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Quinn press conference notes and video

Sunday, May 31, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

[I’ve moved the Quinn press conference stuff to this post and cleaned them up a bit since I was posting on my iPhone. We’ll be posting several videos as soon as they can be edited and processed. ]

* 7:43 pm - Gov. Quinn: The state can’t issue bonds for capital without a balanced operating budget. Bond agencies wouldn’t allow it. Translation: He’s not signing the capital bill.

Quinn: No need for a special session to deal with the budget. Leaders meetings instead. First meeting tomorrow.

* Quinn said he will stick with the House tax plan, calling it viable. Sen Meeks is here and he doesn’t look pleased at all.

* Meeks: “We’ll never pass the House plan”

* 8:15 pm - The House has approved the 50 percent funding for human services programs approp bill which some members blocked yesterday. The governor would not specifically say whether or not he would veto bills like that.

* 8:27 pm - Governor Quinn on signing the capital bill…

* 9:37 pm - Governor Quinn will not sign a partial budget and he made it abundantly clear that the GA will have to work until a full, balanced budget is passed…

* 10:10 pm - Governor Quinn said that an income tax is the best way to raise the revenue needed for a balanced budget. He views his income plan is as the best solution and is confident it will pass, even after it failed miserably in the House today. He explains why his income tax proposal will prevail the second time around. Watch…

* 10:25 pm - Governor Quinn briefly addressed IL’s progress on ethics reform and his devotion to the issue…

* 10:45 pm - Quinn views argument that budget problem is a Democratic ‘train wreck’ as playing politics…

* 10:56 pm - Finally, Quinn side-stepped a question regarding his view on Speaker Madigan’s efforts to gin up House support for a tax increase…


  1. - Vote Quimby! - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 8:17 pm:

    Do you still have some “Overtime in Hell” t-shirts left over?

  2. - Brave souls? - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 8:26 pm:

    Put the hay where the goats will eat it.

  3. - SangamoGOP - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 8:38 pm:

    We still have 3.5 hours left. Plenty of time. However…

    12:01 a.m. - Reform redistricting.
    12:02 a.m. - Two tier pensions for all public unions.
    12:03 a.m. - Managed care for Medicaid.

  4. - dave - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 8:41 pm:

    12:03 a.m. - Managed care for Medicaid.

    Why do we want managed care? It doesn’t save money, it hurts consumers, and helps corporations.

    Ah… wait. That last one. That is what the GOP likes.

  5. - A Citizen - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 8:44 pm:

    Looks like the Circular Firing Squad has become bipartisan. Well, so much for that cute phrase!

  6. - DuPage Dave - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 8:50 pm:

    This last week has been a major disappointment to any of us who thought that kicking Blago down the stairs would actually help things.

    The absence of a negative does not always translate into a positive.

  7. - Patiently waiting - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:04 pm:

    Maybe the problem wasn’t Blago. This sheds light on everything.

  8. - DuPage Dave - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:05 pm:

    More accurately, Blago wasn’t the only problem.

  9. - At it igan - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:06 pm:

    The dems are a huge disappointment.

  10. - Bobs yer - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:20 pm:

    We shouldn’t have a large capital bill with the State running at such a deficit. Too much questionble union influence the last couple years on this issue. Understand their frustration, but let’s find a better way to build infrastructure. Hey folks, its 2009, not 1959. How about planning and doing thing with a little bit of thought?

  11. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:31 pm:

    Interesting rollcalls. So the House Republicans won’t vote for a tax increase, but they also won’t vote to cut the budget. What exactly are they in favor of doing as a solution to the crisis?

  12. - wordslinger - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:32 pm:

    –Gov. Quinn: The state can’t issue bonds for capital without a balanced operating budget. Bond agencies wouldn’t allow it.–

    As former Treasurer Quinn surely knows, that hasn’t been the case in the past.

    Bond rating agencies and underwriters are well aware of the state’s tendency to run annual operating budget deficits, thinly disguised by holding bills and other tactics.

    In their ratings and bond sale documents, they routinely disclose the deficit as well as the unfunded pension fund obligation.

    Bigger deficits certainly mean you have to pay more juice, but it doesn’t necessarily make you unwelcome in the market. The final budget document will get a hard look, as will the new revenues tied to the capital bill.

  13. - anon - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:39 pm:

    This weekend has been a letdown. The speaker has demonstrated a severe weakness in his leadership. Cullerton got it done in the senate. The speakers inability to get it done reflects poorly on Dems statewide. Is this his way of making Quinn look bad? Is this the speakers way of putting lisas political career ahead of the good of the state?

