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Unsolicited advice

Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dear Gov. Quinn,

Please, don’t say stuff like this

“God has, I guess, seen fit to see that I’m governor.”

Patrick Fitzgerald is a lot of things, but God he ain’t.

* Dear elected officials with Internet sites,

Please, read this Chicago Public Radio blog post

Almost every politician I stumbled across had a “news” or “recent news” section. That’s a great service for the constituent. But if you do have that category, please update! In a very informal survey, 9 out of 10 sites did not update. State Representative Tom Cross has a big picture of his family and a banner exclaiming “Happy Holidays”. It’s late March Mr. Cross.

* Dear Gov. Quinn (again),

Your embrace of your old pal and former Blagojevich budget czar John Filan is simply beyond comprehension. Want more proof that you need to distance yourself from this man? How about this new Auditor General’s report on the Illinois State Police’s Division of Forensic Services, which concluded that, as AnimalFarm says, “case backlogs are up while the number of forensic scientists and trainees is down and more than a million dollars in federal grant funding was allowed to lapse”…

While [Illinois State Police] has notifed the Governor’s Office of backlog and and staffing needs, the Governor’s Office has not allowed ISP to replace lost headcount. Failure to maintain necessary staffing levels results in cases remaining unsolved and serial criminals could remain free to commit additional crimes.

Filan’s a bean counter who too often just doesn’t understand the consequences of his bean counting.

* Dear 19th Warders,

Calling off the South Side Irish St. Patrick’s Day Parade next year is probably a good idea to let the craziness cool out. But check out Kadner and Tridgell for some much-needed perspective before you put the permanent kibosh on the event.

* Your turn…


  1. - BehindTheScenes - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:01 pm:

    Which journalist is going to be the first to find the connection between Gov. Quinn and Jon Monken?
    I can’t fathom that he reached down into that big pile of resumes on his desk and picked Monken’s. There has to be a reason why, and in this State, that connection is usually a favor or cash or both.

  2. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:06 pm:

    BehindTheScenes, Rod’s gone. Try to get some perspective on things. You really think Quinn does business like that? He appointed this guy in return for cash?

  3. - The Doc - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    Dear IOC,

    Just say no (to Chicago).

  4. - Anon in BB - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:10 pm:

    I have found that (usually) the only time pols update their websites is when they are running for reelection.

  5. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:18 pm:

    == Filan’s a bean counter who too often just doesn’t understand the consequences of his bean counting. ==

    Penny wise, pound foolish?

    Cutting off your nose to spite your face?

    A stitch in time saves nine?

    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?

    When I saw that Filan was cutting Youth Services, Homeless Youth Services, and a host of other youth programs by 10 percent or more, I figured all of these truisms just slipped by him in his youth.

    Then I saw that the Filan-Quinn budget DOES increase funding for the Department of Juvenile Justice, which currently incarcerates 1,400 youth around the state…

    …so apparently Filan DOES get it, he just doesn’t care.

  6. - Been There - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:20 pm:

    I am on the parade committee and I can tell you we plan to do something next year. Exactly what I don’t know. We have talked about a wide range of ideas but the one thing we were mostly in agreement on was that we were not going to have a parade where 340,000 people show up in our neighborhood. Smaller? earlier? limited access? restricted participation? different location? replace with a festival? These ideas are all on the table and it could be a combination of ideas. Any suggestions will be considered. Hope to see just some of you back next year.

  7. - Hank - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:20 pm:

    I doubt Quinn received anything for appointing Monken, however I do believe somebody “recommended” him to Quinn and it will be interesting to find out who

  8. - Plutocrat03 - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:27 pm:

    Perhaps Mr. Cross is an enthusiast for celebrating Easter…..

    As long as we are giving advice to the new Gov. Perhaps he should back off on the boondoggle of an airport in Peoria until the state has some money to throw around. May be a good idea for some future time, but the millions could be used to retire some medicare debt.

    I suspect there are a lot of politically connected property owners who would like to realize a profit from their recent purchases, but I hoped for more clear thinking from Pat Quinn

  9. - Former 19th Warder - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:31 pm:

    As a former resident of Beverly, I am really glad that the committee finally decided to tone it down and I’m glad that something will be taking its place.

  10. - Niles Township - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:33 pm:

    Quinn has shown alot of interest in military and veterans affairs. My guess is Monken came up as part of that. I’m not ready to think nefarious things about Quinn yet, even if I don’t agree with everyone of his ideas. Like Zorn said today in the Trib, not this Governor.

  11. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    Did Quinn get the George W playbook?
    Both innaugurations he said “God wanted him to be President”

    The South Side parade’s biggest problem this year was being on the same weekend as the Columbus (downtown) parade, also in combination with Colleges’ Spring Break.

  12. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    Dear Gov. Quinn

    When you change the wrapping on a present, the present is still the same inside. You are the wrapping. It is time to get rid of the former Governor’s cronies in the agencies. You can start with Filan then go after ones at IDOT that got the raises. There are many others at other agencies.

    Throw out the trash.

  13. - 2ConfusedCrew - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    Trooper “Hold ‘Em” Trent blew another one?

  14. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:49 pm:

    What would happen if a Republican would say that God wanted him to be Governor? How loudly would the MSM pundits scream?

    Just sayin’

  15. - November - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:49 pm:

    ==I have found that (usually) the only time pols update their websites is when they are running for reelection. ==

    I do Web sites (legislative, not campaign) for 3 legislators and am happy to say that their sites get updated nearly 3 times a week, sometimes daily during a busy session week.

  16. - L.S. - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:54 pm:

    The parade was no more crowded that it has been in previous years. There is no need to cancel it. It’s a fun event and if people want to watch the event without the hassle of the drunken mob, there is a dry side of Western Ave.

  17. - HoBoSkillet - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:55 pm:

    Oh I don’t know, I always thought of the south side parade as an annual Chicago institution. I used to work in the Mount Greenwood neighborhood and yes, it would be a pain to get to and from work on the day of the parade, but I don’t recall seeing anything more out of the ordinary than what I might see at a baseball game, city festival, or my family reunions. Then again, I am not a resident of Beverly nor am I on the steering council so I will defer to their wishes.

  18. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 1:57 pm:

    God has, I guess, seen fit to see that I’m governor

    If he wants to believe he is The Anointed One, who are you to question him?

    Romans 13:1 “…the authorities that exist have been instituted by God.”

    airport in Peoria

    Methinks your flight compass is off by a few hundred nautical miles. The Peoria airport is already there and serves about 20 arrivals + departures every day. There is an imaginary airport in Will County that some want to turn into reality.

  19. - Eighty - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 2:01 pm:

    Six Degrees,

    My view on religion would be warped entirely if Rod was the almighty’s Chosen One. Although it does set the stage for a hilarious and awesome parallel universe.

  20. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 2:18 pm:

    “God has, I guess, seen fit to see that I’m governor.”

    The Governor is not incorrect. However, Governor, if you are guessing that God has seen fit to see you raise our taxes without reforming Illinois government, try again. God has, I guess, seen fit to see that I vote you out of the Office.

  21. - fed up - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 2:19 pm:

    God must of wanted Quinn to keep his mouth shut and just go along with everything as Blago was driving the state in to the ground. I am willing to bet God wants Quinn to lose the next election too.

  22. - Secret Square - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 2:29 pm:

    Could it be that Quinn was simply 1) reminding Rod that if God really was on the side of His Hairness, why did He allow him to be impeached and removed from office, or 2) saying this in the sense that some people use when referring to adverse circumstances, strange coincidences, or things that didn’t go according to plan — “It’s God’s will” or “It happened for a reason.”

  23. - Filan Must Go - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 2:44 pm:

    Filan is the one who was allowed to cut, cut, cut the IDNR budget from day one under Blagojevich and drove it in the ground. Now IDNR has a chance if Filan is stopped from micro-managing the agency from the Governor’s office.

  24. - Rocketman - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 3:04 pm:

    The South Side parade has been a blight on the neighborhood for years. When it began 31 years ago, many of the parishes would have a special mass before the start of the parade and people would take their children to the parade after church to see the floats, horses, dogs, bands and fire trucks.
    Since we lived only four blocks away, we would take our kids who were born in ‘80, ‘82, ‘84 and ‘93 to the parade in their strollers as babies and then as toddlers and elementary schoolers. It was a real family event which changed dramatically about 10 years ago when it seemed it became more about attendees getting drunk and crazy rather than celebrating in a civilized manner. People started installing porta potties on their lawns or on vacant lots and charging for their use. Young people were given a pass and allowed to walk down the street drinking. People began to arrive for the parade at 8:00 a.m. to find a parking spot and would immediately begin tailgating in front of stranger’s homes or on their front lawns! Nothing was done to curtail the rowdiness. There was not sufficient enforcement of the laws against deinking in public and disorderly conduct. This is not necessarily a criticism of the police because they were frankly overwhelmed by the numbers and the attitude of many attendees and others that being drunk and disorderly in the celebration of the day was wholly acceptable.
    What used to be a family celebration that we looked forward to became something that my family would try to avoid by being away on parade day.
    I believe the parade committee did the right and courageous thing to announce an end the parade in its present form and to find alternate ways to celebrate the culture of the Irish which embraces music, literature, art and humor. Those of us of Irish heritage were disgusted by the idea that recently the behavior of the attendees fed into the hurtful streotype of the Irish as drunken brawlers.
    A new way for the Beverly neighborhood to celebrate the heritage of the Irish is a welcome idea.

  25. - Louis Howe - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    Actually, Filan did some good. State government was bloated after Thompson/Edgar/Ryan years and he managed to operate with nearly 13,000 fewer state employees. However, the AFSME contracts were too generous, and his GOMB micro management has sucked the inititive out of the state agencies. Blago is responsible for the dunderheads running state agencies not Filan. Filan was never close to the Blago’s Palace Guard.

  26. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 3:16 pm:

    it doesnt take a genius to see that quinn’s IDVA pick is 29 and a graduate of west point….monken is also 29 and a graduate at west point….im guessing grant recommended monken to quinn, mystery solved…

  27. - downstate hack - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 3:28 pm:

    The Quinn Filan marriage is interesting but I think a huge mistake for our new Governor. There certainly are qualified people out there without the Blago and his own (Filan’s) baggage,

  28. - Speaking at Will - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 3:31 pm:

    Way to soundbite Gov. Quinn on the “God has seen fit” remarks.

  29. - jerry 101 - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 3:59 pm:

    I’ve never heard anything to lead me to believe that Quinn’s especially religious, so I would take that as a bit more like referring to an “act of god,” aka “force majeur” - something beyond anyone’s control.

    In which case, Rich is still right, except that it wasn’t god or Fitz who made Quinn Gov. It was Rod, by being a very bad governor who still managed to get re-elected.

    But, if Quinn starts talking to God, then it’s time for Lisa to go and ask the Supremes to remove another governor for being incapacitated. In this case, because the men in white coats should be coming for the Gov.

    Unsolicited advice…

    Dear Mayor Daley,
    You sound more and more like a guilty man every day.

    Perhaps it’s time to retire and move somewhere warmer before Fitz knocks on your door in the pre-dawn hours. Somewhere like Madrid. You can help with their Olympic bid then.

    Dear Roland,
    Ok dude, I understand, you’ve got a lot of legal bills. Can you just hold a few fundraisers, pay them off, and go away? You’re an embarrassment.

    Dear Rod,
    Unless you’re giving testimony to Fitzgerald about every corrupt action and activity you’ve seen in your political career, will you please shut up? Your lunacy is going to make you a less than stellar witness. Your cokehead former advisor will seem more reliable than you will if you don’t quit flapping your trap.

    Dear Bill Daley,
    Forget about it. NahGuhAppHen.

    Dear Right-wing Regulars,
    Keep the crazy coming. You bring me a laugh no matter how crappy my mood.

  30. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 4:09 pm:

    The Most High: Go forth, Mr. Quinn, and govern your state.

    The Most Corrupt: We don’t want nobody nobody sent.

  31. - disgusted - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 4:09 pm:

    Quinn’s window of time to impress citizens and lawmakers is running out. Filan was the Cheney of the Blago administration and MUST go. Now Exec Director of one of the top five bonding authorities in the nation, the Illinois Finance Authority, which approves $5-9Billion in Illinois projects every year…….and the agency Blago used (only after Filan was named head) to try to extort the Childrens Hospital and the Tribune? I agree, start with all micro/narrow minded corrupt directors, ALL OF THEM, and then throw out the rest. What is he waiting for? If he’s going to be a fall guy for the demos, then at least do it right. Madigan doesnt have to lift a finger to help him dig his own grave. Illinois needs a clean fresh new voice and management style… and this guy isnt meeting that test.

  32. - 2ConfusedCrew - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 4:09 pm:

    L.S. perhaps it was the drunken teenagers yelling racial slurs that knocked the leaves off the clover?

  33. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 4:43 pm:

    Drunken teens yelling racial slurs? I thought that was part of the tradition…

    I haven’t gone in a dozen years, and I certainly won’t miss Mardi Gras on Western. It’s been heading down hill for a long time. Busing idiots in from northside bars wasn’t the best idea either.

  34. - this old hack - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 5:23 pm:

    Quinn is beginning to revert back to his wierd ways…too bad

  35. - Smitty Irving - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 9:08 pm:

    2 questions - First, can you be indicted for violating of the State Finance Act? Filan’s Efficiency Initiative actions violated the law - are there any penalties?
    Second, anyone know about the $500+ thousand the feds want from DNR due to Efficiency payments?

  36. - Marianne North - Thursday, Mar 26, 09 @ 10:19 pm:

    The idiots from northside bars are basically from MI, IN and OH who relocated to the northside after college. There are no native Chicagoans in Lincoln Park or Lake View.

  37. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 8:53 am:

    Marianne North,
    Exactley right, very few natives on the North Side, also include Wrigleyville, River North, Gold Coast, Bucktown, Rogers Park to that list.
    With the exeption of Alan Keyes short move to the South side, we are mostly natives here.

  38. - Webworm - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 8:57 am:

    So let me get this straight. It is better not to have a web site at all (Speaker Madigan) than to have a picture of your family at Christmas time? OK, just checking….

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