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Question of the day

Friday, May 15, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sports Illustrated has named its five best and worst baseball owners.

* The Question: Who is the best owner in Illinois sports? Who is the worst? As always, please explain your answer.


  1. - Levois - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:00 am:

    Right now I’ll have to point to Rocky Wirtz and that’s thanks to the current playoff run of the Blackhawks. A huge turnaround!

  2. - WOW - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:01 am:

    BEST: Art Rooney Jr. of the Steelers. No one has done more for the game of football than him. He is the reason African American coaches even get interviews. He cares about his team first and foremost (not the money).

    WORST: Sam Zell. I am no cubs fan by any means but the length he has been going through to low ball the team does nothing to advance the sport.

  3. - Concerned Observer - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:03 am:

    Levois is probably correct…Wirtz, for the way he and his company have brought Chicago back to NHL revelance. And don’t think that’s just because they have a good team…it was the decision to put games on TV, to become more fan-friendly…they really have reversed a culture.

    I’d put Reinsdorf second. He brought a World Series trophy here and is always tinkering with the Cell to make it more fan-friendly. Plus, the Bulls are relevant again (but that’s mostly D-Rose).

    Tribune Company/Sam Zell is easily in last place, for a variety of fairly obvious reasons. Number one on that list: They’re trying desperately to sell the franchise.

  4. - wordslinger - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:05 am:

    Best: By far, it’s Jerry Reinsdorf. Six NBA Titles and the only World Series from two teams since the Wilson Administration.

    Titles aside, he has been a great corporate citizen, plowing millions of dollars (all that split the pot money at games) into ballfields and equipment for kids on the South and West Sides.

    In addition, the Sox operate hundreds of baseball camps every summer around the area at a very nominal cost. I know, my sons went to them at the park three blocks from our house. Their instructors included at times the very young Aaron Rowand and Joe Crede. First-class, all the way.

    In addition, my kids have played in basketball leagues, also at a nominal price, at the Bulls/Sox Academy in Lisle. State-of-the-art facility, kids playing basketball about 16 hours a day.

    That said, Rocky Wirtz is having a heckuva year, isn’t he? Has any franchise ever enjoyed such a complete reversal of fortune in such a short time? Bring on the Red Wings, and tell Chelios his AARP card is no good in Chicago anymore. Youth will be served!

    Worst: Sam Zell. Total mercenary, only in it for the money. Played ball with Blago on a Wrigley deal. Nuff said.

  5. - Capitol View - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    Reinsdorf as both best and worst. His ups and downs are worse than the roller coaster ride that it Illinois state government and politics.

    He led to Bulls to greatness, and then let his GM destroy the team. He paid Michael Jordan to play baseball, just to keep him under contract and in Chicago.

    With the White Sox, he helped cause the lockout that ended the 84 season early - when his team was a strong contender for the World Series that year. But he helped bring a Series Championship in 2005 by supporting his GM Williams. He also was willing to fight to get a new stadium in Chicago rather than move the team west - although I worry that the White Sox lease on the Padded Cell ends next year, and he is free to move (or threaten to move) the team again. Is that park a site for a new Chicago AFC football team if he does take the team to another city?

    Life is always interesting with Jerry around…

  6. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:14 am:

    WOW, this is about Illinois owners.

  7. - tubbfan - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:23 am:

    Worst, by far, is the McCaskey family. They don’t seem like they know how to produce a winner consistently.

    I would also agree that Sam Zell is a failure, but he never claimed to want the Cubs to succeed. How are we to judge a man who always wanted to divest himself of the organization?

    The best would be Rocky Wirtz who seems to have done everything right. Simply doing the opposite of whatever his father wanted would be the right thing, it seems.

  8. - Deep South - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:24 am:

    I would have to say that the Wrigley’s were the worst owners. The Cubs are still trying to overcome a long-term legacy of losing established under the Wrigley’s ownership.

    I’d say Reinsdorf was the best for reasons already stated.

  9. - Randolph - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:25 am:

    I think if you’re talking major professional ownership, then it’s gotta be Rocky Wirtz. The decisions he’s made since taking over have been sound, both on and off the ice. This one isn’t even close.

    The worst, by far, is Zell. As a Cubs fan, I can’t wait until his greedy hands are removed from the team.

    However, if you’re talking best pro owner overall in the state, I’m going with the Vonachens and the Peoria Chiefs Class A Cubs affiliate. They always have great promotions and entertainment at the park, the stadium is nice, and best of all, it doesn’t break the bank to go to a game.

  10. - Sam E. - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:30 am:

    Though his early stewardship of the Sox was shaky (firing Harry Caray, putting games on pay t.v., building a disappointing new stadium,) winning a World Series rights a lot of wrongs. So my vote for best goes to Reinsdorf.

    Worst, is easily the Tribune Company. Epic failure despite having terrific resources.

    Rich, while we’re at it, allow me to add a third catagory: “most overrated sports management figure.”

    I nominate the Hawks John McDonough. The guy is the toast of the town for being some kind of marketing genius. Come on. Like it takes a genius to put home games on t.v. and bring Bobby Hull back to do a ceremonial puck drop.

    Dale Tallon is responsible for the Hawks resurgence. Not Rocky Wirtz and McDonough.

  11. - wordslinger - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    One more thing about Reisdorf…

    A friend of mine’s son works in the Sox ticket office (not a big job). The year they won the Series, Reinsdorf took all the team’s full-time, front-office people to Houston for the games there. Chartered jet, all accommodations, meals, transit — everything was top-drawer and paid for by the boss.

    They all got World Series rings, too. You should see them. I’ve had cars that were smaller.

    You think Zell or McCaskey would do that?

  12. - Reddbyrd - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    Best —- Illinois Taxpayers they put some great teams and amusing antics on and off the court/field in Carbondale, Champaign Dekalb, etc.
    Worst — Tie Tribune Co (all renditions) and Halas & heirs.

  13. - 10th Indy - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:41 am:

    Best 2
    1. Rocky for all the right reasons listed above. 2. Kevin Costner for giving us fabulous baseball movie characters and the soon to be named (Lake County Comets is the current leader)Northern League baseball team to Lake County.

    Worst - Greedy Zell.

  14. - Dan S, a Voter and Cubs Fan - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:46 am:

    Best: Pete Vonachen Peoria Chiefs, Worst: A Ray Smith Springfield Redbirds

  15. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 11:54 am:

    Explain, please. Thanks.

  16. - Hon. Cranial Lamb - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 12:02 pm:

    Best: Reinsdorf - for all the reasons mentioned above, commitment to winning and to the fans and the community. I was a little annoyed at how Phil Jackson and Michael Jordan weren’t courted to stay here, but whatever. . .Sure Rocky Wirtz is a great story and has done a great job with the Hawks, but this is just one season. His father treated fans like dirt for decades . . .

    Worst: McCaskey Family - they meddlers, they make bad investments and they fired the Honey Bears, they banned tailgaiting . . . they aren’t fan friendly. Oh yeah and that stadium is awful looking.

  17. - lake county democrat - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 12:38 pm:

    Hey guys (and gals), I’m a Cub-hating Sox fan, but how can you call Zell the worst? He has continued the sky-high Cubs payroll that had a legit shot at the World Series last year and, for all their faults and injuries, this year. He’s the worst NEWSPAPER owner in Illinois, fur shure!

    I’d say the worst is Reinsdorf — not only did he deceive his way into an awful stadium on the taxpayers dime, the white flag trade was unforgiveable (we were just 3 games out with Robin Ventura coming off the DL — when you have a legit shot, you don’t blow up the team, that’s a betrayal to fans). The Bulls won despite his management as much as because of it, and his refusal to pull the trigger on late season moves almost cost the Sox the 2005 season and hurt the Sox in 2008 (Junior does not count).

    Best owner: Lee Stern — ended the Chicago championship draught and championed soccer in the way only a true fan can. I’m presuming he owns some sort of team (indoor, minor league, rollerderby) somewhere in Illinois :-)

  18. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 12:45 pm:

    ===his refusal to pull the trigger on late season moves almost cost the Sox the 2005 season ===

    I’ll disagree with that one. I’m no Reinsdorf fan, but bringing in some overpaid superstar in ‘05 would’ve killed that team’s chemistry. It was absolutely the right move.

  19. - Amy - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 1:27 pm:

    It’s totally easy to say Rocky Wirtz right now….what a great change for that franchise in a short window with amazing success. (Bonus, isn’t Chelsea Dagger fun?)

    But Mr. Reinsdorf has delivered for Chicago big time over many many years, saving the White Sox, getting a World Series winner, and then there are those repeat the three peat Chicago Bulls.
    Seven world championships, rallies and parades, great announcer decisions, and great, great play. Thank you Mr. Reinsdorf, Sox and Bulls.

    Never mind the consistent but quiet community work of the teams. The White Sox rehabbed all of the ball fields in the City, naturally using the work of the Sodfather. Their clinics for kids are truly great.

    the worst is all the management of the Cubs. Dumpy ballpark, only recently redone food menu, overblown management decisions, stupid loss of Steve Stone, and then there is the crowning glory for me, the ticket scandal.

    only in Illinois would that scheme be found legal. The WGN tv and radio/CLTV/Tribune/ superstation media stranglehold on this city gave cover to jacking up the ticket prices. Only Greg Couch in the Sun Times, in award worthy work, showed the management to be what they are…rip off artists.

  20. - Amy - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 1:32 pm:

    Capitol View, there was a strike shortened season in the 80s, but i think you mean 94 not 84. and, from that era, Frank Thomas so deserves the MVP since the winner is now shown to be steroid boy. I have a pal who cannot forgive Reinsdorf, but I think he has more than proven his worth as a leader, and a big winner.

  21. - Capitol View - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 2:03 pm:

    You’re right, Amy - 94, not 84. The final weeks of session addle what’s left of my brain.

    Frank Thomas was a petulent child for a few years, but I share your respect for what he did over many years for the Sox.

  22. - Anonymous - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 2:38 pm:

    Rocky Wirtz only gets mentioned as a great owner because he is not his father. Kinda like the bump Quinn gets for not being Blago. I’m a huge Hawks fan but I have yet to see anything on Wirtz Jr. that I would describe as above average let alone extraordinary. Keep in mind, this team was almost entirely assembled by old man Wirtz and his GM Dale Tallon. Even if they were not on TV they would still be packing the house during this season. Winning is what brought the sell-outs not TV, not Mikita and Hull and Tony O. Old man Wirtz was a relic and a fool and I couldn’t stand him as a fan but he is still the reason the Hawks are great this year. Now, on to the question…

    Best: Reinsdorf– Bottom line is winning and he has won more than anyone.

    Worst: Reinsdorf– His ownership model is outdated for modern sports. He is way too loyal to his GMs. Krause was horrible and Paxson is arguably worse.

  23. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    The McCaskeys for best and worst.

    They gave us 1985, the Super Bowl Shuffle (and victory), Walter, Devin Hester, and another shot in 2007.

    They also gave us Wanny, Curtis Enis, Henry Burris, and the Spaceship that Landed in the Coliseum.

  24. - Abe Froman - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    No question, Rocky Wirtz is the best owner in Chicago. Reinsdorf did well with the Bulls, but he can’t figure out how to get the Sox out of second-class status in Chicago (Before you Sox fans get all nuts, the attendance numbers don’t lie. They couldn’t even sell out games after winning the WS).

    Rocky put together one of the best front offices in sports and is completely committed to the customer/fan. And he’s an approachable guy who’s actually comfortable being around the people who pay for his product.

  25. - Cosmic Charlie - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 2:43 pm:

    Not sure why I was listed as Anonymous… This is me… Sorry for repeat

    Rocky Wirtz only gets mentioned as a great owner because he is not his father. Kinda like the bump Quinn gets for not being Blago. I’m a huge Hawks fan but I have yet to see anything on Wirtz Jr. that I would describe as above average let alone extraordinary. Keep in mind, this team was almost entirely assembled by old man Wirtz and his GM Dale Tallon. Even if they were not on TV they would still be packing the house during this season. Winning is what brought the sell-outs not TV, not Mikita and Hull and Tony O. Old man Wirtz was a relic and a fool and I couldn’t stand him as a fan but he is still the reason the Hawks are great this year. Now, on to the question…

    Best: Reinsdorf– Bottom line is winning and he has won more than anyone.

    Worst: Reinsdorf– His ownership model is outdated for modern sports. He is way too loyal to his GMs. Krause was horrible and Paxson is arguably worse.

  26. - Patrick Kissane - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 2:56 pm:

    WOW! A year ago people would have mentioned Don Levin and the Chicago Wolves in a discussion like this. But since he brought in management by the Rush AND the Blackhawks have found their feet it has been different. I remember a time when there was discussion that the Calder Cup champion Wolves could take the Blackhawks in a series. Now, they aren’t even given a thought.

    How times change. Rich, I’ll throw a shoutout on this discussion in my blog.

  27. - stones - Friday, May 15, 09 @ 4:40 pm:

    Best - Reinsdorf hands down. Rocky Wirtz is an up and comer.

    Worst - The Halas Family followed by the Chicago Tribune.

  28. - wordslinger - Saturday, May 16, 09 @ 9:45 am:

    LCD, can’t agree with you on the 2005 Sox. That team won the World Series, remember, losing only one game in the post-season? And they did it without Mags, El Caballo and The Big Hurt.

    Kenny Williams should have been exec of the year, instead of the guy from Cleveland.

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