  14. - Legaleagle - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:40 pm:

    Best GOP strategy is to work to vote out the Dems next year; the Dems’ incompetence and continuing corruption tax has run the state onto the ground. They promised and spent money the state didn’t have. Groups they made dependent on. Them should be angry at the Dems!

  15. - Quinn T. Sential - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:41 pm:

    Not sure whether it is just the Wrigley background noise or not; but Rep. McGuire sounded like he has been at Butch McGuire’s all night.

    Is there a beverage cart making late night rounds on the House Floor?

  16. - phocion - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:42 pm:

    Ok, Bobs yer. Please enlighten us. More tollroads? Higher gas tax? Other user fees? No one seems to like those funding sources, either. So, Bobs yer and others who say there’s got to be a better way…what do you suggest? Now, as to Quinn’s assertion that the state can’t sell the capital bill bonds without an operating budget. Aren’t funds for capital from a different revenue source? Is the Gov. being factual, or making up a reason to keep the pressure on?

  17. - Gregor - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:49 pm:

    Hendon needs to chill out: Emil’s gone Ricky, stop reading your own press releases and get out of your “House of Lords” mentality.

  18. - chas montoya - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:50 pm:

    what is the number of the capitol bill that passed?

  19. - TomatoHead - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:56 pm:

    @Don’t Worry, Be Happy:
    If I recall correctly, one Republican party member (probably from out of state) was quoted as saying that he wanted to drown the government in a bathtub. Perhaps this is Illinois GOP’s way of accomplishing that -> bankrupt the State and voila, we no longer have a State government!

    Blago is gone but things seems to be the same…..

  20. - Scooby - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 9:59 pm:

    What does a leader’s meeting tomorrow accomplish? The Senate was willing to take tough votes on a combination of revenue increases and spending cuts. The House was unwilling to do either. The Governor has already asked Cross to help pass the budget and all of his members voted against increasing revenue and against approp bills with only 50% funding. The Governor asked the Speaker to support a balanced budget and while he personally voted to support the Governor his members did not. So I ask again, what’s the point of a leaders meeting? It’s clear that having just the leaders support a balanced budget is insufficient to actually have a balanced budget. Perhaps the entire body needs to continue working on a balanced budget.

  21. - RJW - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:03 pm:


    Capital and operating budgets are different, however, as the Governor explained no one is going to buy bonds (which are used to fund capital projects) if the state (via the operating budget) has no way to pay back those bonds. Who wants to buy and IOU from Illinois when we have a $12 billion hole in the budget. It would be like buying GM stock right now (tomorrow it will be worth nothing).

  22. - A Citizen - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:04 pm:

    I’m sure the FDA and the Ag Dept. are going to condemn this Sausage Factory.

  23. - Elder - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:06 pm:

    An awful lot of cowardice and political posturing - Quinn and Cullerton the only ones looking like they are willing to pull on their long pants and act like grownups!

  24. - WOW - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:07 pm:

    Overtime in hell Part one was:
    Blago, Emil and Lord Mike

    Soon to be Overtime in Hell Part two:
    Quinn, Little John and Lord Mike

    What is the common thread?

  25. - dave - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:15 pm:

    IL House GOP votes against tax increases and against budget cuts. Huh?

    I thought they wanted to see cuts?

  26. - John Bambenek - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:22 pm:

    They didn’t vote against cuts, they voted against throwing a bunch of money on the table for a 6-month budget and expecting the agency heads to do their dirty work for them.

    There’s a subtle difference between the two.

  27. - Double - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:28 pm:

    Big Shock…Chicago Dems screw things up for everyone…can’t anybody see this or is everyone in this state getting paid by the Chicago Machine. Please vote Michael Madigan out and lets see if we can move this state forward!

    Oh but I guess the Olympics in Chicago are a little more important than the citizens of this sorry state.

  28. - A Citizen - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:31 pm:

    VanillaMan, time for a song along the line of “You Don’t Always Get What You Want”.

  29. - Boxing Cross - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:34 pm:

    Boxed Tom tops his vote against reform with the vote to spend another $4.5 billion for human services…..Circular Firing Squad continues to outdo itself.
    Now let’s close him with a vote on SB600 before midnite.
    And Tugboat Andy has a a new playTV ad ( they don’t give real ads) that Boxes Tom on reform again
    WOW….it is Fire, Aim, Ready at the CFScentral tonite.

