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Mother Blowhard

Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ah, the Tribune editorial board. Not blowhardish at all. Today’s editorial blasts Gov. Pat Quinn, House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton…

You evidently have one priority: You want what’s best for the people of this state — provided you don’t have to seriously affront the public employees unions and other interest groups that have such influence with you.

Actually, the General Assembly passed a budget which was opposed by those groups.

The Trib also claimed that the three men have ignored any spending reforms and “relentlessly focused on raising taxes.”

Let’s see, the governor has proposed $2 billion in cuts, including Medicaid reform, employee layoffs, etc. Cullerton already passed a tax hike, and Madigan says he won’t move a tax hike plan until he is sure there are enough votes. Both say a tax hike proposal is fruitless now without GOP votes. Quinn is the only one focusing “relentlessly” on a tax increase. The other two are saying the soup isn’t even on the stove yet.

Mr. Madigan, Mr. Cullerton, enough. Accept the spending and ethics reforms and pass a budget. Republicans will help you.

They will? Is the edit board sure about that? Did the Republican leaders specifically tell the Tribune editorial board “If we get X, Y and Z, and here are our details and specific legislation that we want, then we’ll put enough votes on a tax hike vote to pass it”? That would be big news and those quotes should’ve been reported on the front page. Maybe I just missed that blockbuster.

Then on Tuesday [Quinn] signed into law a sales tax exemption for wind energy projects.

Governor, Illinois is broke. Please stop digging this hole deeper and deeper.

Sales tax exemptions for newsprint, ink, advertising and newspaper printing machinery=Excellent. Sales tax exemptions for an almost brand new business that will create reliable new jobs=Stupid.

* Look, the Democrats have a lot to be blamed for here. A whole lot. They had the majority and they failed to finish the job. No question about it whatsoever. And it’s not like they got their act together in June, either.

But if anybody thinks that the Republican leaders are now really, truly pushing redistricting reform and pension reform in exchange for putting significant numbers of votes on an income tax hike, they need to have their heads examined. Cross was the House floor leader during debate on that goofy congressional map which everybody complains about. His members ain’t exactly thrilled about the reform idea, either. And I have yet to see evidence that a majority of Republicans are excited about voting for a two-tiered pension system.

The spring session is long over. It failed. Badly. But it’s a new day now and GOP votes and specific GOP ideas are crucial, so it would be nice to see a modicum of even-handedness and reality-based reasoning from Mother Tribune.


  1. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 11:58 am:


  2. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 12:01 pm:

    Not only has the Illinois Democrats failed badly, they have poisoned the well they hope will give them enough water to put out the fires they have started!

    Where were these people when it came to budget discussions? Where was the bipartisanship then? How many times can you crush the minority party before it stops coming to aid the majority party when it commits political suicide? There is a decade long history of back stabbing within the Democratic Party, and even more regarding their political opponents. Now they want to find a way out?

    The Tribune is sloppy, but there are a few points this article makes that are accurate.

    No matter who the Party in Power is at the moment, they cannot treat the minority party to the extent of what we have been witnessing in Illinois for years. We have real need for bipartisanship during this crisis, yet the Party in Power has taken too many craps in the well, haven’t they?

    Their entire attitude is counterproductive, not only to themselves, but to the entire state. This entire era of partisanship and backstabbing civil wars needs to end, regardless of which party is in power, doesn’t it?

  3. - Really?? - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 12:07 pm:

    I don’t know why we should be surprised about the Trib’s editorial today. They have been carrying the GOP water for months now. Additionally, they have yet to publish a comprehensive NEWS story about the current situation. I’m sorry, I thought newspapers were supposed to report all sides of an issue for the purpose of public education. I guess the Trib doesn’t feel that way anymore. Editorials are fine, and they serve a purpose, but they shouldn’t replace actual reporting of facts.

  4. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    Just don’t say they’re in the GOP’s “back pocket.” We don’t need no lawsuits.


  5. - Ghost - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 12:14 pm:

    Maybe Blago’s plan to have the trib board fired was not so bad after all….

  6. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 12:15 pm:

    I was thinking of another location, actually.

    This whole debacle fuels a potential movement among the unwashed masses…anti-incumbent voting. On the whole, such a movement threatens D’s more than R’s as a whole, but also threatens a whole lot of R’s in supposedly “safe” suburban districts. They’s all better get their act together and soon, for self-preservation if nothing else.

  7. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 12:16 pm:


    =They have been carrying the GOP water for months now.=

    Really? For months? How long have you lived in Illinois? Know the history of the Tribune? Does the name McCormick ring a bell?

    Acutally, the trib has become much less conservative over the years and is a shell of its’ former self. The goobledygook they just spouted is not about dem vs gop as much as is is about just trying to remain relevant. If that editorial is supposed be a critical assessment of the crisis that the state faces I have got to find another resource for my crossword puzzles and comic pages.

