Sneed: Kennedy is in
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Sneed claims a Chris Kennedy run is a done deal…
Scoopsville . . .
Bet the ranch.
Sneed has learned the Merchandise Mart’s Chris Kennedy, son of the late U.S. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, will announce next week he is running for the U.S. Senate.
Sneed has also learned Kennedy, who lives with his wife, Sheila, and four children in Kenilworth, has hired the prestigious media consultant firm AKPD and has already shot his first TV campaign commercial.
AKPD was founded by President Obama’s senior adviser David Axelrod. Axelrod divested himself of the firm when he took the White house job.
More from her column…
• • The rationale: Top Dem party sources tell Sneed a Kennedy candidacy would come with instantaneous name recognition. “He’s also lived here for 25 years, is in his late 40s, comes from a business background, and has that Kennedy magic,” the source added.
• • The pol shot: The battle for Obama’s old seat is up for grabs. Former U.S. Commerce Secretary Bill Daley just opted out of the race; state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias held a fund-raiser for his Senate exploratory committee starring rocker Pete Wentz May 11 in Chicago, and U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky is now seriously eyeing a bid.
* Sweet isn’t as sure, but filed this yesterday afternoon…
-Everything I am hearing on Tuesday points to Chris Kennedy getting into the Illinois 2010 Senate race. Maybe this will change but a Kennedy decision is close. As of Tuesday afternoon, the plan calls for him to be announcing sometime probably next week. Long time Kennedy family friend Jay Doherty is being tapped to head up the fund-raising effort. […]
I talked to Kennedy on Tuesday night. “I’m keeping my options alive and working through a whole series of issues still,” he told me.
* And Larry wonders why a Cleveland deal isn’t getting more press…
Chris Kennedy has been getting pretty glowing coverage lately–in Chicago–not so much in Cleveland. Kennedy’s Merchandise Mart company has clouted a deal through the Cuyahoga county board where the county will float $900 million in bonds to build a mart that Kennedy’s company will then own, having only to put up $20 million and get all the profits for 20 years and having all their property taxes comped.
There’s profanity there, so beware if you are or have to be sensitive, but check out this excerpt from a Cleveland Plain Dealer story…
The decision, if it holds, would mean the county has decided to spend nearly a half-billion public dollars without holding a meeting in public to discuss the basis for its decision.
To make it happen, Hagan overrode the concerns of the county’s $100,000 negotiator, who wanted time to bargain with landowners before committing to one site.
Why the sudden rush? Why all the secrecy? And why would a county government in the middle of a sweeping federal corruption investigation choose not to conduct its business in the most open way possible?
Try to avoid generic Kennedy family bashing in comments. It’s truly boring. Come up with something new, please.
- Wumpus - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:28 am:
Gee, I wonder what revelations Axelrod wil have about Kennedy in a few years after he embarrasses himself.
- Anonymous in Chicago - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:28 am:
So is Kennedy daring Lisa to get in?
- wordslinger - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:31 am:
I can’t see both Alexi and Kennedy staying in the race. Someone will blink.
- CC425 - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:35 am:
excited to see what AKPD will do without their frontrunner, axelrod. should be interesting to see what they can do with a lower budget, and if any of kennedy’s ads will parallel obama’s…
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:37 am:
If Kennedy gets in it would pretty much guarantee Lisa Madigan’s run at Governor. I don’t think she wants to start fundraising from scratch against a Kennedy or maybe she decides to wait 4 years-but I doubt it.
- Oneman - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:38 am:
I don’t see Alexi blinking, also look how well ‘business leaders’ have done in senate primaries in this state
- Oneman - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:41 am:
Also his big work outside the family stuff is ADM don’t see that playing real well south of I-80
- Concerned Observer - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:43 am:
I hope this isn’t “generic Kennedy bashing” because I have nothing for or against the guy, but…
It feels like pundits, and maybe Kennedy himself, are REALLY overestimating the “name recognition” factor. Yes, we all know “Kennedy”…but I think a lot of people would be hard-pressed to point to something, positive or negative, that Chris Kennedy has done in Illinois.
I just don’t think he starts out as far ahead as he seems to think he will.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:44 am:
OK - who will voters select?
The Kenilworth Kennedy handed fame and fortune upon birth, or the candidate who portrays themselves as a person who worked their way up? During an economic recession as severe as this one, which kind of candidate will voters admire?
Whoever is considering a run needs to get to Kenilworth and start shooting the toney lifestyle some folks just get handed to them.
As a matter of fact, with the Banker’s son, the Speaker’s daughter, and King Camelot’s nephew running - there is a wide opening for a candidate that voters can identify with.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:47 am:
Are Democrats still trying to sell themselves as the party of the average guy? Sounds like they need a few to run in their primaries.
- Belle - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:47 am:
Cleveland, the Chicago of Ohio.
- OneMan - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:51 am:
Also is it just me or to some extent does he seem like a Democratic Andy McKenna when Andy ran for senate the first time (Kennedy does have a better base to raise money from I will grant). A business guy who has done little in local politics, runs a family business started by a previous generation.
- Abe Froman - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:54 am:
“Kennedy Magic”???????
The dems really don’t get it! In a state where everyone is sick and tired of people getting office based only on their name they are trotting out one of the most polarizing names imaginable.
“Vote for me for U.S. Senate. I run an office building and go to black tie parties!”
This poor guy is being sold a bill of good by consultants drooling over his money. He may be a lovely person but this has disaster written all over it.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:54 am:
I would think for Giannoulias to beat Kennedy he better get some big help from his b-ball pal and get the chief-o-staff to clam up. VanMan is right in that a will of the people candidate could make inroads, however, he better have money otherwise no one will ever hear of him.
Besides, whoever gets in still has to get by the Juggernaut named Burris, Bwaaha.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:55 am:
The mart deal should be a dealbreaker from most voters. The public as a whole is very opposed to the recent TARP funds and the Feds “bridge loans”. If Mr. Kennedy is perceived to be someone who would use the Senate to only futher his own financial and familial agenda, I would hope Dem primary voters turn elsewhere.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 9:56 am:
In politics, the Kennedy name brings positives and negatives, but very few of the negatives would be seen in a Democratic primary. They would manifest themselves in a general election.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:03 am:
I Believe in You - Frank Loesser, from “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” enhanced by VanillaMan
The Democratic Primary Contenders Sing!
Chris Kennedy looks into his bathroom mirror…
Now there you are!
Yes, with that name!
That name that everyone trusts.
I would embrace me, too!
Here me say it.
But say it I must,
Say it I must…
I have the noblesse oblige,
of Camelot, and that is the truth,
Yet, there’s that Kennedy chin
And the grin of impetuous youth.
Oh, I believe in me,
I believe in me.
Lisa Madigan looks into her bathroom mirror…
I hear the sound of good
Solid judgment whenever Daddy talks.
Yet, there’s the bold, brave spring
Of the tiger that quickens his walks.
(roar, roar!)
Oh, I believe in me,
I believe in me.
Alexi Giannoulais looks into his bathroom mirror…
And when my faith in my family bank
Oh but falls apart,
I’ve but to feel Barack’s hand grasping mine
And I take heart,
I take heart.
Oh, I believe in me,
I believe in me.
Jan Schakowsky looks into her bathroom mirror…
To see the cool clear
Spouse of a man who will not tell the truth,
Yet like the slam, bang, tang of
Lincoln’s quick visit from Booth.
Oh, I believe in me,
I believe in me!
- wordslinger - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:05 am:
– In a state where everyone is sick and tired of people getting office based only on their name…—
Really? It seems a majority of people keep voting them in. When’s the last time a “family brand name” lost a big election in Illinois? Adlai against Thompson?
Brand names are powerful, in commerce and politics. And not just in Illinois. Don’t look now, but next year Jerry Brown might return as governor of California, 36 years after he was first elected to the office.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:05 am:
=== In a state where everyone is sick and tired of people getting office based only on their name ===
And you base that “everyone” observation on what poll or election result?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:09 am:
Chris Kennedy needs to work on his facebook outreach…
here is the only politician listed under chris kennedy:
- Skirmisher - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:10 am:
The man is not quite the carpetbagger that his father and other kin have been, as he has been here for 24 years. But he certainly has no experience in Illinois politics or governing that would qualify him for a Senate seat either. Then again, we in Illinois have shown a tendency recently to rapidly elevate to the highest offices the least experienced and qualified of our pols, presumably because political experience in Illinois equals corruption that can be poison a national campaign. So who knows? That this is even a possibility shows how low we have sunk here in Illinois.
- gg - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:11 am:
Kennedy is a done deal.
Joe six-pack never votes for Joe six-pack.
In this time of need,(pregnant pause …)the people need, want and shall receive, GLAMOR … GLITZ and bright smiles.
This is a one party town and Kennedy is the annointed one. Get used to it. It will not even be close.
Sorry downstate … I reckon y’all will “luvvv that Kennedy smile” even more than Chicago.
(Gomer Pyle accent please).
Champagne winks and caviar smiles.
It’s a steamroller.
Last depression … FDR.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:11 am:
Yet, there’s that Kennedy chin
And the grin of impetuous youth.
Now THAT’s some non-generic Kennedy-bashing!
Seriously, in a crowded field of Kennedy, Gia, Jan S. and Burris, a solid A-A bloc just might make the unthinkable, thinkable. Mausoleum engravers, take heart.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:14 am:
Here’s a poll that for some reason Rich never posted yesterday….Vallas 44% Claypool 23%,CST-NWS-SNEED19.article
- ConservativeVeteran - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:16 am:
The article states that Kennedy will announce his campaign next week. When he announces that he’ll announce, that’s an announcement.
I hope that Reps. Kirk and Schakowsky will run for the U.S. Senate. Both of them have been in the U.S. House long enough, so they should try to win a higher office.
- Niles Township - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:21 am:
—–As a matter of fact, with the Banker’s son, the -Speaker’s daughter, and King Camelot’s nephew running - there is a wide opening for a candidate that voters can identify with.—
Vanilla Man, I agree with you, but I’m not sure the electorate will. As Rich has already said, when does the guy votes can indentify with ever get elected, or even run. There are too few examples.
- rachel - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:27 am:
~Yes, we all know “Kennedy”…but I think a lot of people would be hard-pressed to point to something, positive or negative, that Chris Kennedy has done in Illinois.~
Chris Kennedy has been very involved with Special Olympics in Illinois. Always willing to meet and take pictures with the athletes , no matter how long the line or how hot the day. I have a picture of him and my brother on my bulletin board at work, love both of their smiles!
- oneman - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 10:51 am:
Jack Ryan has a great smile and worked with a lot of chairity, we saw how that worked
- Narcoleptic - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 11:17 am:
So, if Robin Kelley has already announced for Treasurer and Kennedy forces Alexi to “blink”, as Word suggested, and Lisa is really fer shur going to run for Governor now, what does Alexi do? Hynes, of course, goes for AG. Makes it a little more interesting if Alexi pauses to rewind.
- Abe Froman - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 11:22 am:
Why would Alexi blink? Why are some Dems so blindly obsessed by Kennedys? This is shaping up as a brawl on the Dem side. The various polls posted here in recent weeks (OK Rich?)show there is nothing cast in stone yet. All the potential Dem candidates (Alexi, Kennedy, Jan, Cheryl Jackson, etc.) have strengths and weaknesses. None of them is a lock on the nomination and all of them have serious flaws when it comes to a statewide primary and general election race.
- grant39 - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 11:24 am:
The field is getting awfully crowded on the Dem side. Where is Kennedy’s base? What is his rationale for running? I can’t see that he’s done anything but be born into a famous family, with a famous last name. No one has any idea what sort of campaigner he’ll be, whether he is as charming as his mythical forebears or as dry as toast. I like Roland’s chances more and more.
- gg - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 11:27 am:
All you pundits can cry
“It’s not fair” all you want.
Kennedy is a done deal.
Look around … open you eyes
- Abe Froman - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 11:33 am:
gg sounds like the typical Kennedy sycophant. “All bow before the glory of the Kennedy name!”
What should we “look around” at? Do YOU have polling data that shows it’s a “done deal?”
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 11:46 am:
Kennedy is not a done deal if Obama says 3 words, “I’m for Alexi”.
- Amber - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 11:48 am:
This looks like very bad news for the Democrats. Alexi Giannoulias is already in the race with $1.1 million in the bank and experience winning a statewide political campaign. Kennedy brings one of the best names in politics and close ties to the Chicago business community. Jan Schakowsky, who is still seriously mulling a bid, would have instant support among progressives and unions.
And finally there is Roland Burris who has proven he can get the support of black political leaders despite how he came to the office. He could count on a sizeable portion of the black vote.
That would be the Democratic primary: three relatively evenly matched opponents pummeling each other into oblivion while Roland Burris waits in the wings hoping to scrape by.
