Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Dillard jumps in, all but endorses LMadigan, Proft pounces
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Dillard jumps in, all but endorses LMadigan, Proft pounces

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* State Sen. Kirk Dillard is on a scheduled fly-around today to announce his bid for the GOP gubernatorial nomination. The Tribune quoted Dillard this morning as all but endorsing Lisa Madigan for reelection…

“She’s been a good attorney general and if she wants to stay there, that’s fine,” Dillard said. “With Lisa Madigan out of the race, it clearly makes this at least an even, if not a Republican-tilting field. Personally, I’m glad she’s not going to be my opponent in the general election. I believe my chances are better with Pat Quinn or someone else than Lisa Madigan. I look forward to having Lisa Madigan as attorney general when I’m the governor.”

Announced GOP candidate Dan Proft had this to say via press release…

I wonder what DuPage County State’s Attorney and recently announced GOP Attorney General candidate Joe Birkett thinks of Sen. Dillard’s endorsement of Lisa Madigan’s re-election.

Sen. Dillard is also incorrect on substance when it comes to AG Madigan. When AG Madigan ran in 2002 she vilified former AG Jim Ryan for not doing enough to root out public corruption under Gov. George Ryan. The same standard she applied to Jim Ryan should now be applied to her. So I will ask a question Sen. Dillard clearly did not and would not ask: Which corrupt public officials has Lisa Madigan brought to justice over the last six years while Gov. Rod Blagojevich was taking pay-to-play politics in Illinois to new lows?

It is a sorry state of affairs when someone seeking to be the Republican Party’s standard bearer for Governor is disinterested in holding Lisa Madigan and the rest of the Chicago Democrats accountable for what has occurred on their watch. This is the kind of go-along-to-get-along politics that has debilitated the Republican Party in Illinois.

And, as nice a guy as he is, Sen. Dillard goes down this road over and over again—on taxes, on spending, on debt, and on the future of the Republican Party in Illinois.

Let me differentiate myself again from Sen. Dillard: I will be endorsing and supporting the Republican nominee for Attorney General come the general election.

Strange that Proft didn’t mention Dillard’s Obama TV ad, which fits the pattern that Proft lays out here.

…Adding… Proft did talk about Dillard’s Obama ad in an earlier press release today.


  1. - ahoy - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    I think Dillard was mainly being realistic. She’s going to win why not be on her (and her fathers) good side?

    I wonder if Birket will stay in the race.

  2. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    Good God!

    Was Proft just unable to find a candidate for governor that wanted to be his client? So he jumped in the race himself because he couldn’t stand the thought of going an entire cycle without continuously throwing mud via press release? Me thinks I might be on to something….

  3. - Madame Defarge - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:37 pm:

    Have we now gotten to the place where candidates cannot be civil and must be always on the attack? That mind set on both sides has gotten us where we are today, lets step back, take a breath and try to work together for a change.

  4. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:39 pm:

    Could the Madigans really bring themselves to punish Quinn by helping Dillard?

  5. - train111 - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:40 pm:

    The good ole GOP cercular firing squad is warming up I see. Looks like it will be an interesting election season.


  6. - Reformer - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:40 pm:

    Dillard’s virtual endorsement of Lisa won’t help in the GOP primary where he’s already suspect for his votes for higher taxes and for his Obama commercial.

  7. - train111 - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:40 pm:

    circular nor cercular–my bad

  8. - Shore - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:41 pm:

    Because Republicans are supposed to support republicans. I prefer moderate republicans to wackjobs but dillard is the establishment and one that hasn’t served us well. Proft for all his warts, and he has more than some frogs I’ve seen, seems to be a warrior and I look forward to this.

  9. - Kamp Krusty - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:41 pm:

    What a massive screw up. Let us all remember to win a Republican primary one must be a…well a Republican (or at least fake it really well). Dillard is setting himself for a huge mess with this and the Obama thing which will surface later.

  10. - phocion - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    Not necessarily a fan of Proft, but he makes a good point about Lisa going after J. Ryan for not rooting out corruption under G. Ryan. Either it was a bogus charge in the first place (which it was), or Lisa opened herself up to being derelict in not going after Blago, and letting the feds do the heavy lifting. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  11. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:43 pm:

    The corruption that has occurred while Lisa Madigan is Attorney General is a valid point, however, just as valid is the fact that she has provided the Feds with the support they needed when requested. Her powers are somewhat limited when the Feds arrive on the scene. She handled them correctly, as far as we know.

  12. - Red Ranger - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:44 pm:

    Yes Dillard should have talked up Birkett’s chances and LMads shortcomings. Delusional GOPers are all the rage right now, see Sarah Palin.

  13. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:45 pm:

    It is odd for him to talk so nicely about Lisa right out of the box.

  14. - SangamoGOP - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:46 pm:

    If you look beyond the Proftelytizing, his point is a good one in a two-party system. For Dillard to say he believes AG Madigan has done a fine job and belongs in the race, is one thing. But, as a candidate for the GOP nomination, to not express a desire to work with a GOP AG when in office is more than a slight to Birkett and any other GOP nominees.

    Dillard will be a strong nominee. However, even Obama knew that you need a strong, partisan base before you can reach out to Independents and the other party. Dillard seems to be working it the other way around.

  15. - I'm Just Saying - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:48 pm:

    This is why Proft is known as the canidate most like to Choke someone…….

    I think Quin and/or Hynes Prays that Proft gets out of the primary……

    BOY OH BOY Would this be great :)

  16. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:48 pm:

    ….yet NOT strange that Proft ignored the fact that Fitzgerald asked Lisa Madigan to turn her ongoing investigations of Blago over to his US Atty’s office back in 2006.


    Giving her an opportunity to explain that she was investigating Blago until the Feds asked her to turn her work over to them only helps Lisa’s re-election … and makes the GOP candidates who mock it look like petty fools.

    Can the primary still be moved back, if only to get a few more weeks of Proftisms???

    Pretty please???

  17. - Scooby - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:51 pm:

    Rich you probably haven’t read IR yet this morning after your nap, but Proft didn’t forget to bring up Dillard’s TV ads today.

  18. - 4 percent - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    I was at the Dillard event. The press and the other GOP candidates (Proft, Brady, etc) need to be truthful. Dillard’s quote (and I will paraphrase) was that “Lisa Madigan is a good attorney general but I am endorsing Joe Birkett for AG because…” They conveniently left the last part our of their press releases.

    Kirk Dillard is a true Republican and is the best chance to win. This is obvious from the scare tactics from the others in the field.

    Go Kirk Go!

  19. - rsandack - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:53 pm:

    I’m with Anon. Is Proft speaking as spokesperson for Alan Keyes, Jack Ryan, Jim Oberwies, Larry Dominick or some other candidate for Governor? Or perhaps he’s still speaking for Cicero and/or its new Town Center? Either way, it would be helpful if Proft would elaborate on whether he feels Cicero is fixed; especially given his intimate contractual relationship he “won” in the absence of any public bidding opportunities.

    Cicero: fixed or unfixed with the help of Dan Proft? Discuss.

  20. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:59 pm:

    4 percent, perhaps, but how do you explain this Dillard comment…

    “I look forward to having Lisa Madigan as attorney general when I’m the governor.”

  21. - Joe in the Know - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:59 pm:

    To: Small Town Liberal

    If you think that Mike Madigan will toss Quinn overboard to help a Republican become governor on the eve of a reapportionment battle, you’re sorely mistaken. Speaker Madigan would never place his majority in jeopardy again. The sting of 1994 when he lost the speakership is still fresh in his mind.

  22. - Just sayin - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 1:59 pm:

    Wow, so Joe Birkett will have the endorsement of Mr. Cicero No-Bid. That helps.

    “Cicero: I put the fix in.” — Dan Proft

  23. - Yellow Dog - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:03 pm:

    I must have missed it:

    Just how exactly did Lisa Madigan “vilify” Jim Ryan for not doing enough about public corruption?

    Unless I’m mistaken, it was Rod Blagojevich who vilified Jim Ryan - who was running for governor.

    Madigan was running against Birkett, who had plenty of issues on his own without a Jim Ryan strawman.

  24. - Yellow Dog - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:05 pm:

    phocion -

    See above.


  25. - Obamarama - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:06 pm:

    Love it. Petitions don’t go out for another month still and we already have candidates on the same team going at each other.

    As far as the Lisa/Blago thing goes… even Vanilla concedes that it is a non-issue (gotta give credit where it’s due). Her investigative powers are not as robust as those of the Feds and when there is a federal investigation taking place, you don’t meddle. You cooperate (when asked to do so) and let them do their jobs–which by all accounts she did.

  26. - Loyal Alumn-Uof I 65 - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:12 pm:

    Kirk Dillard would make a fine governor. He certainly knows the in’s and out’s of Springfield and the art of neogitation when it comes to settling on budgets. He will have much support among Dem’s who are tired of watching Family Feud re-runs particularly newly minted Obama dems who expected more from other Democratic officials.

  27. - Libertyville - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:13 pm:

    Yellow Dog, here is an example. She said this in 2002…you know, right before she was elected and then spent 8 years failing to secure a single public corruption conviction

    “We have waited for the federal government to come in and to clean up here, when we really should be taking care of our own back yard” – Lisa Madigan, October 2, 2002

  28. - 4 percent - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:18 pm:


    agreed..not a great use of words but he very clearly indicated his support of birkett.

    when you are on top and the best candidate, the rest shoot aarows. its sad that proft and brady only offer attacks and no vision for the future.

  29. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:21 pm:


    It may be out there and I just don’t know about it, but what investigations of George Ryan did then-AG Jim Ryan pursue but was later asked by the Feds to back out and turn over his state AG work to the US Attorney’s office?

    I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but to compare apples to apples please do the research to find those quotes instead of 2002 quotes from then-candidate Lisa Madigan.

  30. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:23 pm:

    ===not a great use of words===


    C’mon. I hope you’re being honest with yourself, at least. We’re not idiots here.

  31. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:26 pm:

    Reading all of this, it appears that Dillard is entering the race using the tones of civility for which he’s known. All the rest of the bomb throwing is just that. This race is 16 months long…so regardless of which version is totally accurate, let’s remember that name calling and labeling is in large measure a big part of how we got to where we are today. For me, Mr. Dillard’s comments, in the midst of announcing his own candidacy, are more a tempest in a teapot on July 8, 2009, and a minor one at that.

  32. - GOP Fan Still - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:29 pm:

    at least froelich just switched parties…

  33. - Inquisitor - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:35 pm:

    If I were a GOP candidate for governor, I’d be dancing in the streets when hearing that Lisa isn’t running against me. But Rich, Dillard didn’t endorse her…c’mon.

  34. - Real GOP - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:35 pm:

    This is such typical Dillard- no loyalty, not even for a colleague from his backyard.

    Whether he thinks Lisa will win or not, to say that it is a done deal is just dumb… and bad politics. He’s just a politician.

  35. - Former Hill Staffer - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:36 pm:

    Birkett drops out of the AG’s race and runs for the Appellate Court. He gets smoked in the AG’s race and can’t afford to be a three-time loser statewide.

  36. - AGforLife - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:39 pm:

    My Guess is that Alexi regrets that nasty press release attacking the AG. You know the one he sent out shortly after Lisa’s DC visit to the Prez. Prediction Chris Kennedy will be endorsed by the MOST POPULAR DEMOCRAT in Illinios.

  37. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    ===c’mon. ===

    “I look forward to having Lisa Madigan as attorney general when I’m the governor.”