  8. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 12:22 pm:

    The GOP probably would have helped, say, in March and April. But not now. And why should they? I love talking to Democrats who still link our budget problems back to George Ryan. Give me a break. It took six years for our elected officials to realize the tank is on empty. During those six years, the only noticeable Republican official was Judy, and she had little-or-no input on the budget. When was the last time the legislative Republicans were relevant? 2006? And now people are upset with the GOP. I would honestly love to know their reasoning behind that argument. Politically knowledgable people know the Republicans are normally loathe to vote for any tax or fee increases. So why all the hostility towards the party who doesn’t have enough votes in either house to do anything?!

  9. - Bill - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 12:23 pm:

    Editorials are cheaper than actually covering news stories. Nobody reads that thing anymore. Why pay for the Trib when you can use RedEye to train your dog and line your birdcage?

  10. - dupage dan - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    Very funny, Bill. I’m ponderin’.

  11. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 12:59 pm:

    I read the Trib on my iPhone, but their iPhone app looks like something from five years ago. Their mobile website is a bit better — but it doesn’t seem to have all (or even close to all) the content.

    It’s time for the trib to step out of 1980’s and say hello to 2009. (I suspect this applies to nearly all newspapers — not just the Trib.)

  12. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 1:01 pm:

    yeah..ok…did you all feel this way about the trib or its editorial board when it was blasting blago, particularly post his dec. 9th arrest up through his removal from office? probably not.

    i’m sure the trib and its editorial board was a-ok in your books then.

  13. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 1:05 pm:

    I have a slightly diffferent take on the editorial and the observations about Mother T.

    Setting aside the fact-checking, which I acknowledge is material and shouldn’t happen especially on the ed page, AA is not that troubled with pointing the finger of blame at the “Party in Power.” Perhaps if the House had actually taken votes on a few more bills, we would know who supports what, but that was not to be and one can’t blame Cross for that.

    The other thing about the Trib’s Illinois government-related editorials in the recent past is that there seems to be a disconnect between the reporters on the ground and the editorial board. AA has always felt the Statehouse Tribsters are best-in-class, but the news pieces and the editorials sometimes seem oddly out-of sync, with the ed board ignoring their own reporting.

  14. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 1:09 pm:

    I agree the tribs editorial is not dead on, however in the grand scheme of things the Democratic Leaders are to blame. Having said that the Republican Leaders showed no leadership or interest in the needs of the citizens of Illinois either.

    They should ALL be ashamed of themselves for what has gone on.

  15. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 1:11 pm:

    ===i’m sure the trib and its editorial board was a-ok in your books then. ===

    They were blowhards then, too. But a stopped clock can still be right twice a day. lol

  16. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 1:18 pm:

    Here is a flash for the Trib…..when The Governor called for a vote on the two tier pension plan on Tuesday —- one of the GOP demanded reforms that adds not one thin dime to the till next year — StateWideTom said he wanted to wait for study commission to report first. That follows all the “no” GOP votes in committee
    Sound like a repeat of the stall used on the gaming bill two years ago?

  17. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 1:20 pm:

    Okay, everyone decide in their own minds who is to blame and let’s move on. It’s a new day.

    Like St. Ditka of Aliquippa said, “Only fools and cowards live in the past.”

  18. - Obamas' Puppy - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 1:37 pm:

    Boy they just don’t get it. Regardless of whatever so-called reform the Repubs want they will want more because if they vote for a tax increase it will kill them with their own base and destroy future political ambition. Sure 5 or 6 Repubs is possible but anything over that is a pipe dream.

  19. - Professor Quincy Adams Wagstaff - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 1:46 pm:

    The two-tier pension proposal seems to be the item that everybody is talking favorably about. Why not just run that now and get it out of the way?

  20. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 1:58 pm:

    ===Why not just run that now and get it out of the way? ===

    Because nobody wants it called. Talk is cheap, man.

  21. - Full Sack - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:00 pm:

    I think the Tribune is missing the real game.

    Why do you suppose the Speaker went out of his way to point out the Governor’s flip-flops and make subtle reference to Mr. Quinn’s management style? Those paying attention to Illinois politics already knew this and those not paying attention, well they are not paying attention so to them it doesn’t matter. The Speaker could have kept such pointed criticism from public view. Instead he gleefully added flip-flop #5 to his list. So why did he do it?

    The Speaker obviously wants those at the State House to know that he’s still in charge. He’s sending a strong public message to all of the new players under the dome. Many – including contributors here – have praised the Speaker as a chess master. I contend he’s less a chess master and more of an alpha pack leader in the most basic sense.

    It seems at least from the sidelines that the Senate and the Governor were more or less working together, and I think that’s why we saw the frustration from the Senate President. He at least thought there was an agreement and was trying to work cooperatively prior to those phone calls.

    Meanwhile the House cannot find – or refuses to look for - common ground until the intended lesson has been learned. Once the players send notice that this is understood, look for rapid progress towards a sensible solution.

  22. - Ghost - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:06 pm:

    ==== the Senate and the Governor were more or less working together,====

    You mean the Senate wher the leader thought the Gov was supporting the pension note, only yo learn after the fact the the Gov had secretly ben pushing votes away from the supposedly agreed upon bill?

    Not sure that qualifies as working together.

  23. - Capitol View - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:22 pm:

    the only coalitions or advocacy efforts that have been effective with one or more of the cuacus leaders involve PAC support and volunteers in the next election.

    ALmost all community based human services are provided through non-profit organizations. These organizations are prohibited by law from getting involved in partisan political activities.

    Non-profits serving the vulnerable among us as state agency clients must rely on state governemnt officials to do the right thing and take care of us in a responsible manner.

    G-d help us.

  24. - um - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    There will be a backlash - and no they do not really want to discuss the pensions - one they have not funded the systems - but also 10 years x’s 5% for legislators = 50% of salary and 10 years x’ 1.67% for state employees = 16.7% - we already have a multi tiered pensions system

  25. - Hon. Cranial Lamb - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:36 pm:

    Tribune is off its rocker.

    The Capitol Fax Blog is the new king of the hill.

    I like how the Speaker asked you if you were ready yesterday and then you came right at him with that “tax increase in a day” question. You are the only reporter / opinion writer in this state with an honest and well-informed perspective on all things Springfield, Rich.

    The Zell Tribune has gone into geosynchronous orbit this year, they are so totally out of reality with all their screaming.

    I would drop my Sunday subscription too if I didn’t need all those coupons.

  26. - Downstater - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:42 pm:

    Let’s get real the Democrats, including the leadership got us into this mess over the last six years. They approved of Blagojevich policies in general and did nothing to call him on his reckless spending during the growth years.
    Now, the econonmy tanks and they try to lay blame at the feet of the Republicans for not going along. Appalling, but predictable.
    Let’s hope the voters remember this in 2010 and bring some political balance back to Illinos.
    Oh, for the Edgar years.

  27. - Obamas' Puppy - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:44 pm:

    ====two-tier pension proposal seems to be the item that everybody is talking favorably about. Why not just run that now and get it out of the way?==== Because it is only one tool to get Repub votes not the the key to getting a sign off. Not to mention that if you pass that with only Repub votes and a few Dems the unions go bye bye on both parties during general election.

  28. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:45 pm:

    ===Because it is only one tool to get Repub votes===

    You’re not paying attention.

  29. - Ghost - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    === and then you came right at him with that “tax increase in a day” question. ====

    I wonder if the speaker ever carves an apple in the likeness of Rich before sending it to its fate.

  30. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:50 pm:

    Nah. He usually understands how things are done in this bidniss.

  31. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:51 pm:



  32. - Lakefront Liberal - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 2:56 pm:

    Capitol View hits the nail on the head — the only thing any of these people really pay attention to is their own re-election, so if you don’t have campaign money or campaign boots-on-the-ground to wave in front of them (or send to their opponent) you are screwed, and since all of these agencies are prohibited from doing that they are screwed.

    Appealing to legislator’s conscience does nothing — if they have a conscience (and some do) they are already with you. Threatening their political power is the only thing that does it. But in order to threaten you have to have a credible threat — very hard to do.

  33. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:05 pm:

    Capitol View, you’re missing something major.

    SEIU Healthcare.

    You had a bigtime group with a huge PAC on your side in this thing.

  34. - Capitol View - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 3:28 pm:

    Rich - yes, SEIU is trying to organize in day care centers and senior in-home provider agencies.

    We have the PTA in our coalitions, because teachers understand that students that are distracted by being homeless, their dad enraged or alcoholic due to being out of a job or in fear of losing it, or mental health needs in the home. But school administrators and their associations, and teacher unions are more dollar driven to their own limited funding priorities, and I understand that - I would be for maximum dollars for my piece of the pie if I were part of those associations, too. That’s their jobs.

    Similarly, SEIU has its lead issues. Tax increases generally are part of it, and so again we converge. But spending for state funded emergency shelters, job training programs, respite, and group homes for kids is not the SEIU agenda to the extent that anyone would expect them to threaten the four leaders and the governor in the next election over their losses. I don’t fault SEIU for this, but we have to be realistic.

  35. - Esteban - Thursday, Jul 2, 09 @ 4:06 pm:

    Would it be safe to assume that a lot of the
    roadblocks to passing a real budget would
    disappear if the filing deadline for the legi-
    slature had already come and gone?

  36. - state employee - Saturday, Jul 4, 09 @ 4:04 pm:

    I despise the Trib and ignore it at all costs. It is big business propaganda and little more.

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