Afternoon Oy
Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Quinn wants big layoffs in addition to 12 unpaid furlough days…
* Rahm Emanuel had this to say about Attorney General Lisa Madigan today…
* More money woes for mass transit…
* From a press release…
* That’s quite the over the top apology…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - More Doom
Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Quote of the week
Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Quinn. Master of the obvious… * Runner-up goes to the Sam Adam, Jr., who talked to reporters after U.S. District Judge James Zagel set Rod Blagojevich’s trial date for June 3rd of next year…
Sounds a lot like “Bring it on,” to me. ![]()
Question of the day
Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * The setup, from NY Times columnist Gail Collins…
* The Question: Which of those three guys would you rather have as governor? Explain. But whatever you decide, keep it clean. Don’t risk banishment.
Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller [Bumped up from last night for visibility.] * YouTube is allowing members to upgrade their sites, so I did. Go check it out. Pretty cool. Even cooler, though, is this notification which appeared [last night] about 10 o’clock on my YouTube page… ![]() That videos viewed ranking put this site just behind YouTube’s wildly popular CitizenTube, which has been spotlighting amateur videos from the Iranian protests, and ahead of the channels for ABC News and Fox News. The national channels, not the local channels. Amazing. * Thanks to all of you for watching our videos, and lots of thanks to my intern Mike Murray, who has shot and edited all of the vids this year and taught himself everything. I gave him the ball and he really ran with it. I think our little experiment has been a success, don’t you? * I suppose it’s time to upgrade the video equipment from our cheap little video cams. I also have a new business idea or two. Stay tuned, campers. …Adding… On a mostly unrelated note, I’ve redesigned the Twitter automated feed, which appears on the lower right side of this page. Twitter posts should now appear much quicker. I’ve also added several new “Tweeters” to the list.
Sometimes, it’s what you don’t print that matters
Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Roy Hofer, the president of the Chicago Bar Association from 1988 to 1989, rips into Senate President John Cullerton’s recent Tribune op-ed with his own Tribune op-ed. I’m excerpting this part for a reason…
Former reform commission chairman Patrick Collins also criticized Cullerton on this very same topic in his recent Tribune op-ed…
* Here is what the Tribune printed of Cullerton’s opinion piece…
But Cullerton told me the other day that the Tribune had omitted a key sentence from his original draft. I asked for a copy. The deleted part is highlighted…
That disappeared sentence sure appears to buttress Cullerton’s case, and more completely addresses both Hofer’s and Collins’ questions. Too bad it was deleted. The complete, unedited Cullerton op-ed can be read by clicking here. And, by the way, when I published an op-ed by Collins, I only made a couple of minor changes after consulting him. * Related…
Schillerstrom jumps into increasingly crowded race
Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * No surprise. Schillerstrom is jumping in…
And it’s gonna be crowded in there…
* Schillerstrom has a pretty decent looking website, although its left-hand border is so large on my browser that it screws up the viewing. Here’s the obligatory “Welcome to my website” video… * Decent spin…
* More on the announcement…
Now what?
Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * A meme emerged yesterday….
* What’s going on? Well, Quinn is under enormous pressure to put off the doomsday cuts. The push-back from the social service groups has been absolutely fierce, and the media heat has been beyond intense. He’s finding out that even though he didn’t support the budget passed by the General Assembly, he’s the one taking the blame. All governors hate wearing the jacket, but that’s the way it works when you’re on top. And now the fiscal year deadline is approaching and he’s staring off into the abyss wondering what to do. * And rather than help reach a satisfactory conclusion, the pension note plan appears to be taking the pressure off, particularly in the House…
The governor’s office vehemently disagrees with that 93 percent number, by the way. But House Democrats see the pension note plan and other maneuvers as a get out of jail free card…
That cash will take some pressure off the cuts, particularly the social service grants, and that, in turn, will lessen the urgency for a tax hike. They’ll still be billions in the hole - anywhere from $3.7 billion to about $6 billion, depending on whom you believe…
It’s less than $7 billion and Quinn knows it (subscribe to find out why). But it’s higher than some want to think. * Quinn will be forced to make some very tough decisions about what he does next. He may agree to Republican demands for a month-to-month budget, or he could be pushed by the House Dems into backing off doing anything else. Or he could go other directions. I don’t think he really knows yet. And if he doesn’t follow through and instead moves on to the next doomsday threats, nobody will take him seriously…
His indecisiveness will spawn a whole lot more biting commentary like this…
And mocking like this…
* And, then, of course, there’s the ongoing fight over the capital bill…
Morning shorts *** UPDATED ***
Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * Rep. Davis eyes run for County Board chief
* Brown in race?
* Plinko, Preckwinkle and my soup tax
* Indicted builder aided Burkes
* Lease with Daley nephew sparks aldermanic crackdown
* Aldermen lower the boom on Olympic planners after pledge backlash
* Chicago 2016 Chairman Patrick Ryan meets with aldermen in private on Olympics funding issues
* Olympic planners meet with aldermen to discuss taxpayer contributions * Funding crunch puts paratransit service in jeopardy
* CTA president says specifics on cuts unknown
* School cuts will cause ‘chaos,’ teachers say
* Teachers Accuse District of Understaffing Schools * Peoria County plans to ask unions to help trim costs * Lofty ‘green’ renovation for Sears Tower
* Cab stand relocation puts drivers, passengers up the creek on Canal
* Cop charged in murder plot wants city to pay legal bills
* Stiffer penalty could teach brutes a lesson
* Police from Democratic National Convention protests to hold reunion
* State police looking out for construction workers’ safety * Vans with cameras back in work zones to catch speeders * University of Illinois hikes tuition by 2.6%
* Chicago school to march in Pride Parade * Remembering Callaway, a supreme storyteller * John Callaway enriched us * Callaway’s genuine interest in people set him apart * Bruno coverup at O’Hare exposed * Superdawg vs. Superdog
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Thursday, Jun 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller