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Question of the day

Monday, Jun 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Kristen McQueary argues that Speaker Madigan must retire from public life if his daughter runs for governor…

In this climate of incessant conflict-of-interest gauging, voters will, and should, consider the Madigans a package deal before supporting the younger Madigan, should she run for governor. That is precisely why the elder Madigan must retire before she takes the leap.

But she also kinda makes the case for why a Lisa Madigan governorship might clip the elder Madigan’s wings…

Speaker Madigan, if he stuck around and Lisa Madigan won, would straddle the impossible position of representing the interests of his caucus and avoiding an embarrassing outmaneuver of his daughter.

And outmaneuvering governors is what he does best.

* The Question: Should Speaker Madigan resign from public life if his daughter runs for governor? Explain fully.


  1. - irishpirate - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:31 am:

    If MJM wants Lisa to be elected Governor he should resign from public life. It seems to me her chances of winning both the nomination and general election are much better with him playing tiddly winks at the Moose Hall on the SW side.

    My guess is that Lisa Madigan wants to run for Governor. It is also my guess that MJM doesn’t want to “retire”, yet would like her to be governor. As Shakespeare might have said if he were from da SW side “aye, dere’s da rub”.

  2. - Anon 1 - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:32 am:

    Ok, nobody is going to want to post on this one by name, but clearly he should not be Speaker if his daughter is governor. It’s just too easy for them to collude on policy.

  3. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    No. This whole issue to me is non-sensical. First, I would note that both madigans would be in eclected positions where the voters can remove thme if they are concerned with corruption etc.

    The leaders are frequently tied to the Gov office through dealmaking, friendships, political party etc. The existabnce of the relationship, or lack thereof, is not a problem if everyone is doing their job. As mentioned, the biggest tie down to madigans power may be having to face off with his daughter. I would also mention that LMad goes her own way.

    hy would we allow political allies to holding both offices to make whatever deal they want on issues, but demand that those allies can not be related. In the end the relationship is not releveant, its the individuals use of their position.

  4. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:39 am:

    There’s no constitutional or policy-making reason that he should. Parents out there, you can control your kids and every move they make? Really?

    To the question though, if Lisa wins the primary, I believe he will announce his plans to step down if she is elected governor for two reasons:

    –One, he would not want to be a negative factor on her campaign, which his remaining in power could be.

    –Two, during his tenure, he’s defined himself in opposition to governors. He likes to play hardball with them and make them squirm. I don’t think he could do that with her.

  5. - Randolph - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    If the overriding criteria for any elected office (Governor, Speaker, Dog Catcher) is comptetence, and it should be, then I don’t see any reason why MJM should resign if LMM runs or becomes governor.

    My belief is that he is the most competent person to be Speaker and that she is to most competent of the most-discussed potential candidates for governor.

    True, he might have to face off against her at some point, but Ghost makes an excellent point - she walks her own path regardless of what he wants.

    If you want to disagree on the competence issue, that’s your prerogative, but if the two most competent people for the respective positions happen to be related, we shouldn’t shortchange the state of that competent leadership.

  6. - Captain America - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:48 am:

    If Lisa is elected Governor, I think Madigan should step down as Speaker.
    Although I admire and respect the Speaker as a political strategist and master of the legislative process, he has not served the best interests of all the citizens of illinois during the current fiscal year. Madigan’s complete and utter failure to address/resolve the budget problems of the state signifies the unfortunate victory of political expediency over governmental substance. We can’t blame Blago anymore for the pending massive meltdwon of Illiois government/ publicly-funded services.
    Figuratively speaking where is Brutus when we need him to depose a tyrant/dictator Obviously I am not literally wishing harm to the Speaker.But it’s time for a change!

  7. - just sayin - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:50 am:

    Oh God help us if Mike Madigan wasn’t in the Capitol to provide some adult supervision. For all of his faults and dictatorial tendencies, at least he’s able to keep the worst propensities of some of the overgrown frat boys and children in check.

    Compare how Madigan’s caucus conducts itself for example compared to the trainwreck the GOP allows with guys like State Rep. Bill Black spouting off on really crazy tangents every chance he gets.

    People who say Illinois government can’t get any worse are absolutely wrong.

  8. - Plutocrat03 - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:52 am:

    Illinois currently allows elected officials to have spouses who are lobbyists for various private concerns. That is more objectionable than a dual Madigan situation.

    If the state wants to raise its ethics, legislate this to be unethical. unethical.

  9. - Bluefish - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:55 am:

    Another question is if LMM is guv and MJM is speaker will we still have overtime sessions?

  10. - ivoted4judy - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:57 am:


  11. - Anon 2010 - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 11:59 am:

    what makes people think that mjm wouldn’t have an influence on gov. lisa madigan if he was no longer speaker? if he did step down, hypothetically, why would we assume that he would no longer have any influence on decisions that his daughter would or would not make?

  12. - ivoted4judy - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:00 pm:

    By the way, doesn’t she have to make SOME kind of announcement soon???? Re-e;ection to AG? A run for the mansion? The US Senate?

  13. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:00 pm:

    Stick to the question, please. And make sure to explain your answers. Thanks.

  14. - Steve - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:02 pm:

    It would be nice to think Mike Madigan would resign if his daughter was Governor.But, this is Illinois. Did Anne Burke resign just because her husband and brother in law pass legislation that might go up in front of the Illinois Supreme Court? No. Illinois needs an anti-nepotism law. Don’t hold your breath. Checks and balances and separation of powers aren’t popular notions in Illinois government.

  15. - Waxum - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:04 pm:

    Anyone that argues that there would not be an EXTREME conflict of interest if she was Governor should have their head examined.

    I believe the Speaker should resign now regardless of Lisa. I think that the Speaker has shown his true colors this session and its hurt the people of our state. Blago is gone. Emil is gone. There is one problem left. Speaker Madigan.

  16. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:05 pm:

    +== Illinois needs an anti-nepotism law.===

    Constitutionally impossible. Move along, please.

  17. - Anon 1 - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:05 pm:

    The question isn’t about influence, it’s about influence plus complete control of one chamber of the legislature. It’s just not tenable.

  18. - Thanks for taking my call - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:05 pm:

    No…the media would have such a spot light up both of their behinds, it wouldn’t be funny. Let’s not forget, Mike Madigan is the guy who single handily stopped Blago from completely looting this state. He gets little credit, lots of criticism but he is a wonderful leader for the state of Illinois. Her office is run impeccable, is the only one I can think of who can right this ship and is ethical beyond reproach. Mike should stay, Lisa should run.

  19. - siriusly - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:06 pm:

    This topic is just another chance for Patrick Collins and the editorial board crowd to get their panties in a bunch.

    I think that if the Speaker wants to stay as Speaker and help Governor Lisa Madigan move her agenda forward, then great. It would not be any sort of policy or a governance conflict, it may be a political one for the Speaker at some point. Let’s say that Governor Madigan becomes unpopular (unlikely) and House Democratic members want to criticize her in their next elections or “run away” from her and her policies, they may think twice. At the same time, Speaker Madigan has always encouraged the members to say what they need to during campaign season - so maybe not.

    I do agree that the press will keep asking about this, because they are completely obsessed with Speaker Madigan (maybe they have Collins-Flu). I don’t think this is a real issue and him being speaker won’t stop me or anyone I know from voting for Lisa Madigan for Governor.

    She’s been a great AG, and her record stands by itself.

  20. - Rick - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    I concur with the author. Time and again, we see in Illinois that too much power in the hands of these dynastic families is bad for the public. I like Lisa, but if her dad doesn’t at least pledge to step down if she wins, I won’t be voting for her in the primary.

  21. - Steve - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    Yes, Rich you are right. We can only dream of getting relatives out of politics. But, we can dream.

  22. - Niles Township - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:12 pm:

    Yes. If this is only way to get term limits on the Speaker, then I’ll be all for Lisa. It is called the apperance of impropriety. They would have it. The public would always wonder & doubt as if we don’t have enough of that already.

  23. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:19 pm:

    If MJM wants to stick around while his daughter runs for gov, fine. The gov’s election will then be partially a statewide referendum on his performance as speaker, for better or worse. It’s as close an accountability exercise as the voters are likely to get for any of the four tops, who have disproportionate power considering their small electorate constituency.

  24. - RRB5284 - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:23 pm:

    If Lisa was to WIN the election for Gov, Mike should resign (but not before). It’s the right thing for a parent to do for a child. Anyone with an ego smaller than the State of Illinois itself would do so in a heartbeat.

  25. - Wumpus - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:36 pm:

    He should if she wins, but it should be done because he wants to. The people (voters) who voted for Blago 2 times, know the situation and know what the situation would be if she were to win.
    Nothing should make him resign but his own sense of (lol) decency.

  26. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:36 pm:

    When you are given a post because of family connections, it’s nepotism. When you are elected to a post, no matter the family connections, it’s democracy.

    Big difference. I wasn’t a big fan of W, but his presidency wasn’t the result of nepotism — he was elected (well, one time, anyway).

  27. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:42 pm:

    If MJM does not this is good for putting the connection in the opponents ads against her.

    If he does, this will surely change the flavor of things in the Capital, but will it be for better or worse? Do we want to take the chance on worse?

    I say he stays, what difference will it make? She LM will still consult with him anyhow.

  28. - Captain America - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:48 pm:

    Notwithstanding my preceding negative commnents about Speaker Madigan’s failed leadership in terms of the current budget/fiscal crisis, if the Democratic candidates for Governor are Pat Quinn and Lisa Madigan, I am voting for Lisa Madigan, irrespective of whether Speaker Madigan steps down as Speaker.

  29. - Deep South - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:49 pm:

    I think he would have to resign…I mean, if he stayed it would be a HUGE campaign issue, assuming she ran for governor. That’s all we’d hear about. I don’t think Lisa would make it out of the primary if MJM stayed on. Perhaps that’s why she would run for Senate.

  30. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:52 pm:

    As to the question of whether Michael Madigan should retire if Lisa Madigan becomes governor? No. Although it may have the appearance of impropriety, if the voters of Illinois so choose her to be governor, and if the state representatives in Springfield so choose him, then so be it. There is no law against it nor do I believe that the sons and daughters of politicians should be prohibited from serving the public through any statute or regulation, even though the Democratic party seems to embrace nepotism far more often than Republicans.

    It is really the question of curbing the powers of the legislative leaders. Until that happens, the “next” Michael Madigan will be as powerful as this one if he or she plays his cards right. And as we are seeing during the legislative session, the political class in Springfield does not really wish to curb those powers, only nibble around the edges.

    Michael Madigan should not be the Chairman of the Democratic Party in Illinois right now. That is where the true conflict lies at the moment. But, as a Republican, I cannot or will not dictate to the Democrats who they wish to lead them.

  31. - Cousin Ralph - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:54 pm:

    Anti-nepotism law impossible as it would be unconstitutional? Really? The US govt has an anti-nepotism law regarding cabinet posts, has had it since Bobby Kennedy was made AG -not unconstitutional. I dont think Supreme Court judges in Illinois can appoint family members to the bench. He can be elected a legislature by the people, but the voters dont select who will be Speaker, the legislators do, and thus, a limit could be placed upon them as it is placed upon judges.If she wins the primary, and he stays on as Speaker, the GOP candidate wins the general. Nothing good or bad lasts forever, and the era of Liberal Royalty in Illinois comes to an end in 2010 -2012 at the latest.

  32. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 12:56 pm:

    CR, the Speaker is a constitutional officer. Therefore, a law won’t work.

  33. - Capitol View - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 1:00 pm:

    The Speaker is looking old, tired, and frustrated.

    My prediction - he will announce, as his daughter announces her candidacy for governor, that he will draw himself out of a district in the 2012 redistricting. He will serve her first half term if she wins, and then he will be “merely” Chairman of the Party and a kitchen cabinet advisor to governor Lisa and other Dem officials.

    (I speculate on this now, just so everyone can laugh at me should I be wrong.)

  34. - ZC - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 1:02 pm:

    A couple of thoughts:

    Should John Stroger have resigned from Cook County Board, when Todd Stroger became an alderman?

    Should Mayor Daley or John Daley have stepped down, one of them, when one was Mayor and the other served as chair of Cook County Finance Committee? (That’s a lot of Chicago-concentrated power right there).

    How about Dick Mell? Should he have retired as alderman, once Rod became governor?

    Sandi Jackson and Jesse Jackson Jr. The list goes on. Point is, there are plenty of examples of family-related pols who share overlapping responsibilities in Illinois politics. I get that this is an even greater concentration of power within one family. But that’s tempered by how it’s one family whose “brand name” has been relatively untainted by the past eight-ten years of political madness in this state.

    In my opinion Madigan shouldn’t have to resign. But, it’s up to the voters in this state, finally. If he runs and Lisa runs, and they both win, then the people have spoken.

    I’m not sure this issue would sink Lisa’s chances. Keep in mind there are still a LOT of voters in this state who have absolutely no idea who Mike Madigan is. (Hard for the statehouse crowd to fully appreciate this, perhaps?) It’s hard to guess on how the public will react, when this story starts. And who in a Democratic primary is going to even bring it up? Who’s Lisa’s (D) competition, if she runs?

  35. - scoot - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    Yes he should retire. Look he has been Speaker of the House for 3 decades (other then the 2 years Lee was) and if he hasn’t accomplished what he set out to do then hang it up already!

    There is also a conflict of interest to have her father Speaker of the House while she is Governor. Adding it’s not ethically right to have one family control state government.

  36. - A Citizen - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 1:09 pm:

    No, MJM should not resign. However, Lisa should have to run as the Republican candidate for guv! Then we might have a good chance at winning :.)!

  37. - lake county democrat - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 1:26 pm:

    Of course he -should,- even the appearance of a single person controlling the entire state government is bad (especially for a gerrymandered state that empowers incumbants and legislative leaders now more than ever). And in this case appearance = reality: Lisa Madigan showed her hand when she filed that transparently wrong suit to get rid of Blago without an impeachment process and basically being the only person on the left to be against Quinn’s general approach to solving the budget crisis.

  38. - fedup dem - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 1:31 pm:

    My guess is that Speaker Madigan wants to control the reapportionment process in 2011 (and do it in a regular session this time, without the need for drawing a name out of the hat). He also knows that Lisa is nearly 18 years younger than Gov. Quinn, and has two very young children to take care of at this time.

    Thus, I for one would not be shocked if Lisa Madigan announced that she was seeking re-election to the post of Attorney General in 2010. In 2014, Mike Madigan, having locked in Democratic control of the General Assembly thru the 2020 elections with solid remap, can aford to step down as Speaker while Lisa runs for Governor at that time.

  39. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 1:41 pm:

    ON ZC’s comments

    Todd was in the City, while Dad was in the County.

    Rich Daley is City, while John Daley is County.

    Sandi Jackson is City, while Jesse is State.

    Mell is City while Rod was State,

    If Lisa is Governor she will be working directly with her Dad, on a day to day basis, more or less. Where the other examples are not as closely tied.

    But why John Daley has no opponents in the 11th Cook County District is beyond me.

    Still, you have to worry, we could do a lot worse as speaker of the House, and really end up with a standstill in Springfield. That’s why I say MJM should stay.

  40. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 1:48 pm:

    McQuery is right. Jeb Bush should have stepped down as Governor when his brother was elected President.

    I’m really confused:

    - The problem yesterday and today is that Mike Madigan doesn’t get along with the Governor.

    - But the Problem Tomorrow apparently is that Mike Madigan will get along TOO well with the Governor.

    Taking off my “democrat” hat for a minute and putting on my “good government” hat, here’s what I think.

    First, McQuery is making the exact same argument Republicans made when Lisa ran for AG nearly eight years ago. They were wrong then about the younger Madigan’s ability to think and act for herself, and there is no reason to believe them now.

    Secondly, the fact that they ARE related makes it extremely unlikely that any of their actions would arise from a familial conflict of interest, because the spotlight will be so intense.

    Third, if history is any lesson, Republicans should REJOICE at the notion of a Governor Madigan. The Speaker tried to convince her not to run for the State Senate, and failed, for Attorney General, and failed. She appears to be the one elected official from either party who can stand up to him and prevail — heck, if they’re smart, Republicans will endorse her.

  41. - Dem observer - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 1:53 pm:

    Absolutely. I realize we’ve reached the point where–because basic civics, history and such relics as the Constitution have been largely excluded from our classrooms–that the public may not fully appreciate the ramifications of a father-daughter combination controlling 2/3 of the branches of government, BUT they should, and by the end of a campaign I suspect they will be fully educated about it by the media and Lisa’s opponents.

  42. - irishpirate - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 1:55 pm:

    IF, and this ain’t that big an “if”, the economy still sucks eggs next year and voter anger is at a peak, I wouldn’t want to be seen as part of a “dynasty” or as the “insider”.

    That is one reason MJM should resign if Lisa runs.

  43. - WaxonWaxoff - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 2:31 pm:

    If the valuted Speaker retires from public life, why would anyone elect Lisa to anything? Fact is if Lisa Madiagn took her married name and was Lisa Smith, nobody would support her. Afterall, Lisa has never helped anyone but herself!

  44. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 3:41 pm:

    I’ve been having this conversation with friends, and the only way I’ve been able to describe it is that it just doesn’t “feel right” to me to have him as Speaker, and her as Governor. I’m a life-long Democrat with an extremely high regard for the Speaker. I’ve also come to admire his daughter, and for very different reasons. I can’t put it into words, but I think he would need to remove himself from office for me to be really excited about her campaign.

    On the other hand, I would hate to lose his leadership in the House, especially with no heir apparent in the wings. There’s a question of the day for you Rich, who would be the next Speaker?

    I guess having said all of that, my preference would be for her to seek re-election in 2010 and for him to stay as Speaker and groom a successor. Then I can have my cake and eat it too.

  45. - Confused - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 3:46 pm:

    MJM’s genius comes from the fact that he stays out of the news (himself) He NEVER gives an interview live or on tape. Half the people don’t know who the vice president of the US is let alone the State Rep from the 19th ward.
    And yes Lisa won the AG office but it was in no way easy and it cost as much as a run for Governor would have at the time. This will be up to the media. If they want to push for reform MJM will have to step down, if they stay the same and allow the Speaker to live in the shadows and not force him to address this reform issue she could possibly win. Unless the Republican has millions to make this a big part of the campaign.

  46. - Been There - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 4:32 pm:

    I think he should before she is sworn in. But otherwise he has two veto sessions and all next spring session to be speaker. Way to early for him to go. It will be a very interesting and a long lame duck session if Lisa beats Pat in February. He will have 11 more months as governor and a guy like him not having to worry about being elected could be all MJM might be able to stomach and he will be ready to retire. Also, it might be time for a Lisa sibling to take over Mike’s seat.

  47. - Me - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 4:43 pm:

    I cannot believe that this question is even being asked. Wasn’t this the person who pushed through “ethical” reforms through Springfield? (Even though SB 1333 is being held hostage in this current battle). I truly believe that all the MJM fans out there are due to his 38 years in Springfield (the last 26 in leadership in the House). Add about four more years to the mix and he would have been down there longer than Richard J and Richard M combined. The Speaker had been the Number 1 Democrat in Illinois for a very long time. He outfoxed Senate Pres Phil Rock of the 80s and every Dem in Illinois had to go through him to push their agenda in the state. The Speaker should have retired during the 2006 election, however was so tied up to during battle with Blago and Emil. During the years of 2003-2009 everyone blamed Blago and Emil for the current mess and since their departure and the mess still ongoing, everything is ready to annoint the Speaker King. Mr. Madigan has done some great things for Illinois no doubt about it. Yes best of all he said no to Blago and was the only one in power to do so. However the three seats of power in Illinois Government are the Speaker, the Senate Pres and the Governor. Now to have the obvious notion of one family rule is like the Queen of England. I agree with some of the other people in the notion that even if the Speaker were to retire who is to say that he will not be calling the shots from afar. Just because you don’t see someone doesn’t mean they still don’t rule. The 2010 Governor’s race will be interesting as well as the other races. For example, as not spoken here however what about the Secretary of State. Jesse White will be 76 next year and will not be there forever? Further, my wildcard for the Governor’s Race is Bill Daley. The Speaker and the Mayor are joined to the hip on one thing, POWER. Although the Mayor controls everything within the City of Chicago and to a lesser extent Cook County (with Chairman Daley, his brother and his puppet Todd Stroger), he really does not have total control in Springfield. If he did, Gun Control would have been passed and he would have his little Chicago Casino. The Mayor, like everyone else, still has to go through the Speaker for State Matters. Now with Lisa and the Speaker in power for Illinois, the Mayor wouldn’t know what to do. As a result, if one powerful Chicago Family tries for total power and another Chicago Family may try the same thing.

    I am predicting that this budget mess will be filled with the Speaker and the Senate Pres cutting their own deal and shoving it down Quinn’s throat in a take it or we will override you motion!

  48. - Cousin Ralph - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 4:48 pm:

    Article IV Section 6 of the Illinois Constitution does not prohibit the House from making rules governing the qualifications and rules governing members. The legislature may adopt rules in either or both houses that any member related by blood or marriage to a duly elected constitutional officer is not qualified to serve as a leader. Pefectly constitutional.

  49. - Benevolent? Monarchy - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 5:14 pm:

    He would need to resign. A close familial relationship like that when running the state is not just the APPEARANCE of impropriety. It’s actual. And it doesn’t matter how qualified either of them is. The jobs are supposed to be about being public servants establishing the best public policies for the citizens of the entire state. The inherent conflict of interest with both of them in office would preclude their being able to implement the best policies due to political considerations.

    If relations in such high levels of government (along with ZC’s list of examples) were something we saw happening in a third-world failed state like Somalia or Myanmar, we’d just tsk-tsk and say how sad they can’t have democracy like America. Which is why our democratic system has such a black eye from the political situation in IL.

    And saying voters can always boot them at election time is ridiculous. How could anyone living in MJM’s district — or John Daley’s, or Ed Burke’s ward, etc., etc. — EVER have the option of voting for someone else??!! There would never be another Democrat who could make it on the ballot because of the rigged system.

    It may be tougher for Lisa to raise funds without her father, but I think she could still win. And if she can’t win without his clout, she doesn’t deserve to.

  50. - Captain Flume - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 5:21 pm:

    Should he resign? By whose more or ethical standard do we define “should”? Illinois will lumber along as it is now with or without Michael Madigan or Lisa Madigan. In the end, the presence of either of them makes no difference.

  51. - Concerned Voter - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 5:44 pm:

    Whatever Lisa does, Mike, since the voters don’t seem to have enough of an IQ to vote you out, it’s time, please retire, for the benefit of the rest of the citizens of the state.

  52. - thunder1 - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 5:45 pm:

    Yes. I think it could be a conflict of interest. To much would be expected from daughter as governor and father controlling the house. If you want ethics reform then this is a must.

  53. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 5:46 pm:

    ===Mike, since the voters don’t seem to have enough of an IQ to vote you out,===

    I think he’s pretty popular in his district, and for good reason. Their IQs are fine.

  54. - anon - Monday, Jun 8, 09 @ 6:08 pm:

    Yes.He has already shown gross abuse of power and this wouldonly make matters worse. Anyone who tries to pretend she is independent doesn’t remember her first AG race or when she ran for the Senate.

  55. - Louis Howe - Tuesday, Jun 9, 09 @ 8:01 am:

    “The only thing we are guaranteed in a democracy is that we get the kind we deserve!” It would be nice if politicians would self-regulate their behavior, but that’s not going to happen. It’s one reason why we have elections. If you believe having two Madigans are two too many, then vote for somebody else for governor.

  56. - Gregor - Tuesday, Jun 9, 09 @ 8:05 am:

    I want to vote for Lisa, but I won’t if Mike is still Speaker then. I’m not asking him to stop being a state rep, or even party chair; just not Speaker. I am done with voting for dynasties, they’ve let me down too often.

  57. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 9, 09 @ 8:52 am:

    Interesting set of responses. Not sure Kristen or most of the commenters pointed out what the problem might be.
    The Speaker and the AG are two people who have not been caught up in the state’s ethical and legal problems
    The Speaker uses common sense to work on problems and shows persistence. Had folks been paying attention we might have missed the wall street/predatory lending scandals here.
    It was good they fought the utilities. Consumers got $1 billion back
    I guess the folks who want to lay blame for the budget really wanted their taxes hiked without any real spending curbs or enough money to pay for current services or are prepared to raise their taxes again NEXT YEAR.
    Have a great morning

  58. - Stunned - Tuesday, Jun 9, 09 @ 9:48 am:

    Steve, er, Anonymous, are you saying that The Madigans knew something all the rest of us didn’t and but for our not “paying attention” Illinois could have avoided the Wall Street meltdown?

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