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The shoe’s now on the other foot *** UPDATED x1 ***

Friday, Mar 13, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* When allegations of perjury surfaced against US Sen. Roland Burris, Republicans were quick to call for his resignation. Now that a powerful township GOP committeeman and former Cook County Republican Party Chairman has been accused of hosting a late night visit by two prostitutes in his children’s playroom, Republicans all of a sudden remember the innocent until proven guilty stuff

Local politicos have been buzzing about a domestic dispute between Palatine Township GOP Committeeman Gary Skoien and his wife, but most stopped short of publicly calling for Skoien’s resignation.

Even Inverness Village President Jack Tatooles, whom Skoien unseated as committeeman in 2002, said only that he doesn’t agree with allegations the police messed up.

“He’s made some innuendos about the police department, but these are good men and women who don’t lie on reports,” Tatooles said, adding he hasn’t had much contact with Skoien in the last seven years.

Palatine Mayor Rita Mullins also ran and lost against Skoien in the 2002 election. She called the situation “very unfortunate” and said, “My heart goes out to his wife.”

State Rep. Suzie Bassi, a fellow Palatine Republican, went further to say she was “not willing to endorse him in the future” and that the situation has hurt the image of the party.

“It’s about time he got his life together and spent some time taking care of his family,” Bassi said. “Step down? That’s going to be a choice he is going to have to make, but I hope he is willing to think long and hard about doing the right thing for the Republican organization and the community.”

“I hope he is willing to think long and hard about doing the right thing…” Isn’t that what Mayor Daley said about Burris?

Kinda funny that there’s no outraged rush to the cameras on this one. The Tribune editorial page, which has led the charge against Burris, has been mute. Kass hasn’t come up with any silly nicknames for Skoien like he did with Burris. And there’s been almost total radio silence at the conservative blogs.

*** UPDATE *** Thanks to a commenter, here’s part of a letter to the editor published last week year in the Daily Herald…

Recently a group calling itself the United Republicans of Palatine Township posted a full-page ad in the newspaper and sent out a mailing attacking Gary Skoien, the Republican Committeeman for Palatine Township.

We, as your Republican and local elected officials, could not be more adamant in our statement that this attack was factually inaccurate, mean-spirited and absolutely ridiculous.

Sadly, this is far from the first time that attacks in the name of “United Republicans” have been leveled against Gary Skoien, the local Republican Party, and other Republican officials working to deliver good government to the residents of Palatine Township. Since Skoien’s successful election over their chosen candidate in the committeeman race in 2002, it has been this same small group of purported leaders in this organization who have continued to attack him and anybody who dares associate with Gary Skoien.

The signatories…

Congressman Mark Kirk, 10th District
State Sen. Matt Murphy, 27th District
Mayor William McLeod, Hoffman Estates
Gregg Goslin, Cook County Commissioner
Gene Dawson, state central committeemen, 8th Congressional District
Ruth O’Connell, Wheeling Twp. Republican Committeeman
Linda Fleming, Palatine Twp. supervisor
Kevin O’Connell, Palatine Twp. clerk
Terry Kelly, Palatine Twp. assessor
John Powers, Palatine Twp. Highway Commissioner
Art Goes, Bill Huley and Lisa Moran, Palatine Twp. trustees
Cary Collins, deputy mayor, Hoffman Estates
Ald. Tom Rooney, Rolling Meadows
Sue Quinn, Dist. 15 school board
Tom Donohue, Inverness Park District commissioner


It would be interesting to hear what these people say about Skoien now.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* Skoien has more troubles, by the way…

Police have rejected a request from a top suburban Republican to change a police report that states he was with two prostitutes when his wife attacked him over the weekend in their Inverness home.

Barrington-Inverness Deputy Police Chief Jerry Libit said today there would not be “any changes to the report,” as requested by Gary Skoien, a Palatine Township GOP committeeman and a former Cook County Republican chairman.

Libit said Skoien met Wednesday night with the officer who wrote the report.

Skoien has disputed that the women were prostitutes. He said he was with two friends early Sunday when his wife, Eni, punched him and swung a guitar at him.

* Related…

* Former Cook GOP Chairman: No Prostitutes At Home

* Skoien hints at stepping down after wife’s arrest

* WARNING: Take it easy in comments. Follow the guidelines. In fact, stay well within the margins on this one. I’m in no mood today to deal with over the top posts. Don’t get yourself banned.


  1. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    If Skoien opposes SB 600, good riddance.

