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Question of the day

Monday, Jun 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I know it’s not actually over yet, but who are your top winners and losers from the spring session? Explain fully, please.


  1. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:41 am:

    The Lawmakers…. They got to sit at their desk and do NOTHING for the whole session and collect a paycheck. What did we get out of this session? BOWLING SHOES and TEXTING. GREAT JOB Boys and Girls.

  2. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:43 am:

    Lisa Madigan

  3. - Anon - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:45 am:

    anybody named Madigan. What a poor show of leadership. You nailed it in the fax Rich, so I wont waste my words.

  4. - Dan S, a Voter and Cubs Fan - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:45 am:

    The people of the State of Illinois are the losers, there are no winners here.

  5. - Easy - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:46 am:

    Democrats in total, for all the reasons you stated earlier. They got the mandate to lead and so far they have either refused or failed. The one thing the constitution requires them to do is a balanced budget and with 5 whole months, they couldn’t do that one task. Yeah it’s big, but 5 months???

  6. - Heartless Libertarian - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    Naturally, and as usual, Speaker Madigan is the biggest winner. He basically has control over the House and gets whatever he wants, or it won’t pass. Also, the “reform” bill (if signed by Quinn) gives him more power, so he can donate money to his allies, and snub those who will not be rank-and-file.

    The biggest loser… once again this seems like the “as-usual” losers… the Republicans. They are not needed to pass anything, and have no real, clear agenda. People are upset with state democrats, but house and senate republicans just stand-by as the lovable losers once again.

  7. - Cynic - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    Pat Quinn is the biggest loser without a doubt. Given his fundraising disadvantage, the only change he had to get reelected is to hit the ground running and have a great Spring. Instead, he has come across as well-meaning but feckless. From his broken promise to fumigate government to his pathetic budget rollout to the $15,000 face time sale to rolling over to the leaders on reform, I’m hard pressed to think of how he could have been a bigger loser.

    Oh, and I’m a fan who would have gladly voted for him and still might. What a disappointment.

  8. - Anon - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    Sorry, Madigans are the losers here. No winners — just sadness all the way around. If I had to choosed a winner, I would say staff. Staff works their butts off and I hope that they all get to enjoy a bit of the summer.

  9. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:48 am:

    Winner Hendon: Somone who I never conceived I could agree with proposed a reasonable tax hike proposal.

    Loser’s the GOP: voting to spend without revenue, voting against revenue to fund all the spending they voted for.

  10. - Sewanee - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:49 am:

    Winners - Cynics and anti-government folks for correctly predicting inaction, fake reforms, and political maneuvering to the very end.

    Losers - The Illinois General Assembly, who proved that Blagojevich wasn’t the only problem.

  11. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:54 am:

    Winners: IL GOP for sticking to its guns (so far, at least) and not falling for the “we need more taxes” mantra of the likes of Meeks.

    Lisa Madigan, since Daddy so far has succeeded in making Quinn look incompetent.

    Losers: Pat Quinn, the reputation of the General Assembly, folks who want real ethics reform and the general public.

  12. - Reality Check - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 9:56 am:

    Dan S is right on the mark.

    The losers are the people of Illinois.

    There are no winners.

  13. - bored now - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:00 am:

    the big winner is speaker madigan. he has, once again, made sure that nothing happened, so no one gets blamed. meanwhile, he protected the madigan brand that consolidates power into his hands while staying virtually invisible! imagine what he can do with his little girl in the governor’s mansion…

  14. - Rick - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:04 am:

    Losers: Proponents of equality (or watered-down versions thereof), as civil unions didn’t pass.

  15. - Hank - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:06 am:

    Winners..John Cullerton was a breath of fresh air. He refused to advance that rediculous fumigation bill and his caucus put policy over politics and took some tough votes. Radogno showed that she can and will negotiate and proved that in the minority if you give a little you can get a lot for your members.
    Losers..Easily the two House Leaders

  16. - Stones - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:09 am:

    Clearly, Mike Madigan. He is as powerful as ever and has proven again that he calls the shots despite whomever sits in the Governor’s chair.

  17. - GetOverIt - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:11 am:

    The biggest winner…Blago! We can no longer pontificate on the severe lapses in leadership during his administration and his refusal to work with his democratic colleagues on important budgetary issues. Evident is the disinterest and total lack of direction and leadership exercised by the house and senate, but now without the needle that was our fomer governor.

    This begs the question, was he right to ignore the house and senate on pressing issues in order to find loopholes that would allow him to unilaterally make decisions and implement them? I would answer in the affirmative. Then again this creates a dilemma for Quinn, i.e. the biggest loser, does it not?

    Quinn is in the unenviable position of consensus builder and savior. He must not only attempt to work with the house and senate and mend the fences allegedly destroyed by our former governor, but he must also accept any criticism of his leadership in his failing to take the legislature by its horns and tame it. Rev. Meeks would like us to believe that all Gov. Quinn must do is “work” the legislature and all will be healed. However, how does one “work” a public body that simply does not want to work - to the detriment of the biggest loser of them all, the taxpayers.

  18. - The Doc - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:14 am:

    MJM is the clear winner here. He protected his caucus from what would have been (and may still be) a significant tax hike, all while painting Quinn as the tax and spend liberal, a huge boost for his daughter’s chances as our next governor. As importantly, he watered down and tinkered with proposed ethics reform legislation enough to expand his power while being able to aver that he led the push to adopt new reform policies.

    The guy is untouchable - the GA’s teflon don.

    Nearly everyone else is a loser. The Dems appear impotent and cowardly, unable to coalesce post-Blago. The GOP is now going to share the jacket for draconian service cuts and/or higher taxes along with their Democratic brethren.

    And Quinn looks positively feeble for presiding over this debacle.

    Good riddance.

  19. - anon - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:28 am:

    Winners: repubs
    Losers: anyone who cares about our state and who have invested in House Democrats

  20. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:35 am:


    John Cullerton - The Senate Democrats have done a complete 180 from where they used to be. Passed the SB 750 plan after years of it being buried. Showed more leadership and got more done than any other leader, while working well with Radogno.

    Don Harmon - Clayborne may have the Majority Leader title, but…

    Christine Radogno - leads the smallest caucus, but remained relevant and actually may have accomplished a thing or two by working with Cullerton without selling out.

    High Speed Rail - got included for $400 million in the end. Not bad.

    Black caucus - forced a vote on SB 750 after years of trying, and got $425 million for weatherization included in the capital bill, which was a top priority.


    Pat Quinn - see today’s Capitol Fax. ‘Nuff said.

    Mike Madigan - Also see today’s Capitol Fax. There are finally cracks in the facade. He’s overreaching by getting too cute, and it will rebound and hurt both him and Lisa. He’s closer to a revolt in the caucus than anytime in the past 30 years.

    Lisa Madigan - see Mike above.

    Natural Resources - despite a champion as governor, DNR is still facing budget cuts and park closures. Only $25 million was included in the capital budget for open space.

    House GOP - showed last night that they don’t stand for anything, and have no solution to the state’s problems.

    Reform - the ethic proposals are a joke. The Recall provision, even had it passed, was ridiculous. Pat Collins and the commission made fools of themselves.

    The People of Illinois - I don’t think this needs any explanation.

    Emil Jones, Jr. - he staked his legacy to education funding but couldn’t make it happpen, only to see Cullerton move it in his first session as president.

  21. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:35 am:

    Quinn is the obvious big-time winner. The very first actions of the spring session were to remove Blago and make him governor. No one’s ever had such a good session.

    Blago’s the big loser.

    State Employees are a big winner with no layoffs yet in the worst job market in 25 years.

    The big game’s literally gone into overtime, so you really can’t pick any other clear winners and losers yet.

    But if the construction season’s lost because bonds aren’t issued for capital projects, everyone’s a loser, most of all those who are out of work that want to work now.

  22. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:36 am:

    Losers: The people of Illinois. A majority of our elected Representatives (and quite a few Senators) are unable or unwilling to act on the fact that the state is broke (and deeply in debt).

    Winners: The folks in the House and Senate who voted “NO” to a tax increase and “NO” to a spending cut. They continue to collect a paycheck without having to make any really tough decisions. It seems they want to continue to play a game that we have to pay for.

  23. - Sick of all of them - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    Winners? No one in this state.

    Losers? The Democrats starting with Michael Madigan. Blago’s gone; Jones is gone; Madigan’s here AND THE ONLY CONSTANT in the same old tired budget mess. When will the Democratic legislators start to hold their own leadership accountable?

  24. - lake county democrat - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    Winner: Speaker Madigan, the Mussolini of Illinois government; GOP — Dems doing more to themselves than the hapless GOP could ever do.

    Losers: Everyone else

  25. - Wumpus - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    Winners -incumbents, Lisa M..THE COMBINE
    Losers-taxpayers and citizens of IL

  26. - lake county democrat - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:02 am:

    P.S. Susan Garrett’s comment (reported in the Tribune) about how because the last two govs are in jail the voters shouldn’t be so worked up about the legislature was pathetic.

  27. - Louis Howe - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:05 am:

    Winner: GOP 2010 Candidate ???? for Governor….GOP’s Simple Message: “Illinois Democrats Can’t Govern and require Adult supervision” Loser: Gov Quinn and Lisa Madigan…In his attempt to make the unpleasant work of passing a tax increase bi-partisan, Speaker Madigan has forfeited the right of democrats to hold all the thump cards. Perhaps Lisa wants to run for the Senate after all….

  28. - LouisXIV - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:08 am:


    1. The people of the State of Illinois. The GA dithers and we still don’t get a rational, balanced budget.
    2. The GOP; this session shows its complete irrelevancy
    3. Rep. Ken Dunkin; awarded his second Century Award for having one of his bills voted down by over 100 votes. The only two time winner.
    4. Gov. Quinn. His big reform proposals did not pass and neither did his budget plan. Lisa will roll over him in February.

  29. - ILPundit - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:16 am:

    Speaker Madigan — If the man has taught us anything, its that when you don’t care about the outcome, then you never lose.

  30. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:24 am:

    Winners: Mr. Michael J. Madigan owns it all, doesn’t want any of it, and doesn’t think anyone else should have it either.

    Losers: The Illinois Democratic Party gave us an impeached governor, a perjurous US Senator, a back-breaking state budget, and flipped off everyone still waiting for meaningful reform and ethics since 2002. They can thank their gerrymandered districts to continue their perpetual reign of error.

  31. - Collar Observer - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:29 am:

    As I was waiting for my slow computer - the first thing that came to my mind was - Winner - MJM - his House Dems are totally in his control just like he wants them -
    Losers - The People -

    “glad” I am not alone.

  32. - LMS - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    Mike Madigan is my hero! Rock’rolla still kicking everyones @$$ the man cannot be stopped. Next stop governor’s mansion.

  33. - There you go again - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:39 am:

    The Republicans, on balance, have won due to the Democratic majority’s inabibility, or unwillingness, to pass an effective budget.

    At the end of the day, I think, Rich Miller’s CF analysis is far too close to the truth for this Democrat.

  34. - Abe Froman - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    Those calling the GOP losers are just partisan hacks. No way the Repubs wear the jacket for this mess. It is the ultimate in irony that the GOP’s electoral failures have ended up being their most potent weapon to help the Dems shoot themselves in the foot and seriously damage their brand futher. Unfortunately, with no viable candidates the GOP can’t take advantage.

    Mike Madigan is the big winner since he consolidated his power yet again. The further establishment of his position as the boss hog of Illinois may lose him a few seats but not his majority and it has bolstered his daughter’s bid for governor by emasculating Quinn.

    The losers are, as many have pointed our, the people of Illinois. No matter how trite it sounds, this dysfunction is hurting everyone from those who depend on government help to those who thrive with less government interference and taxes.

  35. - Captain Flume - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:45 am:

    This blog is a winner. The GA and the Governor give us something to blog about, thank you very much.

    The Repubs have been losers for years, nothing new there. They don’t act like they want leadership because they only offer criticism, not solutions. They don’t know how to bargain from a minority position nor how to move public opinion in their direction.

    The Dems are qualified winners, only because inertia will keep them in the majority, not because of any exemplary statesmanlike behavior on their parts. Certainly the “reform” measures that passed will help them as well.

  36. - Lefty Lefty - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:54 am:

    I agree with many here that MJM is the big winner for now and that We the People are the losers. I also agree with those above who say that the Democratic Party’s days may be numbered. If the Republican Party can slate a few candidates who aren’t virulently anti-immigrant/anti-gay/anti-abortion, I’ll vote for them. It is clear more than ever where the problems of the last 6-8 years originated.

    Please note I said “virulently.” I honestly do understand where conservatives are coming from; I just don’t agree at all with the extreme stances. A little compromise and they can win again here.

  37. - Mantra - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    Please won’t somebody think about the Children?

  38. - AltonBrother - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    I am going to say poor show to Dan Beiser. Thanks for nothing.

  39. - Realist - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    I actually dont think that Madigan had that strong of session. He is surely to share a portion of the blame (as will all Dems). However, Madigan needs to be careful. He is the only one left out of Emil, Rod, and Madigan. Maybe he is the problem???

    Winner: Black Caucuses. In the senate they were able to pass Meeks tax hike as well as dictate much of the business. Black Caucus caused some headaches for Madigan with the 50% budget bill and taxes.

  40. - jake - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    Biggest loser, relative to where he started, is Speaker Madigan, who failed to engineer an acceptable budget, either by reaching across the aisle or holding his caucus together. I can not remember this ever happening under his leadership before.

    Other losers are the Democrats who voted against the tax increase, who deserve the label Profiles in Cowardice.

    Biggest gainer, relative to where he started, was President Cullerton, who held his troops together under difficult circumstances and almost made it look easy.

    Mixed results, Governor Quinn, who showed flashes of leadership and of reaching out, but also lost because of a lack of establishing priorities and focusing on those priorities. He also showed lack of judgment in when to stand firm and when to compromise, with the result that he looked erratic and weak.

    The Republicans are potential gainers, if they can bargain for some points important to their constituencies, in return for a budget that does not cut services that the broad middle class cares about. It remains to be seen whether they are capable of that. So far, it looks as though they have neither a compelling message nor any compelling messengers.

  41. - MOON - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:03 pm:

    Winners—The citizens of Illinois. An increase of income taxes from 3 to 5 percent would have been crazy!

    Losers…The citizens of Illinois. An increase in taxes, temporarily, would have given time for the economy to get back on its feet. Then the GA could have decided if it needs to be permanent.

    The uncertainty of what lies ahead is hard to deal with for all citizens

  42. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:09 pm:

    Don’t Worry, Be Happy provided a pretty good recap above…see notes where I differ:


    Black Caucus

    Lisa Madigan - Her odds of becoming the first female Governor of Illinois and first female U.S. President are looking better and better, the more Quinn’s light dims.

    Speaker Madigan - Rod’s gone, Emil’s gone…Cullerton in the Senate President’s seat; and despite efforts by Cross to put his caucus on the budget hot seat and editorial boards to put him on the “reform” hot seat, Madigan revails


    Rod Blagojevich
    Roland Burris

    House Republicans - The Tom Cross Caucus would’ve needed to put 8-10 votes on a temporary tax increase, but their role would’ve gone unnoticed. SOME spending may be trimmed from the final budget, but we’ll STILL need a temporary tax hike. The only difference is, NOW it will require 17- 21 House Republican votes. Oops.

    Special Interest Groups/Political challengers: You’re all about to find out why I warned you that public financing — not caps — wasthe right answer.

    You Win Some/You Lose Some

    Quinn — Pat Quinn’s finally got the shot he’s been dreaming up. He flubbed his budget role-out, but now he basically gets a do-over and a chance to learn from his mistakes. IF he stands tough on the budget and refuses to allow the General Assembly to shirk from their responsibilities, Pat Quinn could come out smelling like a leader.

    The People of Illinois — Getting rid of Rod and Emil will help us move this state forward, I don’t care what anyone says. On the down side, the budget deficit has placed in jeopardy programs that every community in the state and hundreds of thousands of families depend upon. The next30 days will be telling.

  43. - BLAGO - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:11 pm:

    Blago is the winner. History will no doubt write he asked a Democratic GA to pass a multi-billion dollar business tax (GRT) to bring structural balance back to the budget and pay for his expanded initiatives, and Madigan, the Chairman of the Democratic Party in Illinois killed it and kept the State on a path of fiscal disaster. A path he has steered the course on for nearly 30 years. The middle class will get screwed in the veto session when MJM deems it safe to raise the income tax.

  44. - Erickson - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:15 pm:

    As mentioned earlier by Sewanee:

    Winners - cynics and pessimists who correctly predicted the outcome…and that Blago wasn’t THE reason for the GA’s lack of productivity.

    Losers - the General Assembly (who couldn’t come up with a majority vote to remove their collective head from their ___ if their lives depended on it).

