This just in…
Friday, May 22, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 4:31 pm - The gaming bill just came up * 5:48 pm - Conflict between Senate President John Cullerton and reform commission chairman Patrick Collins over whether Collins was advised to get his own sponsors for his legislation… * 5:50 pm - The AP has a follow-up to my “Extra” from earlier this afternoon…
*** UPDATE *** From Governor Quinn’s office…
He still doesn’t get it. You don’t do fundraising calls to groups with bills before the legislature during the final weeks of session, even if they’ve offered to set up funders in the past. The staffer made the mistake of cold-calling associations, but it was the governor’s order to call groups that had expressed interest in contributing. That was the worst mistake because he’s the governor and should know better. And, frankly, he shouldn’t be contacting any groups that have bills in the hopper until after he’s taken action on those bills. The governor shouldn’t be throwing that staffer under the bus. He should take full responsibility for the full program.
Friday, May 22, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
Question of the day
Friday, May 22, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * It’s Friday, we’re all very busy, harried and a bit cranky. Plus, the QOTD is extra late. Sorry about that. So, here’s an easy one… * What are you doing for the Memorial Day weekend?
This just in…
Friday, May 22, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 10:50 am - We’ll have more on this in a few minutes because the governor is holding a press conference right now, but it looks like the Republicans are trying to force the Senate Democrats’ hands on campaign finance caps…
Some key Senate Republicans have blasted the SDems’ idea of capping all contributions except for transfers from leadership campaign committees and state parties to candidates. Like I said, more in a bit. * 10:56 am - Gov. Pat Quinn just told reporters that he will not sign the capital bill until the budget and reform legislative packages are completed. Quinn had promised earlier not to link capital with the budget. We’ll have video in a few minutes. * 11:02 am - The Senate Executive Committee meeting scheduled for today will be postponed until sometime next week. Reform commission chairman Patrick Collins was scheduled to testify today. The Senate does plan to take up House-approved reform bills today, however. * 11:10 am - We missed this today. I’m very happy for Shaw. He’ll be a great fit over there…
*** 1:31 pm *** Change of plans. Patrick Collins will testify before the two Senate committees. Actually, he has testified to one, and he’s heading to Senate Exec soon. Stay tuned. *** 3:14 pm *** The Executive Committee did not hear testimony on the commission’s proposal after all, and Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno accused Democrats of trying to run out the clock. More soon.
Food for ethical thought
Friday, May 22, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * I noticed something when scanning through a list compiled by Dick Simpson and others at UIC of all the people busted in corruption cases since 1973: Only a tiny handful were state legislators. [The list starts on page 7.] One of those listed, Roger Stanley, hadn’t been a legislator for years when he was caught up in the George Ryan scandals. Another, former Rep. Pat Bailey, was convicted for not living in her district. Almost all the rest didn’t appear to be involved in anything that had to do with their official legislative duties. Former Sen. Bruce Farley pled guilty to taking a ghost-payrolling job, but his co-defendant, former Rep. Miguel Santiago, was acquitted of the same charge. Does that mean the GA is much cleaner than they’re given credit for? Whatever the case, it’s worth discussing, particularly since many of the reforms proposed by the governor’s independent reform commission are aimed at the legislature. * Patrick Collins claims he’s being deluged with contacts by state legislators…
* The Daily Herald tries to counter this week’s breathless propaganda by the Illinois Press Association about a draft proposal on FOIA…
But the Tribune edit board buys the hype hook, line and sinker and huffs in its latest screed…
The Sun-Times is equally strident today…
But edit boards in this state have mostly ignored the reforms that are already moving…
* And then there’s this happy note…
* Related…
*** UPDATED x1 *** Taxes, taxes everywhere, but we’re still in a big hole
Friday, May 22, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller *** UPDATE *** Rep. Connie Howard (D-Chicago) said she favors a doubling of the state income tax from 3 to 6 percent… [ *** End of Update *** ] * A retroactive tax on PSLs? Appears so…
Controversial? You bet. Super. And this is coming at exactly the wrong time for the General Assembly, which may consider an income tax increase in the coming days. Thanks, Daley. Heckuva job. * Here’s my Sun-Times column which talks about the difficulties of passing an income tax hike, among other things. If I’d known about the PSL tax, I would’ve include it in the piece…
* Related…
Morning shorts
Friday, May 22, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * ADDED: WGN-AM drops ‘Kathy & Judy’
* Illinois unemployment rate jumped to 9.4 percent in April * Fuel prices surge for the summer
* Are Payday Loans Skirting Illinois Law? * Car dealership closings: Towns prepare for hit in the pocketbook * Wet spring seeds trouble for local farmers * Illinois company recalls 96,000 lbs of beef products * U of I starting over with costly Global Campus * Global Campus employees got bonuses despite program’s struggles * Fitzgerald: Fight crime by hiring felons * Fitzgerald Asks Business Community to Bring Down Murder Rate * Chicago Moves Closer to Demolishing Historic Hospital * Brookfield Zoo tries to recover from elephant death * Chicago filmmaker sheds light on hospital billing practices * City Hall contracting: Stripped of state OK, firm got city work * Uninsured men could be covered for prostate screening * Measure would create special stroke care network
* Painted-over mural? Chicago has long history of arts censorship * Lincoln mania hits Home as tourists flock
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Friday, May 22, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller