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Meeks: Democrats failed

Wednesday, Jun 24, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I hope the Southtown Star doesn’t mind, but I’m gonna excerpt more from Phil Kadner’s column than I should. Powerful words from Sen. James Meeks (D-Chicago) about the failure to get the job done by the end of May…

“The Democrats control both chambers and the governor’s mansion. We asked the people to send us here and we’ve failed to do the job. I don’t see how any of us can go back to the voters and ask to be re-elected after this. This is a failure of the Democratic Party, no doubt about it.” […]

“What were we doing here (in Springfield) from January to May 31?” Meeks asked. “What were we being paid for if it wasn’t to pass a budget?

On the proposed tax hike…

“The governor is still trying to pass his 1.5 percent income tax hike as a two-year temporary measure, but the House doesn’t even want to vote on that. They need Republicans to support it at this point and the Republicans aren’t going to do it. As far as Cullerton and the Senate Democrats are concerned that doesn’t do enough. It doesn’t provide enough money for all the things this state needs to do. If we’re going to pass an income tax hike, if we’re going to take the heat from voters, let’s pass something we can be proud of and defend.”

On what to do now..

Meeks said he has told the governor to “let the whole thing collapse. Force the state to shut down.”

That seemed to contradict his concerns about social service providers who need money to help some of the most vulnerable people in the state, such as the developmentally disabled, children in day care programs, homebound elderly and mentally handicapped.

“There would be very short term suffering but long-term solutions,” Meeks said. “In the long run all of those people would get the help they need because legislators would be forced to work 24/7 to get the job done. We would have to solve the problem because the people of Illinois would demand it and all the elected officials would be worried that they would lose their jobs.”


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  1. - Dirt Digger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 10:58 am:

    Springfield is doing an awful job therefore it should do a really catastrophically terrible job?

  2. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 10:59 am:


  3. - Concerned Observer - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 10:59 am:

    The only thought I have is that I’m stunned to find myself agreeing with Rev. Meeks. I think this is the second time in about five months. That’s…surprising.

    Surprised by a lot of things these days. Hm.

  4. - fed up - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:01 am:

    I thought Meeks was an independent

  5. - scoot - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:01 am:

    Sen Meeks…run for Gov as the true (I) independent in 2010!!

  6. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:03 am:

    Letting the social services shut down is an awfully dangerous proposition. Pettiness and politics aside, these are real people’s lives here.

    Quinn should have cut K-12 and revenues to local governments instead. Then something would have been done.

  7. - Macbeth - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:04 am:

    Good point by Meeks — and I actually agree. Shut it down. Put the legislators on the spot.

    But how much will it cost to start it back up again? I mean, I’m still scratching my head over all the “savings” Blagojevich promised with agency consolidation. Those answers — like most of what Blagojevich promised — went into the great suckhole of mystery.

    I’m deeply, deeply disappointed in Quinn, Madigan, and Cullerton. I figured once Blagojevich was out of the picture that things would run smoothly.

    I was absolutely, 100% incorrect. The politicians of this state are pathetic. Truly pathetic.

  8. - casual observer - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:05 am:

    Legislators won’t vote for a tax increase unless/until they are forced to by their constituents. That won’t happen until everything is shut down. I have to agree with Meeks.

  9. - Deep South - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:06 am:

    The Dems didn’t “fail.” Sure they could have voted to pass the tax hike, but the Repubs, who would have all voted no, would have used the votes against the Dems. So its not failure it is cowardice. The Dems waited till they HAD to have GOP support in order to spread the “blame.” The GOP has more power than they think they do. Its all politics, played by a large group of gutless wonders who don’t seem to get it. The voters are getting fed up with the BS and a lot of these “legislators” may soon be looking for work.

  10. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:06 am:

    Meeks is just reiterating what Dan Hynes in effect suggested yesterday, but since its Meeks, who is a bit more bombastic than Hynes, maybe the media will give it more play?

  11. - Bill - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    I also find myself agreeing with Meeks about the House Dems. I always thought that I was helping them get elected in order for them to vote for a tax increase, health insurance for the needy, and school funding reform. I guess I should have been a little more selective up front and taken less for granted. The good Senator better be careful about term limits though. His time would be almost up. He has failed, so far, just like the rest of us.

  12. - Justice - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:19 am:

    It is so unfortunate that valuable time and a great brain trust has been wasted on positioning, long term strategy to place blame, and counterproductive activities to make the other party look bad to voters. All the while the crap is slowly rising above the knees of all those participating and nothing is getting done. There are individuals who mean well but as a group they are a pitiful lot.

