Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Quinn talks cuts *** Videos of Radogno, Quinn and Cross ***
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Quinn talks cuts *** Videos of Radogno, Quinn and Cross ***

Wednesday, Jun 24, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 2:54 pm - From IRN reporter Dave Dahl’s Twitter page

Gov: 12 furlough days possible for state employees. Radogno: At least do a one-month budget. Cross still wants structural change.

I was occupied elsewhere, but my intern Mike Murray was at the media availability and told me the governor said that even if he gets his tax hike he’ll still have to do some furlough days. Not sure if AFSCME will agree to that or if he was talking about non-union workers. Am checking. He also talked about possible layoffs and other “shared sacrifice” budget cuts.

We’ll have video in a bit of the governor, Radogno and Cross.

Both chambers have adjourned. The House returns Monday, the Senate comes back Tuesday, June 30th, the end of this fiscal year.

* 3:31 pm - SJ-R

After meeting with the four legislative caucuses over the last two days, Gov. Pat Quinn repeatedly sent mixed messages on his budget plans for the next week.

Quinn reiterated he does not support a budget that includes huge spending shortfalls for social service programs but would not say whether he would make the spending cuts he’s threatened if lawmakers don’t provide more money.

The governor also said he’s considering asking state workers to take as many as 12 furlough days next year, and he may have to ask for layoffs to deal with the budget problems. But he wouldn’t detail how many layoffs might be needed.

* 3:19 pm - From Twitter

@BenYount Gov Quinn has “hope” for budget. But says layoffs furloughs 1b in cuts likely. But won’t say when he expects vote. Or if there’s support

@BenYount Sen GOP says Quinn’s threatened cuts are cruel. R’s say cuts and pension note ok ideas but don’t want to wait. Say Mid-July is real deadline

@RutherfordDan Outrageous! Senate adjourned, no action on Human Services fiscal year budge. I am calling for Bridge Budget to keep government running 7/1

* Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno, part 1…

Part 2…

* 4:12 pm - Gov. Quinn Part 1…

Quinn Part 2…

We’ll have Part 3 in a bit. Sorry about the delay.

Quinn Part 3…

* 4:47 pm - Leader Cross…


  1. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:11 pm:

    I understand that quinn did not want to make too many concessions because he did not want to appear too weak. he made a lot of concessions to mike madigan, and hoped that would be enough. but, it was not. now he has to give into the minority party too.

    when he was preparing his budget he should have anticipated better and made some upfront concessions, even if only minor ones. who is advising him?????????????????????????????????

    If anyone, whomever it is that person should have been fired long ago.

    I feel sorry for him; he had the misfortune of being hitched to Blago.

  2. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:11 pm:

    A one-month budget is a colossal waste of time. Beyond pointless.

    Read your state history, read your state constitution, then act accordingly. There’s no magic potion that’s going to appear to make everything alright.

  3. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:20 pm:

    While I agree that furloughs and layoffs may be necessary to achieve a budget agreement, the discussion of these two things is very disingenuine. The words used should really be - program cuts. Programs do not run themselves, people run them. You cannot cut 5% of staff or 5% of staff time (which is what a 14 day furlough is) and not expect to see some diminution of services. Unless people are just whacking at state employees for sport, they should be honest about what they are really asking for - reduced services. With the early retirement of 7 years ago with very little backfill, the flatlining of many programs over the past 6 years (which, with inflation, has steadily eroded the resources to these programs), and the increase to a 95% unionized workforce, there isn’t “fat” the way most people would think of fat. If you cut employees or reduce their time, you are cutting services. Period.

  4. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    I would like to thank the Legislature for all of their Hard Work in fixing the budget this week.

    If I worked like them I would get fired!!!

  5. - Anon - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    A 1 month budget worked in FY08…..

  6. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:30 pm:

    We want to thank StateWideTom for ensnaring the budget crisis in a growing series of issues that have nothing to do with the FY10 budget. We are sure your members will be proud to explain how they helped get the layoff going by demanding a desperate effort to rig the 2012 election.
    Lee A Daniels will be proud
    Perhaps they can retain the firm of Ensign & Sanford for advice.

  7. - Three Strikes U R Out - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:34 pm:

    With Quinn saying no raises for MC employees next year, that would make it 5 out of the last 8 years that MC employees did not receive a raise. Where is the shared sacrifice in that. Add the 12 days off it makes you wonder why you would want to be a mid level manager with the State of Illinois.

  8. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:38 pm:

    If a 1 month budget worked in FY08, it makes even more sense in this recession year, if it simultaneously protects social services agencies and their clients from cuts (presumably, with the help of the pension obligation note sale also) and allows legislators and Quinn’s budgeteers time and space to seek alternatives to a regressive income tax on the middle class….or, at least, a lower tax hike. Quinn has already signaled that he is willing to give corporations a tax hike reduction from his initial proposal. Now he needs to focus his efforts on the personal income tax part of the proposal. His tireless obsession with raising taxes on the middle class is starting to make him look like a demagogue instead of a leader.

  9. - Obamarama - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    Please tell me somebody else saw the tie Cross is wearing today. Woof. Hendon has a challenger!

  10. - Macbeth - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:51 pm:

    Add the 12 days off it makes you wonder why you would want to be a mid level manager with the State of Illinois.

    Public service.

    It sounds corny to say that now — and I’m sure I’ll get angry and replies — but for some folks, it’s an honorable profession.

    The state workers didn’t bring on this budget crisis, and I know for a fact that there are many state workers who take their jobs very seriously and do a superb job for the state. They’re usually ignored, but they’re there.

  11. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:00 pm:

    a 2′fer?

    the repubs have forced his hand on cuts, or so it seems. can they force his hand on substantive (as they see it) reform?

  12. - fed up - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:02 pm:

    CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 3:30 pm:

    We want to thank StateWideTom for ensnaring the budget crisis in a growing series of issues that have nothing to do with the FY10 budget. We are sure your members will be proud to explain how they helped get the layoff going by demanding a desperate effort to rig the 2012 election.
    Lee A Daniels will be proud
    Perhaps they can retain the firm of Ensign & Sanford for advice.

    Or you could Blame QUINN, BLAGO MADIGAN CULLERTON where the blame belongs. trying to ensure that real reform is part of this budget crisis is reasonable and responsible after the leadership of Blago those words dont make sense to you I know. Rig the elections this coming from a crook co chicago machine dominated state get real. a computer is about the only way to have anything that passes the smell test in this state. Face it the dems failed they didnt need one GOP vote and they failed Madigan cullerton and Quinn need to get some little blue pills because when the time came they couldnt rise to the occasion and now they are just trying to blame others for their performance issues

  13. - Fedup2 - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:03 pm:

    Where is the fumigation list and why should State Worker’s have to take 12 furlough days when he just extended Filan’s contract?

    Cut from the top on work your way down as the top people make the most money and we could possibly see results alot faster.

    Lay off all the contractual employees and the temps, summer workers and part-time people and have no 75 day contracts.

    Cut Division Chiefs and Asst. Directors to 1 per each agency or cut all the individual Dept. Director’s that would save a ton of money.

    God help us all as the rank and file is keeping the State running and we are the one’s that will suffer the most.

  14. - Easy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:05 pm:

    Isn’t circular firing squad becoming more appropriate for Dems?? Hynes can’t even manage a coffin trust, but offers budget advice to quinn. Madigan continues his 6 year rule of obstruction and cullerton keeps passing tax increases that end up nowhere. It’s just not that entertaining because they are messing up Illinois.

  15. - Captain Fuzz - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:12 pm:

    3 strikes: MC managers have been provided bonuses over the years.

  16. - Anon - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:36 pm:

    ==3 strikes: MC managers have been provided bonuses over the years. ==

    In theory, if not in practice.

  17. - anon36 - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:38 pm:

    I (nor my co-workers) didn’t make this mess of a government. I have contributed 25 years of my life to the State of IL as an employee. Now I am looking at all kinds of cuts from my take-home pay as well as cuts in MAP for my child’s education. I’m am blessed to be employed, but this administration is sucking the life out of its employees. I hoped Quinn & Madigan would work together. NOT! Nothing seems to have changed…only a face or 2. As Fedup2 mentioned, Filan got his contract extended for part time at full time pay. GA & Gov…look at the reasonable places to to cut: the glut of mid-management and the list of fumigates. Tons of money there…much more than furloughing the rank & file. I ‘got’ no place left to cut in my budget either! You’re killing me!

  18. - Jay SeaBee - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:54 pm:

    No furlough days!!! This governor is proving to be as idiotic as Blago. No wonder Blago picked him-they’re cut from the same cloth. And yes, the MC employees have received bonuses. Get rid of the mid-level managers. There are too many who simply serve no purpose or provide any value to the state. They need to go!!

  19. - Mike Ins - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:55 pm:

    For state employees, 12 furlough days is about a 4.8% pay cut… add on top of that an income tax increase of a few thousand per year (give or take). Ouch!

  20. - nobamavoter - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:58 pm:

    I work for a company that has group homes for disabled adults. How big of a cut are they going to make to us?

  21. - Mike Ins - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 4:58 pm:

    Sorry for the double-post here…

    … and if the furlough days apply only to non-union, financially what is the point - with the union membership as high as it is (90%?) it’s not about the finances at that point, just about having a sacrificial lamb IMHO.

  22. - Concerned Voter - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:02 pm:

    You’ve got something there Fedup2, “Lay off all the contractual employees and the temps, summer workers and part-time people and have no 75 day contracts.”

    I know that doesn’t solve the problem but it’s a good place to start. Rich, I’d love to see some numbers on how many contractual employees the state actually has. How many of them are realted to or know someone. (I started as a contractual, in off the street, no higher up juice, but some of those where I started were the son, daughter, niece, nephew, or friend of someone further up the food chain.)

    In some agencies, the contractuals are used to catch up on work where there is a backlog. The state figures it is cheaper than hiring full timers or paying overtime, but many times it is not essential employment.

    Of course, some of those job losses would hurt the general public, when they go to an agency for a record request, but the records aren’t updated, or in the winter when idot has an even harder time keep the highways clear without the snowbirds they hire.

  23. - RJW - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:03 pm:

    Mike Ins:

    I’m guessing the furloughs are being thrown out there b/c they have already been negotiating with the unions - either union members take furlough days or layoffs. Negotiating tactic.

  24. - Payraises for Unions!! - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:10 pm:

    Fedup2 -

    If we cut everyone you suggest, there would only be union workers. Who only work 7.5 hours a day with a half hour lunch and 2 fifteen minutes breaks. Generally, they are under qualified and overpaid. (High school graduates earning $65K who can’t use a spreadsheet or write a letter to save their mother’s life).

    Those same union employees are all getting a 2.5% COLA increase July 1st regardless of the state budget. Another 2% raise January 1st, and a step increase in between the two COLA’s. Know anyone in private industry getting two or three raises next year? Any of the people MC people at the top getting those raises? I haven’t.

    Give me Filan hack’s any day. They rarely are worse than the standard state employee deadbeat.

  25. - Concerned Voter - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:18 pm:

    Payraises for Unions!! Where are those state jobs paying $65k a year? Tell me please, I’d love to transfer to one of those. Oh wait, I don’t have connections, so I guess I don’t get one of them.

    You forgot to mention that those raises will not result in a 2.5% increase in take home, because they are upping the amount of contributions we have to make for healthcare and insurance. For a single employee it’s not as bad as one with a spouse and one or two kids to cover.

  26. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:25 pm:

    I thought they both did pretty well. Almost no sniping across party lines, kept their tempers after must have been an exhausting few days, and, we got a solid deficit number from the gov!.Both expressed their concern for social services recipients and I think it’s clear that come July 1, budget or no,they will see to the needs of those folks while they pursue a budget solution. So all the drama was really unnecessary.

    I do think the guv should wait and see what kind of help he can get from the feds to work down the 7.2 billion deficit (after pension note issuance)
    rather than continue to pursue the same income tax increase to the exclusion of other solutions.

  27. - Princess - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:26 pm:

    –”Who only work 7.5 hours a day with a half hour lunch and 2 fifteen minutes breaks. Generally, they are under qualified and overpaid. (High school graduates earning $65K who can’t use a spreadsheet or write a letter to save their mother’s life)”.—

    You seem to be generalizing that all state union workers work in nice little offices and cushy places for lunch breaks. Feel free the evaluate the knowledge and ability to perform the job description at anytime.

  28. - RJW - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:29 pm:


    I agree. Pursue everything. But in the end there will be NO CHOICE but to raise some sort of revenue. I don’t care what. Sales tax. Income tax. Something will have to give. The federal government is not going to bail us out. California has already asked for help and been turned down. Maybe we’ll get a little extra, but not enough to avoid the inevitable.

  29. - always anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:40 pm:

    State workers shouldn’t have to pay higher taxes and take furlough days/layoffs. I’m all for helping but why should we shoulder twice as much sacrifice as the general populace?

  30. - Payraises for Unions!! - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:54 pm:

    Concerned Voter:

    You only need to be a vet or an existing union employee to get Admin Assist/Accountant/Pub Service Admin. Try applying.


    Evaluations showing poor work performance almost always bring a grievance. Continued issuance of discipline means a charge of retaliation; usually another compliant filed at the Human Rights department. If that doesn’t put a manger in his/her place maybe a report to the Inspector General. Of course these union employee’s have the right to do all of this on work time.

    Always anonymous

    State workers currently have twice the pay; three times the benefits and 100 times the job protection of the public.

    I expect a revolt, from the public any day now. How long should they pay for the unions pay increases, state benefits, and jobs for life for state employees on their Wal-mart wages?

  31. - Leatherneck - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 5:55 pm:

    State workers in union positions aren’t just HS graduates only–there’s even those with higher education (including a master’s or doctorate) that work for the state that may be covered by the union (generally with no choice to join as their job title is covered by a union).

  32. - cb gardens - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 6:06 pm:

    i agree with fedup2. i work for a state agency. we used to have 12 regional manager for the whole state now we have way more than we need. what do they “do” to earn a paycheck??? after 25 years of service i’ve seen it all! we used to have 3-4 levels of management now we have 7!!! we also have people that “check” the fire extinguishers and mapping out fire exits for each location for the employees. if there are only 2 exits

  33. - Concerned Voter - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 6:12 pm:

    Payraises, what jobs specifically or are you just making it up as you go along. There are state jobs that pay 65k or more, but when I have looked into other higher wage positions, they seem to require a 2 or 4 yr college degree, not just HS grad. Yes vets get a preference, but that doesn’t eliminate the need for a degree in those positions requiring one.

    Yeah, the grievance process, works great. we have a grievance that was filed for our unit last August. Guess what, it still han’t been resolved.

    People will have to decide what they support. Yes there is waste in govt. but there are also those that take pride in the job that they do and go above and beyond what they are required by ther jobs to do.

    Layoffs and furloughs, if this happens Mr. and Mrs. General Public, just remember that when it takes you twice as long as it does now to deal with any state agency because of further reduced manpower.

    Tax increases, unfortunately here, the same politicians who have misspent our manoey in the past will just have more pork to divide amongst themselves.

  34. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 6:12 pm:

    Any Video of MJM, aka “The Sphynx” “

  35. - Princess - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 6:15 pm:

    –”Evaluations showing poor work performance almost always bring a grievance. Continued issuance of discipline means a charge of retaliation; usually another compliant filed at the Human Rights department. If that doesn’t put a manger in his/her place maybe a report to the Inspector General. Of course these union employee’s have the right to do all of this on work time”.–

    I could tell you a tale which obviously happened long before your stint around here, but this is not the time nor place, besides I’d get my hand spanked for publicly babbing. But seriously you’re talking to the wrong person about how bad ol’ union workers pick on management. Been here a long time, and fought all but tooth and nail to sidestep management tricks. Let’s not go there.

  36. - Full Sack - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 6:19 pm:

    Who among us would be able to keep our jobs if our job performance was anything like we’re seeing right now? Yet this group is getting away with poor planning, lousy execution, finger pointing and crisis management year after year.

    It’s a disgusting display and time for new leadership.

  37. - Union - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 6:26 pm:

    ASFCME just emailed saying the Governor’s latest proposal would cause 4000 layoffs. It’s not 10000, but it’s still not good.

  38. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 6:36 pm:

    For those calling to cancel all contracts, many of those on contracts do work which the state either out-sourced for cost savings or chose to not make state positions. If you the pull the plug on a lot those, you either don’t complete the work (many are court or fed. mandated) or you have to hire new state employee (a lot more bucks than a contractor).

  39. - Three Strikes U R Out - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 6:50 pm:

    Unless you were a Blago hack MC bonuses are minimal. One guy in our agency did received a 30 percent salary adjustment right after the 2006 election, the same guy that lost the Keys, but had a picture of him, his wife, and Blago posted in his office. The picture is gone now and he is desperately trying to get out of his SPSA position into a union PSA position. Where is the fumigation when you need it?

  40. - Bookworm - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 7:03 pm:

    Don’t know how many state employees are aware of this — I wasn’t until it was pointed out to me by a co-worker — but one reason for Quinn to suggest furlough days rather than pay cuts is that furlough days achieve the same immediate effect as pay cuts, WITHOUT affecting the employees’ base salaries. Since base salaries impact things like future raises, potential pension benefits, etc., in the long term, it is better for the employee to take furlough days than to take a pay cut or (of course) be laid off.

  41. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 7:47 pm:

    A one-month budget is not really a budget, nor can it be for one month. It’s not possible, in any responsible or meaningful way.

    The State of Illinois is a going concern, and has been since 1818. We cant’ pretend that we might pack it up and move it down the road if things don’t work out in 30 days.

    You can have a kind of Continuing Resolution situation, but you can’t call it a budget.

    We’re in a microwave situation in a microwave generation — everyone’s demanding answers now. Cooler heads will prevail and we’ll be alright.

    Anybody ever play poker? Who do you think is the best poker player at the table (a much more accurate analogy than chess, by the way)?

    We live in difficult times and interesting times in state government, but not overwhelming times.

  42. - grategul - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 7:59 pm:

    Let’s Remember all the WONDERFUL People
    who Voted 2 times for Good Old Gov. Rod

    He was going to Be the ULTIMATE REFORMER ????

    RIGHT / He and His Cronies were going to Change
    The World / What Happened the WHEEL FELL OFF !!!



  43. - walkinmyshoes - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 7:59 pm:

    Governor Quinn you have a fumigation list use it! If you want to reduce your work force start with those salaries in the six figure range. The old saying “too many Chiefs and not enough Indians” is alive and well in Illinois. Start reducing your well paid and appointed management staff. It is a joke to see so many Directors, Deputy Directors, Chief of Staff’s, Assistants to Chief of Staff’s, Warden’s, Assistant Wardens and so on. If you truly want to reduce your work force try a different approach and reduce from the top down. You have done enough damage to the front line staff who try to serve the people of Illinois on a daily basis. Shame on you and your lack of reform when it comes to your lack of action on the fumigation list.

  44. - Payraises for Unions!! - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 8:37 pm:

    All persons calling for the fumigation list to be enacted - why don’t you name the names of these incompetant people? Cowards! Whiners!

    I bet each and every one of you is a union flak spending 20% of your day doing union work, and another 20% doing no work. Your burning desire is to get rid of a manager that is asking for accountability.

    The state is broke! Stop acting as though firing 500 Blago people will turn things around. Give up the hate - just do your job, and spend your spare time getting new people elected.

  45. - Hobokken - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 9:20 pm:

    This has been tried before, we (union employees) will not take furlough days. Period. We will not work twice as hard to do the work of our laid off brothers and sisters just ask employees at DNR. The merit comp employees will take the hit on the furlough days and work over and weekends to fill in the gaps, and did I mention for no extra pay or raises, while WE will get our step raises and cost of living. Union strong-never defeated. All dues paying members just chill.

  46. - State Worker W/ an MBA - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 9:31 pm:

    Don’t forget as a merit comp employee I just had my pay forzen for the next year and now talking 12 furlough days I will be losing an entire paycheck a year.

    For all out there thinking we make huge salaries I am a PSA and made 48K last year.

  47. - Sign Post - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 9:38 pm:

    Add the 12 days off it makes you wonder why you would want to be a mid level manager with the State of Illinois.

    The two mid-managers in our office work their a**es off just like the rest of us do. And yes I AM union and they are not, but hard work anywhere deserves reward and compensation. You probally do not agree just because you are a tunnel visioned pro-union idiot that followed the unions voting directions because you are not a self thinker. Did you not hear Blagojevich state in every press interview that he was twice elected by the people. TWICE. It’s not about union positions vs non-union, it’s about all of us. Quinn needs to take a look at some of these overpaid upward mobility positions and terminate the memorandum of understandings that rule them, also eliminating these overpaid UNION positions. I have more problems at work with these big headed people than anyone else because they are overpaid and untouchable people who expect you to bow in their presence. And everyone knows I am right but this is bad for our Union, but it’s the truth.

  48. - this voter will remember - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 9:48 pm:

    To Payraises for Unions!! - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 8:37 pm: I am not in a union - I use to be before I took a promotion (big mistake). I have been with the State for 20+ years and have my P.E. license. I have seen stuff that makes me ashamed to work for the State of Illinois. I have seen co-workers (who had been with the State 30+ years) fired and replaced with political appointees with no education and/or experience. At the State agency I work at there are political appointees who have been moved into Union positions. One of these now ‘protected’ employees sleeps at his desk (consistently), REFUSES to do everything in his job description and received a 61% increase in salary since he started 4.5 years ago. Another political appointee who just walks around and talks on a cell phone. Another political appointee who leaves his State job in the middle of the day and goes to work at his personal business. Several others have been turned in and guess what - nothing happened. There are a lot of backroom deals being made to protect these people.

  49. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 10:05 pm:

    Since base salaries impact things like future raises, potential pension benefits, etc., in the long term, it is better for the employee to take furlough days than to take a pay cut or (of course) be laid off.

    If a state employee is not eligible for OT pay (where they could make up the lost time by working extra - don’t laugh!), and is within 4 years of retirement, furlough days could very well affect their final compensation and future pension payouts. From the SERS website:

    “Final Average Compensation is the 48 highest consecutive months of service within the last 120 months of service.”

    Usually the last 48 consecutive months are the highest, and there would be some furlough days sprinkled in to water down a few of those month’s salary. I guess someone could figure out a way to take their days to minimize the hit, if they have a choice.

  50. - Hobokken - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 10:09 pm:

    this voter will remember
    Pleeeease notify the Inspector General, these types of state employees at every level need to be eliminated. They will keep your name out of it and get the job done, trust me, I know this for a fact.

  51. - It's Just Me - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 10:11 pm:

    I just realized that we didn’t see a big press release touting how the Governor was ordering state agencies to turn down the AC in state buildings in order to save electricity costs this week.

  52. - Non Union State Employee - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 10:16 pm:

    I say good for the unions for not opening their contracts. I am a 25 year non union Professional Engineer state worker who has seen his take home pay basically frozen and benefits reduced since Blago took over. If I was about 15 years younger I would be gone. Lots more pay and just as good benefits working as a Engineer in private industry. But I stayed because I love what I do and for the pension. And this stuff about how the state pension plan allows one to retire at such an early age is not true. Most state workers have to work 30 to 35 years and retire in the mid 60’s. very few I know retired earlier and most are Judges and legislatures.
    Time and time again we have been asked to sacrifice for the mess that our legislative leaders, both democrate and republican have put us into. And time and time again I have had to listen to individuals bad mouth and stero type state workers as lazy and over paid and the source of the problem with the state budget crisis. I guess it was okay when the public didn’t have to pay higher taxes because state workers’ pension was being used to balance the budget.

    Is there waste at state government sure is, is there waste in private industry, you bet. I have worked for both places and there really isn’t much difference. Nepotism and favoritism exits in both places. Dont think so? Than try working for a family run business that have alot of the owners sons running around.
    The point is the general public expects and sometimes demands state services and now it is time for them to pony up for these services or expect less for what they are already paying for.

  53. - Full Sack - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 10:18 pm:

    “All persons calling for the fumigation list to be enacted - why don’t you name the names of these incompetant people? Cowards! Whiners!”

    “I have seen stuff that makes me ashamed to work for the State of Illinois.”
    These sort of comments are a distraction from the real problem and they play into the hands of those that want to cut state employment even further, which would harm the innocent that depend on them. Bad as these folks may be, getting rid of them wouldn’t even make a dent in the budget shortfall. Laying off EVERY state employee wouldn’t fix the problem.

    The real problem is the leadership - or lack there of. That’s where the real changes need to be made. They’re doing us all a disservice folks.

  54. - Iron Gate - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 10:36 pm:

    SENATORS - Look at the fat in corrections, I see it everyday -Sergeants, Lieutanants and Majors out the ying yang, sitting around the offices with their feet on the desk while us CO’s do all the work. Get rid of them, we only need one boss and a lot more CO’s, the brass does not run the place the CO’s do, we run everything and make less money. The prisons would not be any less dangerous with all the office sleepers and upward mobility removed.these positions can be removed or eliminated just like Blago removed the Captains. So your answer to the 10 million dollar question “Where’s the beef” - I just told you.

  55. - an impacted family - Wednesday, Jun 24, 09 @ 11:04 pm:

    Well, changed my name again here as someone else starting posting using the last one.
    Humane cuts? I feel like we may be dogs. Predictability? Would it be better that I could predict how screwed we will be?
    The honest to god truth is that all of these people should be voted out. I do not get the impression that they care about anything other than getting reelected. What a waste. Let them take a pay cut first and then let them work down from there.
    I really do not care about much except keeping our families together. Just wait until all of the families with kids and grown adult children with special needs put all of the care onto the state. Then it is going to get real expensive real quick. No one except another family has a clue as to what it takes to keep someone at home. It is expensive and families absorb a lot of the cost. I wish I could care about reforms right now. I wish I could care about recalls right now. For the families in our situation we do not care. All we know is that we are thrown out with the dishwater.

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