Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… Part 3 - Claypool not running *** Dart “very interested” ***
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This just in… Part 3 - Claypool not running *** Dart “very interested” ***

Thursday, Jun 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 4:14 pm - From Crain’s

In a major political surprise, Cook County Commissioner Forrest Claypool has decided not to run for County Board president in next year’s election.

Mr. Claypool was not available for comment and his office declined comment. But multiple political sources say that Mr. Claypool in the past 24 hours has informed them that he will take a private-sector job in health care.

Hinz says Larry Suffredin is now considering the run and putting together an exploratory committee.

* 5:17 pm - Carol Marin’s Twitter page

Exclusive interview with Forrest Claypool on NBC5 at 6P and in the Chicago Sun-Times online.

* 5:35 pm - Claypool to the Sun-Times

“I don’t believe that Todd Stroger’s going to be re-elected. I think it is going to be very, very difficult if not impossible for him to be re-elected.”

* 6:06 pm - He’s not running for reelection, either. From a press release…

It has been the most difficult decision of my life, but I have decided not to be a candidate again for Cook County board president. Nor will I be a candidate for a third term on the board.

My June 30 fundraiser at Hop Haus, my first since the 2006 primary, is cancelled and I will be returning all checks (or in the case of credit cards, ensuring there is no debit to your account).

I am so grateful to you for your support, your encouragement and your friendship during the last two campaigns and my nearly seven years of service. It means so much to me, and made the decision so much harder.

In January, I joined my longtime friend, Care Pages founder Eric Langshur, in founding a new company, Rise Health. In the ensuing six months we have developed a mixture of services and technology which we believe can improve access, lower costs and improve quality in health care.

President Obama is poised to finally pass national health care reform. But to achieve the goal of universal access, quality and affordability, it will take both government reform and private sector innovation. I have come to believe so much in the potential of our ideas that I have chosen to remain in my role as chief operating officer, and begin a new and challenging journey to help improve our national health care system.

Many of you know that I first ran for the board presidency largely because of the dysfunction in the Health Bureau, which not only robbed taxpayers but effectively rationed care to the neediest and most vulnerable in our society. I wrote a detailed plan to improve access to preventive and primary care and restructure the system.

Because of the administration’s gross incompetence and neglect, the Health Bureau is now under the jurisdiction of an independent board. The independent board recently hired a CEO, who is beginning to make systemic changes. The jury is out, but we all hope for its success.

I hope that all of you who supported me will stay involved, and support candidates willing to challenge the old ways.

Thank you again for having given me the opportunity to serve. I will be eternally grateful.


Forrest Claypool

*** 9:01 pm *** From WBEZ’s Twitter page

CC Sheriff Tom Dart’s political director: now that Claypool’s out of the race, Dart is “very interested in looking into” board prez run.


  1. - fedup dem - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:21 pm:

    Larry the Lobbyist? He would be worst than Toddler, because Suffredin is less trustworthy than Benedict Arnold.

    There has got to be a lot more behind Claypool’s decision. There is a big story there for some reporter to uncover.

  2. - IrishPirate - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:22 pm:


    Best political name since Richard PHELAN(failin’) was Cook County Board Prez.

  3. - The Doc - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:34 pm:

    A high-profile position with a walking dead incumbent, and there’s only one truly legit announced candidate?

    Something ain’t right. Perhaps the county’s in much worse shape than we know? Or the Stroger tax hike actually necessary to keep county government afloat (shudder)?

    And I’ll second fedup dem - if Suffredin is the answer, I don’t wanna know the question. He’s icky.

  4. - Let the games begin - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:39 pm:

    Look out for Tom Dart to make a move

  5. - babs - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:41 pm:

    Toni Preckwinkle - what, you don’t think a woman is a legit candidate?

  6. - corey - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:43 pm:

    Patrick Daley will be the next Cook County Sheriff and Tom Dart will be the next Cook Co. Board President. Bet on it.

  7. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:49 pm:

    I think we’ve reached a tipping point where the challenges facing anyone elected next year is too frightening to risk any political career over.

  8. - Northsider - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:52 pm:

    Larry, I’ll save you the time, trouble, and cost (in exchange for a “saver’s” fee; say, 5 percent of what the consultants and pollsters will charge you): Don’t bother.

