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Question of the day

Monday, May 11, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup, which I don’t yet believe but appears somewhat plausible…

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan is reconsidering the possibility of running for the Senate in 2010, according to several sources familiar with her thinking.

Madigan, widely considered the 800-pound gorilla in the state’s politics, had previously flatly ruled out a Senate bid in 2010 — insisting that all of her attention is on the governor’s race next year.

But, with Gov. Pat Quinn (D) riding high after having replaced disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich and a new poll conducted by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee showing her cruising to the Senate seat, Madigan is at least entertaining the possibility of running to join the world’s greatest deliberative body. Madigan would likely still start as the favorite in the governor’s race but even those close to her acknowledge that the path to the Senate is less cluttered. […]

Madigan is far from a sure thing to run for the Senate. There are at least two reasons why she won’t run: she covets the governor’s office and she is sitting on more than $4 million in a state campaign account that could not be transferred to a Senate bid. (Quinn has tried to neuter Madigan by proposing that no money could be carried over to the governor’s race in 2010 but it’s not clear that is going anywhere.)

* The Question: Should AG Madigan avoid a primary against a sitting governor and run for US Senate? Notice, I didn’t ask “will,” I asked “should.” Big difference, so keep that in mind. As always, explain your answer as completely as possible. Thanks.


  1. - John Bambenek - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 10:48 am:

    Isn’t it poor form to describe a woman as an “800 pound gorilla”?

    Just sayin’


  2. - Amy - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 10:55 am:

    like it is good form to describe a man as an “800 pound

    yes, Lisa Madigan should run for U.S. Senator. deliver us from Jan Schakowsky, please!

  3. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 10:55 am:

    Get back to the question, please.

  4. - Captain Flume - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:01 am:

    AG Madigan should not run for US Senate. Her base of support and influence is Illinois state government. She seems more suited to adminstrative rather than legislative processes. She has more influence in her current position than she would have in the US Senate, and certainly a voting record of any kind on the national scene can be risky to her should she decide to return to state government for a gubernatorial bid.

  5. - Anonymous45 - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:05 am:

    Here’s one reason why Lisa should run for US Senate: By the time her six year term is done, MAYBE her Dad will be retired…another: after another Quinn term, she could run for Governor of a state in a much improved situation…no fracas, no internicene bitterness…sounds like a winner of an idea to me…

  6. - makes sense - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:07 am:

    This is the office that would allow her father to remain Speaker w/out alot of media grief and provide her a national stage for a presidential run or a Supreme Court nomination. This is a much better job than Governor and she was an excellent legislaor for the short time she was in the State Seante.

  7. - Kyle Boller's Clipboard - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:08 am:

    While there are a lot of tactical ways to answer the question, I think the real issue is which job would she rather do. If she’d rather be governor, she should run for governor. If she’d rather be senator, she should run for senator. Nobody but her really knows. There are practical and tactical challenges either way, and either way she’ll have a tough race (but probably win). But if what she covets is being governor, she should run for governor.

  8. - ILPundit - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:14 am:

    I think if she wants to move up the ladder, she should run for US Senate.

    As easy as it will be for Lisa to beat Quinn in a primary (and I do think it will be fairly easy), the General Election is almost guaranteed to be a referendum on her father, and the wisdom of having one party have such complete control of the levers of State government.

    A run for Senate positions her for a 6 year term, higher profile, national stage, and she reserves the opportunity to run for Governor 4 year later, when she would be mid-term, and perhaps her father is finally ready to step down and make way for the daughter.

  9. - ILPundit - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:15 am:

    I meant to say “family” having complete control of state government, not “party” in my previous post…sorry

  10. - Reality - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:17 am:

    If the Madigans were loyal Democrats then they wouldnt run against a sitting Dem Governor. An open primary is a different matter.

    Ive been impressed with what Quinn has done with his time so far. He seems night and day from the previous idiot we had as Governor. He likely has my support.

    Id prefer Lisa as US Senator. Having her Dad as Speaker of the House, head of the Il Democratic Party, and her as Governor would be too much Madigan control.

  11. - Boone Logan Square - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:17 am:

    The one reason why Lisa Madigan would not run for governor is the same reason why Charlie Crist will announce he is running for the Senate in Florida tomorrow. With the poor economy, governors’ approval ratings across the country have tanked. Lisa Madigan may find being one of 100 senators with a six-year term better for her long-term political prospects than being the focus of Illinois’s problems for four years.

    I doubt her thinking has changed much and think we will soon see a Governor Madigan and Senator Giannoulias. But time will tell.

  12. - casual observer - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:18 am:

    I don’t believe she has any interest in being Governor. If she wants to run for the Senate she should and would likely win. I’m sure Durbin would love that. I have always heard that her only true interest was the Supreme Court and I thought it interesting that the Prez said he wants to break the mold on how candidates are selected. That approach gives her an opening.

  13. - Thomas Westgard - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:27 am:

    Lisa should run for Senate. Pat Quinn is doing a good job and there’s no reason to think he will screw it up later. Therefore, it’s in the best interest of the people of Illinois, and Lisa Madigan’s interest, not to fight an unnecessary fight in a tough primary. Madigan would help us and herself, by helping to take down Roland Burris, a regrettable wart left in the space Blago used to occupy.

