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Afternoon Oy

Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Quinn wants big layoffs in addition to 12 unpaid furlough days…

Gov. Pat Quinn says 2,200 state employees could be laid off as he attempts to cut an additional $1 billion from the Illinois budget. […]

Quinn says he’d settle for raising the corporate income tax rate to 6 percent, instead of the 7.2 percent he originally proposed. The corporate rate is now 4.8 percent.

* Rahm Emanuel had this to say about Attorney General Lisa Madigan today…

“She’s the most popular political figure in Illinois,” he said, referring to Madigan as “the 800-pound gorilla in Illinois politics.”

* More money woes for mass transit…

The CTA will need to reduce spending by $35 million for the rest of the year; Metra, $19 million; and Pace, $7 million. In addition, a $6 million cut was ordered for Pace’s paratransit program serving people with disabilities.

The bad news did not end there. The board was told by RTA staff that it was necessary to shift $25 million in 2010 capital-improvement funds to keep Pace’s paratransit services going past October, when it would run out of money.

But the RTA board, deeply split over the diversion of scarce capital funds for other uses, deferred the matter until next month.

* From a press release

Patti Blagojevich is scheduled to return to Chicago late tonight at O’Hare International. She will make a brief statement to the media at the airport.

We ask any media waiting at the Blagojevich home to respect the family’s privacy as there will be no media availability at the family’s home either tonight or in the near future.

More details regarding her arrival late tonight will be released this evening.

Visit Patti Blagojevich’s Web site:

* That’s quite the over the top apology

“I have been recently notified by the International Baseball Federation that I tested positive for marijuana during the 2009 World Baseball Classic during which I proudly represented Puerto Rico,” reads Soto’s statement. “I am embarrassed by my lapse in judgment.

“While I fully acknowledge my inappropriate behavior, I want to assure my fans and my family that this was an isolated incident. I do not say this to minimize or deflect from my conduct and I fully understand the ramifications of my actions. I have and will accept any and all consequences. […]

The Cubs issued their own statement […]

“Geovany assured the organization this was an isolated incident and a misstep in judgment that will not be repeated. Though surprised and disappointed, the club supports Geovany as he takes responsibility for his actions and accepts the consequences.”


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Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Quote of the week

Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Quinn. Master of the obvious…

* Runner-up goes to the Sam Adam, Jr., who talked to reporters after U.S. District Judge James Zagel set Rod Blagojevich’s trial date for June 3rd of next year…

Asked how the case is shaping up, including the expected addition of former Blagojevich chiefs of staff John Harris and Lon Monk as witnesses, defense lawyer Sam Adam Jr. said it changes little.

“(Blagojevich) was not guilty then, and he’s not guilty now,” Adam. said, calling it inevitable that such witnesses would line up against the former governor. “You can bring in Lon Monk, you can bring in anyone you want, his position is the same.”

Sounds a lot like “Bring it on,” to me.


Question of the day

Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup, from NY Times columnist Gail Collins

On behalf of the people of Illinois and New York, I’d like to thank South Carolina for giving us Mark (“I’ve been unfaithful to my wife”) Sanford. Finally, a governor who’s weirder than Rod Blagojevich and less responsible than Eliot Spitzer.

Really, we’re extremely relieved.

* The Question: Which of those three guys would you rather have as governor? Explain. But whatever you decide, keep it clean. Don’t risk banishment.



Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped up from last night for visibility.]

* YouTube is allowing members to upgrade their sites, so I did. Go check it out. Pretty cool.

Even cooler, though, is this notification which appeared [last night] about 10 o’clock on my YouTube page

That videos viewed ranking put this site just behind YouTube’s wildly popular CitizenTube, which has been spotlighting amateur videos from the Iranian protests, and ahead of the channels for ABC News and Fox News. The national channels, not the local channels.


* Thanks to all of you for watching our videos, and lots of thanks to my intern Mike Murray, who has shot and edited all of the vids this year and taught himself everything. I gave him the ball and he really ran with it.

I think our little experiment has been a success, don’t you?

* I suppose it’s time to upgrade the video equipment from our cheap little video cams. I also have a new business idea or two. Stay tuned, campers.

…Adding… On a mostly unrelated note, I’ve redesigned the Twitter automated feed, which appears on the lower right side of this page. Twitter posts should now appear much quicker. I’ve also added several new “Tweeters” to the list.


Sometimes, it’s what you don’t print that matters

Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Roy Hofer, the president of the Chicago Bar Association from 1988 to 1989, rips into Senate President John Cullerton’s recent Tribune op-ed with his own Tribune op-ed. I’m excerpting this part for a reason…

With respect to the investigation and enforcement of public corruption, the General Assembly refused to adopt the crux of the comprehensive changes proposed by the commission: adding significant additional corruption offenses to the books and providing additional tools to law enforcement officials to uncover and prosecute wrongdoers.

This comes as no surprise, as our lawmakers have been reluctant to adopt legislation that makes them accountable for their unethical conduct. Instead, they passed legislation that imposes additional penalties on those who are caught. That’s a good idea, but why not also make it easier to catch the crooks?

Former reform commission chairman Patrick Collins also criticized Cullerton on this very same topic in his recent Tribune op-ed

Why do we have a wiretap law that covers many serious crimes, but not corruption by public officials? Most states have a law similar to what the commission proposed. Why are we carving out the politicians’ crimes — sparing them from full investigations?

* Here is what the Tribune printed of Cullerton’s opinion piece…

Yes, we did reject the commission’s enforcement ideas for state prosecutors. We believe that authorizing “warrantless wiretaps” is a bad idea, ripe for abuse and wholly inconsistent with the Illinois Constitution. Instead, we passed two real game-changing laws. One forces politicians convicted of bribery, taking kickbacks or extortion to forfeit all campaign contributions and any proceeds they got from their criminal activity. The other bars politicians convicted of official misconduct or a similar federal crime from deriving a financial benefit from their misconduct.

But Cullerton told me the other day that the Tribune had omitted a key sentence from his original draft. I asked for a copy. The deleted part is highlighted…

Yes, we did reject the commission’s enforcement ideas for state prosecutors. We believe that authorizing “warrantless wiretaps” is a bad idea, ripe for abuse and wholly inconsistent with the Illinois Constitution. Former prosecutors, sitting judges, and the Illinois State Bar Association shared that view and strongly opposed even the Commission’s own watered-down enforcement ideas as unnecessary and duplicative.

That disappeared sentence sure appears to buttress Cullerton’s case, and more completely addresses both Hofer’s and Collins’ questions. Too bad it was deleted.

The complete, unedited Cullerton op-ed can be read by clicking here.

And, by the way, when I published an op-ed by Collins, I only made a couple of minor changes after consulting him.

* Related…

* Pantagraph: Veto HB 7; Illinois needs real reforms

* Sen. Roland Burris failed to reveal he has options to buy stock in a company where he was a board member, records show: Burris can buy the stock at prices ranging from $9 a share to about $20 a share, according to Inland’s federal securities filings. The senator is unlikely to exercise those options any time soon — Inland stock closed at $6.72 on Wednesday, below Burris’ $9 option.


Schillerstrom jumps into increasingly crowded race

Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No surprise. Schillerstrom is jumping in

Spokesman Brad Hahn says Bob Schillerstrom will announce his run on Sunday at a rally in suburban Naperville. The Republican formed a committee to explore the option in May.

Schillerstrom is 57 and has led the DuPage board since 1998. He’s the latest among several Republicans to see a chance to reclaim the governor’s mansion.

And it’s gonna be crowded in there…

.In DuPage County alone - long the power base for Republicans in the state - Schillerstrom, Dillard and State’s Attorney Joe Birkett have all been mentioned as potential candidates. State Sen. Matt Murphy of Palatine entered the race this week along with conservative pundit Dan Proft of Wheaton.

Bloomington state Sen. Bill Brady has been campaigning since he came in third in the 2006 GOP primary. Other candidates include Hinsdale resident Adam Andrzejewski

* Schillerstrom has a pretty decent looking website, although its left-hand border is so large on my browser that it screws up the viewing.

Here’s the obligatory “Welcome to my website” video…

* Decent spin

“Bob has experience as an executive leader running a county that is larger than six states,” said campaign spokesman Brad Hahn.

* More on the announcement

Following the [Sunday] rally in his hometown of Naperville, Schillerstrom will travel Monday and Tuesday to Rockford, the Quad Cities, Peoria, St. Louis metro area, Springfield and Champaign. The announcement rally will be streamed live online at



Now what?

Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A meme emerged yesterday….

Gov. Pat Quinn, after weeks of warning about severe service cuts if there’s no tax hike, toned down his rhetoric Wednesday.

“I’m not going to be cutting the heart and soul out of Illinois human services. I never support that and never will. So we will not allow that to take place,” said Quinn, a day after he told 5,000 protesters at the Capitol that they could lose their jobs if no tax hike is approved.


Meanwhile, Gov. Pat Quinn waffled on whether he will proceed with severe cuts to human service programs if lawmakers don’t approve an income tax hike before the start of the state’s new budget year July 1. […]

After meeting with the four legislative caucuses over the last two days, Quinn sent a series of mixed messages on his budget plans. He reiterated that he does not support a budget that includes huge spending shortfalls for social service programs, but he would not say whether he would make the spending cuts he’s threatened if lawmakers don’t approve a tax hike.


After spending the past three weeks saying he would cut programs serving Illinois’ neediest citizens on July 1, Gov. Pat Quinn appeared to blink Wednesday.

Etc., etc.

* What’s going on? Well, Quinn is under enormous pressure to put off the doomsday cuts. The push-back from the social service groups has been absolutely fierce, and the media heat has been beyond intense. He’s finding out that even though he didn’t support the budget passed by the General Assembly, he’s the one taking the blame. All governors hate wearing the jacket, but that’s the way it works when you’re on top. And now the fiscal year deadline is approaching and he’s staring off into the abyss wondering what to do.

* And rather than help reach a satisfactory conclusion, the pension note plan appears to be taking the pressure off, particularly in the House…

A solution could come in the form of a House plan anchored by borrowing $2.2 billion to fund the state’s 2010 pension obligations. State Rep. Jack Franks, D-Marengo, said the plan would fund the budget to almost 93 percent of what Quinn wanted.

The governor’s office vehemently disagrees with that 93 percent number, by the way. But House Democrats see the pension note plan and other maneuvers as a get out of jail free card

State Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg, said the plan, expected to generate about $2.2 billion, could help avoid the massive cuts Quinn has threatened.

“I don’t know if we need a tax increase right now,” said Phelps, who was among those voting against an income tax hike May 31.

That cash will take some pressure off the cuts, particularly the social service grants, and that, in turn, will lessen the urgency for a tax hike. They’ll still be billions in the hole - anywhere from $3.7 billion to about $6 billion, depending on whom you believe

“If we get $2 billion to help close the deficit, that’s a good thing,” Quinn said after finishing a series of meetings with all four legislative caucuses. “We’re making progress, but we still have $7 billion to go.”

It’s less than $7 billion and Quinn knows it (subscribe to find out why). But it’s higher than some want to think.

* Quinn will be forced to make some very tough decisions about what he does next. He may agree to Republican demands for a month-to-month budget, or he could be pushed by the House Dems into backing off doing anything else. Or he could go other directions. I don’t think he really knows yet.

And if he doesn’t follow through and instead moves on to the next doomsday threats, nobody will take him seriously

Governor Quinn says no matter the budget outcome.. there will be shared sacrifice. He talked about state employee layoffs, and asking government workers to take up to 12 furlough days in the coming year.

His indecisiveness will spawn a whole lot more biting commentary like this

If Quinn were serious, he should have locked the Legislative leaders in a room and said they weren’t coming out until they had solved the problem.

Maybe the problem was never that serious.

Maybe it was all a political game.

Maybe things really are that bad and our lawmakers just don’t give a damn.

It doesn’t matter.

Every time I think the politicians of Illinois have reached a new low, they find a way to dig a little deeper.

Instead of going to work, they’ve gone home, leaving millions of poor, scared, helpless people behind.

And mocking like this

Legislators met for two days this week to consider technical issues related to a public works program and to address the budget.

They didn’t complete either chore. The Senate did, however, pass a resolution reaffirming Illinois’ sister-state relationship with Taiwan.

* And, then, of course, there’s the ongoing fight over the capital bill

Quinn said he will not sign the construction program without an operating budget in place. Democratic Sens. Martin Sandoval of Chicago and John Sullivan of Rushville said the capital plan and the operating budget have nothing to do with one another. In a Statehouse news conference, they joined organized labor groups to say Quinn has fallen through on his promise to immediately put people to work. “People are falling off the edge, losing their homes, having a very difficult time making ends meet, and he’s decided to hold the jobs bill as a political football until he gets his tax hike,” Sandoval said, citing the state’s 10.1 percent unemployment rate.



Morning shorts *** UPDATED ***

Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

* Rep. Davis eyes run for County Board chief

U.S. Rep. Danny Davis is forming an exploratory committee to consider running for Cook County Board president, said his spokeswoman Tumia Romero.

Davis commissioned a poll which showed “very favorable” numbers for his run, Romero said, including placing him 7 points ahead of County Commissioner Forrest Claypool, the presumptive front-runner who pulled out of the race last week.

* Brown in race?

IAM PREDICTING that Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown will announce on Friday that she will be running for the Cook County Board president seat now occupied by Todd Stroger. Others who might run include Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, Cook County Assessor Jim Houlihan and Ald. Toni Preckwinkle (4th).

* Plinko, Preckwinkle and my soup tax

The entire Democratic Party is waiting for Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s decision on whether she will run for U.S. Senate, governor or re-election to her current office. Her Plinko chip is positioned at the top of the board, moving at a glacial pace toward its final slot.

The effect of her decision trickles down to the Cook County Board president’s race - quite possibly the most important election for Cook County residents on the 2010 ticket. It’s not just about the sales tax, although I took notice, again, of the tax Wednesday on my lunch receipt. Sixty-one cents for soup and salad.

The sales tax is only a small part of Cook County’s problem. Streamlining government. Finding competent managers. Eliminating the fat, yes, but also steering the Titanic on the complex issues of health care delivery and public safety. That’s where our tax money goes. We need someone at the wheel impervious to political pressure, thoughtful in decision-making and stern. Absent of softness. Lacking in sentimentality. A real jerk.

Chicago Ald. Toni Preckwinkle, of Hyde Park, might be that person.

* Indicted builder aided Burkes

A developer now at the center of a City Hall bribery scandal hosted a political fundraiser for Illinois Supreme Court Justice Anne Burke in his home, just months before receiving crucial support for his real estate project from her husband, Ald. Edward Burke, a Tribune investigation has found.

Both Burkes got campaign donations from developer Calvin Boender while Boender was pushing to build a $35 million condo and restaurant project on a blighted stretch of Cicero Avenue near Midway Airport.

Several months after the March 2007 fundraiser for his wife and weeks after receiving his $1,500 campaign donation, Edward Burke (14th) gave his all-important backing for Boender’s project in his Southwest Side ward.

For years, Boender has quietly forged ties with politicians as he pursued real estate deals around Chicago, but he was indicted in May on charges he bribed a West Side alderman to win backing for another project.

* Lease with Daley nephew sparks aldermanic crackdown

But, City Hall’s decision to make it a month-to-month lease — and continue that temporary arrangement since November, 2007 — denied Suarez’ committee and the full City Council the right to approve the deal.

Last week, Suarez demanded to know why the city has paid nearly $500,000 to lease the space co-owned by mayoral nephew Robert Vanecko and his partners, developer Allison Davis and Davis’ son Jared, under an arrangement that was supposed to be temporary.

Today, he went a step further.

Suarez said he plans to introduce an ordinance at next week’s City Council meeting that would rein in month-to-month leases.

* Aldermen lower the boom on Olympic planners after pledge backlash

That kind of hide-the-ball strategy has “poisoned the well” with the City Council, according to Ald. Toni Preckwinkle (4th), whose ward includes the proposed Olympic Village.

With a City Council vote at least a month away, Ald. Pat O’Connor (40th), the mayor’s floor leader, refused to rate the chances that aldermen would derail Chicago’s Olympic bid.

He would only say that aldermen are feeling the heat.

“There’s a lot of anger out there looking for a focal point and the Olympics allow a focal point. The parking meters are one more thing they’re angry about. But, the parking meter deal is done. The Olympics is something they can impact,” he said.

* Chicago 2016 Chairman Patrick Ryan meets with aldermen in private on Olympics funding issues

But the decision to hold private briefings with aldermen Wednesday and Thursday came “as we’re going through this in real time and hearing things and responding to them,” said Chicago 2016 spokeswoman Mica Matsoff.

The bid team is meeting with no more than 13 aldermen at a time — the maximum number who can gather in private without violating open meetings laws.

Daley spokeswoman Jacquelyn Heard defended the meetings, saying it’s a common City Hall practice to hold briefings in small groups, excluding the public.

“Nothing is out of the ordinary here,” Heard said. “Aldermen are routinely briefed by mayoral staff and others, and those briefings are never public. … The mayor did say he would bring it before council. The briefings don’t cancel that out.”

* Olympic planners meet with aldermen to discuss taxpayer contributions

* Funding crunch puts paratransit service in jeopardy

The latest funding crisis facing the CTA, Metra and Pace is also jeopardizing paratransit service for up to 40,000 people with disabilities, officials are warning.

Unless a $30.5 million budget shortfall can be remedied, paratransit funding will run out this fall and service will be suspended, according to Pace, which provides transportation for the handicapped in the six-county region as well as suburban bus and vanpool service.

* CTA president says specifics on cuts unknown

The RTA board is expected to vote Thursday to reduce transit budgets by $61 million, including $35 million at the CTA, $19 million at Metra and $7 million at Pace.

* School cuts will cause ‘chaos,’ teachers say

Teachers Wednesday predicted classroom “chaos” in September if officials go through with about 100 teacher cuts at 12 Chicago public schools where lower enrollment is projected.

Karen Lewis, co-chair of the Caucus of Rank and File Educators, contended CPS was exaggerating some projections of enrollment declines. The resulting job cuts will lead to bulging classes, she said.

“They are absolutely lowballing their estimates,'’ Lewis said before Wednesday’s monthly School Board meeting. As a result, “Unfortunately, for many schools, the first day of school is a day of chaos.'’

The teachers blasted a CPS practice of waiting until mid-October’s final enrollment count to determine how many teachers are needed.

* Teachers Accuse District of Understaffing Schools

* Peoria County plans to ask unions to help trim costs

* Lofty ‘green’ renovation for Sears Tower

Sears Tower is “going green” while keeping its attire of basic black. The tower’s owners are planning a rooftop-to-plaza renovation to conserve energy and power up its financial performance.

The makeover detailed Wednesday calls for giving the tower a new neighbor, a 50-story hotel that the Sears owners said would feature “net zero” use of energy. They said changes to the tower itself will cut its appetite for electricity by 80 percent.

The work on the 110 -story tower should cost about $350 million, said John Huston, principal with American Landmark Properties Ltd. The Skokie-based firm is part of the tower’s ownership group.

Huston estimated the hotel, for which outside investors will be sought, could cost $225 million. He said the dual projects could be completed within five years.

* Cab stand relocation puts drivers, passengers up the creek on Canal

Chicago cabdrivers are fuming about a street reconfiguration that’s costing them sorely needed business: the relocation of a Canal Street cab stand serving Union Station.

The cab stand used to be located right outside the door of Union Station. Now, it’s on the other side of the street, but there’s no pedestrian cross walk in the middle of the block.

A dedicated CTA bus lane that ran against the flow of traffic was eliminated, with all traffic now moving northbound. The east side of the street where the cab stand used to be is now reserved for buses, pick-ups and drop-offs and has a space for disabled drop-offs, he said.

“We made that move to try to safely balance all of the traffic that uses that block,” Steele said.

* Cop charged in murder plot wants city to pay legal bills

Jerome Finnigan and other members of the now-disbanded Special Operations Section have been accused of falsely arresting and robbing people. He and other SOS officers face lawsuits alleging they abused citizens’ civil rights.

Finnigan originally was represented in the lawsuits by the city’s Law Department. But he eventually retained a private law firm, Ungaretti & Harris, because he thought there was a conflict with the city also participating in the criminal investigation into his alleged misdeeds.

Finnigan alleges the city owes him about $620,000 in fees and expenses incurred by his private lawyers in defending him in 12 lawsuits.

Finnigan is charged in federal court with plotting to kill a fellow officer, Keith Herrera, whom he believed was cooperating with the corruption investigation. He and four other officers face separate corruption charges in state court.

* Stiffer penalty could teach brutes a lesson

What we will second-guess is Fleming’s bizarre view that a stiffer penalty for Abbate would have done nothing to discourage future brutes from beating up women — in a bar, on the street or right at home.

* Police from Democratic National Convention protests to hold reunion

Chicago Copwatch, an activist organization that tries to document police misconduct, swiftly organized a counter-rally at Ashland Avenue and Lake Street at 6 p.m. Friday, the same night as the reunion. They plan to a march to the Fraternal Order of Police lodge, where the reunion is being held.

* State police looking out for construction workers’ safety

* Vans with cameras back in work zones to catch speeders

* University of Illinois hikes tuition by 2.6%

Incoming freshmen to pay $9,484 in base tuition

* Chicago school to march in Pride Parade

* Remembering Callaway, a supreme storyteller

* John Callaway enriched us

* Callaway’s genuine interest in people set him apart

* Bruno coverup at O’Hare exposed

* Superdawg vs. Superdog

Superdawg, the venerable Northwest Side hot dog purveyor, this week sued Superdog, an upstart frankfurter stand in New York City, claiming trademark infringement and unfair and deceptive business practices.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Robert Crimo III pleads guilty to Highland Park parade shooting
* Question of the day
* Tribune editorial board: 'Nevermind'
* Judge tosses bribery convictions in ComEd Four case, prosecutors indicate a new trial may not be necessary
* Fair hit?
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* It’s just a bill
* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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