    We remember your betrayal, voting for Toddler’s tax hike in exchange for a vague promise to reform the county’s health care system, every time we buy something in Cook County. Such reform, Paddy Bauler would’ve appreciated back in the day. We can’t afford decisions like that now.

  9. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:54 pm:

    tom dart? yes.

    but he recently interviewed by John Callaway and said that he is not interested in seeking higher office and is happy to stay in his post.

    of course he is entitled to change his mind, and who really watches channel 11 anyway? LOL.

  10. - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:56 pm:

    The article doesn’t come out and say it, but it sounds like he’s not even going to be running for re-election as a commissioner.

  11. - fed up - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 4:58 pm:

    Wow this looked like a lay up for Claypool. Sufferden isnt the answer. Dart does seem like he has been getting ready for something bigger, but is he really ready to give up being Sheriff. It looks like Dorthy Brown is going to jump in. Any suburban Dems ready to take a shot. This will get interesting.

  12. - Let the games begin - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 5:00 pm:

    How about Patty Blago, and John Sally could be her campaign manager!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  13. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 5:07 pm:

    Northsider - Suffredin didn’t vote “for Toddler’s tax hike in exchange for a vague promise to reform the county’s health care system”. He got an actual ordinance - the reform board has been up and running for almost a year.

  14. - Let the games begin - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 5:07 pm:

    Nothing good comes out of the Sheriffs Office
    something always happens at 26th Street if Tom Dart wants to make a move now is the time

  15. - Lakefront Liberal - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 5:07 pm:

    Babs, I think that the commenter was talking about Toni Preckwinkle as the only legit candidate in the race. To my knowledge she is the ONLY candidate in the race other than Stroger, though I am sure others will come out of the woodwork, especially now.

    This is great news to me as I really, really like Toni for Cook County Prez. Unlike Claypool she is a reformer who is ALSO a progressive. Considering that the two biggest areas that county deals with are health care and the jail, having someone who can approach the many problems there from a social justice perspective, AND can make needed reforms, seems almost too good to be true. The dialog about Cook County has been one note for so long — cut, cut, cut, corruption, corruption, corruption — it has been refreshing for me to hear from a candidate (Toni) that has something else to say. Clearly the corruption and resulting waste is a huge problem, but it is also crucial to remember that real people’s lives, often the poorest of the poor, hang in the balance. Having someone who can lead in a just, moral way, AND who has the solid credentials of decades of standing up to the powers that be, would be wonderful.

    And yes, as noted above, IMHO Suffredin is a non-starter for this seat. He made his bed when he decided that it was okay to be a lobbyist and an elected official and that it was okay to play ball with the machine, now he has to live with those consequences.

  16. - on a roll - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 5:09 pm:

    Greg Hinz is on quite a roll with Madigan’s White House meeting yesterday and the Claypool scoop today.

  17. - Malcolm - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 5:18 pm:

    Stroger’s the biggest winner with this news. Who has the organizational support to beat him now? He can mobilize his and his large political army.

  18. - Lamebrain - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 5:19 pm:

    I think Greg Hinz had the scoop.

  19. - ruetheday - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 5:33 pm:

    Greg Hinz sure is the old scoop-meister these days. He’s an old dog with lots-o-tricks.

  20. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 5:39 pm:

    Suffredin? Hee hee, can’t wait to hear him explain his tie breaking vote for the sales tax hike. Him, Stroger & Preckwinkle….Stroger wins as Larry & Toni split the anti-Todd vote.

    if Claypool truly is not running for re-election, I am ready to run for his seat, Cook County GOP!

  21. - The Doc - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 5:41 pm:

    ===He can mobilize his and his large political army.===

    Malcolm, c’mon. He’s been abandoned by both John and Rich Daley. He’s hiring & promoting busboys with felony records and firing CFOs from his family tree. His only shot, and it’s a long one, would be if no other African-Americans challenged him in the primary.

    Enter Toni Preckwinkle, and perhaps Dorothy Brown. Bye bye, Toddler.

  22. - southside - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 6:18 pm:

    The Daley’s have their own $68 million pension fund scandal with their nephew, a parking meter mess, aides going to jail left and right and putting the tax payer on the hook for
    $3 billion for Olympics. You’ve got to be kidding me! They can’t honestly criticize Stroger for trying to give a guy a second chance. Even U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald advocated 2 weeks ago that employers need to do this. Who is Toni Preckwinkle, nobody’s even knows her. Dorothy Brown lost to Daley by 85%. All this equals a Stroger win.

  23. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 6:29 pm:

    I guess all those rabid Claypool true believers are crushed that Mr. Charisma is gone (collective sigh(.

    No way Dart passes up this chance. Isn’t he one of the smartest guys in the world, according to Time?

  24. - Corey - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 6:47 pm:

    The Doc and wordslinger are right Malcom. Daley and Madigan left Stroger months ago. I reiterate from my earlier post, my understanding is and has been that they compromised on Dart from 19th Ward.

  25. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 7:35 pm:


    i hate to bring race into this, but when talking chicago/cook county politics how can it be avoided?

    There will be a huge white cook county backlash vote against stroger, that his organization will find it hard to overcome. the 1% tax increase killed stroger with white cook county.

    last census reports that cook county is 44 percent white and I think 26 percent black.

    I ‘m curious why berrios’ name hasn’t been floated yet, even if not a real possibility. the county board presidency seems like something right up his alley.

    I’m gather that with jobs the stroger camp can get signifcant support from hispanics.

    outside of that I think you may be giving his organization prowess a little too much credit at this point. too early to tell?

  26. - Levois - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 7:59 pm:

    Can 2010 and all the contenders come any slower!?!?

  27. - Angry Chicagoan - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 8:29 pm:

    OK, Preckwinkle it is then. Would any other plausible candidate (Suffredin, Dorothy Brown, Tom Dart) be even one-tenth as good?

  28. - Cook County Employee - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 8:31 pm:

    The news that Commissioner Claypool will not run for re-election as County Commissioner nor County Board President is a big one. Just the other day, his people were getting together a fundraiser on June 30. In the interest of full disclosure, I am a 21 year County Employee. Also in interest of full disclosure I must disclose that I’m an African American who lives in Evanston (the home base of Commissioner Suffredin). Therefore, not every African American who works for the County lives in the 8th Ward. When I started to work at the County in 1988 George Dunne was President and had been up to that point in time for 19 years. President Dunne during the 1980s raised every tax and fee to keep the County Running and then got involved in a sex scandal at the Forest Preserve that forced him out in 1990. The big Dem Fight for that office resulted in Richard Phelan being elected and then losing the 1994 primary for Governor after starting the sales tax in the county in 1992 and not being “apart” of the Dem Machine (although Speaker Madigan and his operation took over much of the County in 1993). This is stated to say that Cook County Government has been running on a band-aid approach going back to 1969. In the 40 years since, it has been patched together. As much people like to blame Todd Stroger for all the ills of County Government and the reason its in the shape its in, is missing the big picture. Much like his father they both are puppets of the Dem Machine. Yes racial politics in Illinois, not only in Cook County, will always be apart of anything political. Blacks and Hispanics in Cook County and Illinois are looking at where is theirs? Since Obama (who is 50% black by the way), there isn’t an African American either on the State or County Ticket next year. Everyone has beaten up on Roland Burris and Jesse White will be 76 years old next year. (Remember John Stroger was 76 when he ran against Claypool and look what occurred). After those two, it comes down to Todd Stroger. Anita Alvaez is the only Countywide Offical in the County (Berrios ran from a District). Someone said that the County is 26% black and its about that among Hispanics). Most of the Whites have left the County. Furthermore, other than those Hospitals and Forest Preserves, much of County Government is in the hands of others. Mr. Dart, who runs County Jail, likes being the Sheriff. Also FYI, County Jail is under federal investigation. In 2010, many Countywide Officials will be retiring. People like David Orr and the County Assessor are looking at retirement and the Chief Judge Tim Evans will be retiring next year. Many who are involved in the County know that the Daleys run the County. Its not Stroger, as his Chief of Staff is from the 11th Ward and the new CFO will probably be from the 11th Ward. When talk of reducing the override of the president from 14 Commissioners to 11 Commissioners was mentioned who killed it, Mike Madigan who controls much of the power in County Government. Perhaps these people “behind the scences” saw Mr. Claypool as a threat to them and won’t do as he is told (rather do what voters say). I know its scary but true for people who have lived in this area all their lives!

  29. - The Doc - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 8:39 pm:

    ===The Daley’s have their own $68 million pension fund scandal with their nephew, a parking meter mess, aides going to jail left and right and putting the tax payer on the hook for
    $3 billion for Olympics. You’ve got to be kidding me! They can’t honestly criticize Stroger for trying to give a guy a second chance===

    Seriously - are you familiar with this clan? Most of the sludge that emanates from Richie’s mouth is hypocritical to the nth degree.

    The Daleys’ recent comments with regards to Stroger’s most recent follies were a clear signal that the prez can no longer count on the Machine for support. He’s a goner.

  30. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 8:41 pm:

    –Best political name since Richard PHELAN(failin’) was Cook County Board Prez.–

    Who was the genius who advised him to brand himself as Dick Phelan when he ran for governor? Always got a laugh.

  31. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 9:23 pm:

    cook county employee,

    just to be clear and in the interest of fairness…the federal investigations of the sheriff is of things that happened under sheehan, not so much dart. right?

    and, i agree with you there are a lot of blacks who won’t support stroger. he won’t be able to use race and poverty issues as effectively as he did last time (e.g., causing a stir that the republican white guy would close county health services that serve the black and brown poor.)

  32. - scoot - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 10:23 pm:

    Liz Doody Gorman anyone???

    Why not.

  33. - corey - Thursday, Jun 18, 09 @ 11:36 pm:

    Darn Rich, Dart responded in the same news cycle. I have to admit even I thought there was no way with Vallas and/or Claypool in the mix. However, when Claypool stepped aside today, I realized what I was told was true. Look out for P. Daley as the next Cook Co. Sheriff! Ugh, the agony of another Daley!

  34. - Quizzical - Friday, Jun 19, 09 @ 12:43 am:

    Identity politics will be very important in this race and if Dart is to be the next President, the next Democratic Sheriff candidate will be black or hispanic.

    That sewer business thing makes Patrick Daley a hard sell anyway.

  35. - Perfect - Friday, Jun 19, 09 @ 12:48 am:

    Dorothy Brown would be a formidable candidate. She is an attorney with a MBA and CPA. Has kept her budget at 0 growth and has brought in millions of new revenue by collecting from the deadbeat defendents.

  36. - Bubs - Friday, Jun 19, 09 @ 2:56 am:

    I say the same thing I said about Vallas - politics aside, the voters, taxpayers and citizens lose on this one.

    I guess the race is now down to Hack Central.

    The worst in our politics is winning. The best are going elsewhere.

  37. - Questions - Friday, Jun 19, 09 @ 4:47 am:

    Larry Suffredin would be the best candidate to take on Todd Stroger. A multiple candidate field will be involved. Suffredin has been there before in his campaign for State’s Attorney. He is smart, and can raise money. Given Claypool, and Quigley are out of the race Suffredin is the winner. Put it on the board - yes. Dart has baggage with other stuff.

  38. - scoot - Friday, Jun 19, 09 @ 7:28 am:

    Or maybe Hynes or Alexi would want to clean up the mess??

  39. - John Doe - Friday, Jun 19, 09 @ 7:35 am:

    Running against entrenched ineptness in politics is never easy. I always admired Forrest Claypool because he was willing to fight for the lost causes. That takes a guy with guts (and a high frustration level). I am sorry to see Mr. Claypool finally quit. Maybe he might still change his mind? Run Forrest, run!

  40. - MOON - Friday, Jun 19, 09 @ 8:21 am:

    I would not be a bit surprised if Assessor Houlihan is interested in County Board President.

  41. - true insider - Friday, Jun 19, 09 @ 8:44 am:

    LOL, Houlihan wont run, because of the issue with hhis friend thats sitting down in the Dixon prison. I really doubt that Dart runs because there has been serious issues over at the jail that he has not addressed,the issues he has addressed came from guess what Stroger authorizing the funding. He starts a new progam or policy guess where he gets the funding from…. the President office. Same goes for Dorothy Brown, she wants to raise fees, it has to be approved by the County Board. She wants money to pay for summer jobs, guess wehre the funding comes? the County Board.

  42. - David Ormsby - Friday, Jun 19, 09 @ 10:04 am:

    Dorothy Brown is lucky to be Clerk. Her humiliating and bumbling race for Mayor exposed her political unfitness. Dart is the guy for President.

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