Quote of the day - Lisa Madigan, Dick Cheney and Osama bin Laden
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * From yesterday’s Chicago Tonight, Mike Flannery says Attorney General Lisa Madigan is “tougher to find maybe than Cheny and Osama bin Laden combined.” Watch it… Flannery and the other reporters on the panel were discussing my recent syndicated newspaper column about how LMadigan has refused to say where she stands on the budget issues facing the state. [Via Progress Illinois.] ![]()
- Easy - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 11:03 am:
Give her a break, she’s probably investigating mortgage fraud…oh no, that was the feds.
well corruption in chicago, oh no, that was the feds.
ok, well certainly corruption at the state level, nope that was the feds also.
- Anonymous45 - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 11:05 am:
Yes they were…you are such a troublemaker! Seriously, if Ms. Madigan wants to be leader, she has to stick her neck out at a time like this. As I have stated before she certainly criticized Pat Quinn when she was viewed as having a lock on the Governor’s race…ever since her little junket to DC and her visit with Rahm, she is satisfied to be “just doing her job”. Or deciding if she is running for US Senate. As the Church Lady says, “How convenient!”
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 11:13 am:
This is silly. She is the Attorney General, not the Governor. Jim Ryan was never involved in budget negotiations and nor should she. The Office of the Attorney General has no role in the budget process – it’s the Governor and the General Assembly. Given, if she were to announce for Governor, then she will need to answer those questions. But until then (which may not ever happen), she should focus on being the Attorney General. If Quinn needs her to manage the budget and his agencies, then he shouldn’t be Governor.
- James the Intolerant - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 11:23 am:
Please, she is a candidate, the only question is whether she is running for Senate or Governor. She can dodge all she wants, take a stand.
- George - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 11:28 am:
Someone may want to check to see if Lisa is hiking through Starved Rock State Park.
- Obamarama - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 11:32 am:
Hypothetically, if she were to run for the Senate seat, would she still need to answer questions about the budget? How would that be relevant?
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 11:34 am:
Mayor Daley has been publicly silent as well, and his job will be mightily impacted by the budget deal.
- RedRum - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 11:34 am:
If you want to know what Lisa thinks ask her dad.
- Anonymous45 - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 11:35 am:
Anonymous 11:13: Quinn isn’t asking her to manage the budget, he’s asking for her input/ideas after she publicly ridiculed him…you know the old saying: Put up or…
- Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 1:12 pm:
1) If Lisa is going to complain about her office’s budget when she has to furlough and fire lawyers, then she should, as a state leader, be putting forth ideas as to what should be done. Or at least taking a stand on the ideas that are already out there.
2) I thought Mayor Daley said if income taxes were raised, property taxes should be lowered. Maybe I’m wrong…
3) I don’t know what Lisa and her people are thinking, but they couldn’t be doing a worse job of making her look like a true leader right now. Leadership is about making tough decisions, which this one is, but she’s been going back and forth for months. Take a stand, bite the bullet, be a leader. Although it doesn’t really matter that much to me in general, since I’m not going to vote for her for either office.
- the Patriot - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 1:17 pm:
Uhh, she is the leader of a state agency which has been severly underfunded. On of her greatest shortcomings as AG is her failure to fight the Gov and the Legislature for a reasonable budget to run her office. She has chosen to run for governor for the past 6 years rather then run the AG’s office.
Considering the idiotic statements she made in the wake of indictment and impeachment, it is obvious she lacks the intellect to be AG much less governor. When you are not smart enough to have the job you have or the one you want you stick to what got you where you are. Shut up and let Daddy do the work. At least she has that part figured out!
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:32 pm:
the patriot, every single part of your post is wrong.
First, she had the GA approval for her budget, Blago did a line item reduction and Jones refused to let it be called for aveto override vote. She was abale to obtain a special appropriate later on to fill in a goo dportion of the Blago cuts.
She has vastly improved the overall operations of the office; drafted and obtained legislation closing holes in various criminal laws; increased pressure for FOIA compliance by the State; actively prosecuted a number of consumer scams, including the removal of lead based painted toy from IL while those same toys remained in the rest of the country and so forth.
She is the best AG the State has ever had.