  30. - another cliff hanger - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:38 pm:

  31. - Bookworm - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:39 pm:

    With all due respect, Enrico, do you know ANYONE who isn’t a “taxeater” in some sense of the word? Do you drive on state highways? Have you or your children (if you have any) ever attended a public school? Did you attend a state university? Have you ever visited a state park? Have you ever had to apply for unemployment benefits? Do you have a valid driver’s license?

    Now as I’ve said many times before, we can neither exclusively tax our way out of this hole nor can we exclusively cut our way out of it. Both measures are going to be necessary. We cannot put such a high tax burden on individuals or companies that it drives them out of state; but neither do we want the entire public infrastructure to fall into ruin because, God forbid, anyone should have to have to pony up an extra $15 out of their biweekly paycheck or an extra penny on a $400 purchase, or whatever.

    Yes, I get a little weary of certain interest groups such as public employee unions (full disclosure: I’m a state employee, but not union) insisting that civilization as we know it will come to an end and people will starve to death in the streets if we dare cut any of their pet programs. I’ll go even farther and admit that while I certainly don’t want to do it, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if I had to give up 5 or even 10 percent of my paycheck this year.

    At the same time, however, I also get tired of the notion that the ONLY people who benefit from state funded programs, and the only people who will suffer if they are cut, are allegedly parasitical folk such as welfare/Medicaid recipients, state employees, and friends of politicans. The level of budget cutting necessary to balance this budget without ANY tax increase will affect EVERYONE. Don’t pretend that it will only impact selfish and undeserving people.

  32. - Anon - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:40 pm:

    So distressing. Typical Repub response - vote against what will help, complain that it isn’t the way to go - but have NO alternate plan. Sick of it. And the cowardly Dems afraid of not being re-elected….? Not to worry - you won’t be.

  33. - A Citizen - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:47 pm:

    Time to que the Fat Lady! This sucker’s mostly over!

  34. - jake - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 10:58 pm:

    Phocion– Re: “Now, as to Quinn’s assertion that the state can’t sell the capital bill bonds without an operating budget. Aren’t funds for capital from a different revenue source? Is the Gov. being factual, or making up a reason to keep the pressure on?”

    If the state’s financial situation looks shaky, as in not having a realistic balanced operating budget, the bonds will require a higher interest rate to sell, thus driving up the costs of the capital projects. Depending on what interest rate the market demands, the interest rates could be so great as to make the bond sale unfeasible; i.e., they could drive the costs up so much that the revenue streams that were passed would not be sufficient to pay the interest.

  35. - OneMan - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 11:11 pm:

    Umm TomatoHead

    You don’t need a single Republican vote to do the budget for another 49 minutes. So don’t blame the Republicans for this

  36. - OneMan - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 11:13 pm:

    If there is another Overtime in Hell T-Shirt there should be a half-shirt version.

    For the sake of taste I will not be ordering the half shirt version

  37. - Been There - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 11:40 pm:

    I am a little out of the loop, just getting back from Springfield a little while ago. I know the income tax went down and they are doing the short term budgets. But where is everything at now with 15 minutes to go?

  38. - Anonymous - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 11:43 pm:

    “view on Speaker Madigan’s efforts to gin up House support for a tax increase”

    I saw no effort from Lord Mikee, seemed content in knowing he wasnt going to push for it. Thanks Mr Speaker, you have done wonders in the obstruction department and Im starting to believe (as crazy as it seems) that Blago was not soley to blame for all the past budget delays and disasters. Im sooo off the Maddigan bandwagon. He’s doing more to damage his family brand this year than Blago could have ever accomplished. Thanks for nothing leader!

  39. - 47th Ward - Sunday, May 31, 09 @ 11:59 pm:

    Can we start blaming Republicans now?

  40. - Tim - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:02 am:

    It’s midnight. Do you know where your budget is?

  41. - Anon - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:08 am:

    Tim - the only time I have laughed tonight - thanks!

  42. - anon 58 - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:25 am:

    hey its still not june its “may 32nd” (Rep. Turner).

  43. - state employee - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:27 am:

    I’m a state employee and the cowards who voted NO are directly to blame for human suffering which will result in our most vulnerable people, from drastic forced cuts to education and social services, if revenue is not raised. I know who the true leaders are, with backbones, vision, and courage to raise taxes. Sadly there are not enough of them, YET. The cowards should NOT BE RE-ELECTED.

