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Campaign 2010 roundup

Friday, May 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve heard this through the grapevine as well, but I don’t know it it’s true or not…

Hmmm. Sneed hears White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is privately telling folks Chris Kennedy — if he runs — may potentially be the strongest candidate for the U.S. Senate seat once occupied by Barack Obama.

• • The buckshot: State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, an Obama basketball buddy, has raised buckets of cash in his exploratory push to capture President Obama’s old Senate seat . . . and is a close friend of Rahm and White House senior adviser David Axelrod.

• • The backshot: Kennedy, who runs the Merchandise Mart and is the son of the late U.S. Sen. Bobby Kennedy, is weighing his options. But top Dems are predicting Kennedy is going to run.

And wags are quietly wagging their tongues about this too…

Poll ‘em: Sneed hears GOP U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk, who has been pondering a U.S. Senate run, may also be concerned about a Kennedy bid.

The upshot: Sneed is told Kirk has included Kennedy in his polls, but Kirk spokesman Eric Elk said that was not accurate.

• • The buckshot: Pundits have been all over the place recently predicting Kirk’s future. Kirk and his wife, Kimberly, are separated. Is a divorce in the near future? Does Kirk feel that may have an impact? Stay tuned.

I’m not at all convinced yet that the separation is a huge part of the equation right now, but this Kennedy thing has definitely caused Kirk to rethink the plan. Kirk spent a lot of time planning a race against Giannoulias, but Kennedy changes the game and Kirk is a careful man. He needs a bit more time to think things through, so people should take a breath.

By the way, it’s good to see Sneed getting her groove back on politics. “DId you see Sneed today?” used to be a regular question asked by people in this business. I found myself asking it again today. Made me smile.

* Sen. Roland Burris has a lame excuse for his campaign finance report’s, um, lameness…

Burris has been so out-of-the-loop on the campaign side of things that he actually expressed surprise at having to file his first fundraising report last month, as well as his personal financial disclosure.

“Those rules kind of came up on me in terms of having to file a quarterly report,” Burris said. “Nobody told me that.” […]

[Burris] raised just $845 in the first quarter of 2009 compared with another Democratic candidate who has raised more than $1 million.

* And Treasurer Giannoulias tries to change the subject

Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias threatened [yesterday] to drop Wells Fargo as the treasurer’s office’s money custodian and to take the bank off its list of preferred vendors if Wells Fargo doesn’t back off its efforts to force Chicago suit maker Hartmarx into liquidation.

* Steve Huntley looks at the crop of GOP gubernatorial candidates and concludes his column thusly

“I’m not sure the party knows what they are looking for,” says Doug Whitley, the president of the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, who recently ended his bid for governor largely because of a money shortage. “It’s not a highly centralized structure. You’ve got the so-called money people, the county chairmen, the state central committeemen and [state chairman] Andy McKenna. But there is no statewide officer holder who is an obvious leader, there’s no obvious council of decision-makers.”

Whitley says his travels found voters frustrated with the lack of leadership in Springfield and a political class “who don’t care about jobs lost, about companies going to other states.” The question: Can the GOP get its act together?

Good question.


  1. - Shore - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 11:28 am:

    The Democrats have Illinois confused for mid 16th century Europe. This is a Democracy with a Meritocracy not an aristocracy and given the DUI’s, defeats in democrat primaries, unimpressive public service ect, the Kennedy clan doesn’t seem to stand out as all that impressive these days.

    This is the 2nd time the Sun-Times has taken a shot at Limberly Vertolli-Kirk. The first was a nasty lynn sweet column a few years ago trying to drive a wedge between Kirk and his wife politically.

  2. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    Shore, I’m gonna let that comment stand just to demonstrate how over the top you can be. This idea that if somebody’s uncle or cousin was a drunkard that he is too is just sick. Don’t do it again.

    You are an intensely partisan Kirk boy/girl and you need to rein it in a bit here or you’ll be gone. Glass houses, dude. Remember that. Final warning.

  3. - Skeptical Cynic - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    Why would a divorce matter to Kirk? Wasn’t Ronald Reagan divorced once too?

  4. - Lazy intern - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 11:46 am:

    I still cannot believe that I raised more money for my local election than Burris did for his re-election bid. That’s bad.

  5. - wordslinger - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 11:55 am:

    –“I’m not sure the party (GOP) knows what they are looking for,” says Doug Whitley–

    That’s the understatement of the year, on both the state and national levels.

    I was flipping channels the other night and came across some feverish yakker on the Hannity program saying, “Well, if I’m the GOP, I say ‘good riddance, Colin Powell, and take John and Meghan McCain with you.’”

    All the other panel bigmouths laughed and nodded their heads in agreement.

    “Their” GOP doesn’t have room for Colin Powell and John McCain? Who in the world are these people? Were they all dropped on their heads at birth?

  6. - Anon - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    So is Lisa Madigan the logjam for everything regarding every race except U.S. Senate? Talk about feeling the pressure of expectations? Her announcement should set off a tidal wave of activity in every race.

    Amazing that one person can have that much logjamability.

  7. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 11:59 am:

    ===Amazing that one person can have that much logjamability. ===

    2 people.

  8. - Anon - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 12:00 pm:

    They are one, as in the Holy Trinity!

  9. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 12:06 pm:

    Are people really that obsessed with the Kennedy name? What’s the guy ever done to demonstrate his commitment to public service, knowledge of issues, ability to run the gauntlet that is Illinois politics? Forgive me, I’m not all that familiar with him.

    Let’s also remember that Bill Daley’s entire psuedo-candidacy for Senate took place in Sneed’s column. Maybe that doesn’t bode well for Kennedy.

  10. - Anon - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    i believe that kennedy has done this before. he has a pal who is close to sneed and gets whatever he wants in there. i dont see how he runs a serious campaign. i dont think the name means a lot to illinoisans.

    i respect the kennedy family, but i dont think he is right for illinois.

  11. - Abe Froman - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 12:16 pm:

    Once again, outside the black tie, lakefront liberal set, who cares about Chris Kennedy? He has accomplished exactly ZERO. He may run a nice big office building his grandfather bought (at a fire sale price during the depression) and he may run a nice art fair, but seriously, get past the Kennedy name and he’s a run-of-the-mill businessman. While that is head and shoulders above what we usually elect in Illinois, it is not what we should demand.

    While Shore is a little ham fisted in his comment, the point is that the Kennedy name has proven to be no guarantee of electoral success in recent years. Kirk certainly shouldn’t shy away from this fight.

  12. - scoot - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 12:25 pm:

    Look I’m sure Chris Kennedy is a nice person…but we just can’t bow our heads to him because of his last name and crown him Senator.

    Mark Kirk shouldn’t let this play in his decision to run for the Senate..he is the formidable candidate that can raise $$$ and not worry about a competitive primary. He can watch the Dems spend $$$ and carve each up other..before the general election.

    To be honest I really don’t think this Kennedy is groomed for the Senate & he would have his hands full in the primary. He reminds of Caroline in New York.

    Get in the race Kirk!!!!

  13. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 12:37 pm:

    The Kennedy name is a draw and powerful, however, there will be a time when the electorate says enough with the big names-just give us some good government.

    Hence, This could be an issue for Kennedy, Madigan and Hynes if they all feel their devine right entails them to higher office next year.

  14. - Keep Smiling - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 12:57 pm:

    Giannoulias’ strong arm tactic really bothers me. I don’t appreciate our Treasurer protecting one business with the threatened expense of another. Is Hartmarx more valuable to the state than Wells Fargo, or just to him personally?

    I’m fine with elected officials shedding light on situations in order to apply public pressure, but I’m not OK with them using the authority of their office to essentially blackmail a company on a business matter. I’m surprised it’s even legal.

  15. - 10th Indy - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 12:58 pm:


    I for one am glad to see that Kirk is taking his time on this and not letting Sweet/Roeser/Sneed force his hand. One of his strengths as a campaigner is the ability to carefully craft a plan and then stick to it. I am an unabashed, usually democratic-voting fan who thinks he is just what Illinois needs.

  16. - Anon - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 12:59 pm:

    This Chris Kennedy boomlet sounds all too familiar to me, or rather, familial.

    First we had this:

    Of course, Obama ended up throwing her under the bus like he’s doing to his “Close Friend” Alexi.

    And of course the Kennedy’s are falling all over themselves (albeit publicly denying it) to replace Teddy (who replaced John) in the Senate:

    And now comes along Chris Kennedy.

    I would like to ask you; at what point does the Kennedy sinecure expire?

    The Kennedy’s needed to renew “Camelot” with outsider Obama.

    Why does anyone think that now is a good time to return to the past and dredge up another Kennedy to keep the dream alive?

  17. - ConservativeVeteran - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 12:59 pm:

    I live in Kirk’s district, and I think that he should run, statewide. He would at least win the primary, like Dr. Sauerberg and ex-Treasurer Topinka, since all of them are moderate. If Kirk doesn’t run for re-election, State Rep. Coulson should run for his seat.

  18. - steve schnorf - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    You know, I’m just fine with what the Treasurer is doing with Wells Fargo. You don’t get to feast at the table (and being a state depository is a really low-hanging fruit)unless you are willing to put some skin in the game, and this is much more appropriate than hitting them up for donations

  19. - Al Swearengen - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 1:15 pm:

    We would not even be talking about Chris Kennedy if his name was Chris Smith, so I think mentioning his family history (the only reason we know who he is) is absolutely fair game. It’s not implying that he is a murderer, a collector of DUI’s or any of the other criminal traits his relatives have been charged and convicted of. Just when that’s all you got to go on, it’s not unreasonable for it to be relevant.

    If it didn’t work for “Um, um, um” Caroline in New York, it ain’t going to work here.

  20. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 1:18 pm:

    Giannoulias and the workers have a completely valid point - you’re going to take our tax money to save yourself and then take our jobs too? There may be a little forcing the hand going on, but if there really are two other prospective buyers for the company who want to keep it open, I think there’s some sort of obligation, maybe a moral one, to help workers keep their jobs. Doesn’t Wells Fargo realize that they can be the hero in this situation?

  21. - fed up - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 1:27 pm:

    Alexi will do anything for press at this point. Any cause or ribbon cutting he will be there. He is available for birthdays and retirement partys. He will smile and tell you how he plays basketball with obama as long as you dont ask about the states 529 plans or his familys bank giving loans to the mob.

  22. - Higher Ed - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 1:34 pm:

    I assume the folks who read and post on this blog have higher than average knowledge of politics. BUT for the rest of the electorate, the Kennedy name is remains to be significant. My elderly mother loves politics but doesn’t follow all the issues. She remembers JFK, RFK and still loves Teddy. Chris Kennedy may not have the Illinois public service resume but he can raise money / self fund and his last name alone can shake up the field.

  23. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    Higher Ed, you’re not seeing people who have “higher than average knowledge of politics.” You’re seeing partisans or longtime Kennedy family haters.

    Those of you who haven’t met this man and think he’ll perform like Caroline are in for a real surprise.

  24. - Keep Smiling - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 1:58 pm:


    I think Giannoulias has cornered that award. He’s positioned it so that he’s already a hero for fighting, and an even bigger hero if he wins. WF can concede and lose, or win and look like even bigger losers. He’s pretty sharp, I’ll give him that!

  25. - One of the 35 - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 1:59 pm:

    The Burris comment is priceless, “I didn’t know I had to file because nobody told me.” I’m embarrased for him.

  26. - The Pug is on the Prowl - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 2:00 pm:

    i think whitley hit that one right on the head…seriously matt murphy is going to save the ilgop? doesnt he have like $25K in the bank and almost no electoral experience? and we are to assume that brady and birkett are just going to go away? theres another brilliant move. of course this is the same gop that thought steve sauerberg was the saving grace! of course once he couldnt win, they cut and ran quicker then ever before!

  27. - The Pug is on the Prowl - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 2:00 pm:

    one more thing-i wish kirk the best in his personal life, but hopefully that doesnt stop him from getting in the race for senate. if there is a star in the party its him!!!

  28. - Keep Smiling - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 2:01 pm:

    ===Doesn’t Wells Fargo realize that they can be the hero in this situation?=== (the missing quote, sorry)

  29. - + 1 Kennedy May Surprise - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 2:03 pm:

    Chris Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy are very different. Caroline angled for an appointment for the seat. Chris is going to run in an open primary. Caroline is a below average speaker. Chris is a phenomenal speaker.

    The first time I heard Chris Kennedy speak, I wasn’t expecting much but he ended up being phenomenal. He speaks like a leader and the way you would want an inspiring public official to sound. I don’t know if he can win, but he is not a lightweight Giannoulias and Schakowsky will be able to dance around. I’d put money on Kennedy outperforming them in debates before I’d put money behind anyone else. This is going to be a really interesting primary.

  30. - WhiskeyRebel - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 2:09 pm:

    I have met him, and rich is right, he is no Caroline. Name recognition and money plus a genuine likability. Does not mean that Alexi can’t beat him, but it will make it much more of a race than Alexi v. Jan.

    As far as the Bright Start, Buniess Week just ranked it as the #3 529 program in the country - despite the losses. So, yea, I don’t think Alexi is trying to avoid talking about bright start.

  31. - Tom Joad - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 2:16 pm:

    So Doug Whitley thought he should run for office since the candidates on both sides are not as good as he is. Then, when he finds out he has no support from real voters for his candidacy, he blames the Republicans for not knowing what they want! Well, Whitley, you learned that they agree they don’t wan’t a candidate who got rid of 10,000 employees at Ameritech, received a $1 million bonus for doing so, and then says he just found out that people feel Springfield has a political class that “don’t care about jobs lost…” Well, it looks like they do care about the 10,000 Illinois workers you caused to be lost by firing them. I’m sure they feel its no loss to Illinois with Whitley out of the race!

  32. - Ela Observer - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 2:29 pm:

    Divorces and runs at Obama’s senate seat don’t mix — just ask Blair Hull & Jack Ryan. I suspect Team-Kirk are in the process of choosing a suitable Friday afternoon to announce that Kirk plans to stay put in CD 10.

  33. - ZC - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 2:49 pm:

    Ela Observer,

    I thought about that too, but careful about too much reliance on the past to predict the future. With Hull and Jack Ryan, we’re talking … um … pretty spectacular divorce papers.

    If Kirk and his wife are more of the average, “We grew apart” variety, I don’t think this is a deal breaker.

  34. - Higher Ed - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:10 pm:

    being divorced and going through a divorce while running for office are two different things.

  35. - Objective Dem - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:13 pm:

    I’m not aligned with anyone running for senate and am not a Kennedy-hater. (I actually really like Caroline) But I don’t see any reason to support Chris and expect many will feel the same way.

    First off, I think that many are getting sick of dynasty politics and people living off their family name. But I will admit it is a big question if that will be true at election time.

    Second, I don’t know of anything he has really done locally or nationally. Someone once wrote here about all his civic activities, but I sure haven’t seen it. Admittedly, I probably have higher standards for him because with his name and money he could have accomplished a lot. But honestly, where has he displayed any leadership?

    People say he is a good businessman. That could be, but give me the Mart and the Kennedy family money and connections and I think I would have done equally well.

    A few years ago, he “saved” Art Chicago. But an honest assessment is he bought a business at a discount in hopes of making money off of it. And I think he is making money. But its not a civic act and the quality of the fair has continued to decline under his leadership.

    I also saw some comment about what a great down-to-earth guy he is. I have been around him a couple of times and I saw him acting like a primadonna. The one time he had his assistant cut to the front of the line at a benefit to get his tickets so he didn’t have to wait in line. I’m pretty sure I saw him in the back seat of the black town car being driven to work. (The license plate was “the Mart.”) There is nothing wrong with being driven to work, but lets cut the just a guy-next-door routine.

    That brings me to the other major point. I don’t think people like Chris really understand the average person. He lives in a parallel universe of power and money. This doesn’t disqualify him but it sure doesn’t make me want to support him.

  36. - Ela Observer - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:19 pm:

    It’s possible Kirk & Mrs Kirk are hoping for an average-we-grew-apart divorce. Which could be an incentive for Kirk not to divide his time with anything politically ambitious for the immediate future.

  37. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:23 pm:

    OD, the points you made about understanding “regular” people are quite good and it’s something he’ll have to deal with and answer for. Be assured of that.

  38. - corvax - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    I think underestimating Alexi in both the senate primary and the general election will be as hazardous as it was when he became treasurer. We’re lucky to have an independent dem in that office with hanky-panky like the springfield hotel mess to clean up.

    Senate’s rather a tall order for one’s first run–maybe Kennedy, whose appeal is not insignificant, can unseat Kirk if the latter does not, in fact, opt for the senate race.

  39. - namedropper - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    It seems that the money people and some conservative grassroots leaders in the GOP see that NONE of the names being reported on in that article can or will win the governors race. I also noticed that Ron Gidwitz has all but fallen from the list of potential candidates at least to reporters and pundits. From what I hear that is way premature and that some “conservative” leaders are lining up behind Mr. Gidwitz as the guy. If Gidwitz can show he can get all sides behind a run he will be tough to beat in the primary and the General. We will know SOON enough.

  40. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 4:38 pm:

    ===If Gidwitz can show he can get all sides behind a run he will be tough to beat in the primary and the General.===

    Gidwitz is hosting Karl Rove in Peoria on Monday for an anti-card check conference. That might be good for the primary, but a killer in the general.

  41. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 5:13 pm:


    The BusinessWeek ranking doesn’t change the fact that Alexi and his staff didn’t do their job on the core bond fund. It was classic bait and switch. They sold families (including many I know) on that fund as a safe investment but failed to notice that it was up to 50% invested in Mortgage backed securities and junk bonds. Classic failure to do his job. He was warned. This will not go away no matter how many of his fans pray that it will.

  42. - wordslinger - Saturday, May 9, 09 @ 1:10 pm:

    As a lot of comments here suggest, the Kennedy name cuts both ways. There will be plenty of folks who won’t give the guy a chance because of his name.

    Life’s unfair. So be it. It’s an open primary and they’ll count the votes. Nobody’s being given anything.

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