The entry of Kennedy into the race also begs the question of whether Mike Madigan will get involved. He and Giannoulias have a long-standing feud and Madigan did everything he could to destroy Alexi in the 2006 primary. Considering the odd comments Lisa Madigan made a few weeks ago about discussing the race with Kennedy, perhaps Madigan has gotten involved already.
Finally, I have to wonder whether hiring David Axelrod’s firm is going to help Kennedy that much. Remember, we just elected an Illinois Democrat to the White House. Obama took a lot of Illinois’ political operatives, David Axelrod chief among them, to Washington with him. How good is Axelrod’s firm without him? How deep is the Illinois Democratic political operative bench now that so many of them are in Washington working for Obama?
The last thing the Democrats want is a contentious primary with multiple credible candidates, each roughly representing a faction in the Democratic Party. It would be civil war. Yet that appears to be exactly what they are getting.
- Objective Dem - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 11:50 am:
I see a certain pattern in play.
Phase 1: A person with a lot of money or ability to raise a lot of money is convinced by unpaid advisors that they can easily get elected because they are so wonderful and were so successful in business. The media also hypes the person as having great potential.
Phase 2: The unpaid advisors start to get paid. The media starts to get ad revenues.
Phase 3: The media starts to treat the candidate as a serious contender and starts publicizing every bit of dirt (relevant or not) and every misstatement. More paid advisors (usually chums of the first advisors) are needed to handle the media. More advertising is needed to counter the bad press.
Phase 4: Depending on the dirt and other factors, the candidate gets elected or goes down in disgrace.
- Ms Port Belly Mushroom - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 11:53 am:
–Abe and grant–
You don’t think Alexi’s people weighed these things before jumping in: reasonable name ID, personal money he brings to the table, money he’s already raised and has the potential to raise, a seriously-damaged Burris who might make nice if Alexi agrees to help out after the election . . . and The Mr. Basketball Shoes Himself.
And you don’t think the Kennedy folks weighed these things before jumping in: not just name ID, but Name Gravitas in a D primary, personal money he brings to the table, money he has the potential to raise, a seriously damaged Burris who might make nice if Chris agrees to help out after the election . . . and The Mr. Basketball Shoes Himself–as well as Rahm. Not to mention the recently disclosed SUVGate.
If Alexi, Kennedy and Burris stay in, Schakowsky looks better than ever (women in a DPrimary?) I’m assuming Burris is out, though, and just posturing to glom the best possible parachute (to borrow Rod’s phrase).
Great matchups brewing! Hynes seems to have the only clear shot right now. The script just keeps getting better. Lots of thin skin, though, for this early in the war.
- just sayin - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:02 pm:
Before any Republicans get up on their high horses about how awful Dem family nepotism and sense of entitlement is in Illinois, let’s not forget that Denny Hastert’s spawn is exploring a run in the 14th Congressional.
- Bubs - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:08 pm:
Kinda puts Obama in a spot, doesn’t it. Caught in his home state between “My B-Ball Buddy” and the “Kennedy Legend.”
After all, Obama is the political heir to the Kennedys, Caroline as much as said so. In fact, Doris Kearns Goodwin unrelentingly says on TV that Obama is just like “Jack” Kennedy (”Jack”? Like she ever met him or something? She was in college in Maine when the man was shot.) Of course, Doris also says that Obama is just like Roosevelt and just like Lincoln, too.
It will be fascinating political theatre.
- DCist - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:16 pm:
=Kennedy is not a done deal if Obama says 3 words, “I’m for Alexi”. =
You think Obama is going to say that he’s for Alexi when Axelrod’s former company is heading up Kennedy’s media effort?
Obama has already gotten himself involved in the NY elections by telling Israel to back off of Gillibrand, you think Rahm is going to sit by and let the IL election be a free for all?
I see the Axelrod connect as a complicit endorsement of Kennedy.
- Fed-up - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:17 pm:
I’m not a Dem but I have had the opportunity to see this guy in action in his position at the Mart and I’m impressed. Sure he has the name but I think he has the business chops to do a better job then most.
- Ms Port Belly Mushroom - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:22 pm:
You think Obama is going to say that he’s for Alexi when Axelrod’s former company is heading up Kennedy’s media effort?
I was going to suggest as much, DCist, but you’ll find that Alexi’s folks already think the Obama check is in the bank. As a matter of fact, I think they’ve probably cashed it.
Obama intervening is not a done deal at all no matter what “Giannoulias Kennedy” side of the Kennedy family may imply.
