Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Schillerstrom jumps into increasingly crowded race
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Schillerstrom jumps into increasingly crowded race

Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No surprise. Schillerstrom is jumping in

Spokesman Brad Hahn says Bob Schillerstrom will announce his run on Sunday at a rally in suburban Naperville. The Republican formed a committee to explore the option in May.

Schillerstrom is 57 and has led the DuPage board since 1998. He’s the latest among several Republicans to see a chance to reclaim the governor’s mansion.

And it’s gonna be crowded in there…

.In DuPage County alone - long the power base for Republicans in the state - Schillerstrom, Dillard and State’s Attorney Joe Birkett have all been mentioned as potential candidates. State Sen. Matt Murphy of Palatine entered the race this week along with conservative pundit Dan Proft of Wheaton.

Bloomington state Sen. Bill Brady has been campaigning since he came in third in the 2006 GOP primary. Other candidates include Hinsdale resident Adam Andrzejewski

* Schillerstrom has a pretty decent looking website, although its left-hand border is so large on my browser that it screws up the viewing.

Here’s the obligatory “Welcome to my website” video…

* Decent spin

“Bob has experience as an executive leader running a county that is larger than six states,” said campaign spokesman Brad Hahn.

* More on the announcement

Following the [Sunday] rally in his hometown of Naperville, Schillerstrom will travel Monday and Tuesday to Rockford, the Quad Cities, Peoria, St. Louis metro area, Springfield and Champaign. The announcement rally will be streamed live online at



  1. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 7:07 am:

    That’s a lot of guys from DuPage, plus Murphy just up the road. Not a whole lot of regional balance there, outside of Brady.

  2. - DzNts - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 7:12 am:

    I’d hate to be Jim Ryan right now: all these DuPage County guys calling for an endorsement…

    Dillard would probably be the best GOP candidate, but in a crowded primary he may have some difficulty getting past the red meat Roesser’s of the world.

  3. - GOP Fan Still - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 7:33 am:

    did anyone think it was strange that dillard, who lost twice for senate leader, is talking about this gap in leadership and now seems like a good time to stand up to him? where were you all those past years without leadership? oh well, i guess i’m on board since he was president of his fraternity and all…PLEASE RUN JOE!!!

  4. - Ghost - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 8:24 am:

    The State? (or upstate) GOP is still struggling with a massive identity crisis. The large number of canidates shows the lack of a good identity or leadership for the party Statewide. Instead of backroom discussions identifying a couple strong contenders,you have a gaggle of angry cats fighting among themselves. This identity crisis is why the GOP will struggle in State wide elections where Dems have handed them the best scenerio for a GOP comeback. The only thing the GOP has to fear is the GOP.

  5. - Bill - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 8:27 am:

    In the meantime, Dan Proft is calling Carol Marin a “left-wing extremist”. Way to be mainstream, Dude!
    Dillard still looks like the most sane of the bunch but will probably not win the primary because the more enlightened among them are afraid he will kill their babies and take away their guns.

  6. - SangamoGOP - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 8:31 am:

    Does anyone else think “Bob for Illinois” sounds like a county fair midway game?

  7. - Rob_N - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 8:46 am:

    Having experience as a leader isn’t necessarily the same as being a good leader… that “decent spin” is ripe for a quick comeback from someone with a rapier-like wit.

  8. - scoot - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 8:46 am:

    I think Schillerstrom is a “outsider” of Springfield and has the executive experience to run the state. The only problem is there are 20 other candidates…and possibly the best of them all Congressman Kirk is still waiting to decide.

    But looking at the “current” field I like Schillerstrom.

  9. - Duff - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 8:52 am:

    Is Dillard serious talking about a “leadership” vaccuum? Seriously. The guy has lost for leader twice because his colleagues don’t want him, yet he has been part of the inside crowd in Springfield for decades. How in the world is he going to shake things up or change anything in state governmennt? He is state government.

