This just in… Rep. Bradley: “We need help” *** Quinn to declare disaster ***
Friday, May 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 3:28 pm - Huge problem in the Carbondale area…
My brother Devin lives near Carbondale and my mom just called to say his house is wrecked. He wasn’t home at the time, thank goodness. Neighbors have lost roofs and the roads are jammed. * 3:33 pm - “My neighborhood is a disaster area,” Devin just said. “This is insane, man.” Part of his house, which is in Carterville, actually separated from the rest of his house. His house was surrounded by very tall trees and now they’re almost all gone. Devin said he drove 45 miles home from a meeting and there were trees down and damage the entire way. Rep. John Bradley was just on local radio and said he has already called the governor to seek assistance. “Carbondale, Marion, everywhere, there’s no power,” Devin said. * 3:38 pm - Two reported deaths in Missouri, but nothing yet in Illinois, thankfully…
*** 3:51 pm *** Rep. John Bradley described the storm as a “hurricane.” His own house lost its roof and he’s out now with neighbors trying to clear the roads. “We need state resources down here. It’s a disaster area,” Bradley told me. He said Gov. Quinn’s office is “on top of it, I think,” but he added, “We need help. There’s a lot of damage.” Bradley also said he was sure the locals would accept any sort of assistance from central Illinois communities that can spare it. * An official with Gov. Quinn’s office says they’re on top of things and are now working on an official disaster declaration. IEMA is coordinating with locals and the guv’s office has been in touch with Rep. Mike Bost as well as Bradley. * 4:16 pm - More…
IEMA claims there have been no local requests yet for state resources, but they have dispatched people in the area to identify those needs. IEMA has pulled in people from various agencies, including IDOT, state police, CMS, etc. to the central emergency center. * 4:35 pm - From Ameren…
Ameren customers can check this website for more info. * 4:41 pm - Injuries…
* 4:53 pm - I’m about to shut things down for the weekend, so here’s an automated news feed…
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:31 pm:
It was a nasty storm—I was watching it on radar and went just south of where I am…. prayers are with them!
- Segatari - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:31 pm:
Even worse, SIU has graduation ceremonies tomorrow–traffic getting in will just add to the difficulties.
- Shawnee Sue - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:36 pm:
A lot of people have been trapped in downtown Carbondale for most of the day — numerous downed phone poles are trapping cars.
One of my friends is helping a construction worker — a tree fell on him and broke two legs. Part of the roof of Lewis School is destroyed, don’t know where the kids were when that happened. It’s pretty bad down here.
(Not so bad in the scheme of things, but I lost a cherry tree and am sad…)
- A Citizen - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:56 pm:
It is very fortunate there were minimal injuries and so far no deaths reported. The damage to property is too bad but repairable. Glad your brother is safe. If you need me to take care of your boat this weekend, all you need do is ask. Bill, AA, and I will treat it well! LOL
- How Ironic - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:58 pm:
Wow that sucks. When the tornados went through Springfield, it was bad. I feel for those folks.
- Born and Raised in SI - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 3:58 pm:
Carbondale is a mess according to my friend who works on SIU campus. Can’t reach any Murphysboro friends but do know the Murphysboro Mayor has declared state of emergency and asked everyone to stay off the roads.
- Vote Quimby! - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 4:19 pm:
Channel 3 of Carbondale’s blog notes I-57 is/was shut down due to semis blown over and trees on the interstate…
- Dave - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 4:33 pm:
My daughter lives on the SIU campus and says many, many windows in the dorms were blown out (including all of the windows on the top floor of her dorm). She described the scene on campus as ‘chaos’ after the storm. She said every tree in sight was damaged or down. She swears it was a tornado.
- bored now - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 4:41 pm:
so, where’s the other part of his house?
- Rich Miller - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 4:42 pm:
In the back yard.
- Angry Chicagoan - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 5:17 pm:
Sounds like another derecho. They had a couple in Minnesota in the 1990s, one of which downed more than 20 million trees in the Boundary Waters in the northeast of the state.
- Anonymous - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 5:21 pm:
I would agree to go for the weekend if I could be of any help. I am not sure if there is a need for a strong back and a weak mind though.
If there is a fund to contribute directly to for those impacted, please post it when you know it.
I had a very good week, so I don’t mind directing some of my own redistribution of wealth (meager as it might be). I find when left to my own devices I am more proficient t getting it directly where it needs to go than any government agency.
- Anonymous Coward - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 5:32 pm:
Radar loop… Scary. (looks like bands of a hurricane)
- Bookworm - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 5:35 pm:
Yes, this storm was indeed a “derecho,” — the name the Weather Service gives to violent straight-line wind storms, because it is the Spanish counterpart of the word “tornado” which indicates rotating winds. A derecho can be as destructive — even more destructive — than many tornadoes, since they affect larger areas than tornadoes..
- Bookworm - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 5:48 pm:
A derecho with 100-mph winds is equal in strength to a Category 2 hurricane or EF-1 tornado.
- Amy - Friday, May 8, 09 @ 6:36 pm:
rich, good luck to your brother. thank god he’s alright. thanks for letting us know so we can keep him and everyone else in our prayers.
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- Southern Illinois - Saturday, May 9, 09 @ 6:12 am:
The area looks like a war zone. We do need help. This is not going to be a qyick fix. Almost all of the power grid for Marion is severly damaged and may take day’s to get back on line.