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How can we miss you if you won’t go away?

Thursday, Jun 11, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m sure Speaker Madigan and blog commenters will absolutely love this news. Instead of resigning quietly and fading into the sunset, John Filan was awarded a 4-month contract with the IFA at his same rate of pay

The Illinois ­Finance Authority board signed off on more than $1 billion worth of nonprofit health care deals and accepted the resignation of executive director John Filan, but then rehired him in an advisory capacity to help implement a revamped $3 billion program for renewable energy. […]

Filan’s resignation, effective July 1, fulfills a commitment Gov. Pat Quinn made to House Speaker Michael Madigan last month. Madigan specifically targeted Filan in so-called fumigation legislation he proposed to purge state government of about 700 political appointees made by former governors Rod ­Blagojevich and George Ryan. Blagojevich faces a federal corruption trial on pay-to-play charges and Ryan is serving a federal prison term for corruption. […]

Quinn had been reluctant to force Filan out. The two men are longtime friends dating back to their work on former Democratic Gov. Dan Walker’s campaign 35 years ago. With Madigan’s legislation pending, Quinn asked the speaker to remove the language targeting Filan so he could exit on his own by July 1. Madigan made the agreement public on the House floor prior to the vote last month on the legislation. The House passed the legislation, but the Senate never voted on it. […]

Quinn spokesman Robert Reed said the governor supports the action. “We think it’s for the good of the agency in terms of continuity and to ensure a smooth adjustment,” he said.

Governor, when you agree to a deal that includes Filan resigning, you shouldn’t then stick up for a contract extension.

* In other budget-related news, I told subscribers about this on Monday

According to Illinois Department of Human Services spokesman Tom Green, plans are being made to close state psychiatric hospitals and developmental centers in the event a state budget is adopted that does not adequately fund mental health programs.

As subscribers well know, the plan is far wider and deeper than that.

* As I’ve been telling subscribers for days now, one of the reasons for the planned mass closures is that, on top of the inherent problems with the 50 percent budget, the budget passed by the GA has a $1.7 billion deficit in it

While state officials have declined to put a price on the potential loss in federal matches to the state, a policy expert from the Heartland Alliance tells us that an estimate floating out of the governor’s office — based on the bare-bones budget bill that passed the General Assembly last month — puts the figure at a whopping $1.7 billion.

The state’s pension payments are appropriated but not fully funded, which means the state won’t be able to put up the money to acquire matching federal Medicaid dollars, to the tune of $1.7B. Great, eh?

* Meanwhile

In the meantime, advocacy groups are hoping to keep the political pressure on lawmakers to adopt an income tax increase — clearly the best hope for salvaging the state’s safety net. [Today], SEIU Healthcare Illinois is holding demonstrations outside the offices of Democratic Reps. Jack Franks, Mike Zalewski, Jim Brosnahan, and Kevin McCarthy, all of whom voted against a temporary income tax increase last month.

* And Phil Kadner gets the budgetary/ethics quote of the week

If lawmakers spend money on higher education, it’s not because they want to improve our colleges but because they want to send unqualified students to the University of Illinois.

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* Anybody got a match?

* Flawed legislation disguised as reform is no reform at all


  1. - Old Shepherd - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 11:25 am:

    Is there any hope at all that something will be done about the budget or is it done?

  2. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 11:31 am:

    It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall.

  3. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    Taxes will be raised. The issue seems to be “how much” — not “will they or won’t they?”

    Of course, they will. They can’t not.

  4. - Ghost - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    Wow, so Quinn i advancing from Blgo lite to channeling pure Blago.

    I guess Quinn thinks keeping his word with the speaker is optional, you just have to look for a loophole to avoid the spirit of the deal.

    So Quinn leads more by scare tactics and press release, his word carries no weight, and he does not honor his promises to the legslaive leaders.

    Deja vu anyone.

  5. - Anonymous45 - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    I can’t beleive that Quinn is oblivious to the fact that Filan is the most despised Blago holdover of the many. I don’t care if they’ve been friends for 50 years…the housecleaning needs to start tomorrow and Filan should lead the way. Infuriating!!! ARGGHHH!!!!

  6. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 11:50 am:

    Can we get a comment from the speaker’s office? WOW In this corner……

  7. - ILPundit - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 12:13 pm:

    You know, I despise Filan as much as the next guy. That said, the Speaker has no right to criticize here. He should not be allowed to have it both ways

    The Speaker just punted on the biggest budgetary and operational government crisis we have ever seen. He did absolutely nothing to involve himself in any type of solution, nor did he do anything to advocate for an effective strategy to manage the current crisis. The speakers strategy can be described in three words: “duck and cover”

    He just dropped it in Quinn’s lap and said “deal with it”

    If that’s his position, then he should let Quinn deal with it however he likes.

    Until Madigan can actually prove he cares about the effective management and delivery of state programs, and starting offering some potential ways out of the mess he helped to create, then he needs be quiet when it comes to executive branch operations.

  8. - Pelon - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 12:28 pm:

    “As subscribers well know, the plan is far wider and deeper than that.”

    Can anyone provide any insight into Quinn’s strategy? Why is he keeping this information a secret? His only hope of getting a tax increase is to convince the taxpayers that the cuts that will be made without one will impact their daily lives. How are they supposed to know that if no one tells them what will be cut?

  9. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 12:30 pm:

    === Why is he keeping this information a secret? ===

    He’s not. The info is out there. I found it with little trouble. But he hasn’t issued a press release yet, which is why there hasn’t been much news coverage.

  10. - April-Wha???? - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 12:43 pm:

    While the Filan thing really ticks me off, I’m really commenting more about the child care connection thing. I worked at DCFS, Ofc of Child Dev’t many moons ago when they administered the federal child care block grant (since moved to DHS). I may be off base here, but I believe this is a matching funds issue (unless something has changed). So, this is another example where we could lose federal money because we aren’t funding our portion. AND, the lack of funding for this program (as well as many others) is just going to cause a domino effect. Single working parents will no longer be able to afford child care, they will be forced out of the work place, they will need public financial and medical aid, and that money won’t be there either.

  11. - Black Ivy - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 12:51 pm:

    Despite Rich’s support of the measure, the demise of the “fumigation” bill was a welcome surprise. kudos to Senate President John Cullerton for flexing his muscles despite Speaker Michael Madigan’s obvious disdain for the executive branch.

    As for Filan, good for him. Despite his God-complex, Speaker Madigan cannot control the man’s marketability.

    The Madigans’ (including Lisa Madigan) desire to destroy all things Blagojevich may backfire in the end!

  12. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 12:59 pm:

    Quinn will find out that your word is more precious than any politically expedient maneuver. Untrustworthy moves like this Filan deal and not signing the capital bill are really bad because they demonstrate he can’t be trusted. If you say you will do it, you better have a good reason for changing your mind and sticking it to your opponent isn’t one of them.

  13. - PensionGuy - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 1:02 pm:

    Rich - I’ve been a fan of your blog for some time, but this is my first comment. You note that “the State’s pension payments are appropriated but not fully funded.” Yet if you look at SB 1186 as amended, it seems like it is still on the Senate’s concurrence calendar, which I think means it has not passed yet. So unless I have the wrong bill #, it appears that the State won’t be making FY 2010 pension contributions to its 5 retirement systems until SB 1186 finally passes, or they find another bill.

  14. - Wumpus - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    Okay, I suggest they open up all UofI admissions records. Those for “cloutees”, legacies and atheletes should be among the first to be released.

  15. - Bill - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    ==The Speaker just punted on the biggest budgetary and operational government crisis we have ever seen. He did absolutely nothing to involve himself in any type of solution, nor did he do anything to advocate for an effective strategy to manage the current crisis. The speakers strategy can be described in three words: “duck and cover”
    He just dropped it in Quinn’s lap and said “deal with it”==

    deja vu, anyone?

  16. - L.S. - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    Madigan has every right to be furious over Filan. Above all, the stalemate of the previous 6 years was based on mistrust. Nothing could get done because no one could trust that Blago could or would keep his word. Now, after asking for breathing room to let the guy leave gracefully, Quinn rehires the biggest lighting rod in town and clearly violates the spirit of an agreement between the two men. It’s deja vu all over again. This guy wants to be trusted with large matters like the captiol bill signing etc. but sticks his thumb in the speaker’s eye to keep his ol buddy on the payroll. I don’t care if they used to push each other on the tire swing as children, he made a promise and now he’s broken it. It may not be the big lie, but it’s petty enough that it will likely cause problems down the road. Time and again, Quinn is showing he’s not ready for prime time.

  17. - Bill - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 1:26 pm:

    ==Nothing could get done because no one could trust that Blago could or would keep his word. ==

    Nothing could get done because the Speaker wouldn’t let anything get done.
    Hail to the Obstructionist in Chief!

  18. - Johnnyc - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 1:33 pm:

    Pension Guy, The pension ramp is already mandated by state law. The legislature would have had to pass a bill to affirmatively change the structure or the state government is obligated to make the ramped up payments.

  19. - Scooby - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    There’s a continuing appropriation for pension payments so even if the GA doesn’t pass an appropriatiion for it in a given year’s budget the payment can still legally be made.

  20. - Dem observer - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    The Speaker is over-stepping his authority in using legislation to target the removal of individual staffers. Quinn should never have tolerated that, and a court should review it. So much for separation of powers.

  21. - Chubs Mahoney - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    Rich, Where can a guy get the “far wider and deeper plans” you say are easy to find?

  22. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 2:20 pm:

    == As for Filan, good for him. Despite his God-complex, Speaker Madigan cannot control the man’s marketability. ==

    Um, if Filan is so “marketable”, why does he need a handout from Pat Quinn?

    Set aside the reaction from The Speaker and other lawmakers for a minute.

    Handing a FAT, NO-BID contract to one of Rod Blagojevich’s top henchmen is a campaign ad that writes itself.

    If Lisa Madigan doesn’t, the GOP surely will.

  23. - Larry Mullholland - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 2:28 pm:

    It has been said repeatedly to no avail. Quinn promised to rid the agencies of blago hacks wasting our $$. Quinn failed to fulfill his promises. It appears Quinn lacks the courage to back up his rhetoric.

    So Madigan attempted to give Quinn some beer muscles by introducing the fumigation bill. The Senate dropped the ball…

    Quinn had the authority to terminate the appointed blago hacks when he became Governor. Quinn had the authority to terminate the Blago hacks when Madigan tried to assist and Quinn HAS the authority to rid the agencies of the unqualified hacks as I write this note ….

    Governor Quinn and your big tuff rhetoric, come out, come out where ever you are and live up to your own promises. Otherwise we will have yet another liar as an ex Governor. Still waiting

  24. - John Doe - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    This latest insanity on John Filan makes me understand why Quinn could never have gotten elected as Governor unless through default. At least Pat Quinn will continue to keep Illinois state government “in the spotlight” with Saturday Night Live skits that the remaining 49 states can laugh their heads off at. I wonder if Governor Quinn will ask Patty Blagojevich to come back from the island to act as his state paid consultant to aid him in “his transition” as the new governor?

    Bring me two Excedrin, Mabel. I think that I have another headache coming on.

  25. - L.S. - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 3:06 pm:

    Bill - If you think MJM being an “obstructionist” was the problem over the past 6 years you either are dillusional or your last name is Quinlan. Say what you want about the speaker, he was the only one who stood and fought Blago while everyone else either protected the crook (Emil) or schemed to work with him and give him more contracts to sell (Cross). The guy deserves to demand that Blago’s acomplice be banashed.

  26. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 3:16 pm:

    Despite all the ethics rhetoric, I believe that Quinn is as fond of cronyism as any Illinois pol.
    He should have moved Filan, the architect of our Blago’s disastrous state financial planning, out of state government the day he took office.

    However, a four month contract doesn’t seem that egregious to me, if it makes sense to have Filan finish up projects already in process rather than have somebody else start over. And I’ve never heard that he was stupid or lazy. I’m reasonably certain the state will get its money’s worth.

  27. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 3:23 pm:

    Quinn promised to rid the agencies of blago hacks wasting our $$. Quinn failed to fulfill his promises.
    Many of those so-called “hacks” are quietly resigning. They’re getting the picture. There’s no need for legislative action.

  28. - Truthful James - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    With every hesitant move Pat Quinn is washing away his long and carefully calculated reputation as a reformer in the hope of garnering enough support to get elected as governor.

    When I first met him, I thought he was using a reform gig as a wy to scuffle out a living, funded by the goo-goos. Then I started to believe in him as a man who could make a difference. Now, the emperor is shedding his clothes.

  29. - Waylon Jennings - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 3:50 pm:

    I really think the title of this post should have been: Take your tongue out of my mouth, I’m kissing you goodbye.

  30. - PensionGuy - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 4:17 pm:

    Thanks to Johnnye and Scooby re the clarification about the pension continuing appropiration.

  31. - A Citizen - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 5:27 pm:

    Filan’s contract is just for four months - initially. I’m sure it has an extension clause in it for additional time periods, say out in time to the end of Quinn’s term. Who’s kidding whom here. Quinn is over and over with his “decisions” proving himself a true wimp if not a wet noodle! His office is effectively Vacant.

  32. - Bookworm - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 6:55 pm:

    Johnnyc mentions a ramped-up pension payment “already mandated by state law.”

    Several months before the 2006 elections, when I was still working for a newspaper, I went to a luncheon event at which a couple of area GOP legislators were speaking. They went on at length about the “pension raid” that had taken place during the previous session, and how Blago and his GA friends had cleverly scheduled low pension payments for the next couple of years or so but the amount was supposed to spike way up in 2010 and beyond.

    From their description I got the distinct impression that this was a fiscal time bomb set to go off around the time Blago would leave office if he did not run for a third term. He was basically just pushing the problem down the road for his successor(s) to deal with. (Perhaps Blago in 2006 was assuming that by 2010 he would be safely outta Dodge and ensconced in a Cabinet post, or perhaps even in the White House.)

    Of course the pension raids of the past were not the fault of Blago alone; previous GOP administrations and members of the GA from both parties share the blame also. Still, I remember the GOP State House candidate from my area sounding the alarm repeatedly about this approaching fiscal train wreck, and it seemed like no one listened. He lost the election. (After the past 2 years he’s probably glad he did.)

  33. - this voter will remember - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 7:05 pm:

    Quinn lost a lot of respect and will continue to lose respect (and future votes) if he does not step up and get rid of the leftover’s from Blagojevich. I am talking about the ones hired in the last six years who went from liaison to Director in 4 years- with no previous experience. This is not good for morale.

  34. - Bob - Thursday, Jun 11, 09 @ 8:33 pm:

    BUDGET CRUNCH? The state is back to hiring again. CORRECTIONS are hiring new staff this week. There are promotions posted for Corrections jobs all over the state. Thanks GOV for the much needed staff.

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