    The ship will sink with all aboard while those able to save it are either looking to place blame or are simply looking out for themselves. We have no real leaders and unfortunately we have become a house divided!

  13. - Three Strikes U R Out - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:22 am:

    This is tje third year the GA has failed to do their job. I agree with Meeks, shut everything down that is not funded.

  14. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:23 am:

    It seems there is a low - very low - level of confidence that the tax increase will result in a solution to the funding shortfall and bring sunny days back again. If the tax increase was indeed the solution then those voting for it would be heroes! The foot dragging is interesting, what really then is the solution? Maybe just time to let the economic cycle run its course? We’ll be in session for three more years with month to month budgets and no cash in the til.

  15. - You Go Boy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:23 am:

    Meeks says,”What were we doing here from January to May 31st?” The same as they are doing now. Blabbering, posturing, pointing, pontificating, etc… All the while collecting taxpayer dollars for sitting on their thumbs waiting for the “leaders” to tell them what to do. Almost makes a case for just having the Gov. and 4 “Leaders”. The lemmings are worse than useless.

  16. - anon - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:25 am:

    I agree with Senator Meeks. He may be the only member of either chamber who speaks with such candor.

  17. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:27 am:

    I think Meeks is dead wrong. Selling pension obligation notes instead of simply paying the pension debt is not optimal, but these are tough times. And the guv can use the freed-up monies to attend to the needs of social services clients while Dems have more time to consider various options, including, hopefully, alternatives to Quinn’s regressive income tax hike, or at least
    a reduction in same.

    It’s fine to stand up for the poor, but Quinn and his liberal supporters need to back off of the notion that an income tax hike is the only way to do that. It’s not, although it maybe the easiest way. It doesn’t take much effort to pick a number. Quinn is backing off on at least the size of the proposed corporate tax hike (actually, the Republicans shouldn’t let him get away with that crack about corporate tax breaks and his Republican friends). Now, he and his supporters need to look more seriously at ways to reduce the state tax burdens of individual middle class taxpayers–or at least, not increase them. It’s work and it’s hard, but it’s the right thing to do.

  18. - PalosParkBob - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:36 am:

    Meeks is a bad joke. He’s all about ego and the Benjamins for his buddies in suburban Big Ed and CPS.

    For years we tried to talk to him about ways to reform K-12 ed to slow the cost growth that didn’t improve quality or improve outcomes. He didn’t want to talk about it.

    For years we tried to talk to him about ways we could fund the child rather than funding the K-12 public system. As a part of a church that has a school, there should have been many things he could offer to improve school choice policy.

    He didn’t want to talk about it.

    For years we tried to talk to him about increasing accountability in CPS by bringing him into highly successful, lower cost suburban districts that could be used as part of a model for CPS reform.

    He wasn’t interested.

    All he seems to be interested in is taking food off the table of suburbanites through a massive tax increase and “redistributing” it to the Chicago and Big Ed patronage bureaucracy.

    The Right Reverend “Gimme Some of Yours” Meeks has little bonafides to call anyone else a failure!

  19. - fed up - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    I agree that Meeks didnt want to hear about any ideas that didnt mean more money. He is all about getting his picture in the paper not solving problems. remeber when he took a couple of busloads of kids(pawns) up to New Treir to show what he wanted. All he did was get his picture in the paper and have kids miss a day of school. He is a publicity hound not interested in solving problems.

  20. - Leroy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    Where’s Blago when you need him?

    If he were still around, we could pin this whole mess on his poisonous politics.

  21. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    When you are right you are right!!! I agree with Meeks. The Dems should be ashamed. I also agree the Gov should shut down the state except for Corrections and Law Enforcement. He can put the whole blame on the Legislative leaders. It is only gonna get uglier.

    ALso if they come back next week with an agreement the people can still say what were we paying them for the past 2 months.

    Pass a law, NO bills can be considered, voted on until the budget is passed (unless they have something to do with the budget).

  22. - HealthCare Worker - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:51 am:

    When will people understand that this is NOT about raising taxes, it IS about passing a BALANCED BUDGET!

    How we get there is the problem…….

  23. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 12:05 pm:

    The failure of the budget lies squarely with the democratic leadership in the house - MJM. The senate passed a budget that had some good pieces to it that included cuts, reform and the tax increase. The house failed to respond and the GA went into overtime. This is not thru faithful actions that didn’t succeed. It was thru the deliberate actions of MJM who allowed the session to lapse therefore requiring more GOP involvement in the budget process so that the Dems could say, “well, the GOP voted for the tax increase, too”. And, we can’t get rid of MJM - his district will not vote him out and the Dem caucus won’t remove him. Got rid of one snake only to reveal the second head of the same snake.

