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Joint legislative session called for July 14th

Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 12:41 pm - The governor is two legislative leaders are calling a joint legislative session for Tuesday, July 14th. [Sorry for the confusion.]

* The session will be at 2 o’clock. The proclamation talks about issues dealing with the budget, so it can be broader than just the veto votes.

Read the official proclamation by clicking here.

* From a press release…


SPRINGFIELD, IL - Demonstrating their continued commitment to resolving the state budget crisis, Senate President John Cullerton and House Speaker Michael Madigan are calling a Joint Session of the General Assembly.

According to the joint proclamation released today:

“The purposes of the Special Session shall be (i) to take action on any vetoes, amendatory vetoes, or reduction vetoes by the Governor of legislation related to the budget for Fiscal Year 2010 and (ii) to consider any legislation, pending or otherwise, related in any way to the budget for Fiscal Year 2010, including but not limited to appropriation, budget implementation, or additional revenue resources.

The Special Session will convene at 2:00 pm on July 14, 2009 at the State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois.”


  1. - John Bambenek - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 12:44 pm:

    Any word on what exactly is being vetoed?

  2. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 12:46 pm:

    Day before the first payday that will be missed without a budget, correct?

  3. - Scooby - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 12:46 pm:

    Happy Bastille Day! Um, doesn’t the state start to shut down around the 9th or 10th? Won’t AFSCME be in the Christian County courthouse by then?

  4. - Al Pujols - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 12:49 pm:

    That’s the All-Star game in St. Louis. Downstaters will be mad.

  5. - I wish I were Mrs. Guillen - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 12:54 pm:

    the payday IS the 14th… hmmm…

  6. - Left Leaner - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 12:54 pm:

    That’s too late for most non-profits without contracts. Layoffs start today.

  7. - springpatch - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 12:55 pm:

    NICE why to wait until the last minute….. give me a break they are playing with peoples lives here…….. they are just trying to put on pressure as Quinn did yesterday with his move on the pension bill….. someone please explain what the heck they are going to be doing until July 14th!!!!!!!!! Please they should be back in Springfield by Monday…. lats time I checked I dont leave my office unless the work is done!

  8. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:00 pm:

    Ok, let’s review. The regular session started in Jan.. Even subtracting days for their “spring break”, assorted holidays, and Mondays and Fridays, they still met for a lot of session days. Then 48 hours last week before going home for a week long break, and the past 48 hours before going home on June 30 to celebrate 4th of July and what problem has gotten solved? What meaningful debate has taken place? What new topics of discussion have been introduced? NONE.
    What has happened is that Quinn has flip flopped 100 times, Cullerton is derisively calling his caucus members geniuses, the state is still in huge debt, there is no budget except for that unconstitutional and illegal 50% thing. So what exactly does the Gov expect to happen when he calls another special? Does he think that the GA will suddenly transform itself into a meaningful, deliberative, democratic, legislative body? Well, Gov, get ready for some more very amusing theater but don’t expect anything meaningful to happen until Ayatollah Madigan decides to let it happen. Don’t bother with the special session. Let them sit home until the Supreme Leader is ready to move.

  9. - Quinn T. Sential - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:01 pm:

    {Demonstrating their continued commitment to resolving the state budget crisis}

    This calls for a nostalgic trip down memory lane with DA COACH


    They are so committed they are waiting a full 2 weeks after the fiscal year has begun to get legislators back to work.

    Cross and Radogno shoukld call for a caucus meeting this afternoon in the respective House and Senate chambers, and have all of their members seated at their desks with their sleeves rolled up ready to get down to work, and they should start drafting budget proposals to be voted upon.

  10. - vole - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:01 pm:

    “continued commitment” ??? Wouldn’t this have prevented a state budget crisis in the first place?

    What we have heahhh is failya ta commiticate.

  11. - Quinn T. Sential - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:05 pm:

    If the Governor had planned to veto the Capital Bill today; previously likely a foregone conclusion, he will probably stick that back into his pocket until after the Bastille Day charade in the hopes that the Proletariot will be storming the Capitol gates in an effort to get their hands on the Bourgois

  12. - Idontgetit - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    How can we as a state justify or consider to spend 20+ billion on a capital bill when we dont even have 7-9 billion to cover the day to day operations? Please someone explain that.

  13. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:09 pm:

    VOLE: And, what we have here is a failure to Legislate.

  14. - Let the games begin - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:10 pm:

    This a chance for the Republicans to make a move, but they are just sitting on their hands. They
    should stay in Springfield and let the voters of Illinois know they are against all the games Madigan and Cullerton are playing. If they have stay their for two weeks, it will show the voters
    that they care. People all over the State are being hurt by their Games.
    If this keeps up Liza Madigan can kiss her chances
    for Gov. or Senator Good Bye

  15. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:10 pm:

    Easy to explain. The “capitol bill” contains mucho pork for both dems and repubs.. There is always money for bacon, always.

  16. - Sick of it - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:11 pm:

    Well they are really showing their commitment to the people of Illinois arnt they. Anyone running against an incumbent legislator next time around should be able to make good use of that quote!

  17. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:12 pm:

    ==They should stay in Springfield==
    Fat chance without their per diem. Let’s keep our priorities straight, shall we?

  18. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:13 pm:

    My organization already laid off 50%, those that are remaining have taken pay cuts and our case loads have more than doubled. We don’t have a pension nor belong to a union. And we consider ourselves fortunate because we still have a job!

  19. - Idontgetit - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:15 pm:

    Thanks Bill but didnt we raise taxes and fees of some sort for that. No problem there. Call me crazy but now isnt the time to take care of mucho pork projects. Can Quinn not sweep that money to the gerneral fund? Also I have not read anything here or anywhere for that matter but did here licesnse stickers and drivers license fees are going up to $105 and $30 respectively. If so where is that money going or what is it being used for?

  20. - sal-says - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:18 pm:

    Now isn’t this special. Mudlock as usual in IL.

  21. - Deep South - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:19 pm:

    Note to Quinn and the Four Tops:

    You’re not gonna do anything ’til the 14th? Wow. In case you aren’t catching the massive drift moving up and down the state - people are gettin’ fed up. Oh sure, we’re all hoping you’re gonna get something done on the 14th. ROFL.

    Message to the mushrooms: Start planning your coup now…these chuckle-heads are gonna cost most of you your jobs. The next election cycle ain’t gonna be pretty.

  22. - Desert Dweller - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    Wordslinger, that is correct. We’re supposed to have the checks and reports from the Comptroller on the 13th so we can have everything out on time. Technically, the 14th is late.

  23. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:23 pm:

    Perhaps Quinn can use the time o develop a single position and practice sticking to it for more than 24 hours at a time.
    Perhaps he can appear in towns where “no” live to lobby for his idea rather than strong Dem primary areas.
    Perhaps all the non- budget issues StateWideTom seeks can be resolived and he can asked to vote “yes”

  24. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:23 pm:

    I think most of the money is coming from video poker in bars. There seems to be thousands of people waiting breathlessly to lose millions of dollars at these machines. It reminds me of a former Governor who was mercilessly ridiculed for suggesting Keno in bars as a revenue producer. Oh, I almost forgot about the candy tax. Yep, those two revenue streams should take care of it. Now, who wants to buy a bond?

  25. - ahoy - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:31 pm:

    If there is not a budget problem then why are they calling a special session?

  26. - Downstate weed chewing hick - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:31 pm:

    It is official. Rod was an evil genius. After all, he alone is blamed for the mess we are in, but with him out of the way, the combined wit of all the remaining ruling class has nothing to offer to fix the problems.

  27. - sickofthis - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:32 pm:

    does Madigan have a vacation planned next week? i don’t understand the logic of waiting until the day beofre state payroll is cut. can someone explain?

  28. - Marcus Agrippa - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    Why not a give friendly “hello” to your local legislators at the 4th of July parade this weekend?

  29. - John Bambenek - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    They want to march in the parades. Unions and social service guys need to be at each one to protest them.

  30. - Oh Moo Chit - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:39 pm:

    Why wait till the 14th ??

  31. - George - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:40 pm:

    “i don’t understand the logic of waiting until the day beofre state payroll is cut. can someone explain?”

    That way, they can do a do-nothing budget again, and try to force Quinn to sign that one or else have the state collapse.

    Its all about gamesmanship with Madigan, especially at this point.

  32. - Josh - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:43 pm:

    as terrible as it sounds, do you think 2 weeks is a sufficient saturation period for legislators to catch 7 kinds of hell back in their districts for failing on the budget?

  33. - pmels - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:48 pm:

    2 proposals for question of the day:

    (1) To what extant is Michael Madigan responsible for the sorry state of our state?

    (2) Who thinks that Michael Madigan’s actions influenced by his daughter’s alleged aspirations for statewide office? if yes, in what way?

  34. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    I am speechless (penless? fingerless?).

    July 14?

    I say we storm the Bastille. Surround the statehouse and lock the doors. Not “until they solve this”. I just want to make sure I know where they are until the next election - then:

    Throw. The. Bums. Out.

  35. - Segatari - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:00 pm:


    Get it done, don’t wait another two weeks.

  36. - sickofthis - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:02 pm:

    can the governor force the legislature to come back sooner?

  37. - fed up - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:06 pm:

    Have any of you considered that the will of the people is being followed a tax hike is not what a majority of Ill. residents want. We elected Rod twice on his pledge of not raising taxes.

  38. - Captain Flume - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:10 pm:

    Hmmm, the Proclamation mentions consideration of budget implementation legislation and it just so happens that Reps. Feigenholtz and Chapa LaVia each filed a BIMP bill yesterday. Odd timing, or deliberate premeditation?

  39. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:11 pm:

    –Have any of you considered that the will of the people is being followed a tax hike is not what a majority of Ill. residents want.–

    I think that’s very true, no question. I’m curious as to why no one is taking credit for killing the tax increase.

    My guess is that those who have voted against it up to now believe they will have to cave sooner rather than later to keep a functional government.

    The GOP wanted the Dems to do in on their own; the House Dems wouldn’t do it alone. There’s your standoff.

  40. - C - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:14 pm:

    This clinches my decision to vote against all incumbents in the next election. The current crop is incompetent.

  41. - batty1 - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:16 pm:

    Unfortunately I cannot comment about our legislators–what I have to say is inappropriate, excessively rabid and profane…..

  42. - Sen - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:19 pm:

    Is it true that Cullerton is out of town next week, that’s why they are waiting until the 14th? If so, that is astounding!

  43. - Cinho - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    Is Madigan bullet proof in his district? I grew up practically idolizing the man. Now, it’s strictly about retaining power for himself and his party and forget about the public servant stuff. We are to the point that the entire state and social service community is paralyzed because of the will of this one man. How do we get rid of him?

  44. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    When will the microphones and cameras start following MJM around asking how such a colossal failure could happen on his watch?

  45. - Quincy Adams Wagstaff - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 2:54 pm:

    Somebody educate me: does “joint session” mean that the leaders are calling their repsctive chambers in on their own, or does it mean they physically convene in the House for the purpose of a joint meeting?

  46. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 3:02 pm:


    Only the folks in his district can vote him out. Also, the democratic majority in the house can vote to remove him as speaker.

    That ain’t gonna happen.

  47. - Mom to 50 - Wednesday, Jul 1, 09 @ 3:13 pm:

    I agree fed up. I DON’T want a tax increase but if that is what it takes to keep my business, my customers working (by my business in turn providing daycare) and revenues continually coming into the state by those who can continue to work because their programs weren’t cut then I would hand over 20-30 a month rather than go bankrupt. This is just my (very) humble opinion and I bet if those people were really questioned-tax increase or lose your job- they might consent to paying to keep their jobs. I want a friendly solution just as much as the next, but around my neck of the woods polls are changing and the overwhelming dislike of a tax increase is not so overwhelming anymore.

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