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This just in…

Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 11:32 am - No surprise. Democratic State Sen. Michael Bond has announced for the 10th Congressional District seat now held by Republican Mark Kirk. From a press release…

“After speaking with people in our communities, listening to their ideas and hearing their concerns, I’ve decided to run for Congress. Our country is facing enormous challenges. Decisions are being made that will affect Americans for generations to come, and it’s important to have people in Washington who will take a fresh approach to today’s problems, who will fight for what’s right and get something done.

“That’s what motivated me to first serve on the school board and then the State Senate. Because too many politicians, particularly those in Washington, forget the reason the people sent them there in the first place – to find solutions and produce results…”

A formal announcement will come in a few weeks. Kirk has yet to decide whether he’s running statewide. Bond has said he’s in regardless of Kirk’s decision, but he’ll have to give up his state Senate seat to run, so some find that hard to believe.


  1. - Just Observing - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 11:50 am:

    Wow, what a terrible idea for him to give up his senate seat to run. I’m not saying that Kirk is not beatable, but Kirk just proved again that in the best Democratic year he can handidly win. Bond must either really hate being in the state Senate or has not accurately assessed his chances.

  2. - Legaleagle - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    Kirk should just stay in his House seat. He’ll win in 2010.

  3. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:01 pm:

    …it’s important to have people in Washington who will take a fresh approach to today’s problems, who will fight for what’s right and get something done…Because too many politicians, particularly those in Washington, forget the reason the people sent them there in the first place – to find solutions and produce results…”

    So he, as a Democrat, is running against the people running Washington - isn’t that his own party? If Washington is the problem as his press release states, why would voters send another Democrat?

  4. - Team America - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    Assuming that Bond doesn’t chicken out if Kirk decides to stay put in the 10th District, this represents a HUGE pickup opportunity for the Lake County GOP.

  5. - Big Jim - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:12 pm:

    Does Bond live in IL-10? Residency questions dogged Seals from the start.

  6. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:14 pm:

    He won’t run if Kirk stays put. Which he might.

    Given the national GOP civil war, where does the money come from for a Kirk statewide run?

  7. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:25 pm:

    Is there any reason to think that IL-10 won’t be made more Democratic after the 2010 Census?

    If Kirk doesn’t quit now, he’s presumably going to face an even tougher race in 2012.

    OTOH, there’s not really a moderate caucus to join in the U.S. Senate. (Not that I agree with the characterization of Kirk as a moderate or a moderating influence on the GOP, but it is how he sells himself.)

    Kirk is facing tough decisions.

    He can’t sit in IL-10 much longer.

    U.S. Senate would seem to be an uphill slog.

    Maybe he should switch to being a Democrat. Might be his most viable option.

  8. - Why - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    Why does he have to give up his state senate seat?

  9. - TheWatcher - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:27 pm:

    Anyone that believes young Michael Bond is fainting is full of it and doesn’t understand this new leader. Bond is the right age and could become a candidate for president of the United States.

  10. - Lake County Ex-pat - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:29 pm:

    Run Suzi Run!

  11. - springfieldish - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:34 pm:

    This is a bold and decisive move by Michael Bond. He’s obviously in it to win it. The Illinois 31st is vastly more Republican than the 10th and he won it by being a strong, smart and thoughtful campaigner.

    Even if Kirk stays put, which would be a sign of core weakness on his part, Bond will mount a successful campaign against him. He’s head-and-shoulders above Dan Seals in both accomplishments and work ethic. Bond has brought some significant projects to his district that pre-date the stimulus because he’s a focused, results guy.

    Michael’s legacy in the 31st is a strong and committed core of volunteers that won 4 Lake County Board seats in ‘08 against sitting, entrenched incumbents in Republican dominated districts. That alone was an in-your-face slam-dunk over the vaunted Lake County Republican Machine. Kirk will now declare for Senate or Governor because he KNOWS he’d be beaten badly by Bond.

  12. - springfieldish - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:38 pm:

    Oh yes! With Lake County, Illinois having the 17th highest property taxes in the United States, we’d love a tax-and-spend Republican like Suzi Schmidt to run for the Illinois Senate. Serve up the lamb and I’ll bring the mint sauce, Baby!

  13. - Ela Observer - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:43 pm:

    Kirk will stay put and Bond will run against him. The only thing that will stop Bond from running against Kirk, is if Kirk becomes a Democrat.

  14. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:44 pm:

    OK, Bond lovers, tone it down. People aren’t stupid here. President? Huh? Save that for your local newspaper comment sections. You just look foolish saying stuff like that at this blog.

  15. - springfieldish - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 12:54 pm:

    Hey, c’mon Rich!? Youthful exuberance won us the 31st, for cryin’ out loud! That and a razor-focused, stategic, brilliant campaign. So exqueeze-us for bein’ a little frothy at the prospect of a progressive tsunami washing over the 10th!

  16. - Lake Voter - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    Bond won because a little old lady was persuaded to abandon her beliefs. And yes I realize her own party dumped her. Well that little old lady and her core followers are no longer with bond.

    Chairmain Schmidt is a force to be dealt with. To the person that calls her a tax and spend republican need to send me the stuff they are drinking. Lake County finances are tremendous. You do not see the county coming to the GA for a handout ala Cook or Dupage County.

  17. - Richie Rich - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 1:45 pm:

    The Bond Kool Aid drinkers are a perfect example of why this guy is not ready for prime time. Overly impressed with a guy who has not accomplished much and certainly can’t hold a candle to the incumbent.

    Watch, Kirk stays put and will beat the tar out of Bond.

    Also, for those who don’t know anything about redistricting-there will still be a GOP-leaning district up north after the remap. It may be a little further west and Bean may move further east to protect her from a potential challenge, but it is folly to assume Kirk would be killed by the new map.

  18. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    Vanilla Man, what you posted was similar to Bond’s message four years ago, when he was running against Springfield, which was even then controlled by Democrats. He lined up insider support and then ran as an “outsider” And it worked.

  19. - springfieldish - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 2:13 pm:

    Lake Voter: Suzi Schmidt was behind the curve even when it came to Lake County submitting bids for stimulus relief; which they most certainly did. While she was complaining that Bond didn’t invite her to the Infrastructure committee meetings, her own engineering staff had already met, exchanged emails and worked up plans for submission. Schmidt had the opportunity to cap property tax increases at 7% and chose not to do so. That message resonated loud and clear in the 08 county board races and will ring again if she runs. Don’t get me wrong, I like Suzi: she’s like Judy Barr Topinka with a tan. But her time was 15 years ago. Now we have the 17th highest property taxes in the country AND schools still on the watch list. She’ll have some ’splainin’ to do!

    Not accomplished much!? Um…. Wrong. Check out the committee chairs and co-chairs, check out the projects going in the 31st that pre-date the stimulus. Tar is a thick, slow-moving substance. Ain’t nothin’ slow moving about Bond. Just step aside, sir. For your own safety, just step aside.

  20. - Ravenswood D. - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 2:15 pm:

    In 2006, Bond really didn’t even have much “insider support”, Louis. Other than your friends that backed him, he WAS an outsider. It was message and boots on the streets that won it for him.

  21. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 2:26 pm:

    I dunno, Ravenswood D. Maybe my eyes and ears were deceiving me.

    After the primary I ran for Senator Geo-Karis which she lost (and I still think I lost it for her but that’s me), I ended up meeting a whole bunch of Democratic insiders during that race along with Bond. Multiple times. With Geo and on my own. Lake County Dem insiders and State Dem insiders. Unlike a few other Geo friends, I decided to not jump. You want me to name names?

    Bond last time positioned himself as an outsider while having insider support. And I’m not being critical of him or how he did it. Just observing that he is using the same M.O. that got him elected State Senator four years ago.

  22. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 2:28 pm:

    ===positioned himself as an outsider while having insider support===

    That’s usually how outsiders win, btw.

  23. - Ravenswood D. - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 2:42 pm:

    Louis, I am just saying the television and Rolls Royce mail plan that comes from insider support never materialized for him. Look what the “insiders” have spent on Susan Garrett over the years. I think a lot of insiders rubbed Michael’s head the day after the election and said, “Congrats, we were with you 100% of the way” - but they really had not lifted a finger to help him.

  24. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    Why asked: “Why does he have to give up his state senate seat?”

    He’s up for reelection to the State Senate next year (so is Garrett). Since he’s not mid-term he has to choose one or the other.

    Cullerton potentially loses two incumbents… one of whose seats might flip back to R.

    Not knowing boo about him, I’ve been hearing for some time now that Bond’s taking all the right steps for a healthy run in both the primary and general. Should be interesting.

  25. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 2:48 pm:

    Garrett isn’t up next year.

  26. - Ravenswood D. - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 2:50 pm:

    Rich, everyone is up in 2012 though, correct?

  27. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 2:53 pm:


  28. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 3:02 pm:

    Rich, not disagreeing with you, nor am I critical of Bond for positioning himself like that.

    And to Ravenswood D, the D2’s also tell the story. Check them out. They did more than just rub his head. They would have been foolish not to.

  29. - Some Guy - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 3:22 pm:

    Is there any reason to think that IL-10 won’t be made more Democratic after the 2010 Census?

    It’s nice to have someone with some seniority in the minority party — because you never know who’ll be the minority party in ten years.

    Besides, as someone else noted above, they can just reconfigure his district with Bean’s giving her more Dems and him more Reps. (I have no idea how that would work on the map, but I’ve seen Hare’s district: Illinois is more than willing to blatantly gerrymander to get the results that they want).

  30. - Quinn T. Sential - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    {Our country is facing enormous challenges. Decisions are being made that will affect Americans for generations to come, and it’s important to have people in Washington who will take a fresh approach to today’s problems, who will fight for what’s right and get something done.

    “That’s what motivated me to first serve on the school board and then the State Senate. Because too many politicians, particularly those in Washington, forget the reason the people sent them there in the first place – to find solutions and produce results…”}

    Is this some kind of a joke?

    Can anyone point to a single substantive accomplishment of his since he has served in the Illinois Senate?

    Does he think that if he gets METRA to take credit cards people will flock to the polls to support him?

    Good Grief Charlie Brown!

  31. - Quinn T. Sential - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 3:27 pm:

    Some Guy;
    {Illinois is more than willing to blatantly gerrymander to get the results that they want).

    Take a look at Guttierez seat next time you are feeling like Rand McNally.

  32. - Quinn T. Sential - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 3:30 pm:

    This Just In…..

    ROCK ON!

    SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - Investigators believe a state employee downloading music to a laptop computer caused the release of sensitive Illinois Department on Aging information.

    A memo obtained by The Associated Press alerts Aging Department staff to watch for credit card fraud after names and Social Security numbers showed up on the Internet.

    Department on Aging spokeswoman Kimberly Parker says the agency received information about the breach several weeks ago but it wasn’t verified by state attorney general’s investigators until late last week. The memo went out Monday.

    The memo says the breach likely was caused by “employee error” during a music download. That would violate agency policy.

  33. - phocion - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 3:56 pm:

    Nyberg, your recent anti-Kirk posts here are rehashed Daily Kos nut-hits. You and they were so certain Seals would trounce Kirk last November. How’d that work out for you? Kindly save your wingnut rhetoric for that hate blog and leave this one to the grown-ups.

  34. - springfieldish - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 9:19 pm:

    Quinn T. Sential- Ain’t gonna do your research for ya, boy. At least not without a retainer. But if you’re going with that ‘no accomplishments’ line a la Team America’s Lake County GOP gibber-jabber, then you in for some nasty surprises. Check it out, both legislatively and professionally. There’s a reason why Bond’s team is the DCCC’s ‘A’ team; they did their research and they saw a winner. So, stand behind the barrier to avoid serious or life threatening injuries from the jet wash.

  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 29, 09 @ 9:52 pm:

    Kirk will now declare for Senate or Governor because he KNOWS he’d be beaten badly by Bond.

    This is going to be fun to watch, isn’t it? Please, Ds, send these people lots of retainers.

  36. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 30, 09 @ 9:55 am:

    ‘not today,” do you not have anything better to do at the RTA than post stuff like that on my blog? Don’t ever post anything like that again or you’ll be hearing from me personally. And so will your boss.

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