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Drip, drip, drip…

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Burris has yet to get his story straight…

In a November conversation caught on an FBI wiretap, Roland Burris promised Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s brother that he’d write the governor a campaign check by mid-December, Burris’ lawyer said today.

That was about a month before Rod Blagojevich appointed Burris to the U.S. Senate. […]

But lawyer Timothy Wright told the Chicago Sun-Times today that his client never sent the check because he believed it wasn’t a good idea given Burris’ interest in the U.S. Senate seat appointment. Wright said Burris’ decision not to send the check had nothing to do with Blagojevich’s Dec. 9 arrest.

Burris did not mention a promise of a check in a Feb. 4 sworn affidavit that Burris submitted to an Illinois House panel investigating Rod Blagojevich’s impeachment. That affidavit sought to supplement Burris’ testimony before a House panel, where Burris only mentioned having contact with Lon Monk with regard to the appointment.

But Wright said the amount of the check was to be $1,500. The conversation with Robert Blagojevich happened when Burris was interested in the U.S. Senate. Wright said Burris’ answers to the House panel have been consistent, and he has made repeated efforts to be as complete as possible to the public.


  1. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    Just how many nails can we fit on this guy’s coffin?

  2. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:27 pm:

    === Wright said Burris’ answers to the House panel have been consistent ===

    “‘Change’ is the only constant,” Wright explained.

  3. - Speaking at Will - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:28 pm:

    Resign Roland. Just Resign.

  4. - You Go Boy - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:34 pm:

    Burris is as sharp as a cue ball, the humility and integrity of Blago, the sincerity of a Senator. He’s got it all.

  5. - Boscobud - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:40 pm:

    Burris wouldn’t be able to find his foot if it were caught on fire!!

  6. - Nort'sider - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    “Oh, Senator-of-the-Future, can it core a apple?”


  7. - Stones - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:50 pm:

    Blago doesn’t even comb his hair for $1,500.

  8. - Ghost - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    We have Wright’s word on the amount of the check!

    Burris: I did not have Checkual relations with that Blago!

    I hear they are investigating ink stains on Burris suit…..

  9. - Macbeth - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    Look, I realize ad hominem attacks are a no-no — but good god, Burris is a creep.

  10. - downhereforyars - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:54 pm:

    Why is Tim Wright responding to the tapes….lets here from Burris. Roland, tell us what really happened.

  11. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:56 pm:

    Roland Burris believed that if he just told half truths when necessary he could become a US Senator. And he has been proven correct, hasn’t he?

    We cannot get needed reform in Illinois while we have a professional level of politician working our political system like this. We have too many professional politicians in Illinois.

  12. - Cosmic Charlie - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 3:56 pm:

    Sen. Burris has been very consistent in his inconsistencies.

  13. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 4:02 pm:

    Just how many nails can we fit on this guy’s coffin?

    I dunno, but there’s not much blank space left on the mausoleum.

  14. - Macbeth - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 4:11 pm:

    On second thought: we’ll all certainly remember the Blagojevich years — the incessant news reading, CapFax checking, Google searching, indictment “watch” countdowns, righteous indignation posts — so what Burris is giving us is a continuation of those six spectacular years.

    Go Roland. Go.

  15. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 4:21 pm:

    Burris wasn’t appointed because he could raise money (which he obviously could not).

    He was appointed because, despite all the big talk from Reid and Durbin, he could not be denied.

    It will be a big part of Rod’s defense: “I tried to sell the seat? I gave it to Burris for nothing. And he was confirmed by the Senate. Where’s the corruption?”

  16. - Willie Stark - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 4:26 pm:

    Capt. Fax and Mike, the week’s password is not working for the most recent “This Just In” post.

  17. - Thomas Westgard - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 4:27 pm:

    I guess you could say he lies consistently.

  18. - Concerned Voter - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 4:41 pm:

    With apologies to the writers of Rawhide, Ned Washington and Dimitri Tiomkin.

    Roland Roland Roland,
    Keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’,
    Though the tapes are rollin’,
    Keep the stories rollin’, YOU LIE!

    Don’t stand and face the music,
    Just duck and run for cover,
    Soon you’ll be livin’ in the pen.

    Was it really worth it,
    You didn’t really earn it, that golden senate seat in DC.

    Fabricate, Bold Faced Lie,
    Bold Faced Lie, Perjury
    Obfuscate, Prevaricate, Roland!
    Misinform, Misstate,
    Deceitful, Dishonest,
    Fraudulent, Missrepresent Roland!

  19. - CC425 - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 5:18 pm:

    i find it alarming that even with the veteran staff he has put together, burris has a lack of a political plan and stability. like has been said previously…resign!

  20. - phocion - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 5:46 pm:

    I appreciate that Rep. Fritchey has the guts and interest to comment on this blog. Considering his “cover” for Burris during the impeachment saga, I am wondering if Mr. Fritchey has changed his position on Burris.

  21. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 6:23 pm:

    Here’s the quid pro quo between Burris and Blagojevich:

    In exchange for favorable testimony before the House impeachment committee, Blago would appoint Burris to the U.S. Senate.

    When Blagojevich thought he needed money, Burris couldn’t make the deal.

    But when Blagojevich thought he’d benefit from favorable testimony then there was a deal to be made.

  22. - Amy - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 7:10 pm:

    transcript snips on line with Chicago Tribune and being read now on Channel 11.

    Burris is toast.

  23. - Quinn T. Sential - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 7:18 pm:


    BURRIS: And, my law partner, we were gonna try to do someting at the law firm. I might be able to do this in the name of Tim Wright.

    BLAGOJEVICH: Mm. hm.

  24. - Quinn T. Sential - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 7:36 pm:

    (10 ILCS 5/9‑25) (from Ch. 46, par. 9‑25)
    Sec. 9‑25. No person shall make an anonymous contribution or a contribution in the name of another person, and no person shall knowingly accept any anonymous contribution or contribution made by one person in the name of another person. Anonymous contributions shall escheat to the State of Illinois. Any political committee that receives such a contribution shall forward it immediately to the State Treasurer.
    (Source: P. A. 78‑1183.)

  25. - OneMan - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 9:20 pm:

    Bet you are glad you seated him now Senator Durbin

  26. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, May 26, 09 @ 9:32 pm:

    Come on home Roland. The party’s over.

    What a humilating exchange.

  27. - Quizzical - Wednesday, May 27, 09 @ 12:15 am:

    On one hand the conversation is pathetic, but from Burris’s perspective, it must seem poetic.

    I’m imagining that Burris was sent into depths of desperation after this phone call, trying to ‘do something’ that would catch Rod’s attention. No prisoner ever thought more about escape plans than Burris, scheming night and day, thought about ‘doing something’ that would bring him that Senate seat. No teenage geek ever desired a popular girl more than Burris wanted that seat. And just when the seat seemed most unobtainable, events conspired to bring it to him.

  28. - PB - Wednesday, May 27, 09 @ 2:03 am:

    i find it alarming that even with the veteran staff he has put together, burris has a lack of a political plan and stability. like has been said previously…resign!

  29. - Dan S, a taxpaer, a voter and a Cubs Fan - Wednesday, May 27, 09 @ 6:23 am:

    What is States Attorny John Schmidt waiting for? If this does not prove perjusry what does? Enough already.

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