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Monk is cooperating, and is investigation moving closer to Jackson?

Thursday, Apr 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve heard more than a few people say they just don’t believe the federal allegations that Rod Blagojevich was conspiring as early as the 2002 campaign to pad his own personal pockets with ill-gotten gains from the governor’s office. Well, this little-noticed item might help those people get over their doubts

Lon Monk [is] cooperating with the government

Monk was there right from the beginning. If he’s saying that Blagojevich was conspiring to send business to Tony Rezko, who would then bank the profits and split them later with Blagojevich, Monk and others, then I think that lends the story more credence than if it just came from Rezko.

* Filan and Brandt were interviewed by the feds

The head of the state authority involved in talks about the possible sale of Wrigley Field said Wednesday that he and the authority’s executive director have been interviewed by federal agents in the corruption investigation of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

William Brandt, chairman of the Illinois Finance Authority, said he met with federal agents in late January or early February to answer their questions about the Wrigley deal. Brandt said agents also separately interviewed the authority’s John Filan.

* And the heat increases on Congressman Jackson

Federal authorities have questioned [John Harris] a former chief of staff to ex- Gov. Rod Blagojevich and other cooperating witnesses about an attempt by friends of Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. to raise funds for Blagojevich to encourage him to pick Jackson for the U.S. Senate, sources said.

A federal grand jury investigating alleged corruption in the Blagojevich administration is expected to hear from witnesses about the fundraising effort in coming weeks, sources said.

Federal prosecutors allege Blagojevich, who was indicted last week on corruption charges, was considering awarding the seat to Jackson in return for a Jackson associate offering $1.5 million in campaign cash.

Covert recordings of Blagojevich last fall allegedly captured the then-governor suddenly going from cold to hot on naming Jackson to replace President Barack Obama in the Senate. Prosecutors allege Blagojevich told aides he had been promised something tangible and immediate to name Jackson to the seat—namely money—and that he was leaning toward appointing Jackson.

* Congressman Danny Davis might have to eat these words

“I think that everything there is to know in relation to Representative Jackson’s role in this is pretty much known.”

And how would he know that?

Jackson, by the way, says he’s cooperating and he’s innocent. Read his statement by clicking here.

* Speaking of people who say they didn’t do anything wrong

- U.S. Sen. Roland Burris said Wednesday his legal expenses related to investigations of his contacts with former Gov. Rod Blagojevich have reached $500,000.

So, the legal bill is only up a hundred grand since January? That’s progress, at least.

Burris also gets the quote of the week

“Rest assured,” he said. “I stand by my reputation.”

And an AP reporter who covered the southern Illinois Burris tour appeared to be critical of other reporters who covered that same tour…

But hundreds of miles from a Chicago press corps that at times has excoriated him and frequently urged him to step aside, Burris hit a comfortable stride.

Wouldn’t that be your fault, too? Just asking.

* Related…

* Bauman resigns: Although Mr. Bauman’s biographical profile on the system’s website states that his appointment followed a nationwide search, he was in fact promoted to the position on Aug. 9, 2001, when political appointees to the board of trustees gained a one-person margin needed to control the board. He was promoted to head TRS a day before interviews were scheduled with the finalist candidates identified through the nationwide search, when the politically well-connected faction outvoted elected active and retired teacher trustees, according to previous Pensions & Investments reports.

* Ill. pension head quits; nationwide search begins

* Bauman expresses pride, regret as he bids farewell to TRS

* Blagojevich arraignment set for April 14

* Lawmakers: What about Annie and Amy?

* Jesse Jackson Jr.: ‘I have done nothing wrong’

* Jackson: I’m cooperating with ethics inquiry


  1. - Macbeth - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 9:25 am:

    I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because I’ve never met the man and haven’t looked into his eyes. But there’s something creepy — and something very, very dim — about Burris.

    He really seems — and again, I only know what I read — to misunderstand the situation he’s chosen for himself.

  2. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 9:28 am:

    When Davis got busted crowning Rev. Moon the messiah, JJJ covered for him by saying it was like an Elk’s Lodge ceremony.

    So now that JJJ is in trouble, Davis is spinning for him.

  3. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 9:44 am:

    Macbeth, it’s not necessary to look into his eyes. Didn’t work all that well on Putin, as I recall. You’re on the right track without that eyes diversion.

  4. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 9:46 am:

    I can believe the Gov was doing this since 2002. All you have to do is look at some of the Directors (or Acting Directors) that were appointed, and their prior associations with Rezko. One of the first ones and a big appointment was Mike Ruman at CMS. Ruman immediatly began issuing LARGE NOBID contracts went out to companies on Computers, Facilities, Benefits, etc. All of the companies contracted (or subcontracted) were large contributors of the Campaign. It also allowed Rezko to have some control over the hiring as CMS does the hiring. OH, and where did Ruman go to work after he left CMS??? With Rezko.

  5. - Cassandra - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    Bauman’s parting comments appear less than classy.
    Whine whine. It wasn’t really my fault. Nobody understands what I was up against. Blah blah. I’m a victim not a predator.


  6. - ILPundit - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    I think it is very bad for Quinn to be relying on a guy to craft hus budget proposals who was neck deep in contracting shenanigans under Blago, and is now being questioned by the Feds.

    He needs to jettison Filan, like, yesterday.

  7. - Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 9:51 am:

    With regard to Governor Blagojevich, Lon Monk and others saying Blagojevich’s misdeeds started as far back as 2002, anyone inside state government knew that several key cabinet appointments (Jack Lavin and former IDES Director Brenda Russell to name just two)were subject to the specific approval of Tony Rezko, so I doubt that Monk’s cooperation on this particular question is going to garner him much good will with the prosecutor.

  8. - Leave a light on George - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 9:52 am:

    I really don’t believe that anything close to the whole story is out on Balgo and his misdeeds.
    The sensational stuff concerning senate seats and strong arming folks for cash is out there and that certainly is bad enough. But his longer term damage is the way he out and out corrupted the hiring and appointment process. Except for the TRS board and a couple agency directors (IDOT and DNR) the folks he brought on are still on the job. They are like a computer virus waiting for the right command to continue their bad deeds. Time to start getting rid of the 50 year old interns, $1500 birthday gift givers, ghost payrollers ect.

  9. - Leave a light on George - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 9:53 am:

    And how long before Chris Kelly starts to cooperate?

  10. - PPHS - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 10:06 am:

    I do feel sorry for the former governor’s kids, but how is it different from any other law breaker? Lots of couples go to jail. They haven’t taken their kids into consideration while they are skirting the law.

    Scott Fawell’s fiance, Andrea, went to prison and she had 2 small children.

    George Ryan had to leave an elderly wife and all of his grandkids.

    A spade is a spade. No one gets off because they have kids. What if she didn’t have any? Heck, if it kept me out of prison, I would get pregnant again.

  11. - Carbon Deforestation - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 10:16 am:

    PPHS makes a great point.

    Should we have different sentencing guidelines for single criminals? For those who have younger vs. older children? No, you break the law you should be punished, that’s what law and order is all about.

    I’m not cheering for a Patti indictment, but if she was part of this criminal enterprise then she stole from us, damaged the integrity of our government, and participated in corruption just as he did.

  12. - anon - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 10:20 am:

    Just because somebody is cooperating doesnt necessarily mean that the person has incriminating evidence. Monk could be there cooperating (answering all of the feds questions), yet not confirming the scheme alleged in the indictment. This will be a long process. Everybody needs to relax and refrain from wild speculation.

    Personally, I dont believe in the conspiracy theory because Monk is a good guy who wouldnt be part of something like that. My guess is that Rich could confirm that most people who had to deal with Monk would attest to him being a stand up guy. To participate in what was alleged would be utterly inconsistent with his character.

  13. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 10:23 am:

    anon, “cooperation” is usually defined by prosecutors as giving them what they want.

  14. - anon - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 10:29 am:

    JJJ is cooperating. Does that mean he is confirming that he was willing to raise money for blago in return for getting the senate seat? Burris is cooperating. Does that mean that he is confirming that he exchanged something with blago for the appointment?

  15. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 10:49 am:

    anon, what can I tell you?

    Unfortunately for your side of the argument, Blagojevich was indicted over the allegation and all you have on your side is a gut feeling that the allegation isn’t true. That’s a bit on the “wild speculation” side, if you ask me. What you’re essentially saying is that the US Attorney concocted this indictment out of whole cloth, but you have nothing solid to substantiate your belief.

    So, I’d suggest that perhaps you take a breath.

  16. - Quinn T. Sential - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    I believe the superceding indictment specifically identifies the first direct criminal action (beyond the conspiracy planning) took place in either May or June of 2003.

    As a result, even if they were not planning the conspiracy well before he was elected, they certainly sprung into action within the first 6 months after he was elected.

    The delay of interviewing JJJ, was because they needed to deal with Blago first since they were on the clock for April 7th. Nayak however was cooperating from the outset after he was whistled in, and they wanted to finish the interview with him and related others in order to set the table for the JJJ interview.

    The perjury trap has been loaded and sprung open. All that is left is for JJJ to walk right into it before it snaps shut on him, so he has to be very careful about what he has to say. He is not out of the woods on this situation at all yet, and the Congressional COE is the least of his concerns at this point.

  17. - wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    Burris claimed he had $400,000 in legal bills in January, just a month into the fiasco.

    I don’t buy it.

    Say he was paying his former law partner $400 an hour. One thousand billable hours in December and January? Sure there are some office and travel expenses, but $400,000 in a month for a client who’s not under indictment and preparing for trial?

    In this environment, could they just be using this fiasco to make a nice payday for the law firm? I doubt Roland could raise enough money to run for re-election, but as a sitting Senator, it shouldn’t be too hard to raise $500 G just walking up and down K Street. Does Roland roll back into the firm after he leaves office?

  18. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 10:57 am:

    QTS nailed it, anon. If there was no conspiracy, then what about that other indictment for the 2003 allegations?

  19. - been there before - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 10:57 am:


    There is a difference. It is clear from the indictment and the proceedings that Monk is cooperating and the government has found his information to be complete, accurate and useful to their case and will be entering into a plea agreement with him to the single (non-racketeering) count in the indictment(the first clue he is cooperating and has a plea deal). That he and Harris have separate arraignment dates, confirms they are cooperating and are on a different track (scheduling and otherwise) than the other defendants charged in the indictment and will be entering into pleas with cooperation agreements to the factual allegations in the indictment at some point in the near future, absent some unforseen circumstances. Their sentencing will be delayed until after the Blagojevich trial.

  20. - anon - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 11:00 am:

    QTS is much smarter than me.

  21. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 11:04 am:

    ===That he and Harris have separate arraignment dates, confirms they are cooperating and are on a different track (scheduling and otherwise) than the other defendants charged in the indictmen===

    Another excellent point.

  22. - been there before - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 11:06 am:


    That someone says they are “cooperating” during an investigation (especially a politician) is something very different. One might recall that Blagojevich also said he/they were fully cooperating with the various federal investigations and it showed comittment to doing things right.

  23. - Quinn T. Sential - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    {The Solicitation of Ali Ata
    It was further part of the scheme that in or about late 2002, Ali Ata, an Illinois businessman who was solicited by Rezko to make political contributions to defendant ROD BLAGOJEVICH, brought a $25,000 check to Rezko’s offices, where Ata met with ROD BLAGOJEVICH.

    During that meeting, ROD BLAGOJEVICH asked Rezko if Rezko had talked to Ata about positions in the administration, and Rezko said that he had.

    In or about July 2003, after discussions with Rezko about possible state appointments, Ata gave Rezko another $25,000 check payable to ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s campaign. Shortly after this, Ata had a conversation with ROD BLAGOJEVICH at a fundraising event, during which ROD BLAGOJEVICH indicated that he was aware Ata recently had made another substantial contribution to ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s campaign, and told Ata that he understood Ata would be joining his administration.

    Ata replied that he was considering taking a position, and ROD BLAGOJEVICH said that it had better be a job where Ata could make some money. ROD BLAGOJEVICH ultimately appointed Ata as the executive director of the Illinois Finance Authority.}

  24. - Quinn T. Sential - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 11:12 am:

    {Benefits Given to ROD BLAGOJEVICH and ALONZO MONK
    19. It was further part of the scheme that to ensure that defendants ROD BLAGOJEVICH and MONK would continue to give Rezko substantial influence regarding matters such as appointments to boards and commissions, the selection of candidates for state employment, and the awarding of state contracts, grants, and investment fund allocations, Rezko gave certain benefits to ROD BLAGOJEVICH and MONK, including the following:
    In or about late August 2003, Rezko directed to ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s wife a payment of $14,396, purportedly in connection with a real estate transaction involving property at 850 North Ogden Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, for which transaction ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s wife had not performed any services.
    From in or about October 2003 to in or about May 2004, Rezko, through his real estate development company, provided ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s
    wife with payments of $12,000 a month, purportedly for real estate brokerage services.}

  25. - Jon Bauman - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 11:14 am:

    Bite Me, Cassie.

    If there was a Fantasy Football League for Monday-Morning Quarterbacks, you would be in the Pro Bowl.

  26. - Quinn T. Sential - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 11:16 am:

    {Maintaining Control Over TRS
    It was further part of the conspiracy that in or about the spring of 2003, defendant CELLINI and Levine agreed that CELLINI would ask defendant KELLY and Rezko to use their influence with the Blagojevich administration to defeat a proposal to consolidate TRS with two other State of Illinois pension funds. Such a consolidation would have jeopardized the influence that CELLINI and Levine had over the activities of TRS, as well as the profits received by Commonwealth Realty Advisors as an asset manager for TRS.
    It was further part of the conspiracy that defendant KELLY and Rezko agreed to and did use their influence with the Blagojevich administration to defeat the consolidation proposal and that, in return, defendant CELLINI and Levine agreed to use their influence with TRS to ensure that TRS selected asset managers and investment firms, and hired professional firms (including law firms), selected by KELLY and Rezko. KELLY, CELLINI, Rezko, and Levine further agreed that CELLINI and Levine would use their influence with TRS to assist asset managers, investment funds, and professional firms that made substantial contributions to Friends of Blagojevich.
    It was further part of the conspiracy that defendant KELLY and Rezko used their influence with the Blagojevich administration to ensure that KELLY, Rezko, defendant CELLINI, and Levine retained their influence over the activities of TRS, including by ensuring that Rod Blagojevich reappointed Levine to an additional term on the TRS Board of Trustees in or about the spring of 2004.
    It was further part of the conspiracy that at times defendant KELLY and Rezko gave Levine the names of firms that KELLY and Rezko wanted TRS to invest with or hire, in exchange for past or prospective contributions to Friends of Blagojevich, and that Levine used his influence with TRS to assist those firms.}

  27. - Anon Again - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 11:39 am:

    I dont belive tha bauman had any idea of what was going on and either did state attorney schmidt’s father who i think sits on that board, interesting to say the least

  28. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 11:57 am:

    Well said Jon. I know you didn’t have anything to do with this mess, it was a case of wrong place at the wrong time.

  29. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 12:55 pm:

    I would think Monk flipping would lead to even more indictments against Blago, Kelly and others. I can’t imagine what recorded tapes would have picked up at the beginning when the real money was flowing but Monk was there. As bad as these indictments are, they really only scratch the surface of the pay to play schemes.

  30. - Leave a light on George - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 12:58 pm:


    “Bite Me” on this blog is term only to be used by the great and powerful OZ.

  31. - teed off - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 1:12 pm:

    My heart bleeds for Roland Burris and his 500,000 legal bill. If he had one moral fiber in his body he would not have accepted the Blago’s senate seat offer. Hope he goes broke!!

  32. - Ghost - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    There were a couple of attorney’s who started with the Gov, Golden, and I have forggetn the other women. They left after fairly short stints, followed by winn (sp?) at CMS. I keep waiting to see if any of these folks are going to show up on a witness list.

  33. - A Citizen - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 4:15 pm:

    Ghost, Mary Lee Leahy was one early on. She is an expert on personnel, hiring, firing etc. She left within 5 or 6 months,I believe. She also was prohibited from speaking or testifying in some cases (Dawn DeFraites ?) until a judge authorized her to. I don’t know, however, what that testimony amounted to. I’ve always known her and her activities to be of a person of integrity and high standards. (Even though she is of the Democrat faith).

  34. - gordon g. - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 4:39 pm:

    its still true

  35. - Boone Logan Square - Thursday, Apr 9, 09 @ 5:34 pm:

    “No money was exchanged. Nobody was naked.”

  36. - Diego - Friday, Apr 10, 09 @ 7:42 am:

    Filan should be put in charge of Shared Services, the “cluster” fiasco that he invented and still doesn’t work. If he’s such a genius make him fis that!

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