Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… Guv to address joint session at 3:30 - Will speak to reporters at 4:30
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This just in… Guv to address joint session at 3:30 - Will speak to reporters at 4:30

Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 2:22 pm - Rep. Art Turner just announced on the House floor that the governor will address a joint session of the General Assembly at 3:30 pm.

Listen or watch here. Liveblog in comments if you possibly can to help everybody else out. Thanks.

The governor will not take questions from the chamber when he concludes his address, according to Turner.


Turner said the governor would not take questions but his comments would affect the House’s business after that.

“It may have some impact on some of the legislation that we’re dealing with,” Turner said.

Turner said he couldn’t answer whether lawmakers would have to stay in town beyond today yet.

* 2:35 pm - Leader Radogno: “There’s just not a lot of functional discussion going on … at all.” Watch it…

* 3:30 pm- will have live coverage of Quinn’s address…

* 3:42 pm Governor Quinn has entered the House Chamber and is currently addressing the joint session.

3:47 - Quinn offered to make an additional billion in cuts.

Quinn said he would veto a partial budget and laid out his conditions.

Quinn said he was prepared to stay all summer.

* 4:04 pm
- The governor is having a press availability at 4:30 pm. We’ll have video.

Also, Gov. Quinn did a very curious thing today. He walked into the joint session, walked to the podium and didn’t shake the hands of the two Democratic legislative leaders at the podium with him. He then left without even acknowledging them. Here’s the video of his walk to the podium…

Highly irregular. A sign? Maybe. But maybe also a sign that he’s a rookie and this was a spontaneous appearance.

* 4:26 pm - Important context from Tribune…

Prior to Quinn’s address, Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) said he and the three other legislative leaders agree that they should send the governor the budget they passed at the end of May, with an additional $2.2 billion in spending authority from a pending pension-borrowing plan. That budget, Cullerton said, gives Quinn the flexibility to keep social service spending at current levels and buys more time to try to get Republicans to back a tax increase.
“We want the governor to have authority to spend money for the next month without imposing any draconian cuts. And when we will have passed all of the (budget bills), we will have done that. And he then has the ability to spend at whatever rate he wants. We’ve given him that flexibility,” Cullerton said “And then at the end of the month, if there wasn’t any resolution to the budget deficit, then he can reduce the spending and spend at the draconian levels and then we’d be back here in a special session to vote on an income tax.”
Cullerton said that idea was suggested to Quinn during a two-hour meeting this morning. “That’s what we’ve suggested that he do, and I don’t think at this point in time he’s agreeing with that tactic,” Cullerton said.
“He’s somehow is saying that because we’ve appropriated all of the money we’ve had and it doesn’t include a tax increase, so that’s somehow a false budget. And that’s not true. It’s a balanced budget. It just doesn’t have enough money to spend at the level that he wants to spend,” Cullerton said.



  1. - I'm Just Saying - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:25 pm:

    Here’s where it get’s Bizarre…

  2. - upstate - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:27 pm:

    This is just spinning out of control.. Wish Rod was still incharge and this would not be happening.

  3. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:30 pm:

    Another Doomsday speech?

    Getting old. Need some new ideas. Maybe, need a new governor.

  4. - Nikoli - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:32 pm:

    I’m with “I’m Just Saying”…
    I suspect things are about to spiral out of control.

  5. - Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    the chandeliers look pretty…. I wonder what they would bring on e-bay…. gotta fill that gap…

  6. - Scooby - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”

  7. - Macbeth - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:36 pm:

    Well, Quinn’s certainly not going to win re-election. But until then …

  8. - Macbeth - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    I mean, er … not “re-election” since he wasn’t elected. He certainly won’t win the election.

  9. - Infusium - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:41 pm:

    Can you say “doomsday”?

  10. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:42 pm:

    I don’t recall this happening before. Quite a Bully Pulpit. I’m a bit surprised they’re letting him do it.

  11. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:50 pm:

    the situation in illinois is starting to look more and more like the situation that has been brewing in new york.

    will illinois legislators show up when called upon by the governor? or, will they do like their new york counterparts, ignore his commands while trashing him publicly?

    at 3:30 will governor quinn issue a new york style you either stay here and work or you won’t get paid ultimatum to legislators?

  12. - Bill - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:55 pm:

    Chrissy looks pretty irritated.

  13. - Stooges - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    Radogno says no temporary budget. If you read her expression its clear they can’t agree on anything and are getting no closer to a resolution. The governor will call them in and lecture them, and maybe keep them in town, but he will not change any minds. Madigan is intent on out maneuvering the Repubs, and until that’s accomplished we will have nothing.

  14. - Northsider - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:03 pm:

    If the IOC is watching this megillah, then I’m guessing Rio is looking better and better.

  15. - Legaleagle - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:06 pm:

    I hope Quinn doesn’t get all preachy and tell them that it’s the “moral” and “courageous” thing to raise our taxes - it is neither. And if he vetoes everything and tries to call them back repeatedly to coerce a tax increase, I hope they ignore him and let him irresponsibly shut the whole state down because he gets 70% of what he wants! Can we bring back Blago?

  16. - Cosmic Charlie - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:08 pm:

    More classic Quinn. Rich, just like in this morning’s fax on the whimsical leadership style he possesses, did he wake up this morning and come up with this idea? Or was it after lunch? Will he have prepared remarks or wing it like he normally does? This is a critical speech for Quinn. His advisors should be very very nervous.

  17. - Bill - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:10 pm:

    ==Can we bring back Blago?==
    Too late for that now.

  18. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:15 pm:

    What if he walked in and said..

    “To hell with you all, Lisa have fun dealing with your dad I quit”

  19. - Northsider - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:18 pm:

    Anyone who wants Blagojevich back is welcome to him. Among the still living, I’ll take Jim Edgar.

    From the “I wish … but alas, they’re still dead” category, I’ll take Adlai Stevenson or Richard Ogilvie.

  20. - Bill - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:20 pm:

    That would be the absolute best thing Quinn ever did for Illinois.

  21. - Brother Darryl - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:22 pm:

    Shut down government, hold the General Assembly hostage, unless YOUR Taxes are raised? Brilliant Political Strategy. It was not an accident Blago and Quinn twice shared a ticket.

  22. - Lakefront Liberal - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:23 pm:

    Are you people nuts? Or is it one Madigan sock puppet writing every comment?

    Quinn is not the problem here. The Senate already passed a budget, one that covers costs and makes needed structural changes in the way the state takes in money that actually deals with the years of “creative accounting”. Quinn already came out in favor of this budget and said he would support it. This could have been a done deal long ago except for one person standing in the way … Madigan.

    And for those who are still complaining about the idea of raising taxes, please show us ONE REALISTIC scenario that does NOT increase taxes.

  23. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:24 pm:

    Gov Quinn: I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.

    The Leg: We’re just the guys to do it.

  24. - Concerned Observer - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    Bill/Oneman: Actually, it MIGHT be the best thing, if only because then we’d pretty much have to find out where Lisa Madigan stands on all this, right? :)

  25. - Bill - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    If Lisa were Gov this whole thing would amicably resolved in 45 minutes.

  26. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:26 pm:


    If I keep beging and pleading with someone to do something and they will not do it at some point I have to come up with a different approach.

  27. - Anonymous45 - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:27 pm:

    lake front liberal and I are on the same page…Mike Madigan is keeping the state hostage…I say keep them in town with no per diem until they act like grown ups and get it done…

  28. - Bobs yer - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:27 pm:

    Been away from the web site for 2 days. Jeez….haven’t you guys got this fixed yet?

    So what’s the next option? they need the Greens votes now?

  29. - Stoned Prophet - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    The government is about to leave society’s most vulnerable people in hell-on-earth. State workers, state-affiliated organizations and disabled people and elderly people who need state help didn’t cause this mess, yet they are about to be sacrificed.

    What about the people who have dread diseases like cancer, who need their medication and can’t afford it? What will happen to them when there is no state staff to provide their services?

  30. - Speaking at Will - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:31 pm:

    here we go.

  31. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:33 pm:

    Live on CLTV

  32. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:33 pm:

    Rich- is there anywhere else we can watch the 3:30 joint session?? The LIS servers are, of course, busy…

  33. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:34 pm:

    Anyone able to get audio/video?

  34. - I wish I were Mrs. Guillen - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    wow i really thought that guv was going to resign. i’m sorry everyone, but i do really like Gov. Quinn. He’s a good person… just isn’t mean enough to fit w/ Speaker.

  35. - PalosParkBob - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:45 pm:

    Here’s your answer.

    1) Repeal the prevailing wage act, saving approximately $1 billion per year in non-Federal (Davis Bacon protected) projects. Remove prevailing wage mandates from schools, coounmties and municipalities, and reduce state aid by a comparable amount to their savings.

    2) Reduce Medicaid eligibility from Blago’s 400% of the poverty level to a sane and sustainable 185% of poverty level. This should reduce the rolls by about 600,000 at $2,600 apiece for a savings of $1.5 billion.

    3) Cut the pork from the unnecessary capital bill and use the remainder of fees and gambling for deficit reduction.-$500 million.

    4) Cancel all new increased spending over last year’s expenditures-$3 billion. Defer projects that are not for “life safety” until we can afford public construction “wants” instead of “needs”.

    5) Out source Medicaid to managed care providers (HMOs)- $1 billion min.

    6) End subsidizing early retirement and end of career “sweeteners” - $500 million +/-

    7) End state “flat grants” to overfunded K-12 public schools.- $50 million.

    8) End state research grants- $50- 100 million (I’ll admit this is a guess)

    9) Ending free non-emergency medical care, educational services and welfare to illegal aliens-priceless.

    There’s the first $7.5 billion, without eliminating all the duplication and waste amongst the confused 1780 programs adminstered by the state.

    Need I drill done further?

  36. - Hon. Cranial Lamb - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:46 pm:

    I can’t get audio or video working on any of the options, I assumed it was my &*&%$$#$#n! computer, but maybe not. Play by play help anyone?

    At least when Rod was governor, we knew who the bad guy was. Now I’m just confused and irritated.

  37. - Jaded - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:47 pm:

    This is live on WICS Channel 20 if you are in Springfield and if you are having trouble with the GA website.

  38. - Macbeth - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:48 pm:

    Is anyone live blogging this?

  39. - nick - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:51 pm:

    audio fm 91.9

  40. - I wish I were Mrs. Guillen - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:51 pm:

    Quinn is saying he’ll veto anything less than a complete budget. He’s prepared to stay in Springfield all summer to get the job done.

  41. - Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:51 pm:

    If you do not provide a budget that covers x I will veto thatbudget.

    Fed judge has decreed that if certain cuts to child services are made the court will intervene.

  42. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    Not bad. I especially liked “that’s not what adults do.”

  43. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    Bob, nowhere near 600,000 people signed up for Medicaid/Family Care under the Blago expansion (185 to 400 percent of FPL). Maybe 10,000 or 20,000 max. That cut isn’t going to save nearly as much as you think.

  44. - Larry Mullholland - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:58 pm:

    Quinn: GA & Gov need to have political fortitude not political timidity…Need to be an adult

  45. - Jaded - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 3:59 pm:

    It wasn’t a bad speach, it was just two months too late.

  46. - ding - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:02 pm:

    it would be great if i could actually listen to the address somewhere.

  47. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:02 pm:

    very nice well-articulated speech. I’ll give it an A.

  48. - whereisit? - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:05 pm:

    Has Quinn actually released a copy of his 1 billion proposal? If so, does anyone know where it’s located.

  49. - Macbeth - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:06 pm:

    is it over? no word of the speech on the trib site and only cryptic twitter references.

  50. - ahoy - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:11 pm:

    Odd how we switch governor’s and we’re still doing this. Makes me think Rod wasn’t the only problem and we need to do a little more house cleaning in the legislature to fix this mess.

  51. - Cheswick - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:14 pm:

    Quinn walking to the podium without shaking hands is a sign that the time for pleasantries is over, and that there is no time for such things. It was not a sign of disdain. I don’t think.

  52. - Lakefront Liberal - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:18 pm:


    Yes, perhaps there were some other problems besides Blago.

  53. - Ed - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:21 pm:

    Palos: Saving money by repealing the prevailing wage act is a joke. The only program that generates a higher multiplier per dollar than prevailing wage is food stamps. No upside to repealing the prevailing wage act. Unless you want $10/hr immigrants installing fire alarm systems in your kids’ schools, of course…

  54. - John Bambenek - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:22 pm:

    The only consistent feature of the perennial dysfunction is the legislative leaders, or more accurate, the imperial legislature. That’s why I wrote HJRCA35 the way I did and its why I’ll be circulating it as a citizen-initiated amendment starting friday.

  55. - Stoned Prophet - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:25 pm:

    Why haven’t state workers been cut in on the revenue-raising capital development stuff like video poker? $26 billion in projected revenue, yet none of it will go to preserve state jobs. Why do road/school construction companies seem to prosper in any economy?

  56. - Niles Township - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:28 pm:

    This was actually a decent set of remarks, especially for Quinn.

  57. - I wish I were Mrs. Guillen - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:28 pm:

    ahoy — agreed. speaker tried to circumvent the constitution by the “fumigation bill,” maybe we can circumvent the constitution and say goodbye to him!

  58. - Stoned Prophet - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    Dear politicians who oppose revenue-raising to preserve state jobs and services,

    With a severely-reduced staff in state government and nonprofits who rely on state funding, sick people who rely on medication to live will not be able to get their medication in a timely manner and will die. Children who have otherwise no help will suffer and possibly die. Disabled people who are society’s most vulnerable will suffer. How do you feel about that? If you met these vulnerable people, what would you tell them?

    Please respond to this blog entry with your answers.

  59. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    Thank you, Mr. Cullerton.

  60. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:42 pm:

    Quinn shouldn’t let the GA off the hook with a one-month budget. They’ve had nearly six months to get it done.

    Like Edgar did in ‘91, let them enjoy hot Springfield in July.

    Quinn should have quoted Grant when he took command of the Army of the Potomac: “I intend to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.”

  61. - anon - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:48 pm:

    Didn’t Pat Quinn create Mike Madigan’s consolidation of power by ridding the state of three member districts? funny

  62. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:53 pm:

    Quinn scores zero on speech…..rambled…idle threats move no one.
    He forgets these men and women dealt with his running mate for six years.
    Since he started and stopped with the speech yesterday this looks like a bad p.r. stunt ala Blagoof.
    The budget is balanced, GA gave him over 3.7 billion in additional spending already. Plus the capital will create jobs and taxpayers.

  63. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:54 pm:

    Just as I expected, Quinn, as governor, has to take the first hits. Now that we’ve reached another deadline, it is now time for the rest of the Democratic leadership to start taking hits. They want to hide behind Quinn. They want to hide behind the few Republicans left in the GA. They want to postpone D-Day. They want to find magical money somewhere. They want to do anything, except take responsibility for their dereliction of fiscal duties over the past eight years.

    Legislators, you have had years to watch this disaster unfurl under your direction, (or lack of). You have had six months to show Illinoisans that this state can pass reforms that demonstrate a change in the corrupted culture in this state. You have had more than enough time to sort out who will vote for your re-election if you support a tax increase. You have had months to organize palatable excuses for jacking everyone’s taxes up when families are struggling everywhere.

    Time is up!

  64. - So Blue Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 4:55 pm:

    It appears Bill is working on his next job. I seem to recall that he had very negative things to state about Lisa during the last election for Governor.

  65. - Ms Port Belly Mushroom - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 5:04 pm:

    –So Blue Democrat–

    That was my recollection as well. Maybe he thinks Lisa would make bond bills and the commissions they provide lucrative once again. I was wondering how he was going to transition to Lisa or Alexi or Hynes–Dem Governor flavor of the month. He’s doing a pretty good job.

  66. - George - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 5:08 pm:

    What Cullerton is saying is that he wants legislators to postpone tomorrow by one month, and that magically Republicans will come on board then to support a tax increase.

    In the meantime, he wants Quinn to wear the jacket for all the cuts by completely avoiding all responsibility for what they passed (see: “And he then has the ability to spend at whatever rate he wants. We’ve given him that flexibility”).

    Why on earth would the Governor agree to that?

    Why postpone a month for something that won’t change? And STILL have to make cuts for the month of July.

    All the providers will be at his door all month trying to save themselves from his cuts, when they should be seeing legislators.

    Its a stupid budget. Just veto it - it will accomplish the same thing, but it will force their hand NOW, not later. And if they don’t do anything, then its their fault, not yours.

  67. - Capitol View - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 5:17 pm:

    I agree that the speech was a month or longer late in coming, but it was the right message. Be responsible state officials and do what you know needs to be done. You were elected to make the tough choices, so stop looking over your shoulders at the next candidate filing dates and do what has to be done.

    The human services sector was collapsing at the current insufficient reimbursement rates. Knock it down another 30% and few if any groups could afford to continue subsidizing state government services for state agency clients.

    But hey, placing everyone on waiting lists saves the state money. The fact that many clients will be homeless, knocked around by their unemployed breadwinner, unable to receive alcohol or drug treatment, or veteran’s services is not equal in importance to political power games.

  68. - DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 5:39 pm:

    Anon 4:48 Please, don’t let’s bring up the cutback amendment after all this time. Things were not so rosy then, and we’ve saved money paying 1/3 fewer legislators to sit around waiting to be told how to vote. Speakers were plenty powerful before the amendment.

  69. - 815Sox - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 5:43 pm:

    “But hey, placing everyone on waiting lists saves the state money. The fact that many clients will be homeless, knocked around by their unemployed breadwinner, unable to receive alcohol or drug treatment, or veteran’s services is not equal in importance to political power games. ”

    You forgot “hasn’t seen his/her caseworker in months because said caseworker is left with an unworkable caseload.”

  70. - always anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 5:56 pm:

    please don’t wish for Blago’s return. Illinois is still adversely affected by his appointments / programs.

  71. - Bill - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 6:53 pm:

    So Blue,
    You remember wrong. I have always been a supporter and admirer of Gen. Madigan. She hasn’t run for Governor…yet.

  72. - PalosParkBob - Tuesday, Jun 30, 09 @ 9:33 pm:

    Secret: Medicaid enrollment went up from about 1.7 million to 2.4 million after Blago unilaterally increased the eligibility ceiling, while population has decreased a net of about 800,000 over the last decade. We can arguee about the exact number due to the level hike, but there’s little doubt that 500-600,000 is in the ball park.

    Ed: Right now we DO have $10/hour laboror’s doing public works. The problem is that under the existing prevailing wage act , we need to pay those same workers $30+ per hour for public works.

    I couldn’t believe it either until my local schools were forced to pay workers far more than their usual wages when they worked on the schools.

    Same workers. Same companies. Just far more expensive labor costs.

    Check it out and I’ll accept your apology.

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