    When you’ve done a TV ad for a Democratic presidential candidate, you should avoid like plague saying stuff like that on your campaign’s first official day.

    You c’mon.

    Again, we’re not stupid here.

  38. - Libertyville - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    Rob n…Did the Federal Prosecutors tell her to never ever look at any corruption…city, state, nowhere!!! Come on guy, not even one conviction in a state as corrupt as this?!?

  39. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:49 pm:

    Inquisitor, where did Rich say Dillard actually endorsed her?

    Rich wrote “all but endorses” … which is another way of saying “I look forward to having Lisa Madigan as attorney general when I’m the governor.”

    If that’s on video… all his opponents have to do is run it right after his Obama ad and he’s toasty in the primary.

  40. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:53 pm:


    How many investigators do you know who telegraph their ongoing investigations to the media?

    Besides, the Feds have also been looking into Chicago, suburbs, etc and been cracking down on corruption at the same time as her tenure.

    Compare the full tool box the US Attorney has against the paltry and empty tool box that state law imposes on the AG’s and State’s Attorneys’ offices and you’ll quickly realize it’s also probably a lot easier for the Feds to capture evidence than it is for the state.

    Or are you just a partisan hack that doesn’t care about reality so long as you can bash an opponent with some spin and some questiony exclamation points?!? ;)

  41. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 2:58 pm:

    4 percent:

    Could you please point me to the Brady attacks on Dillard? That’s news to me. If you’re going to throw it out there, you’d better be able to back it up.

  42. - cynically anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    It’s my guess that the feds are investigating so many of our fine elected and appointed officials that there’s no one left for Ms. Madigan to investigate or convict.

  43. - Larry Mullholland - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:15 pm:

    Proft needs to just go away..perhaps he could run another failed right wing nut campaign for Keys somewhere. He does more damage to the republican cause that most democrats.

  44. - Sporty41 - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:18 pm:

    Proft presents as a typical in your face football coach who’s attacks work initially but, over time, loses credibility until people almost start rolling there eyes at the macabre silliness of it all.

  45. - annon - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:18 pm:

    Dillard just put his campaign in the hot seat and its only a few hours into the campaign. Whats next, is he going to talk about how him Alexi plan on working together to bring more of Obamas stimulus money to Illinois? He should have run as a Dem.

  46. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:20 pm:

    People, you’re free to say whatever you want about Proft, but simply attacking him without offering defense of Dillard is quite telling in my book.

    Try a little substance, please. I’m getting bored with this.

  47. - VParker - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:24 pm:

    “I look forward to having Lisa Madigan as attorney general when I’m the governor.”

    This is pretty clear. How can Republicans elect a guy who says this to be the leader of the Party (one of Gov’s roles)?

    He “looks forward” to it? He’ll probably use the same excuses he used for making a paid political ad for Obama.

  48. - Larry Mullholland - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    Is has been stated. No one can beat Lisa and the Madigan Machine for AG.

    Dillard, like most other voters in the state, regardeless of party affiliation, believe Lisa has done and average or above average job. She will not be displaced by Birkett or any other candidate. SO he had little to lose. The wing nuts would not support Dillard in any primary no matter what he said about the AG. Smart move on Dillard’s part. He needs independent and D votes to win the Gov’s office. Proft and the rest of the tin hat brigade have little to offer any candidate except hate.

  49. - phocion - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:35 pm:

    YD, Rob, and Libertyville,
    First, I like Lisa. But she did say when running in ‘02 that the AG should be the one responsible for cleaning up corruption. Good politics then because the Republicans were mired in corruption and no one in the state seemed to be doing anything about it.

    That the Feds went after Blago under her watch, and she did not, can be fairly raised as an issue. Makes as much sense for Republicans to raise it now as it did when LM raised it in ‘02. She can reply by saying that she was investigating but that the feds asked her to step aside. Still, it’s not a dishonest rap for Proft to hang on her.

    Chill out, people.

  50. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:36 pm:

    Phocion, the feds did ask her to stop, so it is a dishonest rap against her.

  51. - 4 percent - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:36 pm:


    i consider calls to the press to stir it up an attack..may be silent and behind the scenes…but a violation of Reagan’s 11th commandment.

  52. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 3:39 pm:

    Dillard’s a smart guy. Is there a motive behind the statement? Does he thinks that helps in a GOP primary? I can’t see how.

  53. - Sporty41 - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 4:09 pm:

    Ok Rich, if you would more analysis, I would be happy to provide it. It is easy for Proft to take swipes at a mistatement by Senator Dillard; but at the end of the day this is a campaign that is going to be one on message and track record, I find it difficult to see that Proft has either. Senator Dillard was an inner circle guy during Jim Edgar’s stewardship of the State (and wouldn’t it be refreshing to have that again) and is accomplished member of the General Assembly.

    It is far too easy to stand back and throw bombs but is much more difficult to find solutions. I am waiting on any of the candidates to offer those.

  54. - cynically anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    Apparently the idea of electing the best people for the job - regardless of party - is a complete fantasy. No wonder the people of Illinois have been so royally . . .

  55. - GOP Fan Still - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 4:50 pm:

    really? a supporter of the guy who backed obama and now madigan is going to reference the 11th commandment???

  56. - reformer - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 4:53 pm:

    IF Dillard wants to invoke his years working for Edgar, how come he rejects Edgar’s call for an income tax hike? If Dillard offers the leadership the state needs, how come his own Senate caucus has twice rejected it?

  57. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 4:58 pm:

    - GOP Fan Still -

    …backed obama and now madigan …
    …inner circle guy during Jim Edgar’s stewardship of the State …

    McKenna should kick this guy out of the Republican Party, He seems more a Democrat than R. And his ties to MSI Edgar clinches it for me. We need a much better candidate than one who campaigns against our own, period! I will vote in the Prim. and the General, but not for this guy - I do not trust him at all.

  58. - HMMM....... - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 5:24 pm:

    Proft would only endorse a pro-life candidate with far right views…let’s not kid around

  59. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 5:38 pm:

    Phocion contradicts him/herself…

    Phocion begins, “That the Feds went after Blago under her watch, and she did not, can be fairly raised as an issue.” (emphasis added)

    Two sentences later Phocion admits, “She can reply by saying that she was investigating but that the feds asked her to step aside.”

    You can’t say she wasn’t investigating and then literally turn around and say she was.


    And, please, do keep pointing out that she was investigating Blago as far back as 2006 until the Feds not only asked her to stop but also wanted to take a look at all the evidence she had collected against the impeached ex-governor.

  60. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 5:39 pm:

    Rich, feel free to add a (/a) tag after the word “Phocion” above… oops

  61. - cousin ralph - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 6:10 pm:

    Dillard’s mistake does not make Proft a serious candidate for Governor. It does make someone else in the GOP a more formidable opponent for Dillard. Proft skewered Dillard and that message will resonate with Republican primary voters. Me thinks Dillard’s presser went better for a Matt Murphy than for Dillard himself. While we all like to prognosticate about Illinois politics, and I have been wrong many times before, one thing I am dead certain of is that Illinois GOP primary voters are suspicious of candidates that appear too comfortable with Chicago DEMs and to comfortable to break a promise. Trust is a big, BIG issue among the rank and file, and especially among the people who will go out and get signatures, walk precints, walk parades and man the HQ. Dillard did something that is cancerous to his campaign. Maybe he recovers, but it is malignant and needs to be addressed immediately.

  62. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 8:19 pm:

    OK. So Proft is challenging Dillard to support Birkett, too–which Dillard already seems to have said he is going to do.

    If another R Candidate jumps in soon, then both Proft and Dillard can decide whether they’ll continue to support Birkett and/or the other Candidate.

