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Question of the day

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I often send around links to photos before doing a caption contest to gauge reactions from people I trust. Yesterday, I included this pic of Rod Blagojevich and John Cullerton as one of three options. A couple of people thought it was hilarious and insisted I use it. Others, however, said they were just sick of Blagojevich and would rather avoid it. Which leads me to…

* The Question: Should we try to have a regular “Blagojevich-Free” day here at the blog? Or should we post news when it comes in regardless of the topic? Explain fully, please.


  1. - Speaking at Will - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:33 am:

    Bring on the Blago. Us low brows need some red meat from time to time.

  2. - Captain Flume - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:35 am:

    He wants to become a media beast now. Starve him. Please.

  3. - Stones - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:35 am:

    I would suggest just posing as news comes in. No one is forced to post if they don’t care to.

    Also, what if our boy Blago does something exceptionally goofy that day - how can we not comment?

  4. - Wumpus - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:36 am:

    Everyday should be a Blago/Daley/Burris/Storger/Obama day whenever possible. I am not a fan of Prezobama, but he is popular. Why not highlight the “best” and worst.

  5. - Former State Employee - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:37 am:

    Unfortunately, we can’t pretend Blago never existed; he is still very real, and so are the people and policies he left behind. So, yes, if you have something that will put a humorous spin on the whole debacle - bring it on!

  6. - IlliniPundit / Gordy Hulten - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:39 am:

    IMO, ignoring (or pretending to ignore) that Rod Blagojevich happened would not be good for Illinois.

  7. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:40 am:

    While certainly tired of Blago, we should at least keep up with his pretrial antics to complete our book about him…consider him to be like the comics section of a traditional newspaper–purely entertainment value.

  8. - train111 - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:41 am:

    If you could guarantee us a Blago free rest of our lives, we would be deeply indebted to you!!



  9. - Tweed - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:43 am:

    Blago Free Wednesdays; he screwed the state so let’s ignore him on hump day.

  10. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:45 am:

    No Blagojevich free day, he was the Governor, twice elected of this State.

    But thank you Capital Fax for being a Drew P free zone!

  11. - former state worker - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:46 am:

    Captain Flume is exactly right. I suspect that Blagojevich regards ANY media attention as a consolation prize.

  12. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:50 am:

    Most days are Blago-free for me. I pretty much ignore the freak show.

    But there still will be real news from Blago before this is all over.

  13. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    It would be wrong to do so. We are discussing reforms, and Blagojevich was elected in 2002 to enact some, he is relevant to this discussion. We are discussing the state budget, and Blagojevich was a major part of the reason we face the budget we face, so he is relevenat to this discussion too. Blagojevich is also relevant to our discussions regarding intra-Democratic party infighting between Madigan and [name of governor here]. Blagojevich is relevant regarding the Capital Bill. He is relevant when discussing personnel reform measures.

    Blagojevich is only irrelevant when we allow him to become a joke. He isn’t. He was the political leader of the majority party in Illinois for six years. He was elected twice to our state’s highest office. He became the worse governor in our states nearly 200 year history. Rod Blagojevich is relevant to our current problems.

    I recommend keeping Blagojevich relevant to the issues we discuss. His administration, (currently in power), his policies, his politics, and his political party should be focused. The fact that he is facing justice may not be relevant, yet the facts that are being discovered and presented during his upcoming trial - are relevant to us.

    So no Blagojevich-free days. We haven’t earned it.

  14. - Anonymous45 - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    Blago free days: Yes

    IL government is so much more than this has-been…when the trial begins no more Blago free days will be possible at least until the appeals process is over…

  15. - walter sobchak - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    You proved your point. Yesterday’s captions were not nearly as imaginative or funny or dastardly any on previous Blago pictures. Yet, clicking on the link to the picture of Cullerton and Blago and the tiny gavel made me eagerly anticipate what your audience would say. So, like him or hate him, Blago is an endless source of better material.

  16. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    I guess you shouldn’t ignore real news, however, ignoring Blago or his Adam attorneys upcoming “clown show” would add to everyone’s quality of life.

  17. - Dan S, a Voter and Cubs Fan - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 11:11 am:

    At least until the trial one day a week Milorad-free would be nice.

  18. - Secret Square - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 11:19 am:

    Surely we can get by with at least one Blago-free day every week or even every month until the trial starts? How much Blago “news” since Jan. 29 has really been news anyway, other than the actual indictments?

  19. - clj - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 11:34 am:

    There is no problem in refering to Blago when it is related to a indirect Blago story, i.e. HB4450

    But let us avoid the man until after sentencing. Then we can have a whole day to discuss the trial in whole and other Blago bs during the “Blag-out.”

    Maybe we can even have a Blago Wrap-up party. No Blago until it is all over.

  20. - Levois - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 11:35 am:

    Oh post the Blago news as it comes. It’s topical especially since he’s going to be on trial. Of course we could leave alone his other shameless attempts to garner publicity.

  21. - Pat Collins - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 11:37 am:

    News as it comes in.

  22. - Say WHAT? - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 11:41 am:

    Post it all. Let him continue to sink his own boat.

  23. - Springfield Sceptic - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 11:46 am:

    Rich, you are at heart a newsman. In my opinion, one of the very best (not sucking up, just fact). Blago is news and he will continue to be until he fades away into the Federal Prison System.

  24. - Thomas Westgard - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 11:48 am:

    Blago’s hammer is kind of small. Just sayin’

  25. - If It Walks Like A Duck... - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    If you ever have a blago-free day he’ll probably assume the fetal position and whimper. BTW: I ain’t looking forward to the court proceedings with TV coverage. I say ban the cameras and hire Chris Britt as the courtroom artist.

  26. - Bill - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:03 pm:

    You see that Rod? If they do ban you from here you really will be over. I know you follow the blog regularly. After all, what else do you have to do all day? Maybe you should comment once in a while to let people know that you are still kicking and still consider yourself relevant. Cubs suck!
    Your friend,

  27. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:07 pm:

    ===I know you follow the blog regularly.===

    While governor, he was pretty ignorant of the workings of the Intertubes. Maybe he has had more time to figure out how to “log on” to that webby thingamajig.

  28. - Bill - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:30 pm:

    Harris used to give him printouts of the really good blog stuff.

  29. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:31 pm:

    That explains some things.

  30. - Gregor - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 12:38 pm:

    As long as he’s in his own section, people can take Blago or leave him as they see fit. When there is actual NEWS about him, sure, put it in… but he probably should be retired from being the subject of photo caption contests until after his trial now, unless there is some overwhelming reason.

  31. - Rob_N - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:20 pm:

    News is news.

    If people are sick of Blago-related news, they can skip over it.

    That said, malarkey about reality tv shows and shooting commercials on a green screen is overdone (in general, not necessarily at CapFax). Who cares?

  32. - Ghost - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 1:44 pm:


    include the pertinent stuff, dump the frilly. Or if you prefer, leave the gun, bring the cannoli.

  33. - HoosierDaddy - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 3:50 pm:

    Give us the Blago stuff, as it happens. This blog is at its best with the ‘on the spot’ news and insider scoops. Plus, the Blago pics are the best caption fodder– like

    “Here, let me try to get him, John” Rod Blagojevich takes the gavel to whack a Capitol cockroach after budget cuts force a reduction in pest control services.

  34. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 4:05 pm:

    Are you kidding me? A Blago free day? Never. Why would you cut your ad revenues by 20% by not having Blago on here every time he scratches an itch. Bring it on about Blago, Patti, Dick Mell, Harris, Rezko, Kelly, Monk, Cellini, Bob K, who am I forgetting? It’s just getting to the good part. Please don’t cut us out now.

  35. - Reddbyrd - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 4:56 pm:

    The folks who still think Blagoof is news, probably use TMZ as their network newscast. As soon as more folks get this in their noggin’s ( that includes World Laughing Stock - WLS-AM)that Blagoof is not news the better IL will be.

  36. - What's in a name? - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 4:59 pm:

    As long as we have Blago free state government, we don’t need a Blago free day.

  37. - Ucster - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 6:29 pm:

    Who is this Blagojevich that you speak of?

  38. - ahem - Tuesday, May 12, 09 @ 6:39 pm:

    I’ll never miss Blago but he does make a great punching bag. Oh - so sorry for the violent imagery!

  39. - Albert Pujols - Wednesday, May 13, 09 @ 1:00 am:

    Albert says, “PLEASE give us one no-Blago day per week until his trial begins(unless he or his lawyers do something particularly goofy that day).” Albert also says that the only thing that tires him more than constant Blago coverage is Albert punking the Cubs and their hapless fans year-after-year.

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