Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 *** Birkett appears in for AG
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*** UPDATED x2 *** Birkett appears in for AG

Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 2:21 pm - Republican DuPage County State’s Attorney Joe Birkett is calling around this afternoon saying he plans to run for attorney general.

This would be Birkett’s second try at AG. He lost to Lisa Madigan in 2002. He ran for governor four years later, dropped out and became Judy Baar Topinka’s running mate. He had been considering a bid for governor next year, but that race is getting pretty crowded.

Campaign website, YouTube page, Twitter, Facebook.

*** UPDATE 1 *** He just announced on YouTube…

*** UPDATE 2 *** Here’s the announcement via e-mail…

I’ve made the decision to remain a prosecutor and to run for the Office of Illinois Attorney General in 2010.

I invite you to watch the brief video below in which I explain my decision. I will continue to aggressively engage with you online to build a statewide organization that provides each and every citizen a voice in Illinois government, once and for all.

* But the Daily Herald publishes a much more gushing press release

Never one to back down from a fight, DuPage County State’s Attorney Joe Birkett plans to run for Illinois Attorney General in 2010 - even if incumbent Lisa Madigan seeks a third term.

Birkett made the political announcement Thursday during a Daily Herald interview.

As Madigan wavers between a possible run for U.S. Senate, governor or to retain her current office, Birkett said the attorney general post is the best fit for him regardless of whom he faces on Election Day. […]

“You have to be who you are,” the 54-year-old Wheaton man said. “I’m a prosecutor. I’ve come to the conclusion I should remain one. That’s where I belong. It’s my passion.”

I kid you not. That’s the actual Daily Herald story. And it even gets “better,” if you can believe it, but I shouldn’t paste more than four grafs here. Go read it yourself.

…Adding… No wonder. She’s the criminal court reporter. It has always been thus at the DH.


  1. - Just sayin - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:28 pm:

    I look forward to NOT voting for him again.

  2. - Let the games begin - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:34 pm:

    I am sure if Lisa Madigan stays home Birkett won’t run.
    He can defeat Alex for A.G.
    It will be an all DuPage Ticket for State Offices.

  3. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:41 pm:

    I’m hearing the AG race will be DuPage state’s atty Birkett (R) vs. Will state’s atty Glasgow (D)

  4. - Ghost - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:41 pm:

    I know no one agrees with my theory, but I think Birkett ran a very smart campaign against LMad. Instead of smashing himself to pieces trying to force a ictory, he ran a professional gentle campaign then helped get his name circulated about, without taking major damage. It places him in a btter position to run for the position against someone else, and he can even point to the fact that his wife worked for LMad.

    I think he is well poised to be a serious contender and has taken very few hits to his name.

  5. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    =It will be an all DuPage Ticket for State Offices=

    Aren’t there any republicans outside of DuPage?


  6. - Ghost - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:48 pm:

    dupage dan: “Aren’t there any republicans outside of DuPage?”

    bit of irony in that comment and handle.

  7. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:48 pm:


    Just wait until the name “Nicarico” comes up. While not a central figure in that prosecution nightmare his footprints are there, nonetheless. I think he is generally a good SA but in the current climate where the more mud flung the merrier this will be an issue.

  8. - shermans ghost - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:49 pm:

    dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    =It will be an all DuPage Ticket for State Offices=

    Aren’t there any republicans outside of DuPage?


    Yeah, but eveidently no one gives a ^%$#.
    Gotta be careful with that attitude though, some remember it and just stay home for lack of interest.

  9. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:50 pm:


    I had meant to say any republican politicans but the irony is real, nonetheless.

  10. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:52 pm:

    sherman’s ghost,

    Staying home should not be an option. Just keep saying that.

  11. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    “…I know no one agrees with my theory, but I think Birkett ran a very smart campaign against LMad…”
    very funny. totally false, but very funny
    Guess you forgot the Law Enforcement Assistance Assoc. smear campaign?
    Anyway, The BrickHead is back. Once, twice, three times a L

  12. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    Now watch for Patrick Collins to run on the Dem ticket.

  13. - jim - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:59 pm:

    hate to disappoint the Joe bashers, but even though the original Cruz/Hernandez cases in connection with Nicarico murder were prosecuted by the DuPage County SA’s office, they weren’t prosecuted by Birkett. He wasn’t involved in those multiple prosecutions that led to convictions but were overturned on appeal. He was employed in what is a rather large office at the time. However, he is now prosecuting Brian Dugan for the young girl’s murder. That case is scheduled to go to trial sometime late summer or early fall. That doesn’t mean Dems won’t whisper about it and try to link him to it. But the facts show otherwise, not that facts matter much in political campaigns or anything else related to government or politics.

  14. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    this week…birkett jumps in to the AG race and cheryle jacskon forms an exploratory committee for a U.S. senate seat bid.

    if lisa was planning to stay AG, birkett would not enter because he would surely lose against her.

    why would cheryle waste time and money exploring a senate seat bid if lisa (who has statewide name recognition and a whole host of other things) were running for the senate?

    other than quinn, no democrats have announced their intention to run for governor; they’re waiting for lisa.

    if it turns out to be hamos vs birkett for AG. he wins. she’s too soft on crime and her heart bleeds for incarcerated dangerous felons in Tamms.

  15. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:07 pm:

    Gotta believe this is Joe’s last shot.

    Collins as a Dem? Why Dem? The GOP sure could use some new blood.

  16. - Just sayin - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:12 pm:

    It’s true, the Nicarico issue never goes away. Lisa beat him to a real extent on that in 2002 and something that big and emotional always remains an issue. It will remain fair game forever.

    Joe is very selfish to even pretend he’ll ever hold a statewide office, or that he even deserves to. I think he’s over his head at the county level already.

  17. - WOW - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:17 pm:

    Thankfully my candidate for US Senate has emerged today. Dr. Eric wallace who ran against Maggie Crotty a few years ago is running. He is an African American Minister who slammed Maggie for voting for turning her back on the African Americans in her district by voting for Emil Jones for Senate President (i kid you not). He is the reincarnation of Alan Keyes without the nut job following.

  18. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:18 pm:


    My comment was that Birkett was not a central figure in the prosecution. I should clarify that he was not involved in the initial prosecution but was involved in subsequent activities including continuing to support the multiple offender theory involving Dugan when, in fact, Dugan acted alone. Birkett’s actions only served to perpetuate the train wreck. He was in the mix at the tail end but just couldn’t bring himself to drop the case even when the wheels came off. I understand that he may have felt obligated to support the detectives/prosecutors but there was ample open evidence that only Dugan did it. It had a negative effect on Birkett’s image.

    I still think he has done a creditable job in DuPage but the baggage may be too much for him.
    There have got to be republicans outside of DuPage County who are electable. The incestuous power structure here is toxic.

  19. - Secret Square - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:18 pm:

    “The Nicarico issue never goes away.” Whatever one thinks of Birkett and others involved in this case, the mere fact that it’s dragged through the courts for 26 years — far longer than Jeanine herself lived — and STILL isn’t fully resolved is tragic in itself.

  20. - Don - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:19 pm:

    He put some Innocent people in jail and his ego would not let them get release till after the courts release them.

  21. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:20 pm:

    sorry for the double post.

  22. - state employee - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:23 pm:

    NEVER voting for any Republican or Democrat ever again, except for a select few Dem’s who are doing great jobs, such as Sen. Steans. I will really never ever vote for any career politician especially with the name of MADIGAN. Open to third party or independents only.

  23. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:24 pm:

    Joe Birkett for AG?
    Yeah-OK, whatever.

  24. - Pat collins - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    There have got to be republicans outside of DuPage County who are electable. The incestuous power structure here is toxic.

    So lucky the Ds don’t have that problem with Chicago Democrats.

  25. - Downstate weed chewing hick - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    What dedication. It is inspiring to see someone called to service and answering the call. Yes, I will run for governo….oh wait, the field is crowded. I will run for AG. Give me a break.

  26. - walter sobchak - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    The ego of defeated politicians is larger than President Obama’s trillion dollar health plan. Defeated state wide? No problem, keep running. I think I represent a lot of voters in saying this boomlet is so boring that I can’t even muster a yawn. We need new blood from both parties to run for office. Of course, no sane person would run for anything in today’s media/political environment so perhaps retreads is a good as it gets.

  27. - Homey - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:36 pm:

    This is the gut that insisted on prosecuting a man cleared by DNA evidence, right? Tell me again why that merits promotion.

  28. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:37 pm:

    Pat collins,

    Many people don’t realize that DuPage Cty is not much different, political cloutwise, than Cook Cty/Chicago. There are some good people but any politician who comes out of that county who aspires to higher office should be inspected by your best bloodhound.

  29. - Jake from Elwood - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:41 pm:

    I will take the minority view here, but I think Birkett is more than qualified to be Attorney General. But can he raise the campaign funds?

  30. - Shore - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:44 pm:

    As a young republican, I want fresh blood next year. Adam of the long name and short hair seems to me the best of the republican bunch. The Barack Dillard’s, bircketts and other retreads should give some other people a shot.

  31. - Kamp Krusty - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:46 pm:


    Birkett has only run one statewide campaign on his own. Of which he lost by less than three percent if I am not mistaken.

    The second time he had to sit back and watch Topinka run a disastrous campaign…he raised a ton of money and would probably have done well head to head against Quinn.

    I admire Birkett for running again, and think he will do well.

  32. - Leaner - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:50 pm:

    What a whiny bunch this is… Birkett is a person of integrity who works hard and has great professional qualifications for the office. Regardless of what party he’s from or what county - he’s well qualified to serve. We need good people to seek public office - now more than ever - I understand why people would be cynical - but for my money, this is one of the good guys and I think we need to encourage people of his character to be seeking office. Congrats Mr. Birkett. Good luck to you.

  33. - Easy - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:51 pm:

    I’m no press genius. But is this really how he wanted to announce? 3 pm on the Thursday before a holiday to the DH ed board.

  34. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:56 pm:

    =person of integrity who works hard and has great professional qualifications for the office=

    As tho that qualifies anybody for office in this, the great state of Clout.

  35. - Bill - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:56 pm:

    The difference with Chicago Democrats is that they win statewide elections.

  36. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:59 pm:


    That’s the difference that counts!

  37. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:04 pm:

    Easy, that’s a very good point. Weird. Maybe because I had it? Dunno.

    But thanks for the comment because I was able to find that goofy DH announcement story.

  38. - Rob_N - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:06 pm:

    Talk about back pockets…. ;) Where’s Cal Skinner?

  39. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:07 pm:


  40. - Bill - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:12 pm:

    ==I’m a prosecutor. That’s my passion.==
    Then why run for Gov or, worse yet, Lt. Gov. and float your name for any other Repub slot that needs a warm body? Besides who does the AG prosecute anyway?
    This guy is Ron Gidwitz with a law degree. Somewhere Danny Hynes is having a good laugh and toasting Ol’ Joe.

  41. - the Other Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:20 pm:

    Bill beat me to it, but this whole business about running for AG “because I’m a prosecutor” is utter nonesense. The AG is not a prosecutor; the AG is the general counsel (attorney) for the state. The office handles few, if any, prosecutions.

    His use of that phrase just serves to remind me of his exceptionally ungracious concession to Lisa Madigan. After bashing her for lacking prosecutorial experience, he called to tell her “Congratulations, now you’re a prosecutor.”

    Complete lack of class. And a complete lack of understanding of the job.

  42. - Kamp Krusty - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:33 pm:

    @the Other Anonymous

    Being vigilant in protecting consumers from fraud and swindle, drug policy, tracking pedophiles, and battered women advocacy aren’t good enough reasons to make a prosecutor a good AG?

    Your bitter and resentful comments based on rumor and hearsay have no place here.

  43. - Pingu - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:41 pm:

    If nothing else, that YouTube video should lock up the ornithologist vote.

  44. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:46 pm:

    “…hate to disappoint the Joe bashers, but even though the original Cruz/Hernandez cases in connection with Nicarico murder were prosecuted by the DuPage County SA’s office, they weren’t prosecuted by Birkett. He wasn’t involved in those multiple prosecutions that led to convictions but were overturned on appea…”

    Jim— hate to live in the pastm but the Brickhead ws up to his ears including visit to witnesses with SA investigators to help witnesses “understand”
    what their testimony should be
    Christy G. was at her gushing best.

    Nice try, but fact drag ya down.

  45. - Slinger - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:51 pm:

    Yeah Joe Birkett who has been a prosecutor for 30 years doesn’t understand the AG’ s office. Some people on thisboard ought to take logic class.

  46. - Obamarama - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:51 pm:

    ===Your bitter and resentful comments based on rumor and hearsay have no place here.===

    Ok then how about some bitter and resentful comments based on reality?

    Let’s start with the fact that Birkett has refused to enforce FOIA and OMA as is his responsibility as SA. By refused to enforce I don’t mean enforces in a lackadaisical manner; I mean has never done it–despite a decade of pleas from the community to do so. Let’s compare that to the current AG who spearheaded the effort to rewrite (SB189) the statutes.

    And let us move on to the Dugan case. The man offered to plead guilty and save the County hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for Joe not seeking the death penalty. Keep in mind that he is already spending the rest of his life in prison for other crimes and is no risk to end up back on the street. No, Joey B decides he wants to go to trial anyway so he can look like the White Knight. Those of us in DuPage aren’t going to forget Rolando Cruz that easily.

    How about refusing to investigate the DuPage Election Commission? There were residents that received notices of a change in their polling place on the day of, and in a handful of cases, after the April 7th election this year. As of this posting, Birkett has done nothing (at least that has been open to the public) to uncover why/how this happened or to ensure it will never happen again.

    Objectively, he starts to sound like a horrible candidate for AG when you take into account what it really looks like on the ground out here instead of reading one Daily Herald article a week from a 217 or 312 area code and calling that an informed opinion (that last comment is not directed at you, Jim).

  47. - Bill - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 5:01 pm:

    ==Your bitter and resentful comments based on rumor and hearsay have no place here.==

    So now you are the arbiter of what has place here? “Other” can take care of him/herself but what he/she said is the truth, not rumor or hearsay. Your guy is a joke and everybody here knows it. Today he looked foolish as usual and so did the DH.
    Deal with it. Birkett is a loser.

  48. - winco - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 5:02 pm:

    that article is hilarious. Sure he is qualified to be AG. And yes, the AG’s office does prosecute plenty of cases, which makes prosecution experience desirable. And yes, he is a classless opportunist. Not an unusual quality for a politician.
    I love an article that says someone is a “staunch Catholic” who supports the death penalty. If you support the death penalty, you must not be as staunch of a Catholic as you claim.

  49. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 5:33 pm:

    “This guy is Ron Gidwitz with a law degree.”

    Bill, more than a few folks might say that about Dan “Bad Timing” Hynes.

    AA is no fan of the Brick, but is LOL over MJM’s toady calling anything a “Circular Firing Squad” after the Amateur Night performances of the Democratic High Command over the past two weeks.

  50. - Art - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 5:48 pm:

    He’s turning into the next Jim Oberweis.

  51. - Ghost - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 5:50 pm:

    I agree the AG is a general counsel, but it is also a prosecutor. The ag prosecutes all kinds of criminal fraud, and aids or if requsted takes over sa cases.

  52. - scoot - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 5:56 pm:

    Joe Birkett vs Dan Hynes…now thats laughable!! Birkett is WAY more qualified to be AG, and I strongly think he is going to win.

    Put one in the GOP column.

  53. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 6:28 pm:

    You may be Kamp and surely Krusty, but the AG is not a prosecutor - that’s State’s Attorneys’ jobs and if Joe wants to be a prosecutor, he should stay where he is.

  54. - Bobs yer - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 6:34 pm:

    Obviously no R will ever be acceptable the the majority of posters here. Wonder why?

    Let’s find another qualified Dem…like Roland Burris was, remember? Has to be from Chicago this time though, right?

  55. - one to the dome - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 10:21 pm:

    rutherford is not from dupage county and looking to run for treasurer.

  56. - Frank Booth - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 10:40 pm:

    He announced so he can use the garage full of “Birkett for AG” signs still in his garage this weekend in parades.
    Recycling efforts like that might get him the Sierra Club endorsement.

  57. - Liars abound - Friday, Jul 3, 09 @ 1:19 am:

    It’s pretty clear that vanillaman and a few others harbor long-standing hatred for Birkett.
    Tell you what though, he’s the only guy that is only famous for the job he has done in our second largest county.
    He’s the only candidate who is neither independently wealthy or the son of a famous politician.
    He’s an honorable man and your hatred for different political beliefs shouldn’t devolve into name-calling and unsupported accusations.
    I think he would make an excellent watchdog as AG and I will be voting for him.

  58. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 3, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    Someone on this board said Birkett should enforce FOIA. The law does not allow the SA to enforce it. That’s the problem. Again, people ought to know something before spouting off.

  59. - Blue in DuPage - Friday, Jul 3, 09 @ 4:33 pm:

    Another $5 million down the drain for Joe.

  60. - T.J. - Friday, Jul 3, 09 @ 6:15 pm:

    Birkett is the best individual to win a statewide Republican primary here this decade and came closest of anyone who lost a general, to an opponent with every advantage imaginable.

    I hope he clinches it this time.

  61. - John Doe - Saturday, Jul 4, 09 @ 3:52 am:

    Birkett is respected by the majority of people that I come in contact with. However, Joe is considered yesterday’s newspaper when it comes to running again for Governor. I am from Will County. As far as Will County States-Attorney Jim Glasgow being mentioned as a potential candidate on the Democrat ticket and running for Illinois Attorney-General, I don’t think so. There is a world of difference between Lisa and Jim. Jim is a nice guy but he is considered to be a mediocre criminal attorney by his legal peers. As far as his abilities as a civil attorney, Jim was starving when he was in private practice. He is just not that sharp. He is probably as far along as he is ever going to go in politics. He is a nice guy but not the sharpest tack in the desk drawer as far as legal abilities. Now, if we are talking about political advancement based on purely knowing the right people and being pushed along based on partisan support rather than on ability and merit, then Jim will probably be running for governor someday.

  62. Pingback Great Statewide Coverage of Our Announcement : Joe Birkett for Attorney General - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 8:46 pm:

    […] Capitol Fax was the first to break the story — followed shortly thereafter by The Daily Herald. […]

  63. Pingback Joe Birkett running for attorney general — not governor at The Civic Report - Thursday, Jul 9, 09 @ 4:58 pm:

    […] DuPage County State’s Attorney Joe Birkett, who lost a narrow race for attorney general against Lisa Madigan in 2004, is giving it another shot, The Capitol Fax reports. […]

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