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Quote of the day

Friday, Jun 12, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Today’s winner is Patti Blagojevich, who complained that Pat Quinn disbanded her husband’s State Police security detail moments after Rod Blagojevich was removed from office…

“The unbelievably selfish lieutenant governor, who could have … afforded [us] security for a year after, three minutes after the impeachment, our troopers came in, some of them were crying, had to say goodbye.”

If Blagojevich had just stepped aside and temporarily given Quinn the office right after he was arrested, he would have kept his salary for at least the rest of the fiscal year and likely kept his detail. Too bad. Quinn also asked the Chicago police department to see what they could do after he pulled Blagojevich’s detail.

Also, during the GRT battle, Blagojevich pulled security away from constitutional officers who criticized his massive tax hike plan.

Hard to feel much sympathy for the man.

And, finally, there has been no Illinois tradition that I know of to give former governors State Police protection after they’ve left office. Blagojevich was impeached and removed, so he really didn’t deserve it.

* Related…

* Rob’s car in front of Rod’s house: There was no City of Chicago vehicle sticker on the front windshield. City Clerk’s office spokeswoman Kristine Williams said that “vehicle stickers must be on all vehicles principally garaged within the city limits,”and that drivers have 30 days to comply with this requirement (the basic passenger-car sticker costs $75) before being subject to a fine ($120).

* Rod Blagojevich invited to enter drag race for $10,000

* Blagojevich family reunites via computer

* Blagojevich Lawyers Head Back to Court

* Ethics panel has questions for Burris


  1. - lake county democrat - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 11:44 am:

    “…he would have kept his salary for at least the rest of the fiscal year and likely kept his detail. Too bad.”

    Rich, would you still say that if some crazy had shot Blago’s daughters? Blago and his family were still citizens and it would hardly have killed the state to leave the police there for a couple of days (a day? the rest of the day?)

  2. - Quacktastic - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 11:47 am:

    Didn’t Quinn in fact ask for Chicago PD to maintain a presence at the Blagojevich home?

  3. - Quacktastic - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    never mind missed that line in the post

  4. - SpfldJimbo - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 11:52 am:

    For the money that Troopers on Executive Security Details make in a years time, you’d cry too, if it looked like you had to go back to the road.

  5. - Levois - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 11:54 am:

    Patti is quite a lady. Would anyone want a wifey like her? :P

  6. - SpfldJimbo - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    In a related matter………Do federal prisons have video conferencing? If so, it’s nice to see that the Blago’s will be able to keep in touch.

  7. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:05 pm:

    LCD, you’re way out of line for inserting that violent imagery, out of nowhere I might add. Leave the kids alone.

    You know very well that if there was any threat to Blago or his family at the time of his resignation, Quinn and every citizen in Illinois would have graciously backed all the security he needed, without a second thought.

  8. - PrisonTime - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    Rod’s own actions are a bigger threat to him and his family than any outside factor.

  9. - Ghost - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    === Blago and his family were still citizens and it would hardly have killed the state to leave the police there for a couple of days (a day? the rest of the day?) ====

    No more then it would kill to provide every citizen who has a protective order their own private police security detail; many of those people are in far greater danger then Blago ever was.

    besides, Blago thought nothing of pulling security details for Lisa madigan and others who would not do what he wanted. Would it have killed Blago to leave security details in place for the consitutional officers? What if some crazy person had killed their babies and set thier homes on fire and thrown acid on the elected officals faces.

    As an aside, why is blago’s daughter more entitled to personal protection then a single mother of three who has been beaten so severly she has to go to the hospital for her injuries? Once he is out of office he gets the same level of poretion as the rest of us, inclduing those who have already been the victims of violence.

  10. - Steve - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:09 pm:

    Rod’s car sticker situation probably isn’t a situation. Maybe his wife had Dick Mell take care of the problem. This is Chicago after all, the rules don’t apply to everyone.

  11. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    LCD, as I pointed out, Quinn asked the CPD to keep an eye on the house. Take a breath.

    They are private citizens, and became so instantly after RRB was removed from office. Therefore, their security became a local problem, which Quinn rightly recognized.

