Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Lisa Madigan: Don’t cut me, bro!
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Lisa Madigan: Don’t cut me, bro!

Monday, Jul 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Attorney General Lisa Madigan has said repeatedly that the governor ought to look hard and long for cuts before even considering the idea of a tax hike, but she apparently wants her own office exempted from the next round of slashes

Madigan, whose office received a supplemental state appropriation this spring, was able to roll back a furlough policy, but some employees had begun taking them and continued to do so. Madigan also reduced her staff through 21 layoffs, retirements and vacancies. As of last week, her office was down 54 people compared with June 2008.

“We scrubbed through our operating budget lines as much as we could,” Madigan chief of staff Ann Spillane said. “We looked at every contract we had. We cut back on travel unless it was absolutely required, and we did things that may seem small, like reduce subscriptions and ordering different parts of the office to share subscriptions to legal publications.”

The attorney general’s office ought to be spared further cuts, Spillane said, because it produces revenue for the state, primarily from lawsuit settlements. Reducing its staff means reducing overall revenue for the state.

“We’re going to have a problem, a very serious problem,” she said. “I don’t know where else we would cut.”

For the sake of argument, let’s stipulate that Madigan’s office is correct and there are no more places to cut. So, shouldn’t the attorney general now come out in favor of a tax increase to balance the budget, and/or suggest some other “real” cuts or other revenue streams in order to spare her own allegedly decimated budget lines from the ax? Wouldn’t that be the responsible thing to do?

Instead, all we get is radio silence on the issue.

* She’s also been quiet about her political plans, but others haven’t. From the Politico

The newest member of the congressional delegation, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), said he’s spoken twice to Madigan about running for governor. In his second conversation, early this month, Quigley told her it would be better if she ran for governor.

“Many members of the Illinois delegation would prefer that she run for governor, because they see her as the strongest candidate for governor,” said Quigley, who filled Rahm Emanuel’s old House seat in April. “There are a lot of Democrats who could run for the Senate and be successful.”

Rep. Phil Hare (D-Ill.) spoke with Madigan this month by phone for about 45 minutes and told her that she’d make a “great senator.” But he added several caveats: The job would be tough, since she has young children; she would constantly be fundraising; Washington is an expensive city to live in; and unlike being a chief executive of a state, the slow-moving Senate can be a “frustrating” place to work, since 60 votes are needed to even begin debating pieces of legislation.

“She just asked me, really from the personal side, about this town and the job,” Hare said. “I said, ‘Look, I love this job, but it’s tough when you have little kids.’”

This whole premise about Lisa’s job hunt is starting to wear badly on me.

…Adding… From Quigley’s office…

The quote is accurate, however the paragraph preceding it is an incorrect interpretation of his statement. While he believes her to be a strong candidate like others do, Cong Quigley has not encouraged Lisa to run for either office in particular, but told her to ‘go with her gut’ when making the decision.

* Related…

* Zorn: Calls grow louder for prospective gubernatorial candidate Lisa Madigan to lay down her marker on the budget mess

* Madigan decision could change game for other politicians: “It’s a personal decision for him, just as it is for her,” Cobb said, noting that Madigan has two young children. “Does she want to commute back and forth between Washington and Chicago?”

* Birkett discusses run for IL AG: He also praised Lisa Madigan’s performance during her two terms in office. He seemed confident that Madigan was moving on to the senate or governor’s race.

* Finke: General Assembly ready to rumble: He could step aside and let the next in line of succession take over. Since we no longer have a lieutenant governor, the next in line is Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who may be running for the office before too long anyway.

* Sun-Times: State’s top Democrats bungle budget again: We can’t help but wonder if Madigan is loath to do anything — such as push through a tax increase — that might make Quinn look like a winner. Quinn, you’ll recall, remains on a collision course to run for governor against Madigan’s daughter, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, next year. It’s hard to know why Mike Madigan does what he does. Right now, all we care about is results. And what we see is not much.

* Sidestepping Madigan: “I have a number of other legislators — Democrat and Republican, House and Senate — I will be meeting with over the next few days,'’ Quinn told reporters. “We believe in consensus-building.'’ … “I ain’t scared to call the speaker out — he ain’t my daddy,'’ Meeks said. “If the speaker wanted this solved, it would be solved. For whatever reason, he doesn’t want to work this out. Pat Quinn is trying to do everything he can to save social services.'’

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* Everything should be on the table to solve Illinois budget crisis.

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* Ongoing state budget crises becoming national

* Lawmakers have some explaining to do: House Speaker Mike Madigan has said he might bring the House back at the last possible minute to deal with the mess. Of course, that pronouncement came with barbs at Quinn for creating a crisis. Memo to Madigan: It is a crisis. No extra creation needed.

* New York takes legislative gridlock to next level - Lights are turned off, lawmakers are locked out. Power plays in the state Senate have held up legislation. No resolution is in sight.


  1. - Leroy - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 6:57 am:

    As long as Madigan has a ‘chief of staff’ there is room to cut more.

  2. - the Patriot - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 7:13 am:

    The joke of Lisa Madigan continues. She refused to fight Blago for her budget, now takes pop shots at Quinn while daddy has him on the ropes. 2 points. 1)Hey lisa why don’t you make sure the legislature properly funds your department it will take one call, it the on your cell phone under “daddy.”

    2)The dispute between Quinn and M. Madigan appears to be a dispute over whether the budget Mike Madigan has proposed is balanced. Since our constitution requires a balanced budget, hows about a legal opinon from the AG as to whether it is a legal budget. Of course, you would have to set your self up to fail as governor by approving a bad budget, or make daddy mad. oops. Burkett needs to hammer Lisa Madigan for the Blithering idiot of daddy’s girl political hack that she is.

  3. - anon - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 7:27 am:

    Lisa Madigan recently issued an RFP for providing water coolers in her offices. The Agencies under the Governor don’t typically have ‘essentials’ like free bottled water. It may be chump change but it hardly looks like Ms. Spillane has dug deep either.

  4. - TTL, III - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 8:10 am:

    By the way Rich, best article title ever.

  5. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 8:41 am:

    At this point, I think her getting involved in the budget would just muddy the waters. People would presume anything she said was some sort of signal from her father. A real mess.

    That’s why I presume that if she does run for governor and is elected, MJM would step down as speaker.

    As a parent, I’m guessing Senator is a more family-friendly gig. You just have to run your office, not an entire state, and you can pick and choose your fights. Northern Virginia’s a beautiful place to live, as well.

  6. - Amy - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 9:01 am:

    here’s hoping the “has young children” argument against Lisa running for the Senate comes up as much as it is now when some man is running for a position in Congress. Lisa should
    consider that many are putting the kid thing out there to scare
    here away from the Senate choice.

  7. - Quinn T, Sential - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 9:04 am:

    They won’t see any possible further budget cuts until Lisa is Governor and Burkett is AG.

  8. - Born in the USA - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 9:49 am:

    Stick to the professional reasons as to why someone should or should not run for office…such as… are qualified or not?! Lisa Madigan has young children and how that impacts her decision to run for an office…is her business. I had hoped in my life time…some double standards would cease….however… I am not hearing the same questions or advice directed towards male candidates.

    Lisa has lost my vote…as she chose to not speak up during this time of crisis. Until recently.. I have always viewed Lisa as being her own person….however now…she is just like the rest of the pack…. worried more about her pending election…than the people she serves.

  9. - Anon - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 9:50 am:

    ==This whole premise about Lisa’s job hunt is starting to wear badly on me.==

    Well said Rich!

  10. - Rob_N - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 9:52 am:

    …Slightly OT…

    Hare apparently told Lisa Madigan, “the slow-moving Senate can be a “frustrating” place to work, since 60 votes are needed to even begin debating pieces of legislation.”

    No, 60 votes are needed to overcome a filibuster.

    Unless some Senator or caucus of Senators actually engages in a filibuster there is no such thing as a 60 vote threshold.

    This is one of the most commonly misreported modern myths that the media keeps perpetuating.

    The Senate only needs 60 votes if an actual filibuster takes place, not if one is simply threatened.

    …/Slightly OT…

  11. - Conservative Veteran - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 11:07 am:

    On June 13, I attended a meeting of the Republican Organization of Wheeling Township, and Rep. Kirk was the guest speaker. Someone asked whether he’ll run for the U.S. Senate. Kirk said that he hasn’t decided. He said, “The White House chose someone they think is the perfect candidate for the U.S. Senate or governor. That person can’t run for both offices. A few days after that person makes an announcement, I’ll announce the race in which I’ll run.” I think that Kirk was referring to Attorney General Madigan. He knows that she’ll run for the U.S. Senate or governor, and he’ll probably run for the race for which she doesn’t run.

  12. - Anti-Bono - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 11:30 am:

    Leroy is WAY off base. Lisa’s Chief of Staff is invaluable to the office, which leads all state gov’t in efficiency and productivity.

  13. - Will County Woman - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 11:53 am:

    I’m surprised to read about the NY General Assembly’s. According to a new york times article, on Friday new york law makers seemed poised to work, and had resigned themselves to the fact that they wouldn’t have much leisure time for the 4th of July weekend so that they could attend to legislative issues.

    If lisa madigan is still unsure as to which way to go maybe she should just get out of politics or stay in the attorney general’s office? capre diem for her was on May 31, 2009.

  14. - Secret Square - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 12:01 pm:

    I don’t think the “kid thing” is intended as an “argument” for or against Lisa Madigan running for any particular office, but simply as a possible reason or explanation for why SHE might choose one office over the other. It’s a factor that could cut either way, as Word points out.

  15. - Narcoleptic - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 12:08 pm:


    Good strategy, Noonan!!

  16. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 12:09 pm:

    My speculation on the “kid” issue has nothing to do with gender. I was speaking as a father with three kids.

    Believe me, over the years, having three kids at home weighed on my business choices, especially as it related to travel and working late nights or weekends. Senator strikes me as a position with much more flexibility.

  17. - Niles Township - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 12:49 pm:

    Anti-Bono - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 11:30 am:

    Leroy is WAY off base. Lisa’s Chief of Staff is invaluable to the office, which leads all state gov’t in efficiency and productivity.


    Seemingly written by Lisa’s chief of staff.

  18. - Bill - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 1:00 pm:

    With Amy everything has to do with gender. You can’t win.

  19. - Leatherneck - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 1:01 pm:

    In the Southtown Star story about L. Madigan asking that the AG’s office be spared from any further cuts, something that may be unclear to me is that when Quinn proposed $25 million in cuts from agencies, offices, and departments not under the Governor’s control (which includes the constitutionals), does that mean $25 million in total cuts combined for these offices or will each office (and the constitutionals’ budgets) be slashed by $25 million EACH? (If that’s the case, then that was still $1 million less than the amount Blago cut from the SOS budget last summer–but some of it was restored by Quinn).

  20. - Leroy - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 1:10 pm:

    Anti - Bono’s reason is why nothing in state government can get cut…everything is ‘essential’

    My suggestion: change the job title to ‘executive assistant’ and remove the first digit of the six digit salary you are giving her.

  21. - Bubs - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 1:25 pm:

    It’s only early July, but the speculation over Madigan’s choice of race is already wearing thin, I agree. But the primary is not for seven months and the General Election is almost a year and half away.

    It is interesting how the media/blog pressure controls the game today, accelerating events in the demand for news of some sort. You could say it is 24/7 cable news, but I think the blogosphere is even more demanding, since our bevy of emerging political writers/bloggers only write about . . . well, politics! The direction of movement is irrelevant, as long as there is some sort of movement to cover or discuss. Things no longer can just sit – the hungry chicks demand to be fed.

  22. - Anon - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 1:31 pm:

    Being gov should be much easier for Lisa because as a senator she will need to pay for two residences, while the governor lives for free in the mansion in springfield. she can sell her place in chicago and have no mortgage at all. that is the best deal of all!

    By the way, has anybody asked Lisa if she will live in Springfield if she runs for governor and wins? Its pretty important.

  23. - Bill - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 1:49 pm:

    ==..while the governor lives for free in the mansion in springfield…==
    Quinn is the first governor in the last 40 years to “live” in that dump. And no it is not important at all.

  24. - Anti-Bono - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 2:08 pm:

    While I genuinely miss my late father who believed it unnecessary to actually see a movie before reviewing it, I think that Leroy et al should review the facts before suggesting any particular personnel decisions. The reality is that AG Madigan (and her Chief of Staff) run the office in an exceedingly lean and efficient manner. And they have trimmed staff (and attorneys) in numbers way beyond any of their predecessors.

  25. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 6, 09 @ 5:17 pm:

    ===if she will live in Springfield if she runs for governor and wins? Its pretty important. ====

    Important to whom? You?

  26. - Illinois for Growth - Tuesday, Jul 7, 09 @ 1:06 pm:

    Phil is not directly speaking to Lisa. He is actually issuing a direct threat to his opponent Bobby Schilling.

    If you aren’t familiar with Bobby Schilling, he is Hare’s opponent. He has nine children.

    Phil is blatantly threatening Schilling.
    This guy is pathetic and practices the dirty politics of the past.

    This guy makes me sick.

  27. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 7, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    That was one of the more paranoid comments I’ve seen in a long time. Where the heck do you get that, man?

  28. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 7, 09 @ 5:38 pm:

    IFG, Rock Island County isn’t any dirtier than anywhere else. Great place, salt of the earth, down to earth people. I recommend the Reuben at the Belgian Village in Moline on the big raisin bread.

    It is an odd place, though, in the fact the Big Muddy bends east to west there. So you can be crossing into Iowa and be gong south, and into Illinois going north. Very disorienting. Some unique twist and bends on the river create some very interesting communities.

    What does the guys’ nine children have to do with anything, anyway?

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