*** UPDATE *** Todd Stroger uses a familiar tactic to “all but declare” his reelection candidacy…
Appearing combative and animated, he all but declared his candidacy for re-election, saying there are “always people on two sides of the fence.” He asserted that the tax-repeal battle had not wounded him politically.
At a press conference at Provident Hospital, he also introduced three black ministers who praised Stroger in stump-like speeches for saving the county health system by not agreeing to the percentage point tax rollback.
And Skoien drops the charges…
Former Cook County Republican Chairman Gary Skoien does not want to testify and the domestic battery charge against his wife should be dropped, the prosecutor in the case said in court this morning.
Skoien has 180 days to change his mind and cooperate with Cook County Assistant State’s Atty. Ketki Steffen, who could then reinstate the case against Skoien’s wife, Eni.
Eni Skoien was charged with battery after an incident at the couple’s Inverness home on March 8.
According to a report filed by a Barrington-Inverness police officer, Eni Skoien came home early that morning and discovered “Gary was downstairs in the children’s playroom with two prostitutes.” The report says Eni Skoien swung a guitar at her husband and punched him.
[ *** End of Update *** ]
* Attorney General Lisa Madigan appears to have dodged reporters’ questions today in Chicago about campaign finance reform and term limits…
When asked about campaign finance reform and term limits, Madigan says that she is in favor of “campaign contribution reform” and says that it is “one piece of many” that must be dealt with in Illinois to have a “comprehensive system of reforms” that “are going to change the culture” in Illinois.
Straight answers are just not her forté, apparently.
* Zorn and potential GOP gubernatorial candidate Dan Proft spar via e-mail after Zorn suggested that Proft’s candidacy would be “fun”…
PROFT: I’m sure. I can only imagine your fair and balanced treatment in store me should I enter. Thankfully, I’m used to the counterfeit objectivity characteristic of most of the Chicago press corps. The bullies with bylines for bankrupt outlets in this town who confuse their liberal orthodoxy for intellect only encourage me. No decision yet thus no announcement date, either way.
ZORN: See, now that’s what I’m talking about! What could possibly be more fun than regular explosions of just this sort of bilious contempt for anyone who disagrees with you? I can’t wait. I mean it.
PROFT: Please. I get along famously with many people who disagree with me. Just not folks who cherry pick their facts and work backward from pre-drawn conclusions, discarding inconvenient facts. You cheap-shotted me in our previous exchange when cornered by the incongruity of your critique. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if you choose to offer anything more constructive or substantive, but that is, of course, your choice. I don’t worry about things beyond my control. It’s okay when you throw punches, even below the waistline, but when someone throws back, you resort to (silliness)–erecting straw men to knock down. Your salivating only serves to reinforce my argument.
Yep. It’s gonna be fun.
* US Sen. Roland Burris denies that US Sen. Dick Durbin ever asked him to resign. From The Hill…
“I told him that under the circumstances I would consider resigning if I were in his shoes. He said he would not resign and that was his conclusion,” Durbin said after the Feb. 23 meeting.
But Burris says Durbin never urged him to consider resigning, publicly or privately.
“I don’t know what he said at his press conference, but he did not say that to me,” Burris said. “I explained to him what happened, and he said it was going to create a problem for me. But I know what the situation is, so I’m going about my business and trying to be a good U.S. senator, and I know I haven’t done anything wrong.”
Durbin most certainly did publicly call on Burris to resign, so our Junior Senator must not be reading the papers. As to the private conversations, I think I’ll choose to believe Durbin on this one.
* Related…
* Roland Burris Gears Up for Doomed Reelection Bid
* Schakowsky ramps up fundraising
- Higher Ed - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:15 pm:
Burris appears to have been less than truthful in the past. I’ll take Durbin’s version on this one.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:32 pm:
–Roland Burris Gears Up for Doomed Reelection Bid–
I’ve never seen a headline like that before!
- TominChicago - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:34 pm:
“Just not folks who cherry pick their facts and work backward from pre-drawn conclusions, discarding inconvenient facts.”
While I am pretty sure that Proft would not agree, the above is a great description of the Bush attorneys who wrote the torture memos.
On another note, does Proft really think that he has a chance to become governor? Megalomania unbound.
- Anonymous45 - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:49 pm:
Seems like Lisa has taken a page from her old man’s book on “speaking” to the MSM…a chip off the old combine…
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:54 pm:
Re: Fun with a Proft Campaign
Remember 5th CD GOP Nominee Rosana Pulido’s hiccup over quotes on a blog attributed to her? Dan Proft has years and years of outrageous blog postings, in his name and under pseudonyms, to cull through. Those with patience will find dozens of gems sure to haunt his candidacy at every turn. Anyone else remember the Illinois Leader?
As Flounder would say, “Oh boy is this great!”
- Sam E. - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:57 pm:
Did anyone ask Lisa about running for the Senate? Would like to hear her comment on that.
Seems pretty evident to me that the D.C. Dems who run the Senate campaign committee are worried about finding a solid candidate to take on Kirk. They don’t want Burris, Bill Daley told them no, Chris Kennedy seems to be wavering, and they don’t seem warm to Schakowsky or Alexi — fearing both will be ripe targets for GOP attack ads.
Lisa makes all the sense in the world to the beltway crowd, but I don’t see her giving up a shot at the guv’s mansion. Who will the Senate campaign committee folks turn to if Lisa says no?
- just sayin' - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:57 pm:
Proft has some serious issues. I think everyone already knew that. A bully who has worked for mostly bullies, who decries bullies in the system.
For cryin’ out loud, the Cicero town president who he elected and via whom he was really able to feed at the public trough, was one of the top enforcers under Betty Loren-Maltese, and admittedly had/has Outfit connections. Proft runs with a crowd that prides itself on its bullying.
But he’s another guy who sees politics as accusing the other side of what you’re already doing, before they can accuse you of the same thing.
But I will give him props for being able to turn a phrase. This is pretty good from the excerpt above:
“. . .cornered by the incongruity of your critique.”
For whatever reason, it seems that most strongarm politicians have a gift for rhetoric, which they then go on to squander.
- Stuck with Sen. CPA - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:07 pm:
Personally, I liked the “bullies with bylines for bankrupt outlets.” It’s not quite the infamous ‘nattering nabobs of negativism,’ but then again, Proft is no William Safire.
I look forward to the Proft-Zahm ticket.
- Rob_N - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:16 pm:
Quick, somebody gin up an Online Proft-translator!
“The bullies with bylines for bankrupt outlets in this town who confuse their liberal orthodoxy for intellect only encourage me.”
“Your salivating only serves to reinforce my argument.”
…The rhetoric of those who know only to reflexively attack my solid values will only accelerate my positions.
Fo shizzle.
- siriusly - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:18 pm:
And Proft got paid to be a “spokesperson” doing media relations? Hilarious!
I don’t always agree with Zorn, but I do this time. This is going to be awesome!
Run Proft Run!
- Rob_N - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:22 pm:
Not just got paid… got hundreds of thousands in no-bid contracts.
It appears legal, even if dubious and hypocritical given his conservative political philosophy.
- Macbeth - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:24 pm:
I want Roland to run.
Roland, please run.
Please run. Please lose. And please go away.
- Ghost - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:26 pm:
“…bilious contempt…”
I like that.
- phocion - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:26 pm:
Proft’s language use is fascinating. He strings together rather complex thoughts, ornate language, a fair amount of alliteration, passive verbs, and ends it all with “me” or “my.” I wonder what a psychiatrist would say…
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:41 pm:
=== Attorney General Lisa Madigan appears to have dodged reporters’ questions today in Chicago about campaign finance reform and term limits ===
=== Seems like Lisa has taken a page from her old man’s book on “speaking” to the MSM…a chip off the old combine… ===
Wouldn’t it be great if reforming state government was a simple problem that lent itself to simple platitudes and simple soundbites?
We HAD a Governor once who offered us great soundbites and a simple solution.
Rod Blagojevich promised to “clean up the culture of corruption” with “reform and renewal,” and all we had to do was vote for him.
I suggest everyone take a deep breath and wait to see what comes out of the legislature this year before offering condemnations.
And lets also remember that unless and until Lisa Madigan is actually Governor, putting together a reform package rests with Pat Quinn’s leadership.
So far, I’d say he’s off to a rocky start, given that his Reform Commission is still trying to figure out the legislative process, but there’s still hope for them yet.
As I’ve made clear elsewhere, I’m still holding out hope that they’ll join Arizona, Connecticut, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico and North Carolina and move to public financing.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:53 pm:
Regarding Proft
Is it just me, or does he have a predilection for consonance, ala ‘V’ in “V is for Vendetta”?
“counterfeit objectivity characteristic of most of the Chicago press corps”
“bullies with bylines for bankrupt outlets”
“cornered by the incongruity of your critique”
“salivating only serves to reinforce”
I think what he really meant to close with was:
“Your vigorous vitriol isn’t vexing but invigorating, you vacillating, viperous villain of vox populi!”
- Anonymous45 - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 2:16 pm:
YDD: No one is condemning anyone…as AG of the State of Corruption, I mean IL, I am interested in Lisa’s ideas on the issue of reform…she states very few things politically on the record…God forbid if the electorate wants to know what their electd officials are thinking, if they are thinking, or if they’re just posturing…sorry YDD, AG MAdigan is posturing on this issue, just as she did with the tax increase issue…a pattern of not really answering mundane questions is noticeable…
- You can't make this stuff up - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 2:26 pm:
In case anyone is wondering, Gary Skoien is still a pretty senior GOP party official. He’s the GOP Palatine Township Committeeman. He stepped down as County Chairman a couple of years ago, but he kept the Township Committeeman gig.
So the guy who allegedly had the hookers over to the house remains one of only 80 in the entire county of Cook who has any say whatsoever in picking the members of the State GOP’s Central Committee. Great system.
Gary Skoien is yet another GOP poster boy for passing SB600. I think the average Republican’s judgement is at least as good as that of a guy who allegedly had the hookers over, but still had the nerve to let his 105 pound wife (and breast cancer survivor) sit in jail for two days when he accused her of battery when she understandably got upset by the scene in her own house, and allegedly hit him with a toy guitar (an easy break from the tried and true cast iron frying pan that served women with cheating husbands so well for centuries).
Dump that loser Eni Skoien, even if the sorry excuse for a GOP won’t.
Also, it sounds like someone needs to put a bounty on Skoien now since he won’t show his face in court.
- soccermom - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 4:02 pm:
Hey YDD - you forgot vomitous, vociferous vigilante.
- soccermom - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 4:08 pm:
And on the issue of Skoien - This is what’s wrong with the Illinois GOP. No, not that they entertain sex workers in their children’s playroom; that’s a bipartisan activity.
But what self-respecting Cook County Dem, when attacked by a small but wiry spouse wielding a toy guitar (or a cast iron skillet), would so forget his political career that he would call in the cops and thus ensure that the whole sorry mess gets into the headlines?
Heck, this sort of thing may be going on in Democratic playrooms in every ward and township in Cook. But at least our guys are canny (and nimble) enough to outrun their skillet-toting wives and stay out of the papers.
- Legaleagle - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 4:24 pm:
I have to admit: Proft waxes almost Churchillian eloquence, versus a veritable vale of vicious, vexatious, vaporific, and valetudinarian vituperation via various voices from the left.
- this old hack - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 4:58 pm:
YDD is right on the Reform Commission. Most of their proposals are ill conceived and ought to be defeated, and so far Quinn has proven to be less then adept at selling these ideas to the public.
as to the campaign 2010 topic, I am shocked, utterly shocked, Rich, that you didn’t have any mention of the latest office that “most influential” Sheriff Tom Dart is running for!
That guy’s head is so big, and his ego so enormous, that he might just get besides himself if he isn’t mentioned for every single office in between and including Countywide, statewide, and Federal offices!
naming Tom Dart as one of the most 100 influential people in the world? give me a break, please!
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 5:05 pm:
I am unaware as to whom Mr. Proft is, and after perusing his digital missives to Mr. Zorn, am disinterested in being enlightened. His correspondence displeases me. While I am certain he can entertain those who listen to his radio program, I am as certain that a majority of Illinoians will not find him as entertaining, or consider him worthy for a public office in this state.
President Obama’s Biblical phraseologies may endear himself after eight years of straight shootin’ Texanish, yet the President appears capable of sensing when his vocabulary loses listeners. I am of the mind that Mr. Proft is incapable of similar reticence.
Ah! I love William Dean Howells!
- The Shadow - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 6:00 pm:
First of all, it’s not a Proft-Zahm ticket (Zahm is with Andrejewski’s campaign), it’s a Proft-McCulloch ticket.
As for Gary Skoien, whoever said he’s a “senior GOP official” doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Skoien isn’t even a force within his own organization (Palatine GOP), let alone the county or state. His own people in Palatine are trying to get him the heck out of there because he won’t step down.
The Cook County GOP barely exists. It being run by Lee Roupas out of his parent’s basement in Palos. Check it out, he at least went out and got a PO Box to save some face.
The Cook County Republican Party hasn’t been relevant in 15 years and the Illinois Republican Party is quickly following the same path…
- The Court Jester - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 8:02 pm:
Who is Dan Proft? What are his qualifications to be Governor? Has he ever run for public office?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 8:30 pm:
But I will give him props for being able to turn a phrase.
No doubt about it. Proft certainly has a way with words.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 8:44 pm:
Interesting article re: poll including Kennedy.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 9:02 pm:
Proft’s purple prose reminds me of an “Andy Griffith Show” episode (post-Barney, in color) in which Goober grew a beard and everyone said it made him look smart.
He took a night class and started walking around Mayberry telling everyone that “Aborigines are indigenous to Australia.” Sounded exceptionally erudite and avuncular.
Me, personally, I liked it when Goober would “take off on Cary Grant — Judy, Judy, Judy.”
- Anonymous - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:04 pm:
===The Cook County GOP barely exists. It being run by Lee Roupas out of his parent’s basement in Palos. Check it out, he at least went out and got a PO Box to save some face.===
The Cook County GOP has 2 offices, main one in Chicago that is staffed fulltime. It also shares a south suburban office at the Palos Township Republican Organization headquarters.
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