  45. - Captain Flume - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:21 pm:

    Some have suggested the “revolt” against the Speaker was crack in the control box. Such a revolt is to be expected with “excess” majority party members. The Dems probably could have had a veto-proof majority with the last election, but gave up some seats (Granberg’s comes to mind as one). The Speaker’s game plan, IMO, keeps him in the majority, but with a controllable number that does not include room for too many sub-groups.

  46. - Captain America - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:25 pm:

    Cullerton looks “darned” good compared to his predecsssor, Godfather Jones.

    Mike Madigan demonstrates his mastery of the process and political expediency, but a real loser on the substance - no positive results in dealing with the budget issues.

    Quinn looks ineffectual - he’s not a sociopath, but still couldn’t get anything done on the budget.

    Lisa Madigan looks like a winner to me - i don’t thnk the voters will blame her for her father’s actions/inactions.

    I don’t think the Republicans look good, but the Democratic legislature definitely looks bad -can’t blame their failures on Blago anymore.

    All of us who care about our fellow Illiniosans and would have supported an income tax increase to help the least fortunate among us are the real losers -along with the human service providers and their clients who really depend on state funding.

  47. - MrSpeaker - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:29 pm:

    There is no reason Sen. Radogno shouldn’t be able to see an opening here– it’s a perfect time for her to take a role. Enough of the pasty white men.

  48. - Rocket - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 12:41 pm:

    Cross and Republicans, no brainer!
    Capital Bill and no tax increase, plus the fact that democrats look like incompent, make Cross the the Rebublicans the clear winners.

  49. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    Right now I feel like the biggest loser. I have to explain what happened to my employer in a way that makes sense.

    Them: “I thought you said this was a done deal Friday.”

    Me: “Yes, I did say that, but you have to understand the Speaker really wants…”

    Them: “You told us the Speaker was the only competent leader down there.”

    Me: “Yes, I did say that, but you have to understand the Governor…”

    Them: “You told us that Quinn would be a huge improvement over whats-his-name.”

    Me: “Well, yes I said that, but you see it really wasn’t that simple.”

    Rich, I think I’m going to need a few more CapitolFax subscriptions for the rest of the office.

    So around here, I am the biggest loser in this debacle.

  50. - Easy - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 1:09 pm:

    I don’t get the comments that say Madigan is a winner because he flexed his power. Nothing was accomplished. The guy has a near supermajority and a new Governor and new Senate President. All the excuses for lack of progress should have been removed. Yet again, under a Madigan led General Assembly, Illinois citizens are rewarded with no reform. A bad budget and a very murky financial future.
    I think the case many are making–and quite well–is that he is a despot and that’s not equal to a winner.

  51. - Steve - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 1:09 pm:

    The winner so far is Tom Cross. He’s against the tax increase and he can blame the Democrats because they control everything. The biggest loser is Pat Quinn because his big tax increase is finding resistance from parts of the Democratic party.

  52. - Hon. Cranial Lamb - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 1:43 pm:

    * President Cullerton - managed to show to his members that he would represent and lead them, while he still maintained positive working relationships with the Governor and the Speaker oh yeah and with Radogno too.
    * Companies that manufacture video-gaming machines, many of which are IL based I believe.
    * Whoever gets capital funding for their projects: roads, bridges, towns, schools, colleges.
    * Rep. Kevin McCarthy - took on the very big challenge of pension reform, repaired his relationship with his caucus - came back from the politically dead
    * Chicago Tribune - despite stain from involvement in the Blago scandal - the paper came back from the dead with its way off the mark over the top editorials on ethics reform and investigative reporting on U of I, etc.

    * Casino interests - when bars and restaurants have gaming machines, casinos lose.
    * Senator Link (looked rather pathetic IMHO trying to add 4 boats after the capital bill was already funded with video poker machines)
    * Rep. Ken Duncan - 2x century club + no chairmanship, + Blago gone
    * Sen. Mike Noland - flip flopped on tax increases, didn’t make any friends with how he ran his committee
    * Gun control groups - looking rather pathetic in their attempts to move bills in the House. Even with Quinn as Governor, making no headway.

  53. - Anon - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 2:38 pm:

    Kevin McCarthy is one of the most stand up members of the GA. He will always be a winner in my book. Straight shooter who deserves to be there, unlike many of his fellow house dems.

  54. - shore - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 2:48 pm:

    -IL GOP, In the words of former arizona cardinals football coach and former northwestern university assistant coach, denny green, “they are who we thought they are”. Another disastorous session for a democrat party that forgets it works for us, rather than their political ends.

    -Chicago Tribune, excellent series on political clout in education this weekend. Proof that there are some great reporters left in America.

    -Lisa Madigan. Being a woman and daughter of a powerful man won’t do you much good if your party is awful at governing. A status quo candidate of a status quo that isn’t great doesn’t sound so hot.

    -Chris Lauzen. People expect corruption from Illinois democrats, not longtime conservative gop senators. His involvement in illini-gate is an ugly mark.

    -University of Illinois. A low first tier public school had its reputation badly damaged with these revelations. Wonder how many alumni whose kids couldn’t get in there, but read the tribune story won’t ever give them another dollar in donations.

  55. - Mongo - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 2:56 pm:


    Cullerton (set new tone, leads, great leadership team, appears to work OK with Radogno)

    Radogno (constructive but on-message R)

    Harmon (works hard and was handed some gems)

    Hamos (a leader in the House Dem revolt, great interview of her on the Blog site the other day)


    Speaker Madigan (it does appear to be his lack of leadership…his token yes vote on the tax increase was not accompanied by enough arm-twisting and everyone knew it)

    Governor Quinn (too little too late, whining about his projects like light rail, didn’t work the GA as he should have)

    Leader Cross (appears too much like an obstructionist…I never really heard a viable alternative out of him)

  56. - Hon. Cranial Lamb - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 3:11 pm:

    candy-gram for Mongo!

    So do we want the Speaker of the House to twist arms and ram through policies? Or do we want a more “democratic” body that doesn’t have a strong-gaveled leader? Which is it?

    People (Collins, Tribune) keep saying that the Speaker has too much power, but when he leaves the members alone and lets them vote their druthers people complain that he didn’t show enough “leadership.” I think that is baloney. You can’t have it both ways.

  57. - Boscobud - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 3:15 pm:

    Winners: There isn’t any.

    Losers: Both the Democrats and Republicans They both couldn’t find the opening to a paper bag.

  58. - Niles Township - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    I posted this on the other stream, but it is more appropriate here. Gre Hinz has the line of day, and sums up my feelings on the losers: “But if the state’s rookie governor can be judged not-quite-ready for prime time, Mr. Madigan bears at least as much blame.”

  59. - springfieldish - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 3:27 pm:

    Cullerton: Wow. Could a leader’s first Legislature be more difficult?
    Hamos: She stood tall when the House needed a Dem to speak up.
    Feigenholtz: Holy smokes! I bet she wishes she were in D. C. right now. But clearly healthcare’s best advocate in the House.
    Bond: Smooth, bipartisan leadership of the infrastructure committee: got it done with quiet proficiency before the doodoo hit the oscillating device at the end of term.

    Illinois GOP: Thanks for nothin, guys and gals.
    Gov. Quinn: How could he have ever hoped to pass an outside commission’s reform package when he knew a tax increase loomed? Reform is vital, and deserves more than being relegated to a distraction. Take care of taxes, spending and the budget first. Then lay the groundwork for a reform bill. He forgot that when you go for all or nothin, you often get nothin.

  60. - Enemy of the State - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 3:30 pm:

    If you think there are winners here, you most likely think you can pick up a turd by the good end.

  61. - CC425 - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 3:44 pm:

    winners: robin kelly–has taken great pr and fundraising action for her run for treasurer

    losers: burris–does he honestly expect to make noise for re-election(if you can call it that) with little or no money in his fundraising account?


  62. - Douglas - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 4:07 pm:

    Radogno. Much needed breath of fresh air for GOP. Thoughtful, but still principled.

    Bill Black. On message. Didn’t threaten to quit or retire. One step away from Danville boat.

    Democrats. A show of total incompetence the people may not soon forget.

  63. - Quinn T. Sential - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 5:00 pm:

    Losers; No question, the people of Illinois, hands down are the biggest losers in this ongoing battle of the inept.

    Winners: Springfield hotel operators, restaurants and bars, who will have another extended session or two to continue to capture some per diem spending and lobster dollars.

  64. - Mr. Wizard - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 5:17 pm:

    Skimming thru the posts, it’s interesting that, as the day wore on, MJM moved from the winner category to the other one…..

  65. - Cal Skinner - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 7:23 pm:

    I don’t know about Sen. Mike Noland’s flipping on the income tax issue. I do know I expected him to vote for it after hearing him at Carpentersville School District 300 school board legislative briefing.

  66. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 8:10 pm:

    Republicans win big. They made themselves not only relevant but critical. Became a check on the Dems’ reckless spending increases and irresponsible tax hikes. Fought for ethics reform even though Madigan did not want it. Loser: Madigan and the Dems. He’s actually beginning to lose total control over his caucus (good for them). I’ve never voted straight party either way in my life, but i may go straight GOP next year to shake things up - and I bet others will, too.

  67. - Anon - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 8:32 pm:

    Winner - the Speaker, who keeps his power over the rank and file.

    Losers - the goo-goos, who mistakenly thought they could change Springfield’s image as a moral cesspool.

  68. - Old Timer - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 8:59 pm:

    The state agencies that are stuck with the administrators that were placed in their jobs with no education or experience. It was time that the majority of them were fired. My hopes are crumbled that no real change will come to state government with Governor Quinn.

  69. - Avy Meyers - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:13 pm:

    Hi Rich,

    Your personal mailbox is full. As many here have said, the losers are the people of the state of Illinois.
    Next TV show, June 10th, Far North Side, would totally love to have you on for an honest in depth conversation. No one covers Springfield better than you.

  70. - Avy Meyers - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 10:32 pm:

    Hi Again,

    Posting this because I forget to check the box to get follow up comments. Hope you can make the show.

  71. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 1, 09 @ 11:03 pm:

    ===Michael J. Madigan owns it all, doesn’t want any of it, and doesn’t think anyone else should have it either.===

    Best. Line. Ever.

    Thanks VM!

  72. - long time state worker - Tuesday, Jun 2, 09 @ 6:18 am:

    Really it is clear from these posts that there are differring opinions on what it means to be a “winner”. State employees win so far-no two tiered pensions system, the “exempt” people can go on being hired by their friends and family members, great health insurance, and no accountability. This isn’t over yet so who loses is out until” it isn’t over til its over…

  73. - Big West - Tuesday, Jun 2, 09 @ 7:17 am:


    Cullerton and Radogno. They proved you can disagree without being disagreeable.

    GOP legislative candidates. The IL GOP remains without a quality bench, but if the can find a few more good legislative candidates, those Democratic majorities will be shrinking.

    Teachers. They’re starting to look like the NRA of a blue state. Though not a single current teacher would be affected, they still managed to wrangle no changes in the pension system.


    Pat Collins. He should be a winner, but his absolute insistance on purity, along with his less than veiled jihad against Mike Madigan turned him into a paper hero. As in, he’s a hero in the papers and nowhere else.

    31 brave souls in the Senate. Also should be in the winner list but aren’t. Instead of looking legitimately at a tough vote, I expect a lot of House Democratic members said “what a bunch of idiots.” No one’s ever lost an election for not raising taxes, so they may be right.

    Social service providers. Congrats on those big Democratic majorities. Glad they’ll stick by your agenda of helping the people. Wait, what? Plausibly no group has gotten more resoundingly screwed as a result of the session than social services.

  74. - WOW - Tuesday, Jun 2, 09 @ 8:27 am:

    winner strangley rod because it shows he was not the problem! loser madigan who once again cannot get a budget done, he is the obstructionist.

  75. - Deep South - Tuesday, Jun 2, 09 @ 8:27 am:

    Winner - Blago…his arguement that he had to go around the legislature to get anything done is given some credibility.

    Losers - The Democrats. See above.

    LOL - GOP

  76. - North of I-80 - Tuesday, Jun 2, 09 @ 9:05 am:

    Winners: Rod - he was right. Legislature incapable of functioning & it was done to [look like] clear the way to hike taxes on us poor fools.

    Winner #2: Roland Burris. He won too. He got what he wanted.

    Losers: Dem legislature; they are proven to be incompetent. They didn’t get impeachment going, didn’t call for special election [yes, much earlier] and now have proven that they can’t get budget done on time.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Another supplement to today’s edition
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* Question of the day
* No, the mayor did not help pass the actual EBF bill
* Mayor Johnson announces school board appointments
* Roundup: Jury selection to begin Tuesday in Madigan’s corruption trial
* DPI down-ballot focus continues with county-level races
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
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* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
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