. and AG and Treas. Schoenberg believes he deserves something more than a legislative position.

  16. - Vera Charles - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 9:55 am:

    What a fine idea to have someone who knows the office in and out - such as a Chief of Staff - run for that office! Along with her legislative experience I think Robin Kelly is a great candidate for Treasurer.

  17. - Joe - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:09 am:

    Chicago media critic Steve Rhodes, who runs a blog, The Beachwood Reporter. Every day, Rhodes analyzes how journalists cover stories, questioning their agendas and what’s been left out of reports. And yes, he’s taken a few shots at me, too, but not cheap ones.

    According to Rhodes, race may be a factor, but the kid-gloves media treatment offered to the white puppet masters is more about power. I agree. Reality bites, but power bites harder.

    “I do think, whether it’s probably for different reasons of race, and power, and how well the politicians have been manipulated by their handlers, whatever the reason, Roland Burris and Todd Stroger and others like them are the subject of attacks, [and] deservedly so, but you don’t see the same ferocity applied to the Daleys and the Madigans,” Rhodes said.

    “Perhaps they’re afraid. I don’t think anyone is afraid to ask Todd Stroger a tough question. And Daley is a bully; his own staff is afraid of him,” Rhodes said.

  18. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:16 am:

    After Stroger’s win and public support for Burris, I don’t think normal rules apply here. It wouldn’t surprise me that both get the nominations. The GOP has to give voters better choices than these two if both end up winners in the Primary.

  19. - Gene Parmesan - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:16 am:

    Joe, I’m sold. Todd’s obviously just a victim of the media. He’s a supremely competent leader whithout whom we never could have reformed Cook County. From the Hospitals, to the budget, Todd has led the way in making sure that we oust patronage. His decisions to put his friends and family on the payroll was genius, and didn’t blow up in his face when they couldn’t put together a budget.

    Is that what we’re going to hear for the next two years, that Todd’s a “victim”?

    Victim of his own incompetence.

  20. - Amy - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:20 am:

    did anyone crunch the numbers from the 5th CD race by Commissioner District other than the 12th? would be interesting.

  21. - Joe - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:25 am:

    You want to talk about patronage hiring? The mayor’s former patronage chief, Robert Sorich, is now in prison for fraud. He was previously John Daley’s driver, and his father was a photographer for the first Boss Daley. I could go on and on. So why aren’t outraged north-side politicians accusing one another of being too close to the Daleys.

    You want to talk about patronage hiring? The mayor’s former patronage chief, Robert Sorich, is now in prison for fraud. He was previously John Daley’s driver, and his father was a photographer for the first Boss Daley. I could go on and on. So why aren’t outraged north-side politicians accusing one another of being too close to the Daleys

  22. - Joe - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:26 am:

    The answer, I suspect, is that they pull their punches when it comes to Daley because they don’t want to take on the real power in this town. Plus, there’s something about black patronage, as opposed to white patronage, that irritates the hell out of a lot of white people. So the north siders pound away at Stroger, an easy target without the political capital to pound back.

  23. - Gene Parmesan - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:30 am:

    C’mon Joe, that line of ‘logic’ stinks and you know it.

    Todd’s mismanaged the county so much that his only means of winning the next campaign is to engage in the worst kind of racial politics. Words like ‘victim’ to start and then we’ll hear how he’s being lynched, etc.

    Using Daley and the press as some type of strawman isn’t going to absolve Todd of his gross incompetence. Bash Daley and the north-siders all you want, it doesn’t change any of Todd’s poor choices over the last few years. It’s just phony rhetoric. Shame on you and Stroger for engaging in such blatant racial partisanship.

  24. - Joe - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:48 am:

    Gene you can’t handle the facts. When the unfair criticisms of President Stroger are refuted with facts you cry foul. You can say whatever you want, you can offend, malaign and impune a man who is educated, experienced and a positive role model for many in Chicago but when
    we stand up you and challenge your garbage run away from the facts.

    Balance Budget

    New Reformd Health Board

    New Reformed Juvenile Detention Ctr.

    Cut Employees by 900

    Most diversified workforce in the history of county government

    Excellent Bond Rating

    Excellent women and minority contract record

    You just don’t like the facts.

  25. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:50 am:

    Stroger could raise the dead, but he’d still be politically dead.

  26. - Joe - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:56 am:

    Stroger will get the same votes his father received and will repeat his general election trouncing of the Republican nominee.

    The Stroger voting bloc has not abandoned him, its just the media and those who did not vote for him in 2006. Like vanilla and gene.

  27. - Gene Parmesan - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 10:58 am:

    Joe, you’re hilarious, do you do birthday parties?

  28. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 11:03 am:


    Gov–Chicago Irish
    Lt. Gov–vacant
    AG–Chicago Irish
    Sec of State–Chicago Black
    Treasurer–Chicago Greek
    Comptroller–Chicago Irish

    President of Board–Chicago Black
    Clerk–Chicago Irish
    Sheriff–Chicago Irish
    Treasurer–Chicago Greek
    Assessor–Chicago Irish

  29. - IrishPirate - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 11:12 am:

    Stroger’s predicament has little to do with his race and much to do with having the highest sales tax in America. He is not the only one to blame for that, but he is “wearing the jacket” in the minds of the voters. That and his general arrogance. He’s a lightweight who would have been better off staying on as an Aldercritter.

    How many more cousins is he going to put on the payroll explaining that they got better grades than him in grade school?

    Stroger and Burris are both dead mean walking election wise.

    As for those of you who seem to think Lisa Madigan is a lock for the Governor’s office I suggest you not hold your breath. IF she runs, and that IF is bigger than Blago’s hair care budget, she may not even make it out of a primary.
    So far, except for some stupidity regarding Roland Burris, Quinn is looking pretty good.

  30. - Amy - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 11:27 am:

    carl, interesting list, but I think that the County Clerk is not Irish and there are two african americans at Clerk of the Courts and Recorder of Deeds. but, yes, everyone who is not Irish, Greek or African American will look at this list in awe of the scale of representation that leaves lots of others out of the equation. Hispanic, Polish,

    the greatest discprepancy is that if you take the whole list, there are only three women and 9 men.

    in citywide politics, Irish, Latino, African American. nicely done, Mr. Mayor!

  31. - George - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 11:52 am:

    Joe Said: “kid-gloves media treatment offered to the white puppet masters is more about power”

    You mean - like Rod?

  32. - Amy - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    oops we forgot Anita Alvarez so that adds Latina and one more woman.

    but the point should be well taken by those represented beyond the percentages. others will come looking for place.

  33. - What - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 12:03 pm:

    I’m confused by all the “race” talk being done about the upcoming elections. We just elected the first African American President of the United States of America. We have and will reelect an African American Secretary of State. Why are we so affected by the exact number and who will get what when and how. Let the Democratic process work itself out. Lets have elections and may the best man or woman win. If we go backward and revert to racial politics will President Obama win reelction. If for some reason we don’t have three or four African Americans in the General Election is it possible that maybe just maybe Democrats can win? Will President Obama campaign for the Democratic slate in Illinois. Will that help motivate African American voters to elect Democrats committed to fighting for his agenda.

  34. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    Jeepers, everybody seems so concerned about having a prominant black on the ticket, however, if Quinn and Madigan go all out against each other the obvious beneficiary will be whatever prominant black candidate gets in the primary and splits the uprights. That ought to take care of the lack of a prominant black rep on the ticket.

  35. - Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    Anyone downstate running? Anyone south of I-80? I-74?

  36. - blackdem - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 12:34 pm:

    Good conversation here. Joe I agree with you on most points. What the main question is why do so many of you think Stroger is dead? Is it because the Times and Tribune have told you so? Obviously his accomplishments mean nothing to you..So is it race? Yeah he had a rock start..we all got that but he has REFORMED yes I said it Cook County more than anyone else ever has in 3 years,,His government is the only one functioning without a deficit. Why hate him so much? and to VanillaMAn and Gene..why do you think Stroger has been abandoned??by who you and your constituents His voting block which represents 500,000 or so voters are still with him. He didn’t when most white townships and wards anyway..which by the way show you about loyalty to the party. Stop disregarding our leadership based on you own agendas who do vote and are on top of it also.
    Its not ablout us blindly voting for one of our start with having 2 people in power who are as good or better than the rest of the politicians but everyone painting them as horrible when clearly the record shows they are not. If they are bad the vote the out black or white but be fair to our electeds.

  37. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 12:52 pm:

    Let’s do this better:

    2010, incumbents

    U.S. Senator–Centralia/Chicago Black male

    Gov–Chicago Irish male
    Lt. Gov–vacant
    AG–Chicago Irish female
    Sec of State–Chicago Black male
    Treasurer–Chicago Greek male
    Comptroller–Chicago Irish male

    President of Board–Chicago Black male
    Clerk–Chicago Irish male
    Sheriff–Chicago Irish male
    Treasurer–Chicago Greek female
    Assessor–Chicago Irish male

    2012, incumbents

    President-Chicago Black

    no U.S. Senator or constitutional officers up for election

    State’s Attorney–River Forest Mexican female
    Clerk of the Court–Chicago Black female
    Recorder of Deeds–Maywood Black male

    other U.S. Senator–Springfield Lithuanian/Irish male

    And the Congressional Dems
    1–Chicago Black male
    2–Chicago Black male
    3–Chicago/Western Springs Polish male
    4–Chicago Puerto Rican male
    5–vacant (Chicago Irish male)
    7–Chicago Black male
    8–Barrington Serbian female
    9–Evanston Russian Jewish female
    11–Crete Italian/Scandanavian (?) female
    12–Belleville Irish male
    14–Batavia Anglo male
    17–Rock Island Irish male

  38. - Sam E. - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 1:37 pm:

    Dart for Treasurer? Isn’t that a step down from sheriff?

  39. - Reading on Walden - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 2:10 pm:

    Sam E. No, State Treasurer for Dart would very much be a step up because should he win, it would mean that he can win statewide which also means, dare I say it, one day Governor or United States Senator. Which I believe Tom Dart can challenge one day.

  40. - Sam E. - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 3:36 pm:

    Reading on Walden:

    I’m not sure I can agree with you. As sheriff, Dart gets his mug on Chicago t.v. and in the papers a whole hell of a lot more than Giannoulias does as Treasurer. I saw him on CNN again this morning talking about that craigslist stuff. The only time I’ve seen Alexi on the tube is when he’s lining up to kick Blago. Nothing against Alexi and the way he runs the office, I just think the the sheriff’s office has a much higher profile.

  41. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 6:04 pm:

    Joe has a profoundly truthful point about Daley and Stroger. I will not defend Stroger. He runs a Soviet-like corrupt system and he’s a lightweight clown to boot.

    But the pass the Daley Administration gets from the media and majority of the public is absurd. It’s been clear for some time time, by any objective measure, that the Daley Administration is an ongoing criminal enterprise.

    Hired truck, minority contracts, fixed hiring, abuse of power, it goes on and on. We don’t know the half of it. Wait til they turn the over the rock at O’Hare.

    Daley’s capos and soldiers — Degnan, Joyce, Reyes, Kruesi, Sanchez, Sorich, — do the crooked deals and act as buffers to protect the Godfather. The black ministers, the Jacksons, have all been co-opted. Obama got kicked upstairs.

    John Daley runs the family Bridgeport estate and the county. Bill Daley is the outside fixer and Mike Daley is the inside fixer and family money man who no one ever sees. Not even a picture.

    Ever present is The Outfit, lifelong friends who can provide untraceable cash and payoffs, give kickbacks, and round up election-day muscle in exchange for city jobs, benefits and contracts.

    Meanwhile, dozens of Daley cousins and in-laws get cushy private sector jobs from those who need the Godfather’s favor and hustle inside deals for no work.

    And while 508 kids are shot and 25 die in the hood, the great Sun-Times blames the SCHOOLS for not doing enough, with no mention of Daley, the undisputed ruler of the city. Like teachers and principals are trained to knock down the gangbangers?

    Why do we put up with it? We take a perverse pride in the corruption, admire the wiseguys. Many fear challenging the Daleys, no onle likes them. And in all honesty, many fear the devil they don’t know, i.e. a black mayor.

    The Daleys didn’t make Chicago. The city thrived before them and will thrive without them.

    As St. Patrick Day approaches, take heart. There’s an Irishman out of Brooklyn, son of a doorman, who doesn’t want money, or a corner office on LaSalle Street, and will not stop until he takes down the Prince of Bridgeport.

    And once he’s gone, we’ll wonder why we kept him around for so long.

  42. - steamer - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 6:37 pm:

    Joe-I hope you are on the payroll. I think your real name is Gene but what do I know. If it is you Gene get yourself back to the CPD where you belong and run away from that train wreck as fast as you can.

  43. - Anon3 - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 6:41 pm:

    Sam E it sure does have a higher profile and that is because the feds moniter his jail full time, his sworn officers always under investigation and his non sworn staff are county hacks whom he cannot get rid of. Unless he wants to be a true reformer the place is a time bomb. I do not believe he has the stomach for real reform.
    Even JBT could run the Treas office on auto control, it’s nice barely full time job for him, no more midnight calls and more time for his young family.

  44. - Anon3 - Tuesday, Mar 10, 09 @ 7:07 pm:

    I believe you. However, this is a case where preception is taking over. I don’t know that many property tax payers in Cook Co. However, all the non aferican americans are just very frustrated about the whole situation and he seems to be the focus of all the anger, whether he deserves it or not. He will get his basic numbers but can he translate that into reelection I dont know.
    No one from what I can see truely wants to reform County Government.
    So in the end nothing will happen

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