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Question of the day

Friday, Mar 27, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Is it too early to talk about baseball season? If not, then how well do you think the White Sox will do? Also, how badly do you think the Flubs will blow it… again?


  1. - Reality Check - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 11:30 am:

    Cubs win 95 games. Sox lucky to break even.

    These forecasts may be slightly generous to each.

  2. - phocion - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 11:32 am:

    Sox - last place division, 3rd worst record overall.

    Cubs - win the World Series shortly after the Olympics are awarded to Chicago.

  3. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 11:33 am:


    - Reality Check - Sep 19, @ 12:44 pm

    AL Division Series: Red Sox (wild card) over Angels, Twins over Rays

    NL Division Series: Cubs over Mets (wild card), Phillies over Dodgers

    AL Championship Series: Red Sox over Twins

    NL Championship Series: Cubs over Phillies

    World Series: Red Sox over Cubs

  4. - frost - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 11:34 am:

    Psssssh. Sox win everything.

    Also: World peace. A puppy for every American and sunshine every day!

  5. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 11:45 am:

    I’d like both teams chances better if Obama had included in the stimulus package money for a center fielder who can lead off for each team.

    In the hope that this interminable spring training will someday end….

    If anyone in NL Central had improved at all (they didn’t), I would pick the Cubs out of the money. Instead, they win the division with 88 wins and are swept in the first round of the playoffs (as of now, they’ve lost nine straight playoff games). They’re simply not as good as they were last year, and I think there are big question marks to the season-long effectiveness of Zambrano, Harden, Lee, Soriano, Bradley, Fontenot and Fukudome.

    Sox are very intriguing, and I hope they bring Beckham up early to play second. I have them with 90 wins, finishing second to the Twins, with an outside chance at the wild card.

  6. - Reality Check - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 11:47 am:

    Ha ha … touche.

    However, Bo Sox and Phils in their respective LCS was right. :)

    Did you even make picks?

  7. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    Obviously Capt Fax had too much silly sauce at birthdayfest….Obvious world series pairing
    Cards v CHW….with Cards winning at home in 7 after NL finally wakes up and wins All Star game!
    We have given the Cubs enough timer ….let them try again after the trial

  8. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:00 pm:

    Both Chicago teams make their division.

    Both have a good chance of making the Championship series, Sox will win more games.

    But the only team worth following in town is the Sox anyhow. Wrigley field is just a place for your Northside transplants to party.

  9. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:02 pm:

    I will still try to make as many Sox games as I can, wear my black, and be with the best fans to be at Sox Park with!

  10. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    Phocion, my records search indicates that you predicted the Flubs would win the World Series twice last year.

  11. - tom - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:12 pm:

    Cubs win 92 games
    Sox win 80 games
    Sox miss playoffs and finish second behind Tribe
    Cubs win division and lose in NLCS to Philly

  12. - Eighty - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:12 pm:

    That Nate Silver, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, ever. Didn’t he predict that John McCain would win in a huge landslide, or something?

    Also, note the placement of Sox in context of where the Royals are.

  13. - phocion - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:14 pm:

    Damn your internet search engine, Miller!

  14. - Baines 4 Prez - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:17 pm:

    White Sox- 91 victories, a lot of luck, and some surprising contributions through the season from some unlikely sources. Lose to the Angels in 5 games in the first round.

    Cubs- 94 victories, a lot of drunken loutish behavior, and delusions of grandeur to be had by all… culminating in a karma-dooming preemptive celebration, followed by another sweep out of the first round of the playoffs, after Wrigley goes silent (again, as last fall) when they lose a lead & people begin to feel The Fear.

  15. - KJA - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:23 pm:

    Too early. Baseball should not be played in Gore-Tex or watched when you can see your breath form a cloud in front of your body!

  16. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:29 pm:

    How about the fact that the mid-summer classic (Baseball All Star Game-for the benefit of non apple pie loving Americans and foreigners alike) will be played in St.Louis this year?

    This will give whatever hapless Cubs make the team one more opportunity to get resoundingly boo’ed on the road in St. Louis, but this time in front of a national and international world wide audience.

    Mid July in St. Louis will also probably be about 94 degrees and 85% humidity at game time as well, even though the sun will have set for several hours by then.

    Should not be a problem for fans of all stripes though because there there should be plenty of ice cold beer available from the world renowned Belgian brewery just down the street.

    For you south siders, maybe Jesse Jackson can get his “King of Beers” brother to scam you some tickets. Perhaps only if you keep your mouth shut about any quid pro quo however and agree in writing to testify as a character witness at any sentencing hearing which might come about.

  17. - VanillaMan - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:29 pm:

    It is never too early to discuss the White Sox and how they will spank the other teams. Conversely, it is always too early to even think about the Chicago Cubs.

  18. - Shore - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:31 pm:

    Kenny Williams doesn’t get enough credit. If the bears had 1/4 of his balls they’d be a lot better than they are now. It’s not easy to overall a world series team in a few years and make it competitive. 160 trades in 8 years-the man is on fire.

    NL Cubs over Marlins(wild card) dodgers over mets
    NL Dodgers over cubs

    AL Tampa Bay (wild card) over Angels, Red over white sox
    AL Red Sox over Tampa

    Red Sox over Dodgers in 5

    Gordon Beckham becomes a star, Derek Lee becomes the next ex-first baseman for the cubs.

  19. - 10 RINGS - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:32 pm:

    The Cardinals are going all the way this year. Hey Cubby, we are out of fingers for our next ring. Toe ring?

  20. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:40 pm:

    Regarding Nate Silver: He suggested that appointing Emil Jones to the US Senate would be Blagojevich’s best move.

  21. - Deeda - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:44 pm:

    This is the Cubs year. I smell it.

  22. - downstate hack - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:54 pm:

    Cubs win 82 third behind Brewers and Card
    Sox 88 wins 2nd place, make wild card in playoffs
    Lose the world series in 6 games to Brewers

  23. - South Side Mike - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 12:59 pm:


    When it comes to the Cubs, you definitely smell something wafting around that stadium, but it ain’t a World Series Ring.

    White Sox: Anywhere from 1st-4th in the division, depending on how the rotation holds out and if they can plug some of the holes in their lineup. I see them ~6th in the AL in pitching, but more like 11th for runs scored. However, they won in ‘05 with not much more than that.

    Cubs: have spent money, and anything less than first will be a big disappointment. Fukudome gets benched by June, a pitcher gets injured, and the Cubs muddle their way into the playoffs somehow due to the ineptness of the NL Central. However, they won’t make it far if they do.

  24. - jerry 101 - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:03 pm:

    I’m a White Sox fan, I still have my 2005 World Series Champions placard from the parade up in my office, not to mention the double wide pull-out from the RedEye the next morning (it’s getting a bit yellow).

    I don’t see a good year for the old Sox. 4th place feels about right. The team’s getting too old, even with a few younger guys taking the field. Half or more of the pitching staff need to get out of town, the team is weak up the middle, and really old toward the right.

    The Cubs have a chance, but only because the rest of their division got weaker.

    Fukudome is a pretender, he’s a light weight hitter who pitchers figured out last year. He’s a bench player with a star salary. .305, .293, .264, .236, .193, .178. Those are Fukudome’s monthly averages (starting with Mar/Apr, ending in Sept/Oct) in order. Not a good sign for a key player.

    I do like Milton Bradley, a lot. If anyone can put the Cubs over the top, its the board game - IF he stays healthy. He won’t. He’s played more than 140 games once. And he played 141 that year.

    Soriano should continue to slide down to the kind of power production you’d expect from an above average middle-infielder. He’s off the juice now.

    But, if Harden can start over 25 games, and Dempsters arm doesn’t fall off again, (and Zambrano’s arm doesn’t finally fall off - still can’t believe that he didn’t end up in the same scrap heap as Wood and whatshisface?)all bets are off. The Cubs could take it. Fortunately, these are the Cubs.

    They take the Central and get swept in 3 games in the NLDS.

  25. - Easy - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:23 pm:

    I predict the Sox will surprise in baseball’s weakest division and win the division.
    They will lose in the playoffs to the Red Sox and an enraged gang of white-tank top wearing mullett heads charge the mound after Jenks when he blows three straight save opportunities.

  26. - Deeda - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:26 pm:

    All I can say is have you all noticed who fills the park at over 75% of the games. Not the White Socks.

  27. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:26 pm:

    He suggested that appointing Emil Jones to the US Senate would be Blagojevich’s best move.

    The guy he finally appointed seems a lot like Jones.

  28. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:28 pm:

    Deeda, basing team pride on the fact that out-of-town tourists flock to Cub Park and universally ignore the game is kinda weak.

    Go Sox.

  29. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    The White Sox will take it to the wire once again and end up beating the Twins for division champs. The Cubs will possibly make the playoffs but once again will lose all their playoff games. At least if the Cubs make it to Sept. we don’t have to hear wait til next year til then….

  30. - Fredbird - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    New question of the day:

    What will be the date of the first fist fight between Milton Bradly and Big Z?

  31. - Deeda - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:38 pm:


    This just proves that out of town tourist prefer the Cubs over the Soxs. Have your walked threw a parking lot before a Cub game? I see lots of Illinois plates and a handful of Indiana plates. Not many out of state tourist plates.
    Go Cubs Go

  32. - Deeda - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:40 pm:

    Another fun fact. Why are Cubs merchandise always sold first and White Soxs stuff is in the clearance rack?

  33. - Lefty Lefty - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    We’ll know about the White Sox season by the end of April. The old guys are either going to win some games for them and blaze through the summer, or they are going to come out flat, let us down, and make excuses until September. All the major figures in that organization are too dang comfortable–no one is out to try to prove anything anymore (except for the youngsters). I remain optimistic.

    The Cubs, on the other hand, will choke in the first round of the playoffs. They’re like the first warm days of spring–inspiring, full of potential, and followed by cold reality.

  34. - Capitol View - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:48 pm:

    I also see the White Sox as contending, and the condition of their late season pitching being the factor as to how far they get into the playoffs regardless of whether they are division champs again or the playoff team.

    I have more respect for the north side team than most of my fellow Sox supporters have, but Sox games are more entertaining. The Cubbies may win a few more ball games a season than the White Sox, but their higher salaries don’t equate to end of season success - just like the high spending Yankees and Baltimore and Boston fall off at the end, most years.

    I’m Springfield based, but have tickets to three White Sox games and will probably make it to more. No mounted TV sets are needed at the Cell for fans to see the game.

  35. - Dan S, a Voter, Taxpayer and Cubs Fan - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 1:59 pm:

    Sucks will suck, Ozzie jumps off the Sears Tower (yes I called it Sears Tower)before May 1. The NL wins the Allsatr Game at Inbev Park giving the Cubs home field advantage in the WS. Milton Bradley hits a walk off 2 run homer in the bottom of the 9th to give Big Z the win and the Cubs a World Series Title in game 7. Immidiately follwing the game the ice rink will be set up and the Blackhawks will face the Red Wings during the Championship party.

  36. - SIUPROF - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 2:21 pm:

    Never underestimate Tony LaRussa-Cards win division

  37. - Hair today, gone.... - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 2:50 pm:

    CANNOT wait for opening day! The Sox will be in the hunt all season. The combination of new younger players along with the seasoned vets will push the Sox into the playoffs. Hard to predict beyond that. I haven’t been paying too much attention to what the other teams have done in the off season and spring training.

    After all, we have the coolest guy in America as our #1 fan. I hope to see President Obama wearing his worn Sox cap on opening day, even if he doesn’t make it to the game.

  38. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 3:28 pm:

    Cubs win the division by default, although Cards use influx of All-Star cash to make a daring trade-deadline move (Hello, Barry Bonds?) but fall short but still above .500. Cubs break 9-game postseason losing streak, but don’t make it to the Series. Sox battle hard but fall and Tigers win the division. Sorry, Rich.

  39. - Muskrat - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 3:30 pm:

    I may be in exile Out East, but I love my Cubs, so when I hear Rich say “Phocion, my records search indicates that you predicted the Flubs would win the World Series twice last year,” I bravely predict the Cubs will win THREE World Series in 2009. Baseball ….. uh… poker…. and …. that other one.

  40. - The Rookie - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 3:47 pm:

    ***Deeda, basing team pride on the fact that out-of-town tourists flock to Cub Park and universally ignore the game is kinda weak.***

    No… tourists flock to Wrigley because its “Wrigley Field.” Not to mention taht majority of its games are shown on national syndication (WGN).

    We get it though, Rich… The White Sox won a championship in 2005 and the Cubs haven’t.

    Also, the price of gas this time last year was $3.08.

    Cubs– 94 games
    Sox– 85 games

    Cubs get another pennant; NCLS appearance
    Sox… rebuild for next year where they will be much improved through development of young talent.

  41. - Ahem - Friday, Mar 27, 09 @ 4:17 pm:

    I refuse to answer because of the biased wording of the questions LOL.

  42. - Anon - Saturday, Mar 28, 09 @ 12:02 pm:

    Off topic, but those in Chicago who are interested in the way legislatures work might want to check out this screening:

    Chicago Filmmakers
    Saturday, March 28th, 2009 - 7:00 PM


    (2007, 217 min.) If you’ve ever wondered if an average citizen could do what a politician does, here is your answer. STATE LEGISLATURE shows the day-to-day activities of the Idaho Legislature during an entire session. Lobbyists, lawmakers and their constituents are seen debating and discussing the concerns of the electorate, on issues that range from violence in schools, mad cow disease and video voyeurism to illegal immigration, secondhand smoke and the deregulation of telephone rates. The film is an example of the achievements, values, constraints and limitations of the democratic process. “This is democracy in action from the ground up, wholly unheroic and absolutely mesmerizing.” New York Times.

    This program will include one 15-minute intermission.

  43. - Bobs yer - Saturday, Mar 28, 09 @ 2:19 pm:

    Big Cardinal fan but seems like the Cubs have enough talent in the Central. Its always fun watching their season though, becuase you’re guaranteed that something will blow up. Usually involving Z. Bradley should add to the entertainment value.

    I’ll pull for Ozzie and the boys all season, but I think they’re about a year away from another series run.

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