  14. - Cassandra - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:27 am:

    Yes. There are several pluses for her. US Senator has a high chance of becoming a lifetime job for incumbents these days. The powers of incumbency are great. And since Obama is likely to appoint a couple more Supreme Court justices during his likely 8 years, she gets to beef up her national resume and visibility as a possible SCJ. Finally, it makes it less awkward for Dad to stay around in the Illinois House. Looks like there’s a lot of life in the old guy yet.

    Of course, this doesn’t spell free ride for Quinn. The minority wings of the Dem party will likely want to see a strong minority candidate in the Dem primary to counteract the loss of a minority Senate seat.

  15. - Steve - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:32 am:

    Lisa Madigan should run for Governor.She has more dough,has the potential to raise more dough.Plus,many Democratic voters will support her over Pat Quinn.Quinn seems a little to independent(not a good quality for Machine style politicians).Lisa Madigan is the ultimate status quo politician and that’s what Democratic voters in Illinois want.

  16. - KeepSmiling - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    She should run for Senator. Public distaste for family dynasties is at an all time high. If she runs for Gov, I think the commercials will be very ugly. She and her family don’t need that.

    Meanwhile, Speaker Madigan is likely to go through some tough media scrutnity for the sheer length of time he’s held power. Calling for the end of rein of one Madigan, while placing another in the State’s highest office? Not a warm and fuzzy feeling.

    The Gov’s office isn’t going anywhere and her goals will likely change in time. Both paths can lead to the Presidency.

  17. - James Rockford - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:35 am:

    If she wants to be Governor, she should run for the job. As Speaker Madigan pointed out, Pat Quinn is in the Governor’s chair only because of the extraordinary action of the legislature, not because of the will of the voters.

    Further, Voters will not hold her father’s position against her. She has shown often enough that she is her own person in politics. Finally, She should keep her young family in Illinois, rather than flying them back and forth to Washington, should she win.

  18. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    It would be interesting to see how she pairs up against Alexi in a U.S. Senate primary, especially in a crowded field.

    Do we have that polling?

    But I’ve got to agree with Captain Flume…Madigan’s strength is in a position that combines both administrative and legislative roles, as she has done as Attorney General.

    - Redefining the role of her office;
    - Reforming operations to make them more efficient;
    - Using her office’s current authority to pursue the common good;
    - Pushing for legislative changes that put more tools in her office’s toolbox.

    Madigan was not the most prolific lawmaker as a State Senator, and only the last point is applicable to the U.S. Senate…and even then, she’d be putting more tools in SOMEONE ELSE’S toolbox.

    Hear are three other big reason’s she should run for Governor:

    - As Governor, she can do FAR MORE for the good of the people of Illinois than she could ever accomplish in the U.S. Senate;

    - As Governor of one of the largest state’s in the Union, she’d be FAR BETTER positioned for a run for the White House;

    - She can make history as the FIRST WOMAN GOVERNOR OF ILLINOIS. Not only breaking the glass ceiling here, but joining a very EXCLUSIVE LIST of women governors from large states:

    – Ann Richards, D-TX, presidential hopeful until Rove came to town;
    – Jennifer Granholm, D-MI, presidential contender if she weren’t Canadian by birth;
    – Christine Todd Whitman, R-NJ, presidential hopeful if there were any moderate Republicans left;
    – Nancy Hollister, R-OH, Lt. Gov. who finished last two weeks of Voinivich’s term.

    That’s it really. Three (4, counting Hollister) women have served as Governor’s of large states. That’s a MUCH more exclusive club than the U.S. Senate.


    I’m just the Peanut Gallery, but Madigan would be making a mistake in my opinion to NOT put the historic nature of her run front-and-center in her campaign. Women are perceived more ethical and better at working WITH people to solve problems, two character issues that can really help her.

    There is no doubt that Republicans will try to make issue of the fact that The Speaker is her father. I say let them. EVERY time they do, she should take it as both an offense to her gender (I’m a GROWN WOMAN, not an 8 year-old girl) AND a direct assault on her integrity (In two decades of public service, my integrity has NEVER been called into question, and I’m DEEPLY offended).

    Meanwhile, let Mark Kirk try to explain his record as George Bush’s sidekick - running up record deficits, running our economy into the ground, tattering our standing in the world.

  19. - bardo2 - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    I’m with James — she should run for Gov. We need her leadership there…NOW.

    Plus (speaking as a Dem), I’d like to avoid war in the Senate primary. I think Alexi is the clear winner there. If Alexi and Lisa duke it out in the Senate primary then the only clear winner is Mitch McConnell and the Repubs…

  20. - bored now - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:41 am:

    if lisa madigan ever wants to step outside of her father’s rather long shadow, she will have to forgo the governor’s race until he retires. but what she should do otherwise is really up to her. like many people in illinois, i have a positive impression of her as a bright, committed public servant and could see her doing many things in government. whether those things are good or bad depends on whether lisa shares the public’s concerns about the concentration of political power into the hands of one family. illinois may have a long history with the mob, but we don’t need our government acting like gangsters…

  21. - Sam E. - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    The Post story mention a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee poll that showed Lisa doing well. I’m not familar with that poll. Has anyone seen it?

