Videos of the day - New TV ads
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * We have two new TV ads today from opposite sides of the budget debate. The first is from the Jobs Coalition. It makes a bit of fun of SEIU’s earlier ad which featured a hunk of raw meat… * AFSCME’s new TV ad warns about the dire consequences of not raising state taxes… Rate ‘em and discuss. ![]()
- bored now - Tuesday, May 19, 09 @ 11:31 am:
i didn’t realize that springfield’s budget was in excess of $63B, let alone realized that there was $63B in fat there!
sounds like some ad firm failed to do a fact check on their ad. i’d give it an F for being misleading, and offering no solution to the problem…
- Cal Skinner - Tuesday, May 19, 09 @ 11:32 am:
At least AFSCME uses the “T” word. I give them credit for that.
Now, if they would also say it’s a 50% income tax hike being sought…
but I’m asking too much, right?
- How Ironic - Tuesday, May 19, 09 @ 11:35 am:
The first one is long on BS and really short on solutions. No solutions offered, and no specifics on what should be cut. F on the 1st.
2nd ad was better, although the childs voice was a little gratuitous (sp?). I give it a B.
- Anders Lindall - Tuesday, May 19, 09 @ 11:47 am:
In addition to this TV ad, AFSCME is also airing a radio spot. Hear it at:
- Princess - Tuesday, May 19, 09 @ 12:15 pm:
AFSCME’s ad is good, short and to the point. I like the child’s voice, brings to mind the education funding (her future depends on it) human services (hopefully her safety net)and medical (kids care) all in one punch–a call where no one is there to care or help. No a scare tactic, but reality.
- David Ormsby - Tuesday, May 19, 09 @ 12:16 pm:
The AFSCME ad visual of a ringing, unanswered fails to pack an visual punch. It’s a better radio ad, than television.
- siriusly - Tuesday, May 19, 09 @ 12:51 pm:
I liked the AFSCME ad, plus it is really aimed at legislators not the voters. I think that playing on the “responsibility” that many feel was a good message for them.
The first ad was a good idea, but it relied so heavily on visuals like a steak with fat on the other side. But couldn’t they find a real fatty steak instead of just putting some fake fat on there? It didn’t look real and the picture of the “dieter” at the end was awful. I give that ad an F.
- gg - Tuesday, May 19, 09 @ 1:00 pm:
The steak ad is a good concept.
The execution was poor. C+
The AFSCME ad is attempting to raise fear.
I personally am tired of the abused child
fear mongering … but fear sells.
Good execution but seems phoney because the politicals use kids for everything … lottery.
I give it a D.
- Princess - Tuesday, May 19, 09 @ 1:21 pm:
Sorry you feel this way, -gg “I personally am tired of the abused child fear mongering … but fear sells’—but as the recession lingers and lifes and families struggle, child abuse rises. I’m sure state caseworkers could tell you the hopelessness, stress and fear facing many families today and it’s the innocent children trying to get through everyday that I worry about. I don’t look at possible endangered children as ’selling’ tactics.
- Say WHAT? - Tuesday, May 19, 09 @ 3:35 pm:
AFSME’s would have been way better if the guy at the end was a smooth dude in a suit holding a steak, and the ordinary looking guy (at the end)took the steak away and gave him a salad. I give it a c-
The second one lacks visual pop. I agree with David Ormsby. It does, however, remind people of how frustrated they get when they call their pols and get answering machines. It kind of implies, if left up to these non-caring idiots, this is how all programs will be run. I think they missed their target. F
- votegetter - Thursday, May 21, 09 @ 11:24 am:
How Iron
No solutions? where is any cuts from Quinn? Blago was impeached for starting a giveaway program without the general Assemblys OK but it was never cut back to where it was before. The GA just increased their pay cut that back! Education spending has increased every year freeze it for a year. How about zero based budgeting? Is it right for AFSCME to use taxpayer dollars (from their state workers) to get more taxes? It’s using my money against me isn’t it? Good job jobs coalition for showing taxpayers that the pols are fibbing again!