    So, despite your breathless assertions, perhaps Rod should’ve thought of all that before he allegedly tried to pad his own pockets and then refused to resign or step aside. His family’s security became his concern once he was legitimately removed from office. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s reality.

  12. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:12 pm:

    By the way, did Quinn “clout” the CPD when he called and asked that they keep an eye on Blagojevich’s house? Just askin…

  13. - wordslinger - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:14 pm:

    Impeachment, excuse me.

  14. - lake county democrat - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:19 pm:

    Rich: But that doesn’t answer my question, does it? The fact is that every victim of corruption isn’t a minister like the Reverend Willis, and we’ve seen this week what the combination of extreme politics and guns can do. And yes, we DO provide private individuals a certain amount of police protection upon request, I’ve seen it in my hometown TWICE. The cops doing a couple extra patrols by the house doesn’t cut it. And whether Blago “should have thought of that first” is independent of whether he deserves what any other citizen would get.

  15. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:21 pm:

    ===And yes, we DO provide private individuals a certain amount of police protection upon request,===

    State Police protection?

  16. - lake county democrat - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:29 pm:

    I guess the neighbors didn’t deserve some media control the rest of the day either, given how calm the media acted up to then: http://www.sunt

  17. - OneMan - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:29 pm:

    Again was there a threat? Using your logic Jim Thompson should havea state police detail.

    back before 9/11 I was at an event with Lt. Governor Wood and Speaker Hastert, guess who had the bigger detail.

    Using the IF to say to justify something is too easy.

    What If the mansion had been hit by space junk, then Rod’s decision to live in Chicago would have been proven right.

    What if he had gotten sick from a bad horseshoe, then you wouldn’t have though him flying home every night was wrong.

  18. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:31 pm:

    Again, LCD, that’s a local police issue.

    Answer my question about ISP protection for private citizens before you post again here, please.

  19. - Anon - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:50 pm:

    George Ryan was allowed to keep a small security detail for 6 months after he left office. Check this out Rich — it is a fact.

  20. - Gregor - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 12:56 pm:

    Maybe Patti’s detail was crying because she wasn’t letting them into the house to use her bathrooms. I seem to recall there was a big stink about this at one time (pardon the pun), that the detail had to find other means to relieve themselves while protecting chez Blago. I will sit or stand corrected, with the seat put back, if someone has different information about that.

  21. - Ghost - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 1:07 pm:

    Gregor you are correct.

  22. - Regular Joe - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 1:10 pm:

    My, how stressful it must be to live like everyone else.

    I’ve lived without a private security detail my entire life. I never knew how unreasonable this was until I read the ex-First Lady’s comments.

    I think this reveals the former First Couple’s real fears–having to live in the private sector, having a punch-the-clock job, paying their own way, like everyone else does. Is punishment having to live like the everyday public who had taxes withheld from paychecks to pay for Rod’s criminal activity?

    (I’d like to see Rod pushing broom.)

    If they really are worried about their protection, maybe they shouldn’t have torqued so many people off while they were in office.

    One last thought–if Rod really fears for his family, maybe he should have pushed for ‘concealed carry’ so he could protect his own family.

    Enough from these low-lifes.

  23. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    I saw Pat Quinn on many interviews, while he was Lt. Governor say he did not have security detail, he did not need it and it was a waste of tax payer dollars. So he did not do anything for the Blagojevich’s that he himself was doing with.
    Does he still not have security?

  24. - Sick of it - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 1:24 pm:

    Not sure what Patti is so worried about since she keeps saying how supportive the people have been of her and her hubby. Maybe she is concerned that the evil MJM will come after them!

  25. - Larry Mullholland - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 2:17 pm:

    Rod and Patty have used and abused more than their fair share of the states resources. Hire security out of the campaign fund.

    BTW did you see Rod trying to hog the camera last night. Patty said “Put the kids on” lol typical Blago trying to gain press. It was hillarious..

  26. - Play Nice - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    The more time all of you people spend criticizing Mr. and Mrs. Blagojevich, the worse you make yourselves look. You’re not perfect either. Neither am I, so don’t mistake this for a pius post. If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything nice at all. And yes, I know the response - “but they say/do things that aren’t nice etc.” You’re not here to judge other people - that’s up to the Man Upstairs. Just live your lives, folks. Be happy for what you have. Enjoy every day and spend time helping others who need it instead of wasting it with negativity toward those you dislike. You are doing yourselves and your families a disservice by being so critical of other human beings. Alright, that is all. Have a good day and a nice weekend.

  27. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    I suggest the Governor will have plenty of security at some point, just like his predecessor.

    Go eat a bug.

  28. - Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 2:34 pm:

    And play nice.

  29. - Play Nice - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 2:35 pm:

    Pious, not pius. My mistake. See - told you I wasn’t perfect!

  30. - CLH - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 2:54 pm:

    Bravo, Patti. Let those of us close enough to know better comment on the fact that Mrs. First Lady Blagojevich HATED the State Police and treated them all very badly.

  31. - CLH - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    Gregor is absolutely correct. Also, the security detail officers had to have policies in place in case of emergency weather as they were also not allowed in the house in the event of a tornado, etc.

  32. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    Play nice, don’t throw stones at us and then tell us not to throw stones. Contradictory and silly.

  33. - Concerned Voter - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 3:03 pm:

    “The unbelievably selfish …….”

    Yeah Patti, I guess you and Rod would know unbelievably selfish when you see it.

    CLH - “Gregor is absolutely correct. Also, the security detail officers had to have policies in place in case of emergency weather as they were also not allowed in the house in the event of a tornado, etc.” and don’t forget to add using the bathroom to the etc list.

  34. - Ghost - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 3:14 pm:

    === If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything nice at all. ===

    Ok, I promise I will not say anything nice. But alwaty keep in mind, the Blago family “know[s] the truth of things, and [has] nothing to fear but the truth!”

  35. - Huh?? - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 3:19 pm:

    What’s with the dude dat kaint speel??

  36. - Larry Mullholland - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 3:37 pm:

    LCD Get a grip on your sillyness.

    Had Rod not been…uhm (trying to be nice) “acting” the way he did, he would still have plenty of ISP protection and a fancy airplane to boot. You see, he would still be our governor.

    Hell, he could probably take 8 or 10 of his detail to a convention in NY or even to a wedding in CA and the troops might even block traffic for them, again.

    He blew it all by himself and Patty appears to be a party to the corruption.

  37. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 3:39 pm:

    It shouldn’t come as a shock that a daughter of a powerful long serving Chicago Alderman, who is the wife of an Illinois governor, would have difficulties transistioning into a daily life devoid of perks.

    However, she should also be smart enough to know that she shouldn’t complain either.

  38. - A Citizen - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 3:55 pm:

    I think Quinn now does have some security. But no hairbrush carrying Trooper - maybe one with sun guard for his chrome dome though. LOL

  39. - Play Nice - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 4:05 pm:

    Rich, I believe you missed my point. That is why I pointed out that I wasn’t perfect. Nevermind - it’s ok. I suppose if people stopped criticizing everyone this Web site would go out of business. And for the record, I enjoy reading the posts on this Web site so carry on as you were everyone. Rip away! Long live Capitol Complaints, err Fax. (PS - Thank you ‘Ghost’ for catching my other error…I laughed at your response.)

  40. - Bill - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 4:55 pm:

    Hang in there, Patti. got a great chance to win.

  41. - Shelbyville - Friday, Jun 12, 09 @ 10:41 pm:

    Any former governor has an ISP detail after leaving office, but not if they have been impeached.

  42. - bugs - Saturday, Jun 13, 09 @ 10:06 am:

    The troopers are assigned for political purposes-there’s nothing [presently] other than tradition that directs the removal of troopers on the road to be assigned to the gov,attorney general and secretary of state protection.Actually,the sos and ag has their own guntoting police.The only attack in years was Ryan getting hit with a pie in Southern Illinois.This is another waste of tax money. If these people need security on a particular day,or in a particular area,fine.24 gour protection could be provided by detective or security company

  43. - Play Nice - Monday, Jun 15, 09 @ 8:30 am:

    Why did my last post here get deleted?

  44. - Catwoman - Monday, Jun 15, 09 @ 8:34 pm:

    Pat Quinn indeed does have a security detail of three men. Do they stand outside his house at night? Or whoever’s house he might be at night? Does he give up his “private life” to let them use the bathroom? Curious……

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