  44. - state employee - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:37 am:

    That means you Rep. Deborah Mell, sister-in-law to Blago. And you Rep. Osmond, who lied to a roomful of teachers in Gurnee, saying you would support them. Rep. Fritchey, you too? Sell out? Rep. Bellock, Biggins, Grosnahan, Cole, Connelly, Couldon, D’Amico, Franham, Franks, Froehlich, Lyons, Mathias, McAuliffe, McCarthy (booo), Pihos, Saviano, Senger, Tryon, Walker. All of you to blame for resulting suffering of Illinois’ most vulnerable people.

  45. - Lady Pamela of Plainfield - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:45 am:

    To quote (and paraphrase) my brilliant testimony before the Joint Committee on Govt’l Reform.

    “Mr. Madigan was at the helm of the House before, during, and after the tenure of Rod Blagojevich. He only became a reformer after the Governor he supported twice for election was hauled off in nandcuffs by the FBI. Edward Hospital and I support the decision rule for fumigation, or removal from office that he has advocated for others and would encourage that he be asked to step down or voted out of the Speakership asap.

  46. - anon 58 - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:53 am:

    state employee, i take some issue with your comments. you are upset that these members did not vote for the tax increase, yet you are not complaining that there was no pension reform. should you look at the numbers, the amount of money we threw at our outrageous pension system is nearly equal to amount left in the ridiculous deficit that we are trying to fill should the tax increase happen. think before you speak please.

  47. - Rep. John Fritchey - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:54 am:

    Hey State Employee,

    Not so fast. I’ve been a co-sponsor of HB750 for years now. I’m on the record as supporting a tax hike, provided that it’s coupled with property tax relief and an effort to address our school funding inequities. The tax hike we voted on did neither.

    I’ve openly stated my position for over a decade. I also voted for the Senate version in caucus. I’m very comfortable with my position on this issue, even at 1a.m. So don’t talk to me about backbone, vision and courage. Especially through an anonymous post.

  48. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:55 am:

    Fumigate the speaker!! There are many dedicated employees with jobs on the line who have done NO wrong and work very hard with no political agenda. Just an agenda to serve the people of ILL, which is the point. Its time for new House leadership! Step down Mikee, we likes it!!!

  49. - anon 58 - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 1:10 am:

    fritchey, thank you for coming here and defending your choice but what solution, cuts, did you purpose in caucus in order to get to where we/you need to be. your caucus had the numbers but could not come to an agreement among yourselves. mikey couldn’t pull you guys together, now you need gop help. WHAT WILL YOU EVER DO? i take issue with your and state employee’s comments both.

  50. - long time state worker - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 6:04 am:

    It is too bad the fumigate bill did not pass. while these people perhaps did nothing “wrong” they did sit by and do things without questioning or did nothing at all to be accountable to the public.

  51. - seriously - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 6:37 am:

    Rod gone…Emil gone…hmmmmm maybe the media will finally notice mikey is the problem

  52. - TomatoHead - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 7:07 am:

    Nope, I’m not blaming Republicans only for this. I blame BOTH parties for this. We, the Illinois voters, really ought to vote all of them out in the next election! But, sadly, that will only happen in my dreams…..

  53. - TomatoHead - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 7:16 am:

    @State employee:
    What percentage of these “vulnerable” people are illegal aliens? What percentage of those “vulnerable” people are legitimate?? What percentage of money goes to paying high fees to contractors? I really resent having my tax dollars spend on fraudulent handouts and overpaid contractors!

  54. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:11 am:


  55. - Frustrated - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:35 am:

    Now that the legislature gave up it’s authority over the budget, is their only role unfunded mandates? I wonder if Illinois has ever had a less responsible budget passed.
    The funny thing is this is a lot like managed care, you decide “I want to pay less but I don’t want to know about cuts I have to make” and hand it off to someone else to do the dirty work.

  56. - state employee - Tuesday, Jun 2, 09 @ 9:36 pm:

    Rep. Fritchey,
    [too-shay!] good feedback, I’m very glad you support Meeks’ bill. I only hope it is voted upon AND passes by July 1, with the increased needed majority now that the first deadline has been missed. It will need Republicans on board now. How likely is that? My job is now at risk, in addition to all the social services being radically cut.

    By the way, I lost any and all respect for Speaker Madigan b/c the Meeks bill was not voted upon on May 31. The “temporary” tax bill was a weak and sorry compromise and it STILL LOST! But it would have been better than the radical 50% underfunding which now stands!!

  57. - state employee - Tuesday, Jun 2, 09 @ 9:41 pm:

    I want to add that because my job is now at risk, I am planning to cut back radically on my own discretionary spending, which will only make the economy in Illinois worse. Great thinking, Representatives who voted NO!! You’re making the economy worse by your actions and cutting and threatening to cut even more jobs.

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