  2. - Rob_N - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 1:51 pm:

    Something about the story isn’t adding up…

    The Herald has reported that his wife was originally out, but came home early. Yet the police reports are from 1:15 in morning.

    I’ve also separately read that Mr. Skoien and his wife are separated but still living together, which may somehow/someway explain the playroom aspect of it.

    But what is really confusing is that his wife is the one who ended up in jail (for assault).

    If his wife claimed to the police that these women were prostitutes and he himself separately agreed with that claim to the police … why didn’t he end up in jail also for solicitation or something related?

    Strange, sad tale.

  3. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    Ironic that this letter to the editor was published last week:

  4. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 1:54 pm:

    Good grab RRW—

  5. - clearly - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 1:56 pm:

    RRW, that was from 2008. Still amusing though.

  6. - the Patriot - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 1:57 pm:

    I see the point on not wanting the word prostitutes in the police report. It may create problems for the prosecutor down the line if it appears the officers let their bias direct their investigation. Unless there is evidence they were there on business it may be irrelevant. What if they were there because he was their AA sponsor?

    As a GOPer, he needs to go. Don’t know what republican would try to think of a scenario where anyone who has common sense would be have two women of questionable backgrounds alone at 1:00 am. Even if his intentions were pure, putting yourself in that situation shows questionable judgment. On the other hand, if the allegations are true, he is a real sleeze. Either way, if I had a vote, he is OUT.

    How about a QOTD. If your wife catches you with two prostitutes and puts a beat down on you, is it really a crime? Not in my book.

  7. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:01 pm:

    clearly, thanks for the correction. Rich, you will want to correct that in your update.

    still funny though.

  8. - GOP - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:04 pm:

    As a Republican from the area, I would encourage him publicly and privately to resign if I were an elected official. It’s time to go…and bring Roland with you. Gary knows that his personal past adventures lend credibility to these charges. He should have been gone when he made those crazy comments about Mayor Daley years ago.

  9. - SangamoGOP - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:13 pm:

    Having read the entire article, it doesn’t sound like local GOP leaders are saying much of anything different from comments about Burris. Many are quoted in the DH article saying he should step down and that they support the police report and the wife. Only one, at the end of the article, noted that this is a personal thing for Gary and had nothing to do with the GOP.

    And, to compare Skoien to Burris who, as a sitting US Senator, has changed his story a 1/2 dozen times (where is that latest clarifying memo, by the way) and moved away from testimony made under oath to a guy beaten with a toy guitar, is a bit of a stretch, to say the least.

  10. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:14 pm:

    SangamoGOP, just one person in the article calls on him to step down.

  11. - scoot - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:15 pm:

    He needs to go..Skoien isn’t what he used to be anyway.

    But I feel that comparing a committeemen to a US Senator who was appointed by a crooked Gov is a bit of a stretch. Don’t get me wrong, they both need to go, but Burris is on taxpayer money here.

  12. - Pat collins - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:15 pm:

    total radio silence at the conservative blogs.

    And why should they care? He’s a George Ryan/Andy McK “Moderate”

    Let THEM defend him.

  13. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:16 pm:

    ===He’s a George Ryan/Andy McK “Moderate”===

    He was 10 years ago. He moved far to the Right since then.

  14. - Pat collins - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:20 pm:

    Mullins called the situation “very unfortunate” and said, “My heart goes out to his wife

    I wonder if the guy was the one arrested for whacking the wife, if she would “feel his pain”.

    No one is (or should) excuse someone who has call girls in the same house his kids are in. But that does NOT excuse violence.

    And I’ll note that George Dunne somehow managed to survive (as committeeman )an interesting situation with two female employees.

    And Committeeman is all Skoien is.

  15. - walter sobchak - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:21 pm:

    It is a bit of a stretch in claiming hypocrisy in the actions of politicians reacting to allegations of events that played out in public surrounding a United States Senator and murky events that took place in a private home between a wife and husband. At best, Skoien, is a minor character in Illinois politics and Burris a major force for better or worse. Whether he resigns or not is less than a non event. The story is fun, salacious, and tragic for the individuals involved but not the stuff of editorial boards.

  16. - scoot - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:23 pm:

    I should add..he needs to stop down so this story goes away. Each day he remains a target, and a late Friday afternoon is a good time to resign. Even if he is innocent, resign & let the legal process play out, just stay outta the headlines for the GOPers sake.

  17. - TollwayRod - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:25 pm:

    Comparing (Senator) Burris and his Clintonesque testimony to the Impeachment Committee to the allegations against a party Committeeman is pretty much a long stretch. I think you are going overboard on this one Rich.

  18. - inDUpage - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:30 pm:

    TollwayRod is correct…enough of the moral equivalence and obfuscation.

  19. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:31 pm:

    Walter, the Northwest suburbs have become a huge legislative/congressional battleground. So a township committeeman in that region is quite important to the state’s politics.

    Are the two men even/Steven? Nope. Are the facts exactly the same? Nada. But what we have in both are allegations and not convictions. So, it’s an interesting (for me) study in reactions.

    Heck, I feel bad for the man in a way. He allegedly gets beat up by his wife (who may have just used a universal euphemism for “the other woman” when talking to the coppers) and is now the ultimate bad guy.

    So, I guess the point here is that it’s always easier to call for somebody on the other side to step down than it is to demand the same from your own teammate.

  20. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:31 pm:

    But that does NOT excuse violence.

    If I was found in my house at 1 AM with two women my wife didn’t know, and I didn’t have a quick and righteous explanation, I would feel fortunate to get the “El Kabong” treatment and nothing worse.

  21. - chi gal - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:39 pm:

    Please… Yes, Skoien needs to go, and quickly… but to compare this to Burris? A loser committeeman versus a loser US Senator? Why wouldn’t an editorial board have an opinion on a lying US Senator and not feel the need to take up space talking about a committeeman’s domestic issues? How can you even make a comparison? I think Skoien is scum and the story is sad but the entire Burris situation is political deception at its best. Skoien isn’t living up to his marriage vows or being a good parent, both serious but quite different from Burris. Both should go but neither will — due to their political egos.

  22. - agree with walter - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:41 pm:

    I agree with walter but he said it better. Comparing a GOP committeeman who has been caught in a compromising domestic situation to a U.S. Senator who had questionable at best dealings in landing said U.S. Senate seat is a huge stretch. Most average Joe voters couldn’t even tell you who a committeeman was or what their role is in the process.

  23. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:45 pm:

    ===Most average Joe voters couldn’t even tell you who a committeeman was or what their role is in the process. ===

    OK, that makes it different? How? The fact is that a whole lot of politicians got help from Skoien over the years and now they’re staying quiet. I just find that interesting. Perhaps you don’t. Your prerogative.

  24. - VanillaMan - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:45 pm:

    There is a difference between incidents here. Critics can talk about Burris without mentioning s-e-x, but you cannot do that with Skoien. Grand crimes defend themselves via shock and disgust.

    Just as Former President Clinton demonstrated so well, when a political leader lacks a conscience and commits an outrageous unconscionable act, they are protected by the conscience of the citizens who are uncomfortable discussing the act.

    This is also another reason why it is easier to be a “yes man” to a powerful politician. It is just not easy to backhand someone you considered an admirable leader - a lot of people invested their own credibility in Skoien, and refuse to see him as the buffoon he revealed himself to be.

    Skoien can serve his party best by resigning yesterday. Every day he remains in power, is a day he puts his own selfish interests over the community he for years claimed was primary in his life.

    The GOP can benefit from this by publically denouncing him and forcing him from office immediately. The longer he stays in office, the worse the situation becomes for the GOP.

  25. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    Presumably the women of the/that evening would be called upon as witnesses in the domestic violence battery charge, and as such may be personally identified in the Police Report, which is a matter of public record.

    If they are personally named in the report; and have been identified by anyone; husband/wife, or police as prostitutes, there is certainly the potential for a libel/slander action. The truth is a bona fide defense against such an action, but in the absence of an arrest record, or identifying witnesses to come forward that would testify to having paid them for sex; then labeling these women as such by any of the parties involved could end up being a much more expensive proposition than perhaps originally bargained for.

  26. - Gene Parmesan - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:49 pm:

    Well, I agree with Walter somewhat (particularly in that this transgression is of a much more personal nature, as opposed to public shennanigans), but I also think Rich has a point. I haven’t seen anything from the ‘purists’ over at Illinois Review denouncing Skoien or anything like that. You know they’d be the first to jump on any Dem Committeeman that did the same.

    I don’t see what anybody in the GOP has to gain by not asking for Skoien’s resignation. With this he’s finished, unless he really wants to give more credibility to Rich’s point and hang on for dear life like Burris or Larry Craig.

  27. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:51 pm:

    Also, as far as “power” is concerned, a township committeeman with that kind of weighted vote has more power over his area’s politicians than a US Senator does any day of the week.

  28. - Lake Voter - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    Skoin should immediately ask his two “FRIENDS” to come to a press conference with work history and tax returns in hand. If they will not or cannot produce evidence that they are not prostitutes then he should resign.

  29. - Slugo - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    Have to agree with those saying its apples and oranges here. Regardless of reaction from the alleged perp’s peeps, these are two completely different situations. One is about lousy personal decisions with spouse and “lady friends” and bwing charged with what crime? The other is about possibly lying under oath in order to obtain one the highest political offices in the land. Sorry not apples and oranges, that’s insulting the fruit.

  30. - John Bambenek - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    The difference is we don’t know if they were in fact prostitutes and that they were paid to be there. But more importantly, Burris lied to become a US Senator and there is objective proof of his dishonesty (perjury is another matter of course). All I have is a media report. If he did, in fact, pay for two prostitutes to come to his house (even if not properly the crime of prostitution) he should resign. That said, it sure don’t look good at all.

    And let’s be honest, a committeeman isn’t exactly a position of public trust and has no governing power. Certainly we can agree that the stakes are higher when a US Senator is involved.

  31. - Thomas Westgard - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:54 pm:

    It’s not the fact that he hired prostitutes - people get caught doing that all the time. It’s the fact that the GOP loves to judge people for their lifestyles. Rosanna Pulido calls gay people… I’ll leave the offensive name off at Rich’s request, but she calls them offensive names for doing something legal, and is rewarded with a candidacy. Meanwhile, the GOP can’t get together as a group and crush the people in their own ranks who don’t measure up to what they claim others should do. Hypocrisy of the worst sort.

  32. - Ghost - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:55 pm:

    It was the “play room” after all. I hope he goes on a media blitz to clear his good name. Perhaps an explanation that escorts are not the same as prositutes with some softball questions from national media.

    meanwhile he should do the honorbale thing and resign, just like a former NY politico embroiled in smiliar circumstances.

  33. - Gene Parmesan - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    “we don’t know if they were in fact prostitutes”

    What would even lead us to believe they weren’t. Both parties acknowledged it in the police report, and Skoien couldn’t get the officers to change it after the fact. Further, if they weren’t prostitues, why hasn’t Skoien brought them out for a presser or something? The only person saying they weren’t prostitutes has been Skoien, well after the fact, and in contradiction to his prior statements. I guess he’ll get his day in court, but it sure looks bad.

  34. - Fan of the Game - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:08 pm:

    Innocent until proven guilty applies to all, despite party affiliation.

  35. - Rob_N - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    Rich says, “He allegedly gets beat up by his wife (who may have just used a universal euphemism for “the other woman” when talking to the coppers) […]”

    Except that according to the Herald’s article earlier in the week he specifically ok’d the use of the word “prostitute” in the original police report from the middle of the night on Sunday.

    From the Herald’s Thursday article:

    According to the police report, Gary Skoien “told (police) that he did in fact have prostitutes with him in the playroom when his wife caught him.”

    That’s what he now wants changed as he claims the two women he was with in his children’s playroom at 1 in the morning are friends, not prostitutes.

    …Not sure if this is a case of “what the definition of ‘is’ is” but like I wrote before, something’s not adding up (what’s the definition of “friend”, etc).

    Also according to that Herald article…

    Libit said Gary Skoien doesn’t face charges relating to solicitation because of a lack of evidence. The women had left the house by the time police responded. Skoien declined to identify the women.

    Wouldn’t his admission to the police that he was with prostitutes have been enough evidence?

    And if they were there for innocent-enough reasons why did Mr. Skoien allow these witnesses to his wife’s alleged crime leave before police could arrive?

    Perhaps they actually are prostitutes and friends and he was simply trying to save them from a life of crime… Perhaps.

    John Bambenek, nice moral relativism ya got there.

  36. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:23 pm:

    On Roland Burris, there have been so many Democrats that were opposed, then they said appoint, then the Blagojevich issue came up, then they wanted him to resign now the some of the same one’s say leave him in until election, move on with business.

    But with Gary Skoien the GOP would want his head if he were a Democrat. I still wonder why would someone like Gary Skoien ever call the police, he’s been around enough to know that once this gets out it will hit the press big. Seriously he worked for Jim Thompson, was on the Metra board, GOP chair, and his deal with Daley certainly drew attention to him.

    I still wonder why the children would be kept from their mother because of this incident and not the father? Gary’s activities certainly are questionable if you are concerned about children.

    He must have known that call to the Police was going to be a call that would forever change his career. You would think he would have wanted to do anything to avoid police involvement. What was he thinking?

  37. - grand old partisan - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:30 pm:

    Rich – I will concede that you are (unfortunately) pretty much 100% right here, with the exception of your lamentation that “The Tribune editorial page, which has led the charge against Burris, has been mute. Kass hasn’t come up with any silly nicknames for Skoien like he did with Burris.”

    Of course the Trib isn’t going to give a story about a local party leader the same ink it gave a story about a statewide public official. Why would they?

  38. - Gene Parmesan - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:31 pm:

    I’m no attorney, but I have seen many episodes of COPS and Reno 911!. If there were no prostitutes physically there, and Skoien wouldn’t name them, and the police didn’t have any evidence of any money being transacted (or services rendered), then there’s no case for prostitution. Having prostitutes in your home isn’t a crime.

  39. - bluedog demo - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:33 pm:

    Burris and Skoien both need to leave their respective positions. A whole lot more could and should folow suit !

  40. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:40 pm:

    ===Of course the Trib isn’t going to give a story about a local party leader the same ink it gave a story about a statewide public official. Why would they? ===

    Did I say they should give him the same amount of ink? I said they haven’t said a word.

  41. - Jaded - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    Since Blago is writing a book, Skoien should make a movie. Course, you might have to be 18 to go see it…..

  42. - Excessively rabid - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    I don’t see what this has to do with official misconduct or otherwise illegally or improperly achieving public office. If someone already legitimately holds public office and is then accused of or charged with a crime, the path is pretty well traveled. Burris is different - and unusual if not unique - because that case involves Blago’s alleged attempts to sell the seat.

  43. - party of one - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:44 pm:

    Rich, it was Gary Skoien who told the cops that they were prostitutes. If in fact, they were just friends, you would think he would have brought them to the police station to corroborate his story.

  44. - A Citizen - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:46 pm:

    It’s getting so you can’t tell the Rs from the Ds.

  45. - Once a Mom, Always a Mom - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:47 pm:

    Ok, Rich, that’s enough blogging for today. It’s been fun, but you need to go to the dentist before it gets too late and get that tooth taken care of!!! Love, Mom

  46. - Legaleagle - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    Burris and Skoien are both entitled to the presumption of innocence as to criminal guilt - and Skoien is not even accused of any criminal act (such as lying under oath, obstructing a civil case, and disbarrable criminal contempt of court (a la Clinton). But political heat is a different matter. Both Burris and Skoien deserve to be condemned in the court of public opinion.

  47. - BigDog - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:56 pm:

    If the women were prostitutes, then he should resign. If they weren’t, and he didn’t do anything illegal (sounds like the marriage is possibly on the rocks before this incident took place), then he shouldn’t resign. The reason that lots more people will get worked up over Burris is quite simple: Burris directly represents lots more people.

  48. - IrishPirate - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:57 pm:

    Perhaps Sheriff Tom Dart can send an anti-hooker task force to investigate what is going on in Palatine.

    Getting caught with alleged hookers and beat up by your wife…………………priceless.

    This is more like “The Onion” than a real news story.

  49. - Angry Chicagoan - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 3:57 pm:

    We have a structural problem with the kinds of people drawn to politics in this state. Perhaps it’s time for some serious campaign finance reform and a concerted end to the spoils system. But I think the way Illinois government is so fragmented into local fiefdoms is part of the problem. We have more local governments than any other state, with so many of them apparently run by their own little caudillo. There’s no accountability within or among governments, so why should there be for politicians within this system.

    As I say, broken beyond repair.

  50. - True Observer - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 4:01 pm:

    “He must have known that call to the Police was going to be a call that would forever change his career.”

    In this crazy age, it just might.

    For the better.

    Look at Clinton. The most admired man in the world. Maybe second most admired now.

  51. - Ghost - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 4:25 pm:

    TO, I prefer Marion Barry as an example

  52. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 5:01 pm:


  53. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 5:43 pm:

    Hang it up, Skoien.

  54. - Still Like Skoien - Friday, Mar 13, 09 @ 6:07 pm:

    Somethings in the story don’t add up for me. Skoien is extemely smart. He runs over a dozen malls and all their details throughout the country. If the women were prostitutes, he is smart enough to lie about it. He would also have been smart enough (and rich enough) to go to a motel.

    This doesn’t pass the smell test.

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