“New” thinking
Thursday, May 14, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I received this e-mail from the Senate Democrats last night…
You are invited to join an exclusive, blogger-only discussion regarding progress on upcoming legislation to reform Illinois government with members of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus. Senators Don Harmon, Jeff Schoenberg, Susan Garrett, Bill Haine and Kwame Raoul will provide you with an update and address submitted questions. Please respond to [redacted] to receive your password for the conference call and feel free to submit no more than three questions related to Ethics Reform measures.
The call will take place [today], Thursday, May 14 at 7:30pm.
Thank you in advance for your interest and participation.
Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus
I’ll probably participate just to hear what happens. I’m not quite sure how many bloggers got the invite, but if you have a blog and didn’t hear from them, you can e-mail me and I’ll pass along your info. On second thought, since I have a lot to do this afternoon, just put your contact info in comments and I’ll ask the SDems to check it. Thanks.
* And then a few minutes ago, we received word that House GOP Leader Tom Cross is opening up his Friday caucus meeting to Democrats, the general public, the media and everyone else.
Friday’s special guest is Patrick Collins, the chairman of the governor’s reform commission. Cross has pushed for a Committee of the Whole to debate the commission’s report, but that request has been repeatedly denied. So, they’re gonna do their own thing.
The meeting will take place tomorrow morning at 9:30 at the Howlett Building auditorium. Click here to read the letter from Cross to Collins.
* And Gov. Quinn is going out of state for Illinois’ new Department of Corrections Director…
A 19-year veteran of the Ohio prison system is expected to be named the new head of the Illinois Department of Corrections.
Michael P. Randle, assistant director of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, would replace Roger Walker at the helm of one of Illinois’ largest state agencies.
Gov. Pat Quinn will unveil his pick for the $150,000 per year post at a 1:30 p.m. news conference Thursday.
Randle served in a number of positions - including warden at two Ohio prisons - before moving into the system’s administrative division.
…Adding… I’ve told subscribers about this new web page, but forgot to tell everyone else. Tweet Illinois allows you to follow state legislative Twitter posts. It’s a great little page created by the Illinois Policy Institute.
- 2ConfusedCrew - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 1:06 pm:
Sorry Capt Fax I gotta weed my tomato patch so I will miss both the bloggoramabama and StateWideTom media orgy
- Reality is - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 1:21 pm:
Randle leaves Ohio amid an Inspector General’s investigation into his role with a contractor who bought furniture from the Department of Corrections.
In March, 10 Investigates discovered Randle’s Ohio State University fraternity brother had landed a deal that allowed him to purchase state made furniture for less than other state agencies could purchase the same furniture.
Randle declined to respond to e-mailed questions from 10 Investigates about the timing of his move to Illinois.
- Carl Nyberg - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 1:22 pm:
1. One of the popular methods of local politicians extracting money from taxing bodies is to run up legal bills. For example, a public entity will do something illegal like fire someone or deny a FOIA request. When the taxing body gets taken to court it hires a friendly law firm to do the legal work, often dragging out losing cases. Acting in flagrant violation of Illinois law is a win-win for local elected officials and their allies at municipal law firms. What should be done to address this? In my experience all enforcement entities, from the ARDC, the state’s attorney and U.S. attorney are reluctant to act against lawyers who facilitate illegal actions by the government.
2. Is there any good reason that people investing large sums of public money, like pensions and insurance policies, get paid on commission instead of flat fees or hourly rates that reflect the actual amount of work done?
3. Can the State of Illinois create website for registering complaints about enforcement bodies who have received complaints but failed to take action? For example, if a citizen makes a complaint to the state’s attorney and the state’s attorney fails to act, can there be one central website for publicizing these complaints where action has not been taken?
If the Senate Dems want me on the call, RadioNyberg circled “a” Yah00 spot com or 513-3476 in the 312.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 1:24 pm:
On the face of it, looks like a good move by Quinn to do a nationwide talent search and pick an apparently highly qualified person for a high profile admin job. State government staffing should be more like this, and less like the last several years.
- moron - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 1:31 pm:
Is this the thread where you want us to Collins slams today? I’m of a mind to really lay into that big phony today.
I mean, who does he think he is, anyway? What does he know? He’s an OUTSIDER! Doesn’t he know reform is JOHN FRITCHEY’S BABY? We will have NO reform before it’s time. John spent YEARS on his ground-breaking reforms, what does this bozo think he and his rag-tag entourage of goo-goos can get done in a hundred-some days. I mean, really. Come off it, Collins! Announce what office you are running for and get it over with already! Meanwhile, quit the grandstanding.
The next year or so Springfield has GOT to be cleaner than the last year or so. But Fritchey’s law hasn’t even been given a CHANCE! What if Springfield WERE perceived to be cleaner going forward? Well, Collins swooping in like he is, with his reform this and his reform that, will CONFUSE people, they might think it has something to do with HIM! When it was FRITCHEY all along! It’s NOT FAIR, I tell you!
- Rich Miller - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 1:33 pm:
Moron, you really need some help.
- Niles Township - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 1:37 pm:
Agree with Six Degree of Separation on the Quinn pick…looks like a good move.
With respect to the Tom Cross letter. Anyone read it in full? Anyone notice the man thinks Deaborn is spelled Deerborn? I know it is a little typo, but these things bug me. We are talking about major reforms, and we can’t even spell correctly the street named for the initial outpost in northern Illinois.
- Niles Township - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 1:38 pm:
See, now I mispelled it to. Karma…Dearborn.
- Louis Howe - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 1:50 pm:
Time to give an outsider a shot. Director Walker was AWOL most of his 6 years. However, I hope Randall doesn’t buy into the Hamos legislation. Obviously, the legislators that call Tamms a hell hole have either never been to Tamms or never experienced a real “Hell Hole.” Tamms is a modern facility that is air conditioned, clean, and quite. Statesville and Menard are “Hell Holes.” I hope Gov. Quinn realizes that taxpayers are stretched to the limit and are not in any mood to provide daycare facilities for the worst of the worst housed at Tamms.
- Ghost - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 2:02 pm:
Very interesting. Ohio has two privately operated prisons. I wonder if Quinn’s selection suggests IL may be considering traveling down this path as well
- RJW - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 2:13 pm:
Reality is:
Nice to see you giving new people a change. The man hasn’t even started yet and you condemn him from newspaper reports.
- RJW - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 2:14 pm:
I meant to say “giving new people a CHANCE.” Apparently I need a spell checker.
- Cassandra - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 2:19 pm:
Sounds young and ambitious with the right amount of experience and a resume that shows steady advancement. And courageous too, since he may have a new boss in a little over a year.
Let’s hope they let him pick his own top 20 or 30 people. I guess that’s where Madigan comes in.
- Anon - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 2:21 pm:
== Very interesting. Ohio has two privately operated prisons. I wonder if Quinn’s selection suggests IL may be considering traveling down this path as well ==
Ahh, a whole new source of payoff money! At least in Illinois — Pennsylvania just had a couple of judges get caught taking money from privately operated prisons in exchange for sending more “business” their way.
- Objective Dem - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 2:52 pm:
I applaud the idea of bringing in nationally respected people from outside Illinois to run state agencies. But I can’t tell from the press report if Randle is nationally respected. I just read the one link and it didn’t give me any sense of Randle’s accomplishments. The news report of a potential scandal raises concern.
I also would be interested in knowing the process of how Randle was selected. If I heard that Quinn’s staff called the head of relevant national associations and other governors for recommendations, I would be happy. If they said that the guy was a friend of a friend, I would not be.
- Princess - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 2:55 pm:
Cassandra you totally amuse me on your age thinking some days. Previous post today 55 is old, non-energetic and should be retiring. This post now 42 is young and ambitous. So according to you one is only productive for about 13 years of their life?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 3:01 pm:
I’m sure Mr. Randle will answer all questions about alleged insider-dealings in Ohio when he goes before the Senate Executive Appointments Committee.
- lake county democrat - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 3:10 pm:
I’d ask “today the Tribune reported that Mike Madigan is responsible for killing a bill you guys in the senate passed nearly unanimously to lower the veto requirement for the Cook County board. Do you guys have so little stroke that you can’t even get Mike Madigan to lower an 80% veto threshhold?”
- Reality is - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 4:00 pm:
RJW, I dont believe I condemed anyone, I merely linked an article without comment.
- Bob - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 4:00 pm:
No one in Illinois was qualified to be director. Why don’t we send Quinn to Ohio
- 2ConfusedCrew - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 4:29 pm:
Balmy Bob Pritchard — the guy who lined up with the Blagoof hacks to bash Madigan — is at it again.
“…. Partisan politics plagues Springfield
Posted: Thursday, May 14th, 2009
BY: Rep. Robert Pritchard
LAST Friday marked the deadline for final House committee action on bills that originated in the Senate. Over the next three weeks the full House will debate several hundred bills that passed out of committee and approve a budget. Since the Speaker of the House cancelled a scheduled session on Friday you might assume that progress is being made on balancing the budget and writing a long awaited capital project plan. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
Despite the hopes that a new governor and Senate president would break the logjam in Springfield, one man is poisoning the process — the Speaker of the House. As citizens of Illinois, you should be aware that the Democratic leadership is once again refusing to even talk with Republicans and has created a very partisan environment…..”
And what would be the point to meeting with the Republicans — except a headache.
- WARDOG - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 7:14 pm:
I wonder if Quinn will get rid of all the Democrat county committee men that are in admin. positions in IDOC. Walker rode in via Curry and some others from the Decatur area that were big supporters of Blago. I think maybe Quinn is slowly taking out the trash.
- Gregor - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 7:37 pm:
Well usually I prefer that you promote directors up out of the ranks of the longest-serving folks that have worked their way up and know what is what. But I can understand that with all the scandals, it may be that a new broom sweeps cleaner and a guy from outside may not carry as much baggage. Then I see that stuff about the prison industries scandal and I wonder if this outsider was the best outsider they could find. Maybe so, on short notice.
What I’d like to see next out of Corrections is a reduction of the overworking on those understaffed guard and medical positions, less of the mandatory overtime, and more money put towards treatment programs and parole officers. And open up the brand-new but empty prison to take some of the crowding off, or sell it to the feds, but put the damn thing to use already.
- Walk In My Shoes - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 7:52 pm:
I can only hope the new appointments do not stop here. Governor Quinn please turn your head and look at the sad state your new department of Juvenile Justice. Can you find a few qualified people to run the institutions that aren’t politically connected?
- RJW - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 8:19 pm:
Somebody always has a complaint. If they were from Illinois, especially Chicago, you would ask who they knew. They find someone with a national search and you ask why they hired from outside the state. Either people want “fumigation,” which would include nationwide searches, or they want to continue on the same old path. I can understand wanting to try to hire Illinois residents for “regular” state positions, but high level positions should be recruited like any company would recruit - nationally.
- wordslinger - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 8:37 pm:
To the Senate “Reformers”:
According to the Illinois Constitution:
(a) Legislative Districts shall be compact, contiguous
and substantially equal in population. Representative
Districts shall be compact, contiguous, and substantially
equal in population.
Note the words “compact” and “contiguous.” Obviously, they were included for a reason. Now, take a look at the GA map.
Questions: Who are we kidding here? What public purpose is served by sophisticated, computerized gerrymandering? What purpose, other than self-preservation, is served by incumbents in the majority drawing their own districts to their advantages?
What is the consensus “reform” answer?
- Tamms Insider - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 9:39 pm:
The Tamms issue really does need to be evaluated. I don’t care who you throw into a cage, after a while it would have a negative affect on anyone. Not to mention some of the staff who arrive at work each day thinking that it is their responsibility or purpose in life to make it as hard on the vics as possible. I was involved in transferring one vic from Tamms to another downstate facility. As we drove through one of the towns on the way the vic saw a young child and said that it had been so long since he had actually seen a child that the child did not look real. He said that he had forgotten what a childs voice sounded like because he was not allowed to watch tv while at Tamms. I was shocked to hear this and realized that this place was causing some serious damage good or bad. If you speak out about these issues you are a convict lover and blackballed by everyone. Send in fresh eyes and look at new policies, there has to be a better way.
- anon - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 10:14 pm:
There will be no reform in Illinois until Madigan is removed as Party Chair and Speaker. Electing his daughter is not a step toward reform either.
- Tamms Insider - Thursday, May 14, 09 @ 10:36 pm:
Walk in My Shoes - I do in IDOC so I know what you are talking about. I watched as people who I considered were real leaders were fired by Blago. These people were the ones that I went to the academy with, worked the gallery with, responded and walked back to back with while dragging a friend off the gallery. The leaders who paid their dues on the gallery, chow halls, and everywhere a code was called were all fired and replaced by politicians. Do you think that Randal is going to search these people out and put them back into play. It is not a perfect world, just maintain.
- Lynn S - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 12:58 am:
And what are the odds on Mr. Randle pleading the 5th or declining to answer said questions on the advice of his attorney? Pretty good, I’d say…wouldn’t want anything on the record in Illinois that can be used by the Ohio folks.
- Juvenile injustice - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 7:51 am:
WHAT?..you mean the Department of Juvenile Justice has a Director? You wouldn’t know it.
- 2ConfusedCrew - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 7:58 am:
While ya’ll are talking reform and elections with StateWideTom today could someone ask him to support SB600 which allows for election of the Circular Firing Squad central committee
- 3 beers to springfield - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 8:40 am:
Has the “reform” discussion addressed lobbying by former legislators or lobbyists who are close relatives of legislators? I have no firsthand knowledge, but have heard stories of lobbyists who intimate that their lgislature relative’s support may be easier to obtain if the lobbyist’s firm is hired.