- Shore - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:23 pm:
To respond to the initial post by Rich and actually answer the question let’s review recent Kennedy attempts to gain power in Democrat states:
2002 Primary for Congress/Maryland Democrat:Shriver runs against Van Hollen, a little known State Senator. Shriver LOST.
2002 General Election Maryland, Governor, Kathleen Kennedy-only Democrat to lose Governor’s race in Maryland since Agnew in 1966.
2008 Senate New York, New Governor smashes JFK’s daughter in the face and goes for a conservative new congresswoman from upstate new york.
Record isn’t great of late for new kennedy’s trying to get in the game WITH THEIR OWN PARTY.
That said, Democrats in this state have been a miserable failure for 6 years so at least this guy doesn’t have the nerve unlike lisa madigan, alexi and others to ask voters for a political promotion for a job not well done.
- Shore - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:25 pm:
Also agree with Rich for once. If people were sick and tired of political heirs they wouldn’t elect them all the time.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:26 pm:
If what you say is true, I don’t think Giannoulias will be in the race.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:27 pm:
Let’s hope Obama has the wisdom like most presidents to stay out of contested primaries.
Also, the last time he tried to influence a a Senate seat in Illinois, all it got him was a sworn deposition with the FBI and Roland Burris. Different circumstances I know.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:29 pm:
let’s not forget that Denny Hastert’s spawn is exploring a run in the 14th Congressional
OK, one Ethan Hastert (who may not run and probably shouldn’t) is equal to multiple Strogers, Daleys, Madigans, Hynes’, Jacksons, Kennedys, et. al. Got it.
- DCist - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:42 pm:
=If what you say is true, I don’t think Giannoulias will be in the race.=
While I’m inclined to believe this, I have to think that someone from AKPD cleared this with Axelrod. These are clever enough people to know the public perception involved with bringing Kennedy on as a client. There are plenty of firms around that can do media for Senate races, using Axelrod’s people sends maybe not a crystal clear, but at least subtle message.
- Cassandra - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:47 pm:
I wish Kennedy were running for governor. The Kennedy name combined with his obvious business experience and likely liberal approach to social issues would be a vast improvement over our current governor and any of the other potential candidates we’ve seen so far.
It’s hard for me to see a Senator as having much impact on my life. The governorship is really where the action is, and our options aren’t looking great here in Illinois.
- party of one - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:54 pm:
Poor Alexi. One day he is shooting hoops with the prez-elect, then he is traveling the Globe with Durbin and now he has been pushed from the bus. Thump….thump…thump
- Greg - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:54 pm:
I just cannot see the President getting involved and choosing sides in a Democratic primary. He has far too much respect for the voters to preempt them by anointing a successor, even a basketball buddy.
- OMG - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:58 pm:
Do we really need yet another white male in the US Senate? I am not sure what Chris Kennedy brings to the table. I think he should get elected to something below US Senate first and actually have a voting record so that we can tell who he is and what he is about and whether he is actually effective as an elected official. Who are these guys who think they can just show up and get elected to the US Senate? I for one am voting in the Democratic primary for someone who has held elective office and has a known record with some accomplishments and preferably is not yet another White male. If I can find someone who is not from a dynasty, so much the better.
- DCist - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 12:58 pm:
@Greg, that’s actually not true. Just this week he pushed Rep. Israel out of a primary race against Sen. Gillibrand.
Obama Persuades Congressman to Drop Senate Primary Threat
By Emily Cadei and Jonathan Allen, CQ Staff
Democratic Rep. Steve Israel announced Friday that he will not launch a primary challenge to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand — at the request of President Obama.
“The president asked me to continue my leadership in Congress” and “not run for the U.S. Senate this year,” the five-term Long Island congressman said in a written statement.
- There you go again - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 1:06 pm:
Kennedy has a strong resume of civic and business leadership in Chicago … experience that can help a downstate region in need of economic leadership. He’d be good for governor, too, but it looks like he’s heading for a Senate primary campaign. Stay tuned.
- Fed-up - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 1:21 pm:
OMG - You write - “Who are these guys who think they can just show up and get elected to the US Senate?” They are called citizens. Last time I read the constitution anyone who is eligible that wants to run can. You don’t have to have previous political experience. We actually may be better off with candidates that don’t!
- Shore - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 1:25 pm:
Also for the record, the kennedy that got smashed in Maryland, Bobby’s daughter, lost to a gingrich republican whose lt. governor partner was…MICHAEL STEELE.