  22. - jake - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    I believe it would be the best thing for the people of Illinois if Lisa Madigan would run for the Senate. Pat Quinn has been considerably more than a “non-Blagojevich”. He is not perfect, but he has shown a willingness to tackle the State’s problems directly and rationally, which is far from a trivial virtue. It would be impossible for Lisa Madigan to run for Governor without undermining those efforts. On the other hand, in my opinion, Lisa would be the best Senator of all of those who are being mentioned for the seat. She is smart, pragmatic, and well-intentioned. In personality and style, she reminds me of Hillary Clinton, who was an excellent Senator from New York.

  23. - ANON - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    “If she wants to be Governor, she should run for the job. As Speaker Madigan pointed out, Pat Quinn is in the Governor’s chair only because of the extraordinary action of the legislature, not because of the will of the voters.

    Further, Voters will not hold her father’s position against her. She has shown often enough that she is her own person in politics. Finally, She should keep her young family in Illinois, rather than flying them back and forth to Washington, should she win.”


  24. - wordslinger - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:44 am:

    There’s no reason for her to avoid a gubernatorial primary. Quinn certainly is the governor, but he’s the accidental governor, not elected by anyone. He can’t really appeal to party loyalty under such circumstances.

    If there is a primary between the two, I have no doubt the winner would be the stronger candidate for November.

    If I were pulling the strings, I’d have Quinn do the dirty work this session, then announce for Senate, and let Lisa’s $4 million bankroll scare off any other Dems for governor. With such unity, Quinn could count on the Madigans to help raise money to run against Alexi. I’d like to see those debates!

  25. - Anonymous45 - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:45 am:

    Alexi is showing a fine penchant for shooting himself in the foot (like other deposed IL pols)…a winner in the Gov’s office (Quinn) and a winner in the US Senate (Madigan) sounds like a win-win situation for IL…

  26. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:46 am:

    ANON, please don’t use all caps in your comments. Makes you look like a tinfoil hat doofus.

    Secondly, whenever you claim “most people” want or don’t want this or that, please supply polling data or electoral results to back up your claim. Otherwise, just admit that it’s your own opinion. Avoid projecting your views on the rest of us, please.

  27. - Curious - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    Hey Rich, I have a quick question for you-saw State Rep John D’Amico on Fox NATIONAL news this morning about text messaging law in Illinois-is that effective yet? Do you have a link for this segment it was around 6:30 a.m.? Also was wondering if he’s considering running for Secretary of State?!

  28. - James Rockford - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:51 am:

    anon, I doubt voters will perceive that Lisa Madigan is a tool of the Speaker. I believe Joe Birkett tried that during the campaign for AG in 2002. It won’t fly. It certainly won’t in the Democratic primary.

    Plus, general election voters will want the best Governor–period. It’s hard to see how the Speaker is such a negative. Voters in every part of the state have overwhelmingly voted for a Democratic legislature time and time again. If he was such a negative, wouldn’t voters be electing Republicans to throw him out of the Speakership?

  29. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:51 am:

    === Public distaste for family dynasties is at an all time high. ===

    Got anything to back that up? Because Madigan’s got a 74% job approval rating from Democratic primary voters.

    The public dislikes INCOMPETENT heirs, I’ll grant you, and we don’t have to name them. But individual candidates are judges based on their own merits, unless no one has heard of them.

    A good example: the AG primary in 2002, when Madigan wasn’t well known, and John Schmidt got about 42% of the vote.

    Fast forward to 2006, when Madigan won 100 of 102 counties in the GENERAL election.

    Yes, a small fraction of people will vote against Madigan because of who her father is, but those were never going to vote for a Democrat or a woman anyway. They’re just looking for an excuse.

  30. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:53 am:

    === Secondly, whenever you claim “most people” want or don’t want this or that, please supply polling data or electoral results to back up your claim. Otherwise, just admit that it’s your own opinion. Avoid projecting your views on the rest of us, please. ===

    Bravo, Rich!!

  31. - ILPundit - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:53 am:


    This is not going to be a “normal” election year in Illinois.

    It will be hard enough in a standard environment to shake the very valid concerns about a signle family controling so much of the power of State Government.

    Trying to sell it in the post-Blagojevich and post-Stroger environment (read: corruption and nepotism) is going to be extremely hard.

    All the GOP has to do is find a moderate face, run a simple message campaign, and the GOP could win the legislative map.

    As a good Democrat, the responsible play for Lisa is patience. Timing is everything in politics, and this isn’t the time.

  32. - Cosmic Charlie - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:57 am:

    I think Lisa would win whichever office she ran for. That being said I think she should run for Governor. She is smart, popular and not afraid to make the tough decisions. Also, I think Quinn is a sitting duck in the General Election.

  33. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:04 pm:

    People, I’ve deleted a couple of posts that didn’t address the central question. Please, first answer the question and then you can go off on your own tangent if you so desire. Thanks.

