President Cullerton: Quinn flip-flopped and killed the pension note bill
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * 8:45 pm - As we told you below, the pension note bill failed on its second try in the Senate. President Cullerton blamed the lack of support on Governor Quinn. After speaking in favor of the pension note bill during his address to the joint session of the GA, Quinn apparently contacted a handful of senators and asked them to vote against the bill. The pension bill actually received less yes votes the second time around. Roll call was 32-21-4-2. President Cullerton discusses the bill’s failure… The Senate has adjourned to the call of the Chair. *** UPDATE *** Sen. James Meeks, who helped organize opposition to the pension note bill, talks about what happens next, Speaker Madigan’s role in the process, and what he wants to happen now that the bill has failed. Good stuff, and that vote tonight shows he has some big leverage now…
The House has adjourned
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 7:45 pm - Speaker Madigan just adjourned the chamber and told members to prepare to come back to deal with Gov. Quinn’s budget veto overrides. He told a couple members of the press that he would be voting for those overrides. I’ll have Madigan press availability and adjournment speech video in about 20 minutes. * 8:05 pm - OK, here’s the avail vid. Madigan was asked at one point about the governor’s apparent habit of changing his mind. Worth a look… * Speaker Madigan adjourns the House and tells members what to expect…
Another twist - Pension note goes down, for now - FAILS on second try
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller *6:00 - The Senate just defeated the pension bonding bill. It came up two votes short. However, the SDems believe they will have another vote today on another concurrence motion. * Voting no or present among Dems were Clayborne, Forby, Frerichs, Jacobs, Lightford, Meeks, Noland, Steans. * 6:18 pm.- Sen Trotter told reporters that they’ve picked up a vote and will be voting again tonight. * 6:30 pm - Here’s video of Sen. Trotter explaining what’s ahead with the budget, and also with the failed (at least temporarily) pension note plan. If that plan doesn’t pass, it’ll blow a $2.2 billion hole in the budget… *** 8:22 pm *** SB415, the pension note plan, failed on the second try, But Senate President Cullerton told the chamber that after Gov Quinn came out in favor of the bill, he worked against it in the Senate. Oy. We’ll have Cullerton video soon.
Quinn dodges and weaves but threatens veto again - Cross explains a strange Quinn demand ***Updated multiple times with video***
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 4:56 pm - Gov Quinn, speaking to reporters, just repeated his vow to veto a partial budget. “Partial budgets are not what adults do.” The guv did say he didn’t think a temporary budget was going to happen. But Quinn ducked and dodged and would not directly say he wouuld veto a budget without a tax hike even when asked several times. Quinn also dodged a direct question about a special session, if any and about when he absolutely had to have a budget to avoid a shutdown. “I don’t want to talk about tomorrow until we finish today.” We’ll have video later. Tom Cross’ pressed is soon. * 5:14 pm - Cross wouldn’t say yet whether he would support an override of any budget veto, saying he hadn’t had a chance to speak with his caucus. *** Cross just said the guv has asked that a budget extension for 30 days be based on Quinn’s introduced level - which would assume revenues for a tax hike. Amazing.
* 6:00 pm - Leader Radogno held a press availability and, among other things, discussed the lack of agreement regarding a 30-day budget as well as the true size of the budget deficit. Watch… * 6:13 pm - For your viewing pleasure, here is the entire presser with Leader Cross… * 6:33 pm - Here is video of all of Leader Radogno’s comments from the presser… * 7:11 pm - As promised, here is some video from the press availability Quinn held earlier today. The video is only of the Q & A portion of the presser and is broken into 2 parts. Part 2 is still uploading to YouTube, but here is part 1… * 7:48 pm - Sorry for the delay, we are having some problems with the internet in the Capitol. Here is part 2 of the Q & A from Quinn’s presser…
This just in… Guv to address joint session at 3:30 - Will speak to reporters at 4:30
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 2:22 pm - Rep. Art Turner just announced on the House floor that the governor will address a joint session of the General Assembly at 3:30 pm. Listen or watch here. Liveblog in comments if you possibly can to help everybody else out. Thanks. The governor will not take questions from the chamber when he concludes his address, according to Turner. More…
* 2:35 pm - Leader Radogno: “There’s just not a lot of functional discussion going on … at all.” Watch it… * 3:30 pm- will have live coverage of Quinn’s address… * 3:42 pm Governor Quinn has entered the House Chamber and is currently addressing the joint session. 3:47 - Quinn offered to make an additional billion in cuts. Quinn said he would veto a partial budget and laid out his conditions. Quinn said he was prepared to stay all summer. Also, Gov. Quinn did a very curious thing today. He walked into the joint session, walked to the podium and didn’t shake the hands of the two Democratic legislative leaders at the podium with him. He then left without even acknowledging them. Here’s the video of his walk to the podium… Highly irregular. A sign? Maybe. But maybe also a sign that he’s a rookie and this was a spontaneous appearance. * 4:26 pm - Important context from Tribune…
*** UPDATED w/ Video *** A bit of drama as Statehouse protesters detained
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 2:18 pm - We’ll have video of this in a few minutes, but several protesters were just taken away by Statehouse security. From Rep. Fritchey’s Twitter page…
*** UPDATE *** And here’s the video…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Quinn budget way out of whack?
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Leaders meeting ends, no progress reported
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 1:42 pm - Despite what I’m about to post, try not to panic. These end of session battles have ups and downs. Mainly downs. Expect more downs before it’s over, and when it’s over is anybody’s guess at the moment. From the Illinois Radio Network’s Melissa Hahn’s Twitter page…
Ben Yount of Metro Networks Tweeted this…
And here’s the video of Senate President John Cullerton and Quinn spokesman Bob Reed after the meeting… * The governor will apparently speak to the House Republicans at 2 o’clock. From GOP Rep. Roger Eddy’s Twitter page…
Question of the day
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Here’s a risky caption contest. US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald… ![]() We’re gonna need some rules here…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - This just in…
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
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*** UPDATED x3 *** Quinn hints at budget veto - Wants GA to stay in town *** Franks wants guv to hold off on capital plan *** Guv flip-flops on temp budget ***
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 11:30 am - Gov. Pat Quinn just said that he wants the General Assembly to stay in town if they don’t pass a balanced budget today… Asked about a budget veto, Quinn said he would “send it back” if a budget came to him that wasn’t balanced. The governor also wouldn’t be pinned down on whether he will sign the capital bill now that the parliamentary holds have been removed, taking a not-so-subtle shot at Rep. Lou Lang in the process. More…
*** UPDATE - 11:56 am *** Here’s some video of GOP Leaders Cross and Radogno before today’s leaders meeting taken from another reporter’s video. Cross complained about how the Democrats are continuing to shut the Republicans out of the process… And SEIU is holding another Statehouse rally today protesting the budget meltdown… *** UPDATE 2 - 12:16 pm *** Democratic Rep. Jack Franks, a possible attorney general candidate, says the governor shouldn’t sign the capital bill yet because it’s funded by video gaming… *** UPDATE 3 - 12:20 pm *** As I told subscribers this morning, the governor has flip-flopped yet again. This time, on a temporary budget, which he has totally ruled out for weeks…
[ *** End of Updates *** ] * Related…
More details emerge
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * So, the U of I “formalized” its alleged clout-driven admissions process in 2002, just before Rod Blagojevich became governor and took full advantage. Unlike Jim Thompson’s request, I’ll bet Blagojevich’s touts weren’t summarily rejected…
Thompson said he had no recollection at all about the denied admission request and claimed he has written “scores” of letters on behalf of university applicants over the years. * It also appears that there weren’t all that many “mopes” being pushed for the U of I…
But there were some…
* This is a clue to what was going on…
Those schools are known for parents who are almost fanatical about making sure their kids get into the best schools possible. Those parents are also more sophisticated than the average bear, and were probably more likely to call their legislators in a panic. Montoya apparently was upset about the Category 1 admissions because he was working to recruit economically disadvantaged students…
* And a U of I lobbyist at the center of the controversy, Richard Schoell, denied laws had been broken and said there was never a quid pro quo with legislators…
More from Schoell…
* This, I’d love to see…
I’d also like to see all commission members reveal in public whether they had ever written a letter of recommendation or made a phone call about a prospective college or law school student.
Hoffman gearing up? Unknowns mulling
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’ve heard that Chicago Inspector General David Hoffman is mulling a run for mayor or attorney general, but we’ll just have to wait and see…
* Meanwhile, Mark Brown takes a look at an almost unknown candidate who has a ton of personal cash to spend…
* Speaking of unknowns, a pal forwarded me this e-mail from Justin Ishbia, who is Kip Kilpatrick’s finance manager. I don’t know either of them, but perhaps you do….
From the e-mail, he appears to be a Democrat, but you wouldn’t know that by checking out his campaign site, which, at the moment, is just a one-page contribution generator. The contribution link goes to Act Blue, but a search of that site shows nothing. * IR reports that Peorian Demetra DeMonte may run for LG…
* And in news about more well-known candidates, Bill Brady reiterated his stance yesterday that the governor should sign the budget that Brady voted against…
* Democratic Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias wrote a post recently for Daily Kos…
* Related…
Quote of the day - Lisa Madigan, Dick Cheney and Osama bin Laden
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * From yesterday’s Chicago Tonight, Mike Flannery says Attorney General Lisa Madigan is “tougher to find maybe than Cheny and Osama bin Laden combined.” Watch it… Flannery and the other reporters on the panel were discussing my recent syndicated newspaper column about how LMadigan has refused to say where she stands on the budget issues facing the state. [Via Progress Illinois.] ![]()
Morning shorts
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * Lower Standards
* State minimum wage going up a quarter * Auto sector drives down Midwest manufacturing to lowest point in 15 years: Chicago Fed * Streets and Sanitation commissioner replaced
* Chicago Streets and Sanitation Commissioner Michael Picardi replaced * Chicago Streets and Sanitation Commissioner Ousted * Sears tests program for jobless shoppers
* DOJ cautious about United Airlines alliance * UAL bond pricing shows liquidity stress: analysts * Daley to introduce ordinance to renew city’s set-aside program * Daley to ask feds for money to hire cops
* CHA mixed-income building has class clash * Red-light camera loses backer
* Union doesn’t ‘look kindly on concessions’
* Metra breaks ground on station near Sox park
* Finally, a Metra station for the Cell * Residents Debate Best Use of Land Along Chicago’s Lakefront * IDOT to relieve some holiday traffic
* Press release: IDOT details road construction * $2.6 million going to 3 Ill. health centers
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller