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Unsolicited advice

Friday, Jun 5, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dear Chicago Tribune editorial board,

Please read the New York Times.

The Trib recently published some blistering editorials decrying “overspending” by the state as the sole reason for Illinois’ budget mess, so this NYT article might help enlighten their minds…

The carnage in state budgets is getting worse, [an NCSL] report said Thursday, with places like Arizona being hurt by falling revenue on multiple fronts, like personal income and sales taxes. Other states are having mixed experiences, with some tax categories stable, or even rising, even as others fall off the map. […]

“What this report really underscores is that the states are facing revenue-based problems,” said Todd Haggerty, a research analyst at the conference, a nonpartisan group based in Denver. “If there’s been an increased demand for state services — as there has in many states — it’s putting them into a really tough situation.”

A report issued by the group in April said that spending increases related to the recession, from more people seeking state services, were compounding the impact of a decline in tax revenue. Sixteen states were facing higher-than-anticipated costs for health care, seven were spending more on public safety and four were seeing cost overruns on programs for the poor like food stamps.

Worse is yet to come. The total collective budget gap that the states will have to resolve in the fiscal year that starts, in most states, next month, is $121 billion, compared with 102.4 billion for the year approaching its end, the report said. Measures on the table to fill those holes, or already in place, range from the macro (a cut of 25 percent in grants to local governments in Minnesota) to the micro (elimination of staffing at metal detectors in local courthouses in Maine).

This article might help as well: “Total revenue into [Illinois] state government is still running far behind last year’s totals.”

* Dear Rod Blagojevich,

Shut the heck up

Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich confirmed today that he did indeed refer to former state treasurer Judy Baar Topinka as “a crazy old aunt,” when he ran against Topinka in the 2006 governor’s race.

Blagojevich, in an appearance on on WLS-AM (890) today, was referring to comments his wife, Patti, made Thursday on the reality TV show, “I’m a celebrity . . . Get Me Out of Here!” […]

“Yes, it’s Judy Baar Topinka,” Rod Blagojevich said this morning. “When you’re in a campaign and you have to be with your opponent from time to time, sometimes they’ll do things to you that you think are unfair. They’ll twist things. I’m sure they think the same thing about you. For me, I try to get myself in a mindset where I could love my opponent and not let it [get] personal. To discipline myself, I tried to imagine, like a method actor might, that Judy Baar Topinka was one of my old aunts. That deep down she was a good person and when she would say the things that she would say or do the things she would do, it was more amusing than anything else. And I think that really probably is who she is. You know, crazy aunt in a good way.”

* Dear Judy Baar Topinka,

Don’t lower yourself to his level…

“The fact that they bring it up in this way just proves that [they] really have no respect for anything,” Topinka said. “They are shameless. They certainly have no respect for the system. They have no respect for the people of Illinois. It’s all about them. You can’t tell me that — as she sits there looking sane, with a bunch of has-beens and wannabes and goofs — she looks better by comparison. This is the same gal with the potty-mouth who was yelling on one of these transcripts of a phone message, you know, ‘Go knock these guys off the [Chicago] Tribune, get rid of these editorial writers if they can’t make a deal on the Cubs, and expletive deleted.’ I mean, Who is this woman? Now she’s suddenly playing Martha Washington. I mean, c’mon. She knew what was going on. She’s lucky [U.S. Attorney] Patrick Fitzgerald isn’t on her case, too.”

…Adding… More here.


  1. - OneMan - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:00 pm:

    It think Rod is confused in his case it isn’t method acting it’s acting like he has done too much methadone…

    Then again these two items from a ‘Why I hate Method Acting’ list seem to fit

    SIX: Psychosis

    The Method’s ill-educated and misguided approach to tinkering around in the mind of the actor is frightening. Stanislavski gave all of that up in favour of an approach focusing on ‘action’. Your own psychological state is not the playground of an acting teacher; you don’t know what a potentially explosive minefield of unresolved issues that you are poking around in. Messing with that stuff isn’t brave, it’s stupid.

    SEVEN: Self-Indulgence

    When you’re a Method-actor, you do ‘research’. You go off and learn to fire guns so that you know how a soldier feels, you learn Swahili so that you can say three lines in the film, you talk to real prostitutes about their craft to play Prostitute Number 3 or interview real criminals to play ‘Second Crook from the End’. It’s an excuse to do something fun and call it work, but:

    None of this will help you play the scene. I’ll say it again, NONE OF THIS WILL HELP YOU PLAY THE SCENE.

    If you need to learn REAL physical skills for a role, that’s fair enough, that makes sense. Learn to speak those three lines of Swahili beautifully and accurately with a great accent. But don’t confuse indulgent, self-pleasuring for ‘research’. This is really a time-wasting exercise that gives the actor false confidence, instead of helping them to ‘act’ the scene

  2. - Obamarama - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:03 pm:

    Responding to being called a crazy aunt on national teevee by acting like one probably wasn’t the best idea, Judy.

  3. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:07 pm:

    You missed the best part of Judy’s quote

    “That kooky old aunt had three terms in the treasurer’s office and never misplaced a dollar, gave $230 million in unclaimed assets back to people and made a profit,” Topinka said. “Not bad, huh, for being a kooky old aunt? Maybe Gov. Blagojevich — former Gov. Blagojevich — and his tarantula-eating wife might consider looking at doing the same thing or they wouldn’t be in such trouble.”

    Too funny.

  4. - Greg - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:22 pm:

    Rich, it’s also likely that those states undergoing shortfalls over spent too. Because it isn’t every state and some seem to be addressing the economic downturn better than others.

  5. - Been There - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:26 pm:

    Did reality TV spill over to this blog or was it the other way around? I watched the first show out of curiosity. Part of the second when I saw Patti talking. If I see even a second of another episode I think I might relapse into the endless stupor I was in from last December and January and took me all session to get out of. Stop. Please.

  6. - George - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:27 pm:

    “Because it isn’t every state”

    47 out of 50 states.

    That pretty much is across the board.

  7. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:28 pm:

    Rich even if revenues were steady we would have large shortfalls from years of mismanagment. Thanks to Blago, Madigan, emil Jones and Cullerton.

    Id be happy to blame the GOP but they are not worth mentioning

  8. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:32 pm:

    my revenues are down this year too. So guess what we wont be going to Disneyworld like we did last year. I dont have the money so therfore I wont spend the money. In Ill. its we dont have the money lets spend even more than last year.

  9. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:32 pm:

    ===Rich even if revenues were steady===

    But they’re not. Not even close. And the Tribune won’t even mention it. Hence, the advice.

  10. - George - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    fed up, that isn’t necessarily true.

  11. - dupage dan - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    Please, Patti is just trying to provide for her family. She now finds herself between arachnid a hard place. Give her a break.

  12. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:34 pm:

    George what isnt true.

  13. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:35 pm:

    fed up, we’re not talking about Disneyworld vacations here. We’re talking about slashing social service and other programmatic spending by 50 percent and a huge cut in the operating budget.

    Try to keep some perspective on things.

  14. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:36 pm:

    JBT — next time you come to the fork in the road, take the high road.

    RMD — The idea of upward family mobility is to try and make it better for the next generation. Try to keep the younger generation out of the heavy part of the family business — the part that attracts the federales.

    State GOP — Cowboy up. Blago, Burris, Stroger, bad economy, taxes, Dem control — you may never have an opportunity like this in a lifetime. Hint for success: Lots of people live in Northeastern Illinois.

    Parking Meter Vigilantes — Grow up.

    Big Z — You, too.

    Fitz — Keep your foot on the gas.

    Tom Cross — Make the deal. The negative spin is coming your way.

    Pat Quinn: Focus.

  15. - George - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:36 pm:

    That if revenues were steady we would have large shortfalls.

    In fact, if you do the math, if revenues were steady from last year, the only thing extra to account for would be the increased pension payment - and that is based on the schedule they established back in 1995.

  16. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    Please, Patti is just trying to provide for her family. She now finds herself between arachnid a hard place. Give her a break.

    It truly is sad when you cannot steal enough to provide for your family and your defense.

  17. - George - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:39 pm:

    fed up - when you have to shed a family member, move in with your parents, in a room with a just released felon, and eat half as many meals as you normally do, then you can make an apt comparison.

  18. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:39 pm:

    then where does the 12 billion shortfall come from we are not down 12 billion in revenue

  19. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:45 pm:

    when you have to shed a family member, move in with your parents, in a room with a just released felon, and eat half as many meals as you normally do, then you can make an apt comparison.

    you lost me with this. But unfortunatley moving in with my folks isnt an option so I go to work.

    George your parents live with a just released felon? If its that bead get a sec 8 voucher and go downstate where things are cheaper.

  20. - Anonymous45 - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:48 pm:

    IL is in the situation it is in because of a perfect storm of inept leadership, fiscal irresponsibility, voter fatigue, the banking/ mortgage/security industries not caring about long term risk, poor public schools, and a consumer based society…I do not blame Quinn for the pickle we’re in, but he could have had a better plan to deal with the legislature and it’s leaders…at least the economy in IL is diverse…I truly feel that the US is evolving into a two class society: the haves and have nots…
    I can just hear myself talking to my grandkids (if my kids can afford some) about how things were better/easier when I was a kid…

  21. - Stooges - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:48 pm:

    I like what Judy had to say. She didn’t necessarily stoop to their level, she just reminded everyone of the phony crooks we are dealing with here. Its easy for the average, barely paying attention, citizen to forget what they really did when they are allowed to spin their lies on WLS and TV.

  22. - George - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:49 pm:

    Obviously, you struggle with metaphors.

    The impending budget cuts are not like skipping out on a trip to Disneyworld.

    They are like having to do everything I said up above.

  23. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:50 pm:

    fed up, instead of whining about your vacation plans here, go get another job. More revenues!!!


    Just sayin…

  24. - Easy - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:50 pm:

    wondering when people start realizing the last 6 years weren’t all Rod’s fault….I’m looking at you MJM

  25. - The Doc - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 2:59 pm:

    WLS - Stop it. Right now.

    Rick Telander - Please forward your latest piece to the IOC.

    Delmarie Cobb - You’re bringing the proverbial knife to a gun fight. Time to cut your losses.

    State GOP - Keep your eye on the ball. You’ve got a single bullet in the chamber, and his name is Mark Kirk.

  26. - shore - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:00 pm:

    As a Republican the most frustrating thing for me is the lack of accountability or leadership from my state party. Radogno is the highest gop elected state official and yet I would bet that there are at least 15 democrats in the state with higher name recognition than her.

    Also we have started a campaign to get team america to run for state senate. He’s now an elected official in northern illinois and an activist who isn’t tainted by the state gop’s goons and awful groupthink wouldn’t be a bad idea.

  27. - Little Egypt - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:03 pm:

    I’m not a fan of the “survivor type” shows on TV but out of absolute curiosity, I did watch parts of the first two episodes to see how Miss Patti would behave. Good night, that program is nothing but a train wreck with mostly has beens or soon to be has beens. Thankfully I’ve got 599 other channels I can tune into instead of being glued to NBC for the next umpteen weeks. I don’t know how Patti is going to fare on this program but that’s not the half of it - I DON’T CARE!

  28. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:06 pm:

    Rich whinning would be expecting everyone else to pay more so I could go on vacation again. Being responsible is not spending what you dont have. We have created a welfare state where whole segments expect handouts from the goverment for doing nothing and expect the handouts to get better every year. Those of us with jobs or two jobs should not be expected to keep paying more and more for anyone that refuses to try.

  29. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:08 pm:

    fed up, one day you may need one of those services. I’ve found it’s usually best not to be on such a high horse while patting oneself on the back for doing such a great job in life. Things happen in life. And karma is a… well, you get the idea. Or perhaps you don’t.

  30. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:15 pm:

    Rich I do know what you mean and I am not trying to come off that way. I just believe that living within your means is not unreasonable. I also believe the budget is still bloated, yes I know we wont get there with cuts only but Quinn and the GA refuse to make even symbollic cuts or pass meaningful reform so giving them more and more money is like giving an alcoholic bum money and expecting them to get a sandwich instead of a 40oz A nice gesture but stupid and unhelpful

  31. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:16 pm:

    ===the GA refuse to make even symbollic cuts===

    Dude, a 50 percent cut in services passed both chambers. What more do you want?

  32. - Capitol View - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:16 pm:

    reality check, people.

    When the economy tightens up, more persons come to the state in need of programs and services. More job training and placement, more domestic abuse counseling, more child neglect or abuse, more homelessness, more alcohol abuse intervention,and more assistance to seniors who lost their assets in the stock market and are not impoverished.

    Should Illinois have set up a rainy day fund for the rough times, when income tax revenues are down as needs go up? Perhaps - but first government should pay a fair rate for serving its clients to community based providers, and pay them on time. Properly fund its pension funds, too. Then bank the balances after that. But we never got to that point, and not just because Rod B liked to spend every available new nickle on new programs with his name on them. Our budget was unbalanced before we noticed that this governor was, as well.

    If everyone is working, happy, and healthy, then state government seems to be a luxury and not deserving of our tax support. But when times get rough, state governemnt is the safety net, implemented through community groups for both cost efficiency and effectiveness.

    If the ship is sinking, don’t throw the lifeboats over the side to reduce weight. Similarly, if the national economy is in trouble, don’t clobber state government until we come out of the national economic crisis and we reduce our reliance on state government services for individuals and families.

  33. - Ghost - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:16 pm:

    Just Wait for next years superhero blockbuster about the former wife of an indicted Governor who ingested spiders and entrails and developed superpowers. It will be called Iron Stomach.

  34. - George - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:18 pm:

    I agree with fed up - we don’t need any of these stinkin’ handouts.

    I mean. If people want their children to get educated, how dare they expect that education to be free. We should only teach the kids in this world who come from families that can pay.

    And those seniors. Expecting us to pay for their healthcare once they retire. I say… you don’t work anymore, here’s an icepack and go home.

    And people with disabilities… well… why should I be responsible for paying for their healthcare. I mean, I wasn’t born that way!


    That right there is the bulk of your state budget.

    Unless you were talking about “cash assistance,” and “food stamps” for the poor. Guess what… That’s about $120 million out of the state budget.

    That isn’t what’s bankrupting our state my friend.

  35. - Steve - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:19 pm:

    Since Rich and fed up are going at end I’ll add this one from Reason for everyone:

    “In 2002 the National Governors Association issued a press release saying the “states face the most dire fiscal situation since World War II.” In 1990 The New York Times reported that states and cities faced a “fiscal calamity.” Fire up Google, pick almost any year, and you’ll find plenty of stories about a “fiscal crisis” around the nation.

    For decades statehouses have followed a predictable schedule. In good economic times, they collect a lot more tax revenue than they really need. But instead of giving the money back to taxpayers or putting it in a rainy day fund, they pretend the good times will never end. When the good times do inevitably come to a close, governors plead poverty and either ask the federal government for help or raise taxes on their beleaguered citizens. Eventually, the economy rebounds and the vicious cycle starts again.”

  36. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:19 pm:

    - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:16 pm:

    ===the GA refuse to make even symbollic cuts===

    Dude, a 50 percent cut in services passed both chambers. What more do you want?

    Ill bet you a steak dinner anywhere Chicago/springfield that never happens it is pure BS and you know it.

  37. - make it so - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:22 pm:

    Dear Rod, I tried to think of you as my crazy cousin but just didn’t want you as a relative. There are a lot of reasons but here are the top few: I have Albanian family and they have a strong dislike for Serbs, call they thieves and liars. Your insincere smile and stupid remarks made me want to throw things at the TV. You live in a fantasy that is so twisted that if it were a sitcom it would be funny. Mostly, I can’t stand thieves and liars. Maybe the Albanians are right…

  38. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:22 pm:

    Dude, you are the one who begged for symbolic cuts, now you say symbolic cuts don’t count?

    Have a nice weekend.

  39. - make it so - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:23 pm:

    Dear Rod, I tried to think of you as my crazy cousin but just didn’t want you as a relative. There are a lot of reasons but here are the top few: I have Albanian family and they have a strong dislike for Serbs, call them thieves and liars. Your insincere smile and stupid remarks made me want to throw things at the TV. You live in a fantasy that is so twisted that if it were a sitcom it would be funny. Mostly, I can’t stand thieves and liars. Maybe the Albanians are right…

  40. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    george we already pay taxs and provide those services. Do seniors need free bus rides no did the GA stop it no just spend more. I am not saying we shouldnt provide services we must even food stamps and cash assistance but there should be limits. However we spend more then we take in even before the reccesion and that is stupid. We need to live within are means as a state. Pension reform is a must so is looking at waste and corruption. A million dollars grant to a school that doesnt even exsist run free rides for seniors that can afford them, it adds up and you just gloss over this and say its ok because its not enough to fill the budget gap. Well if the foundation is rotted the whole structure is unsound.

  41. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:32 pm:

    Rich I ment cuts that are real but symbollic in nature like cutting the GA sweetheart pension it would be a small drop in the bucket by symbollic that we can trust them with more money. not 50% cuts that will never happen just to get a quick mention on the news.

  42. - George - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:35 pm:

    If you think a grant here or there, or one program is the foundation of our state finances, then that is your delusion, not mine.

    Education and healthcare are the foundation of the state budget. They are pretty doggone sound.

    Naming one program that costs the State of Illinois budget nothing (it costs the CTA), and then one $1 million grant that might even get paid back, does not a budget solution make.

    You can’t just name 2 things and say “If I can find 2, there must be 1,000″. There might actually be just 2.

    That being said, I could probably come up with $500 million in cuts (and I think I did using the budget tool).

    Quinn came up with about $1 billion in cuts in his budget.

    I will repeat it again - there is always belt tightening that can be (and IS being) done. But that will not solve the problem we are in.

  43. - 2ConfusedCrew - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:41 pm:

    Capt Fax —I would shut down and end with the Jackson Browne song Naked Ride Home
    WLS-AM (aka World Laugh Stock) please read the following to help with programing decisions
    Have a great weekend
    Profile of the Sociopath
    This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

    Glibness and Superficial Charm

    Manipulative and Conning
    They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

    Grandiose Sense of Self
    Feels entitled to certain things as “their right.”

    Pathological Lying
    Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

    Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
    A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

    Shallow Emotions
    When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

    Incapacity for Love

    Need for Stimulation
    Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

    Callousness/Lack of Empathy
    Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others’ feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

    Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
    Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

    Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
    Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet “gets by” by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

    Not concerned about wrecking others’ lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

    Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
    Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.

    Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
    Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

    Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
    Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.

  44. - Pomerium Ultra - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    For a long time the conventional wisdom was that it was political suicide to raise taxes. A good example of this was discussed on this blog earlier in regard to those that voted in favor of the initial State income tax.

    In spite of the poor economy and given the many more services the State now provides, I’m wondering if we are at a tipping point and the politically expedient thing to do now is to vote in favor of a modest increase.

    It seems that the electorate in the 2008 elections was asking for more honesty in government and to be treated as grownups. As grownups we understand that there is tough medicine that must be administered from time to time and we would support our local representatives in an honest effort to preserve the services that we all now expect.

  45. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:04 pm:

    The Chicago Tribune editorial board is about to learn the hard way that you can’t rail every day about government corruption, incompetence, mismanagement, wasteful spending, and the need for “reform”, and then expect its readers to believe the state should spend “money for programs that help battered wives, homebound seniors, recovering addicts and needy schoolchildren.”

  46. - Steve - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:04 pm:

    Since Medicaid is such a big side of the spending ledger, he’s a look at one state’s Medicaid corruption problem. From the NYT. I wonder if this has any relevance in Illinois.

  47. - You Go Boy - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:08 pm:

    Rich, I realize your esteemed position requires you refrain from cursing, but “shut the heck up” HAS to be code for what I’ve said a million times to this waste of humanity in the last 6 years, and it wasn’t “heck”. There are times the F-Bomb is, or should be allowed, and Blago is the perfect example why. But I’m a profane *&#^%$%(&#

  48. - George - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:11 pm:

    Interesting Steve…

    It isn’t the recipients who are defrauding it. It is businesses who are charging for services not performed.

  49. - Steve - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:19 pm:


    It would be interesting to see a study like that done concerning Illinois’ Medicaid program. I doubt we are at New York’s scale in corruption because their program is so much bigger. But, what Illinois spends money on needs to be looked into with a critical eye. Part of the reason a lot people are concerned is: higher taxes might not bring in extra money in certain situations. Is Cook Cook really bringing in higher cigarette tax revenue than they were a couple of years ago? I doubt it. New York State’s income tax collection is down 49% from the last fiscal year. So, is raising rates on the top end really going to yield more revenue? I realize Illinois’ income tax situation is different, because we have a flat tax. But, these are things to think about.

  50. - Steve - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:23 pm:

    Here’s an interesting one from USA Today:
    State and local government spending has been rising three times as fast as revenue amid warnings from governors that their finances are nearing crisis stage.

    As many Americans face stagnant wages, high gas prices and job uncertainty, new government figures show that state and local governments boosted spending 7.8% in the second quarter compared with 2007 while revenue rose 2.5%. Government is on a hiring binge, too, even as private-sector jobs disappear.

  51. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:24 pm:

    Read down in that article…

    ===A large share of the new workers are teachers, police officers and prison guards, says Ron Snell, a budget analyst at the National Conference of State Legislatures. Those positions generally must be filled because of class-size rules, longer prison terms for inmates and other requirements, he says.===

  52. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:25 pm:

    Steve, New York is way different. A big reason they’re down so much is a lot of Wall Street high rollers disappeared when the bubble burst.

  53. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:26 pm:

    Steve, so the States manufatured a global economic downturn to raise a false claim of a sical emrgency?

    And this history of income tax in IL does not follow you this is a frequently repeated cycle,

    === Since Ogilvie signed the individual income tax into law, the rate has fluctuated a bit. The rate was raised to 3 percent in 1983 but was rolled back to 2.5 percent a year later. On July 1, 1989, the rate once again rose to 3 percent. It was scheduled to revert to 2.5 percent, but on July 1, 1993, the 3 percent rate was made permanent. === (SJ-r)

    Not much of a constant cycle o increase

  54. - Amy - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:41 pm:

    all levels of government are in fiscal crisis. illinois, with the most separate government jurisdictions in the universe, often has overlapping priorities. i’d like one gigantic list of services by municipality and then we could evaluate. everyone says there are shortages of services, or will be, but in some places there are too many services, or confusing service delivery, due to multiple levels of government and government buildings that don’t close, smaller ones especially have community constituencies that by whining keep things going.

    some smart and altruistic NGO should compile all the info from every government entity, point out the overkill and gaps of service, and make some recommendations, and show the reality. in cook county, we can start with health care(there is no justification for Provident) and recreation(some neighborhoods have way too many parks buildings with a need to staff). people can’t expect the same level of operations…which i don’t think is the same thing as service…..unless there is more money.

  55. - taxmandan - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 4:43 pm:

    I’m ready for senior citizens to start paying their share. i.e. Taxes on Social Security, IRAs and pensions.

  56. - Billy Dennis - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 5:02 pm:

    I could go on and on about how government spending isn’t the solution, but the cause of the problem …

    But could another reason for increased spending be that state and local governments are trying to “capture” stimulus and other federal money?

  57. - Steve - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 5:03 pm:

    Those rules and mandates will have be changed because spending can’t continue greater than the rate of inflation. Here’s an excellent video showing the total disaster of Arnold and California. Yes, I know this isn’t Illinois but there are at least some similarities.

  58. - fed up - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 5:11 pm:

    If the state budget problem is just because of a bad year revenue wise then a temp tax increase would do the trick. I mean we wouldnt need all the extra money this tax increase will bring in when the economy comes back and tax revenues go back up.

    That being said, I could probably come up with $500 million in cuts (and I think I did using the budget tool).

    Quinn came up with about $1 billion in cuts in his budget.
    Thats music to my ears and if we get real reform and a little fiscal sense a modest tax increase isnt crazy. But coming out and saying we need to increase it 50-67% is crazy. And where do you think the CTA budget comes from the farepayers get real its tax dollars.

    corruption and mismanagment are the reasons we are in this problem. And madigan and Cullerton killed ethics reform because it would threaten their strangle hold on power. Rich of all people should be pissed about the watering down of the FOIA reforms or just think if we used a non partisan computer to draw the districts there could be real races for house and senate seats but King Madigan and prince Cullerton would never allow that. Incumbants accountable to voters we cant have that.

  59. - 2ConfusedCrew - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 5:14 pm:

    Wish I Was As Good as He Is
    He Hits the Long Ball Almost Every Time
    Have a Great Weekend

  60. - DuPage Dave - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 6:06 pm:

    Once again, despite the nationwide revenue mess, we have so many commenters who only want to talk about “waste”- please let us know exactly what you would cut and how much. State aid to local schools- how much? Services for disabled- how much? Revenue sharing for local governments- how much? Payments to hospitals- how much?

    A case can be made for any kind of cut if it’s rational- but why can’t people be specific? I think it’s the long-term anti-tax attitude of Republicans- all taxes are bad all the time. But who pays for services? Whose ox gets gored? You almost never hear that end of the story, because nobody wants to go on record saying cut the poor/elderly/disabled/schools. Just “cut taxes”.

  61. - pmels - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 7:19 pm:

    Lets look at it this way: The bread earner of a family works in sales. Some years her sales are way up and sometimes her sales are way down. If her family is Illinois, the pattern would be as follows: spend as much as possible in the down year 1, spend as much as possible in up year 2, expect to spend as much as spent in year 2 even though year 3 is a down year.

  62. - pmels - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 7:32 pm:

    Rich says:

    “fed up, one day you may need one of those services.” Implying that you should give up your beliefs and succumb to dependance. This is exactly their plan. Fedup they want you dependent on them, they want you to need those services they provide by stealing from others. They are wrong and you are right. Heros are the creators and producers, not the distributors. Heros are not those who altruistically give the property of others for the cynical gain of personal power.

  63. - omg - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 8:59 pm:

    Ny’s population is one and a half time Illinois’ and their medicaid enrollment is twice ours but when our Medicaid total cost (fed, state, igts etc) cost $11 bill, theirs cost $45 bill. Their rates to providers are way more generous than ours. They also have had a longstanding fraud problem that is well documented. I am not saying there is no fraud in Illinois Medicaid but the provider rates are generally so low that there is less incentive. The areas that an OIG should look at are group psych, long term care for the mentally disabled, transportation from nursing homes to group psych and maybe a few other areas. The dept does a pretty good job looking out for unusual volumne.
    also george’s comments on budget are very accurate - most of the spending is not dispensable if you give a damn at all for regular people and societies most vulnerable eg. children living in poverty, persons with disabilities, frail seniors living in poverty or public education in general.

  64. - Anon - Friday, Jun 5, 09 @ 11:00 pm:

    I’m not buying Patti’s explanation that she is doing the show to keep her kids in private school. Grandpa Mell is wealthy, and I’m sure he would give or loan the money for that purpose.

    I bet the real reason is to rehabilitate her image and by extension Rod’s.

  65. - Raymond Moley - Saturday, Jun 6, 09 @ 6:59 am:

    During the 1993 crisis Rep. Jim McPike, who had been Madigan’s go-to Budget guy, was preparing to retire. McPike really understood budget issues and was tough as nails, but he was preparing to transition into private sector lobbying, so Madigan turned to Rep. Gary Hannig and Rep. Bill Edley, two budget committee appropriation chairmen. Both are now working for Quinn, but neither in budget level positions. Hannig was the last numbers guy that Madigan had with real budget experience going back to the 1980’s, so who’s Madigan relying on for his dooms day budget advice?

  66. - Forest Preserve Drive - Saturday, Jun 6, 09 @ 7:17 am:

    Wordslinger: You are semi-correct but The Doc has problems if he thinks Kirk can win statewide.

  67. - Rich Miller - Saturday, Jun 6, 09 @ 9:01 am:

    Enrico, that’s twice now that you’ve claimed I’ve sold out to advertisers.

    It’s always curious to me when people do their utmost to come up with the darkest “reasons” why I or anyone else believe what we do. Perhaps you might consider that I favor a tax hike because I’ve looked at the evidence and believe it’s the only way out.

    Otherwise, bite me.

    If you think I sell out to advertisers and “tax eaters,” ask those people what happened last year during the con-con debate.

    Your shallowness of mind is only exceeded by your vitriol of heart.

    They advertise here because it’s the best place for a Statehouse type to advertise, whether I agree with them or not. I got the eyeballs, albeit with a tiny handful of loony tunes such as yourself.

  68. - lake county democrat - Saturday, Jun 6, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    Rich — I know this is a late response, but here it goes. Re: Judy Baar Topinka — I think you are underestimating just how bad Alan Keyes is (easily the same as that Pudillo woman who was the GOP primary winner for the 5th Congressional district) and what it meant when Topinka, as chairwoman of the state GOP, was absolutely mute as the GOP handpicked him to run for senate, one of the most powerful positions on the planet. I’d vote for an unrepetent Blago today before I’d put Keyes in the senate. I know, it was the right wing of the state GOP that put Keyes in when nobody else would do it (i.e., be a sacrificial lamb without any party campaign financing), and it was highly unlikely he would win, but the chance was there and the symbolism is striking. It would be like me biting my tongue if the Democrats nominated Louis Farrakhan or Ward Connely for the senate.

  69. - Steve - Saturday, Jun 6, 09 @ 4:26 pm:

    Let’s be fair here about Rich. If Rich “sold out” we wouldn’t be having a dialogue here. It’s just that simple. The reason people advertise here is they feel it’s worth the money. It’s that simple. Many people have criticized groups advertising on this site.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Another supplement to today’s edition
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* Question of the day
* No, the mayor did not help pass the actual EBF bill
* Mayor Johnson announces school board appointments
* Roundup: Jury selection to begin Tuesday in Madigan’s corruption trial
* DPI down-ballot focus continues with county-level races
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
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* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
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