  34. - Stones - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:13 pm:

    No, she should not avoid running against Quinn in the primary.

    Even though Quinn will be running as the incumbent, he was not elected to the current position that he serves. I think Quinn will have trouble plugging into the political organizations that he has spent much of this career rallying against. He will also have difficulty raising money without looking like a total hypocrite.

    For these and other reasons I think Lisa Madigan should stay the course and run for Governor.

  35. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:14 pm:

    I think the deciding factor is Quinn. If Quinn does a good job this spring and summer, Lisa should stay put (or run for Senator) and plan to run for Gov in 2014. She is a very good AG, would probably be a good Senator…and she is young and can wait a few years for the Gov. office to open up.

    If Quinn does a bad job, she should run for Gov. We’ll need her. (Unless she keeps running around saying we don’t need to raise taxes, which she should know is not true.)

    This appears to be what she is doing. Although waiting to run for Senate can hurt, at least in terms of fund raising; however, I think if she were to step up for a Senate run in August or even October, the money would rain down.

  36. - GOP'er - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:19 pm:

    If Lisa ran for Senate, and everyone else stayed put (with a decent Dem lawyer running for AG to replace Lisa), the Dems would run the table again, easily.

    It’s already shaping up that way anyway. Once all the delusion and lies are put aside, the fact is the IL GOP is the same dysfunctional mess it was in 2006, and probably worse. Republicans are going to lose still more ground next year. All the signs point that way. They really don’t know what they are doing.

    The economy is getting a bit better and Obama is still a rock star in Illinois expecially. When The One comes here to campaign for their statewide ticket, it’s over.

    Meanwhile the GOP “leadership” led by McKenna will never even criticize Obama. Daddy wouldn’t like it and it wouldn’t be conducive to Chicago’s Olympic bid.

  37. - Joe in the Know - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:21 pm:

    She should run for US Senate. Here’s why: who in their right mind would want to be Governor of Illinois? Other than the perks (the Governor’s mansion, drivers, plane), where does she go with it? Say she serves three terms in the Governor’s office, she’ll be 56 when her last term concludes. Then what? President? Vice-president? Maybe. More likely she’ll serve on the boards of various companies. Maybe she’ll run for the Senate then. But take on the challenge of cleaning up this at this time is a Sisyphean challenge.

    I don’t think she’ll run for the Governor’s office. I think she’ll run for re-election to AG.

  38. - train111 - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:22 pm:

    Lisa Madigan should run for Governor and not get into the US Senate race.
    I see Lisa M as running for an office where she would have the maximum potential to effect change. The US Senate is not that place. Being low person on the totem pole in a body of 100 people–some who have been there so long it’s questionable whether they’re even alive or not–(J.Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd come immediately to mind but I digress)–doesn’t lend itself to actually ‘getting anything done’
    In my opinions Lisa is too hands on to sit back in a ‘do nothing’ position like Junior Senator from Illinois waiting for 20 plus years before actually having enough seniority or having slapped enough backs and greased enough palms to get some sort of ‘plum’ committee assignments where she can do what she wants.


  39. - Nuance - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:22 pm:

    I am still undecided on whether I think she should run. But you must wonder whether her acting interested in it could possibly improve her chances for the next nomination to the Supreme Court. Make two friends happy in one move!

  40. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:24 pm:

    train111, I’m pretty sure Strom Thurmond has been dead for six years or so. Which probably just proves your point.

  41. - Captain America - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:24 pm:

    I think Lisa would win either contest hands down.
    A U.S.Senator’s routine seems a lot more grueling than the Governor’s mansion especilly in terms of disruption of family life and raising young children. So my guess is that she will choose to run for Governor. I thnk she’ll win against Pat Quinn because she’s got a great record as AG and because she’s more likeable/personable than Governor Quinn.

    I think she should run for Governor.Governor Quinn hopes otherwise. Just make up your mind soon Lisa - one way or another. The whole State, and the Democratic slate of candidates is watching and waiting for your decision.

    Looking forward to an intersting pre-primary season and primary election.

  42. - Leroy - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:24 pm:

    Take the governorship. All she needs to do is use the same reasoning Reagan used to challenge Ford in ‘76.

    That will be a much better set up to take the presidency in 2016 than being in the Senate.

  43. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:25 pm:

    ===But you must wonder whether her acting interested in it could possibly improve her chances for the next nomination to the Supreme Court.===

    So far, my calls to various sorts leads me to believe that this is a completely DC-generated plant. It might still come true, but the DC folks are the ones pushing this to a willing MSM blogger.

  44. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    My advice to Ms. Madigan is to run for the US Senate. The reasons are both professional and personal.

    Personal reason - the US Senate is a great place to be a parent. The hours are good, and you have a lot of time to tend to the kids. They will be a lot more mature in six years after a term in the Senate.

    Professional - Illinois is a catastrophe. You don’t want to be governor now. After a term in the US Senate, six years from now, things will be forced to improve. Your father isn’t finished. In six years he will be more than ready to retire.

    My advice - US Senate.

  45. - Narcoleptic - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    She should run for Governor. Quinn, though I think he is a refreshing change from Rod (though most mammals would be), is doing everything he can to dress himself up in Dawn Clark Netsch’s 1994 wardrobe.

    And a repeat of ‘94 is not in any Dems best interest, though I’m sure many of the former Blago people secretly long for Lisa go to D.C. and leave the Governor’s mansion to Quinn or Alexi.

    Lisa has been around state government all her life and that would serve her well in the Governor’s Mansion. U.S. Senate fits a banker and SUV driver like Alexi better. And Obama is sure to expend capital on the U.S. Senate race for him.

    “First Woman Governor of Illinois” is a pretty historic feat–if that’s supposed to be one of personal considerations the Madigan people are weighing.

    The way the political landscape is drawn today, Lisa does the most good–for herself and Illinois–by running for Gov.

  46. - train111 - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:31 pm:


    I know that Thurmond is dead, but they certaily wheeled him in on a gurney half-alive for a long time if his vote was needed.
    Ironic that in SC voting against Thurmond was akin to voting against Jesus Christ himself–kind of like voting against the ‘endorsed’ candidate in Chicago elections.


  47. - vote counter - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:33 pm:

    Didn’t Lisa have to spend 3 million to run for AG? It was a Governors race amount for that time and she just barly squeeked by Joe brickhead who had alot less money. Why? it was because her dad was the Speaker of the house and it was a big story that he had people sending out to their Christmas card lists for money for her. Steve brown did a fine job spinning it but it was a huge story and brought out questions about her ability to seperate herself from the Speaker and provide oversite of the General Assembly.

    YDD If I were to run against Lisa I would bring up the fact that she has as you pointed out
    “- Redefining the role of her office;
    - Reforming operations to make them more efficient;
    - Using her office’s current authority to pursue the common good;
    - Pushing for legislative changes that put more tools in her office’s toolbox.”
    But not one thing about corruption. Is it that we have to hope that Pat Fitzgerald or someone like him will always be in place? All of these people going to prison from Chicago and now the Governors office and nothing from the TOP law enforcment officer of Illinois? It would seem like an easy way to bring up at least a question of WHY?

  48. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:35 pm:

    To answer the original question, I think she should run against Quinn. He performed the job he ran for twice, and now I believe it is up to the voters to see if he deserves to stay. I don’t think too many Dems will be crying if Quinn loses the primary…the campaign ads would be nothing but about his association to Blago, so it won’t be a lot of intraparty bickering. Quinn has no money to respond in kind—he has about as much in his campaign fund as I’ve got in my 401K. I don’t buy the Madigan conflict swaying too many voters–not as many as would want to see a “law and order” type, who happens to be a woman, lead our state. The governor’s mansion is there for the taking…

  49. - Louis Howe - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:36 pm:

    The question is really a power play. Does Lisa Madigan have the moxie for the heavy lifting that being Illinois Governor requires or does she prefer a light duty assignment as the junior Senator from Illinois? I am confident which position Mike Madigan would choose for himself.

  50. - Shore - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:37 pm:

    No. She and the rest of Illinois will be very well served by having a clean competent grown up, Senator Mark Kirk(R-IL) representing the state in the Senate come January 2011.

  51. - Anonymous - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:42 pm:

    She should run for Governor if she thinks she can do a better job than Quinn. Thus far, Gov. Quinn has accomplished very little, has no real chance of getting a budget that solves the pressing problems, largely because he has stuck with the Blago financial team. She will know by May 31st how much trouble the State is in financially going foward, and if she feels she can do better should challenge Quinn.

  52. - IrishPirate - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:44 pm:

    From a strategic point of view I think it makes more sense for Madigan to run for Senate. I don’t think her “victory” over Quinn is quite as assured as many of you think. The MJM problem she has if she goes for Governor is larger than many of you think. I don’t think the next election cycle is going to be kind to people perceived as part of a machine or dynasty. Her victory over Birkett in 2002 was hardly overwhelming in what was a good year for the dems. Given a strong opponent, and I don’t know if Quinn would be one, the “daddy” issue could really hurt her.

    Let Quinn do the nasty work of Governor for 6 years and then he’ll likely retire.

    All that being said my own guess is she runs for Governor and a nasty primary results. The winner of that primary: Flip a coin cause this landbased buccaneer simply doesn’t claim to know.

    I do know that the true big dog in Illinois Democratic politics is former Senator Obama. If he endorses Alexi for the Senate I think Burris, Kennedy,Madigan etc better not be making any plans for long term Washington housing. If the President endorses someone in the Democratic primary for Governor,unlikely, the other candidates better be planning on other employment.

  53. - steve schnorf - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:45 pm:

    Tough question, easy answer (for me). She should do whatever she feels is in the best interest of her family and the citizens of the State. Only she can make that decision.

    She would be quite good at either job.

    Pundit, fro time to time I like fantasies as much as anyone else, but we aren’t going to take over anything in 2010 with just a good moderate candidate or two. This is now a D state, though a generally centrist one. Ds are coming out of Chicago with 500 and 600 thousand vote leads without a lot of trouble. Unless their choice of candidate blows the suburbs and downstate D strongholds, we’re a long way from taking over anything. Even with the D debacle of the past 6 years, I would consider it a HUGE success if we took one of the lower statewide offices (JBT for Treasurer!) and picked up a couple of seats in each house. If you disagree, tell me how.

  54. - LouisXIV - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:45 pm:

    I think she should run for the senate. The next governor is still going to have a big financial mess to face and the race against Quinn may be tougher than she thinks. Alexi was badly damaged by the SUV controversy and still has lingering issues about his bank’s dealings. The only issue really is being in the senate would take her away from her kids, whereas being governor would let her spend more time with her family. I’d like to see her run for the senate. Another woman would be welcome there and Illinois’ would uphold its tradition of sending women or African-Americans to the senate, both of which are underrepresented.

  55. - ConservativeVeteran - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:51 pm:

    Since other statewide Democrats have more experience than Lisa, she should run for another office. Jesse White should run for the U.S. Senate. Dan Hynes should run for governor. Lisa Madigan should run for lt. gov. Alexi Giannoulias should run for secretary of state.

  56. - Ghost - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:53 pm:

    I think she should run.

    First, Quinn’s numbers are soft. His support so far looks to me more like it flows from removing blago then becuase of Quinn’s decisions.

    Second, I think Quinn is highly vunerable to a republican canidate. He supported and was tied to blago, and has not drawn any strong media coverage or reognition for his work so far cleaning up governemnt. i.e the repubs will tie him to blago and point at the fact he kept fialn and other appointees around. Not to mention build on Quinn’s selection for the head of the ISP. Plus we have a bad economic situation and the reality Quinn will need to push to raise taxes to keep the state flowing. Toss in that Quinn has almost no real finacial backing at this time, and Quinn is the best chance the repubs have of regaining the Gov spot.

    Plus I anticipate the economy will recover and thrive during the next 4 years, so whoever gets elected will be bolstered by tis effect making it harder to unseat them. The next Gov may een have an opportuntity to roll back the tax increase if things go well enough.

    Thus, it is critical for the Dems that they put forth a strong canidate, even if that requires them to go up against Quinn. In the last AG election LMad won some conservatibve repub pollin places that were over 60% for topinka.

    Right now the Dems need to keep a hold of that seat, and LMad is their best chance.

    I disagree with ILPundit’s perception that the senate seat is higher visability. I think the Gov position in a State with a major city like chicago has higher visibility. More Govenors head into the presidential frontier then Senators.

    So Lmad runs for Gov, wins. She holds that office for two terms, and runs for Pres as Obama is completin his second term.

  57. - lake county democrat - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:56 pm:

    Should she run for senate? Yes — I hate the Madigans, but she’ll vote pretty much the way any other Dem from Illinois would, and I’d far prefer her there than having Mike Madigan be the puppet-master of the state government.

  58. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 12:59 pm:

    The reason Lisa Madigan should run for U.S. Senate is that there will be huge conflict-of-interest issues if she should become governor while her father is still active in politics.

  59. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 1:00 pm:

    Yes, she should run for Senate. Alexi looks like he will be having more dug up on him beside the SUV.
    It looks like Quinn is going to be an incumbant with good standing so it will be hard to win.

    I am sure she will have to get her Dad’s approval.

  60. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 1:16 pm:

    “All the GOP has to do is find a moderate face, run a simple message campaign, and the GOP could win the legislative map.” - ILPundit

    Facts, people, Facts!

    Poll: Madigan - 49% v. Kirk - 33%
    (April 24-26, 991 RV, MoE +/- 3.1%)

    “not one thing about corruption [from Lisa Madigan]” - votecounter

    Hmmm…let’s see:

    - Opposing sale of tenth casino license to Rosemont due to concerns over mob influence;

    - Opposed illegal sale of Thompson Center by Rod Blagojevich;

    - Supporting Rod Blagojevich’s removal from office;

    - Pushing for the expansion of FOIA to make government more transparent and accountable;

    - Most importantly, after more than 10 years in public office, not a WHIFF of scandal or corruption even in her vicinity.

    NY Times: Madigan on shortlist of women Presidential hopefuls.

  61. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    === I am sure she will have to get her Dad’s approval. === - Third Generation

    Not only sexist, but also willfully ignorant.

    Speaker Madigan tried to discourage Lisa Madigan from running for the Illinois Senate, and then from running for Attorney General.

    Just because Lisa’s a woman doesn’t mean she can’t think for herself.

  62. - Leroy - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 1:32 pm:

    >Not only sexist

    Sexism has nothing to do with it.

    Whoever runs is going to need his blessing.

  63. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 1:33 pm:

    ===Whoever runs is going to need his blessing. ===

    That’s not the way the previous comment was written.

  64. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    She shouldn’t run for Senate, should run for Governor. Illinois needs her to step up and take care of business- not back away from it because the job is too hard. Plus she’ll slaughter Gov. Quinn, she has nothing to worry about there. The man has proven himself incapable of raising any real money.

    This is definitely a DC-plant. They see her poll numbers and know the seat would be safe therefore DSCC doesn’t have to spend any money in IL. I however would like to point out the obvious- that any Madigan vs Giannoulias primary is going to get ugly. So those of you who think she should run for Senate in order to avoid an ugly primary with Quinn should think again. A Senate primary between those two would be worse.

    Finally, I get the Giannoulias newsletter and thought he did a good job of explaining the SUV story. It was a permissible and completely legal purchase out of an administrative fund that the GA set up to cover costs exactly like a car, travel expenses, salaries, etc. It’s amazing how papers are allowed to print stories without reporting all the facts.

  65. - wordslinger - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 1:46 pm:

    Bill P, I rather doubt there would be a Lisa/Alexi primary for Senate. He would have other, safer options if she went for Senate.

  66. - South Side of Chicago - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 1:46 pm:

    President Obama won the US Sentae seat without the blessing of Speaker Madigan. In fact there where other politcians that came out supporting him when the Speaker of the House didn’t. At a time when voters are sick and tired of certain politicans trying to control the process; I think the voters will suprise the media on the US Senate race and Governor’s race. Either way I feel whether Ms. Madigan runs for Governor or US Senator, she is going to have a problem getting support from certain communities. Previously, in the US Senate race the local media has miscalculated the black communities’ support. There weren’t right with the prsidential election either. I think Ms. Madigan is going to have problems in Chicago and downtown state. We need a change and she doesn’t represent that. Same old thing over and over.

  67. - ILPundit - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 1:48 pm:

    YDD –

    Hmmm…lets see: a widely known, 2-term incumbent running under 50% against a relatively unknown (though moderate) GOPer — in a race (US Senate) where her family connection isn’t even an issue like it would be for Governor? Nearly 2 years before the actual election?

    The real issue is what happens to her numbers once GOP opponents, TV ads, and every editorial board in the state begins the 6-month conniption fit over the prospect of the state budget being settled over Easter Dinner at the Madigan’s every year.

    Me, I’m betting those numbers could easily drop to the mid-low 40’s without much of a push. Not saying she can’t win, or even that she’d be an awful choice — I’m just saying it is a MUCH bigger risk, and a more difficult sell than you seem willing to admit.

    Schnorf –

    From where I sit, a depressed African American turnout seems a real possibility in light of Stroger turmoil, Preckwinkle challenges, and possible Meeks/3rd party activities.

    And while that’s alone is not enough, if Madigan runs in a Dem primary against Quinn, its bound to be very ugly, and likely to stack up as a “machine organization” effort against the “reformer”. A great way to win a primary, but positions you completely backwards for the General. Plus, if challenged, you can count on Quinn to validate and introduce the electorate to the same issues the GOP will use in November.

    Consider the fact that Vallas may be the nominee for the GOP in Cook Co, and it’s not an enormous stretch to see major Democratic underperformance in Cook County in the post Stroger, post state take hike world.

    I will admit its a long shot for any GOPer in 2010. But its precisely this type of overconfidence by a party that leads to a rude shock on election day.

    In the end, the GOP needs just a couple of reasonable breaks, and one fresh face that can raise money and sell their individual brand, and things can change quickly.

  68. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 1:59 pm:

    Stay on point, please.

  69. - South Side of Chicago - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:06 pm:

    ILPundit I agree. The GOP shouldn’t assume that Africam American communities will automaticly go for a democrat. In this day and age moderate has a chance just if they address real issues, want to make real changes and is clearly demonstrates that they’re different from the same old same old. I think people would be surprised. The candidates that are fresh and new will have a good chance against career politicans. Who knows even an independent with their own war chest. Someone addressing real issues.

  70. - wordslinger - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:08 pm:

    Shore, I imagine your guy Kirk is way too smart to use that talking point. It’s the 2010 election, dude, not 1950. Two words: Suburban women.

  71. - Bill - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:10 pm:

    Lisa would win either race easily. I think she should run for Senate. The job is a more suitable fit for her many talents and is much more cerebral than the sucker punching, gutter sniping, cesspool of Springfield politics. I really don’t have much respect for the office of governor anymore. It has been belittled by the current legislative players. In fact, I think Todd Stroger should take a shot at governor. He’d be perfect.

  72. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:11 pm:

    ===The GOP shouldn’t assume that Africam American communities will automaticly go for a democrat.===

    All the GOP can do is impact the vote on the margins. Force slighly less turnout or a slightly higher vote for a GOP candidate. That’s how the GOP used to win here in Illinois.

  73. - Bill - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:15 pm:

    They also used to have some fairly decent candidates. Dan Proft for Governor????LOL

  74. - Wumpus - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:15 pm:

    Yes 60 year term vs 4 year term. Senate, you are one vote out of 100, GOv, you are the man..woman in this case.

  75. - Anonymous in Chicago - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:19 pm:

    She should run for Senate. She walks into the Senate, the most prestigious legislative body in the world. if she runs for governor, she probably wins, but after a difficult and divisive fight against a decent, honorable and healing figure in the Democratic party. And there’s a real possibility she loses.

    It also creates harmony at home. Her father gets to remain Speaker for at least another six years.

  76. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:31 pm:

    WS- I guess we’ll get the opportunity to find out if he’ll play it safe or not soon enough.

  77. - Interesting Thoughts - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:35 pm:

    I think it all comes down to the money. Federal election law won’t let Lisa transfer any of the $3 million-plus she has in her state campaign fund for a possible run at a federal office. That means she would be giving that money up and having to start from zero to run in a statewide primary less than 9 months from now.
    Additionally, she loves being a mother and she’d be away from her kids too much doing the job in DC.
    Consequently, I believe she shoudl not make the Senate run.

  78. - South Side of Chicago - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    Rich Thank God President Obama never listened to how it’s usual done because he won’t have become US Senator nor President.

  79. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    SSoC, I was referring to the Republicans. Please, get back to the question.

  80. - Ghost - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 3:38 pm:

    I should clairfy, I intended to put she shoyuld run for Gov (as per my pevious discussion).

    Then president after 2 terms as Gov.

  81. - one observer - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 3:41 pm:

    Anybody else wonder how many of the “Lisa should run for the Senate” comments come from employees under Quinn?

  82. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 3:47 pm:

    What I meant was, Daddy Madigan has to help get his camp behind her, so she has to consult to see where all the Mike Madigan camp will support her.

  83. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 3:48 pm:

    === Daddy Madigan has to help get his camp behind her, so she has to consult to see where all the Mike Madigan camp will support her.===


    Seriously, I can’t stop laughing.

    Move along, dude.

  84. - Reddbyrd - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    Clearly state law should be changed so Lisa could run, win and serve in both offices. That’s what the polls show so lets get on with it.
    BTW could Carl N. run through a few of the conflicts of interest other than neither had much use for Blagoof, gambling or the University of EMil namesake.

  85. - envelop - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 4:41 pm:

    Lisa Madigan should not run for governor. Nor should she run for US Senate. She should go away. We should be weary of political nepotism in this state by now. She may be an able person, perhaps even more than able. But ability is the minimum we should expect, and it is widely dispersed. It is very difficult, and I would argue even foolish, to separate her political persona completely from the suffocating, self-serving influence of her father on state politics and the corruption Illinois government swims in. Let’s do ourselves a favor Illinois and find another bright competent woman as governor who hasn’t spent 20 yeras being politically tutored by Mike Madigan. “Public interst” doesn’t seem too deeply embedded in the speaker, and before I am acused of a guilt by association fallacy, anyone who disputes parents don’t have enormous influence on their children -both intended and unintended- are mistaken.

  86. - KeepSmiling - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 5:16 pm:

    YDD -
    The point I think you miss by citing your wonderful polls today is that many people in this state do not know that Mike Madigan is the Speaker, or how long he has been there, or how much power would then be enjoyed by the Madigan family, etc. This info has not yet been pointed out through endless, divisive commercials.

  87. - MrSpeaker - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 9:14 pm:

    Being Governor is closer to being president than senator. LM wants to make a difference not just commute and raise money. As governor she could do more good and be close to her family. Go for Gov!

  88. - The CARDINAL - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 9:39 pm:

    whats more compelling? Why would lisa run for gov after Dad reforms and cleans up stae government… Oh never mind he has no motive to do that. So its off to the senate?

  89. - scoot - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 10:04 pm:

    Total DC plant…the Madigan’s aren’t going to let the $3.5 million already raised go to waste. Instead it will go towards a Gov race.

    This is a ploy to drive Kirk away from the race.

  90. - old timer - Monday, May 11, 09 @ 11:39 pm:

    Lisa Madigan has, contrary to what many expected, done a great job as AG. Granted given the previous AGs you would think that ANYONE could have done better (Burris was laughable literally- he had his staff call him General!! and he walked around with medals pinned to his chest like a little Napolean! Jim Ryan was fighting cancer so he got a pass but really…) but people said the same thing about Stroger (he couldn’t be worse) but he proved us wrong.
    Lisa has taken her job as AG very seriously and has worked hard and surrounded herself with good people. She has learned alot on the job and has earned the respect of her employees for her hard work. Could she run for Senate and win? Yes. Would she make a great Senator at this point in her career? I think not. I think she wants a long carreer in politics and in thinking towards that end she would be wise to run for Gov instead.
    ‘Quinn is doing a great job’ please - ok he hasn’t and will not be indicted but doing a great job he is not. He is a good place-holder nothing more.
    One of the main reasons Obama rose as high as he did was that he capitalized on his uniqueness as a young black politician with credentials and polish to take him where many people wanted to see a young different face.
    Lisa Madigan could ride a similar wave of voters wanted young, serious, clean politicians. Many voters want to vote for a woman just like they wanted to vote for an african-american. And while some may try to tie her to her father and paint her with the brush of “chicago politics as usual” I don’t think it will work any better than it did against Obama. She has worked hard on her clean image and I don’t think that will be toppled. Being Gov of Illinois will get her a lot further than Senator and talk about job security! The only way you lose your job is if your graft and corruption is so outrageous as to taunt the feds into sending you to prison. With low-key Lisa she could be our Giv longer than Daley is the Mayor.

  91. - nearlyademocrat - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 6:53 am:

    I think Madigan should be encouraged to take on Quinn. It would be different if he had been elected governor….but as he likes to say he’s the “accidental governor”. Let the people decide.

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