Unsolicited advice
Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Dear Gov. Quinn, Please, don’t say stuff like this…
Patrick Fitzgerald is a lot of things, but God he ain’t. * Dear elected officials with Internet sites, Please, read this Chicago Public Radio blog post…
* Dear Gov. Quinn (again), Your embrace of your old pal and former Blagojevich budget czar John Filan is simply beyond comprehension. Want more proof that you need to distance yourself from this man? How about this new Auditor General’s report on the Illinois State Police’s Division of Forensic Services, which concluded that, as AnimalFarm says, “case backlogs are up while the number of forensic scientists and trainees is down and more than a million dollars in federal grant funding was allowed to lapse”…
Filan’s a bean counter who too often just doesn’t understand the consequences of his bean counting. * Dear 19th Warders, Calling off the South Side Irish St. Patrick’s Day Parade next year is probably a good idea to let the craziness cool out. But check out Kadner and Tridgell for some much-needed perspective before you put the permanent kibosh on the event. * Your turn…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Will they even know they got a tax cut?
Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - IL 2.0; Big news roundup; Budget notes (use all caps in password)
Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * The setup…
* The Question: Good idea or not? Explain.
Dems encouraging GOP circular firing squad
Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * As subscribers already know, the House Executive Committee attached hostile Democratic amendments yesterday to two GOP-sponsored open primary bills. The amendments are identical to SB 600, which is legislation backed by Republican insurgents to force a popular vote to elect GOP state central committee members. The state party, you will recall, is completely and unalterably opposed to the “reform” proposal, which is backed in the Senate by conservative state Sen. Chris Lauzen. The amendments’ HDem sponsor explains his rationale, with tongue planted firmly in cheek…
Lang, of course, was referring to GOP demands that a special election be held to force Blagojevich-appointed US Sen. Roland Burris out of office. * The GOP reaction…
More trouble in paradise
Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Apparently, there are some problems with approving Gov. Quinn’s nominee to run the Illinois State Police. Jonathon Monken is 29 and has no police experience, which isn’t going down too well…
* And as if the guv doesn’t already have enough problems with AFSCME, there’s this, which I told subscribers about last week…
* Meanwhile, the SJ-R comes out in support of something I’ve been pushing for at least a year…
The 2045 goal of reaching full funding for the state’s pension systems is not something handed down from God. It’s just a goal, created by humans. Move the goalposts back ten or twenty years (or more, for all I care) and we can lower the state’s annual payments. * Related…
Indictment watch begins today *** UPDATED x1 ***
Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller *** UPDATE *** Natasha Korecki says the indictment won’t happen today…
[ *** End of Update *** ] * I told subscribers about this possibility the other day…
Could be today, could be next Thursday. We’ll all know soon enough. It’s just too bad the indictment wasn’t handed down yesterday during Blagojevich’s loathesome appearance on WLS Radio…
Whatever. I can’t imagine that many advertisers want to be associated with that clown. WLS ought to be ashamed of itself. This goes beyond a publicity stunt. Quite a few people believe Blagojevich is attempting to use his public appearances to “taint” the region’s jury pool, so WLS could be seen as aiding and abetting any such scheme. * Related…
VanillaMan surfaces
Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’ve often pondered the identity of regular commenter VanillaMan, he of conservative wit and bizarro-good songwriting abilities. A couple of weeks ago, I thought I had figured it out. I was pretty proud of myself until yesterday, when the “real” VanillaMan showed up to the Illinois 2.0 forum which I helped host. He wasn’t the person I thought he was… ![]() Sorry for the poor pic quality, but we still need to keep his identity a secret. He’s way cuter than his arch-nemesis “Bill,” by the way. Anyway, VanillaMan is a good guy and we had a very enjoyable conversation. He also got to meet a few other regulars from the blog, so I think he had a lot of fun as well. * Thanks to all for showing up yesterday. We had a great crowd and the audience participation made the program far more interesting and informative - kinda like the comments here.
Morning Shorts
Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * Pension funds may not cooperate on subpoena
* Ill. officials OK $69M rate hike for Nicor
* CUB to Appeal Nicor Rate Hike * Economy dips at slightly faster 6.3 percent pace * More than 5.5 million are getting jobless benefits * Chicago parking meters: City rushes to fix meters and bill the company that leased them * Amtrak has stimulus funds heading to Chicago
* Amtrak in Ill. to get $80 million * Mortgage fraud probe snares Southland residents * 30% of contracts may go to women, minorities
* Police union may picket City Hall during Olympic visit
* Olympic committee visit: Chicago police union may picket during IOC visit * 2016 Olympics: Chicago faces controversy before big pitch
* Chicago Olympic team practices for big game * Mayor shouldn’t duck tough questions * Where in the world is Mayor Daley? * Atty. Gen. Madigan takes on Dish Network * Scott Reeder — Books and guns, and politicians’ last wishes * 2 inches of snow possible Saturday * Peoria could be forced to raise taxes
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Thursday, Mar 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller