Simply amazing
Sunday, May 17, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * My new favorite iPhone app by far is Vlingo. It’s not only a very accurate and effective voice dialer, but it’ll do voice-activated Google searches and I’ve been able to post updates at Twitter and FaceBook with my voice. As Ron Popeil used to say: “Simply amazing.” I’m hoping they’ll add texting and e-mailing capability and then it’ll be almost perfect. Vlingo also apparently works with Blackberry and Nokia. Go check it out. Are there any other apps I should be downloading?
- Quacktastic - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 3:17 pm:
MLB has an app that is tied to your favorite team.
- Rich Miller - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 3:19 pm:
Yeah. I have that one. Thanks, though.
It should be interesting to see if we get many comments on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon.
- LathamPlace - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 4:07 pm:
This is a good question. I’m curious what apps others are using too. I’m definately bored with all my apps and need some new ones.
- jevan06s - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 4:11 pm:
Hmmm…is there an app that lets legislators know how bad things will get if they pass a budget with no new revenue?
I mean, is not obvious to every single one that every advocacy organization that represents government funded services will be after them non-stop until the next election?
- jevan06s - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 4:12 pm:
Sorry for the thread hijack Rich, maybe my commment will be ignored, like the looming disaster of a budget based on no new revenues.
- LathamPlace - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 4:13 pm:
There needs to be a CapFax app.
- Rep. John Fritchey - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 4:24 pm:
Rich, Vlingo could be the best app I’ve downloaded in a while. Easy Email is good too if you like to type on a landscape keyboard. And Wurdle is my favorite game for a little brain exercise.
- Anonymiss - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 5:29 pm:
Purely for entertainment value - stachetastic. Allows you to add mustaches, beards, etc to otherwise unamusing photos. Like the handlebar I just added to Rep. Fritchey’s headshot.
- Rep. John Fritchey - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 6:09 pm:
Awww, I don’t even get a little slack on a Sunday. And a handlebar? Not even a goatee or a van dyke?
- millercaucus - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 6:51 pm:
Rich, vlingo plus, from what I understand, allows you to use vlingo for texts and emails, although you have to shell out 18 bucks for lifetime use or until they go bankrupt. This is for the blackberry though and I know you (and most 18-21 year olds) use the crappy Iphone so you may be SOL.
- LizBrown - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 7:16 pm:
I’ve been using this on blackberry for a while now! It’s awesome.
- Doug - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 8:02 pm:
CapitolFax needs an iPhone app.
- Rich Miller - Sunday, May 17, 09 @ 9:21 pm:
===CapitolFax needs an iPhone app.===
Only if I can figure out how to include my advertising in it.
- He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Monday, May 18, 09 @ 8:16 am:
One app I have that is really cool is Shazam. If a song is playing on the Radio you cant think of the name or Artest you can “Tag” it and it will listen for a few seconds and then give you the information. The Weather Channel also is a good app that you can see interactive maps.
- BIG R.PH. - Monday, May 18, 09 @ 9:04 am:
Best Game: Flight Control. You get to play the flight controller and land different aircraft by drawing with your finger on the screen. Very Addicting. New record yesterday 130
Shazam: Hold it up to a speaker and it will tell you what song is playing. Amazing
WunderRadio: You can listen to radio stations all over the world.
Hold ‘em and 21 Pro. Helps to feed the gambling addiction without going broke
- Wumpus - Monday, May 18, 09 @ 9:16 am:
I don’t have an Iphone, but I hear there is a flashlight app. Not complicated, but I am entertained by lights and sounds
- Arthur Andersen - Monday, May 18, 09 @ 11:47 pm:
Second the vote for Flight Control if you have any interest in that area. Agree-very addicting. I have a way to go to hit Big RPh.’s record, though.
O/T but the next Big Thing-Rich, check out Wolfram Alpha at It’s a new problem-solving search engine debued today over in the ‘Paign. Incredible.