The name has lost meaning with DEMOCRATS. Kirk should make short work of this fella.
- Hank - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 1:44 pm:
I thought the “rules” did not allow any Dem to declare for either office until Queen Lisa made her announcement?
Maybe she can be a candidate for both offices and eliminate all the hype!
- Boone Logan Square - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 1:45 pm:
What I do not understand is who in Illinois really knows who Chris Kennedy is? Who would recognize his face?
If he can sell himself as a standard bearer for the values of his father and uncles, he may have a shot, but my guess is that Illinois voters know less about him than New York voters knew about Caroline Kennedy before the negative press sent her approval ratings down and she withdrew from consideration for the New York senate seat.
Given Alexi’s fundraising success — and ability to win a competitive statewide primary, as he did for Treasurer — I do not see the clear path to a Democratic primary win that the Kennedy folks seem to believe.
But that’s inside baseball. A Kennedy-Giannoulias-Schakowsky-Burris-who knows who else primary would certainly be the most entertaining Illinois election since the 2004 senate race. For the sake of the Sun-Times and Tribune, here’s hoping it happens.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 1:49 pm:
Oh, and VanMan needs to add a verris for Burris.
- Anon - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 2:35 pm:
Kennedy is just another ‘johnny-come-lately”. What has he actually done? Even Lynn Sweet cast doubts about his name-id.
I think the Kennedy Dynasty coattails got cut off at the cleaners.
Plus, Jan Schakowsky will turn every union against Kennedy after his company’s numerous run-ins with labor.
- Ignatz - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 2:35 pm:
“Kirk should make short work of this fella.”
If he gets the chance. The Dems ballot seems packed and exciting. The GOP ballot looks like a yawn… Kirk, Roskam, and Andy the idiot… Who, other than the most conservative voters will reach for that ballot? And how will Kirk overtake them?
And with that large field of candidates on Dem side Kennedy has a chance. I think this is a good call for him to go into politics in this election. Regardless of the outcome.
- Conservative Republican - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 2:35 pm:
Points re Kennedy
1. Emanuel (or his proxies) made short work of William Kennedy Smith when he attempted to use the Kennedy mystique to become 5th CD Congressman.
2. The Kennedy Charisma does not seem to be in the DNA, as little of it has been transmitted to the current generation, which leads me to say,
3. There are examples of Chris Kennedy’s less than diplomatic/ congenial (shall we say?) personality — they will be sure to be put out there by his opponents.
4. As a GOPer, I am looking forward to this Democratic Party Senatorial Primary Donnybrook. Its shaping up to be one where the winner will be well-scarred!
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 3:14 pm:
Oh, and VanMan needs to add a verris for Burris.
LOL! I FORGOT about him! LOL!
Roland Burris looks into his Mausoleum’s mirror…
Now there you are!
With a Senate seat!
The man that everyone trusts.
Mirror, mirror on my tomb,
Who’s the juniorest-Senator-buffoon?
I have Rod’s [bleepin’] golden thing,
No longer am I seen as a timid Hell-raiser!
My Taj Rolando is now engraved
with more fame for Illinois’ great Trailblazer!
Oh, I believe in me,
I believe in me.
I look around my tomb and see
My image done in both painting and bust.
Senator Burris they’ll say, is the father
of the vital pre-need funeral trust!
Oh, I believe in me,
I believe in me.
- Rambler - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 4:33 pm:
“a crowded field of Kennedy, Gia, Jan S. and Burris”
Gotta wonder how Tammy Duckworth — whom Obama sent to Washington as Alexi was gearing up — would do in that group.
Probably better without Schakowsky. Understandably, Jan looks pretty happy in that picture.
- ZC - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 5:26 pm:
I haven’t seen any polls but this strikes me as potentially good news for Jan Schakowsky.
Assume Kennedy, Giannoulias and Schakowsky all are in the Senate ring. My uneducated guess is the first two will pull more votes from each other than they will from Jan’s base.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 20, 09 @ 7:16 pm:
I need to move
- Ahem...The REAL Anonymous - Thursday, May 21, 09 @ 10:06 pm:
It will be fascinating political theatre.
You can say that again. I’m betting this is going to be a Primary that up until now, only the Rs would have been able to stage.
Accelerated pace to dysfunction.
Of all the possibilities during the last decade only a Ditka run for 04 Senate would have produced more intriguing results.