  24. - Replace them all! - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 12:21 pm:

    Why must us tax payers pay again for the screw ups of our elected officials. We elected them, gave them our tax money and they screwed it up. Now Quinn wants more money to fix a problem he helped create? If you don’t find and fix the problem, throwing more money will only make the hole bigger. If they want more tax money then us tax payers need to demand reform and accountability. It’s time to do a lot of house cleaning in both chambers!!!!

  25. - Anonymous45 - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 12:28 pm:

    Will Co. Woman: huh? How can you compare what Hynes said to what Meeks said? Hynes was clearly blaming Quinn…Meeks was taking responsibilty for a total lack of gravitas as far as the budget dilemma goes for all Dems…I, too think Meeks is right and is the only Senate Dem being honest about what happened…

  26. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 12:39 pm:

    @Anonymous45 - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 12:28 pm

    i wrote what i wrote in part because meeks said:

    “The Democrats control both chambers and the governor’s mansion. We asked the people to send us here and we’ve failed to do the job. I don’t see how any of us can go back to the voters and ask to be re-elected after this. This is a failure of the Democratic Party, no doubt about it.” […]

    and, i stand by what i wrote. you disagree. fine. we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

  27. - taxpaying state worker - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 12:41 pm:

    On this he is right. The Senate took the correct approach in going high enough on the tax increase to bring stability. Revenues for the state have been in free fall, from the income tax to the casinos to the sales taxes. It is important not to further destroy the community service system infrastructure, it does not come back. Reductions even temporary cost a great deal of money to these non profit agencies.

  28. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 12:47 pm:

    At this point I think to get everyone outside those who have been riled up due to some person you are going to have to shutdown.

  29. - Captain America - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 12:53 pm:

    Meeks is exactly right - nothing got done - period. Democratic leadership in this state has been a complete and utter failure. unfotrunately the Republicans don’t present a reasonable alternative since they insit on nominating social conservatives for high profile positions.

  30. - sal-says - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 2:12 pm:

    “The Democrats control both chambers and the governor’s mansion. We asked the people to send us here and we’ve failed to do the job. I don’t see how any of us can go back to the voters and ask to be re-elected after this. This is a failure of the Democratic Party, no doubt about it.” […]

    “What were we doing here (in Springfield) from January to May 31?” Meeks asked. “What were we being paid for if it wasn’t to pass a budget?”

    SCARY. I actually agree with Meeks on something for once.

  31. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    you people agreeing with meeks who otherwise don’t are too funny!

  32. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 2:55 pm:

    Senator Meeks has enough self-awareness and is a community leader without the political office. As a result, he can afford to speak the truth. If he loses office, he would still be a leader. This guy is independant for a reason - he doesn’t need the office he has.

    When decisions are made, we have to ask ourselves, “are we doing this because it is best for me, or for my family?” When political decisions are made, public officials are supposed to ask themselves, am I doing this because it is best for me, or for my community?” What we have in Illinois is a General Assembly full of people who either do not ask that question, or don’t care enough about their communities to make the right decisions. Our elected officials have been exposed as only being interested in themselves and their political careers, their fiefdoms, their perks, their salaries, and their celebrity status within their own little cliques.

    This is the kind of mentality that would honor Michael Madigan simply based on his success of staying in office. This is the kind of mentality that would use every opportunity available to hide from accountability, pass any legislation without regards to costs, finger point at the political opposition when things go wrong under their watch, and impeach and convict their party leader they’ve twice nominated, donated to, and elected only after the police show up with handcuffs to carry him away. Even then, they try to find a way to avoid taking any actions.

    Illinois government has been paralyzed before this recession. It has missed budget deadlines years before the cash ran out. The Illinois Democrats were sent to Springfield to end “business as usual”, but all Illinoisans got were paralyzed government, a governor who spent most of his time raising personal cash and committing crimes, and an empowered Party only interested in getting re-elected, not governing.

  33. - this old hack - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:21 pm:

    I agree completely with Sen Meeks for once. I thought Dems were the party that assisted the needy. Apparently, I was wrong. This session has made me physically ill and I have developed true contempt for some spineless legislators in the House-especially the safe D’s who couldn’t vote for the temporary tax hike.

    With Democrats like these, who in the world needs Republicans? I expected this from the Republicans, not from the Dems–especially the safe ones.

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