    Oh, sorry, I stand corrected. He was president of his fraternity. Now I get it. Maybe we can do beer bongs to see whether we raise taxes or not.

  10. - John Bambenek - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 9:01 am:

    The question each should be asked is if they stay in the race if Lisa Madigan runs for governor.

    My bet, most will run from that race.

    Mmm… leadership.

  11. - Not Another DuPager - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 9:04 am:

    Bob points out “what’s wrong in government” while using DuPage dollars to pay for John Wyma, John Glennon and Victor Reyes. Please, Please not another DuPager who wants to point his finger but fails to look in his own mirror.

  12. - Anon - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 9:09 am:

    Schillerstrom would be a much more palatable candidate if he and Birkett hadn’t tried to hike taxes in Dupage. When was the last time you saw a pro-tax Republican on a General Election ballot?

  13. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 9:14 am:

    ===When was the last time you saw a pro-tax Republican on a General Election ballot? ===

    George Ryan, Jim Edgar and Jim Thompson, to name three.

  14. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 9:20 am:

    “Annoy the Liberal Media! Proft/Martin in 2010″

  15. - John Bambenek - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 9:27 am:


    Were they pro-tax hike BEFORE they ran for governor though?

    Not saying its right or wrong, but a tax hiker isn’t going to survive the primary unless Lisa runs for Governor and scares most everyone else out.

  16. - Wumpus - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 9:29 am:

    Okay, so Blowhard and Schillerstrom, along with Joe Birkett will eliminate each other. I like Joe, but he used all his lives. Maybe Brady can do something and I will see what Murphy will do. Proft, will probably say things just to say things and cause reaction. He is done as Proft is Cicero..he explots hard workign brown people per Carol Marin

  17. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 9:45 am:

    ===Were they pro-tax hike BEFORE they ran for governor though?===

    Edgar was in 1990. George said he wasn’t but it was obvious from his capital plan idea that taxes and fees would have to rise to cover the cost, and they did. Thompson was something of a slickster. But he raised taxes in 1983, during the worst recession since the Great Depression, and was reelected.

  18. - curtis - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    Schillerstrom’s logo looks suspiciously like a Miller Lite label…

  19. - reformer - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 9:53 am:

    Schillerstrom and Dillard will split their DuPage base. Birkett would carve it up even more. If Brady remains the only downstater, he may benefit.

  20. - shore - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 10:04 am:

    1. The more the merrier, we in the gop need more mess.
    2. If you are a republican candidate, please come with new ideas not, blago sucks, I’m cleaning up state government and tax cuts like its 1980.
    3. It’s not even 10:05 and proft has already unloaded on carol marin/sun-times twice-will he be the first candidate in Illinois state history hit for his tweets?

    4. To me as a political geek, one of the most interesting things about next years campaigns is going to be the social media/online media strategy, as it’s really a whole new world and to see what people do to master the netwaves.

  21. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 10:05 am:

    ===Were they pro-tax hike BEFORE they ran for governor though?===

    –Edgar was in 1990.–

    And remember, his opponent, Hartigan, was the anti-tax-hike Democrat.

    At that time, Democrats had been so long in the Wilderness on the presidential level that Hartigan’s stance was considered significant enough for the bellcow of national pundits, David Broder, to show up at one of his press conferences to learn more about this “New Democrat.”

    Broder was treated to one of Hartigan’s infamous, loud, red-faced “Where was Jim Thompson? Where was Jim Edgar?….” rants.

  22. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 10:20 am:

    Schillerstrom appeared for lunch during the Lake County GOP golf outing yesterday and was given the opportunity to speak to nearly 125 golfers in attendance.

    He gave the same speech as the video you posted. After he was done, no one applauded. And I truly mean no one!


  23. - Just sayin - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 10:32 am:

    The IL GOP is still a mess. The state party’s big accomplishment this year is threatening to sue if SB600 passes. Yeah, there’s a party that’s serious about winning.

    If Lisa Madigan runs for gov, she beats any of these Republicans like a rented mule. It won’t even be close.

    By the way Rich, to the list of pro-tax Republican governors, add Richard B. Ogilvie, the guy who first instituted the income tax in Illinois.

    Jim Thompson was the first one to raise it. Then Jim Edgar raised it some more, after he kept permanent a “temporary” increase. Like you said, George raised taxes too.

  24. - shore - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 10:47 am:

    Also if I was schillerstrom I’d run my campaign on one thing, ABS (Anything But Springfield).

  25. - Conservative Veteran - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 10:59 am:

    Schillerstrom probably doesn’t think that he’ll win. Running, statewide, will increase his name recognition, and, when Rep. Biggert decides to retire (I hope in 2012 or ‘14), Schillerstrom will run for Congress.

  26. - Deep South - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 11:07 am:

    1.) Apparently, Shillerstrom thinks Illinois ends at the metro East St. Louis area.
    2.) Lisa Madigan probably won’t run for Gov. If she does, she’s not a sure-thing.
    3.) If I sold ads at a TV station, I’d be licking my chops.

  27. - Suburbanon - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 12:59 pm:

    Why are DuPage Republicans so tone-deaf to issues outside of DuPage? Other than former AG Ryan, just about every other DuPage pol has followed a campaign agenda that plays only in DuPage Republican circles, and nowhere else. Schillerstrom is just the latest example of that lack of statewide perspective.

    I want a Republican candidate who can offer REAL solutions as an alternative, not just throw bricks.

  28. - Greg - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 1:00 pm:

    Conservative Vet, as a fellow DuPage resident I’m curious as to why you’re hopeful that Biggert retires.

  29. - Abe's Ghost - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    Shillerstrom…hmm, doesn’t that sound like a name that can be beaten by a LaRouchie in a primary???

  30. - Ghost - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 1:28 pm:

    === Lisa Madigan probably won’t run for Gov. If she does, she’s not a sure-thing. ===

    Of course, Hillary Clinton could speak at lenght on that point. However I would be willing to bet big on her winning whatever she runs for.

  31. - Deep South - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    Of course, many thought Hillary was a sure thing. No, I think Lisa will probably run for U.S. Senate…she may win that one. Or she stays where she is.

  32. - Conservative Veteran - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 2:47 pm:

    Greg, I hope that Rep. Biggert will retire because she’s in her sixth term, and that’s long enough. I hope that another Republican can win that seat.

  33. - Rob_N - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 3:03 pm:

    Con Vet — Isn’t Kirk possibly heading toward a 6th term?

    How many terms did Hastert and LaHood have?

    How about Crane…?

    Heck, Hastert broke the last of the GOP’s “Contract with America” promises by holding the Speaker’s seat for a record length of terms…

    Sounds like a weak excuse Phil. Tell us how you really feel about Rep. Biggert.

  34. - E Pluribus - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 3:24 pm:

    These GOPers keep limping into the Gov’s race with none of them getting anyone excited. None of them seem to have real fire, ideas or a following. It seems like a lot of the GOP is waiting to see what Kirk decides.

  35. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 3:44 pm:

    Heck, Hastert broke the last of the GOP’s “Contract with America” promises by holding the Speaker’s seat for a record length of terms…

    And he got far less out of it for his district than other speakers who didn’t serve as long.

  36. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 7:15 pm:

    Anyone else wondering about Jack Ryan’s “re-emergence” at Monday’s “Resurgence”?

  37. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 7:42 pm:

    Even IR is downplaying it by referring to the speakers as Aaron “and others”. Interesting.

  38. - Bobs yer - Thursday, Jun 25, 09 @ 8:54 pm:

    Just read Trib article about Carother’s Co-Defendant Boender (the developer) raising $60K for Anne Burke, with hubby Ed (the “Jr.”) pushing Boender’s zoning change a few months later. Unless I’m counting wrong, that makes three out of three branches of government corrupted by Chicago Dems. It was a tough job, but they finally accomplished it.

    Thanks for tarnishing the profession, Annie.

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