    Done. Let the Lovefest begin.

  63. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 8:31 pm:

    And just to keep blogging at a reasonable limit, I’ll fastforward to the next scenario should it develop.

    Another R Candidate tosses in his or her hat; those running for another office who supported the earlier Candidate(s) decide to support the new Candidate or–OMG, what an idea!–all of them.

    Everyone accuses each other for a week or two of flip-flopping and betraying the original Candidate(s).

    Done. Let the Lovefest begin anew.

  64. - cousin ralph - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 9:08 pm:

    The GOP base is serious. They are serious about winning. They are serious about not repeating past mistakes. They are serious about not nominating George Ryan Redux. While Dillard is casting himself and Edgar Redux, his conduct smells more of the pungent George than the flowery Edgar. They want change. Giving a thinly-masked endorsement of Madigan in hopes of a deal with Daddy Mad is not the kind of change they are looking for. This mistake by Dillard is serious. And for all of you who hate Birkett or surmise that its time to stick a fork in him, consider this: Dillard’s “endorsement” does not reflect upon Birkett; it reflects upon Dillard. And, in the eyes of GOP primary voters, it reflects in a most unflattering way.

  65. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 9:52 pm:

    And, in the eyes of GOP primary voters, it reflects in a most unflattering way.

    Not unless we keep bringing it to everyone’s attention, thus making them believe it should.

  66. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 10:14 pm:

    - Anonymous -
    “…Not unless we keep bringing it to everyone’s attention, thus making them believe it should. …”
    Keeping it a secret does not make it less true and valid. Dillard is out of the running as far as I and my friends are concerned. He should simply drop out or more honestly cross the aisle and become the Democrat he is. You do not endorse Obama and Madagin and be a Republican - moderate, conservative or whatever - he has shown himself to be a Democrat. There it is!

  67. - The Court Jester - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 10:29 pm:

    Cousin Ralph, how can you claim the GOP base is serious, when they parade out candidates like Dan Proft and Bill Brady? I’m a Republican and our candidates for Gov are embarrassing.

  68. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 10:39 pm:

    Proft 1
    Dillard 0

  69. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 11:35 pm:

    Citizen, I’m not at all suggesting that we keep this a “secret”. I’m just wondering whether this should have the legs that it seems to be developing–especially from the Rs–and why in heaven’s name the Rs would want to continue to link two candidates running for two different offices together in this vain.

    If you want to keep linking them together based on this “item” alone, consider broadcasting the fact that Dillard says he’s supporting Birkett because Joe’s a great candidate v. Dillard is a bad Candidate because he seemed to once say that he was supporting Madigan instead of Joe.

    Seriously, which one sounds better for us overall–and which one is more accurate based on Dillard’s most recent statements?

    We shouldn’t be doing the Ds’ work for them.

  70. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 11:53 pm:

    Proft 1
    Dillard 0

    Yup. Quick and early.

  71. - cousin ralph - Thursday, Jul 9, 09 @ 8:15 am:

    Court Jester, you consider Roland Burris a serious candidate? While I dont consider Proft to be a serious candidate, this year you are going to see some strong candidates such as Rutherford, Topinka, Birkett, Kirk and I consider Brady, Murphy and Dillard worthy candidates for Gov. Every one of these candidates earned the important offices they hold or have held. They are not office holders because they are legacies or merely because of race or sex. With the exception of Dillard’s vote for Blago’s massive borrowing and spending binge, none of them can be considered as being part of or the cause of Illinois’ current fiscal and ethical crisis. Yes, Jester, I consider them strong candidates. And yes, I consider them better than who the DEMs will be fielding.

  72. - votecounter - Thursday, Jul 9, 09 @ 10:02 am:

    court jester

    Dillard is the base! He is pro life and pro second amendment. He did vote to raise the sales tax in the collar counties but sponsored the pledger of allegence in high school bill.
    Thats why he will bring the sides together and win

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